acres" under the new plan for thoae who have heretofore grown corn us well a» hogs. Instead, acreage i left out of corn may be used for any other purpose the grower may Springfield Meeting To Be see fit. Also, there Is no limit*- February 2«; Hog Payment* (ion on the total area In the farm that may he devoted to cultivated Same; Corn Is Up crops or on the number or hind of The l»35 core-hot adjB»tmeal livestock kept aside from hogs. campaign will gel under way ac Contract signers this year may pur tlvely in Ijtue county the week of chase and grow out any number February IS when community meet- of feeder pigs as long as these are lugs will be held for receiving ap purchased front other contract plication« for the new contract», atguera. Benefit payments on hogs this eoaouuce» O. B Fletcher, count) agricultural agent, who haa been year remain al the same rate It working with the county committee figured ou the baais of the required ou the preliminary stages of the adjustment. In other words, a grower will receive 815 per head new program County committeemen attended a ou the 10 per ceut that he la re­ quired to reduce below his base, district meeting recently where the rather than 35 per head on all he features of the new contracts were was allowed to raise last year. As explained, aud a county meeting explalued before, however, he will bas been held where the old com be permitted to raise up to 90 per munlty committeemen were ac­ cent of his base, rather than only quainted with the changes Included per cent. la the preseut program. The sche­ 75 IWneftt payments on corn have dule of local meetings In Lane beeu raised from SIR to 35c a bu county follows: shel. to be paid on the acreage left Monday. Feb. 18. Lorane, Coyote out of corn, which must be not less Creek club hall; Tuesday. Feb. 19 than 10 per cent or more than 30 Eugene-Coburg. Wlllakentle grange per cent below the base acreage iu hall; Wednesday. Feb. 26. Pleasant " ' rU To Prevent Eapanaion Hill. Pleasant Hill high school. Thoae in charge of the campaign Thursday. Feb. 21. Junction CHy. Oregon expect the program this Old City hall. Junction City; Sat vear to be carried out speedily and urday. Feb. S3. Cottage Grove. with little of the confusion atteud Walker Cnion high school; Mon ant ou the first effort. The 1934 day. Feb. 25. Irving, Irving grange contract signers who are on the hall; Tuesday. Feb. 26. Springfield. same land will have little difficult) Taylors hall. Springfield; Thura in renewing the contracts, and day, Feb. 28. Coast Section. City these will be expedited through the hall. Florence. state board of review. III at Hospital—George Larson Federal Credit Bank Report» Power Job — John Heuderer Is quite 111 at the Eugene hospital begun work Mouday as service man January Record Month In for appliances with tho Mountain Ibis week. Moving Property States Power compaay Here from Grove—4» V. Breeae "Back lo the laud" haa beeu more Visit at Cheshire—Mr and Mrs city recorder at Cottage Grove, was than a fanciful slogaa. lu the ex a business visitor In Springfield II. E Gerber and daughter, Boris, perieM* of the land liquidating attended a surprise birthday din Monday and Wednesday svettiti«» division of the Federal l-and Bank iter al t'heahire Bunday. Visita from Grants Pass — Nva of Spokane For In each succe.slvs Visits Mother—Ur. Robert C. Vuu Rickard Ballsy of Grant» Pass was mouth all during the fall and win Valssit of Medford was a gueat here over the weekend to visit ter period, the batik Itae established • one new record after another lu the here Bunday at the home of bis with friends. mother. Mrs. A. It Van Valssit. Visit from Bando»»— Mrs. Don ■ale of properllea It has beeu forced to acquire from borrower« Visits Brother—Riley Snodgrass Bannet t and two chlldreu of Ban After setting au all time record don are here vlaltlug at the home went to Portland Friday to speud in 1834 by uisrkellug farms to the a lew days visiting with his brother, of Mr. and Mr». D. O. Fisher. Mrs value of 83.566,666. the liquidating Fisher Is an aunt of Mrs. Bennett. Frauk Snodgrass department la off lo au eveu bet­ Rents Dance Hall—Ike Whitley ter start this year with sales of Vialta Grandmother—John Moul W ITH A M ER IC A N LEGION C IR C U S gotuery of Corvallis was here Fri has laken over the dance hall In 8234.566 In January. Not only la day lo visit with his grandmother i the old community hall for a per­ this the largest January volume * Captain Burns and his policy. Sparkle, iod of one mouth It was auuouuced lu the bank's history, but down pay Mrs. Itoaa Montgomery. the highly educated horse who performs each night at the lu Wedueeday by C. Meacham, owner manta showed a galu of 166 percent door circus being sponsored al the Eugene Armory by the Ku- i Attends Concert— Miss Barbara of the building. over January last year. gene American Legion post for on.