T l IV HBI>AY, JANUABY 7. 1086 TUB SPR lN O riK M ) NKW8 U. O. DEBATERS TO TALK IN MANY OREGON TOWNS PAGE FOUR 03396641 DEADLINE FOR DOG LICENSES IS NEAR Debators Wait Grove Contest TOWN AND VICINITY LIVE COW'S STOMACH SEEN THROUGH WINDOW A row with a window Into her Two live topics. couuly reorganl stomach through which Ihe action gallon aud old age pension». h»ve may he observe.' directly 1» ua-d In been chosen fur Ihe University of classes in physiology lu ihe veter­ Gregott debate team for men for inary department at Oregon Hint, ihla yew . and a»»»“ lb . student» college. The eow le alive and will go out to varloua communities, healthy end I. no! dlelurbed by Ihe lollowiug ibe toruiu plan This •<>>• fad lhal her interior can be reveal of forensic», radically dlfferelil e»l by the simple removal of a rub Hom old style debate», baa a i bar plug ieady won national atleullou. aud Th» operation 1,11 lh» vww llial Las gieatly tucreaaed lulereat lu made the "window' poetlble. le nol m is acllvlly. lance but Ihla la believed Under Hie loruui pien e tu d e u i.i J* thus FMU, pp .d March 1 1» the deadline lor lie- Sewing Group Meet»— Member» I eusing dogs In Lane county and Very III— George Fish is reported of Ihe American l.eglou Sewing I any license purchase»! after that K. S. Studsnts Under Miss to he very ill lilt» week circle met Tuesday at the home of lim e will have an added peualty of Guest at M otel— W. J. Harrell of Mia. W N. DOW. *T w «1 35 cent» per month. License» for Conoly To Take Part In 10 Opportunity For Expansion o #nd »payed female dog* coat Debates; Start Feb. 15 i ’o iila u d was a guest at the Sprlug Post Group Meet»—A meeltng of Grass and Legume Seed s #i|d for feniaie dog» the coat 1» field hotel over the weekend the executive com m ittee of the Fared with the heaviest schedule Seen As Farmer Benefit tl M undenak.n during the past several Leaburg Man III— May Cowell of Spriiigileld American Legion post year». Miss Bernice Conoly. debate ueaburg is a patient al Ihe Pacific was held here Tuesday evening Greater prosperity for Oregon coach al the Springfield high nospltal In Eugene. seed grower» with opportunity f < X . j To Paleley— Mrs. Paul Hratlaiu expand production of all hind» of school will soon announce the P t t r .f i « - « . »• » «' V isit at Brownsville— M r. and left Sunday by train tor Klamath do no. have lo isk e . . . members of her affirm ative grasses aud legume» 1» seen by E T “" " aud Mrs HoUud Moahl.r a m i Mr and Falls and Paisley where the family or negative etand. but may talk hïBd of the department, H. Jackman, extension agronomist negative learns Urat of the »e »s G Moahler visited relative» lias a large cattle ranch. they chooae. after making a «huro | F M Uol,B of debates will bo held a week from at Brownavllle Sunday of Oregon State college, who re­ ugh study of the topics I his year >un( veterlnarlane. did ihe Go South— Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Friday on February 15 with Cot cently returned from »pedal ser­ lb . ) w ill appeal before a ecore 01| Doctor In Portland— Ur. Milton Wright of the Wright and Son» Freshmen, Sophomores T a k « |u,g,. Grove. vice In Washington. D. C. more of community meeting», »»me Selected for the debate subject y Walker returned today from hardware store, have gone to Much seed will be required In Lead In Opening Games Of F IN A L N O T IC I of which will be Ihe First Congre­ Portland. He has been ther» »luce Sau Francisco for a short husluesa thia year Is; “Resolved; I hat the Interclass Series the middle west, which Is planning gational church of Portland, l \ THE OOUNTY COURT OF Federal government should adopt Tuesday morning. STATE OF OREGON FOR LANK trip. on a vast expansion of acreage of granges at Kerby. Ashland. Camus Interclass basketball game» fori the policy of equallilug education COUNTY . torage crops. The last two drouth Grocar to Return— Mr. and Mrs Court of Honor