THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THIRTY-SECOND YEAR COUNCIL ACTS 10 A¡¡¡ Doisin LEGALIZE BOXING Must have NO. 8 w o r k q r s t r e e t s Ueek-Dav Bible n e w fly jo ooüflï lags TOLO III REPORT Story Work Told bathers Invite WILL BE MODERN ,0 UWGHÏEBESQUE SHOW IS FflIDM Sell Licenses At City Hall; _____ History Of Movement In Lane --------- Rev. Shaw To Be Principal ilW ” lw U I I I H I I Ordinance Creates Commi' Check-up To Be Started Large Amount Of Work A c County Told By Leader Plastered Walls, Hot and Cold Speaker; All Men In City Student. Announce Name. Ot •ion; Larson Chairman * Here At Once complished With Small Ex­ To Club Croup Running Water. Shower., Invited To Attend Skit., Advisors. And C u t i New Five-Member Boera penditure Of Funds X». their Umita of freedom and Furnishings Planned ,, , --------- The history of the Week-day Complete program for the annual ror tach Class that a check on all X ‘ w V 7 d rX c* ' h’’ ,’cb001 UB,u " • klnd ° B ,h e : w ^ H WT o n T B ce?h’ ^ by Dr- *1891 2« according to a detailed re­ X Payment With Warrants dog w Clown Act Promised As made at once. Th port prepared this week by Lum owners o > X» will either have Special Entertainment Anderson, supervisor, tor Earl A boxing »lid wrestling commls «Ion i>( five nii'inlMir», to serve with­ out »alary (or on« year or until a uew im iiniladuii 1» appointed, waa uaiuml by Mayor K. II. Tum or and Ibe City council Monday night utter au ordinance catabllaliing such I'ouiinlaaloii bud been prepared by Jam«» K. King, city attorney. The ordinance carried an emergency clause and became effective lunn to pun has «■use for them or get rid of tbe animals. The llcenae tags may bo pur­ chased In Hprlngfleld ut the City hall from Cheater Aldrich, record­ er They coat *1 00 ior male and »payed females, ami *160 for fe­ male Au additional penalty of 2G cents for lain registration, will alao be added thia month Tho penalty Increase» 26 cents each month for tin- first alx months. tarsi Huturday city officers dis­ posed of a btrge d « which had been tracked down aa the aulmal which killed a large number of goats on ths Parrish farm near tbe city Friday night. Thompson and members of lila street committee of the CLy coun d i. M borera have received a total ot «1471 20 for 2724 hours or work from the HERA funds, and the city lias puld out tho sum of *420.0« for materials and equipment. of the New League which met , o r ' Wumm’!r M* “» «»«» The banquet will be held In the- Complete program for "Laugh- ready for use early In May. a threecourse luncheon al the of Four Individual tourist homes are church basement at « 30 and will tereaque." annual stunt home of Mrs M. J. McKlln. «IW, ' lie served try tbe Ladles Aid All Springfield high school, waa so- I T afreet? O tteita" Included" ta'ra > h*“ »* * r* rtad wUh I'»« »ge», and with a large roof cover­ roen In the city are Invited to at j nounced today by Leroy Inman, Ferguson. Mrs. Neely of Portland. tend and bring a son with them for business manager. The show wlU ing the entire nnlt. Mrs. I O Hhaw, and Mias Flora Each unit will be plastered and ].*** evening. Tickets are twenty be given at tbe high school audl Whitney. torlum Friday evening at o'clock. will be provided with all modern flve cent». The Bible work was started In Entertafiiment daring the eveo- Skits Have Namee conveniences Including plumbing Ute public schools of Hprlngfleld Ing will include selections by a Title» of each class present.tix,n In January l»2g. Mrs. Ora Hemen- and hot and cold runnlg water, also male quartet featuring Elwln Gates, and those taking parts are aa fol showers. wuy waa chairman, and Miss Each cabin has a floor space 16 •a m Bartholomew. Donald and Ro ' Iowa In the order In which they Ooldle Hinltb was teaxh.r wllh 125 by 22 feet and will be completely bert Brown Dr. Rolln E. McIntyre , will be given: pupils enrolled. will play accordlan solos, Paul Pot­ I furnished. "Demon Power"— Junior