THURHDAY, FRHKUARY 28 1886 ■~***— □ PAO» THRBB WHO IS WHO and What They Do A Claaaifiad Directory of Reliable Business Firme and Profeseional People This Newspaper Recommends to You. TOWN AND VICINITY Juror Home— F 8. Cierno, mem­ Ill at Home- ber o f the federal Jury at Portland, Is reported to wax at h li home here over the this week. Mina Dillard at her home week end. MAN WANTED f u r Itaw I trig It mult*. Heal opportunity (ur right Appendi» Out — Robert TMua ■mali son of Mr. »od Mrs. Bari Tttas of Marcola anderweat aa «m- ergency operatlon for appendiciti» al thè Pacific hoepltal in Kugene M ondar eveolng. Very Unueual Quality N E W M E R C H A N D IS E Juet reeeived at HO FFM A N’S Car. 4th and Main, Springfield, Ore. uiuu Wu Itulp you gel started. DANCING PHOTOGRAPHERS, FILMS W hite Dreeiy Blouses, checks, kSc W rit« Ituwlulgh Co., Dept. OHM W hite Dressy Blouses, stripes, IBs O AN C E Red, white, black, Blouses, ANDKRHDN MOTORS, INC Carl R. Baker Film Shop »86 t), Oakland, ('«III, Very latest Creations ........ 9Bs AT WINTEIU1 ARDEN Expert Repairing — All Work Eastman Film« — Kodaks — Pink, bine, yellow Blouses, Uuaranteed. Frumes — Albums— Motion N O T IC t OP B H k R IF P ’B BALI ON "The Danes T hat’» Different" newest stitch ...................... 46« a X K C U T IO N IN FO R R C LO B U R E Picture Cameras. (las, Oil, Tires and Battarlaa Silk Blouses, various colors ..B1.1t NO TICE la heruby given that by Every Saturday Night Silk Blouse« plain colors with We Photograph Everything virtu« of an exaculloii and order of 6th and A Hta., Springfield Ph. 41» I xtpper fronts Anywhere. »ale In furecloiurs Issued out of ( l e n t a 2fu- Fancy printed Batiste, fast Ladles 10c slice off his left thumb Monday Mull films to P. O. Box 0(7 Hi« Circuit Court of laikw County, color.............................. yard 16« Visiting Relatives— W alter Con BROWN MOTOR CO. Oregon, on tli» 27th day of Fubru CkH W illamette, Eugene Ph. 636 rad of Reedsport Is here visiting while chopplug woud at the home W hite W affle cloth. 36 In., yd. 27« FURNITURE ary, 1836. In a ault wb«r«ln, on thu Checked Rayon, all colors, yd. 27c of his parent near Leaburg. C H H Y 8I.E R and PLYM O U TH wllh relatives. He has been visiting 371k day of February, 1*36, lu laid Silk Crepe, variety colors. 36 In. 66c PRINTERS Sales and Service Court of the State of Orogou, Hep In Montana. JOHNSON FURNITURE CO, m a n tl'd aud octlug by tbo World Cumplute Automotive Service SUMMONS THE WILLAMETTE PRESS 8U M M O N 8 Ranges and Circulators War V«l«raua' Statu Aid Commis­ Tonsils Taken— Jimmie Shearer Open Day and Night Springfield Several t.lnes Including Mon lag. sion, recovered Judgment ugalual IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E hud his tonsils and adenoids tak*-n IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E Phone 1767 Linoleum Inlaid and Felt Base III« dufeudanta Beiijamlu L. Held«* 186 Eaal Broadwuy S T A T E OF O R EG U N F O R L A N E Phone 2 S T A T E OF OREGON IN AND out at the office of a local physi­ Eugene, Oregon mau for th« auui of Tblrtovu Hun­ CO UN TY. FOR T H E CO UN TY OF LANK. Attractive Prices on Furniture Business Stationery—Office Forms cian .Monday morning. dred Three and 16 100 t|l3 0 3 16) and Ruga. Booklets — Placards — Dollars, aud (or the further sum of Tbe Federal Land Bank of Spok­ S TA TE LA N D BOARD OF ORE Visits from Astoria— Miss Mar­ U o N , composed of Charles U. He, Us Before You Buy HCIIERER MOTOR CO. interest th«r«un at lb« rat« of alx ane, a corporation. Plaintiff, Dodgers, etc. M artin, Governor of Oregon; -vs- (6% ) per cent per auuuiu (rum aud We Deliver Phone 1188 A Modern Print Shop Producing jorie Pohl of Astoria Is here visit­ BU1CK — O LD HM O BII.B — Rut us C. Holman, Treasurer of • luce the 