TIIUR8I >A Y FBUHUARY 28, 1 W THE 8PRINOFIELD NEWS PAGE FOUR CORN-HOG MEN KLEP OFFICERS CROW LODGE TEAM WINS I. O. O. F. HOOP SERIES Manifold Ways in Which the Banks Are Serving the Nation SIRL SCOUTS TO HAVE STAGE SHOW With a 28 to 23 win over Cottage Grove hoop team r l Crow Fwb. 14, • the basketbaU team sponsored by Handling Millions of Transactions Daily for Individuals, f r o » lodge wou the I .an«- County] Corporation» and State and National Governments— U te Local Troop To Present “The New Contracts Signed By 20 I. t). O F Basketball League cham- Structure Strengthened and Deserving of Public Faith j pionshlp with a record of 11 wins Neighbors** nnd Carnival Farmers; Second Benefit I and one loos for the season in the Hv P R A N C I9 M A K U IN L A W , Friday Night Payments Made I league games. Cottage Grove was President American Henkers Association I the only team In the league which 'I'llE banks of the nation provide good loans, nor has the Interest rata Springfield lllrls Scouts are All members of the Springfield | was able Io defeat the Crowers I the machinery through which ever been so low ready with a big program of eti district Corn-Hog control commit­ Cottage Grove with two games lertaiiiment which they will pres A Return »I Noniini I.ending tee were re-elected for another year left to play as of Monday. Feb. 26 pass daily many millions of checks and drafts, ag­ Banka are badly needing loans (or ent at the Lincoln «liool Friday at a meeting of contract signers had lost three games and If they gregating hun­ revenuo purposes, and uow that con evening starting nt 7 o'clock In held Tuesday afternoon at Taylor win their two remaining games dreds of mil­ fldence in banks has been largely ln n|ah ts entertainment hall. They are Will White, chair­ they will be in a second place tie lions of dollars. restored they are uaiurally return ; w(|, h)( # . Th„ Neighbors" by man. George Plait nnd K O. Ken with Bgrtugfleld lodge team which The b a n k s <>«'-■ «"<’ “ »•»•«•‘»«r of earn! are largely fl- Before the bank holiday the con | ................ ale. finished the season with 9 wins and nanclng t h e fidence of the people was shattered. V*1 »Hractlona. Checks for the second payiueut three losses. The standings of the Federal Gov The thought uppermoat In the minds ► '»’r <»»«• play which ts being dl ou most of the corn-hog contracts teams to date are as follows: eminent In Its of depositors was the safety of their reeled by Miss Bernice t’onoly. the for 1934 were handed out to 37 W L Recovery Pro­ funds. Withdrawals from banks be following Springfield Girl Scouts farmers by O. a. Fletcher. count, 11 Crow g r a m , Involv­ came Increasingly heavy In general, will have the following parts: agricultural agent In charge of the ing the great­ Under such circumstances the bank 9 Springfield | ta |»mman Ml»-« Able. Roberta meeting. The benefit checks totaled est peace-time er. mindful of his primary respon Collage Grove Putman as Grundina. Gloria Green 1228.95. Checks for some of the e x p o ndllures slblllty to his depositors, was more as Inci. Ruth Keeler as Mrs Ells Coburg growers have been delayed, and It ever known. r . M. LAW concerned In the collection of loans, Lorane Likewise the than in th. making of new loans. | * or‘h^ Is epee ted that the third and final > N**" “ l Oakridge banks are largely financing the cur­ The result was a severe contrsctloa i « '" h |r“1“P* »« Mr" Tr‘” ' “ '»•* benefit checks will be here some­ 1 Elmira rent credit needs of states, counties, of credit. For thia the banker should Durham as Bara, time In March. The pennant and trophy cities, public schools snd other po­ At the meeting Tuesday 38 farm­ presented Io the Crow lodge at a litical tub-divisions, all of which aot be blamed He simply performed | The play will be the first nuni her on the progrnni and will start ers were In attendance and 20 out meeting of the teams and bulge have Intimately to do with the dally hla manifest duty. Bankers at this time arc very at 7 o'clock. Admission Is a dime, of a total of 22 eligible growers, members at Cottage Grove early in affairs of all of the people. properly viewing the credit needs of and tho carnival attractions will signed new contracts. Last year the March. Each Cay banks throughout the business with serious and sympe fo,,ow , ht. ,(lay. total number of corn-hog slguers In Maple lodge of Mapleton sponsor couutry are making hundreds of thetlc consideration A pplicant» Preliminary performance« of the this aiea was 42. Many of these ed a basketball team, but owing thousan.ls of new loans and they are tor loans are not always familiar renewing and extending old loans with tbs rules governing bank credit *"> ,M* «'»•*" •' '“** •cho° l were unable to he at the meeting to distance were not entered enter for the accommodation of a vast and constructive and Interested help Friday afternoon for school chll Tuesday. Those who were uot at ed Into the league. number of borrowers, these bor­ on the part of the banker will bring dren Their admission will he five the meeting, but want to sign a rowers being Individuals, corpora­ about the