PAGO THREE OREGON COUNTIES MAKE WILLAMETTE SWEET CLOVER FOR PASTURE SURVEY OF AAA FUNDS WHO IS WHO A Classified Directory of Reliable Bueinese Firme and Picfeeeional People This Newspaper Recommends Sufficient The next »late examination In Fefteral basic sciences for those Intending B utter M aking C entral Program Planned Boon For Pacific Coast Btstos Supply Of Seed Per Comm ercial Development le Now Available to practice In any brunch of medt d n e In Oregon, will be held In Port­ With (be completion of 10 year» Every Oregon county ba« »hared land May 18. announce» Dr. Nathan to You. Fasten. chairman of the board of In the distribution of 44.246,51529 of successful testing through five higher education committee In In rental and benefit payment» re­ generations of the new stem-rot charge of th ese le ts. Thl» will be turned to thl» »late under the pro­ resistant sw eet clover, the name Willamette sw eet clover has been NOTICE PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILMS the second examination »Ince the vision» of the agricultural adjust­ given to this strain by Its origins DANCING AUTO DEALERS ment act. according to a report as basic science law wa» confirmed by I will pay uo bill« or lions against a vote of the people last November. of January 1 recently received by tors at Oregon State college. Carl It. Baker Filin Shop BANC K my pruporty Incurred by renters. I ANDERSON M OTORS. INC. From a single stalk found to bave About 75 have taken the ba»tc the Oregon Extension service. Lane Kaatman Fllma — Kodak» — L. K. PA G E AT W INTER«¡ARDEN survived stem rot by Harry A. Sch Expert Repairing — All Work »deuce examination »Ince the law county's total 1« 444.186.71. Frame» — Album»— Motion (J 2441— F 714) Guaranteed. "The Itnnre T’.at'« Different" Total expenditures In this state olh. federal agronomist at tbe col­ w u put Into effect a little more Picture Camsraa. Gaa, Gil. Tiro« and Uatlerlaa than a year ago. Dr. Fasten'» re- from procesalng taxes amounted at lege. seed has been multiplied until We Photograph Everything Every Saturday Night ATTENTION RABBIT 6th and A Bta.. Bprlngilald Ph. 4» cords »how It Is expected that or-i that time to 410,439.466.90. but thia about 400 acres were sown In the Anywhere. RAIHHRH (lent« 26c Ladles 10c dlnarlly ubout too applicant» a year amount Included 66,079.407.67 for spring of 1933 from which about 76 Mall film» to P. G. Box 687 All grower» who are carpenter» acre« were saved for seed laal »ea 698 W illamette. Eugene Ph 636 I will lake It. a» all tho»e who »eek "KurplUM removal,” most of which ur helpers lhat waul work write ur KOU. About 60,000 pounds of tbla BROWN MOTOR CO. ! Ilcuii»«» ua doctors of medicine wa» u»ed In financing tbe wheat FEED-SEED-HAY cull »ml see me ul once. RESTAURANTS < llltYBI.EH and PLYMOUTH i mu l pa»« the examination, a» well export subsidy at Portland. Only eed baa now been certified aud Is CHAB HATHAWAY Oregon Peed A Seed Co., Inc. la s (hose seeking to enter other *113.644.04 Is listed as general ad- available for use by farmers Hale« and Service % Augortuu Woolen Mill» Good Luck Mnnatnar Poultry and mini Iratlve expense In this state. throughout western Oregon or In I REN EH CAFE - branches of the healing art». Complete Automotive Service 4U4 I' Wheel, Bprlngfleld. other states where »tem-rot la a Dairy Feed» W heat Men Benefit Most Breakfast I6c up — Dinner 26c up Those planning to take the ex- Open flay and Night limiting factor in tbe production of Pro»per With Manamar Wheat benefits have accounted Chill 10c ' amination are required to file ap- ISA East llroudwuy Phone 1767 Non«* iiik I throat infection Heed Cleaning a Speciality. Home Cooking ; plication with the secretary of the for the bulk of AAA payments In sweet clover. Eugene. Oregon O ther States Interested «•mi In* enroll or prevented Delivery Phone 689 Ice Cold Beverage» on Tap board of higher education, C. D. Oregon, the total at the