Z MH9t£ * THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS NO. 6 LÄS1 HOOP GAMESh » " " s," denli LIONS WILHOTE FOB SEASON P'-' h “ ' A‘ u M ' MEETING ISSUE Corvelli» And Eugene High Battle For Dietrict Title At Corvelli« Friday 5> f° r CHECK BLUE Needy Groups tmns io o ftr cm PROPEfm Gro», Plovers SP0R1SCIEN HEAR Athenian Group From Cot­ County Seek» $3204.18 For vnee Of Five New Member« tage Grove To Give Mystery Game Department Also Anxi­ Mayor Appoints Appraisal » Me Announced At H. S. Club To Decide Question Of 1*00 Per.on.; Approve Re- Play Here On March 8 ous To Develop Native Committee To Establish Weekly Gatherings; Dr. quest For School Lunch ’’ rogram On Friday Trout For McKenzie New Values For Books "Spooky Tavern," three-act mys-i Morris Talks Gold The extMielon of the Springfield "K student» «1 Hprlngflsld Z. , , h. f it « ! f*ry play, will be given at the high grade school hot lunch project ! All property owned by the city ' " _ . BIRD SEASON MAY BE CUT il will hold IhMir senil- Member» of the Hprlugfleld Liona ¡ school auditorium Friday evening.! ! through the mouth of March at the of Springfield will be apprataed GROVE FORFEITS GAMES ■inbly program at the dub will hold their regular meet . « I of 3130 «4 of SERA funda for and the value» thua determined March 8. by the Atheniau club of Holding Pens For Pheasants auditorium Friday in , Taylor hall Friday noon th l. > p p w -d by (>(>un(y t .. .. Cottage Grove under the epoaaor- will lie taken aa the new valuation . _ ,___,__. University-Oregon State Will Prove Successful Gene . i o'slock It has boot) week, according to E. U. Stuart, hlp of the Springfield Lions club. Close Season At McArthur UUUOUUi •prUttoB of for repreaeBtot, ¥ t re.id eete of club meeting last Friday noon. Basketball will fade from the three Junior students who will ba Kleven character» are included mission would he pleased to raise l i t apeclal Importance to all mem­ (.„ y w, rg on a commit , g)l m e„ f|>h from n a 0 „ trout for libera­ ■port« picture for Springfield peo­ taken lu'^i mnmbershlp In the bers will be the matter of holding «•«»•» -e « 4 . and .uppH eaffr relief purpose» was alao a s k e d b y he |e < la red Krank U. Wire, ¿tale game hoop couteal to be played at Mr I b4, miQounred Friday and a vote will b e taken to deter-, this spring and summer If the state | T j I AdmlHuion pria Ml.('racken. L. K. Page ' •mperviaor, at the mouthly meeting Arthur court Haturday night at j Jullll eca teel of the »peach de- mine the dealree of the member ! com m ittee grant« the fund* asked. I tin ier Maxey, Baxter Young, E. K. ; canta. ttpooky Tavern in located in a of the McKeuzie Gateway Rod and 7 30 partment of the University of Ora- hip. In addition to furnishing the j Kepner arid N ale Howe. The high achool schedule for goo. will he the principal »peuker northern unlver»ity town, and the Gun club at Taylor hall Monday At tho meeting mat Friday Dr. Ì seed» thia year, the commit!« The committee will meet and ael Hprlugfleld was completed Tueaday and aeveral musical number« will Victo, Morris, p ro les« ., of econo-, * ning. gardenpra| ... .e I chairman. They will then , olav , » * start at about eight a{ o'clock evening wlteu HI. Mary'» of Eugene be given. T hese have not been an- mica at the unlveralty. d iscu ssed , Nearly 200 person« attended the supervisors to as Is. the needy net tbelr he given a liât oi all city property > -e — ___ . l . . . . l ^ L , n z»v i Ile a > r handed Hubert Chatterton'. boy» the rtx o ijt g gold o ,u O ca H s e due o e . la j - ion . o - of e . tha ln Ptannln, . nd ptanllng -■ lo ...