Tl IV UH DAY, FEBRUARY H , THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S c T X o b v z n J X ezr t ’ubllshed Every T hursday at Springfield, l-ane County. O regon by i Fum lnm etal advancem ent In body 1 and ch assis diwlgn th a t e«tabll»h * an en tirely new s ta n la n l of riding T H E W IL L A M E T T E PR ESS j com fort 1» an outstan d in g feature H K MAXKY, E ditor 'o f lh e new 1936 For«l V-8 »ay Ford engineer». W hile the m odem »tyl Kniervd a» second d a s» m ailer. F ebruary 34. 19U3. at ih e poatofflca. ing of th e new ear ha» attra c te d Spriugftald. Oregon m any, no o th er featu re of the Ford V S ha» claim ed so much attention MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE _________ »1 00 i ami adm iring com m ent. Y ear In A dvance $1.50 Six Month* — Dae T h e com bination of "extended 50c »2.50 Thr«»e Mouth» Two Y ears In ad v an ce springbaae" a basic new tre a t m eat of i he spring» and spring T ill RSDAY. FKHRUARY 14. 19.16 I m ounting» introduced for th e first lim e In th e new Ford to g ether W H A T IS W E A L T H with a revolutionary change in the Som e of th e early a n ie n t su p p o rters of P resident i riding position of passengers ami th e retirin g of free action on all R oosevelt are tu rn in g from him b ecau se he Is apparently sw inging from th e radical to m ore liberal views on w ealth. , four w heels a re responsible for the They have som e sort of th eo ry about red istrib u tio n of new com fort of the 193». w ealth. W hat re p re se n ts a large part of th e w ealth in the U nited S ta te s is a hard th in g to define. A factory in the h an ds of one m an m ay be a liability instead of an asset and w orth only w hat junk m achinery will bring. T he sam e facto ry in the h an d s of a n o th e r m an o r org an izatio n may­ be a million dollar concern and a valuable asset. W hen you attem p t to d istrib u te th is sort of w ealth a lot of it v an ­ ishes in thin air. Nobody is benefitted by an a ttem p ted dis­ trib u tio n . and th e com m unity, s ta te and nation su ffers Ex­ cess profits should be lim ited and taxed heavily but th ere should never b e a n y penalty on brains o r o th e r hu m an ele­ m en ts in industry. ------------------ •»------------------- SIGNS OK B ET T E R TIM ES Som e signs of b e tte r tim es is set out in new s rep o rts from NBA. A few a re listed below. T he autom obile industry increased 45 percent in 1934 over 1933 and reach ed a $5,000.000.000 enterprise. M ontgom ery W ard & G om pany r e t r i e d $9,302,023 net profit for first 11 m onths in 1934. O rders fo r electric equipm ent increased 26 percent. O rders rep o rted by 78 m a n u fa c tu re rs inceased from $325.- 066.000 in 1933 to $410.000.000 in 1934. An average gain of 16 percent in ad vertising is show n in index figures com piled by P rin te rs Ink. Of th e to tal spent for advertising, new spapers accounted for m ore th a n $500,- 000.000, m agazines about $110.OoO.000. radio ad vertising m ore th a n $70.000,000. outdoor advertising about $40,000.- 000. an d farm pap ers $15,000.000. S teel production clim bed upw ard from 44 U p ercen t to 49 percent of ingot capacity. Dun & B rad stre et survey show s tra d e is best since 1931. In predicting for 1935 this rep o rt says a s s u ra n ie is g< n- erallv expressed th a t th e well co n stru c te d b ase on which achievem ent now re sts provides for th e co n tin u an c e of pro­ g ress on a less checkered course th a n it w as forced to fol­ low- at tim es d u rin g 1934. W e believe th a t th e bill calling for a change in th e d ate of O regon's direct prim ary is a good step. S eptem ber and O ctober would then he the cam paign m o n th s ra th e r th a n from M ay to N ovem ber. People can tak e an in te re st in can d id ates for tw o m onths and act intelligently but ca m ­ p aigning for a half year is too m uch. T he Mucon joins th e S hen an d o ah and Akron a s the navy's sacrifice to lig h ter th an a ir ex p erim entation. T his $8,000,000 experim ent is very costly and probably will be th e d e a th blow to such practice for a long tim e. We have alw ays