T * THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS 193ß Seel Hiere fu n d , BIBLE SIUDENTS '■»»f Se“ ° " ,s ÌNSPECÌ H IM O h s, LP rt^ 1 « IM t BEI HONOR BOL-',, . Í ° " HERE LASI HIGHT U r “ Deka,,s ~ FUNERAL ~ IS HELD for hoi toneles JWO «EW jq ^ g ^ jj P. T. A. Wants To Extend Meet Roseburg Twice And S. Meets U. H. 8. Friday Project To April 1; Organ- Aldrich Chosen Recorder And \nd B t Mary's Tuesday Rating Of Local Company Is Myrtle Creek Once Friday; Well-known Resident Of City Nearly Half Of Enrolled Paul Potter Appointed Ae ize Redio Study Club Lose Opening Contests Passes Sunday Follow­ Eugene Conteste Not Expected To Bo Treasurer At Meeting Pupils Complete Week-day ing Long Illness An extension of their HEKA pro­ Known For Some Time Undaunted by the loan of their ( Work For First Term nly I wo major bu»koi ball | Vi 5 ject providing funds with which to u *« im I>* r- of One of Bt»riugfle|d'a bent known, h PETERSON RESIGNS JOB *t ou Hie schedules of ' Annual Inspection of Hprlngfleld two ap*»ulng game tin- Bprlugfleld high school debate; Mary Clarissa Magill. H"‘‘’loy ,or hot IMCfc REPORT BY COMMITTEE local I local play or» aro bo national a Hard coin puny, officially ................ Recordar For Last Eight away Ibelr equip ag H„ad,.u.rters Co.. Flrat « — "u « « , - « . . . pa.».-,I away al her home here . Bun (tubing ,r / . at .ner year The season infantry, waa held r, “rr“u* ,lBy Bt the age of 7* year» She Years Buys Law Practice Project Work Includes Soap ■■lent fur at the monthly meeting of the ,ag, armory with ***'r M" “ *r had been III tor many month». liu» boc II quite unusual In that the In Junction City Carving, Old Testament, lion tor two set» of debate» on Frl-| '' ~ < to dut« duto won won I Mttjor j > ni>U Pillsbury, Mr». Muglll Muglll wan was born born at at Clark»- Clarks (lo0 beW iagt Thursday at the Brat- Memory Of Pealme .. «» i.u— I . . —I,.. in,. . ■ •• . day, I .... i. .... is iam, n„ Cheater Aldrich la the new city vllle. Iowa on June 16. i860. On | (a(n only two of lior league games, the ,.ant Instructor Lee Vaughn, ua the On that day the Bprlugfleld a(- officers. Mojor Pillsbury 1 lln n u llve team will travel to Myr-I tte< 1S' , *7* Ml"‘ ***'* The project provides for the hot recorder and Paul F. Potter hi tha Names of students on the liouor town team baa had u similar sea g «uur« 1° Bprlugfleld where one more month. The local company baa received names of ltd students. Bt. Marya, also In Eugene, on the 'very satisfactory' rating In bate Friday afternoon at * o'clock. »ho has lived continuously. Mr. Coder the project only the cooks Mr Aldrich electee, city treasurer Magill died on November 3S, 1812. are furnished with relief funds. All at the general election, waa chosen The work Is entirely voluntarily Tuesday of next week. 1 InspecHons of the past several The visitor» will uphold ibelr side to lake Mr. Peterson's place leav­ Four rhildren, Lloyd H. Magill ot material» arc donated or purchased on the pari of the student. each stu Tuesday evening of this week, y(MirN „ „ j <|,e »ante rating Is hoped of tbe debate subject. “Resolved: ing a vacancy In tbe office of dent obtaining Hie written consent Hprlngfleld high school lost a aec- f(jr u|(u|,1 | t wm be aeverul weeka That the Federal Government Bend. Mr». Luella I-e»ter of Port-1 by the P.-T A. Tbe local unit la treasurer. of bis pureut before they are en­ ouil game with Albany 3» IS at the buWM¥t,r_ before the official report should adopt the policy of equalis laud. Mr». Estella Findley and Mr» now In need of milk and vegetables rolled In lb« classes The work of l.lnu couuty school Friday even-1 (j|j (h# |„ gp„,q|on |s returned here lug .ducatluu In the several »U les Mam I Richmond, both of Spring ( |f the project is to be continued L e a v e s A p p o in t m e n t , T o C ou ncil Tbe appointment of the two naw the school Is directed by e commit lug. playing agaluat two Hprlngfleld BByg ,<.)r.g( Lieutenant, C. A. Bwarts, by meuiiH of annual grants to »ec Held sur. lve. Hhe also leaves three through the next month tec representing the three tonal boys, Doc Taylor m d Carter Hart- j (|| pbarge of the guard company. oudury and elementary schools,'' i brothers, Wallace JTillIppl. Walla A radio study club to work In officials will be to (IU out tbe un explr-d terms of lbe officers re­ churches The committee also mail, uow on the Eugene high The roster of I he local company only o m e on Friday. Three local Walla. Washington; Stephen Phil cooperation with the home study raises the necessary finances. squad the Bprlugfleld leant went i Is as follows: First Lieutenant Judgea will be used (or each ol Ippl, Scio, Oregon; and Albert ra ; following members; Mrs. Olive 1. high school gym here Tuesday Freeman Bqulree, William Cox, and Doris Marie Robinson. l»rnu bab |« district to »67.000. GEORGE LARISON FUNERAL TODAY MRS. SYLÏLS1LR DIES « 1 JW E R