T H « 8P R IN 0FTE LD NBW 8 T H U H H D A Y , F B H R U A B Y 7. IM E PA G « TH R H B EASY PLEASANT WAY FARM PLANNING TALKED SPR IN G FIELD FOLK SEE TO LO SE FA T IN LATE O. 8. C. CIRCULAR FOOTBALL. HOCKEY GAME WHO IS WHO How would you like to lose 16 pounds of fat In a month and nt ths same time Increase your energy and Improve your health? People Thia Newspaper Recommende How would you like tu lose your double cbln and your too promin­ to You. ent abdomen and at tbe ante time make your skin so clean and clear ' Ibat it will compel admiration? (let on (be scales today and see much you weigh—then get an PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILM S how ____ DANCING AUTO D E A L E R S ____ «6 cent hottie of Kruschen Salts which will last you four weeks. D AN C K Curl R. Baker Film Shop Take one half tcaspoonful In a ANDERSON M dTO H H . INC. glass of hot water every morning Kastman Films —' Kodaks — A T W IN T E R !JA RDEN Kspert Hepatrlng — AU Work and when you have finished the Frames — Albums— Motion Uuaranteed. "The Dance That's Different" contents of this first bottle weigh Picture Cameras. yourself again. Uns, OU. Tires and Batteries We Photograph Everything Every Haturday Night After that you'll want to walk Alb and A Bt».. Mprlngfleld Pb. 4» aroupd and say to your friends,— Anywhere. L a d ie s 10c "A quarter pound Jar of Kruschen (lents 26c Mall films to P. O. Bua 467 Halts 1» worth one hundred dollars <98 W lllamstts, Eugene Ph. 634 u< MI1J, f„, money." BROWN M OTOR CO. FEE D -8E E D -H A Y Leading druggists America over CH HYHLER and P L Y M O U TH R ESTAURANTS sell Kruschen Halts. Oregon Feed A Seed Co., Inc. Haies and Bsrrlca Good Luck Manamar Poultry and At Harrisburg Sunday— Mr. and IR EN E'S CAFE Cumptsta Automotive Marrie» Dairy Feuds Breakfast 16c up — Dinner tbe up. Mrs. M A. Pohl spent Sunday Tints Open Dey and Ntgbl Prosper W ith Manamar K Irlands at Harrisburg Chill 10c 196 Kast Broadway l*boos 1747 Seed Cleaning a Bpeclallty. Ltaburg Msn Here— John W ilt Home Cooking Kugana, Oregon Delivery Phone 666 of Ixsburg was a business visitor Ice Cold Beverages on Tap 106 E. 6th BL, Cor. High Bugene I lu Springfield's Haturday. Main Bet 4tb and 6tb Bta £ A Claeaified Directory of Reliable ^uelneee Firma and Profeeeional an d W h a t T h ey D o NOTICE I will pay no bilia or Haas uaaluel my pruperty lururred by reniera. L. K. PAUB (J 14 31— r 1-14) M A N W A N T E D for Itawialab Huuto of SOU farilllaa. W rite to­ day. Haw Is lab. Dept. O K A -IM ­ UA. Oakland, t'allf. Returns Homa— Mrs. I.lnn Che« blra returned to liar boras at Chus biro Bunday after speudlug aererai weeks riattine with bar parants. Mr and Mra. H. H Julma. Raturna to Wendllng— Mrs. M A Pbarea stopped lu Hprlngfleld Hal urday fur a »hurt rlalt while en­ route to her home at Wendllng Hhe has beau vleltlng at Dragon City for aorae time. SUMMONS T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H K S T A T E o r OREGON FOH LANK CO UNTY. Lester II. Nyo. Plaintiff ra. Halen M. Nyo. Defendant. To llalvu M Nyo. Defendant: IN TIIAC NAM K O F T H K HTATK GF OREGON: You are hereby required tu appear and answer tbe oom plaint filed against you In the shore entitled aull on or before four weeks from tba date of the first publication of this summons, ur for want thereof tbe plaintiff will lake Judgment agalnat yon and apply to the coart for a decree of absolute dtrorca from you as pray­ ed for In the complaint; This suwmous Is published ones such w. - k for four weeks In ths Bprtngfleld News, a weekly news­ paper published at Bprtnyflnld, Lane Cuuaty, Oregon, by order of tbe Hon. O. r. Bklpwortn. Judge of said Court made Jan 11th. 1984 and la first published January 17th, 1936. W H IT T E N BW AFFORD, Attorney fur Plaintiff. Heel douce and Poet Office ad drees: Eugene. O r (J 17 M S I - F 7 14) 8CHERW R M O TO R CO. H llfC K — OLDBM GBILK — PONTIAC Motor Cara BAI.KH and SERVICE 7tb