PA G I FOUR THVRHOAY. JANUARY 31, I»36 THE 8PRINOFIELD NEWS JAPAN TRAFFIC RULES RESTRAIN AUTO DRIVER PRIVATE TIMBER CONTROL URGED TOWN AND VICINITY FAST k C M Dll HOG PLAN SEEN When motoring in Japan one must do aa the Japanese do. Du not be surprised if you recwlve one Recovering— Mrs. Jennie Barn- been quite ill Is said of their traffic rule cards which * ant whl, reads as follows, says the Oregon to be recovering now at her home. Motor association: Vida People Here— Mr, and Mrs. "At the rise of the hand of policeman, stop rapidly," reads the A. I Smollo of Vida we e visitors documeut. "Do not pass him by or in Springfield Saturday afternoon. Sustained Yield Necessary On All Lands To Meet Con­ sumption Of Westerners Butcher III— ike Endicott, meat cutter at the Irish Murphy store Is ill this week with in/luensa. Upper River Men Hara — Bert Vincent, Blue River tourist camp operator waa down In the lower valley Tuesday. otherwise disrespect him.” "When a passenger of the toot hove in sight, tootle the horn trum ­ pet to him melodiously at first. If he still obstacles your passage. tootle him with vigour and express by word of the mouth the warning, Lincoln School Notes Thurston BANK DEPOSITS WERE SAFESTINVESTMENTS Wiliam««» Area With 40 Bil­ lion Feet Exceed* All Oth*r National Foraata The ten national forests of (he 47 to 18 Leading the northern division after two weeks of play, tbe Or- atigemou were dropped down the staudlugs by two Washington de fcata at Seattle two weeks ago A comeback sweep of two games ugulnsl WaahRiglou here last week end pul the Orangemen In first place again with five wills aud a pair of looses The Orangemen d* tested Washington 31 to 26 aud 28 to 17. Washington Banded Oregon two defeats the first of tho week Douglaa fir region of Oregon and Washington roughly present 3* per ceut of the total Io figures recently released by tbe Foreat Resource Survey of tbe Pa­ cific Northwest Forest Experiment Station The W illamette Forest, prluclp ally located lu Lnue aud Lluu counties, Oregon. ranks first among the nstbm al forests of tbe t'nlted States In volume of timber with a stand of 40 Billion feet In the North I'ai Iflc region, the Olyut pic National Foreat of Washington ranks second to the W illam ette and tbe Columbia Naltoual Foreat. principally In Hkatnaula county, Waahtngtou, ranks third. Among the couutles, lame and Dougina In Oregou aud Jefferson In Washing ton contain the largest volume of national forest timber. N O T IC K OF B H K R IF F 'S SALK RKAL PROPERTY N O TIC E Is hereby given that by virtue of au esecutlon and order of eale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Greguu for Lane County this 29th day of Jan uary, 1936. upon and pursuaut to a decree duly given and made by said Court thia 29th day of Jauuary, 1936, in a suit pending (herein In which Otto A Nickel, and Otto A. Nickel as Administrator of the estate of Alina Nickel were plain­ tiffs and Virgil K. Keyt and Mar guerlte Stanford were defendants which execution and order of sale was to me directed and command­ ed me to sell the real property hereinafter deecrlbed to satisfy certain liens end charges In said decree »perilled, I will on Satur day the 2nd day of March. 1936. at the hour of tea o'clock. A. M . nt the southwest door of tho County Court House In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction for cash, sub Jert to redemption aa provided by law. all of the right, title and Inter- est of the defendants In said suit nod of all parties claiming by, through or under them or any of them In or to the following des-1 crlbed real property, to-wlt: The North fifty-three and oue third tget of Lot numbered Une ( I ) In lilock numbered Seven­ teen (17) In the James Huddle ston's Extended Addition, aa re corded In the County Clerk's Of­ fice In Eugene, latne County. State of Oregon. Dated thia 29tli day of January, 1936 C. A. »W ARTS, Sheriff. By A E. HVLEGAARD. Deputy (J 81— F 7-14 21 28) Willamette Has 40 Billion Feet Total estimates of timber In the national forests West of the Caa- cade range total 2DU.9OO.UO0.IMW board feel log scale l it Ibis stand the W illamette has roughly 40 bit lluu feet, the I'tupquu 24 billion; the Klsklyou (lu Oregon) nenrly * billion; the Kiualaw 10 billion; the Ml. Hood 20 billion; llte Hogue River I I billion; the Olympic 17 billion; (he Mt. Baker 17 billion, the Snoqualmie 1114 billion; the Columbia 3414 billion. The survey figures show an in­ crease of 26 per cent In saw tim ­ ber on ihn national forests over previous estimates of 1923 In the case of the »luslaw Forest In Ore­ gon the Increase Is attributed to the rapid growth of young stands It 1» pointed out also with the pree oM survey more intensive cruising methods were used and more com­ prehensive relliuslee made of ail species More than half the in erna-e Is ( >uiid In (be eailmatan r f pulp lim ber Douglas fir estimates have Increased by roughly 10 per- cool. Some Not Usable It is pointed out that (bees sell males Include all merchantable limber wherever lucated A sub slanllal part of the timber on sc count of Innccessiblllty may never be available for cutting. Tbe total aland for tbe west side national forests of Washington Is 8*14 billion feet and for Oregon 11214 billion In Washington pulp species (mainly hemlock, white fir and spruce) total roughly 4914 billion feet, and Dougin» fir only 29 billion In Oregon, on tbe other hand. Douglaa fir totala 8U blllloua feet and pulp species only 2014 billion. DIBBLEE’S RED & WHITE THE VALENTINE T • ♦ • ♦ SOAP Med. Ivory Beautiful Box Candies Valentines - 3 Cards SCOTT’S DRUG STORE 1/1 — I VC CRACKERS Q Q 2 for D o n ’t F a i l Bulk Per Lb. t o S e e th e MOO NUMBERS FOLLOW CHANGES M CORN P M 0U CTI0N 3-ACT COMEDY AND SPECIALTY NUMBERS Springfield H. S. Auditorium Friday, Feb. 1st - Tickets - - 10 - 25c Reserved - - - - 35c 8 p.m. 10c 15c Delicious Graham Cracker* 'racker* 7 Oz. Pkg., 2 f o r ................ Student Body Play “The While Town's Talking'' M t/C CORN FID AS O%AJM OR FORAAt X. I I I I I— I I I I L .V - 4 Your nickles a n d dimes will work won* der* for you at our Red and White Store where you, get more than Value Received every day, and ESPE­ CIALLY so while our supply of the follow­ ing merchandise last*. We offer for your comparison th e s e h ig h ly advertised brand*. STORES FREE DELIVERY SERVICE 10 A. M. AND 3 P. M. Baking Powder Calumet 16 Oz. Cans, with ins, m FREE Baking Pan ......... 23c Mustard Quality prepared, Ea Re-usable Quart Jar* 15c Starch Staleys'* Gloss 16 Oz. Pkg. 2 for 15c Ghirardelli’sSweet Chocolate Malted Milk c1ait*b*27c I KCAO usums MOOS M A O O H T tM O U N O fR F i d ™ PHON E - l ---------1--------- 1--------- ------------------------------ 1---------1--------- L _ J 1 VC I |O Q numbers In the United tttutes | changes In corn production are clos» * » follow closely the change» in i ly associated with obanges In the corn production Since 1920-21 as weight per hog marketed through Indicated by the bottom line In the the following year. Because of this fundamental rein graph nbova, there have been three peaks of heavy bog slaughter the itnnshlp. effective control of corn »< reage Is a vital factor In control­ marketing ysnra of 1923 24. 1928 29 and 1933-84. The Increases In hog ling hog production. The 1936 corn-hog contract now slaughter daring these years can he lining offered farmer* provides con­ traced to the big corn crops during trol of corn acreage and, therefore, the periods beginning In 1920. In will be doubly effective In prevent­ 1928, and again In 1932, a« shown ing excessive hog production during by the top line above tbe nest year or so. Lack of adequate Over a period of years, a change acreage control In 1936 not only at ons per cent In corn production would result In a largs surplus of has been followed by a correspond corn and low fsad prices, but un­ Ing change of about one per cent In doubtedly would be followed In t i l l tbe number of hogs slaughtered un sad 1127 by heavy hog fending and der Federal Inspection Moreover. relatively low hog prices Our Mothers Cocoa Malted Milk 1 Lb. can* ...... 25c Blue and White Pacific Mackerel 2*0/ TallCan’ J 5c Gebhardt’s Spaghetti T m S a ^ t "" . 2 Nf°or1 Ca" ‘ 15c Gebhardt’s Spaghetti w,th, S X cdT 9e . L 3X Can8 29c 3avery, Saovry Mushroom SoupLarg. 15 oz. can* - 3 for 29c Veg. Beef Soup, Mione Brand Large w 01. can - 2 for J gc j Macaroni, Mushroom Sauce 5 C Mama’s Brand I Chilli Sauce Each ..................... gc 7% 0z. Cans } Spaghetti with Sauce Each 5C ( Chilli Beans Each ...................... 