THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THIRTY-BBCONU VBAR - HPHINOHBLD, lo spend (he day Report On Health Conditions visiting the varloua stale Institu Given By Doctor; Will Fu­ Ilona and (he k glalaturs. Transportailou waa provided by migate School Supplies W K. Buell, Hrs. M. It Adams. Reports u( the school physician, Mrs, Olive Helihän, sud lb« stu­ ■vuil annual report of the achool dents themselves. clerk, aud a »mutuary ot work to Tbe visit of the local high school p« dona oue III« achool building» students to the legislature has be during the auiumer month» under come an annual affair. During pre­ MKHA aaalalauce were beard H o li­ vious year* only members c( Ihe day evening at the uioutbly meet Civica class and a few other» have lug ot Ibe «chool board. made the (rip. Hviuodellug of the dr easing Visits will be made to the peni­ rooui a at Ibe blgb achool gyuisaa tentiary, rtale hospital for Ihe In­ luni Io provide modern dreaalug sane. the caplloi building and the quarlira. lualallatlou ot a plumbing legislature. ayatvui to Include better «liower (aellltlwt. Improvement ot the lioal Ing method», and minor repair» to tbe Interior of Ibe gymnaaluui are Included lu the Improvements coo templaled during tbe auiumer A uew system of tasting tbe ac will b»- observed here next Tuesday Announcement of a week's aerlas , president of the district Men's Bro- ' tberhrxid of tbe Methodist church ' POINT FOR 8T. MARY’S compIDhuieiil» of students In lb * by Mr. and Mrs. William Bacua. j of meeting» to be held at tbe Metb- Junior blgb school grades la being The day will probably be «peut odl t church next week from Mon­ 1 at the annual meeting held Mon-! Local* Hav* Six Mor* Gam** tried at the Lincoln building Ibis without any celebration aa tbetr day to Friday evenings Inclusive day evening at Brownsville. Wm ) In Which To Climb From year according to Hoy Qulney. prin­ children are ao widely scattered was made today by Rev. Dean C. O. Hughes waa also re-elected aec- that they will not be able to be ) reUry-treasurer. Tbe district am -' cipal. Bottom In District Play Poindexter. This year Instead uf following th» here for tne day. Itev. W. 8. Uurgoyne, formerly ) braces the southern half of tbe Robert Cbatterton's aopbomora usual i-uatum o> giving tbe county | Margaret Hcoulsr aud "Billy" pastor of the Methodist church at I Balem district of tbe church. Ten member« of the local bro- and Junior basketball players lined tests In grades six. aeVeu and eight, Bacua were married at Unionville, Creawell. now at Sheridan, will Lincoln achool la uslug tbe progres­ Mlaaourl, on February 12, 1871. apeak each evening at 7:20 on tbe ' tberbood attended tbe meet. They up wltb their backs to the wall were Lawrence May. L. K. Page. Tuesday evening at the blgb school sive achievement (rats, devised by They have eight children, four »on» subject, "The Holy Land. ' Ernest W. Tlege, Dean. University aud (our daughter», all living. They Tbe speaker baa recently travel­ Frank and Sam Bartholomew, F. B ' gymnaalum aad refused to quit college, University of Southern Cal­ also have a total of 43 grandchil­ ed 60 000 miles through twenty- Hamlin, Dr. W H. Pollard. Charles fighting until they had slowly but ifornia, and W lllla W. Clark, dlreo dren and more than 20 greatgrand­ seven nation« of tbe Far East sad Myers. 8. 8. Potter and Mr. Bartho­ surely beaten down the score mar­ gin held by Cottage Grove. When tor of adnitnlalratlou research. Los children. ha* taken many pictures and col­ lomew. W illiam Jones, professor of soci­ tbe whistle blew they had balanced Angeles county schools. Their children, tbe youngest of lected many relics which be will ology at W illamette University waa the books with 24 pointe for each Part of the expense wa« met by whom Is 41, are: Jesse Thomas exhibit during tbe week. tbe principal speaker and gave a team. eliminating the county testa In all Bacua, In eastern Oregon; Harvey He Is also scheduled to make But the game was not over, la subjects except »octal science sub- W illiam, and Benjamin Arthur talks at tbe local schools during humorous address on political af­ the overtime period White waa re­ fairs. Dr. Louis R. Magln. district Jerta for wblcb copies were mimeo­ Bacua. both at Council, Idaho, and the coming week. superintendent of tbe church, was placed by Hotversoa who aaak h graphed This waa deemed advis­ Collin» Eugene Hacu«, In Waahlug- There will he no admission for alao a guest at the meeting. beautiful long shot Into the banhet able since Ihe atsodardixed testa lou »late. these meeting», hut an offering will Meetings of tbe church body are for the extra two points, a margin used only slightly touched that par­ M r*. Edward Auatln, Newport, be taken each evening. held quarterly and the next gath­ which the local boys wara able to ticular field. now vlaltlng In California, Mra. Services at tbe local church Bun­ ering will be held at Lebanon in hold until tbe final whistle. Many Score High Elmer Weatherly. Hurdsfield, months. Mere Than Victory On Ihe whole, the reaulta of tbe North Dakota. Mrs. Fred Ketchum, day will Include a visit from Dr. May. Qymnaalum Not Satisfactory The whistle meant much more ! drat of the teats which were given Caldwell. Idaho, and Mra. Cahrlea Louts Magln. district superintend­ The preaent gymnaalum faclll- to the boys and the »chool than Just ent from Salem. He will apeak at early In January were gratifying to Carroll. Huntington, Oregon. tlee have been tell to be loadequ a basketball victory. It meant the tbe vesper service Sunday evening the faculty of the achool. Of thirty- Mr. and Mra. Bacua lived In Iowa at 6 o'clock. Tbe morning aervl • ate tor aome time by tbe achool Funeral Service* For Son Of turning point In a season which five students tested III the eighth aud Idaho before coming to Ore­ will be conducted by Itev Poindex­ Mr. and Mrs. Ole Shurdal board, but they have held back on had been one defeat after another. grade, twenty-one were up to, or gon. They have lived in Springfield ter who will preach on tbe subject. any exteualve Improvement pro­ It was their first league victory la Held Here Monday above standard for their grade; for the past five year» at Second "America's Tenth Man." ject at tbe preaeut gymnaaluui. the district and bas completely re­ four were only one-fourth grade be­ and I streets. He ia a retired farm ­ Olaf Mkurdal, 17 year old son of The report of Dr. Walker, recent­ vived a disinterested student body. low their grade norm; two ware er aud carpenter. ly appointed achool pbyalctan. Hat- Mr. and Mra. Ole Mkurdal. passed Cottage Grove started out with a LOCAL SPORTSMEN WANT one-half grade below In the higher ed nine uuaatlafaclory condition» away at the home of his parents Tbe couple were married early In lead In the «coring and held It until bracket, seven ranked as high wblcb abould be remedied at tbe two miles east of Springfield F ri­ school freshmen or above, the hlgb- Ilf« Mrs. Bacua waa only 16 and RIVER STATUS LEFT AB IS the closing minntea of the contest blgb achool gymnaalum. Tbe re­ day afternoon following a long III ast rating 10.6, which la the norm her husband waa 21. She will be when Springfield came forward and Members of the McKenxte Gate­ Eugen* Sunday port for the Lincoln achool waa not nesa. took the lend. Grove players auc- for aophomorea at the end of tba 80 on April 27. and be will observe' way Rod and Gun club, loc-1 »porta- ao bad Hanltatlun condition» were lie waa born at Manitoba. Can­ first semester. In the seventh grade bis eighty sixth birthday on April 2. j cesafully tied the »core Just an the no n organixatlon. have openly de­ Mrs. Emma Pauison. 67. passed belter and repair» to window» Is ada on September 7. 1817 and came a »lightly greater variance wa.» j Bbe came to the United S tale s1 clared themaelvea as being opposed away at the Pacific hospital In Eu­ whiaUe was blowing. Scores dur­ wblcb many pane» of glaaa were to the United Mtatew with his par­ manifested. O f fifty-eight students with her parents srb«u 9 years old to any further opening of 'he Mc- gene Sunday. Her home waa on ing the game were: First quarter, broken waa atreaaed to prevent ents In 1826 settling near Coburg, 10-3; half. 2*-l«; third quarter. 24- tested, th irty-all were up to their aud la the only survivor of her Kenxle river to boat fishing. At the route 2. Springfield. draft». tmter they lived at I-orane and norm or above; seven were one family. Mr. Bacua Is the oldest boy last meeting of the local group n. She was born at Colville, Utah Seek Skin Dlaaaae Curb three years ago they moved to this fourth to one-half grade below, In bla fam ily and has seven of there were some suggestions that Shedd Vleter j Starter on July 24. 