THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 11)86 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS WHO IS WHO and What They Do MAN W A N T E D - For Itawlslgh m u ir Kesi opportunity fur right man Wti help you ««I started W rit« Rswlelgh Co., Drpl. OKI IM O . Oakland. Calif. M 7 14X1 AUTO 0EALER8 DANCING ANDERBON MOTORS, INC. I» AN (' K PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILMS Carl R. Baker Film Shop Eastman Films —- Kodaks — Frames — Albums— Motion Picture Cameras. Ws Photograph Everything Anywhere. Mall films to P. u. Hox 667 6«« W illamette, Eugene Pb. 636 PRINTERS THE WILLAMETTE PRKSS Bprlngflsld Rhone « Business Stationery—Office Forms Booklets — Placards — Dodgers, etc. A Modern Print Shop Producing Up-To-Date Printing Phone and a Salesman W ill Call. SERVICE STATIONS A HT. SERVICE STATION General Gasoline, Dll and Greases Goodrich Tires "A Home Owned Station." 6th and A Bis., Springfield. Ph. 44 Mitchell Service Staticn Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot Une 11} Block Iweuiy-lwo (82) of Fairmount, according to tbe urlglual plat (hereof, now e part of tbe city of Eugeue, running thence South aloug the West Cine of «aid Cot uue (1), oue hundred fifty 1160) feel, thence East parallel to tbs North line ut Col one (1) seventy- five (76) feet, aud thence North parallel to the West line ol said lot one (1) sixty (60) feel, thence East parallel to the North line of said cot one (1), forty nine (49) feel, (heuce North parallel to the Weal line of aald Col one (1), ninety l9U) feel, thence Weal aloug the North line of said Cot oos (1), to the place of begin­ ning, all In Cane County, Uregou, NOW , T H E R E F O R E . In the name of tbe Slate of Uregou, In compli­ ance with tbe said execution aud order of sale, and In order to sat- Isfy said Judgmeut. Including Inter eat, attorney s (ana. costs and ac­ cruing costs, I will, ou Sr.lurday. the 30th day of March. 1*36, at the hour of one-thirty (1:30) o'clock In tbe afternoon of said day. at the Southwest front door of tbe County Court House lu Eugeue, Lane Coun ty. Oregon, offer for sale aud sail for cash, at public auction, subject RECEPTION GIVEN to redemption as provided by law, all of the right, title and Interest VISITOR ON FRIDAY of the said defendants Beujamla L. Hsldomau. Elsie M. Heldsuia®. Kellh Smith of Gruuts Pass was Hasel P. Rader, and W inifred Kuy honor guest at a reception which ksndall, and all persons claiming by, through, or under them or any ihe Misses Jewel and Pearl Heller- or either of them, In and to tbe said biaad gave al their home Friday pram Is sa. i - veiling Mr. Stullh Is here visiting Dated. February 17. 1*66. I u llli his brother, Keunelh Uuiltb. C. A. S W A R T8. Sheriff of lame County, Uregou. By A. E. HU LEG AA RD, Deputy. ____ IF 2 8 - M 7-14-2118) —— g L j'c a . — -- .» Very Unusual Quality NEW M ERCHANDISE Just received at H O F FM A N ’S 4th and Main, Springfield, Ore. Business Directory I Cor. W hite Dressy Blouses, checks, 98c Edward C. Privat Watdhmakdr and Jeweler S P R IN O n S L D Bo. Peelfle Watch Inepeetor First Class W ork at Reasonable Prloee. Reliance Life Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh. Pa. Represented By E. H. TURNER A BL Bprlngflsld, Ota. POOLE ■ W hite Dressy Blouses, stripes. Me - Red, white, black. Blouses, Very latest Creations ........ M e Pink, blue, yellow Blouses, newest stitch ...................... 46c Silk Blouses, various colors . .*1.1* Silk Blouses plain colors with slpper fronts ......................*1.19 i Fancy printed Batiste, fast color.............................. yard 16c W hite W affle cloth. 3« In . yd. 27o Checked Rayon, all colors, yd. 27c Silk Crepe, variety colors, 36 In. 69c Estate of Robert Inals, Deceased NO TICE TC CREDITO RS Notice Is hereby given that O. E. Jacoby has beeu by tbe County Court of the State of Oregon, In . and (or Itano County, appointed Ad I inlnlstrator of the estate of Robert ' Innls, deceased. All persous having claims agalnat (be estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present tbe same, duly stated and verified, at tbe residence of A. E. Wheeler, at 710 Lawrence street In Eugene, Oregon, within six months from thia 14th day of February. 