doubted th e value of th ese c ra fts in w ar even if th ey could be n av ag ated successfully. --------------- , --------------- A valley high school debated the question “ Resolved, th a t m odern m achinery is a F ran k e n ste in m o n ster th a t th re a te n s to d estro y m ankind." T he affirm ative rode to th e m eeting a s well a s th e negative in high pow ered a u to ­ m obiles and lost th e debate. n T sch ^ T a . ms W ashington. II. C . F»b I t tSpe- S lull The U nited S tates Civil Ser­ vice Conimls ton says th a t num er­ ous le tte rs receive«! at Its office from d ifferen t p a ils of the couolry Indicate m isleading Inform ation Is being given to Ihe public by agents f som e of the correspondeuce < bool.- which give Instruction In preparation for civil-service exam i­ nations. ' « If Ihe windshield or window» »f Au am eiidineiit to the la e a a u re ! S calile. W ash,. Feb. 14 -A total j a car become coated w ith vapor of 53» down aud operating milia lu tiow In th e le g k la tu re providing during cold w eather drlvlug II •» «iregoii and W ashington which re ­ that all legal aid for ihe varkm a ~~ ¿gu,aM o« th at ihe car * 1» not ported to the W est C oast „ L um ber­ _ departm ent» of the »tutu govern I |irupar| . vsntllaled. according to m A ssociation J for m en's en '. A.mH-latlon " ‘ the J « w«*ek „...... , hl(u|d |mllU1(.(, .„rough I safety departm ent of U . Ore ending January 35 produced ««.«77. i »««H-lallou At 991 board feel of lum ber TUI. w a. th e office of th e attorney general M * wlll(h,w. . „ ould he open approxim ately 4.8UO.IHM) feet under would shift the hurdeii of paym ent ‘‘ parnilt free clrcula Ihe preceding week. T he a v e ra g e ; o | #|<| , l# u , |w „ g |,lg ( |lr Tb(# wtu help to g„»p weekly production of this g ro u p , ,|,,pttl (ha creditor» ol (h | yta|o„ ami avoid drow sl of mill» in 1936 haa been 66.385. i j tt,„ . . . |1 M„Us to th e general ih ar affect» Or van ---------------- closed banka geueral lie s s ........ and i „ other effect« of of DO poor veo 7«9 fe e t; during Ihe »ame (lM .h e ----- slate according ...... M, . „( •— - .........— to Itoti illation, which oftan «re re«p«ui In 1934 th eir weekly average was eri Duncan, senator from Hartley , (>r traffic accident» . .. who la author of «ItM ii».9îï.««4 feet. county, th e lain bill T he new hualueaa reported last A nother am endm ent to the hill R o m bürg Ooclor Hera— Dr H ar­ week by 53» mills was 79.698.676 would provide Ihe attorney general ald Van V»l»«h of Itoaeburg waa board feet ag ain st a production of with pow er lo employ »pis-lal as her«. Kunday lo Halt at ihe hörne of 66.677.991 feet aud shipm ent» ot slslau ce Instead of glvlug thia lila tuolher. Mr» A II Vau Valsah S3.O37.ti47 feet T heir shipm ents power to tin- governor and the _____ w ere under production by 6.6 p««r Hoard of Control. 1 . . . . . . ceut and th eir cu rren t sales w ere Hitip your Cold! Bottl» of Another m easure In the le g lsl. A lo lI ll l.T , COII1- over production by 19.5 percent. « The order» hooked lust w«»k by tu re along a sim ilar Hue Would make the atto rn ey general appoint p ld e , for 09 CODt«. _ this group of Identical mills wer»- | Drtlg Store. under Ihe preceding week by atxwt Ive by th e governor. ... 6,600.000 feet or approxim ately 6 b .................................. percent. T he unfilled order file at these mills stood at 430.069.444 hoard feet approxim ately 13.000.000 feel over Ihe week before. The aggregate Inventories of 43» m ills are 4.7 per- Maid O'CreaiH milk ami cream delivered lo your ont m ore than nt th is tim e last door dally 1« fresh, pure and wholesom e. G chh I milk year. To guard ag ain st th e loss of motley paid for tuition of this kind ihe Civil Service Comm ission III form s the public us follow No one cun prom ise appoint m e itls to positions tor which the C ulled S tales I tvlc Service Com mission holds exam inations. The (aim lhat such assu ran ce enu be given brands the person niuk'ng It R id e B etw een W h e e l« S eats in th e new c a rs a re located as a fraud. Inform ation regarding exam lna betw een th e fro n t and re a r