THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS STATE LOSER UNDER LOW EMPLOYMENT FUTURE LUMBER MILLS SHOW BRIGHT FOR GRADUATES SLIGHT BUSINESS GAIN ÄUTO LICENSE SYSTEM EASTERN OREGON LAW 1 WRITERS' "STYLE RULE MADE BY U OF O EXPERT MAKERS TIRE OF FISH Eugene. Ore . A simple yal com Members of lha stale legMIalure Enactment two year« ago of the prohcnalve "«lyl« rttla" ileelgued Seattle, Wash.. Feb. 21— <8pe Technical Flalda To Abaorb A ll from countlea eaet of the ' aacatle to serve writer». Journal!«!« and d a l)—A total of 52« down and >5 flat fee for pMaenger vehicle« W ho Flnloh In Juno; Some teaulled In a saving of >1.888.638 83 mounlalns are tiring of the contin­ those who carry on correspondence operating mills In Oregon and Leave School Early THE WILLAMETTE PRESS Washington which reported to the for motorlala In Oregon during the ual round of fish bill« being shoved much aa allil» rule» •"** o*h«r de­ U K MAXEY. editor Weal Coast Lumbermen's aeaocla- t»34 calendar year, according to at them In the preaenl aesaion of vices do architect» and inalh-wall- The apactor o f the Jobl«»»» com­ figures released by the motor vehi­ clans, ha» Juat be»n published bar« mencement at the conclusion of lion for the week ending February cle division of the secretary of the legislature and launching by 8. Slephenaou Smith, asaoclate #. produced 9«.«61.455 board feet of < B attrad aa aacond claaa matter, February M, 1963. at the poatottlca. their college career does no! con­ a movement to have these meaaurea state's office. professor of Kugllah at the Unlver lumber This wa» approximately Sp rin gfield , lir e gon front mdat of the seniors of the Thia money la In the molorlat'a Inveatigated hy the Governors slty of Oregon. S,000,000 feel more than In tlTe pee i technical school» at Oregon State pocket- an average of about 8« 70 planning board. They would have M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A V E The devise la published on flva »100 college this year, a check up on the ceding week. The average weekly per registered vehicle hua been at­ sheets of cardboard, three Inch«« Oaa Yaar In Adranca ....... 81 id S** Month« production of this group of saw them brought before »ha next legls 50c employment altuatlon ahows tributed directly Io the reduction In wide aud eight Inch»» long, clever- Two Years In advamca >2.5« Three Moa the In the leading men'» technical mills lu 1935 ha» been 7i.8iS.552 registration feo receipt«, although latlve aaaaloa with recommends |y bound at the top When the feel; during the same period In thins. It 1« expecting loo much of TH URSDAY . MBBRUARY 21. 1935 achola of fore-lry. agriculture, en 34.668 more vehicle« were register writer has com plot ed hie work, aud glneerlng and pharmacy the deana l»34 their weekly average was 73. ed In 1834 than In a like period of n wheal and entile fanner Io know wants to . heck II. or find« need «4 I SO.>19 feet. Just whal lo do about the fishing report condition» greatly Improved CO-OPERATION IS NHKDED IN CITY AFFAIRS time, July 1. 133» lo June 80. 1333 the atyle ruin, he can quickly aud with actual shortage« of prosper, The new buetneaa reported laal The controversy going on in the to * n over the ne* In 1334 molorlate paid to the problems after a few days' atudy. easily look up juaf whal ha need» bookkeeping system being installed we feel is "making a tlve graduate» for waiting post week hy 538 mills was 3l.851.28l slate »10.047.881 18 In registration they »ay. mountain out of a mole hill.” It has been stated public > Ilona. AU through the depression board feet agatnat a production of fee«, motor transportation fee« and in council meeting and by members of the council outside there ha.» beeu conalderable de­ 30.081.455 feet and shipment« of state motor fuel» lax. Iu the earlier the chambers that the purpose of the new *>** mand for technical graduate*, but 87.638.337 feet. Their »hlpmenla period, under the old llcenae fee J tern, and the audit necessary to procure the balances from conditions now are distinctly Im­ were uu.ler production of 3.7 per ayatOm. they paid »11.814.480.40. the old books to carry on to the new, was not to cast any proved over a year or so ago. re­ cent and their current sale» were The difference. It was pointed over production by 1.8 per cent. blame, or reflection on any city officials past or present ports »how. out, amount« to 15.67 per cent— a Forestry Job* Open The orders booked last week by Until we know differently from positive evidence, and not “We could place three time» the this group of Identical mills wera loss to the stale, but a saving to someone's opinion, we must take these statements as the forestry graduate» this spring." under the preceding week by about the Individual motorist. truth. »aid President Q. W. Peavy, who 6.000.000 feel or approximately 8.2 State receipt« for reglitratlon We think it fair to presume that if the people of the retain» hl» position as dean of the per cent. diminished 68.82 per can! In 1834. town had anted the city government operated exactly like forestry achool. “Our hardest Job Is it had been run before they would have re-elected all the to keep them till they are gradua­ A group of 438 identical mill» from »6.323.231.81 to »1.218.805 00 Thin 1» Hit- label on your Springfield Creamery old members of the council and would have seen that suit­ ted. a» many are templed by lob» whose records are complete for Receipts In slate gaaolltte lax able candidates representing their viewpoints ran ini the• un­ available even before they finish. both periods, show total orders 1835 money Jumped 18 12 per cent from butler and other dntry producta. You will find our »6.308.663 in tho 1333 1833 year to contested positions. That not being the case it is fair to product» pul out under no other brand. We never aub- .Agricultural training covers such to date of o28.822.741 board feet, assume that the people of the town want the government a broad field that condition» are compared with 436.316,781 board »7.303.073 S3 In 1334 atitute or fry to fo«d you. Uniformity and high dan. la to run differently iu future. That is what they are getting mixed, but there Is a distinct short feet for the -«me period In 1334. an reflected In every Maid «C ream Product. age of prospective graduate« this Increase of 215 per cent. at the present time. MEDICAL AID SET-UP year In many branches, says Oean The unfilled order file at these We have supported, voted for and defended at various FOR SERA EXPLAINED mills stood at 428.303.708 board feel times all the men who found themselves in the »‘dnority W. A. Schoenfeld. “A big demand now is for men approximately 500.000 feet over the at last election. We number them among our friends. %e Details of the health project gov can not agree with them, however, that they 8h