first of the Not only are growers in thia with our Inhnllt *«•!, «•omplhte year being 43.880.348 85. compared 206 E. 6th St.. Cor. High Eugene Main Bet 4th and 6th Bta Byrne, at Eugene. SCHERER MOTOR CO. with Atomlaer HBc. Beott'a with 4366.166 64 for the corn-hog Hate who have tried it enthusias­ Springfield Open Till Midnight B U IC K — O L IH 4 M O B IL E — N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE Drug Htore. program. The latter represents only tic about the possibilities of tbla PACIFIC FEED ft SUPPLY CO. REAL PROPERTY PONTIAC the first payment on the 1934 con new disease-free sw eet clover, but SCHOOLS-COLLEGES EUGENE BOG DEPOT NOTICE la hereby given that by Inquiries are being received nt tbe Vital* on Const— Mr »ml Mr». W Motor Cars We Peck and Grade Eg«» for the virtue of an execution and order tracts, however. college from many of tbe middle K llsrnell »pent Bunday visiting SALES and SERVICE Umatilla county leads the state of »ab- i»»ued out of tbe Circuit Merchant» of Eugene and Spring- ENROLL MONDAY with relative« at Ocean Bide. Court of the Stale of Oregon for (1)y a wide margin In total rental and western aud eastern state» wber» 71»* and Olivo Sts. — Phone »66 field. lame County this 29lh day of Jan­ benefit paym ents received Next to stem rot hae become a factor. It For Eugene, Oregon. Cor. 6th and W illamette St SUMMONS uary. 1935, upon and pursuant to a Is expected to play a vital part In Eugene, Ore., Phone 18k Shorthand, Bookkeeping. Typing decree duly given and made by said It total «t »1.270.479.4* lx Sherman Oregon In Increasing green summer IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Day and Night Classes BEAUTY PARLORS county with »659.540.91. Morrow. TIIK STATE OF ORBOON F«)K Court this 29th day of January. Eugene B uh I ubbb College 1935, In a suit pending therein In Gilllarn. Wasco and Union counties pasture for dairy and other live­ l.ANE COUNTY. _______ FURNITURE "A Good School" which Otto A. Nickel, and Otto A. follow In that order. Lincoln coun­ stock and for soil building and ero­ Permannot Push Wave« Lester H. Nye, Plaintiff vs. Helen I'kone 666 Miner Bldg. Nickel as Administrator of tbe 11.76 and Up. sion prevention purposes. M Nye. Defendant estate of Anua Nickel were plain- ty farmer» have profited the least Eugene, Oregon Growers In Benton, Linn, Lane. To lle l’ ii M Nye. Defendant: IN um iW N IF IIEAOTY HHOl'PE JO H N SO N FU R N ITU R E CO tiff» aud Vtrglt E. Keyt and Mar-, directly from Giese payment», the THE NAME OF THE STATE O FIThe IWOWNIB BBAUTT H ilt» Ranges and Circulators Folk and Yamhill counties parti­ gurlette Stanford were defendants total there being only »930 so far. OREGON. You are hereby required j Apyrentlce Finger Wave 26c. Severs! Lines Including Montsg. COMPLETE BUSINESS COURSES which execution aud order of sale cularly bave found that Olla clover all from corn-bog payments. to appear and answer the com ; Shampoo ft Finger Wave 60c Linoleum—Inlaid and Fell lias« I my and Ntglit t'la»«e» was to me directed and command­ la exceptionally winter hardy and plaint filed ugaln»t you In *l»*| M | w illa m etts. Eugene, Ph. 4«» Butter Control Next ed me to sell the real properly Attractive Prlcea on Furniture above entitled suit on ur before _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ------------- We can train you to become an hereiuaftc.