PAGE POUR THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1936 TUE SPRINGFIELD NEWS - ........- ■ BOV SCOUTS RETAIN CONTEST POSITIONS RODENT CONTROL DRIVE STARTED County Court Orders Clean­ up Of Infested Areas; Poi­ son Grain On Sale The Lane County Court issued au order this week declaring gray digger ground squirrels noxious ro­ dents in Lane county and Setting forth that Lane county will enforce the state law requiring all people owning or having dominion over laud to exterminate squirrels on their premises. The campaign against ground squirrels will be supervised by O. 8. Fletcher, coun­ ty agent. Official notice in regard to poisoning ground squirrels will be found elsewhere in this issue. The county agent has prepared a supply of poison barley to sell to farmers of Lane county at cost for use In poisoning ground squirrels. Supplies have been placed in the bands of the usual dealers through­ out lame couuty. The poison barley will sell at 40 cents for a five pound bag. Dealers in Springfield and tribu­ tary territory cooperating wltu the county agent in distributing poison barley are Adams Feed and Seed Store. Springfielu; Bauer's Store at Jasper; Brewer's Store at Fall Creek; Shultz's Store and Blair's Store at Lowell; Williams' Store at Dexter and Price's Store at Mar- cola. Viaits in Portland—P. J. Bartho­ lomew made a business trip to Portland Monday, remaining over through Tuesday. Ill at Home—Miss Jean Louk is reported to be ill at her home this week. SPECIAL REX ATTRACTION Few changes have been made In standing In the achievement con- ' test being held by the Spriugfleld Boy Scout troop under the sponsor ' ship of the Lions club. Bruce Maxey retains first place In total number of points earned. Iiaviug 2*3. Billy Dow. with 364. la second, ami Scott Wright, with 222, ia tblrd. Others listed in the order in which they stand are Frank Stuart. Floyd Cornell, and P. Chace. The standings will have to be adjusted somewhat to take care of several boys who have entered the Scout troop since the contest started according io Dr. W. N. Dow, chairman of the troop committee. •' '■ ■ ■' T SHIRLEY TEMPLE DUE Auto lolls Spur IN "LITTLE Insurance Rates™. * COLONEL' F ilm In Teehnleoler; Lionel B arrym ore and Bill Roblnoon Co-Starrod I USE CHEMICALS ON WEEDS. MOSS ’I Continued Incrnatn In Motor That hundlu of screeu magic, Hom« Formula Given By O. Accidents Will Makn Pro­ five-year-old Shlrla) Temple, will taction Prohibitive 8.C. Gardner Who Warn« soon be thrilling and delighting That Solution Is Poiaon her army of local movie faua In a The all time record of more than I. iioo . ihio traffic Injuriea and 36.ROD new picture. Reports from other f t , tall ties established In the United cities Indicate that In "The Little States In 1934 threatens a further Colouel," Fox Film has given her rise In automobile accident aud Ila au Ideal vehicle for her acting blllty Insurance rates, according to tnging. an4 dancing talents. It Dr. K. 11 McDaniel, prealdent of will come IA the McDouald theatre the Oregou Stale Motor aasocta- on Bunday. I tlon. Bha coalers with Lionel Barry Dr. McDaniel, whose organisa­ more lu this popular story of Mouth tion Is sponsoring the **La('a Quit eru prejudices, adapted from Auute Killing' safety campaign In Ure- Fellows Johnston's series of "Little WARRANT INTEREST IS gon, said latent reports reveal that Colonel," stories, which were the traffic deaths accounted for more favorite reading of inllltoiM a gen REDUCED BY STATE LAW than one-third of the entire 1*34 vratlou back, aud whose appeal la accident death total, and were pereunlal. Under provisions of a state law "The Little Colonel," le the story more thun twice as large as the recently euacted all county, city, i of a Keutucky belle who marries total of occupational futilities. and school warrants will bear not a Yankee, against her father's Safety Laws Are Needed to exceed five percent Interest in­ "The altuatlon la aerloua from wlshee, aud Is promptly disowned stead of the usual six percent. Coun­ the standpoint of both the motor by the proud old aristocrat, who is ty Courts, councils aud school di­ lata and the Insurance companies still living In the days of the Civil rectors may lower the Interest rate Many concerns have lost so heav- War. Barrymore Is the obdurate to any amount below five percent I lly from underwriting auto Insur Boutheru aristocrat. Shlrlay plays if they choose. ance that they have been forced to the cameo colouel whose dancing feet, smiling eyes, and honey color go out of buatneaa, merge with ORGAN ORDER PLACED stronger Institution, or to cease al ed curls make a withering attack CHURCH WORK PLANNED Two of the dancers featured with the all-colored revue, I