and Olive Bta. — P boa» 4M Bugens, Oregon. IN N O T IC I TO CRKOITORA Notice Is hereby given that tbe undersigned has been duly appoint- ed Executor of tbe estate of Ethel M Htlllman. deceased, end any and a ll persons having claims against (he said estate are hereby required lu present said claims, duly vorl fled as by law required, at tbs of­ fice of Walls and Walla, Bank of Commerce Building, Eugene. In Lane County. Oregon, within ats months from ths date of this no­ tice. Dated end first published Jan. 17, 1886. A R TH U R B S T IL L M A N . Bxs rutor. W ELLS A W E LL E , Attorneys (J 17 1 1 I I — F 7 -14) Business Directory E d w a rd G. P r iv a t W a te h in b k Ar and Jaweter B P H |N O n *L D Be. Paattia W ate* Inepeeter First Clase Work at Reasonable Prtoea. G -neral Law Practica I. M. PETER8ON Atturaay-atUkW City H ell Building Springfield. Urhgon Reliance Life Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh. Pa. Represented By E. H. TURNER ▲ BL Springfield. Ore. POOLE Funeral H om e Formerly Walker-Poole EUGENE— l l l h S P R IN G F IE L D and Cbarnelton Telephone 713 888 Main Phone 62-J SEE AN EYE SPEC IA LIST If you have any reaaon to be­ lieve that you are not eeelng aa well as you should, have your eyes examined at once. If there Is a defective condition (hero, do not aggrevale It by continuing vour present reading and eye- stralnlng habits. BEAUTY PARLORS A SU PPLY CO. EUGENE BOG DEPOT PACIFIC F EED We Pack end Grade Eggs for tbe Mercbante of Bugera, and Spring field. Cor. 6th and W lllaroetle Bt. Eugone, Ore.. Phone 148 F U R N IT U R E Periuuneiit Puah Wavea 41.76 and Dp. Th» B R O W N IE BKAUTY BHOPPB Appron tire Finger Wnvs 14c. Shampoo « Ptngsr Wsv» 60c 141 W illam ette. Eugene, Pb. 44t BATTERY SERVICE LANBCO B A TTE R Y FACTORY JOHNSON F U R N IT U R E CO. Ranges and Circulators Several Lines Including Montag. Linoleum - Inlaid and Felt Base Attractive Prlcee on Furniture and Rugs. Bee Us Before You Buy We Deliver Phone 1188 348 W illam ette Eugene GROCERIES Back at our old location overhead your gain. Bae our naw material batteries In genuine Oates DIRBLEE-S herd rubber cease before you buy. All parts handmade In Eugene Fur RED A W H IT E GROCERY capacity—-service— price—none bet­ Phone 4 ter. RBCHAROINO— REPA IR IN G . Cor. 4th end Malo Bta.. Bp Ingfleld 146 Van Buren • Phone 1006 SCHOOLS-COLLEGES EN R O LL .MONDAY For Bhortband, Bookkeeping. Typing Day and Night Class«« Eugene UualnesH College "A Oood School" Phone 466 Miner Bldg, Eugene. Oregon C O M P LE TE B U B IN E88 COURSES Day and Night Classes We can train you to become an expert In bookkeeping, steno­ graphy, necretarlal or reporting work. Our system of typewriting Instruction makes for greator speed and accurnncy. In shorthand we teach the up-to-date Gregg system and sténotype— the modern ma­ chine shorthand Modern BuBlness College II« E Broadway. Eugene. Pb. 117 NOTICE OF S H E R IFF'S SALE R EA L PRO PERTY N O TIC E Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of tbe Circuit Court of tbe Slate of Oregon for Lane County this 29th day of Jan­ uary, 1936, upon and pursuant to a decree duly given and made by said C o u rt this 29th day of January, 1936. In a suit pending therein in wblcb Otto A. Nickel, and Otto A. Nickel aa Administrator of the estate of Anna Nickel were plain­ tiffs and Virgil E. Keyt and Mar guerlte Stanford were defendants wblcb execution and order of sale was to me directed and command­ ed me to sell tbe real property bereinafter described to satisfy certain liens and charges In said decree specified, I will on Satur­ day the 2nd day of March. 