1936. O. E. JACOBY. Administrator of the Estate of Robert Innls, I W w 'ivn a A il F u n e ra l H o m e Formerly Walker-Poole E U G E N E - U th S P R IN G F IE L D and Charnnlton Telephone 723 228 Main Phone 82-J IF - Your Eyes Ache .................7 Your Eyvt Tire .................7 Your Eyee Burn .................7 Your C/st Tear ................. 7 You Have Headaches . . . . 7 You Have Dlxxy S p a lls .... 7 A. E. W H E E L E R . Attorney. (F 14-21-28— M 7-14) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint­ ed Administrator of the Estate of Amin Nickel, deceased, by the County Court of I-ane County, Oregon. AU persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same, prop­ erly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at the office of Wells ft Wells, Bank of Commerce Bldg.. Eugene, Uregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Date of flrat publication, Feb. 7. 1*86. OTTO A. N IC K E L, Administra­ tor. W E LL S ft W ELLS. Attorneys. (F 7-14-21 28 — M 7) B low False«— W illiam Darla ef Fall Crook Io 111 with oa attack of blood poison In hts bond. Cuts Hong— Cameron Hutchin­ son gashed bis hand with an ago Jasper Man III—J W. Brad way. Oakridge Man Hare— d o Lock last Thursday evening sad received Jasper resident has been quite 111 man of Oakridge was a visitor la treatment at the office of a local at his home for two weeks Springfield Saturday. physician Wtsh-end an Coast— Mrs. Eleu- i or Bmllh-Turrell spent Ihe week ■ nd with Mr. Turrell at Newport. Works Hers — Miss Margaret Gurrte Is assisting at Ihe Spring- field Creamery office this week. W estfir Folk Haro— M r sad Mrs Cuts Finger— Harry W right pain­ Sam Montgomery of W estfir ware fully tore a M l of flesh from a visitor In Springfield Saturday. (Inger on bis left hand Tuesday Jury Disagrees — The Circuit when he caught It between s keg court Jury wa unable to a,;rea on of nails and a barrel of kalaomtne He pulled tbe fingernail ott the a verdict In the By Cauteel cs Friday afternoon and (be Jury was finger. Attends Party— Mrs. W. N. Long attended a luncheon party In Eu dlr missed and the case dropped gets- Saturday afternoon at the I Casteel was charged with Illegal home of Mrs. John Baird sale of liquor. Camp Starts Work— U-gglug was SUMMONS resumed again Monday al camp 4 of Ihe Booth-Kelly Lumber com­ IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E pany at Wendllng. S TA TE OF OREGON IN AND FOR T H E CO UNTY OF LANE. Visits Sleter— Mrs. Alden Klotx The Federal Land Bank of Spok­ and children arrived here Monday ane, a corporation. Plaintiff, from Boise. Idaho (o visit with her -rn- sister, Mr . Otto Smith. A. C. Wells and Nora E. Wells, husband and wife; L. M. Nolen To Visit Sister— Miss Flora ( le­ and L. E. Nolen, wlf" and nus- nient went to Stuyton last week­ band; Edgar Hupp, Paul Blazer end for an extended visit with her und A. A. Bristol, as trustees for "Co-operative Farm," a voluntary al-ler, Mrs. Ben Baal. co-operative association; Edgar Hupp and Zaddle Hupp, husband H ealth Improves— Miss June and wife; A. A. Bristol and W ini­ Clover la reported to be much Im­ fred Bristol, husband and wife; proved this week. She was taken Gunnar Moller and Jane Doe Mul­ III laid week. ler, husband and wife; George Robertson and Jane Doe Robert­ Lebanon Man Guest— C. W. son. husband and wife; Knute Madoon aod Jane Doe Madson, Brown of Lebanon wan a guest at busband and wife; et al. Also all tbe Springfield hotel here Friday other persons or parties unknown evening. claiming any right, title, estate A L L R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS Parents of Son— Mr. and Mm. — Yale Tires — Win. I’akulak of Wendllng are the Greasing - Battery Recharging parents of a baby son born to them Expert Radio Repairing by at (he Pacific hospital In Eugene LEE CRAY on Saturday. March 