PAOS T H W B THURSDAY, KKHiiUAHV 21, 1t>35 •■ N A Payroll— A woekly peyiuli i III lh« mini of IX l ( waa distributed 1 to local worker* Saturday. ‘WAR W ITH SPAIN" TO BE TRAINED ANIMAL8 GET ESSAY CONTEST TOPIC SPOT IN LEGION CIRCUS MARSH K H M l C O R K M IE H, Carllla, representetlv* of the General Lawton Auxiliary And £ A Classified Directory of Reliable State Body T a Award Leeal III« Lvglon Indoor clrcue, announ­ V isit* Parent* — O rville Melon Buelneee Firme end Professional Frlaaa For W inner* ce* that ev e ry th in * I* In readlnea* was hare over the w»t»k end (ruin People This Newspaper Recommende for the etart Ing of the abow to- i ortlaud to vtalt with hl* parent*, Announcement of eeeay contaat Fermera Signing Up Nearly eight In lb« Eugene Armory. Doors to You. open at 7 p. tit. and the show atarU prime to ea awarded locally by the 100 Per Cent: Controlled Colleeta Bounty— I’rlnco llelfrlch General Lawton auxiliary. Veteran* 1 at 8:16 p. m. Expansion Is Aim of Vida collected the county bounty The circus will have all the at­ of the Hpaniah American War. In In th * »uiu of |T on coyote pelt* nnec-tlon with the nationwide he b- 16 hi PHOTOGRAPHERS, FILMS mosphere of the big (ope. with all Ma Monday at the office of the county DANCING nteat being conduct’ d by the Na­ (toalnc date for signing applica­ AUTO DEALERS tb«f clowns, trapeze artlaU, wire clerk. walker«, Juggler*. Iron Jaw per­ tional Auxiliary wax made tble tion* for the 1938 corn-hog con­ Carl R. Baker Film Shop DA N C E ANDEHHON MOTORS, INC. former*, and the usual dog*, mon­ week by Lena S. Veach. Coburg. Kalim an Filma — Kodaks — tract* by the Oregon board of re­ AT WINTKRGARDKN H a * Operation— Lee (lay of rout* Expert Repairing —■ All Work All entries In the eeaay contest view which held 14« flrat meeting key*. and pool«». Fram e* — Album*— Motion 1, underwent a major operalloti at •T h e Dance That's Different" Guaranteed. There will be a troupe of trained II! be Judged locally fir t and recently. T h l* date la somewhat Picture Camera*. the Pacific hospital In Eugene tail razor har k Arkansas bog* that will then by the elate organization, earlier than that set last year, but • (la *. Oil, T ire * and Batterie* Wa Photograph Everything Every Saturday Night lliuraday evening do astounding stunt* on the tight each of which noil» will award a* there la little work to renewing Anywhere. blh and A Bla.. Springfield Ph. 49 prize*. before they are tent to na­ the contract* It was felt that first wire, ladder*, and slide* Uenta 36c Ladles 10c M all film a to P. O. Boa 667 Injure* Hand— Alfred Towmond After each nlgbU' performance tional headquarter*. payments would be *pead*4t up and 698 W illamette. Kug«ne Pb. 636 lecelved medical care here Friday BROWN MOTOR CO. there will he free dancing and free Sublet: (or the coulee! will be the best lntere«t* of all be served FURNITURE after he bad a large apllnter Jam­ PRINTERS door prize*. CH RYSLER *nd P L Y M O U TH completing (he campaign The War With Spain. The es»ay* by med Into the palm of bla hand In Leue county should be mailed promptly. Saia* aod Service JOHNSON FURNITURE CO THE WILI c AMETTE p r e s s while working at the Booth Kelly to Mr*. Veach, Box 22. Coburg, Farmers who understand the Range* and Circulators Complete Automotive Service •U M M O N t Lumber mill. Springfield not later than May 19, 1936. Other 1935 contracts are signing up near Open Day'and Night Several Lines Including Montag. Phone 2 I IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E rule* of the cooteet are aa follows: ly 100 per cent, according to re­ 196 East Broadway Phone 1767 Linoleum—Inlaid aod Felt Base •U M M O N t STATE OF OREGON IN AND Business Stationery— Office Forme Attractive Prices on