The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 07, 1935, Image 1

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TH IR TY SK't'i>N|i Y K \lt
Best Skit to Be (JH UBCH
/n h. S. Annual yu
PEOP LE Lions mi Shift 1 nngc
to meet Weekly niiny
”” ^1 lillu W tl
Work Withdrawn Aft.
Governor Interoedt
Impossible For Legislature To
Map Progrnm For Roads
Says Chairman Scott
tnreaque program of Hpringfleld
high school to he preaouted lu the
high school auditorium on Friday,
March 16, swept the high school
this week with the announcem ent
that a photographer would be pres­
ent the night of the show and take
pictures of each class presentation.
T h s class offering which wins the
prize w ill be publlfthed In (he high
school annual.
T he nature of each stunt or skit
s llll reiuslns a dark secret w ith the
■ lass com m ittee w orkers and th e ir
advlxora. Each group Is busy pre­
paring th e ir own stage selling end
w orking out details of th eir show.
Special between-act numbers w ill
be announced next week according
Io M r o y Inm an, bualneaa manager.
W ork on (be W illa m e tte highway
and o ilie r road project« now under
w«y In Oregon w ill uot be dlecou
tluued. pending com pletion of the
John Day, C entral Oregon and Fre
moot highway«, It was decided ye«
terday when a House Joint He«olu
tlon lu a k ln g th l* mandatory wa«
w ithdraw n,
lla d
beau passed by both house« It
would have com pletely «topped all
highway work except lu Eastern
Oregou fur about three years ac
cording to a statem ent Issued early
T ic k e t aal«M for the show began
lu the week by I x m II v M tkcott this week with each daas working
chairm en of (he highway uotnmla bard to sell the most admission*.
T he class which wins the contest
This measure and two o th n s still has a fa ir chance of w inning the
pending would have tied the haud« studeutbody a c tiv ity cup. K arly In
of the Commission In the m a tter dlcatlnns point to another packed
of future policy and would have house for the abow. Persons wish
probably left the coast bridges as Ing reserved Beats are urged to se­
toll crossings.
cure them early. Reservations are
T h e House com m ittee on high being made at F lau ery'a drug store
ways and highway revenues, ha«
now agreed tu recommend the
age of the toll free measure a fte r 05033658
G overnor M artin assured the com
m lttee that all sections of the state
would be treated fa irly In highway
S e c tio n a lis m
F e ll
Another measure In which the
legislature w ill outlin e the progrnm
of projects for the next two years
for the Commission has not been
acted on yet, although It la be­
lieved th a t this w ill alao he drop­
ped follow ing G overnor M a r tin s
promise of fa ir tre a tm e n t and de
clarallou that the highway $uuiuiti-
slon was h it.
Actual Income U ncertain
In his statem ent Chairm an Scott
declares that the total funds which
would probably he availab le for
highway work lu Oregon, aside
from obligations already Incurred,
wuuld umount to ubout It.UOOO.Odo
In 1936 and *3.000,000 In 1*36. This
Includes lucome from the sta te of
*1,000.000 and a saving from bud­
gets of the past three years of ap­
proxim ately *1,360,000 In addition
to *2,000.00» which has been au­
thorised by Congress hut which has
not been appropriated yet.
lu hla uieasuge to the legislature
C hairm an Scott fu rth e r slated :
Our recommendations have op­
posed fu rth e r reduction o f highway
revenues. Decreased revenues and
Increased obligations, follow ing the
legislature of 1*33. totaled **,600.
000, reducing effective funds by
that amount annually. T he residue
of state funds for construction Is
about *1,000,000 a year, which la
but one h a lf the sum required to
match the norm al federal highway
appropriation. T h e average m otor
vehicle owner already paya leas
laxea In Oregon than In three-
fourtha of the o ther states. C ur­
tailm e n t of revenues w ill mean loss
of federal funds, and employm ent
of our needy cltlsens.
T h e highw ay commission plans
a program baaed upon etate-w tde
tra ffic needs, em ploym ent, m ain
trn an ce costa, available, construc­
tion funds, both state and fed eral
and fed eral regulations. T h ia pro­
gram necessarily m ust follow In
tim e federal appropriations and re­
gulations and state legislative pro­
visions, none of which has yet been
Will Continue Preeent Plan
Unless oth erw ise directed by the
legislature, the highw ay commis­
sion proposes to follow Its estab­
lished practice of selecting a pro­
gram for construction, based upon
the re la tive needs of a ll state high­
ways, without p artic u la r regard to
the order o f th e ir designation.