„„p,,.. a new set o i l * " 1' Tb‘’ «’*“>' U“ ‘* • r«tor" for 10 33 defeat on the HalnCs floor The public In Invited to attend supreme court. Dr. Morris first w,„ enc<,uraBe . , a « l 15 minute». U-ndaace at such gatherings in tnte (D iversity high also annexed an 1 thl» spec lai aaaemhly program aayi «rmed the history of ev en t, which plM tlM M(» n ie « (orternent officer for Lane county, haunts (¿rwxzxkv Spooky T»v«*rn- Tavern, M M in innie: plans. Hons established during the boom Davis; Lucy Hacker, a spirltualls- u eu e Goff, manager of the Leaburg Local Teams Through dent; Irene Jeane«, secretary; and Franklin Roosevelt Into the White j period. The I. O. O. F. league haa oom Mary Klkow. treasurer. tic medium. Marlon Armstrong, Luuhery. and sportsmen from Eu- House at a time when the banks! pleiad Its achedule. and the local ' Joyce Wingate, a resourceful col- Beu¥, an(j the McKenxie and upper were falling because people had independent team» are about lege girl, Lois W illiams; Flora be! j W illamette valleys. lost confidence and were w ith -. through for Ute season. Wingate, h r younger sister, Flor Fj«.,iin.. 1U veer bottom beton«« to Mprtngfleld. Pauline <'i»ni»iit Clement. 10 year old old daugb- daugh In charge. Almost gold or In the devaluated money over by Al Pohl and N. L. Pollard. ; com m ittee I needed. Cottage Orov» taking the cellar let of Mr. and Mrs Decar U Clem and whether the government would electrician and plumber, who will ' enough funds in addition to the It still remains impossible to take I ent. 8h» had been 111 for «orne time, moved out. the space will be taken gift of 31250 left by Mrs. Janie poettlon pay the obligations in amounts of the native trout from the McKenxie but few reallxod the eerlousneee of j Cruxan have been pledged to the Orove Man Ineligible the devaluated money equivalent to preeent location. river and keep them to ponds until The Oro-e teem wae elttlng well | the Pauline ailment waa born at the home ! the value at the time they were John Henderer has taken a new fund of $2000 needed for the organ the spawning period as they dev­ position with the Mountain States and Installation. up In the column until this week elop a fungus growth which soon ; ; ,«■ >» »«• - — « “ James A. Bamford. representa­ Power compaiiy a« appliance repair ----------- i kills them, according to Mr. Goff. 26. 1»36. ruled tna. Harold Mlnney. a Iran. Held, Held, on on January January 35. »36 Hhe She had had valuation. tive of the Reuter organ makers This was the buala of the lawsuit man and will dt*votc hia full time H atchery and Flow er« will h e In Springfield / today to Win Two, Lose Seven In Nine (er from Vids who has been play­ Meets; Myrtle Creek To No additional money is spent at meet with the church officials and ing with the Grove team, was In­ at the Urattaln to the Supreme Court for a dects- ployed by that company. Come Here Tomorrow >»" McKenxie hatchery for flow er. eligible The a isle body declared past few years Several changes ln the Interior • complete arrangements for the pur­ j ______ and shrubs, said Mr. Wire. AU of ell gem e. In which which M ltu ey ' building. Bbe was also a member I Ion. chase. The constitution gives the cong ot the new location are being plan Springtield high school d» bators ibis work Is being done by regular p a rticip ate forfeited ! °< “ >« Methodist church Bunday Some of the preliminary work to rvss the right to establish aud re- ued by Pohl and Pollard These It 1« und»»r«t(xxl (bat no form al ‘ »cbool church necessary lo the instal- will end their season here. Friday employee* durittg alack, periods l a ­ gulate the monetary system , said will Include enlarging the front ' the in tlon of the musical Instrument afternoon when they meet the! ,beir work or on their own time, * * ‘ 1 part ot the shop to provide more ....... ....................... can be started at once, and It 1» Myrtle Creek high school team in a„d Mr. Goff and his workers U.