Furnitur* Alt boys aud g irl* from twelve to port* to the extension service by Eugene, Oregon FOR T H E CO UNTY OF LANE Circuit Court of the M ata of Ore­ Booklet* — Placard* — and Ruga. I The Federal Land Bank of Bpok fllteeu years Incluelve. are eligible those assisting with field meeting*. gon for Lane County. Dodger*, etc. une, a corporation. Plaintiff, Florence Avery Crowley, Plaintiff, to take part. E**ay* must not be In a serie« of meeting* in central He» Ua Before You Buy HCIIKItHIt MOTOR CO. va. David Dewey Crowley, De A Modern Print Shop Producing -va- over five hundred word*, aud must and southern Oregon every grower W * Deliver Phon« 1186 BUICK oLDSM OBILM — A. C. W ell* aud Nora K. Welle, feudanl. Up-To-Date Printing attending signed up again with the 649 W illam ette Eugene huaband and wile; L. M. Nolen be received at National Headquar­ To David Dewey Crowley, defeud PO NTIAC Phone and a Salaaman W ill Call. aud L. E. Nolen, w ile and oua- ter* before July l it . 1936. The Na­ exception of one. ant above named: Motor Cara GROCERIES Want to Control Expansion baud; Edgar Hupp, Paul Blazer tional Auxiliary, will give an award You are hereby euuiinoued to ap­ SALES and SERVICE SCHOOLS-COLLEGES Considerable misunderstanding aod A. A. Brtatol. aa trustee* for twenty-five 126) dollar* for the pear aud an* war the complaint t ooperatlve »'arm," a voluntary | «« twenty-five tael uoi.a filed agalnal you In the above en­ 7th and Oliva HU. — Phon* 866 DIRBLBVB co-operative a»»oclaliou; Edgar beat In the Lulled Slate*. The De- concerning the new provision* ex­ titled cauea and court within four Eugene, Oregon. RED A WHITE GROCERY Hupp and Zaddle Hupp, huaband | partmenl of Oregon, will give a ist* and I* keeping many away ENROLL MONDAY week* from the flrat publication and wife; A. A. Bristol and W lul pr(je o( fl¥„ dollar* lor the from the *ign-up meeting*, report* Phone 4 of till* eummoua and If you fall BATTERY SERVICE For (red Brtatol, husband aud wife ao to auewer, for want thereof best ic the elate. General Lawton indicate. Many believe that further Cor. 4tb and Main Bla., Springfield Uuuuar Muller aud Jane Doe M il­ Shorthand. Bookkeeping. Typing reduction below the number of plaintiff will apply to the court for ler, husband and wife; George Auxiliary, of Eugene will give three Day and Night Claaiee LANECO the relief naked In the complaint, prizes for the best In tbi* locality. hog* produced for market In 1934 HOSPITALS Robertson and Jane Doe Robert via, that the marriage relation *■- Eugene Buhlness College BATTERY FACTORY sou, husband and wife; Kuute tlve ,5 , ' dollar*, for first prize. •a required in the new contract*, tilin g be I w eon plaintiff and defend­ “A Good School” when Just the opposite 1* true. Madson aud Jane Doe Madeon, & )3) dollar* for second- aud PACIFIC HOSPITAL. Bark at onr old location, I»*** ant he aet aside and wholly annul­ Phone 666 Miner Bldg. huaband and wife; el al. Also all ’ The 1935 contract« really call for INC. led. aud that plaintiff he allowed overhead your gain. See our naw one 111 dollar for third prize. Eugene, Oregon other per»ou* or partle* unknown material batteries In genuine Date* to reaiime her maiden name. "controlled expansion” as the grow­ 12tb and Hllyard claiming any right, title, estate Thia aumona Is served upon you hard rubber cnee* before you buy. er may produce 15 per cent more Phone 2600 lien or Interest In me real estate SERVICE STATIONS by publication by virtue of an order All parte handmade In Eugene For Patron* for Dance— Dr. and Mrs. of hl* established hog base than . described in the complaint here­ Eugen--. Oregon uf the Hon. »'red risk . County capacity—service— price— none bat­ Melville 8. Junes were patrons for in, Defendant*. was