I t la contrary to the long-estab­
lished policy of the highw ay com­
mission to m ake specific allo c a ­
tio n * of fu n d i, nr any promise In
com m ltm onl of funds, expressed or
Im plied, p rio r to the tim e when
d efinite Inform ation makeH pos­
sible a state-wide Allocation.
t u ip
Shaw greeted them 100 strong last
Thursday evening when they met
w ith the T h e C hristian church con­
gregation for the first lim e since
Rev. Hluiw was culled to the local
♦ u r l n g the evening which hugan
with a potluck dinner at 8:30
o'clock, reg ular prayer service«
were held and a special program
wa« given by the Ix iy a l Women's
c I usa of the Sunday school.
Sunday evening delegation« of
Spanish A m erican
from Eugene, Coburg and Spring
field attended the services In a
body to bear the pustor preach bis
first sermon In the local church
ills subject Was, "A Disciple of
C h ris t.* Rev. Shaw la a veteran of
the Spanish A m erican war and ba«
been active In the work of veterans
of that war.
Rev Shaw w ill have charge of
both services at the church the
coming Sunday. T h e Bible school
w ill meet at « 46 as usual, and at
11 o'clock a communion «ervtce
celebrating the Ixird'a Hupper w ill
be held w ith the pastor speaklug
on the subject, "T h e H isto ric Pen­
W eekly
p rayer service
w ill
Seniors, w ith 20 nam es continued
to hold th eir lead over a ll other
Heveral Springfield people are
classes at Springfield high school loaning early day clothe« to be
ou the honor ro ll for (he past alx- worn during the Y. W . C. A. benefit
week» which was released this atyle pageant to be held at the Map-
Junior students rem ain ­ lis t church In Eugvuie Tuesday,
ed In second place In the honor M arch 12. M ary Keirsey w ill exhib it
rating. A wide gap developed be­ her white wool wedding dress
tween the freshm en and Junior which she wore In 1696. and M ra.
lasses which were tied for third W in. G. Hughes w ill exhibit a w hite
und fourth place» laat period. T hl» «heer orgnndle of 1M 6. M r«. C. I.
period the second year students I (Jorrle, Hr., w ill have her grand-
placed IS studenla. w hile the fresh daughters model her wedding dress
moo placed only »lx.
which wa« made In Hcotland.
for the garden project T hey w ill lodge hall. T h irty -th re e members
purchase aeeds for all re lie f gar- - and guests were present including
den« and w ill employ 12 gardener« Mias
M axine
Knodgran«. Noble
to aaslat w ith the planting and rais­ Grand of Juan ita lodge.
N ine new member« were taken in
ing of the gardens.
Com plete detail« for the contest at the meeting. They are Eunice
and project huve not been worked G erber. Jennie Russell. Cora H in ­
out, but It Is expected that the club son. Z ella C a n trell, E lv a Adam«,
w ill arrang e for prixe« to be of­ M ary Hoffm an, Dorothy Right. L ily
fered to tbo«e producing the beat K ize r and M a rjo rie Moehler.
A short mem orial service was
garden« in the opinions of judge«.
held for the late Mrs. M ary M agill.
T he contest wa» subm itted by
Member« of the A p ril table com­
the m ajo r activities com m ittee of
m ittee w ill include Mr«. K izer. M rs
the d u b , and a special com m ittee
M inn ie G irard. Mie« Dori« G irard ,
w ill be named «con by E. C. Stuart,
and Mr«. Bertha Rouse.
club president. to handle the de­
Wednesday evening member« of
the Springfield Odd Fellow» lodge
Mi«« Eunice G erber made a «bori 1 number 70 held , rvgu|ar m eet.
talk on the work of the G irl Scout«
Ing and made final plans for the
iu Hpringfleld
plate dinner to be given next Mon­
j in Hpringfleld A p ril 26. were made
The engagement of Dawn Church a t the meeting Wednesday even-
aud W illia m Cox was announced '»X and delegate« of the local I. O.
here Bunday evoning at the Christ- ) O. F. lodge w ill begin th e ir vlslta-
i Ian Endeavor Fireside hour held at 'ions In the near future in behalf
| the home of Mr«. Elva Adam«.