wheels w here riding ease Is greatest. In tlons for the I ’nlted S tates Civil th is position, all road shocks and Service may be obtained Hom the I bumps tra n sm itte d to th e fram e boards of I Tilled S tates Civil S e r­ T here Is such a from uneven pavem ent and rough vice E xam iners roads a re niinlm laed alm ost to the board in each com m unity which has a post office of Ihe first or sec- vanishing point. T he re a r seat has been moved oml class. In nearly all cities the forw ard to a position eight and a Ivll service board is located at the half inches fu rth e r ahead in the poat office. Itefore paying money for tuition, i 1936 cur. th is being accom plished by m oving the engine Ihe sam e dis or signing a contract, it is advis­ tan ce tow ard th e front w ithout able Io m ake Inquiry concerning changing the length of the wheel the prospect of exam ination -. T here LAW W O U L D R E Q U IR E S A F E T Y GLASS IN CARS i base. T he front springs. Increased s reuaon to believe thut agents of seven and five-eighths inches In ome »» deceive Ihe public as As a fu rth er step tow ard croat length, a re now m ounted th ree and to the probability of early exam ina­ lug m ore sufety In connection with ; five-eighths Inches In front of the tio ns. No school has advance inform ­ op eratin g or (raveling In m otor ax le; th e lengthened re a r springs ' two and a h alt inches tow ard the ation regarding the need for em ­ vehicles, the Oregon S tale Motor rear, com pared w ith the form er ploy« es or the probability of ex assm -iatlon. sponsor of the "L et's Quit K illing'' program , will support am iuatione. model. a bill In the present session of the s ta te legislature calling for the In­ •G IL D E D L IL Y " O P EN S RED C R O SS O F F E R S N EW stallatio n of safety glass on all new a t M c D o n a l d S unday CO U R SE IN G A R D E N IN G autom obiles sold a fte r January 1, 1936. "T h e Gilded Lily.” th e new T he legislation sought for O re­ Red Cross chap ters will s«x>n of­ C lau d ette C olbert sta rrin g vehicle fer to th e ir respective couim uultlea gon Is sim ilar to th a t enacted In which comes Sunday Io the McDon­ a newly prepared course of Instruc­ N ebraska. Change to safety glass ald th e a tre , i» a rom antic aud tion In Red C ross garden and fo«>d would he required for alt cars fur frothy connnly th at boasts a totally hire and srh«x»l husst-e. conservation work. new and unconventional approach T he m otor association pointe«! The experience of Ihe Red Cross on th e rom antic angle. In garden seed d istrib u tio n and In out. how ever, (hat ow ners of prl A ssisted by F red McM urray and hom e garden developm ent has vale, autom obiles purchased before Ray Milland in th e principal sup shown th at a very extensive In te r­ Jan u ary 1. 1936. would not be re portin g roles. Miss C olbert Is cast qulred to Instull the safety glass, est exists In th ese program s. as a p retty sten o g rap h er who is The use of land to prtuluce fixai but would be urged to Install It dead set ag ain st m arrying a mil­ for home consum ption m akes pos when replacing breakages. lionaire. H er idea of connubial E nforcem ent of th e proposed law Ible a b e tte r standard of living bliss is a husband who is poor and when th ere Is reg u lar em ploym ent would he through the m otor veht stru g g lin g , som eone whoso hard and a possible m eans ot subsistence d o division of th e se cretary of ships she can share. when th ere Is part tim e employ sta te 's office No new registration S he th in k s sh e has found the ment o r even unem ploym ent. Uar- would bo granted until adequate m an of h er d ream s, but. when he dett products a re a protection to proof of proper gluss Is given. tu rn s out to be a w ealthy English Many m anu factu rers ulreudy are th e health of th e family. A good noblem an traveling Incognito in the garden not only provides fresh ftxxl equipping th eir autom obiles with United S tates, she drops him in a during the grow ing season, hut a the safety glass, as legislation sltnl hurry. The resu ltin g publicity surplus to be conserved for w inter lar to th at