2, 1935. EUGENE HOSPITAL Phon » 48-J "The Friendly Institution'' Visit at Monmouth— Mr. and Mrs 7th and Main Sts. Bprlngflsld DENTISTS Phone 1800 Fred Louk and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Buell apent the week-end at Mon­ 1162 W illam ette Eugene OREGONIAN DR. O. A. BROWN mouth where they visited with the SERVICE STATION Hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. ________ LUMBER _______ F M Roth family. They were At (he Bprlngflsld Junction Phone 20 J formerly Springfield residents. GAS AN D O IL8 6lb and Main His Bprlngflsld The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. Service Day and Night. Furnishes a Parents of Son— .Mr. and Mrs. G. Residence 7«« A Street Grocery Sundries, Tobacco's and O. Parkton of Lowell are the par­ COMPLETE HOME Picnic Goods. ents of a baby son born to them Building and Repairing Service. DR. WM. N. DOW West Springfield Ph. 8pr. 33 J at the Nelson Maternity home In For Service Phone Springfield 66 D B N TIB T or If no answer, phone S-4-J. ___ WOOLEN MILLS ___ Eugene on Saturday. March 2, X Kay Diagnosis — Hours « to 1« 1*35. Springfield. 1 (o 6 ana by appointment. EUGENE Ufftce Phone M — Res. Phone 67 Visits Parents— Mrs. Theron B. WOOLEN MILL CO. PHYSICIAN - SURGEON First Nst'l Hank Bldg. Springfield Sausser stopped here Friday to Manufacturers of Woolens. visit with her parents, Mr. aod Specialising In Ladles DR. MILTON V. WALKER FRUIT PACKERS Mrs. Harry M. Stewart, while en- Surgery and Diseases of Women COATINGS AN D S U IT IN O 8. route to her - home in Portland Retail Department at M ill. Springfield Eugene Fruit Grower’« Aas'n 4th and Main Sts. after a trip to Southern California East End 6th Ave. Eugene. Ore. and Mexican border towns. Phone 82 J O|*mond A. Brand Fruit Packers and Shippers. Ice end Cold Storage. Cars Collide— The automobile be­ College Ice Cream Manufacturers. MELVILLE 8. JONES, M. D. CARD CLUB MEMBERS longing to Jean Privat was rolled Coro Cola— Klst Beverages Surgery sod Diseases of Women ENTERTAINED SATURDAY over when It collided with another Cider Vinegar X Kay and Physiotherapy driven by Beth Meakins at Fifth Phone 1480 I .Mr . II. H Myers entertained for all„ ..jy. alree, Frlday eVenlU(? The Springfield, Oregon Ferry near gib Ave E. Eugene, First National Bank Bldg. ,.h . 43, Hie 600-20 , lull of the Mohawk vsl-1 Meakina aulo waa ,eavlnK , he curb to-wit: ssi , . TOWN AND VICINITY A Classified Directory of Reliable Business Firms and Professional People This Newspaper Recommends to You. AT WINTKIUIARDKN Expert Repairing — All Work Has Relapse— l^yun Lansberry Uuarsntead. “Tile Dance That's Different" suffered a relapse this week M Ihe tlss, o il. Tires and Battsrlee Bout hern Pacific hospital In Ban Every Saturday Night Frunclaco whom be la u pul lent 6lb and A Bis . Bprlngflsld Pb. 491 according (o word recolved here dents «6c d u tie s 10c Mm. Lansberry pluna (o have at HCIIHHMil MOTOR CO. om-e fur Ihe California city to b FURNITURE BUICK — O LDHM O BII.K — with her hu»band. PONTIAC JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. N O T IC I OP S H gR IPP'S SALg ON Motor Care Ranges and Circulators IX d C U T IO N IN R O illC L O S U R K HA LE» and HKRVICB Several Ones Including Montag. N O TIC E la hereby glvuu that by virtue ut an execution end order of 7tli and (Ulve Bla. — Rhone «66 Clnoleum Inlaid and Felt Bass sale In foreclosure lasued out of Kusene, Oregon. Attractive Prices on Furniture Ihe Circuit Court of Lane County, and Rugs. Uregou, ou the «7th day of Febru BATTERY SERVICE ary, 1*46, lu a ault wherein, ou the Bee Us Before You Buy «7th day of February, I «46. In aald We Deliver Phone 118« LANBCO Court ol the M ate of Oregou, Hop «4« W illam ette Eugene reeeuled aud acting by (ho World BATTERY FACTORY War Vetersus Slate Aid Commie Hack at uur old location. I xnis ______ GROCERIES______ slon, recovered Judgiuuul ugalual the defeudauta Beiijstulu L. Held» overhead your gain. Bee our new mau for the auui of Thirteen liuu material batterlea In genuine