making of many additional conta. contract should do so as soon as tions and partnerships and their loans, and without doing violence to possible at the office of Mr. Flet­ loaus being Incident to agriculture. any principle of good banking. cher in the public market building Industry and trade everywhere. Carlainlynu one would advocate SCIENCE WONDERS SEEN (Continued from First Cage I The banks, through their trust de­ the making of unsound loans by in Eugene. The deadline for 1935 AT U. OF O. DISPLAY contracts is March 16. but the leased in the McKensie river In partments. are continuing the work banks. Tho creation of a largo vol­ checktug work which is necessary 1934 and it Is estimated that two which they have faithfully carried ume of unsound loans would not University of Oregon. Feb 28 A makes it imperative that all con­ million will be released in 1935. It on throughout the depression snd only weaken the banks—It would lively miniature geyser that throws are protecting trust funds placed In prolong the depressi..« and wipe out r„aularly tracts be signed before the final was stated by Frank Rennie, chair­ their care against the worst shrink some of the gains already made. It . , ' .. week Yellowstone, Old Faithful, a man of the fish committee of the age of values ever known. Included 1. to be earnestly hoped that In this activity Is the serrlcs the banker will yield under the pressura Plateau with valleys and hills and local club. banks are performing In connection of hla desire for earnings, or tor streams that deimmatrul» soil ero­ Stock Nearby R iver After a request had been made with administering the affairs of any other reason, and make loans of sion, tbo complete skeleton of the the wrong sort. Friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. that the Willamette be stocked widows and orphans ferocious “saber tooth" tiger that The banks, through the medium of There are many needs for credit once roamed the Oregon country, Arthur Easton at their home at near Springfield. Mr. Wire offered their savings and thrift deposit de­ of kinds which are not within the Hendrick's bridge Monday evening. to prepare a list for the local club partments. are furnishing safety for natural diamonds, and "movies" of The occasion was their silver wed­ showing the number of fish released the accumulations of many millions province of commercial banks to volcanoes and other natural won­ meet. Likewise there are many ding anniversary and 52 guests in each stream In Lane county last of people and on this class of de­ types of credit, but there are also ders were to be seen recently at came in for the evening. Many year. posits reasonable Interest ts paid. many types of credit faillltles avail­ i he first annual science "open The officers of banks are unstint­ able-enough, 11 would »«in to meet house" at Condon hall, on the Uni attractive silver pieces were given Kenneth Tobias reported that the Mr. and Mrs. Easton. Rifle and Pistol club was soon to edly and unselfishly giving advice the requirements of all classes of ! verslty of Oregon campus i fh e exhibits were arrauged under The monthly meeting of the Wal- send in their report to the Na­ and counsel to the people of their worthy borrowers. communities, thereb) to a consider­ tervllle Christian church was held tional Rifle and Pistol club and able extent guiding their dally finan- the auspices of the Condon club. The l,utv of Every Henker Friday evening Students from the by increasing their membership by cial and fiscal affairs during this It Is clearly the duty of every through the cooperation of Dr. L. Northwest Christian Bible college 10 they would be entitled to re- ! most difficult period of disturbance. banker In thè country to perforiti, s. Cressman. profesaor of soclology certaln Services. The moat Impor j and an,hropology. assisted with the program. ceive two additional guns and ant-- T h e Banking Structura Strengthened taot of these are: Three Christian Endeavor groups munition from the association for The miniature geyser anil the Tbs banking structure as It Is to­ 1. To afford perfect safety for from the Leaburg. Fairmount Pres­ use here. soil erosion exhibits, as well as day has been greatly strengthened deposits byterian and Walterville societies Wild life films made in Oregon and the process of strengthening 2. To grant credit to those who! many of the Interesting maps, were held a church party Friday even­ were shown by Mr. Wire as the still goes on. Banking la not a closed deserve It. were constructed by FERA work- concluding event on the evening's science. The banking system which ing. In the matter of credits the public ,.rM, under the direction of unlver- The girls league at Leaburg met program. Some of the pictures of we have bad was not good enough, must In fairness remember that < s|,y nclentlsts. Since control of soli ,111W „ na,,„ na, ,MUe. Monday evening with Kosalee wild game in their native haunts and I earnestly believe that an able commercial banks are not lending ..r„H,„n and non-partisan commission should their own money, but the money of this exhibit was of special Interest. Fountain. were unusually Interesting. bs set up to make a study of our tbelr depositors, represented very . numerous banking laws to the end largely by the earnings and savings ' ** m o u n t.d on a tn i e a out s x that a properly correlated banking of the people. The people who own wide In eight feet long. Water system might be worked out and these deposits have accumulated actually flows down Its slopes, submitted to the next Congress. 