T H » 8PR1NQFIBLD NBW8 VISITOR HEUE OH STAR INSPECTION PAO» FOX?» “DAVID COPPERFIELD" FORD AND SON PLAN COMES TO MCDONALD VISIT TO COAST SOON TOWN AND VICINITY Henry Ford will make a personal VESPER PROGRAM glim Company »pent Tw o Veere visit to the Weal Coaat thia sum M aking Moving Ploturee Of ____ mer to «ee the California Pacific Oickena Spie Story Out of Hospital— Moody Neel re ( III at Home—Mt«» Kvelyu Buell Mr. Peterson’» Version State Chapter Haad Pays Of« which lg in at her home at the present turned home from the hospital In , International Kxpoaltton. A story has been circulated that Eugene during the w eekend. fiolal Vlalt Tuesday; Man opens May 2» at San Diego. Kdsel time. After more than a year of prep the Mayor had the Recorder write R oaehurg-K . 1» Tur Annual Presentation Of M. E. aratlon and filming, ’David Copper H Ford. Bre»ld»ut of the Ford Jasper Man Here—J. N. Bnlvety In Charge Of Social » letter to the Mt. Ht»«*» will al»o visit the Mayor at no»eourg Choir To Ba Sunday; field 1» finally coming to the Motor company, win r vUy mayor, made a hualnaaa of Jasper was here Balurday tor a Company at Albauy tor au appoint •creen-. exposition a m » «m e during h. Tuesday wae a buay day for » e m ­ business vlalt. Start Easter Cantata men! with their management; that It onena Sundav at the McDonald summer, but whether or not d r ( bers of t'eacade chapter. O- L ** cumatancee will penult tamer aim v v |a t _ Karl Kail n Thompson iom p oi. Has Operation— John Crawford the Recorder then look the tetter when they euterletned for Mrs. l, i t u u Coa, co a st— Th« choir of the Methodist theatre a« one of the gold medal cumalances will penult father and son to make the trip at the same a vtottor In the Bluslaw legl- d underwent a major operation at the to Mr. Harnett who told him to tear Myrtle II. Belereou, greud conduct church under the direction of Mr». ’’'s o 'Z o w p U y 't a r tX n l years has time cannot now k he determined, _____ . — a .iui^rniiite> u. Aubrey the letter was never malted ------ secretary at the high school. hg» began with a n«ou luuebaon uudar »err Ice This concert ha* been among the Immortal stories of all l>ovl(lsi>11 , a(tl -W • We e hope to make ,H. ,|( ¡„ (o|. a tew days Her al»ter Robert Footer of Lebanon were This story has rec»tv«Ml coustder given for the past few years and time«, it frequently was described overnight guests at the Springfield able circulation tu Springfield »nd the direction of Mr». 0 . K Whea MXpogltton a definite rador In Is taking her place. always attract» a large audience. by Charlee Dickens. Its author, as hotel Saturday. encouragement of friendship 1» designed to »how that the Re ton. Late In the afternoou a school Health Improve»—S. C. Wright • my favorite child. It is a • lo^ j ainong lb e nations. We are inviting «order waa not wllllug to cooper­ Complete details for the program Qoee To Hospital— Lynu lain» of tnetruelloa for officer» waa coo was quite tit «1 his home during the that haa been read by unlohl mil- goverulI,ent of all nations on ate with the Mayor and Council. cannot be announced thl» morning, pusl w eekend, but 1» reported to berry la to he takeii to a hospital The thinking people here know me dueled by Mr». Beteraou contluu but tt will Include anthem» by the lions since It first was puhllahed. the Pacific Ocean to participate th Sau Francisco today. Hl» »on. lug uutll the avenlug hauquet ar­ well enough to know that thl» etory choir, aoloa, duet», and other vocal and Its presentation ou the screen ' and, so far, we have had more than be much better now. Arble. will accompany him. ranged by Mr». l.ydla Kdgetl aud 1» not true. The truth le aa follow .: arraugemeuU, and »pedal piano ¡» awaited eagerly. a »core of acceptance» Back from Hospital — J“«’’ wl1’ her commit»»* The dlulug room No liber tic» have been taken Attend» Funeral— Mt»» Lucille The Mayor had the Recorder •nd violin »election«. Program The Ford building, cast In mod Bants has returned homo after re­ - ,.mbraclug open-air ceiving treatment* for the pa»t Richmond was here the first of Ihe write a letter requesting an ap­ was decorated by Mr» W. B. Buell number» will Include »ome of the with the original story according permitted by the mild mouth at the Shrine hospital for week from Portland to attend the pointment. but lolu the Recorder to aud Mra. Darr Wilson In the Ueorge beet known selection» In the »acred to advance Information It remalus a thrilling. dramatic> £ ’, h. rll M o r u l a climate. 