- described to satisfy A. H. I-auterbarh, chief of the starts growth early In the spring and Ruga. four weeks from the date of tbs expert In bookkeeping, steno­ certain liens a ad charges In said dairy section of the AAA, announ­ of the second year. It provide» con- BATTERY SERVICE first publication of this iu BIBOM, See Us Before Yon Buy graphy. aecretarlal or reporting decree „perilled, I will on Satur­ ced to Oregon dairymen in their pasture the first year and ur for want thereof the plaintiff We Deliver Phone 1188 work. Our syetem of typewriting day the 2nd day of March, 1935, at step- convention In McMinnville through it» two years of life la re- LANECO will take Judgment agaluat you and Instruction makes for greater »peed the hour of ten o'clock, A. M., at 64» W illamette Eugene apply to the court for a decree of and accurancy. In »horthand we tbe southwest door of the County that a federal butter marketing con- cognized as the best non Irrigated BATTBRY FACTORY absolute divorce from you a» pray- ( leach the up-to-dale Gregg ayntem Court House In Eugene. Lane trol program will be offered to the pat*ture producer now available. Ir Hack at our old location. Lena GROCERIES cd for In the roinplulnt; and »tenotype -the modern ma­ Couuty, Oregon, offer for sale and Pacific coast states In the near fn proper pautunng method« are prac Thl» aummoua la published ouco overhead your gain. See our new I chine shorthand. »ell at public auction for cash, sub­ ture. It will be designed to accom tlced. It supplies green forage each week for four weeks In the material batferlea la genuine Gate» • DIBBLEE’S ject to redemption a» provided by Modern Business College throughout the summer and Into Springfield New», a weekly imwa- hard rubber caaea before you boy. law, all of tbe rigbt, title and inter­ pllsh much the same results being paper publlabed at Sprlnyfleld, All part» haudmade In Eugene For RED & W HITE GROCERY 116 E Broadway. Eugene. Ph. 117 est of tbe defendants in said suit attained locally by the Oregon but­ early fall. luaue County. Oregon, by order of capacity—service—price--none bet- A number of seed dealers In Phone 4 aud of all parties claiming by, ter marketing agreement. SHOE REPAIRING the Hon. G, F. Hklpworth. Judgo ter RECHARGING- REPAIRING, through or under them or any of Some source of production control Oregon have now stocked Wlllam- Cor. 4th and Main Sta . Springfield of said Court made Jan. 12th, 1926 Van | iurrn . . phone 1008 them In or to tbe following des­ in the near future 1» deemed n ee « 1 « »»•*< Gover and moat other» end 1» first publlabed January 17th ,, ------------------------- ■ — cribed real property, to-wit: H all’« S h oe Rejialr Shop HOSPITALS The North fifty-three and o n e essary by Istuterbach. as he s o y s ' are able to obtain Its for their cua- We Repeat We are striving to “ “ w a rm » . . m , « . creameries - tblrd feet of Lot numbered One the temporary conditions that have, turners, or names of growers hav- live up to tbe Spirit as well as tbe PACIFIC HOSPITAL, (1) In piock numbered Seven­ brought about the present favor | ‘«g certified seed will be furnish- Letter of the National Recovery •oat deuce INC. teen (17) In the Jamee Huddle- able price situation cannot be ex- ed by the farm crops department l BLUE BELL dreaa: Eugene, i. I l ireguu. Act. ston'H Extended Addition, as re­ 12tb and Htlyard Dairy ITodncta (J 17 23 21 - F 7 14) corded In the County Clerk'» Of­ petted to continue. He also believe« at ,h e college, 420 Mata St. Springfield. Phon« 2600 fice in Eugene, Lane County, that dairymen are entitled to pro- ” N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S C r ~ « . Butter. C h e ..., Milk Eugen«, Oregon State of Oregon, tection from "invasion” of their EDUCATIONAL MOVIES Notice I. hereby given t b .l the EUGENE FARMERS CREAMERY. Dated this 29th day of January, JOHN NELSON SHOE SHOP 1935. field by farmers using contracted SEE GAIN IN PAST YEAR Phone Eugene 638 uuderalgned baa been duly appoint­ Genera! Shoe Repairing acreage from other crop control EUGENE HOSPITAL C. A. »WARTS, Sheriff. ed Executor of the « stale of Ethel By A. E. HULEGAARD, Deputy program to increase their dairy Our work la Guaranteed. Our More than 340.000 persons viewed M Sllllmau, deceased, and any and "The Frlendly Institution" CLEANING A DYEING (J. 31—F 7-14-21-28) all person» having claims »gainst price» are most reasonable. educational moving pictures and output. Phone 1800 the said estate «re hereby required