llatea D iB B u n rs dred Three aud ltt lUO 1*141)4.16) hard rubber caaea before you buy. Dollars, aud for the further sum ol All parta handmade In Eugene. For RED & WHITE OROCBRY Interest thereon at tbe rale of six capacity—service— price— none bet­ Phone 4 (6 ‘A ) per i-enl per euuuui from and ter. RI0CHAKGINO- R EPA IR IN G , Cor. 4th and Main Sts.. Springfield since the 401b day of September, 346 Van Buren • Phone 100« 1*4«. aud fur (he further sum of HOSPITALS Due Hundred (flUU.UU) Dollars at CREAMERIES - toruey's fees aud for cuels and dis huraemeula taxed at the sum ut PACIFIC HO8PITAL, *48.69, aud said eXecullou to ui* Demand lbs Beal—Costa no Moro INC. dlrecled, commanding me lu the BLUE BELL 12th and Hllyard name of the State of Uregou, In Dairy Products Phone 2600 order to satisfy said Judgment, lu Eugen-, Oregon (•real, attorneys fees, coats of suit, Ice Cream, Buttar. Cheese. M ilk aud accruing costs, to sell Ute fol­ EUG ENE FARM ERS CREAM ERY, lowing described real property, Phone Eugene «3« PAOS lien or Interest in me real estate described In the complaint here­ in. Defendants. O-NO CARD GROUP TO MEET HERE TONIGHT Members of tbe O-No bridge club will meet here this evening at 8 o’clock at tbe home of Miss Thelma Sweeney for their regular meeting. EABY PLEASANT WAY TO L O S E FAT How would you like to lose 16 pounds of fat In a month and at the same time Increase your energy and Improve your health? How would you like to lose your double chin and your too promi­ nent abdomen and at the same time make your skin so clean and clear that It will compel admira­ tion? Get on the scales today and see how much you weigh— then get an 86 cent bottle of Kruachen Salts which will last you four weeks. Take one half teaspoonful In a glass of hot water every morning and when you bave finished the contents of this first bottle weigh yourself again. After that you'll want to walk around and say to your friends,— "A quarter pound Jar of Kruscben Sails is worth one hundred dollars of any fat man’s money.” Leading druggists America over sell Kruachen Balts. T U : A. C. Wells and Nora E. Wells, husband and wife; L. M. Nolen and L. E. Nolen, wife and busband; Edgar Hupp, Paul Blazer and A. A. Bristol, as trustees for "Co-operative Farm ," a voluntary co-operative association; Edgar Hupp and Zaddie Hupp, busband SUMMONS and wife; A. A. Bristol and W ini­ fred Bristol, husbanc and wife; IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E Gunnar Moller and Jane Doe Mol­ S T A T E OF OREGON FO R L A N E ler, husband ano wife; George CO UNTY. Robertson and Jane Doe Robertson, husband and wife; Knute Madson S TA TE L A N D BOAAD O F ORJ6 and Jane Doe Madson, busband and G oN, composed of Charles H. wife; Also all other persons or par­ M artin. Governor of Oregon; ties unknown claiming any right, dutus C. Holman, Treasurer of title, estate, lien or interest in the Oregon; Earl Snell, Secretary of real estate described in the com­ Suite of Oregon. Piatali/.', plaint herein, D EFEND ANTS. VS. IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STA TE J. A. W illard and Malinda A. W ill­ O F OREGON: You aro hereby re­ ard, his wife; Colby Flnenor, H quired to appear and answer the A. Fleenor, his wife; M. Forsbefg complaint filed against you in tbe doing business as Profaeslonal above entitled court within (our Credit Service; Lane County, weeks from the first publication of Oregon, a body politic and cor­ this summons in the Springfield porate In and of the State ei News, towlt: From the 21st day of Oregon, Road District No. 41, a February, 1936; and if you fail so body politic in and of la n e to appear and answer, for want County, Oregon; School District thereof, plaintiff will apply to the No. 164, a body corporate and court for the relief prayed (or In politic in and of Lane County, its couipla nt. Oregon; County High School District No. 164, a body politic Said suit is brought for the pur­ and corporate in and of pose of securing a judgment for County, Oregon. Defendant the unpaid balance of a certain To Colby Fleenor and H. A. . ----------------------------------------------- -------- 1 ley at her home here Saturday No one wag lnJured note In the principal sum of *9,- _ _ ____________ nor. Defendants:— IN T H E N A M E 600.00, dated the 8th day of J u n e t qj .. S TA TE O F u p -__ RESEARCH CONDITIONS le v e llin g . Mrs. Alex Bars! was as-. 