THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THIKTY SHX'OND YEAIt HPKINUKlKbO. COUNTY, T M ilU R m H mr----- IM Y ----- , FEBR aeaW JBemaaBBBmBjaeawaaB LANE ameBWanm mmeBayMWaMm ORBOON, mMHBUMMBaUaB maeM ---- U A R Y 14 1V35 COUNCIL HOLOS « - ? « ■ « ,1 ACIWE f r< DION “ « CUI IO D ifilli DIO Raise lands to r g||| RECORDS |R Change Made In HULT Pipe Organ here dimd nnuniTinu Local Business LAND VISIT T U III LECTURE Club Cancels Friday Meeting;' Pledges Of Citizens Add To Laundry Shifts Management; "O| To Entertain At Program ' Tile To Replace Wood In Cruzan Bequest; Expect Accountant Tells Council Mitchell Returns, Change* Trip To Bibical Place* A f­ On February 22 To Place Order Soon City Fathers For Co. z4> Some Crossings; Planners Name Of Dry Cleaners Much Work Necessary Be­ firm * Faith In W riting* eration Monday Nigh, Given Questionnant fore Opening New Books "here will be no meeting of the Say* World Traveler Efforts to place an order for a ______ Another change In the manage- Much Businasa Pre*« / ((field Lion» club Ibis week. The City of Hprlngfleld will re- ■.•ling regularly ».bxlulm l i pair coucrete sidewalks which hare _ ~~ ! fi, ’ .day noon baa beeu cancelled Legion Asks Boxing Commie- ,o (11 -k# way (or lbw ,,,* aUHUB, beeu broken and duioag-d by tree I roots Itellef labor under the HERA »¡on; Dogs, Dance Hall Lie- Ladles Nlgbt banquet and program i project will be used fur this pur ense, Gambling Talked to be given at Taylor hall the foi pose which will Include the re­ ■ i . lowing week on Friday. February moval of old broken sertlous of the A Townsend memorial, boalna r i, George Waahlnglun'a birthday, walk und cutting away of trouble­ (omuilaaloo. doga, dance hall lie 1 Nearly every member of the club some tree roots. euae. gambling, city bookkeeping. |)Ba b. A story of jumbled records wblch | n'e,*‘ lh* «Prlngfleld laundry church within the uext few days probably paint a completely false wa* made here the first of this CURIOS ARE E X H IB IT E D are being maile this week by mem­ I picture of the financial standing of ' we‘-1< wh* n I-, r r ’r » ' ■"« bers of that church. Building and I the City of Hprlngfleld was told at 1 Floyd Wood, both from Eugene. Orientals Say Western Idea* Installation of the organ will re­ Tried And Proved Unwork­ , the meeting of the council Monday took over the business from Fields quire between two and three | and Chamberlin. able Centuries Ago nlgbt. months. Hponsors of the organ - '**”* Proprietors are well ac- O. V. Brees«, aceoufUant, rhol mov^meul , want U to , order In had been employed by the council I dualnted with tbe laundry business O. the . ... One cannot but help affirm his tftruiuenl for Springfield at the intvinK been rm hoc * la ted with thin faith in the Bible when ene visits net Up up a i uew i * w net of uuoe* book« f IV, o r j . * wuu to Set eel o» same lim e one 1» ordered by a (h<# treMgur, r -n(J record-r (old work In Eugene for tbe past five (be Holy Land and stta In tbe the treasurer aud recorder told the church at The Dalles This wBli ,lv , ha, year. They have taken the bust places mentioned with bis Bible re­ city council that affairs were so mean a saving of approximately badly Jumbled that he would have cess over on a lease from W. II reading tbe atortea and then look­ Jtoo lu transportation. ing up to find that conditions, and to do a great deal of cbecglng and 1 Hobbs, owner. The organ wanted here is a uew Another change announced this people exist the same today aa they investigating before he could be Iteuter orgau wblch will coat ap- sure of the actual conditions of week was at Jim m ie’s Cleaning did. according to writers of the . proxluiulely (2000 delivered and In shop where James Mitchell has re­ Bible, hundreds of years before each fund. Nlueteen laborers are employed stalled here. Tbla la the same kind torney. recorder, treaaurer. and O. also been named on oue of the com lumed to resume his work as pro­ Christ. Mr. Breese said. V. Breese, city recorder ut Cottage tnltlees muklng arraugemeuts tur this week. They are removing rock of organ used lu moat of tbe Eu­ prietor and manager This statement waa made several “At your request I have attempt­ Grove aut In on the aesaion. A largo the affair. These committees are from Mill street which was loosen­ gene churches aud at tbe Music Mr. Mitchell has been on an ex times last night at tbe Methodist ed to Install an accounting system group of