- week starting February 21. llaruell went to Eugene Sunday to Land Bales Hsld Barometer Leevee for Marshfield — Roy attend the piano concert by Josef I believe Ibis sal»» record le the White, pianist who has beeu en E N R O L L M E N T S GAIN AT Hoffman. E U G E N E LEGION P O S T TO demouelr tertalntng a radio audience over best barometer of all E D U C A T IO N A L C E N T E R S HAVE INDO O R C IR C U S Inmate Rsturnsd—Joe Bchaefers KOKE tn Eugene, left Wedueeday ate that Paclflo uorthwest agrlcul lure la contlug back." says Ward K — Enrollment (or the w tutor term escaped from the state feeble mind­ for Marshfield He had beeu visit Newcomb, vice prealdant of the Many Trained^ ed school Friday night, was picked ing here at the home of his par at Oregon's six Institutions of high eluded In Fifteen U nits Of laud bank. "It haa beeu my obser­ er education increased 18.7 perceul up here Saturday by Lum Auder eula for several weeks. Popular Show vation. after a pretty long acquala son. police chief. He was held In over winter term a year ago. Jump­ tauce with farmlug conditions, that the county Jail until a guard from -Much interest Is being shown ing from a total of 5,536 sludeula to the institution came fur him when mouey starts going Into land CIVIC C LU B T O SE W r a good sign of returning eon both In Eugene and Springfield lu 6.576, it haa beeu auuouuced at the Q U IL T S FOR C H IL D R E N (Idence all around. I feel that such Gets New Position— Miss Irma the big American Legion indoor office of the chancellor. The uet is the case now l-aud values are circus which Hie Eugene Legion increase la 1,634, aud a substantial Nolt accepted a uew position with Members of the Springfield Civic rising gradually and the farm once post Is to sponsor at the Eugene gain is shown lu every Institution, the Pacific hospital lu Eugeue dub will eew quills for the W. C more la belug regarded as an at­ Armory for one solid week com except the medical school In Port­ starting Monday. She lias beeu em­ T. U. children's home at Corvallis tractive form of luvestmeul. menclng next Thursday evening, land which restricts Ils enrollment ployed at the McKee bakery for It was decided at their monthly ome time. The lutnd bank, of course, Is an February 21 aud ruuuiug through each year. luncheon meeting held Tuesday at unwilling possessor of the proper- Oregon State college at Corval­ to Eebruary 27. the home of Mr». C. E. Wheaton Ilea It baa boen forced to acquire, The circus carries with It fifteen lis. the uortual school at Monmouth S E E D A N D P L A N T L IS T S The roll call was answered with acts of high dusa eutertaluiueui and the university In Eugene lead and desires to return them lo Indl G U ID E O R E G O N G R O W E R S responses on good clllsenshlp. aud was such a success last sprlug in gains in the order tunned. At vtdual management aa promptly aa Higher Production Allowed The group voted to send dele Corvallis enrollment Jumped from Personnel of the review board 1935 contracts really represent a this year ts M E. Dodd. Baker, that it Is being brought back with 1963 u year ago thia term to 2548 Lists of growers of certified galea to the adult music study club suitable buyers can be found—oa a completely new program for an­ "controlled expansion" program, chairman; C. J. Borum. new state potato seed aud certified and selec­ of Eugene and named Mrs. Mabel terms aimed al helping experienced at present, a gaiu of 29.8 percent. operators establish a permanent says County Agent Fletcher, as s statistician. Portland, and William other season. ted strawberry planting »lock have Following the stage show each The normal school Increased from been complied by the farm crops Crow