1923. made, executed and delivered ( you anJ yoa VARIED IN STATE PLANTS l4' 8' u ,lt hostess. T hree tables w ere Portland People H e re — M r. and by A. C. Wells and Nora E. Wells, reqUired t0 appear and answer the in play and refreshm ents w ere ser­ Mrs. Roy Smith and Mr. and Mrs. husband and wife, to tbe plaintiff compiatnt against you in the Koy White, all of Portland, were herein, with interest, advances, at- (alK,¥e euUUe<1 auU » „s in Agricultural experiment station ved late In (he evening. of i here Sunday visiting at the home torney fees and costs; and to lore weeka from U e work Is being carried ou In west­ blicatlon of gumulona I of Mrs. While's parents. Mr. and close that certain mortgage given | SUM M 0N8 ern Uregon under extremely varied I to secure said note, which said l( _ou faU w a n .werj (<>r WBB, climatic and soli conditions at the! Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ I Mr . W. H. Lambert. and with her mortgage given Is of record In plaintiff will apply to the gon for Lane County. sister, Mrs. Lucille Cole al Jasper. Book 62 of Mortgagee at page 83. courl ¡or m ,, reu«,( therein de- oi.e central und three branch sla-1 Florence Avery Crowley, Plaintiff, records of Lane County. State o f j manded towU. _ (Ions, the biennial report of the vs. David Dewey Crowley, De­ Oregon, and covers the following For Judgmeol »— a- N O T IC E fendant. system shows. Rainfall varies (rom In Lane ant8 j A W illard, 1 ^ WU1- W H E R E A S In chapter 127, gen­ descrlbed real property To David Dewey Crowley, defend­ ... i • an average of 77 luches annually County, Oregon, towlt: I ard, Colby Fleenor eral laws of Oregon, enacted in ant above named: al Astorlu lo 40.9 at Corvallis. 18.0« Commencing at the Southwest ! n®r. «ad each there You are hereby summoned to ap­ 1919. It is declared to be the duty April at Medford and 10.42 al Talent. Ele­ pear and answer the complaint of every person, firm, copartner­ 'orner of the E. W. Rh« a and , with Inu Corner vations are 176 (eel. 220 feet. 1460 filed against you In the above en­ ship, company and corporation wife Donation Land Claim No. 4th. 1932, at t% p :onrt 44. Notification No. 3777 in Town- ; i®r 8UC^ fyr tber su feel aud 1650 feet for the respec­ titled cause and court within four owning, leasing, occupying, poss­ essing or having charge of or dom­ ship Seventeen, South of Range sIlal1 adjudge to be > for tive stations. The lowest tempera­ weeks from the first publication inion over any land, place, build­ Three. West of the W illam ette attorney fees, and f< and of this summons and if you fall ture range Is from 10 above at As­ so to answer, for want thereof ing. structure, wharf, pier or dock Meridian, and running thence I disbursements of tk flrat East on the South Une of said Judging such judgmi toria lo 14 below at Corvallis. The plaintiff will apply to the court for which is infested with ground squirrels and other noxious rodents «tag Claim 36.66 chains; thence North and prior lien upoi I wo southern Oregon stations have the relief asked In the complaint, or predatory animals, or as soon Orn- parallel with the West line o f ' real Premises in Lai had no temperatures lower than vis, that the marriage relation ex­ as the presence of the same shall said claim 13.94 chains, thence I «on’ - 5 ° , , isting between plaintiff and defend­ 10 below aero. 18.4« Eact 2.04 chains, more or less,' Beginning nt ant be set aside and wholly annul­ come to his, their or Its knowledge, east to tbe left bank of the McKern' tbains north of led, and that plaintiff be allowed at once to proceed and to continue N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E corner of