1 them through years of labor and ¡showing lust bow "ole man river” A good system would Include rigid * sacrifice, and In many cases the de-] gets In his dirty work. requirements as to management. In posit represents their all. These A display of anthropological oh telllgent and Impartial supervision depositors have the right to call (or and. in due time, unification of super­ their money at any time, or at most j-cts found In Oregon, many of vision. Such a system, composed of on short notice. Deposits constitute wi>l«-h have attracted national at tendon, was available. The geolo­ banks adequately capitalized, cap a sacred trust. There are certain basic principles gical exhibit Included fossils from ably managed and conscientiously W h ile he basked supervised would eliminate any pos­ In sound banking that must be held the famous John Day locality and m th e g lo r y o f his sibility of a recurrence of what has onto even In this period of change, other sections of the slate Foreign but the progressive banker must be maps, globes, sextants, meteorolo­ happened In the past four years. conquests his wife’s soul The temporary Federal deposit In responsive to changing conditions gical Instruments, and other objects cried out in anguishl , , . . . .. surance plan under which deposits and he must be active In seeking, tn banks up to $2.500 for each ac­ proper opportunities to meet the exhibit. China. Japan. Europe and count are Insured has been In effect sound needs of his customers. Repeated assurrance has been other sections of the world were for six months and has proven a potent factor In restoring confidence. given by the Administration that represented. -------------------------- Only two small banks out of over there Is no desire on Its part to ■ < fourteen thousand holding member­ continue government lending a mo-| «,__________ ___ . . ship In the fund have failed dur­ ment longer than Is necessary and ing this six months' period. The that at the earliest possible time ------- - ................. .................- O temporary plan has been extended the government will glady give way! The Thurston cast arc staging very wisely for a year, and the to the banks and other lending In- LORETTA Y O U N G amount of the Insured deposit has stltutlons. This, of course. Is as il j ,,le p|ay "Where's Grandma" a» been Increased to 15,000, thus In­ should te and we are all earnestly NoU >>|da ereBln< March L COLIN CLIVE j „ u, . suring In full over 98% in number looking forward to the time . when .« . Mrs. King ” and Mrs. Btauble who private Initiative and enterprise of the depositors In the banks. shall have recovered Its vitality suf-, arp ,rum TVyomlng spent several Hoarded money Is returning to the banks and deposits are showing a flclently to throw government 'lays with Mr. and M rs . Kay Baugh last week. vast Increase. Banks everywhere crutches away. Numerous bank failures bave era Mrs. Bertha llerilngtoh left lust are super-liquid, meaning that they have an unusually heavy proportion ated ln the minds of many a grossly Friday for Idaho to pend several of their deposits ln cash. There are exaggerated Idea as to the losses of wee|(M Mrs* J()hn Lucy from McMlnn. two kinds of unemployment In this depositors In closed banks. The rec , country — unemployment of men ord indicates that depositors In . ' and unemployment of dollars. These banks wlitcb closed In the past thre< men and these dollars must be put to year, will realize on an average «unday with her parent.. M r. and work Banks In strong and highly about 65c on the dollar That would Mrs. Walter BdnilHto’x Mr. Lucy as they are today. Never before with a sincere reapect and regarf past, seemingly a link between the has there been such competition for for tbe common good. magnificent temples of the Actecs and Mayans and the skin tepees of AENEAS CLUB MEMBERS the northern Indiass. THURSTON PLAYERS AT While no record has ever been NOTI FRIDAY EVENING MEETING IS TUESDAY unxivered, It Is possible that ten The Thurston community group ants of the pueblos had many of ftegular monthly meeting of the Aeneas club was held Tueed&y pr«;sentlng Hie three aet comedy, the nine problems that afflict mo afternoon at the home of Mrs. W, "Where's Grandma?” will give n dern apartment-house dwellers; N. Williams. Guests of the club performance of their production at perhaps the nocturnal thumping of rawhide drums caused an irate were Mrs. Susannah Porter, Mra. Notl Friday evening. neighbor to pound the walls much O. H. Jarrett, and Miss Edna Swarts. LIONS GROUP DECIDES 1 1,1 ,hc ’»»»'"•'• ,,f n present day pro LADIES NIGHT DATE l''H' u* “|n|R blaring radios. The next meeting of the club will Although they did not have ele he a potluck dinner at the home of valors to carry them upward, the At a meeting of the committee In Mrs. John Parker on March 30 . charge of Ladle - Night plans for pueblo folk had one ail vantage over FRESH FISH the Springfield Lions club held last modern skyscraper dwellers. When Visit Parents— Mr. and Mrs. night It was decided to hold th«! they did get up, they pulled the >nr Meat D epartm ent has Columbia River Smelt, Sal­ Thomas Patrick are here from affair on Thursday, March 21. An Ì ladders after them and thus kept mon and fresh oysters for your table. Our seafoods Scappo'e to visit with her parents, entlii ly revised program Is being | out late Intruders bent on making are specially fine. planned for the social event. ' whoopee. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bcbnetxky. Sportsmen h ear McKenzie Valley J Opens Sunday RORAID COLRIAD or torti Irish-Murphy Co. Big March Food Sale O.K. Soap Thurston Church to Meet lam ily Living Pastor Tonight Program heady Dinner, Prayer Meeting, and Man and Woman Invitad To County-Wida Horna Maat« Social Program Planned At ing In Eugana March 7 Christian Church Many members of the congrega tloti of the Bprlugfleld Christian church will meet their hew pastor tor the first time tonight when he v III take charge of tho local work. Rev. and Mrs. I. G Rhuw are moving hero »«»lay from* Cottage Grove, having been here previously to rent a house. They were here Tue day. also meet lug local people. Thia evening the church mem here will hold a potluck dinner at 6 M and the weekly prayer meet­ ing will follow promptly at 7 p lit. At 7:30 a program will he pre» ented. this having been arranged by members of the Loyal Women's Class of the Bunday school All members of the church are urged Io attend and meet the new pastor aud hla wife. Mlaa Goldie Wails, missionary worker III Africa, will be the speaker at the Bunday morning service In the church. The puslor will deliver the evening sermon. Ills first lu hla uew «barge Three Injured hear Creswell A count) wide mnfsrsuce ou "Family Living" will be conducted In the First Baptist church In Eu­ gene ou Friday, March 8. starling promptly at 9 46 a. in. The confer­ ence will lie «xinduclMl by Ihe lauiw l oiinty Home Kxteuaion Organisa­ tion cooperating with (he county agent with the ssalatance of ape clallsls from the Kstenalon Hervlce of Ihe Oregon Agricultural college "Inexpensive Housing Improve­ ments" will he discussed by Miss Clarabel Nye, Blale leader of Home Kcoiiotulca Kxleuslon. aud a muatber of the Btate Rural lloualug Committee for the Federal llouslng Administration Exhibits will be shown to Illustrate this address, Osrdsna To Bs Talked Mi s Lucy Case, Nutrition Bpe- clallst. will apeak on "Modsrnlxiug the Home Vegetable Garden" aud will show as part of an exteuslve exhibit (he actual calls of food neeH b til It »»red with K o u r I i Skin, 1‘lin pie». Itlackheada, S«»»» Je-Neo-W a, at U. 0. MAN OUTLINES I >ulny Clover's Beauty Shop NEW USES FOR POWER 343 Fifth Street, Springfield Aluminum, phosphates, nitrogen whl. h Is so useful In manufacture uf munitions, and many other pro­ ducts may be made In quantity I hrotigh use o f electric energy to be produced by energy generated by the llonuevllle dam, according to Dr. O. F. Stafford, profesaor of chemistry and head of sdeucea on the U. of O. campus. The production of metals and «hcinlcals can utilise a great ileal of till- power to he made available by the great project. Dean Stafford pointed out. Aluminum oxide, now found In large deposits, can be broken down by use of electrical energy, after an Intermediate pro­ cess to change It to the form of a olutlon has taken place. Metals which can be priutuced or are re­ fined through ehn-trolosls Include sine, copper, silver, gold and mag­ nesium. Uhosphates production, by the use of tremendous heat from elec­ tric furnaces, is also a field to which manufacturers can turn. Even alcohol nnd vinegar can be produced througli an electrical pro­ cess In which calcium carbide Is used. Has Operation—Clarence Caudelf underwent u major operation at the Pacific hospital in Eugene Wednes day. MOORE’S LADIES* SHOP 82« W illa m e tte Street Final Clearance Suede Jackets Sm art new styles Reduced to $4.95 R egular Value »<.96 Dresses We have a few of our extra­ ordinary Drees Specials left. Styles and colore are right • ■ fabrico are alike and wools. $1.98 to $2.98 New Spring Apparel is ar* riving every day. See it . . . very reasonably priced. Teachers’ W a rra n ts Accepted W e give S. A H. Oreen Stamps P r in c e A lb e r t The Modern Pegasus LetterheadR, ratalogH, foldera, bookletR, blot­ ter*, broadside« mid apeclal mailing pieces of all kindu art» the winged Hleed* of m odern bunlneRH. . . . But they m uat be done artiRtlcally on well Releeted stock, with new and m odern type face« and printed well. . . This is service we render and It costs no more Ilian poorly printed and Ill-selec­ ted promotions. . . . When In need of printing . . . good printing . . . phone 2 and one of our repres­ entatives will call. The Willamette Press Opposite I’. (). Springfield