Inloroatod visitors ulao worklug under the direction of the ed by the scarifier aud are trlmm building at tbe university. for your city recorder and trees-! vacation, and he has an , hurch by Rev. W. H. Hurgoyne. turned out for the meeting. general committee consisting of W. Ing up the curb shoulders. A new Au organ fund Is being built nounced that be will change tbe pastor of the MethodDt church at urer. urface will bo placed on this uroutul a bequest of (1200 left by Quick dis pu* 11 luu was mudo of F. W alker. C. F. Barber, Dr. Mel “I am unable to reconcile the out- name of his plant to Hprlngfleld Sheridan who will conclude a week the Townsend memorial reaolullou vllle H. Jones. I. M Peter sou and street. tbe late Mrs. Janie Cruzan. An ad-, . ., . , , , , . . , , standing warrants from your war Cleaners and Dyers. He will be ac­ of nightly lectures here Friday which hud boon submitted by Sev F II Flattery. Plans for future projects to be dltlonal (760 la needed, aud local . , ... .. . . . , ; i rant record with that of your an tive In the management of the evening. Many lantern slides mad« • r t Jacobson, proaident of the local started In Hprlngfleld uuder the people desiring to see a pipe organ ■ , . . . , . . . .. . from pictures taken by Rev. Bur- . j mjal statement. I understand that business himself. club. The rraolutlou asked that u federal aid relief program were ask- Installed In tbe city are aiding I n . . „ , , , . . goy-ne when be visited the Holy the Bond Lien records have not copy of the memorial he sent Io i isl of the city council at their uieet- the financial drive. This morning , ... . . . . I .and and 27 other countries re­ been audited for a number of years President Itooeevelt, and to all of I lug Monday nlgbt. A number of tbe sum of (373 hud been axsured cently have been shown each even­ Unless the true condition of th< the Gregou congressional delega ’ questionnaire blanks bud beeu seut by fifteen persons. Must of these ing. The last of tbeee will be assets and liabilities of your town Gon Councilman Privat und llar I io the city from the state relief have voluntarily offered their com shown tonight at 7:30. ran be ascertained it is Impossible! tholoinew voted for the resolution headquarters lu Portland that all Irlbutlouu, and they Include many , . . . . . . ! . . I for me to set up further records.( ou the roll call Thompson voteli i work which could be undertaken of the huslneusmen aud their faint- Life, Places Unchanged The amount of liens receivable, j uo and Taylor, declared the matter here as relief projects be listed lu Ilea. Wheu one sits on the spot where (bond liens| In my opinion, as sbuuld he tabled and did uol cast a g q . Sparks Settled In I 'heir Importance together with the Josephs brothers sold him into Pledge, are being re .e lv.d with j gh()Wn V((Ur g, Btemenl ___ _ I . . . I * * e-w»l aa l i e s • • r . . . . . . . . . . . . . vole Mayor Turner . declared a tie ability to finance a part of the an uuderaundlng «hat half of th e ! arw from „ 5 (KK) WI to , 20>(MM) w slavery to the leader of a trader McKtnzia Country in 1875; Cottage Grove - Springfield and cast a vote of approval for the' caravan aud looks up to see a long work locally. sum will be paid before the end, eS(.„gg q( true T > |w „ ,g Died Sunday At Hospital Orators To Clash Twice In caravan of camels coming over the resolution. . (rue condttlon The blanks were turned over to of tb l. year and the balance by j |mp<.r>dre •o s ln g Commission W aits Dual Meet On Friday crest of the nearby hills, and wheu Khow„ Planning commission the end of next year. It I . necea-, of y()ur ai CX>I|ntl, Fuueral services fur Mrs. H. C. the City Appointment of a boxing commis­ one sits on the ledge of Rebecca’s sary that all money he available headed by Harry M Hlewart for Hparks who died at tbe Pacific hos­ an accountltiK Hy»tem be installed." Springfield high school debate sion to Include J M ljir»on, lh . well and watebes women come to for the organ when tbe final pay pital In Eugene Hunday, February consideration. Mr. Breese did not blame a n y . schedule will s t a r t tomorrow Melville H Joues. M B lluntly. II. draw their water from this well men! Is due as tbe Cruzan bequest It. at the age of *5 years will he city official either now or in the j against Cottage Grove. Tbe Grove G. Dibble« and H. E Maxey waa which was dug through solid rock was conditioned un the (act that held this afternoon