1877 and lived there ttklu dlaeaaea have been fouud Is i i umdiunlty. Springfield players broke their while fifteen varied from one to nine- brothers and sisters «till liv ­ short stretches of the river be until 1820 when she came to Ore­ mauy luatancea In tbe acboola and Besides bla parent». two broth two grades below. Two «eventL ing. closed to fishing to provide more gon. The famt’y moved to Lane long losing streak during tho waok- mauy chlldreu have been a«nt bopie i-ra, Kan* and Harold, and three «nd when they walked away with grade students were but a few Both of them have enjoyed tbe natural propagation. Some sugges­ county about five years ago. to prevent Infection of others, the al ters. Carrie. Rachel and Mlgrld. points below tbe highest eighth a 18-16 score over Shedd high la finest of health and are very active. tions were made that tbe lake at Survivors include her widower. report stated. grader. survive. Mr. Bacua received a broken left the damsite be closed to angling I Nils Paulson; three children. Miss a non-league game. This w a* th * A complete cleansing of the In llie sixth grade, of forty stu Funeral aervlcea were held here leg near his hip three years ago and used (or propagation exclusive­ Signe, Miss Solvlg. and Jay Paul- local team's first victory aad gave desks, walla, books and other Munday afternoon at 2 o'clock from dents tested, twenty-eight were, on Christ man eve and has had to) ly. No official action was taken by : «on. all at home; two brothers. A. tbe victors lots of confidence aa school materials was recommend­ Shedd had easily oefeated Cottage the Poole funeral borne. Rev. M ar­ normal or above, seven were one ' use a crutch ever «Ince that tim e .) the club on thia, however. W. Falrnaworth. and Charles Falr- ed W ith th« aaalatabre of the Grove and St. Mary's la peevtoaa tin P 8 1 moll, pastor of llrace Luth fourth grade below (he norm and: ) nsworth, and on* slater, Mra. Flor- teacher» and Janitors these recom­ games. eran church In Eugone. officiated, five showed a variance of one-halt 1 ence Robinson, all In Utah. mendations will be carried oat. tSe Summary for the Grove ghma to two grades below. and Norton Penera aang. In te r­ Private funeral services were do< tor stated Hook» and achool was aa follows: Reaulta Explained ment »ft* mad» In Mt Vernon held Wednesday morning at 11 supplies will be fumigated Of thoae fartheresi below th eir' SgrUMFiald M C. Brave M o'clock from the Poole funeral Darr 12------------- F.___ Thoraaoa * other improvement« couiampl* ceaaetery. grade normal, a few are recognised home in Eugene. Mrs. Parrish W hite «._______ F.______ Decker 2 led under the Federal Emergency non-learners who have been ad read the Christian Science service, D. Richardson 2 C Administration Include (300 for Shortrldge 1* vanned because of age and physical and interment waa made In the I. Chase (...._.......... G________ Tracy M staining Ibe roof uf Ibe Brattain development, several are repealers, O. O. F. cemetery. — school building; I24UO (mostly Carson 6 ........... _ .O________Kern S sod the balance are students who Christian Science Service To Parents Of Lower Grades At labori for leveling, reseeding, roll­ Holveraon 2 ___ 8 have come into the tiyalem from BUILDING TRENDS TOLD Brattain Pian Event For ing aud dralulng tbe Lincoln achool Be At Branstetter-Simon Referee: Slegmnnd. other localities and In not a few grounds, and (860 for work to the Friday night Springfield wlU en­ Friday, February 15 Chapel In Eugene rases are the children of people I TO HAPPY HOUR GROUP exterior of the Lincoln achool tertain the 8L Mary's team oa th * who have moved frequently and j Mother« of children In the drat, Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter Kostaa» | local floor. Remembering what hap­ Death caught up with Mrs. May building aud the manual training Marriage Ceremony Read For have In consequence missed con­ W illiams. 