and Mrs George Proehnow. home and make good." 15 per cent higher production is al L. Teutsch. Corvallis, representing Three members, Mr». Robert evening a big free dance will be 468 to 492. an addition of 20.6 per- and horticultural departments at O. lowed under the plan than was the the extension service. Buixard. Mrs. John Pyle and Mrs rent, while af the university the held and many valuable inercbau cast- last year. The contracts have gam was from 2,653 to 2,413, or 8. C. and are available for free dis­ I. M Peterson were taken Into the CANCEL A D U LT C L A SS The reason the corn-hog program dise prises are to be given away been considerably simplified and a tribution. club. AT H. S . T H IS E V E N IN G 17.5 percent. number of the changes are expect is being conducted despite the pres according to H. Carlisle. business More than 1500 acres of potatoes The March meeting will be de­ The Increases In freshman or ent shortage of corn and the rising manager for the circus ed to prove more popular with local were entered for certification last voted to tying qullte and will be The regular classes lo be held al A large part of the net profits first year enrollment at both the year, which la a uew record, despite growers than were last year's pro­ price of hogs is that past expert held at the home of Mrs. Proch the high school this evening have Cniversity of Oregon aud Oregou ence has always shown that an un Iron, the circus will be used by the the disastrous wind-up of last visions. been cancelled Mrs. Bttles. Instruc­ due expension follows a severe sponsors In developtug the chll State college are among the larg springs potato marketing season. now. Practically all producers of com cat in the United States. It Is point tor tor the class periods ha» been hogs, whether or not they took part drouth It Is estimated, for example, d ress playground in Eugene id ou t The uulverslty Increase for Klamath county led with 350 acres IU. that 350 to 400 million bushels less An advance ticket sale Is be ng i>r*>serani are engim tu u u d i oou tu ww - — ------ , In a thp the 1934 program eligible * to this class is 35,6 perceut and that passing certification, followed by SO P H O M O R E G IR L S WIN ign a 1935 adjustment contract, corn will be required for feed In conduct y mein., is Washington with 301 acres. Other of the state college la 6L.2 percent. B A S K E T B A L L S E R IE S ■he new program, like the old. I the next year than Is normally the gene Legion post.________ counties with substantial acreage» included Clackamas. Baker. Colum rill be largely in the hands of local, case in view of the smaller live- Q F P A in Becond year glrla at tbs Bprlng armers with the community com stock population. Unless expansion F A R M E R S W ELL K t r A I D bia. Multnomah. Crook and lima field high school won the Intarrlass WE W A N T TO SE L E C T alttees and county control assocla- j of corn acreage In the country as FOR R E S E A R C H S T U D IE S tills. haaketball championship of the The boys and girls basketball Strawberry planting stock lists school Monday when they defeated ions the con ' a whole is controlled, disaster to A reliable young man. now ew IIU UD to IW be oox. organized — -- — » by ---- For the scientific study of its teams of the eighth grade at the Include Marshall. Corvallis. Rock the Junior glrla 30-1 In a one-alded ployed, wllh FORESIGHT. fair tract signer«. All producer« who i the livestock market will later re­ agricultural problems. Oregon bud- Lincoln school are going to Wendl­ hill Everbearing, and Redheart game. They also eliminated the education and mechanical Indl sign applications for a contract « r e su lt. national officials believe natlona, who la willing lo train = geted in the last two years slightly ing Friday afternoon for games of vurletles Thia comparatively new necessity for any play-off games ■pare time or eveulngs In Bprlng less than seven-hundredths of one basketball at 3 o'clock. work In plant Improvement ts being on Tuesday by winning three field to qualify a» INBTALLA per cent of the annual cash income , 9. Burgoyne spoke to the curried on under the direction of straight games while the Junior» TION and MUtVICK expert In Rev. W. received by farmers for the sale sluden.t8 O lu„ school Tuesday , Dr