lantern slides distributed during SUMMONS 1162 Wlllaroette Eugene Olve Us a Trial and Be Satisfied. Jimmie's Cleaning Shop to present »aid claim», duly vi ri­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Oppoalte McKee'» Bakery the past year by the visual aid libr­ fled a» by >aw required, at the of­ JAMES MITCHELL STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE SEED OF NEW POTATO 607 Main St., Springfield ary at Corvallis, according to the fice of Well» »nd Well». Bank of COUNTY. Commerce Building, Eugene. In (T ra ilin g . Pressing. Alteration». LADIES READY-TO-WEAR AVAILABLE IN STATE annual report Just made by U. 8. THE STATE OF OREGON, Repro» We Call For and Deliver. Lane Couuty. Oregon, within «lx SERVICE STATIONS Burt, head of the department of anted a 1 acting by the World mouths from the date of tbla no ROYAL Made to Measure Bull» angeline dress shop War Veteran» State Aid Com­ Katahdin potato seed Is now visual Instruction for the entire edu­ tlce. Eugene. Oregon 309 Main HI.. Springfield. Ph. 100 mission, Plaintiff, available in fairly large amounts cational system . This was an In A S T SERVICE STATION Dated and first published Jau. 17. Popular Priced Dree»es 1*36. General Gasoline, Oil and Greaaee BENJAMIN*!» HEIDEMAN. ELSIE in Oregon, according to E. R. Jack- crease of nearly 100.000 over the DENTISTS ARTHUR 11. BTILLMAN, Exe Allen A. Hosiery M HEIDEMAN. HAZEL P. man. extension agronomist st Ore­ year previous. \ Goodrich Tire» cutor. RADER, and WINIFRED KUYK­ gon State college This Is the U. S. 63 IS. Broadway Phone 633-W "A Home Owned Station.” The material was loaned out to WELLS A WKLIAt. AUorueys. ENDALL. Defendant». DR. G. A. BROWN D. A. variety which, under test in schools, granges. Legion ports, oar Eugene. Oregon 5th and A Sta.. Springfield. Uh. 44 (J 17-23-81 — F 7 141 To Benjamin L. Heldeman, Elsie Hour» 9 A. M. to 6 P. M —— - r M. He.deman, and Winifred Kuyk Oregon, has proved Immune to mild ent-teacher association, CCC camps Phone 20 J LUMBER eudall, Defendants. __ mosaic and resistant to other forms and community clubs In 36 counties Mitchell Service Statico '.th and Main Ste. Bprlngfleld IN THE NAME OF THE STATE of mosaic diseases. and 10 other states. What is said ALL RICHFIELD PRODUCTS OF OREGON: You are héreby re­ Residence 728 A Street. Tubers are rounded and free of to be the sm allest service fee is quired to appear and answer the — Yale Tlrea — EUGENE LUMBER CO. Complaint ill d against you in the knots and other second growth. the country, ranging from 10 to 26 Greasing - Battery Recharging Where Quality and Service are above entitled »uit within four (4) They have shallow eyes, white cents a set. Is the only cost aside DR WM N. DOW Expert Radio Repairing by Paramount. week» from the date of the first flesh, and possess excellent cooking from transportaGon. DENTIST Watchmaker and Jeweler LEE CRAY publication of this Summon» and qualities. W estern Oregon grower« Phone 426 S P H IN Q F IB L D X Ray Diagnosis — Hour» » to 12 R. R. Blvd. and Grand if you fail »o to answer on or be­ reported last year that the variety Phono 48-J The office at Corvallis was made Se. Pactflo W atoh Inspecter 1 to 6 ana by appointment, fore the last day of the above pres­ the northwest distributor for the First Class W ork at Reaeonable stayed green much longer than cribed stated tim e for want thereof o ffice Phone 8 — Re». Phone 87 Prloee. the Plaintiff will take Judgment Burbanks, being more drouth res­ U. 8. department of agriculture, and The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. OREGONIAN and decree against you. and each istant. It is considered an excellent sends officials films to Idaho. Mon­ Furnishes a SERVICE STATION of you as in its Complaint demand­ variety for use on heavy soils that tana. Washington and Wyoming as ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES COMPLETE HOME General Law Practice ed. to-wit: For Judgment againsi At the Springfield Junction well as Oregon. The catalog of the Defendant Benjamin L. Hoide­ tend to produce number twos of Building aud Repairing Service. GAS AND OILS I. M. PETERSON material is available free.