n » — ■ In (he summer of the same year There are so many cabins offer- ter will sing. Robert Pollard will Warren Vail, Kerrigan Hutcheson, Mias Mary Harding bought an old Ford and atarted traveling o ver1* * ‘O“ rto‘ tHday ,hat 1 would play violin solos, and Kyle Smith Bill White, Florence Fish, Florence not build any more unless I could will play piano numbers. May, Vivian Scott. Irene Anderson. la n e county. Hhe and Mlaa Smith The principal spdaker will offer them something better than "Nothing to a Something'—So­ «poke at P. T . A. meetings, [ that which they now have, »ays Mr. Rev. i. G. Hhaw, new pastor at the phomore class: Bueford Holveraon. churrhea, before clubs, granges and Hprlngfleld Christian church. Hummer. • Jeanine Withers, Lota Wilson, Ber­ other placea telling of the work The carpenter work la being done nice Smith, Juan Stratton. Ruth and urging support for the lnstrue- by Albert Vic and the Palmer Keeler. Jack Logan. David Privât, tkm. Elwyn Gates. Dick Richardson. Ro­ Dr. Wheeler of Creswell b< came brothers. bert Tobey, June Durham, Clara first chairman of the county work. Brooks. Myrna McKinnon. Marvin At hla death. Mias Harding was HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Oorrle. Kyle Smith. elected chairman will. Miss Smith TAKE TUBERCULAR TEST 8 Scarifier Saves Much Included In the amount for equip •lately. ment la the sum of *172.50 due I-sue county fur the use of a road J. M Larson will be chairman of scarifier for a total of 192 hours. tbe new commlaalon. Horvlug wltb The heavy scarifier wum routed blui will lie M II Huntly, Ned W II from latne county through the ef­ llanos, Julius Fulop. Dr Melville H forts of Mr. Thompson, and It has Jones, commlaalon doctor, and tbe been used on M ill atreel and moot city attorney aa legal advlaor. Dr. of tbe other streets within the city Pollard w ill be alternate doctor. limits, doing the work of a large M A. I’obl appeared before tbe crew of men In only a fraction of council on behalf of tbe American the time which would otherwise I -eg Io n poat and requested tbe have been required. This has re­ formal Ion of a local commlaalon. A sulted In the city being able to ad­ petition bearing IIS names waa vance ibe street program tnucb preaeulud to the council. more rapidly than had been ex­ No albletlc program« are planned pected and with a lessened expen­ for tho Immediate future, although "Four Year Quest —Senior ctane- diture. The road to the depot and as teacher, and wltb Miss Debilitan Ixmg as assistant. It la hoped that a program of box­ Mrs. Burga McBee Dies Fol­ Jack W illiams. Roth Pollard, Jnan- School Doctor Explains Value Of tbe Booth Kelly sawmill were also ing events can be arranged for dur­ lowing Highway Accident; Early in 193! Professor W. O. lta Beaman. LaVerae Pugh. Faya Testa And Deacribes scarified. This expense will be puld Three Brothers Survive; Fu Squires. Doris Robinson, Irvin Darr, ing the next few months. Beattie ot the University became Methods Used Funeral This Afternoon by the two companies. neral Rites Held From chairman and he la still in charge Malcolm Hansen. Hartle Olson, Order Fire Supplies Other »treat work In the report Chapel Here Monday Ahapbla Palanlnk. Mary Katherine Fuueral servirse for Mrs. Murga Included the raking of much of tbe of the county Bible work. The pro­ DI her business transacted at tbe Dr. Milton V. Walker. Hprlngfleld Harris. Obert Andrews. Anton un-etlng Included ibe purchase of McBee, killed In an automobile ac­ larger rock from the street after gram haa been carried on every school doctor, thia morning issued A Im u i attack proved fatal to Uehytll. Alpha PrlDdel. 