allowed last year. In other Judge, acting In the absence of the ter. R EC IIAR O INO — REPA IR IN G . A ST. SERVICE STATION TO: A. C. W ell* aud Nora E a dance given by Chi Omega soror­ words he Is permitted to produce Circuit Judge, dated February 14, 346 Van Buren ■ • 11300* 100M ity at the University In Eugene General Oa«ollne. Oil and Oreaaee Wells, husband and wife; L. M. e u g e n k h o s p it a l 1936. directing that summon* be and market up to 90 per cent of his Nolen and L. E. Nolen, wile and Saturday evening. eerved upon you by publishing the Goodrich T ire* "The Friendly Institution" CREAMERIES base instead of 75 per cent. huaband; Edgar Hupp. Paul Blazer *ame once each week for four auc- “A Home Owned Station." Phone 1800 aud A. A Bristol, a* trustee* for Furthermore, because of exces­ rosalve weeks In the Bprlngfleld SUMMONS Eugene 6th end A 8t*.. Springfield, Ph. 44 •'Co-operative »'arm," a voluntary News, and requiring you U> appear Demand lb * Beat—Coala no M o r * i t I( 2 W illam ette sively low production In w>m« co-operative association; Edgar aud auewer the complaint In thia BLUE BELL | ________ . IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E counties last year, some growers Hupp and Zaddle Hupp, husband suit within four week* from the S T A T E OF OREGON FOR L A N E could double their hog production Dairy Product* Mitchell Service Station and wife; A. A. Bristol and W ini­ Orel publication thereof. This autn LADIES READY-TO-WEAR CO UNTY. fred Bristol, husbanu and wife; Ice Cream. Butter. Cheese. M ilk of last year and still stay within A L L R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS ■ uud » la so flrat publlabed Feb. If. Gunnar Muller and Jane Doe Mol- the contract limits and collect the 1935 — Yale T ire * — EUO ENE FARMERS CREAM ERY, ANOELINE DRESS SHOP S T A T E L A N D BOARD OF ORE ler, uusband ano wife; George 8, D. A LLEN , Attorney for Greasing • Battery Recharging GON, composed of Charles H. benefit payments at the rate of Eugeue, Oregon Pboee Eugene 6X8 Robertson and Jane Doe Robertaon. Plain tiff. Residence and P. O. M arlin, Governor of Oregon; 615 per head for the number re­ Expert Radio Repairing by husband and w ife; Knute Madson Address. Eugene. Oregon. Popular Priced Dree««* Rufus C. Holman. Treasurer of presented by the 10 per cent re­ and Jane Doe Madinin, husband and LEE CRAY (F 15-tt-W— M 1-1«) DENTISTS Allen A. Hosiery Oregon; Earl Snell, Secretary of wife; Also all other person* or par­ duction. Phono 48-J Smte of Oregon. Plaintiff. ties unknown claiming any right, 63 K Broadway Phon»- 633-W F IN A L NOTICK Other liberal feature* this year 7th and Main Bla. 8prlngfl*ld title, estate, lien or Interest in the VS. Eugene, Oregon I)R. O. A. BROWN IN T H E CO UNTY C O UR T OF real estate described in the com­ J. A. W illard and Malinda A. W ill­ Include permission to purchase and Hoar* 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. ard, his wife; Colby Fleenor, H. raise as many feeder pigs as de­ 8TATE OF OREGON FOR LAffE OREGONIAN plaint herein, DEh'ENDANTS. LUMBER A. Fleenor. his wife; M. Forsberg Phone 20 J CO UNTY. IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STA TE SERVICE STATION doing business as Professional sired. removal of lim it on total crop Iu the M atter of the Katate of 6th and Main Bla. OF OREGON: You aro hereby re­ Springfield At the Springfield Junction The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. Credit Service; Lane County, acreage or livestock numbers, and Frank B. Weber eomellme» quired to appear and answer the Resident* 728 A Street Fnrnlsbee a GAS AN D O IL8 Oregon, a oody politic and cor­ I d the case of corn contracts, per­ known aa »'rauklln II Weber, de­ complaint filed