^Hpmigne'ld’^ h o o l made no of efsters. Mr». Mary Bail. Stayton; come will he If congress makes fur-1 display space expected that two months time will the tenth debate of the season. The bould be complimented instead of Half of the hulldlug now houses tber reductions In the gold content be needed for the manufacture and debate will be open to the p u b lic. criticised. Helal proteal. declared W K. Buell, Ina. Oecar. Flora. Charles. Selma o f the dollar to create more money W. A Hall's shoe impair shop. This and tho^e Interested are Invited lo i n opening his address Mr. Wire local principal In announcing the and Carolyn, all at home, installation work. will remain where It now la. with which to cancel debts Is an attend says Miss Bernice C onoly,; »poke highly of Mr. Connor, and action thl week Several of the Funeral services were held from uncertainty, said Dr. Morris. debate coach. urged local people to work with the schools »eked Cottage Orove not Lhe Poole chapel to Hprlugfleld STATE OFFICERS HOLD . Representing Springfield high new game enforcement officer, to use Mlnney after the season was Monday morning at 10 INSPECTION OF CIRCLE f r . school will h e Lorna Chase aud Shorter Bird Season well under way and the Orove of | Rev Dean C. Poindexter officiated, GIRLS ENTERTAIN FOR Ronald Farnsworth, upholding the Asked whether or not he knew uud Interment wee made In the MOTHERS AT DINNER Local Iuka Member» Attend In- Helals acceded to th»- request. negative side of the question. Re- migratory bird season was Mt Vernon cemetery. Collaqs Oame Intoreats apection Of Eugene Group solved; that the Federal Govern to t.|OJed for one year, Mr. Wire About 100 mothers end daughters Interest locally Is high lu the Saturday N ig ht ----------- meat hould adopt the policy of staled that he did not know, but attended the dinner and program final colleglnle game of the Pndftc BROTHERHOOD HEARS Annual Laughteresque Stage equalising education in the several persoIiaiiy doubted that such a sponsored by the Springfield high Northwest between the Unlveralty Iuka circle, number 37. Ladles i EARLY INDIAN LORE school Girls le a g u e at the Metho­ states by meaus of annual grants mo¥e would be made. He predicted and O. » C. Saturday night. Al­ Auxiliary of the G. A. R. was offi j Show To Be Given At High I o secondary a n d elem entary an eve|1 shorter season and small- dist church Tuesday evening. though the Btatera have the nurth School Friday, March 15 •¡ally inspected here last Thursday 1.. F Iteudersou. profeasor of bl Program numbers Included a wel­ schools." er bag limit than that of last sea- cm title aafely tucked away the ulogy at the university, was the eveulng by Mrs. Freeda Peterson of; The Springfield team has lost , glday mornlng. 1“ ;lble to convince Jack Cullison, at NILE BENEFIT PARTY forum session will be held. Reports every night next week there will « » t h . h l) , nf h u m or e n to v e d The show this year Is under the t i„ded in their program was a trio |ha( , (me ganle comm ission chalr- AIDS CRIPPLED TOTS on the Home Interests Conference ba free basketball game» at the 1 '.k t th e meeting of Wll- management of Leroy Inman ana including Nadine Gardner, Marjorie n)an Qf tbg practicability of bulld- at Corvallis will be given and the high school gymnasium. Springfield was well represented P. T. A. chorus from Eugene will ast Council of the Am- th* classes hSve announced the c i ark, and Helen Hoffman, and tap ing lhe8e holding pens as a means The gnmes will be played be at the benefit card party which sing. The Dunn school will present a ?'V I I „ I . ,i,,.crih ed ln a following committee« to select dance numbers by