proptised In Oregon has splurge brings th e obscure little use as well, th u s m aking possible been adopted In tnauy slates, ac ■ secretary Into the lim elight, m aker a more varied and b e tte r balanced cording to th e m otor association ■ h er th e m ost sought a fte r woman d iet th e year ’round. G ardens en O ther m anu factu rers m ake Its In on tw o continents. able the fam ily to be self-support slallatio n optional. F or th e while Miss C olbert b « ;ks S afety glass 14 required In 13 ing Io a considerable ex ten t, thus in th e glory of h er new position. sta te s and recom m ended In eight providing a factor of security. ' T hen sh e goes to London w here she m eets th e noblem an again. W hen Salesm an H ere— Ira Ulrchfleld she trie s to renew th e rom ance, X -R A Y S H O W S M E T A L speclul salesm an for th e M ountain she suddenly realizes th a t the only F A U L T S T O S T U D E N T S S ta te s Power com pany. Is bore as , person she loved is th e boy she slating Mr. P eterson conduct an has left back in New York—her An X-ray tu b e which doe» to c a st­ electric range cam paign. j reg u lar T hursday night date. ings and welds what the ordinary j ---- ----------------------- I | X-ray doe» does In revealing fracture« fractu res in Ini M E T H O D IS T C H O IR M E E T S 1 k hone», nv««a has Lou been L o o n presented I i r u a i i n t »• Ford For­ ward Load DiHribution w ill hnprovt on all tboit. In addition, you can now use full- width semi-trailers— and make scute angle turns. N o other truck in America, reganlless ol price, offers the combination of ’ea,“r®s f c h t to you by the 1935 Ford V-8. Don’t fail to test these trucks on your own job, with your own d rivers!... 131F? and 137-inch wheelbases. and UP F. 0. B. D tlm t. E»»y Term« Through Universal Credit Co., the Authorized Ford Finance Plan W W yuthorized ford dealers FORD V-8 TRUCKS More than ever, America’s Great Truck Value • • Eyentr&in to a very real danger. Few of ua realiM that we pay dearly for every hour we strain our eyes. The tragedy to that we seldom know that we ARE misusing our eyes. Attempting to read, work or study in poor or glaring light to the cause of most eyestrain. The two or three pennies a day saved on your light bill Isn't worth the risk of impaired vision. See this new type lamp (recently designed to help cor* rect the evils of im­ proper home light- mar) at your dealers. ADVANCED TRUCK FEATURE ssa a ADM. 25c - K ID S 15c Take No CHANCES. Another ’ C H U C K IN G entered a new era of econ- A omy when Ford engineers gave you the V-8 truck engine, the full-floating rear axle and the other truck-built features that are today saving money for thousands of Ford V-8 users. For 1935, Ford engineers have added im­ provements than enable you to make new demands on your truck—that will further reduce your operating and maintenance cost Perhaps your tire wear is okay. Perhaps your brakes are giving efficient, long serv­ ice. Maybe you have no complaint about the way your truck is standing up or SH O W - - 8:15 D A N C IN G T hey w ere shocked; b u t He w as not. T h a t He had condem ned him self according to th e ir form ula w orried him n o t a whit. Ilis liking for folks o v erran all social b o u n d ar­ ies; He ju st could not seem to rem em b er th a t som e people a re nice people, proper people, and som e a re not. “ And h e re ’s a n o th e r th in g to think a b o u t,” He added. “ You lay so m uch stress on form s and creeds and o cc as­ ions -do you suppose God ca res a b o u t all th a t? What, do you th in k he m eant when he said: ‘I will have m ercy and n o t sacrifice? T ake th a t hom e an d puzzle over it.” DOORS O P EN 7 P. M. F R EE ‘ O u trag eo u s,” grum bled Hie w orthy folk. “ S urely if th is tea« her had any m oral s ta n d a rd s he never would eat with such rabble.” “ Come, com e,” He exclaim ed to th e P harisees, “ w on’t you ever g et over nagging a t me because I e a t w ith these o u tsiders? W ho needs th e doctor m ost— th e y th a t a re well o r they th a t a re sick? PIDPIIC Feb21 blnuUd *° «g MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY