PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thur»4ay at Springfield. Lana «County. Oregon by ALFALFA BETTER MILK RATION W ITH CRAINS Cow* On H»y and Grain Nearly Double Quantity Of Milk In O. 8. C. Feed Teata FARM BIRK ROIDS BRIGHI FORD TRUCK SALES FOR FEBRUARY BRISK Seattle Branch Riant Haa Ordera For 4000 V-Sa; Many Modale Are Being Offered CITY HALL GETS CHAIRS COUNCIL MEETS MONDAY shortage of chairs at the City hell during council meelluga and other gatherings for some lima The chairs ware ordera»! purvhaaad at the laat meeting of the council Regular monthly meat»«« of the BIX heavy low-backed office city officiate wilt ba held at the oltx THE WILLAMETTE PRESS hail Monday avanlng at 7:3« Imagine a solid tralnload of Ford chatre were received this week at 1 o'clock. H. K. MAXKY, Editor Sufficient Moiatur«, Rising | the city hall There hae bean Dairy cow» that receive u gralu V 8» nearly 10 miles long A train supplement with »Kelt» ha> ere Farm Pric«a, Gitins In Mort­ load that would reach from Spring Entered aa aecoud class mailer. February 14. 1W3. •» tbe poetoftloa. •round 7 per cent more efficient Held to WaltervlUe. Visualise 1000 gage Payments Cited . , . . Springfield. Oregon lu chancing feed Into milk than boxcars with four brand new Ford cow» restricted to alfalfa hay alone, •With agriculture of the Pacific V-Ss In each car—4000 sleek new M A IL SUBSCRIPTION R A M according to reunite of hay feeding Northwest making substantial pro- Four V is for 1935 lit one tralnload $104 Oae Year la Advance .. — 11.50 Six Months 50c teata conducted by the dairy de­ grmM hack to a healthy normal con When you have pictured thia, you Two Year» th advance ~$2.«0 Three Montha partment of the Dregon Experiment dition. aided by the refinancing of then have an Idea of the require­ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7. 1136 a tattoo. accumulated Indebtedness. provta ments of the Seattle Ford Branch Cows under test were divided In­ Ion for ample operating credit, rta neceesary to take care of Ford to three groups, one receiving or­ lng farm prtcea and excellent mola Dealer business for only the montk WHAT HAVE THE REPUBLICANS TO OFFER? dinary «econd crop alfalfa hay. an­ lure prospecta. agenclea of the of February. Theee requirements “ This Is a question we frequently hear from adniinlstra- other the same grade of hay chop­ Farm Credit Administration a t Spo approximate nearly $3.000.000 wortb don DemocrgtB here at home. 'What have the RepubUcans ped. and the third, hay plu» grain kane will give specialised attenilou of new Ford V-Me. to offer?” It Is asked with the implication that they have Record» on all of the cows were during 1835 to the Important tub- "Thia Is one way of pointing out nothing to offer and the person asking It expects no answer kept over a 305 day lactation per Ject of marketing." the rush with which ordera for the tod. and corrections were made for or at least he Is not Interested if there is an answer. This ta the etalement made by uew Ford» are pourtng Into deal­ difference« In ages of the animals A. C. Adams, general agent of the erships throughout the entire north This seems to be a stock quesdon In congress as well With the»e correcttona tt wai u at home What have the Republicans to offer. Con­ found that the average cow pro­ twelfth district and acting preat western territory.” saya H. H. Wit dent of the Spokane Bank for Co­ cox. Seattle branch manager of the gressman W. Mott, of Oregon. In his characteristic duced «464 pound» of 4 per cent operatives. while attending a con­ Ford Motor company, "we have vigorous manner answered this question In a speec h in th milk when fed long hay alone. 