agaln*l you in the porate in and of the State of mission to grow anything but corn ceased. ■Service Day and Night. above entitled court within four COMPLETE HOME Oregon; Road District No. 41, a Notice la hereby given that the Grocery Sundries. Tobacco"» and week* from the first publication of on the contracted or "shifted" DR. WM. N. DOW Building and Repairing Service. body politic in and of Lane umleralgned administrator has tiled thia summons In the Springfield D E N T IS T Picnic Goods. County. Oregon; School District acres. hie final account In the above en­ For Service Phone 8prlngfl»ld 65 News, towlt: »Tom the 21st day of West Springfield Ph. Bpr. 33-J February. 1936; and If you fail so No. 154, a body corporate and titled matter that the court baa X-Ray Diagnosis — Hour* 9 to IX or If no answer, phone 34-J. politic in and of Lane County, appointed Friday the 8th day of to appear and answer, for want 1 to 6 by appointment. NEW PASTOR STOPS FOR Springfield. Oregon; County High School March 1935 at ten o'clock In the WOOLEN MILLS thereof, plaintiff will apply to the V ISIT HERE TUESDAY District No. 164, a body politic foreuoou a* (be lim e for the bear- Office Phone 8 — Rea. Phone 67 court for the rollef prayed for in and corporate In and of Lane lug of objection* to said final ac­ Flrat Nat'l Bank Bldg. Springfield PHYSICIAN - SURGEON its compla.nt. EUOENE County, Oregon. Defendant«. count and the settlement thereof. Rev. I. G. Shaw, recently called Said suit I* brought for the pur­ WOOLEN MILL CO. To Colby Fleenor and H. A. Fleo to serve the Springfield Christian All peraona Interested may uppear ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES pose of necuring a Judgment for DR. MILTON V. WALKER Manufacturer* of Woolen*. and file objection* If any they | the unpaid balance of a certain nor. Defendants:— IN T H E NA M E church, was In Springfield Tues­ Surgery and Disease* of Women Inspect our New Inatallalton at have. note In the K___________ principal sum ___ of 69. O F T H E STA TE OF O REG O N .— Specializing In Ladle* Dated (hl* 7lh day of February. 4th and Main Sts. Springfield 500.00 dated *the 8th day of June 1 You and each of you are hereby day afternoon meeting members of the State Game Farm. COATINGS AN D 8 U IT IN O 8 . 1923, made, executed and delivered I required to appear and answer the the local church and Investigating 1936. __ Phone 82-J Weatlngbouse Lamp* aod Retail Department at M ill. bv A C Wells and Nora E. W ei’s. I complaint filed against you In the living quarters. He stopped here C. A W IN T E R M EIER . Admin Appliances. Eugene. Ore , ¿ ,,¿ „ 4 und wlfe. to the plaintiff above entitled suit within four titrator. East End 6th Ave. IF 7 1431 26 - M 7) ______ _______ ______ ‘ herein, with interest, advances, at- weeks from the date of the first enroute home from San rancisco MELVILLE — S. - JONES. M. D. *1 KN DEREK ELECTRIC via Klamath Falls. He has been Surgery and Diseases of Women iCARD CLUB GIRLS TO j torney fees aud costs; and to torn- publication of thl* summons and 420 Main 8t. Springfield close that certain mortgage given If you fail to answer, for want conducting evangelistic service* X Ray and Phyelotherapy MEET AT OPIE HOME to secure said note, which said thereof plaintiff will apply to the in the Middle West recently. Re*. Phone 148-J mortgage given is of record in court for the relief therein de­ Bprlngfleld. Oregon The new pastor will preach bla Book 52 of Mortgagee at page 83. manded, to w lt:— Member* of the O-No card club FRUIT PACKERS___ First National Bank Bldg Ph. 43 For judgment against the defend first sermon and officially assume 111 meet this evening at 8 o'clock records of Lane County. State of Oregon, and covers the following ants