together tahiug this form of in- au the heart of the stern rebel. In keeping with the Importance Harlem Rhapsody, playing at the Rex Theatre Friday and suranca. The order for the pipe organ to Saturday of this week. "Unless there la a definite re­ of this picture, Tecbuloolor graces be placed in the Methodist church versal In the upward trend of auto part of thia De Bylvs production. has been signed and sent to the fatalltlea. motorists may soon find The real Bhlrley as she really looks factory. The Instrument will arrive that automobile Insurance Is Im Is seen for the first time by her here early in May and necessary possible to obtain, or obtainable following of movie fans. A tiu in her of parties have mark carpenter work within the church A number of patrons and the Supporting the co-stars are such only at rates so high as to make a will be started so as to be com- l*'» teachers of the Pleasant HUI ml the we, k In the various McKen peruualltlea as Evelyn Venable. Bill policy economically Inadvisable. pleled by the time the organ ar- public school met at the school lie communities the past few days. "Adoption of Safely Responsibi­ Robinson, tap danrer, aud others. rives. house Friday night and organised Friday night the Fairmount Pres- lity laws In Oregon and through ------------------------- a Parent Teacher association. The byterlan. Wultervtlle and i.eahurg out the country Is one of the most GARDENS OF BABYLON Portland People Here— Mr. and following officers were elected. Clirlstiuu Endeavor societies held Important steps that should he Mrs. T. H. Taylor of Portland were President Mrs. A. V. Hutson, sec­ •l parly at Hie social room of Wal­ taken Io prevent further Increases RIVALLED AT EXPOSITION visitors at the I*. J. Bartholomew retary, Mrs. Lawrence Wheeler. tervllle chuich. A large number In auto Insurance rates. States with home on Monday evening aud Turn and treasurer. Mrs. Andy Olsou. from each group of young people | Ban Diego, Calif., March 7—lu Safety Responsibility laws have Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huberts of were present. day. made much better safety records many respects, the California Ps- Eugene have traded their home lu A community reception aud) citle International Exposition at Eugene for the ranch of Mr. and housewarming was given at the* than those not having such a sta­ Bun Diego, which «III make Ita tute, and eventually good safety Mrs. J. A. Phelps at Pleasant Hill home of Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Allen records are reflected In the Insur ho* May 29th, offers a comparison and hope to take possession Im­ with between 60 and 60 present. to the legendary hanging gardens ance rates charged the motorlat." mediately. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parks Dancing and curds provided the of Babylon. and family who have been living entertainment for the evening. Bltuated on a high plateau over : on the Phelps ranch have moved Mrs. Jean Barreau sponsored a MONTHLY MEETING OF looking the city of Man Diego and ! Io the McKenzie place. Mr. Huberts party tor an afternoon of bridge the Pacific Ocean., the more than COUNCIL IS MONDAY 80 varying buildings of America's ' is employed at the Pacific Co-op­ ut the home of Mrs. W. C. Thlenes erative Poultry Producers in Eu­ with ihrce tables in play. The March meeting of the City Exposition—1936 will offer, both V /7 gene. The birthday anniversary of Council will he held Monday even wllhln and without, a profusion of Mi s Blanche Wheeler and Nina Jesse Sehwerlng was the occasion attractions rarely seen In any ex­ McPeek who are attending normal for a surprise party at the home | I Ing at 7; 30 o'clock. Among the mat position before. ters to be brought up at that time ‘ school at Monmouth were home for of Mr. aud Mrs. E. I t. Sehwerlng. The natural setting of 1400-acre will he the appointment of a box the week-end. Waltervllle. More than 30 guests Balboa Park Is. lu Itself, a spec lug commission at the request of Mr. and Mrs. Roy John accom­ attended. the American Legion post. The lacle of more than ordinary signific­ panied by Mrs. B. W. John came The Deerhorn I’. T. A. meets at ’ Legion members have a signed ance. and with the added beauty down from Maygu to help Urandpa the school house Friday evening1 petition asking for the appoint­ of the palaces and villages now be Miller, grandfather of Mrs. Hoy with cake and sandwiches to he i Ing constructed. It will present an ments. John, celebrate his S5th birthday. erved. unrivalled display. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Olson are Word of the death of Leonard. Architecture of the Spanish Ren­ doing considerable home improve­ only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. GIRL SCOUT CARNIVAL, aissance period will vie with line» ment installing running water, hot Gios . now of Terrebonne, has been ; PLAY ARE SUCCESSFUL of modernistic architecture, the and cold, a kitchen sink, building received h -re. latter being effectively heightened on a bathroom and putting In a Leonard was about IS, att rd-d ' A fair alxed audience turned out by the incorporation of living floral septic tank. Mr. Garmire is doing the Deerhorn school several years. • Friday evening for the benefit en decorations on ledges aud EVELYN VENABLE the work. Besides his parents he leaves one tertalnment given by the Girl rooftops of the buildings, with a SIDNEY BLACKMER sister. Mrs. Cecil Williams of Red ; Scouts at the Lincoln school build- trailing canopy of blooms hanging mond Ieonard's death followed a Ing. Following the presentation of over the sides CIVIL SERVICE JOB three weeks’ Illness from Infantile the play. "Neighbors" under the dl Tree-framed vistas of the Bau OPENINGS ARE LISTED paralysis. j rection of Miss Bernice Conoly, the Diego countrysid« will be seen from -------------------------- i evening was spent attending earn- the Casa del Hey Moro Gardens, The United State Civil Service Parents of Son—Mr. and Mrs. O. i Ival booths and attractions. a reproduction of the famous gar­ Commission has announced open V. Moore of Springfield are the ------------------------- - den# at Ronda. Spain, and In many ORTHS competitive examinations as fol­ parents of a baby son born to them Parents of Daughter—Mr, and other verdant nooks the spectator J. SCREEN I lows; at the Nelson Maternity home In ' Mrs. D. L. Logan of Springfield 111 find a wealth of natural and Assistant statistical clerk. >1620 Kugene on Saturday. March 2, are the parents of a baby daughter cultivated beauty suggestive of the a year, departmental sorvlce, 1936. | born to thorn at the Pacific hos- glurle of ancient Babylon. Washington, D. C. -------------------------- pltal In Kugene on Tuesday. March Chief dietitian. *2300 to *2900 ------ a Boys Improve—Glen Jensen and i 5, 1936. Visit at Drove—Rev. and Mrs. I. year, head dietitian. »2000 to »2600 j | mmle Bearer. two small boys w ho,«---------------------------------- O Shaw and Miss Udine Gartln ? - - .ear’ 8taff dietitian. *1800 to underwent tonsil operations last I T h lir S tO Il drove to Cottage Grove Tuesday. *2160 a year. Public Health Service week are reported to be improving L______________________ Rev. Bhaw has Just moved here and Veterans’ Administration. very satisfactorily. Taylor Circle from Lorane was from Cottage Grove where he had All States except Utah, Iowa, In Thurston on business last Fri­ been pastor of the Christian Vermont. Virginia, Maryland, and QUICK RELIEF FOR church. day. the District of Columbia have re­ G A S P A I N S Mr. and Mrs. Galth Rickard from ceived less than quota of appoint­ III With Flo—Mrs. I. M. Peler- Bellfountain spent the week-end ments in the apportioned depart­ son Is III st her home , lth nn at Just one tablespoonful of Dare's mental service in Washington. D. Metha Pepsin and In 10 mlnutea at the John Edmlston home. tack of Influenza. C. The dietitian positions are not the gas disappears, the pressing on . Mrs. Hill from Washington Is ■— —---------- 1 affected by the 3tate apportion­ the heart ceases and you can ***re on an »tended visit with bar breathe deep aud naturally. Oh ton. James Hill, and family, ment law. what Messed relief! But why not Th(>re waR Town „„„ old Full information may be obtained get rid of such attacks altogether. . ....... . Every regular pharmacist guar Pension meeting held at the Thura from the Secretary of the United Stale Civil Service Board of __ Ex antees one bottle of Dare's Mentha ton hall Tuesday evening. A Town- amlnt-rs at the post office or cus-' r>eps,n to ’ how the way to stomach ' send club wns organized with Mr. comfort. Blmmons president and Mr. Wit- tomhouse in any city which has beck, vice prealdemt. a post office of the first or the second class, or from the United States Civil Service Commission, AUXILIARY GROUP TO Washington, D. C. Upper Willamette | McKenzie Valley S ta r ts S U N D A Y TE M P L E YMORE UniE COLONEL Weeds ulid moss lu Ills luwu can be eliminated to considerable eg- lent In the early spring by use of a number of chemical preparations which may be mixed al home. Au effective weed formula ia being used at Oregon State college where It is applied Io daudnllone aud other fleshy rooted plauts by means of a pointed stick. As described by A. L Peck, head ef the landscape architecture de­ partment. the material la mad« up as follows; Take onequarter ounce of white arsenic and oue-hulf gal Ion of soft water aud