30th day of September, A. C. Wells uud Nora E. Wells, ing wllh her aunt. Mrs. M erritt B 04k W illam ette Eugene PONTIAC Up-To-Date Printing Oregon; Earl Snell, Secretary of IMS, aud (or tbo further sum of husband and wife; L. M Nolen | Huntly. Suite oi Oregon. Plain tli., Motor Cara one Hundred (*100.00) Ixillar» at­ and L. E. Nolen, wlp- and nas- Phone and a Salesman W ill Call. GROCERIES VS. torney's feei aud (or coala and dla SALEH and SERVICE band; Edgar Hupp, Paul Blaxer Attend Mason Meeting— Oswald burseiueuta taxed at the sunt of and A. A Bristol, as trustees for J. A. W illard and Malinda A. W ill­ 71 II and Olive Sts. — Phone 866 SCHOOLS-COLLEGES j Olson and C. E. Hearts attended ard, bts wife, Colby Fteenor, M. *38.68. aud aalil execution to III«- “Co-operative Farm,” a voluntary DIBHLEEK A. Fteenor, his wife; M. Forsberg Eugene, Oregon. ■ he Hbrine meeting In Eugene last cooperative association; Edgar directed, couiuiaudlug uie lu the RED * WHITE GROCERY doing business as Professional Hupp and Zaddle Hupp, husband name of the Stale of Oregon, lu Friday evening. ENRDLL MONDAY Credit Service; Lane County, Phone 4 and wife; A. A. Bristol aud W ini­ order to aallafy mid Judgment, in­ BATTERY SERVICE Oregon, a body politic and cor­ terest, attorneys fees, coata of ault. fred Bristol, husband and wife; Goes to Roseburg— Roma Real, For Cor. 4th and Main Hta., Springfield porate in and oi tbe Slate of Gunnar Moller and Jane Doe Mul­ aud accruing coala, to m il the fol­ proprietor of Shorty’s Shine parlor, Hborlband, Bookkoeplng, Typing LANECO Oregon; Road District No. 41, a ler, husband and wife; George lowing deacrlbed real property, Day and N ig h t ( ’lasse« left Monday for Roseburg to rlalt body politic in and of Lam« HOSPITALS Robertson and Jane Due Robert­ to wit: nATTBRY FACTORY County, Oregon; ScUooi District bis brother for several days. Eugene Hiiklne»» College Beginning at the Northwest son, husband and wife; Knute Back at our old location. lams No. 164, a body corporate and Madson and Jane Doe Madson, corner of Lot Oue ( 11 Block A Good School'* PACIFIC HOSPITAL, politic in and of Lane County, Collects Bounty— Harold Plank Phone 008 Miner Bldg. husband and wife; et al. Also all twenty-two (22) of Fairmount, overhead your gain. 8«e our new IN C . oregou; County High School other persons or parties unknown according to the original plat uialerlal batteries In genuine Oates of Creswell collected the county Eugene, Oregon IZlb and Hllyard claiming any right, title, estate I District No. 164, a body politic thereof, uuw a part of the city of hard rubber rases before you buy. bounty on oue coyote at tbe office All parts handmade In Eugene For Phone 2600 Hen or Interest In tbe real estate 1 and corporate in and of Lane Kugeue, runulug tbeuce South SERVICE STATIONS of tbe County Clerk Saturday. Defendants, described in the complaint here-: county, oregon. along the West Line of raid Lot capacity—service- price—none bat­ Kugen -, Oregon ter. RK CHA RG IN O - REPA IR IN G , lu cotuy Fteenor and H. A. Flee­ In. Defendants. oue | l j , one hundred fifty (190) Collects Bounty— Dan Christen­ Deiendants:—IN T H E NAM E - • Phone 1008 feet, thence East parallel to thu 346 Van Burvu A ST. SERVICE STATION son of Oakridge collected tbe coun­ TO: A. C. Wells and Nora E. ner. Wells, husband and wife; L. M. o r i tic, STA TE OF OREGON: — North Hue of Lot one ( I j aeventy EUGENE HOSPITAL General Gasoline, OR and Greases five l76j feet, aud theuca North ty bounty on three coyotes Satur­ Nolen and L. E. Nolen, wife and )ou and each of you are hereby CREAMERIES - "The Friendly Institution” required to appear aud answer the Goodrich Tires parallel to the W eal line of mid day at the office of the county husband; Edgar Hupp, Paul Blaxer