1. to funeral for her graudmother. Mrs. ■ee Mr. Barnett before he mailed Washington motif crippled children at l>ortland. group. During the evening maellng an tale of adventure and romance. Just construction and Mery C. Magill Ihe letter and let him know what 'Transformed personallt.' is the exemplification of the work of the Visit Snow Sunday — Maxine was being done. Wheu Mr. Barnell as Dickon. wrote I t remaiu ln p»rk after theme of the mornlug serrnou Snodgrass. Margaret Mortensen. Filmed both In England and Am- was told about the lelter. ha »aid hapler waa given for Ibe gueet .. the exposition 1» over, which Rev. Dean C. Poindexter erica, ’’David Copperfleld Visitor» were also preeeut from Eugene. Lloyd Garrison and Lew THREE HONORED W ITH boasts he waa In touch wltu the Albauy will preach Sunday at 11 o’clock. au all-aur caat of unu»ual proper Cottage Grove. Junctloo City, fr e e u «til be an Immense circular Miles. Marcola and Eugene, were BIRTHDAY GATHERING office by telephone every day or The Church School meet« at 9:46 lions. No lees than slxty-flve «tars building, front «»I by a high tower, at the anowaport site up the Mc- well, end the two Eugene chapter». two and that he would like to make and the Epworth Leagues will meet and featured players have the prtn built on a promontory skirted on A »pedal guest was Mr». Alberta Three members of the Birthday the appointment by telephone The Kcnsle Bunday. at 6 o’clock. cipsl rotes, with many other play- three »Ides by a deep canyon. The club were honored here last night Recorder then returned to the City McMurpby of Kugeue wbo had Jual Burns Forehead— Wallace Hawke at a party held at the home of Mr. raturned for a abort vlall from rear of the building will opeu on u Hall and Informed Ihe Mayor .hat The choir Is now at work prepar ers in supporting parts. ------ ----- -— 'balcony which will afford visitors janitor at the high school Is nurs­ and Mrs. John Henderer. Follow California where »he la spending The cast of "David Copperfleld" Mr. Uarnell would prefer to make ing the sacred cantata. "The Seven _ beautiful view, with the glisten ing a bad burn ou his forehead ing the potluck dinner. Ihe guests the appointment by telephone end Ihe winter. Mr». McMurphy la a Last Word» of Christ,” by Th. Du­ reads like a Blue Book of the screen. W. C. Fields plays Mtcaw- tng Pacific In the distance. Over which he received laet week when spent the evening with cards. that It waa not necaeaary to malt past worthy grand matron of the bois. for Easter ber. the Improvident but lovable the terraced slopes of the canyon he fell against the door of the Guests honored were Mrs. Harry tbe lelter. The Mayor knaw of the grand chapter of Dragon Blaua for a social to he held after serio-comic character. Frank Law- ts to be built one of the most at holler. .M Stewart. Mrs. N. L. Bollard and entire tranaactlon at the time end the first March maetlug war» rneda ton and little Freddie Bartholomew tractive features of the Ford ex SENIOR H. & STUDENTS Mrs. Henderer. the appointment was mad« by tale- At Snow Saturday — Included hlbtt—the "Roads of the Pacific’ Among those present were Mr. phone end aa a result an audience Thia will tie uuder the direction of IN PICTURE W ITH MARTIN divide the title role. Lionel Barry­ —reconstructed replicas of typical among those who speut Saturday more. Madge Evans. Maureen O’ and Mr». Carl Olson. Mr. and Mrs had with the Mt Slate» Bower Oswald Olaon. R B Oldham and ul the White Branch winter sports M J. McKlln. Senior student» at the Springfield Sullivan. Edna May Oliver. Lewis roads of the principal countries site were Robert McLagan. Both William Lightfoot and son. Bitty. Company. * fronting ou the Pacific Ocean Stone. Ellxabeth AUanJ. Roland Mr. and Mrs. Dan Crltee and «laugh I. M BETERSGN. Recorder. high school are proudly looking at Uple. Mary Smltson. George trwtn, ter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitney. MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO a picture which they have received Young. Basil Rathboue, Elsa Lan and Jack Logan. M r. end Mrs. Harry Stewart. Mr. of them selves taken with Cover cheater. Jean Cadelt. Jessie Ralph. Editor'* Note—When shown thia HAVE LUNCHEON FRIDAY nor Charles Martin while on their Lennox Pawle. Herbert Mundtnr- Students Give Program— Lawr­ and Mrs. W N Long. Mr. and Mr». tetter and asked If he wlahad to recent visit to Salem. While visit these are but a few of the stars • ----------- ---------------------- Members of tha Missionary aocl- * ence Chase and Bill Whtte present­ Bollard, Mr. and Mr». E K. May. reply «o II In the same Issue. Mayor ing Ihe state building». Governor and featured players who portray Six students from Albany college ed a number of hrrmonlcs solos at and daughter. Florence. Mr and K H. Turner said: aty of tb« Methodial church will Martin readily agreed to step out "key" parts. held three services Sunday, at 11 the assembly program »1 the high Mrs. W. K. Barnett, and Mr and Mr. Beteraon'a version la not bold a public luncheon Friday noon ■tde of hi» office to pose with mem -------------- : a. m. in the W altervtlle church. my veraloa of what actually hap In the church basement Serving school Friday morning. A short Mrs. Henderer. pened In thia matter. However, we will be continuous from 11 unlit hers of the entire class SEEDS TO BE GIVEN During the afternoon at Vtda; tot stunt was also given will let that paaa. I understand that 1 30 It baa baan announced. PCID B E L IE F GARDENS lowing the C. E. service at Leaburg FOR RELIEF UAKUtmo e¥en,ng Mlgg Norton wbo is Class Cooks Luncheon Students HUNTLY GIVEN GOLD Mr. Beteraou la laavlng ua to go PIN FOR VET SERVICE Into business In anuaber city and I HAPPY EVENING CLUB Free seed» will be distributed leader of the group has been lu- in Mias Glyde Dilley’» home econ­ wlab to say nothlug that will reflect agaln this year to those persons tereeted in vacation Bible school omics class at the high school pre M B Huntly wa* one of the IS on hla Integrity. I wish him eucc WILL MEET TUESDAY pared u noon w „ luncheons - for several The high school was dismissed now on relief who want to plant a work In this section the past ew parru for several d rys last week eo stu garden. Each family on relief will years. M bs Edith Marquette sang. tIiemb,.rg of (be faculty on Friday past commander» of the Wiliam In bis new undertaking." Mouthty meeting of the Happy ette post. Veteran» of Foreign dents could attenu the basketball be encouraged to plant a garden A wag held a, tbe home of and Monday Eevenlng club will be held next Wars, to receive gold button» for Vlalt at galam— Roy Qulney. prln tournament in Eugene. this spring and they will be taught an)j ^|rg Keuueth Jennings »aiC their services at a meeting of the rlpal of the Lincoln school, end L. Tuesday eventug at the horns of James Hasting who has been run how to save surplus food from the ^ turday evening Aabout 25 guests G IR L S L E A G U E P L A N S veteran» held In Eugene Friday C. Moffitt, county achool aupertn Mlaa low s Carlton. Thia wilt ba a --------------- — ■ FOR — ■«' »»«-rot BANQUET MOTHERS evening The past commander» took (rodent, spent Tuesday at the teg home talent program It has been ning a rcctanrant In Eugene has garden for use during the winter were preaent> sold out a-id is row at the home of months. announced. over all office« In the post for the lalaturt- at Salem. i The W alterville Ladles Commun- Girls League members at Spring his parents. Mr. rud Mrs. Charles I ity club m eets all day Thursday field high school will entertain for meeting. Hastings. A full program of activities for with Mi»» Belle Millican for qullt- their mothers at their Mother- LEGION TO SPONSOR the remainder of the achool year Mrs. Rhodes from Salem spent Daughter dinner next Tuesday BOXING COMMISSION mg has been planned. the week-end with her daughter. The Belknap 3-C boys placed a evening. The dinner and program Miss Grace Rhodes, who is teach­ Members of the Springfield Am against the McKeuxle ** ------- « ill be held In the basement of the ing at Cet.ar Flat. ertcan Legion authorixed the ctr- Hedgi(leg basketball team Monday