J. A. W illard, Malinda A. W ill his church pastorate here on Sun­ at the home of Miss Irene Ople for described real property in Lane I srd. Colby Fleenor and H. A. Flee- Eugene Fruit Grower's Aas’n day. March 3. It has been announ­ Watchmaker and Jewalaf nor, and each thereof, for the sum Vlaita 8 i*t*r— Miss Muriel Conoly their regular social evi-ning. Miss County, Oregon, tovrit: Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers ced. In the interim. Rev. Clifton A. SPRINGFIELD of 41300.00 with interest from April Commencing at the Southwest and Shipper*. Ice aud Cold Htorag«. came down from Portland for the Ople lives at Eighth aud E streets •o . R eside Watoh Inspector 4th, 1932, at 6% per annum, and Phillips w ill act as pulpit supply. Corner of the E. W. Rhea and t'nllaga Ice Cream Manufacturer*. week-end to vl»it with her sister. Flrat Clase Work at Reaeonebie » lie Donation Ijtn d Claim No. for such further sum as the court Prloee Miss Bernice Conoly, and with her Coco Cola— K iel Beverage« 44. Notification No. 3777 in Town shall adjudge to be reasonable for LIONS DELAY PLANS URGE FARMERS TO RUSH mother. ship Seventeen. South of Range attorney fees, and for the coats and Cider Vinegar FOR LADIES PROGRAM Three. West of the W illam ette disbursements of this suit, and ad­ APPLICATIONS FOR LOAN Phone 1480 General Law Practice Meridian, and running thence judging such Judgment to be a first 4 Annual Ladies Night program Ferry near 8th A y* E. Eugene, East on the South line of said and prior lien upon the following Cabinet Meets Monday— Monthly Farmers seeking emergency land I. M. PETERSON Claim 36.66 chains; thence North real premise« in Lane County, Ore­ of Springfield Lions club which was meeting of the Epworth League bank '•commissioner” loans to re­ to have been held Friday evening Attoraeyat-Law parallel with the West line of gon, towlt: Here for Danoa— Ray Turrell of »bluet was held Monday evening finance their outstanding Indebted­ Beginning at a point 18.40 has been postponed until a future said claim 13.94 chains, thence City Hall Building Newport came here »Tlday evening chains north of the southeast date it was announced following a at the church. East 2.04 chain«, more or leas, ness are advised by the Land bank to attend the F. L. Olrla Valentine Springfield. Ortgoa corner of the southwest quarter to the left bank of the McKen to make all possible haste. danc* at the Armory. Mrs. Turrell of the southwest quarter of sec­ meeting of the committee In charge tie River; thence meandering NOTICE OF SH E R IF F 'S SALE tion 16. township 15, south range Monday evening. said bank in a Northerly direc­ W hile the "deadline” on commis­ accompanied him to Newport Ihe REA L PROPERTY 6 west of the W illam ette Meri­ Regular noon luncheon meeting tion downstream to Its Intersec­ »»in# evening and spent the week- N O TIC E la hereby given that b) sioner loan applications does not dian. thence north 21.60 chains to of the club w ill be held Hriday at tion with the North line of claim; virtue of an execution and order close until February 1. 1936. the eud there. quarter section line running thence West parallel with the of sale Issued out of the Circuit speclnl fund provided by congress through said section 16. thence 12 o'clock. Future plans for Ladles South line of said claim to the Estate of Robert Inals. Deceased. Court of the State of Oregon for for these emergency real estate east on quarter section line 47.30 Night w ill be made at that time. West line thereof and thence Lane County this 29th day of Jan NO TICE TO CREDITO RS chains to the center of county South on said West line 23.36 D. B. Murphy and H. E. Maxey uary. 1936, upon and pursuaut to a loan Is being used up rapidly. road, thence