________ taan for the sum of One Thousand other sorts. Springfield Electric Supply For Service Phone Bprlngfleld 56 Service Day and Night. Attorney al-hsw Three Hundred and three and Wiring. General Contracting Parente of Boy— Mr. and Mrs. or If no answer, phone 34-J. Grocery Sundries, Tobacco's and 16-100'Dollars, together with inter­ FINAL NOTICE City Hall Building G. E Istmps. Universal Household Leonard Weber are the parents of Springfield. est thereon at the rate of six (6% J Picnic Goods. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF a baby son born to them at the Pa­ Springfield. Drbgon Electrical Supplies. W est Springfield Ph. 9pr. 33-J per cent per annum from and since STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE the 20th day of September. 1932, General Repairing cific hospital in Eugene on Sunday. PHYSICIAN - SURGEON COUNTY. and for the further sum of One 442 Main Springfield TRANSFER A STORAGE Hundred (*100.00) Dollars as rea­ In the Matter of the Estate of February 10, 1935. Frank B. Weber som etim es I)R. MILTON V. WALKER MOVING— Our Plano and Furni­ sonable attorney's fees herein and known as Franklin B. Weber, de­ for the coats and disbursements of Surgery and D iseases of Women Inspect our New Installation at ture Movers are Experts. ceased. At Salem —Thelmer J. Nelson this suit and foi the further De­ 4th and Malo Sts. Springfield STORAGE — Concerte Building. cree of this Court foreclosing all of Notice is hereby given that the spent the week-end at the home of the State Game Farm. undersigned administrator has filed Phone 82-J the right title and Interest of the W estinghouse I .amps and Reasonable Rates. Reliability. his final account in the above en his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. G. of Pittsburgh, Pa Appliances. PACKING — Experienced H e l p Defendants, Benjamin L. Heide- titled matter that the court has Nelson, at Salem., E lsie M. Heideman, Haxel P. Means Safely and Protection. MELVILLE S. JONES, M. D. Rader aud Winifred Kuykendall, appointed Friday the 8th day of HENDERER ELECTRIC in aud to the following described March 1935 at ten o'clock in the 420 Main St. Springfield Surgery aud Diseases of Women PACIFIC TRANSFER & real property situated in Lane forenoon as the tim e for the hear X Ray and Physiotherapy lies Phone 148J STORAGE CO. ing of objections to said final ac County. State of Oregon, to-wlt: 59V4 5th Ave. W. Eugene. Ph. 74 Springfield. Oregon Represented By Beginning at the Northwest «•ouut and the settlem ent thereof All persons Interested may appear FRUIT PACKERS If no answer Call 104 R First National Bank Bldg Ph. 43 corner of Lot number one (1) and file objections if any they in Block number twenty two (22) E. H. TURNER WOOLEN MILLS of Fairmount, according to the have. Eugene Fruit G row er’s Atts’n PLUMBING - PIPE FITTIN G Dated this 7th day of February, 841 A BL Springfield. Gro. Original Plat thereof, now a part Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packer» „ . , of the Ctty of Eugene, running 1935. C. A. W1NTERMEIER. Aomin EUGENE und Shipper». Ice and (’old Storage. • NlEL POLLARD thence south along west line of WOOLEN MILL CO. Istrator. College li e Cream Manufacturer». said lot number One (1) one P L U M B IN G (F 7-14 21-28 — M 7) Manufacturers of Woolens. hundred fifty (150) feet; thence Coco Cola—Klst Beverages Copper Colls a Specialty. euBt to the west line of Fair- Specialising In l-adtoa Cider Vinegar Res. Phone 153-J mount Boulevard; thence north­ COATINGS AND SUITINGS. Phone 1480 erly along the v e s t line of said SAY GOODBYE TO GAS 420 Main SI. Springfield. Ore. If you go East this winter, why Retail Department at Mill. Ferry near Rth Ave E. Eugene. Boulevard