at Z o’clock .k ««v f . . r , ^ r ! yearg paMt for the <‘ondltlon lh ® teem will come here at 10:30 to requested by llie American l.eglou at least 20 centuries before Christ, the church not create any further R wajj Ju#, l|)e gygteni from the Veatch chapel Io Eugene uphold the affirm ative, while tbe one passes through a completely A special meeting will be held after debt. Dr E V. Hllvers will officiate, aud ing used, he declared. A letter by local team will argue the negative lb« city attorney Investigates the new experience In life, be declared. Tbe church property is entirely Interment will be made In Green­ an accountant addressed to the ide of the debate question. legal slalus In this matter If action The contrast between the people clear of debt and the congregation wood cemetery near Leuburg council In 1923 told of the bad con The subject for the debate topic of the Orient and Occident is not la desired before the next monthly has weathered the degression In a Qf tfae c,(y but that the» did not work. Rev. ed the council’s attention to the. fact that ouly two member, of bis m“ rrl,Ml H ( . Hparks at Lit-1 lM)rg of the Ml.K ent|,t Gateway rifle financial condition of the city. It tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 against i Burgoyne q mted several of lue old tie UorJt lu 1X71 and they came to I and pistol club will he held h ere, will be Impossible to accomplish the affirm ative squad (row Spring Jewish merchants aa laying. committee were active, and that U n e county In IX7A. having lived ' da) e, eulug , l|r Kay No„ much In refunding and rebonding field. they had served through several ’Here I* rtily one highway In fcere 4nce Dis. time. M> »•’" “ ■ I„ r a g e Starting *» 7 :3 0 the city Indebtedness until this In- Members chosen by Miss Bernice' th - Holy Land. Thl Is Gene aj Al- administrations with no change. Many Use Facilities During furmBt,on b available, says E H Maxey volunteered his resignation 11 Conoly, debate coach, to represent, ieuby s m ilitary road. An !««»» Two sons survive. They are Dex I Membership In lue club Includes Past Year; 500 Book* Re­ Turner, mayor. Tbe council be­ the local school are Joan Seavev I has beer, made to rid tbe country to clarify the commlltee member­ ter Hparks at Blue Hlver. and Fells : »portamen In Eugene and Hprlng lieve* much money can be saved by aud Doris Marie Robin* -a, affirm a­ bound During Summer ship situation The lerma of all Bea^ks at McXeuxle bridge of all alien influences. Aa a result field and they will match their skill I _______ refunding bonds at lower Interest tive ; and Roland Farnsworth and members were deemed to huve ex­ I ' _ ,.k I....., u ir i. ,... I . I very little is imported, not even with the Portland Itlfle club. Only Borrowers using facilities of the rates. Lorna Chase, negative. A ffirm a­ spices and all the food tastes very pired and a new committee will be ' rifles will he used Monday and all Hprlngfleld Public Library during tive alternates are Allwln Johnson much alike. Principal food dishes 1 appointed by the mayor subject to B IR TH D A Y PARTY HELD members of (h<< club will have a the past year reached the total of CHURCH M EM BERS TAKE and Malcolm Hanson. Roy C ran-1 are barley soup, cauliflower, thick ratification by the council. Metn- chance to shoot. FOR M ISSION WORKER 15XX. a gain of 47 over tbe preced- bars of the old committee were H. COM M UNION SUNDAY I ‘,al1 and Alpha Prindel win b® th® coffee, hard bread, and sometimes The regular monthly meeting of I ,„a year x total of 139 new card* alternates for the negative team. E. Maxey. H. ('. W right. 1. M. Pet eggs and chicken. The birthday of Misa Hattie M it­ the McKenzie Gateway Rod und wvrt, tasued during the year, but The single critic judging system i terson, Welby Hlsvens, and A. J. Communion will be held at the Children do not play like they i-bell. mission worker In Africa, Gun dub scheduled for Monday , kz were withdrawn, according to Perkins. Christian church Hunday morning will be used this season. The judge* do in this country. They are taught was observed here Tuesday even­ night has beeu cancelled according the annual report of the library ■ Dogs Too Numerous at the 11 o’clock service when Rev. for the opening debates are to be to act like grown people. The girls ing when members of the Iridio* to W alter Uossler. club president, committee. Protest agulnet dogs running un- Cliftou A. Phillips preaches on the furnished by the University of O re-' tend flocks and are married at an because of the Inter-club shoot. .