200 feet of fire boae. GO feet of cident at Jefferson. Tueaday morn the scarifier had broken up the aur- year until last year when Mlaa a statement explaining tbe Tuber­ chemical boae. and alx quart» of Ing. will be held here this after- face and placing Ibis on the newly Smith was III and Miss Jewel I'nn- culin teats which he is giving at John Lee Boyle« Friday. M r Boyles Romantic Fantagy"— Freshman chemlcala. all for the fire depart­ iioon at 2 o’clock from the Fools graded alley by the Lincoln school nlnghum taught the classes in the high school. HI» statement fol­ was stricken while walking on East class: Elise Ingram. Bnrnell Gates. Main street and succumbed imme­ Helen Lyons, Leroy W illiams, Sal­ ment. Tbe new hose In addition to chapel In Hprlngfleld Mrs. McBee and other places where a heavy Springfield. No county work waa lows: diately. the proaeut supply will provide tbe waa riding to Portland In an auto- bane foundation was needed, alao done. ma Clement. Robert McCheaney, "At the request of the tjsne Mr. Boyles was born in Santa This year Miss Smith became city with enough boae to reach al- uioblle and reports say they were ditching and cutting out trees France» Cornell. LaVerae McPher­ County Health Unit I am giving Clara County, California on Nov son. Jane Anderson. Lloyd Batton, Mrs. Ferguson and Is again teach­ moat all hou-ea within tho city I forced from the road by an oncom- which caused drainage trouble. tuberculin teats at the High school ember 11, 1862 and came to Oregon llmita from the nearest fire hyd-! log automobile She died at the Al- ing the classes In Springfield, Alice Logan. Leonard Clearwater. each Monday afternoon. Thia teat All Cross Walks Repaired with hla parents when two years Roberta McKy where Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew la rant. aaya B. O. Prlval. chairman j Ktaiiy general hospital. Is a very valuable aid in detection All of the cross walks aud culv old in 1864. The family located at of the (Ire and water committee. Mrs. McBee was born at Mary- erta in the city have been checked chairman, and elsewhere In the of tuberculosis, a disease which Te Offer Tap Dancer and those needing repairs have *■ ,a tJ ' ' haK a total of 19 rninK followln* an extended III- Mrs. Mary W ills. Eugene, aunt of the University drama department. and to discuss other local problems. and a steel filing cabinet for the adian poatofflce a . being ,.n, l.lm . Lane , o o p . tlon meet. ness. I Tommy, accompanied him. v a u lt Ticket sales are upholding all Dance Llcenae Changed He was born at Kalamaioo, Mich- One hundred and stxty-flve at- early expectations with atudenta S? r' nKfleld '■ * ,o h‘‘|d Springfield on New chulra were purchased re­ A request for the transfer to thx where It arrived March 7. April 26. Wednesday evening an­ igan on November 14, 1860, and tekded the plate supper which the having taken out more than 209 West Coast Logger» of a dance lic­ cently to augment the smaller num­ When the letter returned to him other group visited the lodge at came to Oregon In 1885. residing L O. O. F. and Rebekah Idoges held last night It was reported. ber of usable ones belonging to the ense issued last month to R. R. Mr. Daniels waa unable at flrat Monday evening preceding the bust- Junction City, tonight they plan in the state since that time. (look, was made by Ted Parcher. city Most of the office equipment to recall having had any correa-1,o a„ Pnd Ihp lo B, Survivors Include four sisters. n<*88 meeting. belonged to I. M. Peterson, former The council objected to the prac­ pondence with the person to whom Klnilra, antl evenlnK Mrs. Maryett Campbell. Spring- Members of the Progressive 22 TELEPHONE COMPANY tice of selling one license ana foot- recorder. Mrs Adeline Campbell. drl11 ,eam w111 0*1» evening The new equipment except the the letter was addressed. Upon ! gn)up w|n g() u, W altervinc Iodge. field; PAYS FULL YEAR’S TAX balling It about to whoever oper­ chairs and the steel cabinet, are opening (he envelops he found a. Those attending the Coburg meet- Wheatland. North Dakota; Mrs. j ln unlforms to practice for the Inl- ated the dance. They refused to very attractive and serviceable, book of lottery tickets which he lllg |ncluded Lynn s , one , p,,,. Rachel Tyler, Kalsmaxoo; Mrs. **aO °n- Mrs. Marie Pohl, Mrs. Rosa The Pacific Telephone and Tele­ grant a license to a dance orches­ having been mod* by a cabinet had received In the mall with t h e , nian nprt Sankpy „ j MpKlln Mary Fitzgerald, Kalamazoo; and Montgomery, and Mrs. Ada Mc- graph company Wednesday turned tra, but agreed to Issue the license Rrand of the one brother. Charles Fuller, T rln l-' Pher8on- are In charge of orrange- over to tbe tax department of ths maker especially for the city hall. request that he act aa agent here. | „ alPlgh Morrlg to Mr. Parcher as agent for the He refused to do this and had mall ments for the monthly social. sheriff's office *44.«68.44 In full local lodge. Elmer Findley and E. dad, Colorado. mu Iclans. The original license had ed the book of tickets to the send DR. DOW EXHIBITS OLD Last Friday evening the Progres­ payment of Its 1934 real and per­ Mr. Fuller was a member of the E. Pyne, county association presl- never been taken from the City sive 22 d rill team met at the hall sonal property u x ln Lane county. I. O. O. F. lodge. JEWISH BRONZE COIN er. Now they have returned to him ! dent hall. again Funeral services w ill be held F ri­ for their social and practice. A St. The tax in this county, before dis­ Fifth street should either be a A Jewish shellah, (Widow s M ite) day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. I. Patrick's day lunch was served late count for prompt payment, was atop street or an open street de­ SURPRISE SHOWER FOR ! T ° BE *46.039.«3. G. Hhaw. pastor of the Hprlngfleld In the evening. clared one councilman recounting was being exhibited here this week LOCAL COUPLE " H ÏT & HEARD AT HIGH SCHOOL Christian church w ill officiate. Total real and personal property by Dr. W. N. Dow. local coin collec Committee members foi the next the number of accidents on this I taxes of the company now being social meeting of the drill team are street. The matter was referred to lor who secured the aged coin from I Dates for the appearance of two Miss Dawn Church and W illiam Mra. Stella Eaton, Mrs. Blanche paid throughout the state amount the street committee until the next another collector In New Jersey. famous song groups at the SprlDg- ELECTRIC SHO PMOVED Cox, local young people who an­ The coin Is bronav and Is practical­ Daniels. Mrs. Helen Donaldson, to *760.960. according to R. B. meeting. fleld high school were announced INTERIOR REMODELED and Mra. Sarah Johns. Bacon, district manager. The recorder was authorised to ly worthless except for Its age nounced their engagement recently, (oday by W. E. Buell, principal. When other taxes— federal fran- were guests at a surprise shower value. It waa made 500 years before accept city warrants ns payment Al Pohl and Pollard have ' si»« v’ quartet xsaa ■ i x from I A 'X U vv 1 1 1 c h i ll • ------ - -- Nell — __ M J T The w» Men's Wlllam- hise and miscellaneous— are in­ Christ during the rule ot King given by members of the Christian on Bancroft bond liens. | elte university will be heard here n'oved their electric and plumbing: GUESTS ENTERTAINED cluded. the 1934 tax bill for the Herod In Judea. The front aide of Endeavor society Friday evening Qun Club Gets Trap Site BY BRIDGE GROUP company In Oregon totals *M«,671, the colli haa an Inscription and some nt the home of Mr. and Mra. W alter on Monday, April 1, and the Dixie equipment Into the room formerly Permission was granted a dele­ relief figures. Heads of wheat are Jubilee singers, negro quartet, w ill. occupied by John Henderer and or *8.67 per telephone baaed on Taylor. gation from the McKenxie Gateway seen on the reverse side. i he heard on April 8. Both concerts1 A. Hall, shoe repairman. The Members of the O.