Later— Spring Valley. Eluilra; community dubs In ih» Mailer of the Kala«» of girls at the Springfield high school in ihe several states by means of years killed much of their alfalfa, D. B. Murphy will return today field Ulrl Scouts will hold lh«dr al Glendale. Sweet Home. Aurora. Frank R Weber eomellntee were started Monday afternoon of I annual grants to secondary and known a» Franklin II Weber, d» blue grass and timothy meadows, from an extended vacattou in Cali­ own court of honor, probably lu Salem; high school group» ai Urea this week. Games are held each I elementary schools. ceased . fornia. They visited last night with April. It was announced thia week hum and Mapleton, aud other» aud hay crops of all kind». Notice Is hereby given lhal the evening after school iu the gym The dual debate system will be Mis Murphy's patents at Aahland. by Miss Eunice Gerber, troop lead _ _ . undersigned administrator has filed P la n t on Idle Land nasium and will be continued used this year, lu ,h * er. A national officer la expected SHELTER BELT PLANTING],,,, ririnl account In the above eu The crop reduction programs al­ through Tuesday of next week. Grove debate on, team will debate License leeued— A marriage lie- o -rs o -re n '" « H e r lh a l the courl baa here for the meeting. low farmer» to plant forage crop» Monday evening «he freshman here and the opposite team from euae was lasaed Saturday at Ihe TO BE STARTED SOON! Kl,,iuy the xtb day of on acre« withdrawn from corn and girls defeated the Juniors 15-13. the local school will go to Co»»«« County Clerk’s office lo t llfford L. -< March t»36 at l»li o'cloch in lb» lulllal work on the president » („r„ti,>on as the lim e for the h»a. wheat, and this aggregates mlllious and Tuesday evening the sopho Grove. One debate will be held In Murphy. Eugene, aud Mary Kather­ CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS. of acres. Then. too. the attention of mores won from the senior». 30-13. the fotxnoon and the other In the ine Tate, Sprlugfleld. p ,.„ for a 1.000 mile .h eller bell ¡ LISTED BY COMMISSION trees stretching from North Dako a | p„r„ „ „ interested may appear many middle western people is con­ Wednesday evening the seniors afternoon Breaks Arm— Phillip« Miller, sou centrated upon soil eroaion to a wou 17-3 from the Junior class. to the I’anhandle of Texas will com I i((t (1|B „bjectloiie If any they Ten Debates Listed The United Stales civil service me nee early Ihla sprlug wllh tb e ||,a v e greater extent thau ever before Friday afternoon the freshmen Ten debates, the most ever sche- of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. Co­ IMied Ihla 7lh day of February. and the only permanent way to and sophomores, both winners in duled for the lo» J school In re- burg road, received treatment for a commission has announced open plautlng by the U. 8. foreal »er prevent erosion 1» to keep the lauds tlie first round, will meet. Monday cent years, have been arranged broken arm Monday evening at ihe competitive examination» »» <“*' »Ice. of 8 minion tree» ou 150 m ile»| l#s ■, A WINTEKME1ER AUuilu Iowa; in grasses and legumea as much of the sophomores and Juniors will They include Roseburg. Myrtle office of a local payvlciaii. of Hie bell located lu six different Islraior Pharmacologist, various grades. M 7) the time as possible, says Jackman. tangle and tie reaults will be play Creek. Cottage Grove. Eugene and IF 7 1« 21 2» Collarbone Broken— Mrs. Harry $2,800 to $5.800 a year. Food and »tales. Baaing his statements on In the southern states a huge ed off on Tuesday evening. University high The V. H. 8. team Schahau is suffering from a brokeu explorations of the region, co n ta d i B O T IC I T O C R I O I T O R I wllh local authorities aud acleutl I Nu(l,,, lg hereby given that lira The boys Interctoa. games were will be a new entry this year- “ ““ collarbone. She felt a week ago Drug administration. winter crop program Is Just begin­ Assistant mlcroanalysl. $2800 a fie dala. F. A Sllcox. chief forester. u„der,|gn ed bas been duly appoint ning. which the people there say placed before the close of the first school not having sponsored a d . Sunday while walking up church year. Junior mlcroanalysl. $2000 a »*»» lh a l the forvwt service la ed Adinlnl.lralor of ihe M u t e of I bate team for several years. means greatly Increased demands steps. year. Food and Drug admlulstra I The digtrict winners will be de­ abde-heartedly back of plani.»