Methodist church starting at 6:30. MRS. SCOTT HURT IN McKenzie Valley | I Thurston eolation of petitions asking the ap- boxlilg com l’slon pointment of for Springfield at their meeting here last Thursday evening. It was decided to hold the next meeting of post number 40 at Walt- ervtlle. Legion Circus T O -N I G H T Show Starts 8:15 EUGENE ARMORY — 16 — BIG CIRCUS ACTS F R E E D A N C IN G F R E E G IF T S General Admission 25c loslDg by H t0 2g. Members of the W aiiervllte Christian church organisation will hold their monthly "church nite party Feb. 22 at W alterville school house. Plans for the atfalr were made at a special meeting of the group Tuesday morning at which time the following chairmen were nam ed’, decorations. Ruby Brood; program, Genevieve Henry: food.. Mary Catherine Harris; cleanup. Frances Cornell; and tables. I-uurle Down«. AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT Mrs. Loyal E. Scott Is at her home suffering with two broken ribs and other Injuries received Tuesday morning In an automobile accident In Eugene. Tbe accident happened at Thirteenth and Hll- At a special meeting of the 1. yard streets when another motor­ O. O. F. lodge of W alterville Sat­ ist driving north on Hllyard struck urday evening Charles P. Boole, GLENWOOD COMMUNITY the auto being driven by Mr». Scott WE WANT TO SELECT grand master of Oregon Odd F el­ TO HAVE FRIDAY MEET shoving It across the curbing onto lows; Dr. L. L. Baker, past grand the lawn. a reliable young man, now em master, and John Starr, all of Eu­ Monthly meeting of the Glenwood ployed, with FORE8IGHT, fair gene. were special guests. education and mechanical Incli­ community club will be held Friday MRS. REBHAN WORKER nations, who is willing to train Mrs. Mica EUls who ha* been evening. February 22 at the Glen­ spare time or evening» In Spring- wood school. Two one-act plays. ON BENEFIT CARD EVENT visaing at ai W ,, o altervtlle u t. ..... the —- * past ---- few w ih j u a. --------- ---- field to qualify as INSTALLA­ visiting TION and SERVICE expert in' months left for Seattle early this -Kidnapping Betty." and "A Weak Mrs. Olive J. Rebhan Is chairman O ..S * a ln ir r ii- Electric Refrigeration and Air ness for aa____ Nurses" are K being re­ week for the committee In charge of Conditioning. New, profitable hearsed and will be presented on able field. For Interview write. | tables, cards and prlxe«. at the Friday evening. March 1. A prlxe giving age and present occupe SPRING GRID PRACTICE quilt will be given away at the benefit card party which Daugh­ tlon. ters of the Nile will give Saturday STARTS AT UNIVERSITY meeting tomorrow night. afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Eu gene hotel. UTILITIES ENGINEERING University of Oregon. Eugene, LADIES OF G. A. R. WAIT The state head of the organlaa 1 INSTITUTE Feb. 21—University of Oregon foot­ INSPECTION TONIGHT tlon wilt be present from Portland, ball players will open spring prac­ 404 N. W e lle St., Chicago, III. and proceeds will be used a* a b en e tice drills next Monday. February Annual Inspection of Iuka Circle, fit for the Shrine hospital for crip­ 25, tt waa announced today by Ladles Auxiliary of the O. A R. pled children at Portland. Prink Calllson, head Webfoot grid will be held at the armory this coach. The players will report three evening with Mrs. Gertrude Dowl­ BROTHERHOOD MEETS times a week. ing of Albany, department Inspec­ Fourteen lettermen will be In­ tor, and Mrs. Freeda Peterson of AT CHURCH MONDAY' cluded In the group reporting for Dallas, department president. In Monthly meeting of the Metho-1 tbe opening sessions of the 1835 charge of the Inspection. The m eet­ (list Brotherhood of the Methodist I season. Calllson will be confronted ing will be held at 8 o’clock. with the task of replacing vacan­ Mrs. Egglmann Is entertaining church wilt be held at the church tes at center, both tackle posts and today with dinner for the out-of- Monday evening. A 6:30 dinner! at quarterback and left halfback in town visitors. Others who will be will precede the business meeting. Speaker for the evening has not tbe backfield. present are Miss Ina Clement. Miss been announced. Eva Louk.and Mr. Egglmann. M r .M e r c h a n t: D O N ’T B U Y 1936 Calendars U N T IL Y O U H A V E SEEN Our line of beautiful Art Calendars being shown for the first time in Springfield at THE NEWS OFFICE FIRST YEAR HOOPSTERS TO MEET AT CORVALLIS ADJUSTMENT RAISES HOG IN C O M E Inspected Ho, » 3 ™ P- d “S firat 8 Month», 1933 and I9 H Oregon State college rook bas­ ketball team will meet the Univer­ sity of Oregon frosh quintet at Cor­ vallis Friday night at 7:30 o’clock ln the third tilt of a fonr-game ser les. The final game with the frosh will be Saturday night at Eugene The yearling teams split last weeP-end. the Frosh winning at Eu gene 36 to 22 and the Rooks win ning at Corvallis 24 to 19. ,or Ltond BARRYMORE W. C. FIELDS MADGE EVANS Maureen O'SULLIVAN LEWIS STONE EDNA MAY OLIVER FRANK LAWTON ROLAND YOUNG tf S AN M G M PlCtURI = . -J - «ÎAa--—-«? Z - ____ Low Price In the ordinary Itema you must buy an a nef-easlty baa always been our policy. Eulop’a Department Store la here to serve you with tiuallty merchandise. Our Inter­ est Is your Interest and we want to give you Greater Value Per Dollar 12c English Broadcloth, yd. Chambray, yd. 12c .......................... 75c Brassiere, 38-44 sixes, Men's Broadcloth Shorts and Rayon Shirts Boys' Work Shirts ............... Pique White, yd.................................................... Cretonne, yd............. „.......................... ................ 15c 23c 39C 21 C 17c Curtain Nat, yd...................... SOUTH FOURTH STREET GETS GRAVEL SURFACE 9-4 Pequot Sheeting, yd. 39c Outing Flannel, yd. wide, ................................. 1 4 c Rayon Dance Set .............................. Ladies’ Rayon Pajamas Street workers employed under $1.50 House Dreasee ... the SERA street project have com pleted most of their work on South Fourth street and gravel Is now being spread over the surface of the street. Ditch cleaning and trim tiling of shoulders on Mill street continuing this week. Gravel will be placed on this street soon. OPENS SUNDAY ............. Men's Dress Pants RELIMINARY studies Indicate that a substantial Incre*«« In bog Incom« la resulting from the adjustment la hog marketing» effe* mated by U» 1983-84 emergency hog-buytng program» and th . I93t oom-hog production a d 1 u » I m « n 1 program of tha Agricultural Adjust SPEAKER COOTER AT ment Administration Tbe graph COUNTY CHAMBER MEET abova ahowa that the total eatlmate.t coat to packers for hogs alaughiei-'t John Cooter, speaker of the under Federal Inspection during th. House of Representatives at Salem nrat eight months of 1934, Including will be the principal speaker at the tha proceaalng taxes due. »•« *P monthly meeting of the Lane Coun- proxlmataly »100.000.000 larger then for the corraapondlng period In 1933 ty Chamber of Cojim erce to be Thia represent» an Incre«»« «t at Mct'rady’s cafe In Eugene held 1 about one-third In total coat and of tonight. This will be the first more than ona-half in the hundred meeting of the County Chamber I weight coat of live animal» At the this year, the January meeting hav­ I same time, the total Inspected ing been cancelled. P »laughter of boga for the Brat eight months of 1934 waa about 19 Per cent under the total for the corre­ sponding period for 1933 A part ot 11(1» gain has been due to an Increase In conautrer’e Income und to lomr adjustment ln tonnage ..ffactnated by the shortage of feed «iipplle» resulting from drought, but production control under the Agri- cultural Adjustment Act haa been a »rge factor Hog price« throughout ihe current marketing year are ex­ pected to average higher than for several Reasons. Corn-hog farmer» of th» United State» will have an opportunity to hold gains made thia paat year by cooperating In Ihe 193» eorn-hog pro­ gram now being offered by the Agri cnltnml Adjnatmenl Administration. Men's Work Pants Boys’ Frosh Pants Boys’ Cord Pants.............. Men's Moleskin Pants 49c 98C 89c 5 2 .9 8 5 1 .3 9 51^9 5 1 .3 9 5 1 .5 9 SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY We take pride In our Rime department. The qual­ ity, Rtyle and workmaiiHhlp In our Rhoee are the beat and we have hundredH of satlHflcd cuBtomerB who will atteflt to thlfl fact. Fulop’s Dept. Store 334 Main J. Fulop, Prop. Springfield. Oregon