complaint Hied against you In the Phone 1800 and A. A. Bristol, as trustees for "A Home Owned Station.” lot one ( l j alxly (60) feet, thence Demand the Beet— Costs no More clerk. “Co-operative Farm," a voluntary above entitled suit within four K a il parallel to the North Hue 1182 W illam ette Eugene bth and A Sts., Springfield, Pb. 44 BLUE BELL co-operative association; Edgar weeks from tne dale of the first of mid Lot one (1), forty-nine Moves to Eugene— Mr. and Mrs. Hupp und Zaddle Hupp, husband publication of thia summons and Dairy Products (41) feet, Iheuce North parallel Robert Hundlett and daughter. and wife; A. A. Bristol and W ini­ il you fall to answer, lor want lu the Weel line of m id Lot one lew Cream. Butter, Cheese, M ilk Mitchell Service Static n LADIES READY-TO-WEAR Maryelen. moved from south fred Bristol, husbant and wife; tnereof plaintiff will apply to the (1 ), uluety (80) feet, Iheuce Weat A L L R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS ______ _____ ___ court for the relief therein de- along the North line of mid Lot EUO ENE FARM ERS CREAM ERY, Fourth street to Eugene on Wed­ Gunnar Moller and Jane Doe Mol- ANOELINE DRESS SHOP — Yale Tires — ler, husband and wife; George mauued, to w lt:— oue i l l . to the place of begin­ Phone Eugene (38 nesday. Eugene, Oregon o e Robertson, R o b e r tso n For judgment against the defend­ Robertson and Jane D Doe Greasing • Battery Recharging ning. ull lu L an e C ounty. Oregon. husband and wife; Knute Madson ants J. A. Willard, Malinda A. W ill­ NOW. T H ER EFO R E, In the name Expert Radio Repairing by Popular Priced Oreases Team Wants Games— The Sprtng- DENTISTS and Jane Doe Madson. husband and ard, Colby Fleenor and H . A. Flee- of the Stale of Oregou, In oompli LEE CRAY Allen A. Hosiery AII HIar basketball team is still an­ wife; Also all other persons or par­ nor, and each thereof, tor the sum ance with the mid execution aud Phono 48-J 63 E. Broadway Phone 633-W j xious to play basketball. They are ties unknown claiming any right, of *1300.00 with interest from April order of Bale, and lu order lu gal- DR. O. A. BROWN lafy mid Judgment, Including niter 7th and Main Sts. 8prlngfl»ld Inviting teams to arrange games title, *-atate, lien or interest in the 4th, 1932, at 8% per annum, and Eugene, Oregon Hours 8 A M to 6 P. M real estate described In the com­ for such further sum as the court eit, attorney'! fee«, coats aud ac­ by seeing any member of the team. plaint herein DEFEND ANTS. ; shall adjudge to be reasonable for cruing coata. 1 will, on Saturday, Phone 20 J OREGONIAN LUMBER IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STA TE I Attorney fees, and tor the costs and the 30th day of March, 1Mb, at the 6th and Main Sts. Hprlngfleld Preacher in Portland— Rev. Dean OF O REG ON: You are hereby re- disbursements of this suit, and ad- SERVICE STATION hour of one-thirty (1:30) o'clock In Residence 728 A Street. C. Poindexter, pastor of the Meth­ qulred to appear aDd answer the ' Judging such judgment to be a first The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. At the Springfield Junction the afternoon of mid day. at the Furnish»« a odist church, spent the first half complaint filed against you in the . and prior lien upon the following Southwest front door of the County GAS AND OILS C a n t House lu Kugena, Lana Conn of the week In Portland attending above entitled court within four real premise« in Lane County, Ore- COMPLETE HOME Service Day and Night. DR. WM. N. DOW weeks from the first publication of ' gon, towlt: n Oregon, offer for sale and sail a series of peace meetings Grocery Sundries. Tobacco's and D E N T IS T Building and Repairing Service. this summons In the Springfield Beginning at a point 19.46 for cash, at public auction, aubjact