« * “““ y N'(^ t «'.mniy, for hairy vetch. Austrian winter sem ester. Returns to City— Frank Arch tlon. termined by the number of wins peaee and crimson clover seed shelter bell» lu «he prairie plain» | ()rwgt)n All persoti» bavlug claims Principal editorial clerk. $2300 DOCTOR RETURNS FROM I Details of the Stale meeting will be uiub.au has returned to Sprlugfleld i onion aud I» more thau over cou llKalnei the said »sia le are hereby Entire State May Benefit after an absence of two month» a year, editorial clerk. $1300 a year vlnced of Ihe value of this project ««titled Io prewn« the LECTURES IN PORTLAND j arranged later Every pari of this, slate may L t v i u n o ___ Mlgg Conoly is using the squad •luring which time he vlstled In departmental service, Washington, to agriculture and to the Improve erD ver o< »hare in this increased demand D. C. Dr Milton V Walker returned I system this year in training her Washington. ment of physical conditions Wells A Wells. Bank of Commerça says Jackman. Coast counties sep- Apprentice flah-cullurlst $1200 a in riam ili» will he confined lo « | | ||dK, Eugene. Oregon, within alx cialise in bent grass and reed can from Portland Wednesday night large list of aspiring orators, Dinner For Grandfather — Mrs. year. Bureau of Fisheries. of agricultural land which un I months from the dale of the first ary grass, and the W illamette val after attending post-graduate lec- this system each student Is Roland Mushier entertained at her Foreman of Ink Making plaul der norma, condition, should | Feb 7. s surgery. quired to prepare a debate speech ley in peas, vetch, clover, and many tures on women home recently with a dinner in $3200 a year. Government printing Professor Doctor Ludwig Preen- on either side of the stated que. poll productive farms aud where 1»35 grasses. The demand for Ladak and honor of her grandfather. Mr office. Washington. D. C. OTTO A NICKEL. Administra there la an aunual raiufall of from other alfalfa, and crested wheat kel of Breslau, Germany gave the 11ion Edgar Stark, on hla eightieth birth­ The oalarles uiiuiwl are subject Members of the squad from lor. 18 to 20 Inches on the western grass and alsike clover from east­ lectures and showed motion pic­ day anniversary to a deduction of not to exceed 5 boundary to 25 Hu hes ou the eaal WF.I.lJt * WBLLM. Attorneys which the debating learns will be ern Oregon promises to be good. ture films of his operative techni­ I F 7•»$ 21 3S - M 7» chosen are; Gwendolyn Barrett A ssists at Shoe Shop— Louis Mil uercenl during the fiscal year end era side of Ihe belt, which forest Growers of red clover in the W il­ que in women's diseases lug June 30, 1235. as a measure of Lois Bench. Gertrude Boring. Lorna ler of Eugene Is assisting at the ,r s say Is sufficient preclpllatiou N O T IC t TO C R IO IT O R S lam ette valley have beeu hearten- ___ Dr. Walker says that Professor economy, aud also to a deduction Notice 1« hereby given that Ihe ed by the demand now existing lor Fraenke, |g one of the m08t emln Chase. Roy Crandall. Roland Fam s J. Nelson shoe shop this week whll. of 3 V* per ceut toward a retirement to support tree growth under pro per haiidllng. No attempt will b e| untler«l»ne U » .