along the center of are in charge of program arrange­ chains to the place of beglnuing, of Plttahnrgh. Pa. Notice Is hereby given that G. E. decree duly given and made by said Nearly 3000 commissioner and re­ the county road south 18“15’ east excepting the railroad right-of- Jacoby has been by the County Court this 29th day of January gular type l-and bank applications 1.45 chains, thence south 10“65’ ments for the meeting this week. way over and across said pre­ Court of Ihe State of Oregon. In 1935. a suit FAO, In M3 «6 n u l l pending |JX-ISXSS»SB therein wae~* w».a- tu r » n e i» v t east 16.90 chains, thence west mise«; also excepting a right-of- hlch Otto A. Nickel, and Otto A. have been approved for approxi and for Lane County, appointed Ad 5.75 chains, thence south 3.76 way granted lo the Tri-State Rail­ minlatrator of the estate of Robert Nickel as Administrator of the m a ll) ' 412.650.0(H) but are still chains, thence west 12.59 chains, way and Power Company. Octo­ Innls. deceased. estate of Anua Nickel were plain­ awaiting final action on the part Represented By thence north 7.23 chains, thence ber 18, 1910. by deed recorded on All persons having claim* agaloat tiffs aud Virgil E. Keyt aud Mar- of the applicants. In many cases west 13.29 chains, thence south page 238 of Volume 87 of the the estate of said deceased are gurtette Stanford were defendants 7.23 chains, thence west 20.38 deed records of said County, all E. H. TURNER hereby notified to present the same, which execution and order of sale closing Is delayed because of the chains, more or less, to the place of said lands containing 85 acres, duly stated and verified, at the was to ma directed aud command­ inability of farmers to get their A BL Hprlngflald. Ora. of beginning, containing 94.30 more or lees, and situated In residence of A. E. Wheeler, at 710 ed me to sell the real property creditors to accept the amount acres of land, more or less, toget­ Lane County. State of Oregon. Lawrence street In Eugene. Oregon hereinafter described to satisfy which the Land bank has approved her with the appurtenances and Together with alt water and within alx months from thia 14th certain Hens and charges In said hereditaments thereunto apper­ rights used upon or apurtenant day of February. 1936. decree specified, I w ill on Satur­ based on the "normal valuation" or taining or belonging, and direct­ to said lands and however evi­ O. E. JACOBY. Administrator day Ihe 2nd day of March, 1935, at debt paying ability of »he property. ing the sale of said real property denced. of the Estate of Robert Innls the hour of ten o'clock, A. M.. at Voluntary county debt ittljustment by sheriff’s sale, for the satisfac­ And for such other and further Deceased. the southwest door of the County committees are giving valuable as­ tion of said Judgment after pay­ relief as prayed for and deemed E W H E E L E R . Attorney. Court House In Eugene, Lane (F 14-21-38— M 7-14) County. Oregon, offer for sale and sistance In these Instances, bring­ proper by the Court, all of which ment of the cost and expense of such sale, for Judgment for any de­ sell at public auction (or cash, sub ing debtors and creditors together will more fully appear from the Formerly Walker-Poole ficiency against said J. A. W’ lHard. verified complaint filed herein. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ject to redemption ad provided by to discuss the situation Notice Is hereby given that the law. all of the right, title and Inter This summons Is served upon Malinda A. W illard, Colby Fleenor, EUG ENE— 11th S P R IN G F IE L D Land bank loan applications you by publication thereof once H. A. »'leenor, and foreclosing all undersigned ha* been duly appoint est of the defendants In said suit and Charnelton 228 Main ed Administrator of the Estate of and of all parties claiming by, must be completed before May 1 each week for four successive parties from any right, title or in­ Anna Nickel, deceased, by the through or under them or any of 1935, In order for the borrower to weeks. In The Springfield News, a terest In said real property, other Telephone 723 Phone 62-J When you go to California, try County Court of Lane County them In or lo the following des have Ihe privilege of deferring pay­ newspaper of general circulation, than the right of statutory redemp­ ihe train! Big changes have taken as defined by Section 1-510 of Ore­ tion. and other relief. This gum- Oregon. All person* having claim* crlbisl real property, to-wll: ments on the principal portion of place on our rails. Pullman gon Code Annotated, printed and mons is published by virtue of an against the said estate are hereby charges are a third Jess than The North fifty-three and one- bis Installments (provided his published at Springfield. Oregon; order of Hon. Q. F. Sklpworth. notified to present the same, prop last year. Rail fares are touching Judge of said Court dated Febru­ third feet of Lot numbered One mortgage Is not otherwise In de­ bv order of Hon. G. F Sklpworth. erly verified as by law required, to bottom at 2C a mile and less. ary 15th. 1935. directing publication (1) In piock numbered Seven Judge of the above entitled court, the undersigned at the office of Complete meals in our dining teen (17) In the James Huddle­ fault) until 1938. »\>r the same per­ made and entered on the 16th day thereof for four weeks In the Wells A Wells, Bank of Commerce cars cost as tittle as 80t*. For de­ ston's Extended Addition, as re­ iod of time, until 1938. the Inter­ of February, 1936; and the first Springfield News, at Springfield. Bldg., Eugene, Oregon, within *lx tails, see your local agent or corded In the County Clerk s Of est rate on Land bunk loans is re­ publication thereof wan made on Lane County, Oregon. The date of months from the date of the first write J. A. Ormandy, 705 Pacific the first publication Is February ; flee In Eugene, Lane County duced to 4H per cent on loans com­ the 21st day of February, 1935. publication of th l* notice Building, Portland, Oregon. State of Oregon» A. E. W H E E L E R . Attorney for 21st. 1935. Date of first publication, »'ob. 7 FRED E. S M ITH , Attorney for Dated thia 29th day of January, ing through national farm loan as- plaintiff. Residence and post 1936. soclatlons and 5 per cent on those Plaintiff. Res. & P. O. Address office Address. 710 Lawrence OTTO A. N IC K E L, Admlnlstra 1935. 406 Miner Bldg.. Eugene. Ore. C. A. S4WART9, Sheriff, coming direct to the bank without street, Eugene. Oregon. tor. fay A. B. HULKOAARD, Deputy local association Indorsement. (F 21-28 — M 7-14-21) (F 21-28 — M 7-14-21) W E LL S A W ELLS, Attorneys. (J. 31— F 7-14-21 28) (F 7-14-21 28 — M 7) WHO IS WHO and What They Do Business D irectory Edward G. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. TRY THE TRAIN TO CALIFORNIA POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e Southern h c ific DON’T FORGET ONE PAIR OF KYEg By E D . K R ESSY THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries FOR A W H O LE L IF E T IM E The common tendency of In­ dividuals to abuse vision has Indeed reached gigantic propor­ tions. Statistic* show that an average of seven out of ten- per­ sons unknownly suffer front eye- iitrain, which la the fundamental cause of aevere headache«, d u ll­ ness, nervoua strain-, and a gen­ eral run down condition. I t de­ crease* happlnes* and retards progress. DR. ELLA MEADE Optomatrlst 41 Wso* g»h f tus vaav souup of t m twoao .u s a i« » rw s » , ■