News, towlt: From the 21st day o f, chains north of the southeast Picnic Goods. to redemption aa provided by law, X-Ray Diagnosis — Hours 8 to 12 For Service Phone Springfield 66 Tonsils Taken Out— Glen Jensen, February, 1936; and if you fall so corner of the southwest quarter West Springfield Ph. 9pr. 33-J all of the right, title and lutereil nr If no answer, phone 34-J. 1 to 6 an., by appointment. six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. to appear and answer, for want of the southwest quarter of sec­ of the mid defendants Benjamin L. | Springfield. tion 16, township 15, south range I N. Jensen, had his tonsils removed thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Heldemau, Elsie M. Heldeman, Office Phone 8 — Rea. Phon.- <7 WOOLEN MILLS 5 weat of the W illamette M eri­ I at the office of tbe local physician court for the relief prayed for In Hazel I*. Rader? and W inifred Kuy I First Nat l Bank Bldg. Springfield dian. thence north 21.60 chains to its complaint. keudall, and all persons claiming —— — — — —— — , PHYSICIAN - SURGEON I I Tuesday morning. EUGENE quarter section line running Said suit is brought for the pur­ by, through, or uuder them or any ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES through said section 16, thence pose of securing a judgment for WOOLEN MILL CO. or either of them, In and to the said Parents of Son— Mr. and Mrs. DR MILTON V. WALKER east on quarter section line 47.30 the unpaid balncce of a certain premises Manufacturers of Woolens. Inspect our New Installation at Surgery and Diseases of Women Lloyd Hubbard of Wendtlng are the note In the principal sum of *9,- chains to the center of county Dated. February 27. Ik36. Specialising In ladles the State Game Farm. parents of a baby son born to them 600.06, dated the 8th day of June road, thence along the center of 4th and Main Sts. Springfield C. A. 8W A R T8, Sheriff COATINGS AN D 8C IT IN G S . W’estlnghouse Lamps and of L*n« County, Oregon. at the Pacific hospital In Eugene 1923. made, executed and delivered 1 the county road south 18*16' east Phone 82-J by A. C. Wells and Nora E. W ells, i 1.46 chains, thence south 10*65’ Retail Department at Mill. I on Sunday. February 24. 1936. Appliances By A E. HU LEGAAHD. Deputy , husband and wife, to the plaintiff . east 16.90 chains, thence west (F >8— M 7 14-31-38) East End (th Are. Eugene, Ore. "" „ _ t J B ll- t . - J “X I ■ ■' J " 1. 5.75 chains, thence south 3.76 HENDERER ELECTRIC MELVILLE 8. JONES. M, D. Has Birthday— Mrs. Edgar Louk herein, with Interest, advances, at­ torney fees and costs; and to fore­ chains, thence west 12.69 chains, I 420 Main St. Springfield j entertained at their home Sunday close that certain mortgage elven Surgery and Diseases of Women thence north 7.23 chains, thence SUMMONS Res. Phone 148-J j in honor of Mr. Louk's birthday, to secure said note, which said X-Ray and Physiotherapy west 13.29 chains, thence south C irc u it Court of the State of Ore­ 7.23 chains, thence west 20.38 j Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Cecil mortgage given is of record in gon fo r Lane County. Springfield, Oregon FRUIT PACKERS Book 52 of Mortgagee at page 83. chains, more or less, to the place 1 .Mathis, and Mr. and Mrs. Alonza First National Bank Bldg. Pb. 43 Floreuce Avery Crowley, Plaintiff, of beginning, containing 94.30 records of Lane County, State of vs. David Dewey Crowley, De­ ! Manwarlng. Oregon, and covers the following acres of land, more or leas, toget­ Eugene Fruit Grower'» Ans’n fendant. Watdhmakor and Jeweler described real property In Lane her with the appurtenances and To David Dewey Crowley, defend­ Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers Roseburg Folk Stop — M r. and County, Oregon, tovrit: MPRJNOFUBLD