\ ot Ik e county meeting.
F riday evening w ill bring the
Mias Church 1« the daughter of
and busines«
M r. and M r«. H. H. Church, a grad m onthly
uate of the Springfield high school., mi* tlng of Progressive 22. A busl-
aud she spent la»l year attending 0<ia*' and 8OC,al «»«‘"In g is planned
Junior college In C alifornia.
M r». \ \ anda Myers. Mrs. ( larln e
M r. Cox Is the »on of M r. and igli man. M rs. L illia n Black and
Mrs. George Cox. H e Is also a grad­ M r* Alice Doane.
ual(, o, tlle |m .,] [llg h school a
Studenla winning places on the
A baby's christening robe which ha» taken a very active interest
honor ro ll are llsled by classes as ba„ bw,n (n ,, lu fa m ||y fOr nearly ! In
sports and work among the j
follow s:
1 r,q years w ill be shown by Mrs. young people of the com m unity.
S e n io r» --O b e rt Andrews. Lorna Lpola H(Mi ellboUMh
T he wedding date has not been
Cha*». Chari«». Cole. Marjorie Our-
M ary Klkow, t tali liadley,!
M alcolm H im . en. M ary K ath e rin e j
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
i r r
j o j a iu - c
ci CAT in a d d i i
Evening services at the Spring-
field Methodist church w ill be held
at 7:30 in lead of 6 o'clock s ta rt­
ing this com ing Sunday It was
H a rris , H arold HU I, U lga H ryn
i liuk. Bob Lejole, Doris Robinson,
C e d i Davis of Jasper received a
Juan ita Beaman. Edna Severson,
Dlsque Sm ith, Faye tAjulrea, Carl broken leg Saturday when he fell
Stevenson, , Frauc.-s Htlles, Faye from his horse on the highway n ear
Judkins point.
Davis wa« riding
S tratton , Raymon W ithers
Sophomores — Joseph A n drew s.1 bne horse and lending another as
l larab elle Brood, Claru Brooks.j H r W . N. Dow drove up and start-
services w ill also be shifted and
New officers of the H appy H our
... .
. .,
. . „„ , „ , . ,
. .
, ..
. „ *111 be held at 6:30 instead of six
club w ill be named at the A p ril i . c|ock tbp p^ ent hour
meeting It was decided here Tues-
Cup o, j
.. w)n be
day when the group m et at t h e , sUbJert for the mornin
home of Mrs Dallas B. M urphy. T he evening J r Z n theme w H l ^
Mrs. Clayton F. Barber, M rs
C rafts ,
Entertainment For Son» at
Next Regular Meeting
A Father-and-Son banquet w ill be
f o u r meeting» this w e -k for ,“‘ld at ’ *’* M ethodist church on
Ing on F riday, A p ril 6, It was de­
members of the Rebekah and 1. O. Monday evening. March 1«, with
cided si the luncheon se»«lon held
(). F lodges have kept member« m«"»b*rs of the Men's Brotherhood
at T u y lo r ball F riday noon.
of these organizations busy.
, 88 boat» for the boys. P relim inary
Thu next noon m eeting w ill be
Monday night Juanita RekeMah' ielaH a ,or the »»Dual a ffa ir were
held on Friday. M arch 16. at which ,(jdg.. ma<1(. pUng foy lhe moBth,y announced this week by Dr. W H.
lim e final plana for Ladles N ig ht i
be he|d M ar(.h
I Pollard. Brotherhood preddent.
will be made. The L a d le , program E lm er Klnd,ey
T he banquet w ill be a feature of
w ill be given on Thursday, March Lynn g ,„ ne were nanj„ d memb<!r, the regular m onthly m eeting of the
21. according Io the present plana k ,
M ar, „
by Brotherhood.
M em bers
of tho cotirtolltee T h l. w ill be a the hoble grand
Mrg M g rk Ixidlea' Aid of the church w ill serve
combination of entertainm ent b y , , oh| Mra Ada McHhergOB
the dinner instead of holding the
club ineinber» and outsider«
Mr«. Itoaa Montgomery w ill have usual potluck meal.