boll walL Add aootber gallon of soft water and onetlilrd ounce of caustic nods snd boll again. This forms a stock solution used straight for killing Individual weed-, but which may he diluted with four parts of water to sprinkle on gravel walks or drives to keep down weed growth. Must Handle W ith Care Caretakers on the college camp­ us put a long wire hall on a tin cau which holds the solution They dip the point of a sharp soft wood stick In the solutloa and then plunge the slick down into the crowu of the dandelion, which dies In two or three days The solution Is highly poisonous and la (rested accordingly, the surplus belug stored In glass under lock. Moss may he eradicated by rsk lug It well to remove the thick patches, sud then spraying with a solution of ammonium sulphate dis­ solved al the rate of 32 ounces In a gallon of water. The most effective way Is to apply during s period of clear weather, using a pressure sprayer, (bough fair results may be had by either sprlnkllug If on or w en scattering the material In dry crystalline form Ammonium sulphate Is a com­ mon fertiliser available from most feed and seed dealers t helps the gras* while discouraging weed growth. If applied too strong it may cause browning of the grass temporarily, it Is not as satlsfac- lory for use on clover lawns as some other fertiliser». Ill at Home—Mrs. Charles Pad dock Is reported to be III at her home on Essi Main street. REX Theatre FRIDAY - SATURDAY A ls o MARCH of TIME b THIS IMPROVED FILM FEATURE “ LOVE IN BLOOM” New Starring Joe Morrison Dixie I»ee Enrich the Home Life of Your Family with a SPONSOR CEREAL SALE Ladles of the Springfield Amerl ran Legion auxiliary are sponsor­ ing a cereal sale In local grocery store Saturday. Merchants are planning special tale and demon- si ration of Kellogg products and the manufacturers are giving the aulliary a guaranteed sum for sup­ ervising the sale In each store. Mrs. W. N. Dow, Mrs. Nellie Jordan, Mrs. William Curtis, Miss Edna Swarts, and Mrs. M. A. Pohl will I be among those assisting. — Now Yours It’s 1935 styling—1935 convenience—a gas range that will immeasurably lighten your cooking tasks and give you new hours of leisure every week. Come in—let us show you the Magic Chef Auto­ matic Top Lighter, the Non Clog, Fast Cooking Burners that give a thousand even heats, the Red Wheel Oven Regulator, the Drawer Type Broiler with automatic drop door and two-piece grid pan, the Folding Cooking Top Coer and the many other features. Look where you will, no range offer« you bo much for so little. Look for the RED WHEEL When You Buy a MAGIC CHEF Northwest Citiss Gas Co. Eugene, Springfield 77ic M o d e rn P e g a s u s Letterhead«, catalog«, folder«, booklet«, blot­ ter«, broadsides and special mailing pieces of all kind« are the winged «teed« of modern bii«lne«H. . . . But they must be done artistically on well «elected stock, with new and modern type face« and printed well. . . Thi« i« service we render and it cost« no more than poorly printed and ill-selec- ted promotion«. . . . When in need of printing . . , good printing . . . phone 2 and one of our repres­ entatives will call. The Willamette Press Opposite P. O. Springfield HONEY PRODUCERS WILL MEET IN EUGENE MONDAY Cost of producing honey and mis­ cellaneous honey production pro­ blems will be discussed at a meet­ ing of Lane county beekeepers to be held In the Chamber of Com­ merce rooms In Eugene at 1:30 p. m. on Monday, March 11, accord­ ing to O. H. Fletcher, county agent, who has arranged for the meeting. A. 9. Barrier, of the farm manage- inont department of the Oregon Agricultural college, will discuss the results of the honey cost studie.i which were completed a year ago and In which a number of lame county beekeepers cooper­ ated. H. A. Scullen, bee specialist of the college, will discuss the pos­ sibility of correcting certain factors relating to the cost of production. Following these talks there will lie opportunity for open discussion on any questions that may be raised by Lane county beekeepers. All Interested people are Invited to attend thia meeting. Philco Radio P H IL C O — A Musical Instrument » of Quality. A new Philco ia an lndis- pennible source of enter­ tainment and education, as nothing you can buy will contribute so much toward the enrichment of the home life of your family. F IIIL « O W O RLD WAVE LO W HO Y Beautiful 1944 Cabin«' Amcri can and Foreign Recepii.m. Glne le u i T u e t • A JFW IA L V A II'R EASY TERM*. 1AA0C-1N’ÄilOWANCE t«ia?Buvs B e a u tifu l H andsom e M o dern C a b ­ new cabinet. inet. Receives Compact but Both American a n d F o r e ig o p o w e r fu l. S ta tio n Glorious tone. Wright & Sons HARDWARE _ FURNITURE - RADIOS — PAINT