hereditaments thereunto apper­ ant above named: GLENWOOD PLAYERS TO and Shipper*. Ice and Cold Storage. ! .Mrs. Harry Rapp of Roseburg stop- Bo. Paolflo Watoh Inspector taining or belonging, and direct­ You are hereby summoned to ap .... Commencing at the Southwest College Ire Cream Manufacturers. First Class Work at Reasonable ing the sale of said real property COME OUT ON FRIDAY pear and answer the complaint | ‘‘¿ r* 8 ™ da> to. / J w,,h_ Mr Corner of the E. W. Rhea and Priese. by sheriff's sale, for the satisfac­ Coco Cola— Klst Beverages filed against you In the above en- and “ Mr*. Harry Whitney. They wife Donation Land Claim No. tion of said judgment after pay Two one-act plays, "Kidnapping titled cause and court within four were on their way home from Cor­ Cider Vinegar 44. No. , . Notification _ . „ 3777 in „ Town- ment of the cost and expense of Betty," and "A Weakness for weeks from the first publication vallis. Phone 1480 ship Seventeen, South of Range 8UC^ gaje_ f o r judgm ent fo r any de- General Law Practica Of this summons and If you fall MhrTj.' We8t j ° f the , W lll* “ ette ■ tlciency against said J. A. W illard, Ferry near 8th Ave E. Eugene. Nurses" will be given at the Glen­ so to answer, for want thereof Meridian, and runn ng thence | M ali nda a . W illard. Colby Fleenor, Go to Portland— Mrs. George W il­ I. M. PETERSON wood school Friday evening. The plaintiff will apply to the court for East on the South line of said H . A. Fleenor, and foreclosing all Attorney at-Law Shoemaker Back — J. Nelson, plays are being presented by mem­ thu relief a d to his work after an absence of club. Springfield, Oregon ant be set aside and wholly annul­ W illiams, a professor at Benson East 2.04 chain«, more or leas, , tlon, and other relief. This sum­ several week«. He Injured bis hand led. and that plaintiff be allowed 1 Polytechnic school. to tbe left bank of the McKen- mons is published by virtue of an N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA LE , lit rloslng an automobile door some to resume her maiden name. ste River; thence meandering order of Hon. G. F. Skipworth. REAL PROPERTY said bank in a Northerly direc­ Judge of said Court dated Febru­ I time ago and has been unable to Guests Here— Mrs. Freed« Peter­ This sumons is served upon you N O TIC E Is hereby given that by tion downstream to Its intersec­ ary 16th. 1935, directing publication i use the hand until recently. virtue of au execution and order by publication by virtue of an order son. Dallas, department president tion with the North line of claim; thereof for four weeks in the of sain Issued out of the Circuit of the Hun. F red Fisk. County of Ladies of the G. A. R. for Ore­ thence West parallel with the Springfield News, at Springfield. Estate of Robert Innls. Deceased. Court of the State of Oregon for Judge, acting In the absence of the gon. and Mrs. Gertrude Dowling, South line of said claim to the Lane County, Oregon. The date of Lane County this 29th day of Jan­ Circuit Judge, dated February 14. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S West line thereof and thence the first publication Is February uary, 1935, upon and pursuant to a 1936. directing that summons be department inspector, from Albany, of Pittsburgh, Pa. South on said West line 23.36 21st, 1936 Notice Is hereby given that G. E. decree duly given and made by said served upon you by publishing the were week-end guests at the home chains to the place of beginning, Jacoby has been by the County FR ED E. S M ITH . Attorney for Court this 29th day of January. same once each week for four sue- of Mr and Mrs. Fred Louk. excepting the railroad right-of- - Court of the State of Oregon, In Plaintiff. Re*. A P. O. Address 1935. to a suit pending therein in cesslve weeks In