« W ~ . • • t » . ~ ” MESI DEMMO VjlFlS \jp e T l Class hoop Meet ...... . . . premium of several cents and fu- wonren s clinic at the univer ture demand look» favorable. Breslau. Germany, and is Last year's seed crop brought j n<)w making a world tour giving more than two million dollars into ,ectures a, certain medical centers, the state. Jackman estim ates, an yery large attendance of Oregon account which he believes may be doctors gave an enthusiastic re­ doubled. 1 ception to this world wide author- ------ ---------------------! itv on women's diseases. <’ “ e n ti-. vault. Doris Marie Robinson. Joan Seavey, Mary Young. Jack Logan. Parents of Daughter— Mr. and Don McKy. Irene LaCatlle, and Mrs. W. L. Wright of West Spring Thurman Lanning. Held are the parents of a baby ________ __________ I daughter born to them at their home Sunday morning, February 3. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1335. HOLDS REGULAR MEET plant ireea ou marginal 1“n“* CountyC(lur,„ r lj m e ( 'o u n ly .O r » - which, because of alkalinity of the] g(>0 A| ( persons having claims RECENT BRIDE HONORED soil or deficient rainfall present an against the »aid .s ta le are hereby W ITH BIRTHDAY SHOWER agricultural hasard. The shelter notified to preaent Ihe aame. pro Miss Irtnu Nolt was hostess at her home here Wednesday evening al a surprise birthday shower hon­ oring Mrs. Hay Turrell »Eleanor Smith) who was married recently. The evening was spent playing bridge, and refreshments were »er- ed late in the evening Friends of Mrs. Turrell presented her wllh uiuiiy beautiful gift». perly verified a> by law required, to Ihe undersigned at the office of Weil» a Weils. Attorney». H»’-»k of Commerce llldg . Eugene. Oregon, wllhln six months from the dale of ihe first publication of Ihla notice Date of first publication. Dec »7. IS34 CCT RETTA M TKMI’LETON. Ex GRADE TEACHERS MEET ecutrlx )N EUGENE SATURDAY WELLS * WELLS. A ttorneys. belt will not replace marginal land» but will make good agrlcullural lauds more valuable and contribute lo ihe permanency aud stability of agriculture. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scout Class Changed -T h e sen The Springfield Chamber of Com- ior Qjr| g rOut first aid class met ____ hunters get bounties merce met Wednesday evening at -pu s(.ay afternoon In tend of even Taylor hall with Secretary I. M. illg urder the leadership of Miss The second and third grades are QN MANY WILD ANIMALS Peterson presiding In the absence > ¡(¡,in*.on. county health nurse due taking the progressive achievement ----------- The Lane County chapter «4 the of the president. Reports from the to absence from the city of Dr. test today This is the primary : Hunters in this part of the coun­ Oregon Association of Intermedl W A N T E D — M E N TO Q U A L IF Y county chamber of commerce and walker. edition of the series used in the ty collected many bounties Tues- ate teachers will hold Ils fourth legislation pending in Salem slxth seventh and eighth grades, day at the office of the county on FOR GOOD PAY P O S IT IO N ! were discussed SERA work In the Veteran Officer—»urn Richmond monthly meeting Ihls Saturday. As the smaller children require clerk. Among those receiving pav- county was considered. has been appointed a member of February 2. at the Del Hey cafe. cloeer supervision during the tests, ¡ ments were Albert E. Harper, Will personally Interview rneu Of special Interest has beeu the Luncheon will be served at 12 00 Considerable pro and con dis the advisory board and of the Com- Mrs Male is assisting Miss Male Springfield, three ooyotes; M. S. willing lo work hard for good cussion on the policies of the new n.ander's Council of the General visit of two local boys now doing noon. pay positions In Electric Refrlg and Mr Quiney is assisting Mis« McMullen. Blue River, one wolf. city administration were discussed Lawton camp, veteran« of the their navy “cruises." Ivan Easton Mr. Ji mes Stovall. Instructor of .ration and Air Conditioning three bobcats; Virgil Newman. Bryan. business Prefer men with fair but no action was taken. All who Spanish American