76, Tuesday, aa she pass­ second, and third grades will be room . pened to the Grove Lloaa, the For Club Member» Monday; siderable time from school over a Couple Saturday Evening period of several years besides ed through Springfield enroute to hostesses for a Valentine tea to be Budget heport Received Springfield boys are determlaed to Eight Are Visitors given at tbe Brattain school a week The budget summary presented make a new showing and annex a At Home Of Dr. Stiver* laboring under the handicap of be­ her home at Oakridge from Port­ from Friday, on February 16. It to tbe achool board at tbe close of Modern trends In architecture win over St. Mary's, the team which ing obliged to adjust themselves to land. She died on a train shortly The marriage of Mias Edith Jobe new surroundings and courses of after It had passed through Spring- was announced today. The tea will were discussed for members of the started the season with aU the ap­ tbe first six mouths of tbe year by lie held Immediately' after the busi­ Happy Hour club Monday after­ pearance of district champions. Sever! Jacobson, clerk, showed an to Carl Van Court of Kugpne waa study. field. expenditure of (28.4(1.42 of a solemnized Saturday evening at Although the local team la al Mrs. Williams was born at ness meeting of the Springfield P. noon s i the home of Mrs. Dean C. By the use of remedlcal work, budget of (42.896.00. Thia leave» a 8:30 by Dr. K. V Stivers at his many of thoae now below normal Agency City, Iowa on September T. A. starting at 2.30. PoiuUexter by Dr. Fred Cuthbert, the bottom of the pile la leagaa balance, on hand of tbe total bud­ home near Uoshen. All mothers of children In these faculty member of the University standings they still have six lea­ can be brought up to standard by 22. 1869. 8he was a member of the Miss Anne McUookln aud Dale the end of the year, thereby achlev Eastern Star at Roseburg, and of grades in both the lower schools of Oregon architecture department. gue games to play and hav* * get of 1 16,026.68 for tbe remainder of tbe achool year. U f the balance Lindley attended the couple. G en ld Childers and Mlsa Ruth chance to alter the poeltlone la ad­ Ing the end desired by the school. (ho Christian Mcieuce church In a r t urged to atteud. The achool Following the ceremony an In­ lemalulng unspent. (9.888 must be lunch room where the tea will be Lienhart both aang vocal solos. dition to the St. Mary's game, The local faculty (eels that U Eugene. paid to teacher« on their contracts, formal reception waa held at tbo would be a forward step If promo Springfield will meet Corvallis, Eu­ Survivors include three daugh- held Is being d.corated by the stu­ They were accompanied by Mr». (111.60 to tbe clerk, and (1.100 to home of Mtaa Edna Uould lu Eu tlons over the state were baaed on gene, Albany. U. H. 8. aad 84. Franklin Smith. A ll three are from dents in the second grade. The (ers. Mra. C. G. Keymer of Klamath Janitors at tbe tbree buildings, gene for tbe bridal party, their reaulta obtained through the use Mary a again during thia month. Fall«, Mra. W. G. Burt of Oakridge, program will be presented by the the Northwest Bible college. making a total of (11.000.00 of fixed families, and a few friends. Odd Fetlowa Continue Wine Mrs. I. M. Peterson and Mrs. H. of standard tests, or better s t ill' and Mra. Firebaugh of Portland; children of the fourth grade. Mrs. Van Court la well known lu the use of such testa In conjunction . expenditures This leaves a balance Other basketball teams have Mothers of children In these H. Schaf fen berg were assistant two sons. Layne W illiam». Los An­ of (6.O2M.68 for other expenses, Springfield, havlug been office as­ with Intelligence testa. attending the Brattain hostesses, and the meeting waa been bolding their own hare during geles. and Bert W illiam«. Klamath grades moat ot which are paid during tbe sistant for Dr. W. N. Dow for the Falla; nine grandchildren and school are urged to get In touch moved from Mra. Milton V. W alk­ the past week. The L O. O. F. todm first six months of tbe school year. past several years. with Mrs. W. N. Gossler. Mra. A. er's borne becouse ot lllnees in the defeated Elm ira 38-17 hare Taeeday «even great-grandchildren. ACTING PASTOR LISTS The couple will make their borne family. The literary group had evening, aad defeated the Cobarg Repairs Boost Expense Christian Bcienoe funeral ser­ R. Sneed, or Mra. Clayton F. Bar­ SERVICES AT CHURCH Only one Item, that for mainten­ In Eugene. I. O. O. F. 20-16 last Thursday at charge of the program. ber. This committee is making all vices will be held from the Bran- ance and repairs to buildings and Hostess for the next meeting on Coburg. They will go to Oakridge necessary arrangements and will Regular services will be held at stetter-SImon chapel In Eugene F