the sou in good faith to exterminate and irtnr to resume her maiden name. xie River; thence meandering REAL PRO PERTY destroy such rodents by poisoning, of the southwest said bank in a Northerly direc­ This sumons It served upon you trapping or other appropriate and tion 16, township N O T IC E Is hereby glveu that by tion downstream to Its intersec­ effective means; and by publication by virtue of an order 6 west of the W <«ri- virtue of an execution and order tion with tbe North line of claim; W H ER EA S gray digger ground dlaa, thence north is to of sale Issued out of the Circuit of tbe Hon. Fred Fisk. County thence West parallel with tbe quarter section Court of the State of OregoD for Judge, acting In the absence of the squarrels (Citellus douglasll) are South line of said claim to the through said seel Iaine County this 29th day of Jan­ Circuit Judge, dated February 14, noxious rodents In Lane County, West line thereof and thence east on quarter se 17.8* uary. 1*36, upon and pursuant to a 1*36, directing that summons be Oregon. South on said West Une 23.36 Now. therefore, all of such per­ chains to the ce onty decree duly given and made by said served upon you by publishing the chains to tbe place of beginning, road, thnnee nloni «■ of Court this 29tb day of January, same once each week for four suc­ sons. firms, copartnerships, corpor­ excepting the railroad right-of- the county road sc 1*36, In a suit pending therein In cessive weeks In the Springfield ations and companies owning or I way over and across said pre­ 1.46 chains, thenc •H ' which Otto A. Nickel, and Otto A. News, and requiring you to appear having dominion over land In said mises; also excepting a right-of- east 16.90 chalm Nickel as Administrator of tbe Bnd p»® complaint In this I-ane County, Oregon, are hereby way granted to the Tri-State Rail­ 6.76 chains, thou 8.78 estate of Anna Nickel were plaln- suit within four weeks from the i required to take steps to extermln- way and Power Company, Octo­ chains, thence we tiffs and Virgil E. Keyt und Mar flrkt publication thereof. This sura-! ate said gray digger ground squlr- ber 18, 1910, by deed recorded on thence north 7.83 gurlette Stanford were defendants mons Is so first published Feb. 14 rels (Citellus douglasll) within page 238 of Volume 87 of the thirty days from the date of th e ' deed records of aald County, all west 13.29 chains noth which execution Hnd order of salb 1936. S. D. A L L E N . Attorney for first publication of this notice. I t : of said lands containing 86 acres, 7.23 chains, then 10.88 was to nte directed and command­ Plaintiff, Reeldence and P. O. such steps are not taken, a person , more or less, and situated in chains, more or lo laoe ed me to sell the real property Address, Eugene. Oregon. or persons apptnled by the county of beginning, oc I4.*l hereinafter described to satisfy Lane County, State of Oregon. court of said Lane County will e n j (F 14-21-28— M 7-14) acres of land, mor »gat­ certain liens and charges In said Together with all water and water ter upon said lands and proceed t o ' rights used upon or apurtenant her with the appi and decree specified, I w ill on Satur­ exterminate said gray digger hereditaments thereunto apper­ day the 2nd day of March, 1936, at to said lands and however evi­ ground squirrels (Citellus doug­ F IN A L NOTICE taining or belonging, and direct­ the hour nt ten o'clock, A. M.. at denced. lasll) and the cost of said extermin­ ing the sale of said real property the southwest door of the County IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT OF ation will be levied against said And for such other and further by sheriff’s Bale, for the satisfac­ Court House la Eugene, Lane S T A T E OF OREGON FOR LANE lands. relief as pmyed for and deemed tion of said judgment after pay­ County, Oregon, offer for sale antf CO UNTY. The County Agricultural Agent proper by tbe Court, all of which ment of the cost and expense of sell at public auction for cash, sub Ject to redemption as provided by In the M