*. « . . . i Missionary society entertained Persons using the library in­ subject. "The L ittle Man In the gou speech department. checked and In packs In the city | . . . ..... early age. The boys learn trades Gene Hlmpsou. manager of the cluded 1621 adults aud 69 children. Jelntly with the members of Hattie Persons interested in the debates were heard Charges of damaged Church." The Bible school will in shops. Mitchell Missionary circle at the state game farms has promised to Hix persons living outside of the gardens and undesirable conditions meet at 9:46 with Beulah Thur­ are invited to attend them. They Language of Parables home of Miss Mitchell’s sister. Mrs. com.- to Hprlngfleld aud meet with city have cards here. on school grounds were voiced at man as superintendent. The Endea will be helti in Miss Conoly's room Tbe people speak in parables. the dub He may be here later In D. B. Murphy. C ontributions Listed tbe meeting by (boee seeking re­ vor societies meet at 6:30 and an at the high school. This accounts for many of the Each organization held their sep i «he month according Io Gossler. Tbe library has a total of 2936 evaugellstic service will be held lu lief from tbe dog problem City At­ statements In the Bible which we ___ _ business meetings alter ' volumes, tflxty eight uew volumes torney King waa asked to luveetl-1 * ra ,‘’ the eveniug at 7:30. Kenneth Smith find difficult to believe in their which a joint program was pres CHURCH FOLK HONOR LEGION M EETS T O N IG H T . were added by gift aud 39 were gate tbe present control ordinances will lead a half-hour of congrega­ literal Interpretation, said the ented. T b l* Included devotional* ' either purcba*ed or rebound. and determine whal further action tional singing and Rev. Phillips will SEVERAL AT SOCIAL EUGENE SESSION SET speaker. by Miss Uldlue Uartln. a study of i Gne volume of periodicals was re­ give a lecture sermon on "The could be taken. Jerusalem is a city of the dead Regular meeting of the Spring- An Invitation to Jolu the League Japan led by Mrs. Mariou K. ■ j I Several of the older members of bound. The library received X mag­ First African Convert." Mid-week azine* by subscription and six as services w ill be held Thursday at field American Legion post number as well as of the living. There are of Oregon Cities was presented and AAams. and the birthday party held Ih(> M,,t|1(idlst church more dead people burled outside tabled until tbe next aeaalon. Tbe ky the Circle girls each of whom a, an informal reception and social gifts It also receives one news­ 7 o'clock. 40 will be held this evening at the the city walls than live within. It armory. city had membership In tbe organi­ brought gifts which will he sent to held In the basement of the Metho­ paper regularly. is the wish or most Jews that they Miss Mitchell. Irene Anderson An analysis of Ihe report shows Plans have also been . nnourc«d dist church Wednesday evening sation several years ago. The an­ L IT T L E CHANCE SEEN might be able to go back to Jeru­ played a piano solo, and Pearl Hel- that the circulation per capita Is following the Bible lecture. nual membership fee la (20. IN UR L E |aniet(e Council headed by M. B. salem to be buried near the Holy If* r F U R N N IT I I U U R n E t S o T I Y T LC. The occasion honored tbe tor 4.1 and an average ot 3.4 per vol­ Resignation of Hugh Jolllff aa terbrand sang a vocal solo Mrs. City. Huntly. This will open with a din­ street commissioner waa accepted. Noah Helterbrand prepared a b i r t h - 1 , wwidt„ g anniversary for Mr. ume. The average circulation per There w ill not be much change Floor Of Jerusalem day cake for the occasion. | „nd Mrs. W illiam Gaiilz. the recent' borrower Is 6.6. ner at the Osburn hotel for mem-' He baa been transferred back to In furniture styles to be shown In Jerusalem has been besieged 38 The March meeting will be held Outstanding item in the report bers of the Legion ond of the Aux- i birthday of Luke Thompson, amt the fire chief Job. at the home of Mrs. R. E. Moahler ihe birthday Wednesday of L. K. is the rebinding of 6U0 l>ooks which this part of the country this year lliary at 6:46 Tuesday evening., times and destroyed 16 times. Each W arrant Turned Down was accomplished as an HERA pro­ said W. C. W right of the W right February 19. Following the dinner time