ri­ grounds has been overdrawn. The March 4. have not been named. tonight. Monday night, February the Christian church Sunday with day afternoon at 2 o'clock. In te r­ Inform the hostess mothers what MANY MEMBERS JOIN The drama group will have charge I I . they play Lorane at Lorane aad aunt of (1700 waa budgeted for this they are to bring for the afternoon. Rev. Clifton A. Phillips In charge. ment will be made in the New I. Tueaday evening travel to Klmlra purpose while the expenditures of the program at this meeting. NOBLE GRAND CLUB The Bible school will meet at 9:46 O. O. F. cemtery. Eight visitors and 20 members for a return game with the L O. have actually reached (IH6S.81. with Beulah Thurman aa superin­ O. F. team there. attended the meeting this week. Thia expenditure waa largely ac­ PULPIT CHANCES MADE Ten new members were taken tendent. The morning worahlp The Townies, bolstered by the TWO INJURED WHEN counted for In the ERA project Into the Past Noble Grand club of hour at 11 a. m. w ill have the fol­ AT CRESWELL, MARCOLA addition of Allan Sneed, who 1* In­ work In the buildings last summer Juanita Rebekah lodge at their STUDENTS PLEASE IN TRAIN H ITS SPEEDER lowing sermon subject "A Run­ eligible for high school play, de­ wheu the Interior of the high achool monthly social and business meet­ Rev. W. 8. Burgoyne has been away Slave." STAGE PRESENTATION feated the Coburg aquad 28-11 Mat and Lincoln building were rafln- ing at the I. O. O. F. hall Tueaday Noble Herring and B. D Glbaon transferred from the Methodist The senior. Intermediate and Thursday evening, and ran over lahed. afternoon. The gathering opened Junior Christian Endeavor societies went to the Eugene hospital for church at Creawell to Sheridan, Student players at the high the second team 18-6 as a prelim­ Total warrant debt at the middle with a potluck dinner at noon. will meet at 8:30. An evangelistic treatment of their Injuries Satur­ and his place has been filled by school, under the direction ot Miss uf the school year waa (18,080.41. New members are Mrs. Ada service ut 7:30 will be preceded by day when the speeder on which Rev. Everett H. Gardner of the Marguerite Millhollen, offered a inary to the Shedd coateat. The warrants are being readily Bench, Mrs. Mary Magill, Mrs. Bor- a song service led by Kenneth they were riding failed to clear Wendllng-Marcola church. No pas­ fine showing of the popular stage cuahed now and II la expected that nice Van Vslxah. Mrs. Bertha Smith. The sermon subject will be tunnel 22 near Oakridge in the face tor has been named for the Mar- farce, “The Whole Town'» Talk­ REBEKAH GROUP HEARS by the end uf the drat tax quarter Rouse, Mrs. Lillian Black, Mrs. "Noah's A rk" Ih which the pastor of an oncoming freight train. The cola church, and Dr. Louis Magln. ing,” at the high achool Friday PROGRAM OF MUSIC on March 16, most of this debt will Alloe Perkins, Mrs. Minnie Utrarri, superintendent of the evening. The entire performance will answer the question, la the train proved to be a short stock district have been taken up. train and was traveling at a higher Salem district, will preach this wag replete with Its sparkling lin es: Vocal duets by Juanita Beamon Mrs. B«tella Findley, Mrs. Katie Deluge story, historical or factT Brumette. Mias Doris Ulrard. Regular mid-week services will speed than the men on the speeder coming Sunday. The pastor at the which were well read by the play­ and Ruth Pollard, with Mias Glyda had estimated. Sheridan church has entered other ers. Dilley aa accompanist, wars pres­ STAR CHAPTER PLANS The charter and by-law» were re­ be held Thursday evening at 7 Thoee In the cast were Jack W il­ ented at the weekly meeting ot work. o'clock. TO RECEIVE OFFICER ported on and approved, and Mrs. liams. Lamoyne Black. France» Juanita Rebekah lodge Monday MOHAWK DRAMA CROUP June Korf, Mr». Findley, and Mrs. Stiles. Wayne Tullar. Beth Ople, evening. Miss Dilley also played a Final plans for the official visit Genevieve Louk were named on a OLD BREWERY PLANT WINS GRANGE CONTEST MORE TROUT PONDS Jack Logan. Laster Anderson, M ar­ piano solo, and Roberta Putmaa hers on February 18, of Mrs. M yrtle committee to select a song (or the BEING TORN DOWN PLANNED AT LEABURG garet Hauck. Florence May. Colleen gave a reading. The program was Peterson, grand conductress for club. _________ ' Players of tbe