to the northeast cor­ IN STOMACH AND BOWELS not go through California and East End 6th Ave. Eugene. Ore ner of »aid lot number One (1) Formerly Walker Poole PRINTERS N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Southern Arizona? Ride our and thence west along the north Why bother with slow action Notice 1» hereby given (hat the line of »aid lot 1 to the place of when one tablespoon of this splen­ i.m n ,n Sunset Limited or Golden TH E W ILLAM ETTE PRESS LIQUOR SALE SENDS EUGENE 1 Itti SPRINGFIELD unihTHlgned ha» been duly appoint _ . a , , I beginning, all In Lane County, did and pleasant liquid remedy will State Limited through America’s 228 Main und t'harneltoli ed Administrator of the Estate of Springfield LOCAL MAN TO JAIL Oregon. cause gas. bloating, heaviness, sunniest winter region. Stopover Annu Nickel, deceased, by the and for such other and further re­ l'boue 62-J Telephone 723 Phone 2 heartburn or any upset condition of County Court of lam e County, anywhere. Hey Casteel spent some time In lief a» to the Court may seem Just the stomach to speedily vanish. It » • '— Oregon. AU persons having claims lluslne»» Stationery- Office Form« and equitable. For details, set your local a wonderful formula this oombina* the county Jail and then paid 4250 This Summons Is published by tion of Pepsin with other good agaliiHt the »eld estate are hereby Booklets — Placards — agent or write J. A. Ormsndy, hail bond money awaiting trial In notified to present the same, prop­ virtue of an Order of the Honor- Dodgers, etc. I?“w 'ím b¿rl?júdge'¿f"the stomach In vigorators-so wonder GrarrsJ Farjexger Ages«, 709 erly verified a« by law required, to o V ; tu. that regular pharmlate gu= circuit court on a charge of selling ^ « R * C o t ^ D e V Ä the undersigned at the office of A Modern Print Shop Producing liquor Illegally. Casteel was ar­ Pacific Building, Portland, Ora. tee one bottle of Dare's Mentha Up-To Dute Printing. Well» 41 Well», Bank of Commerce gon. for Co-uty. dated the Pepsin to »how the way to stomach rested Saturday in Springfield aflei Bldg., Eugene, Oregon, within »lx Phone and a Salcsm sn Will Call. 16th day of January, 1935. he Is alleged to have made a sale The date of the first publication com fort month» from the (’.ate of the first of this summons Is 17th day of publlcntloti of this notice. of liquor. Health Better— Mrs. N. W. Emery Date of first publication. Fob. 7 January, 1935. 1« recovering from u recent ¡linos« JAMES K. KING. Attorney for 1935. Coburg Man Here— I.. R. Smith OTTO A NICKEL. Admlnlstru according Io word received from Plaintiff. Residence and post- of Coburg was a business visitor in office address, Eugene, Oregon. tor. her sisters at Portland with whom WELLS ft WELLS, Attorney«. (J 17-23-31 — F 7-14) Springfield Tuesday atornlng. «lie is rtuyiug. (F 7-14-21-28 — M 7) and What They Do Business Directory E d w a rd C. P riv a t Reliance Life Insurance Co. GO EAST SUNSHINE POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e Sontbern Pacific & D A R E ’S MENTHA PEPSIN SEE AN EYE SPECIALIST If you have nny reu»oii to he lli-ve tlint you are not »eelng uh well u» you should, have your eye» oxamlned at once. If there 1» a defective condition there, do not aggrevate It by continuing your present reading and eyo- »1 ruining habit*. By E D . K R E S S Y THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries V» HAWS covwrsw •S S The condition of your oyes need no longer he gue»» work Gar mod tii equipment enables un to loll the exact condition of vour eye» and only when thl» 1» known can succexaful relief be uh tired. Examinations are Free. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 W»a4 *th lugana TUL paocesíofi MIO TUS 8 0 * AM Of T TODAY OU AUOIU6« fACr-UUttUb VtHTURt,- CUM8 A80AM W O ».’ 3 ~ THE ^OUX.CALSURVEYSAVBTMATSWjMkS. MAYt TUtetFUTATlOU <*6ATlMö YELLOW .JUUYCTS AM» BUAABU MS»- ~ -a |T HA» BEEN MUM TÖ 6ATMBÄ. <Ä< fifiUMP «•