1936, at the hour of ten o'clock. A. M., at the southwest door of the County Court House In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale and ■ell at public auction for cash, sub­ ject to redemption as provided by law, all of tbe right, title and Inter­ est of the defendants In said "ult and of all parties claiming by, through or under them or any of them In or to the following des­ cribed real property, to-wlt: The North fifty-three and one- third feet of Lot numbered One (1) in {Hock numbered Seven­ teen (17) In tbe James Huddle­ ston’s Extended Addition, as re­ corded In the County Clerk's Of­ fice In Eugene, Lane County, State of Oregon. Dated this 28th day of January, 1935. C. A. 9W A R TS, Sheriff. By A. E. HU LEG AARD, Deputy. (J. 31— F 7-14-21-28) TR Y THE TRAIN TO CALIFORNIA Grove People Here— Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stewart of Cottage Grove were visitors at tbe C. F. Egg 1 mann home Sunday. A L IA 8 SUMMONS IN V H k o you go to C alifornia, try the train I Big changes have taken plate on our rails. Pullm an charges are a th ird less than last year. Rail fares are touching bottom at 2C a m ile and less. Com plete meals in our dining cars cost as tittle as HOC For de­ tails, see your local agent or w rite J. A . Orm andy, "05 Pacific B uilding , Portland, Oreguo. Southern BMifik T H E F A C T FIN D ER S - and their discoveries THING I'M GOINS TO a iiy -is « MAYTAG “ IFit/i prices going up I want to buy a lot o f things. B ut not anotHer thing till I get a Maytag. Becoaue with a Maytag, I can saoo money to buy other things.” e T h a t’s sensible buying. Be­ cause i t is buying au ality yon can use — quality th at pays a weekly return on your money. • The M aytag washes clothes faster, washes them more thor­ oughly, more gently and a t lower eoat per washing because it is a better designed, better b u ilt w asher. • S elect yo ur M a ytag a t today’s low prices. The M a ytag Com pany xZanw^etursrs P e u d a d ISV t N 1W TO N , IO W A buy a M aytag for as little as F o r W otoo •t Q 1 r T » < i«w WWHUÍoíor of ¿ H it ^44i- SP-10-U-M * Wright & Sont Hardware — Furniture Radios — Paint By ED. KRESSY UOUSC6 BUHT O U P ILE S ABE S IU IC O M M O M IU M A U Y 0» w a w o fiL P . í ^ psciau y u tus u W F o» ve M Í l U t u .bUOVA OV rae» suo a v u q u im b a . D iese abc all IK E FACTS IO « I M A * . T B A M fL Wim us ou otat UEXTTBiPBOUtf g 90U T P0P&6T »P xstiuptm S Btojapsevoun. veuWPfcS iu a ÎCBASBOOgy* . IAAMY BEAK«* Examinations are Free. DR. ELLA MEADE b Open T ill Mldnlgbt SCIATICA T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF SHOE REPAIRING T H E S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E CO U N TY OF LANE. K A T H E R IN E A LIC E QUIGG, also H all’s Shoe Repair Shop HOSPITALS known as Katherine A. Quigg. CREAMERIES - W e Repent—We are striving to also known aa K. Alice Quigg, live up to the Spirit ss well aa the PACIFIC H O SPITA L, P>«utlff. Demand the Baal—Costa no Mora Letter of tbe National Recovery vs. INC. Tbe unknown heirs of P. C. Ren­ BLUE B EI J j Act. 13th and Illlya rd frew, deceased; the unknown Dairy Producta 420 Main St. Springfield. Phone 1600 heirs of W illiam Renfrew de­ Ica Cream. Butter. Cheese. M ilk ceased; the unknown heirs of Eugen-, Oregon Rufus A. Renfrew, deceased; the j EUO ENE FARM ERS CREAM ERY, unknown heirs of Ellen Nesley, I JOHN NELSON SHOE SHOP Phone Eugene 418 deceased: Ellen Nesley, a single EU G EN E H O S P ITA L General Shoe Repairing woman; and also all other p e r-1 "The Friendly Institution" Our work Is Guaranteed. Onr sons or parties unknown claim -, C LEANING A DYEING Phone 1800 price« are most reasonable. Ing any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property 8U M M O N 8 1182 W illam ette Eugene Oive Us a T rial and Be Satisfied. Jimmie's Cleaning Shop described in tbe amended com­ IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E Opposite McKee's Bakery JAMES M IT C H E L I, plaint herein. Defendants. S T A T E O F OREGON FOR L A N E 607 Main St . Springfield CO UN TY. Cleaning. Praaslng. Alterations. LADIES R EA D Y-TO -W EA R IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E T H E S TA TE OF OREGON. Repres­ OF OREGON: You