E n tertain m en t numbers are be­
Mem bers of the club also voted charge of the m onthly social and
F riday to sponsor a re lie f garden initiatio n of new member«. A «hört ing arranged and w ill include selec­
couteat in this com m unity In co­ d e g ree «taff practice wa« held fol tions by a male quartet and an ad
drews by tom e outside speaker.
operation w ith the County relief lowing the meeting Monday.
AU men of the church a re extend­
com mittee.
Tue«day noon members of the
T he county re lie f com m ittee ba« Past Noble Grand club met for ed an Invitatio n fo attend and
received an appropriation of *4400 \ th eir m onthly potluck dinner at the bring a boy w ith them.
Fourth Year Class Place« 20 held each Thursday evening.
Member«; Freshmen Group
day evening, starting at 6 o'clock.
F u rth e r plan« for the county con-
Take« Slump; Liat Given
FIRESIDE MEET SUNDAY. T‘‘nUon of the °rder ,o be held
Father and Son PI 1UQ P (IMPI FTP
, o rLfllwu UffllLUL
banquet ¡fiar. 18 m nrr ‘All UÍ1TÍ
II, ntl A L L löit
Methodist Men Plan Annual
Former Polling Places To Be
Used In Election On March
19 Says County Clerk
Friends of Rev. and M rs. I. O. a weekly meeting schedule start
T he Knd -avor group« w ill meet
at 6:30 and the evening sermon
w ill be delivered at 7:30 on the
subject. "H e lp in ' iteke. or T h e Neg­
lected F ield.'
Epperson, [« »
Jo I« * «
horse on
j announced today by Rev. Dean C .
A r R I L j Poindeter. pastor. Epworth League
C. E. j ,-Al<sured
i n in io rta llty •• T be
Six Outstanding Students
Win Membership In Nation­
al Honorary Organization
Announcement of selections for
mem bership
chapter of the N atio n al H onor so­
ciety were made at a special as­
sembly program at the high school
F riday morning.
To Use Dual Election Boards;
Little Activity Noted In
Campaign Drive
Plans for the recall election a im ­
ed against How ard 8. M erriam ,
I^ane legislator, set for Tuesday,
March 19, were practically com­
pleted this week with tbe letting of
a contract for tbe printing of 32,-
380 official ballots and 11.090 sam­
ple ballots, a total of 33.370. The
ballots w ill oe printed by tbe Cot­
tage Grove Sentinel. They w ill mea­
sure about six by nine Inches II
M erriam 's Statem ent Short
Beside the usual stubs, tbe bal­
lot heading, tbe yes and no ques­
tion, and the statem ent
for the recall, there w ill be only
tbe terse statem ent In his behalf
which reads, "1 did my duty as I
saw it, regardless o f threats."
C h a rg e s
L isted
Sponsors of the recall state thetr
reasons for the election in two
paragraphs as follows:
“ H e has failed to support and
has opposed measures which were
in itiated In the interests of the
people of I-ane county, state of
Oregon, and persists in disregard­
ing the wishes of his constituency
to tbe great dam age of the people
of said county.
" A fte r assuring us that the pass­
age of a m em orial to tbe congress
of the U nited States of Am erica
for enactm ent of the Townsend old
age revolving pension plan would
be expedited, he delayed action
thereon and cast his vote against
uch m em orial, and therefore Is
unw orthy of the confidence of the
Selection of the -students is made
voters of said county, and is unfit
by a faculty com m ittee which In ­ to retain the high office to which
cludes the principal. A ll students he was elected."
of the upper >ne-third of the class
E le c tio n N o tic e s O u t
in grade standings are eligible for
Polls w ill be open from eight a.
consideration by tbe com m ittee on m u ntil eight p. m. In a ll precincta^
the three points, character, service
using all polling places used In last
and leadership.
election where possible.
Elections are made tw ice each
Notices o f the election w ere sent
year and are lim ited to 16 per cent
out to election officers this week,
of the senior class and 20 per cent
and election boards were notified
of the Junior class.
this week to be ready for duty
T b e student members in each
during the election. Both the elec­
school form a local organisation
boards and
the counting
and have a regular program of groups w ill work. Each precinct
activities w ith in th e ir own schools.
w ill use the same staff which ser­
.Miss M ay Hewes Is faculty ad­ ved in the last election.
visor for the local chapter.