B. M. Zeller, plant pathologist were unable to chalk up a win. The Electric Refrigeration and A ir' of 1 the Conditioning New. profitable of agricultural products, the btenn ( a(ternoon. He told of hts trip to at the experiment station. In an ef seniors finished second with two ial report of the agricultural expert- j A(rlca and the Holy Land. He 1» fort to overcome to some extent the wins and ooe defeat, and the fresh- able field For Interview write, giving age and prwaelit occupe meat station at O. S. C. shows. Re lecturing at the - ---- " ----- u growing menace of virus diseases Methodist church tlou meu were third with one win and , turns from this in v estm en t in mea- this week. lo western strawberry fields. COMING SUNDAY two defeats. i surable improvements are esti­ mated conservatively at about |106 U TILITIEB ENGINEERING FOR FOUR MANY A T T E N D P LA TE radure» Arm— Beryl Ureen of I to every |1 inveateo. INSTITUTE Marcols received a broken right DAYS! D IN N E R A T LODGE HALL Saturduy evening Alvina Dead- arm Tuesday while working at the 404 N. Welle tt., Chicago, III. mond'a birthday was celebrated at Blxty-flve persons attended the Fischer Lumber company yard the home of her parents Mr. and plate dinner given by the wayi and Mrs. Doss Deadmond. Leaburg. Gasoline Filter Neglected Mrs. William Ruth underwent an Twenty were preseut for the even­ means committee of Juanita Rebe­ Although virtually every car now kah lodge at their hall here Mon­ operation in her mouth last Tues­ ing. day evening before the regular ha» a gasoline filter, the average day. She Is reported as getting The Leaburg Girl Scouts held a lodge session. Members of the motorist fall» to give thl« device along nicely. valentine mother and daughter sufficient attention, according to Ilwain Buell from Roseburg came banquet Monday evening at the committee are Oswald Oleon. Mr». the emergency road service of the in a few days ago to be with hts M Smith grove. They are spon­ Sarah John». Mr». Elva Adam», Oregon Btate Motor association. Ernest Black and Florence Long. aunt, Miss Heersma, who Is 111. soring a community party at the The filter 1» cleaned by unscrew Mrs. Berry and Mrs. Storts from same place if the weather permits Girl» of the F. L. club served Ing the thumb nut at the bottom of Mr« Zella Cantrell. Ml»» Irma Wyoming who have been visiting Friday evening, Feb. 22. the »mall glass reservoir, usually Nolt, and Ml»» Irene Ople were with their brother D. O. Baugh. _ and Mrs. Jean Barreau was honor named member» of the »octal com­ located In the fuel line under the 4 Paramount other relatives here, are planning guest at a bridge party given FRED MacMURRAY P r o d u r t i" mittee for the program to be given hood, and removing accumulated to leave for home In a few days. Thursday p. m. at the home of Mrs. next Monday evening. Mr. Black matter from both the gla»» and the RA Y M IL L A N D The bridge built by the county Loa Crow. was authorized to purchase new »mall screen It contain». Thl« re­ north of Thurston has been com­ Annual election of officers was table covers, and Ml»» Bernice Con- quires only a few minute« and pleted and open to traffic. held by the Leaburg Ladlee Aid should be done »everal time» a Frank Taylor formerly Lane al the home of Mrs. A. A. Johneton. oly led the group In a program of games after the business meeting year. county sheriff, spent the week-end Mrs. Ira Isbatn was elected presi­ here with his brother, Charles, and dent, Mrs. Marlon Elston, secre­ family. tary, Mrs. Walter Carter, vice- Mr. Martin and family from M t. president. Mrs. Francis Elston, Vernon are moving on Ben. Rus­ treasurer, were re-elected. sell's place here. The Waltervllle C. B. society an­ nounces a party for the combined societies of Fairmount, Leaburg and Waltervllle soon. They will also give a mother and daughter Mrs. Leslie Hammond gave banquet at the church Friday even­ stork shower at her home for Mrs ing, Feb. 22. Careful housewives may buy here with confidence Pennington Friday afternoon, Feb The Waltervllle Christian, church ruary 8. Those present were Mrs will hold Its monthly social and that they are getting not only low prices but also Swifts, Mrs. Bert Doane, Mrs. Hut business "church nite” Friday quality foods. Economy comes easy when you buy “ fPith p ric n Oping u p I want son, Mrs. »tewart, Mrs. Brown and evening. Feb. 22. Russell Boatman to buy a lot o f thingp. B u t not here and take advantage of our advertised values. Miss Bochwell. is the new pastor of the Waltervllle anothrr thing till I art a Maytag. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parks who Christian church. B tca u tt with a M aytag, f oan We guarantee everything we sell and we are here have been spending the past two Rev. Henry Hanson, Independ uwo money to buy other thing».” to back up our goods. Our store and our efforts are weeks at Kitson Springs for Mr ence, will exchange pulpits with devoted to service and upbuilding of this community. • H a t 's Mtiaible buying. Be­ Parks health, returned ito their Rev. R. E. Clark the former Pres cause it is buying quslity you home at Pleasant Hill Tuesday byterlan Independence pastor. can uss — quality Hist pay* a afternoon. weekly return on your money. Mrs. Ralph Laird and Mrs. Irene SUMMONS IR ISH SPE C IA L • Tke M avtag washes clothes Qlustina left Monday morning for Circuit Court of tho State of Ore­ faster, washes them more thor­ Corvallis to attend the Home Dem gon for Lane County. oughly, more gently and at onstration conference. They will Florence Avery Crowley, Plaintiff, lower cost per washing because 2 Packages vs. David Dewey Crowley, De­ return Friday. fendant. it Is a better designed, better Bert Beaver hag recently com To David Dewey Crowley, defend b u ilt waaher. • Select y a u r Pound pleted drilling two wells. One at ant above named: M aytag at today’s low prioss. the ranch of A. V. Hutson the other You are hereby summoned to ap­ on Dr. Walker’s ranch north of pear and answer the complaint T h e M a v ta g C o m p a n y filed against you In the above en­ Lattln’s. «'•■»■«•a IS M NBWTON. IOWA cause and court within four About 50 taxpayers met with the titled weeks from the first publication KERR'S Yeu esn stUI Pleasant Hill high school board of this summon« and If you fall bay a Maytag Thursday night and asked the »o to answer, for want thereof for aa Uttia as plaintiff will apply to the court for board to go ahead with plans as relief asked In the complaint, outlined for a new gymnasium and the vis, that the marriage relation ex­ apply for SERA money. isting between plaintiff and defend­ ant be set aside and wholly annul­ 9 8-10 Lb. Sack 2 Pounds for Estate of Robert Innis, Deceased. led, and that plaintiff be allowed to resume her maiden name. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Thia sumons 1» »erred upon you Notice Is hereby given that O. E. Jacoby has been by the County by publication by virtue of an order F» «—M Btu •a t tlfir ttU r . Court of the State of Oregon, In of the Hon. Fred Fl»k, County and for Lane County, appointed Ad­ Judge, acting In the absence of the ministrator of the estate of Robert Circuit Judge, dated February 14, 1835, directing that summons be OLD D U TC H Innis, deceased. K E R N ’S All persons having claims against served upon you by publishing the same once each week fot four suc­ the estate of said deceased are br-te-M-M hereby notified to present the same, cessive weeks In the Springfield News, and requiring you to appear duly stated and verified, at the residence of A. E. Wheeler, at 710 and answer the complaint In this OR BL U IN G Lawrence street In Eugene, Oregon, suit within four weeks from the within Hix months from this 14th first publication thereof. Thia sum­ 12, Oz. Bottle Per B o ttle mon» Is »o first published Feb. 14, day of February, 1935. O E. JACOBY, Administrator 1935. 8. D. ALLEN, Attorney for Hardware — Furniture of the Estate of Robert Innis Plaintiff, Residence and P. O. Deceased. Radio* — Paint Address, Eurene, Oregon. A. E WHEELER. Attorney. ( F 14-21-—— M 7-14) x ( F 14-21-28— M 7-14) WILL STURI SOON Lincoln School Notes McKenzie Valley Thurston LBERT ïBILDlDULY' Irish-Murphy Co. Price, Quality and Confidence THINS I’M Upper Willamette M r . M erch a n t: DON’T BUY GOINS TO SHY-IS * MAYTAG 1936 Calendars W heaties UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN C offee 23c Peanut Butter 23c Hot Cake Flour 45c 29c Am m onia 5c Our line of beautiful A rt Calendars being show n for the first tim e in Springfield at THE NEWS OFFICE Catsup 9c »? Wright & Sent