and each of you We Call For and Deliver. SER VIC E S TA TIO N S ented a 1 acting by tbe World are hereby required to appear ANGEL1NE DRESS SHOP ROYAL Made to Measure Suits. W ar Veterans' State Aid Com­ and answer tbe amended com­ Eugene, Oregon 308 Main Bt.. Springfield. Pb. 100 mission, Plaintiff, A ST. SER VIC E STA TIO N plaint filed against you in the vs. Popular Priced Dresses above entitled suit within (our General Gasoline. Oil and Greases BEN JA M IN L. H E ID E M A N , E L S IE DENTISTS Allen A. Hosiery weeks from the date of tbe Goodrich Tires M HE1DEM AN. H A ZE L P. first publication of this summons, <3 E. Broadway Phone 632 W RADER, and W IN IF R E D K U Y K ­ and if you fall so to answer, for "A Home Owned Station." DR. O. A. BROWN Kugene. Oregon E N D A LL, Defendants. 5th and A Sts., Springfield. Ph. 44 want thereuf, the plain tilt will take Houre 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. To Benjamin L. Heideman, Elsie Judgment against you as prayed LUMBER M. Heideman, and W inifred Kuyk­ for In the amended complaint here­ Phone 20 J endall. Defendants: • Mitchell Service Station in, to-wlt, for a decree decreeing the 6th and Main Bta. Springfield IN T H E NA M E OF T H E S T A T E plaintiff to be the owner In fee A L L R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS Residence 718 A 8 treat. OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ simple, free and clear from any EUOENE LU M B ER CO. — Yale Tires — quired to appear and answer tbe and all claim of the defendants, Greasing - Battery Recharging Where Quality and Service are Complaint (II d against you In the and all of them, of the following DR. W M. N DOW Paramount. above entitled suit within four (4) described premises, to-wit: Expert Radio Repairing by DBNTIB T weeks from the date of the first Beginning at a point 272 feet LEE CRAY R. R. Blvd. and Grand Phone 426 publication of thia Summons and North and lot) feet East of tbe X Ray Diagnosis — Hours I to 11 Phone 48-J If you fail so to answer on or be­ Southwest corner of FriseeU’s 1 to A an.j by appointment. 7th and Main Bta. Springfield fore the last day of the above pres­ Park, according to Frlssell's Plat, Gfflee Phone 8 — Res. Phone <7 cribed stated time for want thereof as the same is platted and re­ The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. tbe Plaintiff will take Judgment First N at’l Bask Bldg. Springfield OREGONIAN corded at Pare 22 of Volume 3, Furnishes a and decree against you, and each Lane County. Oregon, Plat Re­ SER VIC E S TA TIO N C O M PLETE H O M E of you as In Its Complaint demand­ cords; thence Elast 50 feet; ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES At tbe Springfield Junction ed. lo-wtt: For judgment against thence North to tbe left bank of Building and Repairing Hervlce. GAB AN D O IL 8 tbe Defendant Benjamin L. Heide­ the McKenxie River; thence in Kpringfleld Electric Supply For Service Phone Springfield 66 man for tbe sum of One Thousand Service Day and Night. a Westerly direction meandering Three Hundred and three and or If no answer, phone 34-J. W iring. Oeneral Contracting the bank of said river to a point Grocery Sundries. Tobacco's and 16-100 Dollars, together with Inter­ Bprtngfleld directly North of the place of O. E Lampa, Universal Household Picnic Goods. est thereon at the rate of six (6 % ) beginning- thence South to the Electrical Supplies. West Springfield Ph. Hpr. 82-J per cent per annum from and since place of beginning; also, begin­ PHYSICIAN - SURGEON General Repairing the 20th day of September, 1932. ning at a point 272 feet North and for the further sum of One 441 Mala Bprlngfteld TRANSFER A STORAGE and 100 feet East of the South Hundred ($100.00) Dollars as rea­ west corner of the aforesaid DR. M IL T O N V. W A LK ER M O VIN G —Our Plano and Furnl sonable attorney's fees herein and EYiasell’s Park; thence East 60 Surgery and Diseases of