the S pringfield' way over and across said pre­ aud for loin» County, appointed Ad 406 Miner Bldg.. Eugene. Ora. which Otto A Nickel, and Otto A. News, and requiring you to appear Visit Parents— Mr. and Mrs. W il­ mises; also excepting a right-of-1 mlnlstrator of the estate of Robert Nickel as Admlnls’ rator of the and answer the complaint In this (F 21-28 — M 7-14-31) way granted to the Tri-State R a il-' liam Farrelly of Portland and Or­ : Innls. deceased. Kepresanted By estate of Anna Nickel were plain­ suit within four weeks from the way and Power Company, Octo-1 All persons havlug claims against tiffs and Virgil E. Keyt and Mar- first publication thereof. This sum­ ville Eaton, also front Portland, her 18, 1910. by deed recorded on I the estate of said deceased are gurlette Stanford were defendants mons Is so first published Feb. 14, were here over the week-end to E. H. TURNER page 238 of Volume 87 of the hereby notified to present the same, which execution and order of sale 1936 visit at the home of Mrs. Farrelly’g deed records of said County, all 84« A St. Springfield, Ora. ' duly stated and verified, at the was to me directed and command­ 8. D. A LLEN. Attorney for and Mr. Eaton's parents. Mr. and of said lands containing 86 acraa, tÁ ltM L lfA residence of A. E. Wheeler, at 710 Plaintiff, Residence and P. O. ed me to sell the real property more or leas, and situated In Lawrence street In Eugene, Oregon, Mrs. Harvey Eaton. Address. Eugene. Oregon. hereinafter described to satisfy Lane County. State of Oregon. within six months from this 14th certain liens and charges In said (F 14 21-28- M 7-14) Together with all water and water day of February. 1935. decree specified, I w ill on Satur­ rights used upon or apurtenant Visit at Salem— Mr. and Mrs. O. E. JACOBY, Administrator day the 2nd day of March. 1936, at to said lands and however evi­ Wallace Hawke spent the week-end of the Estate of Robert Innls. the hour of ten o’clock, A. M., at F IN A L N O T IC E denced. Deceased. at Salem where they visited with the southwest door of the County , A. E. W H E E L E R . Attorney. And for such other and further Court House In Eugene. Lane IN T H E CO UNTY CO URT OF their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. (F 14-21-38— M 7-14) STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE County, Oregon, offer for sale antf und Mrs. O. F. Holt, and at Dallas relief as prayed for and deemed Formerly Walker-Poole COUNTY. proper by the Court, all of whldh sell at public auction for cash, sub­ N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S In the M atter of the Estate of where they visited with their son. will more fully appear from the I f you go East this winter, why Notice Is hereby given that the ject to redemption as provided by EUG ENE— U th SPRlNG FlIfll.D Frank H. Weber sometimes Wayne. not go through C iW u ra ii and verified complaint filed herein. law, all of the right, title and Inter­ ' undersigned has been duty appoint­ known as Franklin B. Weber, de­ and Cbarnelton This summons Is served upon 228 Main Southern Arisons? Ride our ed Administrator of the Estate of est of the defendants In said suit ceased. you by publication thereof once Phone 62-J Telephone 723 Anna Nickel, deceased, by the and of all parties claiming by, famous Sunset Limited or Golden Notice Is hereby given that the each week for four succeesive County Court of I.nne County, through or under them or any of undersigned administrator has filed ! FORMER RESIDENT TO State Limited through America's weeks. In The 9prlngfleld News, a them In or to the following des­ Oregon. All persons having claims his final account In the ubove en­ sunniest winter region. Stopover BE MARRIED TODAY newspaper of general circulation, , against the said estate are hereby cribed real property, to-wlt: titled matter that the court has as defined by Section 1-610 of Ore­ anywhere. 