5778 house recently. After calling attention of all to the fact that pounds from chopped hay alone, ference In Washington, D. C. which just been notified by Detroit that dose»! January 26. for the first ten days In January the Republican members of congress have supported it and 8416 pounds when fed hay and this district haa had the biggest Farm Conditions B right a majority all relief and public works measures Mr. Mott grain. “General farming conditions In truck and commercial sales since Th« * Star Liberty Hit Pays to Chop Hay Bays: the northweat are brighter than In 1926. and sales lu other parts of OPENS It was concluded that It was eco­ "Because we have always r e co r d e d and atlU recognise the many other sections of tbe country. the country show similar gains." S U N D A Y !! necessity of emergency relief, both direct and Indirect, that doe. not nomical to chop alfalfa hay at While Drought brought some hard Many Body Types Shown mean .hat we are wholly satisfied with the majority organ aaUon a cost of $2.25 per ton. regardless of ships to eastern Montana and parts This year the Ford paasenger line plan for national recovery. Because we agree with you that It Is the the value of the hay. If butterfat of southern Idaho and eastern Dre­ Include« nine body types, two being sells for SO cents a pound or above province of government to see that the people do not starve; tt do*, gon. the four stale of the twelfth entirely new In the 1836 serlea. It ts not economical with butterfat not mean .hat we agree with you that the way to permanent recovery di trict have fared well and the Im These are the Tudor and Fordor selling below 20 cents a pound. Ues solely along the path of expenditures e ther for dolei or made As to comparative proftts In feed proved morale of our farmers la touring sedans with large bullttn most heartening Generous auow trunks for baggage at the rear of work.’ Inc hay alone or with grain. It was Mr. Mott outlines the program the Republicans stand found that much depends on th» rail and ralu give promise of good the cars. yield» and contiuued improvement In addition to the uew touring relative prices of the product, hay for in Congress: sedans, the llm^ Includes Tudor and grain. If the price of grain ts lu 1936. “First. The spread of employment In private industry by short­ The Federal iJtnd Bauk of Spo­ nnd Fordor sedans with roomy bag $30 a ton and alfalfa hay $10 a ton ening hours of labor to whatever extent may be necessary re reemploy which ta approximately the price kane has experienced a decided gage compartments behind tbe rear all who are able to do the work required by modern Industry. prevailing now In most alfalfa sec gain In mortgage Installment col seats tu the long, sweeping body- G ARY CO O PER • Second. Federal aid to private Industry to enable It to make tlons of the state, then it ta econo­ lections and a much more hopeful tail of the cars. Three and five-win­ the neceesary change from the old system of !ong hours and low spirit among Its borrowers. Also FR ANC HO T TONE dow coupes, phaeton, cabriolet and mical to feed grain when butterfat wages to a new system of shorter hours and higher wagee. ts selling at 30 cents or more a a new all time record was estab­ roadster complete the line. RICHARD CROMWELL lished last year in the sale of ac­ • Third Assurance to employers that In operating business an The 5-wlndow business coupe, tbs pound. SIR GUY S T A N D IN G Industry with increased employment they will have a fair opportunity Experiments are now to progress quired farms. Indicating the return Tudor and Fofdor sedans are also C A U B R E Y S M IT H of receiving a reasonable return on their legitimately and usefully In to get practical Information on the of confidence In northwest land a» offered without Deluxe appoint­ an Investmet. Farmer» In the Twetf vested capital, and assurance to employees that they shall receive ments. most economical methods of supple­ wagee sufficient to give them not only a mere living but a purchas­ mentary feeding where dairy cattle th district who obtained approxl ing power wherwith to buy back the producta of Industry. are restricted largely to alfalfa hay mately $17.000,000 In short-term NORTHWEST MILLS PAY loans through thetr local produc­ "Fourth. Unemployment insurance to protect the employee In The most critical time for such HIGHEST LUMBER WAGE tion credit associations for financ­ temporary emergency. _ feeding ta In the first three or four ing thetr crop» and livestock al»o • Fifth An old age pension sufficient to retire, in decency and months of the lactation period, aa Southam Worker« In Cyprees Tim­ comfort, those who have paa