Women for the costs and disbursements of Inspect our New Installation at lure Movers are Experts. feet; thence South 272 feet; or 4tb and Main 8ts. Springfield this suit and for the further De­ to the County Road No. 56. along STORAGE — Concerts Building. tbe Stale Gams Farm. cree of thia Court foreclosing all of Phone 82-J the South side of said P -rk ; Reasonable Rates. Reliability. Waatlngbousa 1-amps and tbe right tiUe and Interest of the theuce in a Westerly direction PACKING — Experienced H e l p Defendants, Benjamin L. Heide- Appliances. along said County Road to a point n.an, Elsie M. Heideman, Haxel P. M E L V IL L E S. JONES. M. D. Means Safety and Protection. directly South of the place of be­ Rader and W inifred Kuykendall, H E N D E R E R ELEC TR IC ginning, and thence northerly to Surgery dhd Diseases of Women in and to the following described PACIFIC TR A N S FE R & 410 Main Bt. Springfield the place of beginning; als* be­ X-Ray and Physiotherapy real property situated in Lane STORAGE CO. ginning at a point 272 feet North Res. Phone 14SJ County, State of Oregon, to-wlt: Springfield, Oregon and 160 feet east of the Southwest 69H 6th. Ave. W. Eugene. Ph. 74 Beginning at the Northwest corner of the aforesaid Frissell's Ftrat National Bank Bldg. Ph. 43 It no answer Call 104-R FRUIT PACKERS corner of Lot number one (1) Park; thence East 50 feet; in Block number twenty two (22) Thenoe North 56 feet; thence W OOLEN M ILLS PLUM BING - PIPE F IT T IN G of Fairmount, according to the Northwesterly to a point 96 feet Eugene Fruit Grower's A rs ’ d Original Plat thereof, now a part North of the place of beginning; EUGENE Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers of the City of Eugene, running thence South to the place of be­ N IE L POLLARD thence south along west line of ginning;— all being a part of Sec- WOOLEN MII^L CO. and Shippers. Ice and Cold Storage. P L U M B IN G said lot number One (1) one tlon 13. T. 16 8. R. 6 E. of the Manufacturers of Woolens. College Ice Cream Manufacturers Copper Colls a Specialty. hundred fifty (160) feet; thence Vt*. M., In Lane County, Oregon; Specialising in Ladles Coco Cola— Klat Beverages east to the west line of Fair- Rea. Phone 163-J excepting therefrom that certain COATINGS A N D 8 U IT IN O 8 . mount Boulevard; thence north­ Cider Vinegar tract conveyed to the State of 420 Main St. Springfield. Ore. erly along the west line of said Oregon by deed recorded July 13, Retail Department at Mill. Phone 1480 Boulevard to the northeast cor- 1929, at page 267 of Volume 164. East End 6th Ave. Eugene, Ore. Ferry near 8th Ava E. Eugene. P R IN T E R S uer of said lot number Ooe (1) l^ n e County Oregon Deed Re­ i and thence west along the north cords. line of said lot 1 to the place of and further decreeing that the de­ POPULATION CHANGES T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS NOTICE TO CREDITO RS beginning, all In Lane County, fendants have not, nor have any or Springfield H ELD PENSION SUPPORT Oregon. either of them, any right, title, N O TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N : Phone 2 That L. L. Ray has been appointed and (or such other and further re­ claim or interest In any of said In 1880 the number of those un Business Stationery— office Forms administrator of the estate of N e l-' lief as to the Court may seem Just real property. This summon« Is served upon lie D. McFadden, deceased, by the and equitable. der 20 years old In this country Booklets — Placards — County Court of Lane County, Ore­ This Summons Is published by you by publication thereof for four was four times as great as those Dodgers, etc. gon. All persons having claims virtue of an Order of the Honor­ successive weeks by order of the over 80. In 1830 the proportion was A Modern Print Shop Producing against said estate are required to able Carl E. W im berly Judge of the Hon G. F. Sklpworth, Judge of the two