war. The ap- left Thursday to return to his work. geography at the University of Ore­ C. The seventh two's are going t o ; Wendling. three coyotes; L education mechanically Inclined, wanted to know about the city's polntments were made by Ben H Wilbur O'dell arrived Wednesday gon will he the guest speaker His aive a program Friday afternoon Holeman. Vida, two bobcats; and n w employed Must be willing for a month's visit after 4 years In business were invited to attend the Strobel, commander. loplc will be "Human Occupancy to devote some spare tin»» here r,«rlod. Dayton C. Thomson. Vida, four in the „„.oie music period. Willumetto Valley.” In Springfield lo preliminary city council sessions by a council ,.„i China Wilbur Is completing his A show is to be given at the bobcats and three cougars Collect» Bounty— Bounties col- eighth year In navy service This training lo become Inslallallon .luslcal numbers Including vocal man presen . ___________ lected at the courthouse Tuesday Lincoln school Thursday at three and service expert. Ea,b while cruise has been on the Black Hawk. «elections will also be presented learning Writ», glvlug a«», W included the following; One coyote P. M. the admission charge is 5c A 4 H marketing club was recent­ All teachers who will be unable for the pupils. A second show will TRUCK RUNS AWAY; CLASSES ELECT GIRLS an,| four bobcats to Prince Hel- ly added to the 4-H club projects to attend are asked to leave word phone. preeiMii occupation CITY W ITHOUT POWER also be given Thursday evening at FOR COUNCIL PLACE frlch. Vida; one coyote to Wm P at Deerhorn school. Students of at the county school superintend seven o'clock for the general pub­ _______ Burch. Mabel; and two coyotes and ihe eighth grade class form the ent's office as soon as possible. U T IL IT IE S E N G IN E E R IN G All light and power In Spring- lic. The admission will be ten cents. Classes at Springfield high school four bobcats to Howard Monlgom club membership. IN S T IT U T E field was cut off for about two A 4-H Health club and Sewing In Oregon City— Mrs W H Poll hours Wednesday morning when a were given new representation on ery of Leaburg. 4G4 N. W ells St . Chicago, ill --------------------------- club have been under way for sev­ srd Is spending a few days In Ore­ city truck being used in repair the Girls League Council at the CLUB MEMBERS eral weeks. gon Clfy visiting wllh her sister. work on South Fourth street ran special meeting held Monday morn The Deerhorn P. T. A. m eets at wilde downhill and careened into ing. Claas representatives chosen MEETING IS TONIGHT the school house Friday night, The Junior class of the Pleasant a light pole. The pole was broken are Helen Abramson, freshman; The Leaburg Ladles Aid meets HUI high school elected officers off and fell over the truck. The Clarabel Brood, sophomore; Evelyn Regular meeting for members of for the last semester. Those elected cab and front of the truck was bad­ Robley, Junior; and Oenevieve the O-No card club will be held Thursday P. M. with Mrs. Arch Henry, senior. were, Maxine Baughman, president; ly damaged, this evening at the home of Miss Johnston for annual election. The W altervllle Ladles’ Aid Bill Farley, vice president; June Marguerite Mlllhollen. m eets all day Wednesday at the Mathews, secretary; Jona Miller, church. The Commusnlty club all treasurer; Nat Glustlne, business day Thursday at the home of Mrs. manager; and Elbert Wimmer, ser­ Marvin Drury. geant-at-arms. Members of the W altervllle Com­ The A. B. C. study club met Fri­ Miss Nathalie Edmlston is In day at the home of Mrs. Grace Roseburg visiting ber sister, Mrs. munity bridge club met at the N. O. W. hall Saturday evening. Bchall near Dexter. Hugh Safely. Walter Ebbert has leased the O. Mrs. Richard Hart who Is In Miss Mildred Sw ift is employed Salem taking special treatment B. Hardy farm northeast of Walt at the capital in Salem as clerk from a physician was home for the ervllle. during the legislature. W altervllle C. B. society held Pleasant Hill and Lowell basket­ week-end. their monthly business and social Mrs. A. W. Weaver also Miss ball teams met on the Pleasant Hill Heersma who have been very 111 meeting at the Del Benson home floor Wednesday night, Feb. 6. A February 6. chicken dinner was served before are Improving. the game by the ladies of the high school district. The proceeds go toward fixing up the high school basement. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Aiken» of Oo- sheu drove to Portland Wednee Home iHii’t really home without a fireplace. But day to attend the automobile show who want» to lug in coal or wood, and who wants Bonnie Jeanne Tinker who Is at­ tending Oregon State college spent to carry out the ashes? Nobody, of course! Yet the week-end with her family at Pleasant HUI. She came home to there’s a way to have all the comfort and ruddy attend the OTegon- Oregon State cheer of an old fashioned fireplace, without dirt basketball game in Eugene. E. B. Tinker and Fred Smith mo and Inconvenience. It's less expensive, too. tored to Portland Monday on bust neas. The Home Economics club is Just Install a Humphrey Kadlanlflre In the living planning a meeting som etim e tbl» room. It burns gas. . . so it’s clem and economi­ month, including Oakridge, Jasper, Goshen, Lowell and Pleasant Hill cal. . . . and its glowing, radiant heat Is a healthful districts with Miss Case of Oregon gat for pogk producta, continua» to IT H exports ot pork and lard substitute for sunshine on dull winter days. State college as speaker. The topic r» » trt» t PSSk »hlpmauta from boo - from th » U n ite d l l a t e s stUl r e will be vegetable cookery. The date . » p ire oosstrl»». I n 0 I U d I » « th» m xlnlng at a low level, • larg» In UnK»d Stato», by means of Im port and place will be announced later. ersase In bog production 1» not SPECIAL SALE 20% DISCOUNT ON ALL luotoa. Oermany. second ranking Lincoln School Notes I McKenzie Valley | Upper Willamette e------------------ * B etter H o m es Thurston through Radiantfire M r.M e rch a n t: DON’T BUY 1936 Calendars UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN Our line of beautiful Art Calendars being shown for the first time in Springfield at W ranted at this tlm » ,aocordtn* t o 0» FARM ACCOUNTING MEET TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY stals of tbs A g rlc n ltn ra lA Fourth of a series of tirm ac­ counting m eetings being held by O. 8. Fletcher, farm agent for Lane county, will be held at Taylor hall In Springfield Friday afternoon at 1:30. Glen Stafford and Fred Sim­ mons are members of the commit­ tee in charge of this meeting. Meetings have been held earlier In the week at Junction City, Irv­ ing and Eugene for the Eugene and Coburg area. this wss olfsst by i decline to s i ports in ’ard Ann-al shipm ent abroad remain si abort thrss-fourtti of a billion pounds, a» compare'’ with stariy ’wo trillion pounds 1« tfcs aarly poet war period. The de ■’’ns Surina ’bo tsn year» from U22 <• n il. aa Indicated by th» above gra»k. U** b»«» équivalant to »bout ata» «Millon ko»» Administration Export! of porfc from the United State» »how»d s slightly upward trend to 1M4. bu' THE NEWS OFFICE Orsat B’ itol». th» principal mar « 11 . . - • - d of bo< proaucis. producto, i 11 . m rn07thly tord Imports In 1M4 to M ,,ar » __ m imiuirtW t of the volume Imported luring th» oorr»»pond1ng month» >f 1M 1-M , *»d durlag th» totto» ,art ot th» y»»r Imposed restriction» .n conv»twlon of 0»rm »n money Into uretgn sxohangs that c»u»»d fn » her reductions In tord Importa Th» l t l l oorn-hog production rol program now b»lng offered th » Agrteultoral Adjustment Admin- isiratton I» drelgnsd to help * • * * • * • keep hog number» In Un» w ith the c u rre n t low l»vsl o f export RADIANTFIRES AND OTHER HEATERS Northwest Cities Gas Co. Eugene, Bpringflsld REY