L ittle open campaigning is being
John Casteel, professor In the
carried on at this tim e by eith er
speech departm ent at the U n ive r­
friend« or foes of M erriam . T he
sity delivered the m ain address.
low er house of the legislature has
Miss Glyde D illey and Miss M ary
expressed Itself as opposing the re­
Elizabeth W h itn ey gang duets, and
call. and a new Joint m em orial to
K yle Sm ith played two piano solos
congress to bring the Townsend
before the certificates of member
plan out of com m ittee for discus­
ship w ere presented by M r. Buell.
sion has been placed before the
House of Representatives. I t is ex­
pected that this w ill be approved
today and Im m ediately sent to the
SATURDAY RADIO HOUR Senate for Its approval.
T h ree senior and three Junior
i-tudentse were named to member­
ship in the honorary organization.
T hey are Doris M arie Robinson.
Evelyn Johnson, and C arl Steven­
son. seniors La .Moyne Black. Rol­
and Farnsw orth, and L a w re n ie
Chase. Juniors.
Wheaton, and Mr». H , H . Sc ha f fen
tor w ill preach at both services.
berg were named ou a com m ittee
T h e Bible school w ill meet at
to nom inate officers.
9:46 w ith graded classes for every­
ment and several dents were placed
T be A p ril meeting w ill be de-
J< nunlne W ithers.
voted to G irl Scouts and w ill fea­
J u n io r,— B arbara lla m o ll, L a -j In Ibe fenders of the car.
C o n g r e n A c tio n U n c e rta in
Several A m erican Legion natioi
ture a program under the direction
Townsend plan supporter« In
Moyne Black, Ruesell Cooper. Rot- j
---------------------- -
al officers including National Cor
of Mrs. W . K. Darnell.
O n e county, who a re - ’importing
and F arnsw orth. Edw ard H e n s e n . ¡MAN
Mi«« E lin o r Fitch gave Interp re­
FOR H. S. SPEAKERS mander, F ra n k N. B. grano. Jr. N» ’ he recall move, w ill apparently
Caroline Hicks. Josh H icks. John CHARGED W ITH LARCENY
tional s n illa ry president. M rs. C.
tative dances and Miss Grace Beck
rely cn a person-to-persou cam­
Klckbusch. Jean Louk, F lo re n c e :
Carlson; Chef de Chemin de Fi
Muy, Lois M anley, JoLanA Putm an, j c u f f „ r,i
W illa rd
F ra n k lin
Tuesday which was attended by j j ' f l o t t i th e ir season Friday a fte r Forty and E ig ht, John D. Crowlev.
An interesting sidelight which
A lb ert Rodakowskl, Robert Saul, | C resw ell was arrested In Spring-j
adding another victory to th e ir lis t.: and others w ill be heard on a r
may or may not have a bearing on
W u rren V a il.
field Wednesday by county and member« and «lx visitors.
i Doris M arie Robinson and Joan ' Hon-wlde radio broadcast over C
the local election cam » out of
Freshm en — Helen
Abram sen.| «tale officers charged w ith larceny.)
Seavey, member« of the affirm s- N BC system Saturday a fte m c
W ashington, D. C. veeterday In a
H en ry
Clem ent, He is charged w ith stealing a cross FUNERAL HOME GOES
/ «in taii-ru sancir» t,Te tean’’ ,,pheW ,he «“«»iion ot from 4 untH 5 «clock. M anor I prv. rep(,rt declaring that It wsa
George D rury. M arvin Easton, W in ­ cut saw and u blade for a dragaaw
O N A IR W I T H M U S IC le d e ra i equalization aid for schools service* and varied musical and ..a- doubtful th a t the Townsend plan
ifred Klckbusch.
from Kenneth Conley o f Donna,
In the closing meet w ith M y rtle tertaln m en t features are also plan- woujd be considered during thia
Post Gruduate— C lara W agner.
i and tw o horse collars and some
The Poole Funeral hom e with C reek high school.
' ned for the broadcast.
session. It was pointed out that
' clothing from J. U. Henderson of chapels In Eugene and Springfield
T h e school debaters In closing
only eighteen congressmen had
MANY BOUNTIES TAKEN ! M arcóla. H e was arrested a fte r the began a regular radio program over th e ir season had annexed tw o wins FORMER RECORDER
signed the petition seeking to bring
IN COUNTY WEDNESDAY horse collars w ere found a t tha station K O R E In Eugene Tuesday over Roseburg, divided w ith U n l-
MOVES FROM CITY HALL tbe b ill out ot com m ittee for dis­
local auction house yesterday.
evening of this w eek. They WIIT verglty
and M y rtlo Cref>k
cussion on the floor. A total o f 218
make short announcements e a c h .
A larg e num ber of bounty pay­
I. M. Peterson, fo rm e r city re­ are necessary to force the floor
even'ng before 6:30 and w ill pres c p c p i i i i c t T r t a m ini
ments w ere made In the county OAK DESK MADE FOR
ent a q uarter hour program each 1 & P E C A L , S T T 0 A , D ,N
corder. has moved his o ffice equip­ discussion on the measure.
yesterday at the County Clerk's
In the event tho recall is success­
H. S. LIBRARY USE Tuesday evening at 7:16 under the
IRRIGATION PROBLEMS ment from the C ity h all the past
office. H eading the list was W il­
week-end. T his was taken to Junc­ ful a suteessor can be named by
liam C la rk of O akridge who collect­
A sm all L shaped oak deBk has |
Oeoerge K e rr, extension engineer tion C ity w here M r. Peterson ts the County Court under provisions
ed on 10 bobcats, one coyote and Just bee» completed for the lib ra ry
of the Oregon A g ricu ltu ral college, wetting up a new office. M r. Peter- o f a law signed Wednesday by Gov­
one cougar.
at the high school. T h e desk was i MANY BUY TICKETS
w ill be In Lane County during t h e ! son 18 m aking d ally trips to June ernor M artin .
H. U. C a rte r of M cK enzie Bridge made In the manual tra in in g d e -{
FOR I. 0. 0. F. DINNER ! week beginning M arch 11 to co- ‘ ,ion c l , y- an<l the C ity hall Is being
brought In one bobcat, and John pnrtm enl under the supervision of !
¡operate w ith O. 8 . Fletcher, county .earranged. A large table for the
z»o r .,1D p u c n c r c
K olxer of Rainbow had one bolwat. Glen M artin , Instructor. T he desk |
Advance sale of tickets for the ageIlt>
assisting Lane C o u n ty ! Council m eetings w ill be built and
Is to be used by the person In 1. O. O. F plate dinner to be given fa r„ lers on i r r |Katlon problems. ’ 8°m e of the walls w ill have to be
charge of the lib ra ry each period. at the Odd K,‘1|OW8 hall Monday | Parmg o, interested farm ers w ill be kalsomined.
U n ive rs ity of Oregon, Eugene,
HONOR FOR ACTIVITY Men.bdrs of the Faculty alte rn a te evening. M arch 11, has been very visited on request and special a s -'
In this supervision work and many
uccessful according to lodge mem gtatance w ,„ be glvvn th(w<>
DAILY AUTO DEATH TOLL i M arch 7— (S p e c ia l)— E th el John
„ „ , th
d p » /» u c c
-tnn i m
e j 8O11, s°Pbom ore a rts and architec-
Dr. John F. Bovard. dean and di­ studenla are takin g advantage of bars. A com m ittee from the Rebe i on
e ir problems.
REACHES 100 IN U. 8 . ¡tu re student from Springfield. Is
kah lodge Is cooperating with the
People wfshinK asgl8tance ghould
rector of physical education for the facilities offered there.
men In the dinner venture and a
_ ,i,h
U n ive rs ity of Oregon and Oregon
. . . j ____ , ________ j
j com municate w ith the county agent
Approxim ately 100 persons a re l among those recen tly elected to
j I a at t „ once.
I M aster Dance, local dance honor­
State college, has been elected FORMER PATRONS ASKED large attendance Is assured.
killed d aily In autom obile accidents
president of the N orthw est D istrict
throughout the U nited States, re-
Others s im ila rly
honored are
of the Am erican Physical Educa­
ports the Oregon State M otor as-
Josephine O v e rtu rf. Beaverton, Jtll
tion Association, It was announced
All patrons at fo rm e r high school
BACK FOR TWO WEEKS sodatlon. This means th a t one per- Masden, Junction C ity : and Heleo
here today. T he district Include., dances a re Invited to attend the j
1 son dies In tra ffic about every 14
Nlckachlou. Portland.
the states of Oregon, W ashington, dance at the A rm ory F riday e v e u -! C hristian
Regular meeting of Iuka circle, minutes.