Mohawk-McKenxIe Cornell, Doris M arie Robinson, and praaenbed under the direction ot Oregon, were made Tueaday even­ Workmen are busy now raxing dr aim a group won the district con­ Members of the table committee Federal aid funds tor additional Thurman Lanning. Mlae Bernlco Conoly. ing by member« of Cascade chap­ for the next meeting are Mra. tlte old brewery building In the test Friday evening when they de­ trout rearing ponds at the Leaburg The stage setting waa by Jack During tho buslneas meeting Os­ ter. O. E. 8. A covered dish dinner Sarah Johns, Mra. Jennie Russell, north part of the city. All of the feated Wlllakonxle players with hatchery were approved at Port­ Peterson. Barbara Barnell handled wald Olson, chairman of the ways for all member« and their families Mra. Zella Cantrell, and Mrs. lumber In the building, Including their one-act play, "Goose Money.” land thia week by the state com­ properties and costumes and Pearl and means committee reported that will he .held at 8:30, and members Blanche Daniels. the roof 1» being taken out. The The Wlllakenxle group presented mittee. The ponds will probably be Helterbrand waa prompter. hla group had all plana ready tor _ V »’•' (4 bricks used In the holler room have of the Past Matrons club will en­ "Violin Maker of Cremonla." Both placed across the river on property the benefit plats dinner to be ser­ Specialty entertainment waa pro­ • J *4 el tertain at a noon luncheon for the been torn loose and the mortar were given at the Wlllakenxle halt, j owned by the Eugene W ater Board. vided by the high achool orchestra, ved Monday evening. No tickets visitor. LODGE GIRLS TO DANCE cleaned from them. lutne county sportsmen made the a trio. Ruth Pollard. Eunice Rhlne- will be sold except at the door, and The plant recently waa owned INVITE OTHER GR.0UP9 request for additional ponds so vault, and Juanita Seaman, and girls of the F. L. club will serve. FROSH AND SENIORS TIE by F. H. Lindsey.. A Portland fin­ FUNERAL SERVICES FOR more fish might be propagated others. ance company now has charge of Members of the F. L. club of TRUMBLY HELD MONDAY and released In the W illam ette and TICKET SALE HONORS STUDENTS TO RESTRICT Juanita Rebekah lodge will spon­ the property and Is doing the rax­ McKensie rlvera. SHIPMENTS HEAVY AT ATTENDANCE AT DANCE Final rites for Marvin Trumbly, .Mentor and freshmen students at sor an Invitational dance at the ing. ships printer on the 8. S. Mohawk FRUIT GROWERS PLANT the high school tied for first place Springfield armory on Friday even­ Invitations bava been Issued for honor In the hu I o of tickets for the ing. February 16, It was announced NEEDLECRAFT MEMBERS which sank off the Atlantic coast In j IUKA CIRCLE MEETS AT A total of 37 carloada of mixed the high achool club dance to be a recent ocean disaster, were held student body play given Friday. today. Members ot the committee DOANE HOME TONIGHT MEET AT GOSSLER HOME fru it and vegetables ware shipped held at the Armory Friday evaa- from the Pleasant H ill Christian The sophomore claaa waa In third In charge will be Maxine Snodgrass, Members of Iuka Circle. Ladles from the Eugene Fruit Grower'» Ing from 2:20 until 11:30. W ith th* Members of the Needlecraft club church Monday afternoon at 2 place. All classes received points Eleanor Smith-Turrell, and Irm a Nolt. F. L. club» from Junction are being entertained thia after­ o'clock. Rev. W illiam W hite officia­ Auxiliary of the O. A. R.. will hold plant during tbe month of January. exception of high achool studaota In the. geyvity contest. Total receipts for the production City, Harrisburg, Eugene and Salem noon at the home of Mrs. W alter ted. and Interment waa made In the their regular semi-monthly meeting Thia established a naw record for and the patrons and patronnasse, were nsgrly (70 It waa announ­ hake been Invited to attend as have N. Gossler. A potluck dinner was Pleasant H ill cemetery by the thia evening at 7:30 at the home ot January shipments. The December none will he admitted wlthont pres­ enting a written lavltatlaa. shipments were 2* carloads. Mrs. Alice Doane. 126 C atr*«t. Veatch chapel of Eugene. several additional guests. held at one o'cloek. ced this week. PROJECT t WORK LISTED i ILLNESS GLIMS OLAF SKUROAL, I I PAULSON RITES 1 EDITH JOBE WEB TO EUGENE MIN I » OAKRIDGE WOMAN MOIHEBS10 HAIE PASSER ON TRAIN IIALENTINE TEA