Miss Clark an d , o{ greatiy increasing the number of tween the high achool, I. O, Ü. F. Daughters of the Nile. Eugene club Corvallis ' newspaper During the ' ’heir skits and present them. Fac- Miag Hoffman with Miss Dorothy bjrdg ra)8ed each season. These and Town teams, and will he sche­ a playlet. gave ul the Eugene hotel Saturday pen8 are now located to city parks evening's program 8. S. George, I advisors have also been ; Ann Rader as accompanist. duled by Hilbert Chatterton, high afternoon. A Total of 44 tables were Miss Clara Brook, student in at Ashland, and Klamath Falls, at former state commander, made a chosen as o ow s. TRUCK OPERATORS TO school coach. In play during tho afternoon. Mr» Seniors: Juanita Seaman. Ruth Springfield high school, presented (b(? agyium grounds in Salem, and Theae games are being arranged RE-REGISTER SAYS CODE sp.-ech and presented a banana Stratton. Janies Hill. Obert An- an original poem on George Wash- a( tbe gamo (arms at Corvallis and Flora Steerm er was winner of the to give all players additional ex­ stalk memento to M. B. Huntly. prlxoa In 600 piny. Mr». Olive J drews. and Ruth Pollard, with Glen i„gton, “I Cannot Tell a Lie." Pendleton. perience. The games start at 7:30 More than I486 operators of I f '3 president of the council. The Cor­ Martin and Marguerite M l l l h o l l e n -------------------------- Heblian wa» chairman of the tables Local sportsmen were advised vallis veterans It seem s get much truck» In Oregon are preparing to committee. as advisors. DOG LICENSES NOW during the meeting to proceed with LANE GRADE TEACHERS Proceeds from the party are used re-register their vehicle» under delight In giving their Springfield Juniors: Lamoyne Black. Bobby SOLD AT CITY HALL their plans to build a holding pen comrade the old army “raspberry.” j the Trucking code In the new code TO MEET ON SATURDAY by the club to aid drtppled children at the game farm near the city. Calkins. Colleen Cornell, and Bar­ at the Shrine hospital In Portland year, which has Just begun. j-,rvieT C t o HEAR I bara Bariteli. Barnelt. Mary Elisabeth tiix a o eiu Whlt- nun- Today Is the last day on which w(tb the as-urance that the new The eecond year begun February There will be a meeting of the r r n i i z w c o v D A C T n Q ney and Glyde DIUey are advisors, licenses for dogs may be obtained commission would approve of the 11. but the Stnl Code Authority Lane county chapter of the Oregon S E R M O N S BY F A a lU Sophomores: Margaret Meek, without payment of the additional | ProJect. FRIENDS GATHER FOR will not begin the real drive on Association ot Intermediate Teach­ "Phv.lclan Heal Thvself" will be i Edna Vest. Juan Stratton. L u th er penalty, and local dog owners do ^ e r the holding plan a few SURPRISE ON TUESDAY registrations until February 18. By er« thia Saturday, March 1. It will I byniiiAn. y lnhftlir itiih Wpiirhl and Clara not have to go to Eugene and wait roosters and many female bird» are subject for morning not^tto courth()use to pur. ,aken ironl the game farni peng and that dali>, registration forms and the e subject — the --------------- - sermon Stelnhanr. UH. Weight, and be held at the Del Rey cafe at Friend» of Mr. and Mr». Riley other materials will be ln hands ot at the Methodist church Sunday at Brooks. Marlon Hall and ( larabel noon. chase a license for their fldo. Ches- piaced in the holding pens erect- Snodgrass gathered at their home every known for-hlre operator In 11 It was announced today by Rev. | Wagner are advisors. A very fine program and enter­ ter Aldrich, Springfield recorder, e,i by the sportsmen until after Tuesday evening for a surprise Dean C. Poindexter. The Bible Freshmen: Alice Logan. Leon- Oregon. tainment Is planned. The sixth