1 notified to present the same, prop­ The North fifty-three and one- appointed Friday the 8th day of Miss .Mt- 1 ha Mellon, daughter of gon Code Annotated, printed and erly verified as by law required, to For details, aec your local third feet of Lot numbered One March 1936 at ten o’clock In the published at Springfield, Oregon; the undersigned at the office of (1) In Block numbered Seven­ forenoon as the time for the hear­ Mrs. Mary Dessie Mellon, and by order of Hon. G. F. Skipworth, agent or write J. A. Ormandy, Wells A Wells. Bank of Commerce teen (17) in the Janies Huddle­ ing of objections to sa d final ac former resident of Springfield, will Gsnsrsf Fmirisger X g rM , 709 Judge of the above entitled court, Bldg.. Eugene, Oregon, within six ston’s Extended Addition, as re- count and the settlement thereof, be married today to George W. made and entered on the 16th day FsdAc Building. Portland, Ora. months from the Cate of the first corded In the County Clerk's O f--A ll persons Interested may appear of February, 1936- and the first 1 publication of this notice. flee in Eugene, Lane County, uud file objections If any they Evans of Eugene. The wedding Is publication thereof was made on Date of first publication, Feb. 7, Stute of Oregou. to take place at St. Mary's cathed­ have. the 21st day of February, 1936. 1836. Dated thia 29th day of January, Dated this 7th day of February. ral la Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. John A. E. WHEELER, Attorney for OTTO A. N IC K E L, Administra­ 1935. 1936. plaintiff. Residence and post Stewart of Bremerton, the latter a tor, C. A. »W AR TS, Sheriff. C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R , Admin­ office Address, 710 Lawrence sister of Mr. Evans, will attend the W B L I-8 A W ELLS, Attorneys. By A. B. HULEOAARD, Deputy. istrator. street, Eugene, Oregon. (F 7-14-21-28 — M 7) bridal couple. (J. 31— F 7-14-21-28) (F 7-14-21-28 — M 7) (F 31-38 — M 7-14-21) Secretary Absent— Mlm Ina Cle Visiting Mother— Mrs. Robert ment. seer tary at the high school, Brady of Oceanside Is here to visit I abse- t from hi r desk this week with her mother Mrs. <’. N l.usby i due to Illness. for a few days. Flu Victim Better— Miss Evelyn Buell, who has been III with influ- Hay Buyer Hsrs—O H. Hrrog- enxe for the past week Is much glns of Tillamook was here the better this week. first of the week to purchase hay for sale In Ibis district. Cots Thumb— Billy Orr cut a AUTO DEALERS Business Directory Edward C. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. GO EAST SUNSHINE POOLE Funeral Home Pacific DON’T FORGET O N E P A IR OP E Y E S FOR A W H O L E L IF E T IM E The common tendency of In­ dividuals to abuse vision has Indeed reached gigantic propor­ tions. Statistics show that an average of seven out of ten- per­ sons unknownly suffer from eye­ strain. which Is the fundamental cause of severe headaches, dlstl- ness, nervous strain, and a gen­ eral run down condition. I t de­ creases happiness and retards progress. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 W e s t 8th Eugens THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries Tttt ÍAVANMAH BUILT AT SAVALIUAH IT s u e t P O E iM T TA4CS LOM« TO COVER G BOOM 0 IM CXJV~ ROCM6T-PLAUE.EH BOVS? By ED. KRESSY r 0UB ttOCKtT- P tA H t OCT6U4 ALBOtS TUE ATLANTIC OCEAN IN A SgW M IN UTES. LA Y* ( H n o w THE FIRST n u u t-A T U N n STRAM-OOSn M A P * IT . O /X d r » M 6 TNB P IM T V M K L to C A M E th * ATLANTIC U N P U CTLAj I W *D»LT AT o u t a g e in m u amo wa * n g h i * t u > n < it l s V y Q u t a a c AMP U A C R O P LMBOFOOLIM U M Y 6 ..0 H T M a v O M a * M l CDN6UMEO S o 1 h M / a * M