to one. At the preaent rate of Up-To-Date Printing. preaent, them, with the proper Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ above entitled Court, decreeing change the two groupa will be equal Phone and a Salesman W ill Call. vouchers, within six monthB from gon, for L..ne County, dated the that you answer the summons here­ in within four weeks from the date the 10th day of January, 1936, to 16th day of January, 1936. by 1960. Those figures are cited by the said administrator at his law The date of the first publication of the first publication thereof, Move Out of Town— Mr. mid Mrs. Dr. K. H. Moore, professor of socio- office In the Miner Building, Eu­ of this summons Is 17th day of which said date of first publication log» at Oregon State college, as one A. P. Beverann ci. 1 fam ily have gene, Oregon. Is January 10, 1934.. January. 1936. F R ED ER IC K H. DRAKE, A t­ L. L. RAY, Administrator of JAMES K. KING . Attorney for of several sociological reason? why I '»*>'' '• out to Myers pi.rU m r II ,v torney for Plaintiff, 308 Pacific tbe Estate of Nellie D. McFad Plaintiff. Reetdence and post- the questlur. of old age pensions I dm bridge w h ite tie y Wilt m ike Building. Portland. Oregon. office address, Eugene. Oregon. dan. has become a live Issue In America, their homo. (J 10-17-34-31; F 7) (J 17-23-31 — F 7-14) (J 10-17-24-31; F 7) The condition of your eyes need no longer be guess work. Our modern equipment enables us to tell the exact condition of vour eyes and only when this la known can successful relief be sssured. 41 Wee» Springfield Publication Catalogues Available Football and les hockey attracted a number of Springfield people to Bulletins For Farm Manage­ ment Leaders Portland Bunday. Among (boss go­ ing were Maxine Snodgrass and Information on planning to farm IJoyd Garrlaon. Alto In thia party business, with lists of farm m in were Mis: Barbara Yonkers of Eu­ element bulletins and market re­ gene. Karl H ill and Earl Welaa. port aud a budget form are con­ both of Cottage Grove They saw tained lu a circular letter on the ths professional foot hall game Bun­ agricultural situation released by day afternoon, and the Portland- the Dragon State college extension Calgary Ice hockey game In the service. evening. "Tbe basis of a good farm plan Is a carefully prepared budget of ex­ pected receipts and expenses. Farm T H A T BACKACHE MAY BE records are very helpful In farm budget planning." says tbe circular In addition to the budget form, Oregon farmers may also obtain To ease the soreness in a hurry— trom (be county agricultural agents, Massage powerful penetrating tree of charge, a sample farm ac- Emerald Oil Into your limb, follow­ count book furnished -by tbe agri­ ing the rourse of the pain from cultural adjustment administra­ your hip all the way down your thigh and calf, right to your very tion. toes. Twenty-two bulletins arc Hated In And rub It into your back, where tbe circular which contain Informa tbe sciatic nerve Joins tbe base of lion to aid farmers In planning the the spine. Just one minute's rubbing. The tarm business. A complete cntalo penetrating warmth brings sooth­ gue and calendar of outlook, mar­ ing comfort relief to the throbbing, ket, price and crop reports Issued painful nerves and soothes them by the agricultural extension ser­ and quickly too. Money back, says Flan cry's Drug vice la also given, and a list of elr Store, If Emerald D ll fall« to bring rulara available by mail from varl you ease and comfort. oua market news office of the bu­ reau agricultural economics of the United States department of agriculture. Outlook Information may be In planning the farm business to as­ sist is estimating the probably In­ come from various crop and live­ stock products and the probable expenses for farm operation, and family maintenance, says the cir­ cular. s u m s untuo ni «ove Metto da *K d T\)9M erra stntw mon wnenv « fio mu