has been made a deputy C ounty' the hunting season closes. The visit. After an evening spent with sclnx.l will meet at 9 4b and tho ard Clearwater ftorothy Taylor t(>, then and grade from the Frances Willard cards those present enjoyed late Endeavor groups meet at 6 oclocE Fran,.Pg Cornell G eorge Drury. I . ,,, wjnter , () iegain , he,r wlld traltg school will present In a chorus GETS STIFF PENALTY refreshment». Present for the even Rev. Poindexter will preach the aniI j oe Keever. Robert 1 hatterton., ( < f )r ^ , 1 (ed (o reproduce un. several musical number». Ing were Mr, and Mr». Ernest FOR IGNORING TICKET Either Mias Emma Hinkle of vesper sermon on the subject, ’ Bernice Conoly, and Mrs. Ida 1 and spayed female dogs, and 31.60 lnolested Uie next spring. Each bird Black. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Stone, Adatns are advisors. Monmouth, or Mrs Victor Morris Fallur to appear In Recorder's The More Excellent Way. This (or fem ale dogs. After today an thus reb used produces an average Mr. and Mr». Lee Putman, Mr. and service will start at 6 o’clock. will be the speaker. additional 25 cento will be added I „{ 10 young birds. Mrs. Elmer Findley, Mr. and Mr». court when given a ticket by a local All Intermediate teacher» are each month until July. Benton Plan Succe»»ful Fred Ixruk, Ml»» Eunice Gerber and police officer cost Verllle Preaton MERRIAM RECALL urged to attend. . ----------------------— The results In Benton county Ml»» Maxine Snodgrass, beside» the Miller, Eugene, a severe penalty EUGENE RECORDER ASKS The next meeting la scheduled ELECTION. MARCH 19 PRISCILLA POSTPONES AUDIT OF LIEN DOCKET j have been very successful said Mr. Saturday. honor gue»t». for Saturday, March 16. The place Miller was given a ticket on a NIGHT DINNER MEET I ADD—ROD AND gun club «..._ Calvin Bryan. Eugene city re-! Petitions asking the recall of to be announced later. _____ ¡Simpson. Today there are about Cuts Forehead— Eddie Sandgathe charge of reckless driving here In corder. has asked his city council Howard Merriam as legislator from January by night officer, Cowart. Members of the Priscilla club, two times as many birds as ther» Jr., seven year old, received a bad to furnish an audit of the city lieu! Lane county were filed with the MRS. SCOTT HOSTESS Secretary of State Friday and Mer- i have called off their potluck dinner an In Lane county In 1934 the gusli oli his forehead when he fell Miller fulled to appear and waa dockets. contends It s t i m a i y uocaeis. Bryan n r J a.11 n n i i s n u n that .. . i,.„ i nt ■lined fo r this ¡line department placed 12,000 later arrested at Monroe by state FOR BRIDGE PLAYERS while playing Monday. X 1 r“i ” : .......................... ; i ~ »• ..... ...... ............ ........... .. police. When returned here he was Member« of tho Kontract Bridge L»aburg Man Here-^Iohn Foun brought before Justice of the Peace brought up to date. The Springfield resign, which ho did not do and | will be held March 14. at the home for sportsmen. Kluh are meeting thl» afternoon at A total ot 572.0110 Mah wore re- tain of Leaburg was a business C. E. Wheaton, who Imposed a 326 Council began work on an similar ¡th e secretary of state has called , of Mrs. Cecil Mathia with Mrs. 1:30 for a de»»ert bridge party at (Concluded on Page 4) I »« . _____ a a aeA h 111 : lhe home of Mr». Walter Scott. The visitor from W altervllle Wednes fine and suspended hts driver’s lic­ the recall election for U March 1«.' ' M Matt Hart aa assistant h o ste « . project recently. ense for six months. day. club meets every other weak. FINAL RUES FOR SMALL GIRL HELD SS“ “ " H.S. 1Û WIND DP DEBATES FBIOH ïïl :’:'::,: x x ;“ z xi ..« . »... ........ . «-• »- - <—-» StudeiltS Stunts Started