the buildings have been level­ ttprltigrield's city warrants are with Mra. Elmer Ferguson aa lead­ Page who was X4 years old. er of the dlacuaakra. ject last summer. The city paid for aud Hons Hardware and Furniture the Legion members w ill adjourn ed until today the elevation on not cashable and are not accept­ materials which amounted to (26. company on his return from San to the armory for their business which David walked is 126 feet be­ able in payment for auto license M E TH O D IS TS TO HEAR Receipts for the library for the Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. W right session. The auxiliary w ill meet at | low the present city floor, says plates the Secretary of State In­ H. S. BOY AUTHOR OF Rev. Burgoyne. The present city EUGENE MAN AT VESPERF past year were (527 from the tax’ spent several days in the Califor­ the hotel. formed the council. A warrant was SH O R T D 0 0 STORY nia city last week attending t h e __________ Is a series of elevations, and one levy of 4.2 mills. (16.33 from fines, returned and tbe council author­ I ’’Leadership and Prayer" will be has to go down, 20 or 30 of these to and (6.00 tor non-residents cards. buyers gathering. They returned I ised the payment In cash. Metuher of (he Junior class al ,|IW theine of thè niessage at thè reach the level on which Jesus home Hunday. Quite a bit of enatu- NEW FORDS D ELIVER ED Expenditures totaled (667.33 In­ The establishment of a cash fund thè Hprlngfleld high school were , , o c |och hour at thè Methodlst eled furniture was shown, but this; walked. Much historical informa­ not to exceed (260 at any time was surprised last week when one of church Hunday Rev. Dean C. Poin­ cluding Ihe (26 for rehlndlug ma­ TO LOCAL PURCHASERS has never been very popular here, tion will be revealed when further authorised for payment of postage, their number, Harold Olney, pres­ dexter. preaching. At the 6 o'clock terials. leaving a balance of (6.00 he said. at the close of the year. W illis Bertsch ha* taken deliv-, excavations are made, the speaker gasoline and other incidentals. It ented to the Junior English class vesper service Ihe Rev. I ’lay Pal­ predicted. Governed by Board ery of a new Ford truck this week. was suggested that the fund be a very Interesting story of dog life mer of Eugene Congregational To view the many curios of the KARL GIRARD HONORED The library was established here He has mounted a two-unlt hogged created from money lu the emer­ which he had written on his own , , hurch will preach on the theme: Holy Land being exhibited by the In 1912 aud Is governed by a libr fuel body on the chassis. A T SURPRISE PARTY gency fund. Initiative. "The Boundlessness of Life.” Hla ary hoard named by the city coun­ _______ Ray Nott. proprietor of the An-, speaker Is worthy of an evening Replacement of missing stop The story renters around a dog text will be: "The Word of God Friends of Karl Girard gathered derson Motor company, local Ford Itself. Rev. Burgoyne dresses In the street signs was referred to the named Jock from v/hlch It derives Is not Bound." The Hunday Church cil. Members of the present board are Mrs. N. W. Emery, Mrs. L. K. at his home Haturday evening for gurage. has received his new 1935 garb of the old Jews of Jerusalem street com m ute* as were several Ita name. school meets at 9:46 a. in. and »he when giving his lectures. Page. Mrs. C. E. Wheaton, Mrs. a surprise party. Seven couples en- four-door sedan this week. requests for Improvements to Olney first read the story whea I,»ague* at 6 p. in. Wm. Rouse, ami Mrs. M. V. W alk­ Joyed an evening of cards and re-1 ------------------------------ streets. Request for supplies for only partially completed, and al­ C IR C U IT CO URT SETS er. Mrs. Frances M. Bailsman Is freshments were served. Those the fire department were referred though he has now completed It, he NEED LEC R A FT CLUB present were Mr. and Mrs. Lee P u t- .TEA C H ER E N T E R T A IN S Ihe librarian. Mrs. Haltsman has to the fire and water committee. has refused to read beyond the JURY L IS T FOR SPRING CROUP HAS LUNCHEON been III for several weeks and only man, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Black. FOR CARD CLUB GROUP The matter of finding • relief man climax. Ibis week returned to her work Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Findley. Mr. The list of Jurors to serve at the for the fire chief on his day-off Fourteen members of the Needle nt the library. and Mrs. Lynn Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Miss M argueiite Millhollen en­ spring term of circuit court which each week waa alao left to the fire IUKA MAKES PLANS FOR craft club were guests of Mrs Acknowledgement was also made Fred Louk. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. tertained at her home last Thurs­ w ill convene on February 26 was and water committee. V IS IT OF STA TE HEADS W alter N. Gossler last Thursday of receipt of a pencil sharpener do- Jarrett. Mr. and Mrs. John Ketels. day evening for members of the made public when they were drawn Debt Refund Planned nt a one o'clock luncheon meeting : nnted by B. A. Washburne. Mr. and Mrs. Girard and daughter. O-No card club. Honors at bridge by County Clerk Dillard and Sher­ Ordinance number 687 providing Next meeting of Iuka circle, 37, at her home. Mrs. Dan Crites of The library Is open Wednesday Doris. went to Mrs. W llda Cotton and iff Hwarts yesterday, ncluded In the for the refunding and reboudlng of Ladles auxiliary of the O. A. R. Eugene was a guest. and Haturday afternoons from 2-5 Miss Crystal Bryan. Next meeting list are Lydia Edgell. Hprlngfleld, the city debt and the payment of will be held al Taylor ball It waa Mrs. Robert Chatterton will be and In the evening from 7-9. of the club will be held February route 1; Anna M. Logan and Clara SPECIAL M E E T IN G OF 6 percent of nil money saved the it (Milled last Thursday evening hostess for the next in etlng nf the 21 with Miss Beth Ople as hoatess. Snodgrass, Hprlngfleld, and George city to G. V. Hreeee, accountant, D R ILL TEA M CALLED when the group met at the home of group on 21. Mrs. Marlon Hall will M. Platt, Springfield route 2. GIRL SCOUT CROUP W ILL for his service» was presented. An Mrs. Alice Doane. Thia will be he the assistant hostess. emergency wns declared and pass­ LODGE G IRLS PLAN Mrs. Ray Stevens, captain of the PRESENT “NEIGHBOURS" visitation night for the group, at ed after Ila third reading. The coun­ ------------ Neighbors of Woodcraft drill team. ARMORY DANCE FRIDAY MASONS TO E N TE R TA IN which time Mrs. Fredla Peterson PRISCILLA CLUB M EETS cil also approved the employment The well-known play. "Neigh has called a special meeting of the mid Mrs. Gertrude Dowling will be I A T VA LE N TIN E SOCIAL of Breese Io audit the city accounts FOR LUNCHEON TO D A Y' hours." will be presented by the, team to be held at her home on A short business meeting at 8:30 guests. for (IP each month. He will also be Hprlngfleld Girl Scouts at the Lin­ east Main street Friday evening at w ill precede tne (lance to be spon­ Monthly social night sponsored paid nn hourly wage for checking nnd Indlrnted their Intention to Members of the Priscilla cluh coln school Friday evening. Febru­ 7:30. Those without transportation sored Friday night at the Armory by Liberty Masonic lodge for them­ the hHiicroft bond nnd leln docket stand back of peace officers when met at the home of Mrs. E. O. ary 22. at 7:30 o'clock. The cast are asked to meet at Egglmann's by the F. L. Girls group of Juanita selves. members of Cascade chap­ for the city. they aeek to enforce existing or­ Stuart today at one o’clock to go for the play Is being coached by at 7 o’clock. Rebekah lodge. The dance Is In­ ter O. E S. and their families will Local gambling, especially among dinances which are being violated. to Eugene where they were enter­ Miss Bernice Conoly. vitational and has been set to start be held at the lodge hall this even­ high school hoys, and other similar W. A. Taylor waa elected aa tained at a 1:30 luncheon at the Critically III — Mrs. Mary C. at 9 o'clock. Members of clubs at ing A covered dish dinner at 1:30 matters were brought before the president of the council. Ho Ja Del Rey cafe. Mrs. W illiam Curtis Taken to Hospital— Lee Gay, Magill Is critically 111 at her home Salem, Junction City. Harrisburg will precede the social evening council. The council referred these the only hold-over member on the la assisting hostess (or the after­ Hprlngfleld route 1, was taken to here. Her son from Bend la en­ t.nd Eugene have been invited to | during which cards and dancing nutters to the police committee council. noon. the Pacific hospital today. route here. attend. will be enjoyed. FAVOR TO W NSEND PLAN . SPARKS FUNERAL ÎQ BE IN EUGENE H. S. READY FOR DEBATE SERIES SPORTSMEN PLW GUN CLUB SHOOT REPORT SHOWS LIBRARY BUSY P“" ‘ n“*e““8 °' W“ I