One person Is Injured
T he new m em bers w ere selected
Idaho and Montana.
ing It was announc'd this m orning. I front all part , of Lane county w ill | Ladles A u xilia ry of the G. A. R. I every 28 seconds.
T he high school dance w ll start at j meet at E lm ira Saturday evening v ill not be held this evening as
For every five person' killed In on ance im provisations, techniques,
8:30 o'clock. Ted's band w ill furn-1 al 7:30 for a union rally. Rev. W ll- had been planned. T he meeting was autom obile accidents In he United and o rigin al dance compositions.
ish the music.
) Ham W h ite of T re n t w ill be the to have been held a t the home of
States during 1933. « lx w ere killed
speaker and a special song service M rs. Fred Louk hut has been post during 1934.
_____________ MYSTERY PLAYERS ILL;
w ill be held. The attendance cup poned for tw o weeks because ot
Regular m eeting of the Cascade OAKRIDGE TRAMPLES
M illican. [>* VIB » » » rl.lln g jum ped sideways
Haael N esbitt. Gladys Shelley, Juan ! Into the aide of Dr. Dow's Hulomo
S tratton , U la W eigh t. Lois W ilson, I bile. T h e horse fell to the pave
chapter, O. R. 8. was held here
Tunaday evening w ith routine husl-
mess being transacted. Tho next
m eeting w ill he held In two weeks
and w ill be a fam ily din ner m eet­
ing under the direction of Mrs.
Dauqhtar Born— M r. and Mra. F. Opal Roberta.
J D rury of Coburg are the parent«
of a baby daughter born to them
At Sllteoos Lake— Mrs. P. J. Bar­
at tbe Nelson M ate rn ity home In tholom ew spent Wednesday on the
Eugene on Wednesday. M arch 6, const at Florence and HUtcooa
IN t .
m im r c b i
Photographer To Take Plc-|
Return To Former Schedule!
ture Of Each Class Offering Reception Last Thursday; Effective April 5; To Spon­
Rebekah« Plan Social Night,
tkwUring Laughteresque
Veterans Attend Services;
sor Relief Garden*
Pa»t Officer« Add Mem­
Communion Planned
Ileuew ed Inleraat In ths l^tugh-
ber«; Drill Team To Meet
Springfield Lions w ill return to
It was arouud this hill that most
of the partlsau caiupaWn which
early In the week seemed to
threaten the en tire highway pro
gram for Oregon revolved, le g is la ­
tors (rum across the Cascade«,
alarm ed w ith the proposal to make
the coast bridges lo ll free, charged
that th e ir sections of (be state
wuuld not receive fa ir cousldera
lion In apportionm ent of future
fun d, fur highway work. In the
resolution which they sponsored
they would have retaliated by fore-
lug the completion of the three
highways ahead of other projects
•ta rle d since those were begun.
NO. 7
rally w ill be a
O akridge high school basketball
players, winners of the Lane coun
ty "B " league championship and
state title contenders, showed a
spurt of life In the second h a lf of
th e ir gam e Tuesday evening to de­
feat Corvallis 30 19 In a practice
game on the O akridge floor. T h e
Corvallis team holds the "A " lea­
gue championship fo r this d ia trlc t.
B,'enda"re “• ,he ll">«88-
M eeting o f the Cham ber of Com-
merce scheduled for last night was
not held because of p.xir a tend
ance. Less than a quorum of the
mem bership was present according
to I M. Peterson, secretary.
. -------------------------------
T he m ystery play, "Spooky T a v ­
e rn ”, which was to have been- given
M em bers of the K o n tra c t Bridge a t the high school here Friday
Klnb w ere guests o f M rs. W a lte r evening by the Athenian club of
M otion pictures of the work be-, Scott lawt Thursday afternoon for Cottage Grove under the ausplc
Ing done at the Boulder dam pro- a dessert bridge party. H ig h honors of the Lions c ub has been dropped.
f Ject in ('nlorado were shown at In the scoring went to Mrs. E. E. Several members of the cast have
) the high school this mornin«. Jun-
May for the afternoon.
Mrs. Cart contracted mumps and w ill be un­
lor high school students In the I Olson w ill entertain for the group able to take th eir parts It was an­
Lincoln building also attended the ¡ a t her hom e on M arch 14 for the
nounced this week by E. C. Stuart,
I naxt meeting.
IJons club president.