atter of the Estate of hereby designates Monday. April will more fully appear from the such sale, for judgment for nay de­ Frank B. Weber sometimes 1st, as a day to be known as "squir­ verified complaint filed bereln. ficiency against said J. A. W illard. law, all of the right, title and Inter­ known as Franklin B. Weber, de- rel poisoning day" throughout the' This summons Is served upon Mallnda A. W illard, Colby Flnenor. est of the defendants lu said suit coased. said Lane County, and It is here- ’ you by publication thereof once H. A. Fleenor, and foreclosing all aud of all parties claiming by, Notice Is hereby given that the by rcommended that poisoned bur- each week for four succeesive parties from any right, title or In­ through or under them or any of them In or to the following des­ undersigned administrator has filed ’ ley. as prepared by fhe undersign weeks, In The Springfield News, a terest In said real property, other his final account In the above en­ ed and representatives of the Bu­ newspaper of general circulation, than the right of statutory n cribed real property, to-wlt: titled matter that tbe court has reau of Biological Survey of the as defined by Section 1-610 of O re tlon, and other relief. This sui The North fifty-three und one- appointed Friday the 8th day of United States Department of Agri­ gon Code Annotated, printed and mons is published by virtue of aa third feet of Ix>t numbered One March 1936 at ten o’clock in tbe culture. be used for the purpose of published at Springfield. Oregon; order of Hon. G. F. SklpwortS, (1) In pluck numbered Seven­ forenoon as the time for the hear­ such extermination. Such poisoned by order of Hon. O. F. Sklpworth. Judge of said Court dated Febra- teen (17) In the Jumes Huddle­ ing of objections to said final ac­ barley may oe secured from the Judge of the above entitled court, ary 16th. 1936, directing publication ston's Extended Addition, as re­ count and the settlement thereof. undersfgned at his office in Bu‘ made and entered on the 18th day thereof for four weeks la tka corded In the County Clerk's Of­ AU persons interested may uppear gene. Lane County, Oregon, at ap­ of February, 1936: and the first Springfield News, at Springfield, fice In Eugene, lame County, and file objections If any they proximately the cost of prepara­ publication thereof was made on Lane County, Oregon. The date at State of Oregon, have. tion. tbe 21st dny of Feorunry, 1986. the first publication la February Dated this 29th dny of January, Dated this 7th day of February, Date of first publication of this A. E. W H E E L E R , Attorney for 21st. 1936. 1936 1936. notice March 7. 1936. plaintiff, Residence and poet FR ED B. B M IT H , Attorney for C. A. »W A R TS, Sheriff. C. A W IN T E R M E IE R . Admin­ (Signed) O. S. F LETC H ER . office Address. 710 Lawrence Plaintiff. Res. ft P. O. Address By A. B. HU LEG AA RD. Deputy. istrator. County Agricultural Agent. street. Eugene, Oregon. 406 Miner Bldg,, Eugene, Om. (J. 31— F 7-14-21 28) (F 7-14-21-28 — M 7) (M. 7-14-21) (F 21-28 — M 7-14-21) (F 21-88 — I I 7-14-81) THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries By ED. KRESSY fctx RA$ OUR ROCkST- R A N t ALL TUUED UP FOB TbOAVS FACT-FIU0IWG YEMTURt, BOYS - l£TS G o ' W tp .,6 0 MUCK FOR 1M4E- LETS e t T RO® «OME MCW esta' Then Let Us Examine Those Precious Eyas and Correct What Is Wrong. . . . Ws are equipped to follow the most sclsntiflo methods in fit­ ting you with EXA C TLY the glasses you need. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 Want 6th Bugses T h u m b s p o w m » m s i m i n s if f b o y ih ö s m m « w TM6 ÎYBAUT HERO AMO MEAMT P6ATU Fo» TUE M IE Ä TtD ö l APIATOB WH6U MEMO MAS MOT PLIASCP wnHTMK C O M M T - W E EARLIEST MEMTIOU oc MUAT ARE KMOWU TOCAY AS LEAP PS WC I LS APPeAOS IM QECCOM RATIM8 BACK TO 154,6 ACCORPI MG lORUlABUTESTIM O M Y.KEM toART A YUMA IMdtAMWHO K UJAPA TRlBLSMAM RlMRDSITtOMS P0SSESSIU6 SOME EXP loSN t R OW NAOTO « U R Y E FOR A M O M T M V E 66T A B U S i «i ua® imou & amps of ycabs a « o .