-No card club the average number of telephones will be given In the auditorium a t ! front '"'»oni of the new location haa were entertained last Thursday Rod and Gun club to erect a p er In service In 1934. This tax per CRESWELL MAN HURT; matieut automatic trap on tbe air­ 10 o'clock. j been enlarged by about 10 feet with evening at the home of Miss TWO CARLOADS OF HAY telephone Is *1.30 higher for Ore­ port. The exact location to be de­ --------------------------- -- the moving back of ihe partition. Thelma Sweeney, Honors at cards STRUCK BY AUTOMOBILE gon than the tax per telephone of SHIPPED FROM DEPOT termined by the Induatrlal Park LOCAL GUARDSMEN JOIN ) Hal1 win ‘,° ntlnue “» operate his were won by Miss Crystal Bryan *7.37 for the company as a whole. committee. Head cuts and bruises on other ' shoe repair business In the same and Mrs. Crystal Male. Guests at IN EXHIBITIO N TUESDAY building Two carload» of hay grown In Dr. Pollard offered the olty a purls of his body were received i the meeting were Mrs. Grace Hen­ number of Norway maple trees, (hla community were loaded and Friday by Frod Moore of Creswell derer and Mrs. Opal Roberts. Miss CHRISTIAN JEWS AT Springfield National Guardsmen Hhlpped from the Southern Pacific suggesting that they be planted on when he was struck by an auto- Maxine Snodgrass w ill entertain . „ . „ . , Joined with Eugene companies In TWO DRAW PENALTIES the park lots across from the depot yard here H i I r week by H. F. mobile while riding on the h ig h w a y 'llo,dlng all PJthlbltloll of work at GOSPEL CHURCH HERE the group at her home for their Brogdon, Eugene feed dealer. One ON TH E FT CHARGES Christian church. north of the city. Franklin Knox : thp Arniory thpre TuPaday pvpnlng. next meeting, Miss Maude Pencovlc and her Monthly bills totaling *1492.71 In­ car waa deatlned for Nebmaka and of Medford was Ihe driver of the ( .()1 llaymond Olson. member ot W illiam Mullant of Marcola was brother, Herman Pencovlc, Christ­ cluding iho payroll of *416.28 were the other wua aent to Cooa Bay. au the Adjutant general's staff, was flnerf *26 In Eugene Justice court LODGE HOOP TEAM TO ian Jews from Pasadena, are con­ allowed. Included In the bills was . . . . . , a visitor and presented service Friday when he was found guilty the old Item for gravel used In the MRS. W RIGHT HOSTESS PRISCILLA CLUB HAS I medals. A feed waa enjoyed fol- of the theft of a moto-meter. C lif­ PLAY AT GROVE MONDAY ducting a full week’s religious cam­ paign at the Full Gospel Assembly CWA project a year ago and which FOR KENSINGTON CLUB MEETING HERE TODAY lowing the military demonstration. ford W illard Franklin, Creswell, ar­ All basketball teams entered In church this week. They have ser­ was not paid by the CWA bmore rested here last week, plead guilty the Lame I. O. O. F hoop league vices every evening at 7:30 and It ceased operations. Responsibility Memhera of the Kenalngton club Regular meeting of the Priscilla Takes Navy Testa— Lloyd MAlti- to the theft of two horse collars will meet at Cottage Grove Monday plan a special service Saturday for the payment of tho bill totaling were entertained Friday afternoon cliih will be held this afternoon at son successfully passed the first and was sentenced to 80 days In evening. The Hprlngfleld and Cot­ afternoon at 3:90. slightly more than *100 fell on the at the home of Mra. H. C. Wright 2 o'clock nt Ihe home of Mrs. Cecil of Ihe entrance testa required when the county Jail. Franklin tried to tage Grove teams will play oft a city. Materials being used on the for their monthly gathering. A pot­ Mathis. Hhe will be unstated by enlisting In the navy. He has hla sell the collars at the Hprlngfleld tie for sdftbnd place and awards Vialta at Grove—Mlaa Pearl Nel­ present street project were In­ luck luncheon at 1 o'clock waa en­ Mra. Matt Hart, assistant hoateaq application In pending announce- auction house according to county w ill be presented to the victorious son Is spending the week at Cot­ cluded In the bills paid. joy*!. for the afternoon. niet of more openings. and state police. C ro v ti tage Grove visiting with EARLYRESIDEHT KILLED ID CRASH J.L BOYLE DIES OF H im KITKCK IDA P [||| | CD |||H U. PASSES AI HOME