5c FOR OTHER SPECIALS SEE OUR WEEKLY NEWS FLASHES OR ADV. IN REG­ ISTER-GUARD. « « 2uu limber stand In this area according Although the name of the W il­ liams Self Service Store in Eugene has beeu changed Io Williams Stores Inc., there Is no change in tbe management of the Eugene store says Joe Hayward, manager. Tit« same quality of merchandise, same policies, and same courteous clerks will he ready tu wait uu (be customers who visit tbe store Parents of Daughter — Mr. and Mrs. John Dqv Idson of Goshen are the parents of a baby daughter born to them at the Nelson Mat­ ernity home In Eugene on Satur­ day. January 28. 1936. contain billion board feet of limber and re­ STORE NAME CHANGED: MANAGEMENT IS SAME I McKenzie Valley Upper Willamette | FOREST HERE HAS LARGEST STAND Oregon Htate college basketball players, first place holders la the northern division staudlugs, will meet the Vnlverslty of Oregon Webfoota at Eugene Saturday night In the second game of a four contest series. The Initial till this year between the traditional rivals ended with the Urangem.n ahead Regional Meeting* Are Being Conducted This Week; Pro­ cedure To Be Simplified With district meetings of com- Returns to W ork— Miss Eva Louk hog eommltteenieu and county has returned to her work at Eggl Drive to Silverton— Mrs. Mabel t »touts being held thia week, and ■nanu s following a short illness. Tyson and the Misses Vlnnie and | individual county meeting* sche­ Lulu Mcl*h>q-sou spent Bunday lu duled to start the first week in V is ito r from M arcóla Mrs. ller- February, the 1936 program is now Silverton vlailiug friends. man Mason of Marcola was a bust underway throughout Oregon with ness visitor in Springfield Satur- Taken to Hoepital— Lyuu Ians those III charge hoping It can he •HL Hi.’ berry waa takeu Io (he Pacific hos­ wound up lu six weeks. “Beware of the wandering horse Injures Lep— W illi* Russell ran pital in Eugeue Tuesday, lie is At a conference lu Portlaud be­ that he shall not take fright as you suffering with pluerlay and compil­ These tacts Illustrate the import­ pass him. Do not explode the ex­ a large steel splinter into his log tween Rulph Moyer, regional rep­ es ttusw. ance of continuously productive haust box at him. Go soothingly by, Friday while working at the Seavey resentative o( the corn hog section, forests which make lumber easily dr stop by the road-side till he pass hop vard uorth of Springfield. I Song Group Formed— A young and officials of the exteuslou ser­ available and give an advantage to away. Sliver in Thigh— W alter l-axton i people's chorus has beeu formed at vice. arrangement* were made for farmers in competition with tree­ "Give big spare to the festive dog ran a large splinter in his thigh the Christian church. First iu w t the state coll, go men to take less areas, according to Munger. that make sport in the roadway. while working for the Booth Kelly tug was held Monday evening and charge of the mlueatloiial aud slgu- "W e want our forests placed on a Avoid entanglement of dog with Lumber company here Friday. will l>e held weekly according to up campaign, aa In the past. sustained yield basis,” said Mun­ your wheel-spokes. Charley Smith, emergency rouuty Mlsa t'ldiue Gartln. director Infant Daughter Dies — Joane ger; "first, because they furnish agent supervisor, has been named “Go soothingly on the grease- employment to a large share of our mud. as there lurk the skid demon. Kennedy. infsnt daughter of Mr. Daughter Bom— Mr. and Mrs. to head the educational campaign. people; second, because our fin­ Press the brake of the foot as you and Mrs. W A. Kennedy, was W illard H all of Waddling are the Harry Lindgren, livestock exten ancial and taxable structure de­ roll around the corners to save the burled a( the Marcola cemetery Frl- p arem , of a baby daughter born slon specialist who headed the cam­ pends upon perpetually productive collapse and tie-up." day morning. them at the I'm lllc hospital in paign last year, is still on special forests; third, because permanent Kugene on Tuesday. January 2». duty with the drouth relief organi­ New Dental Assistant — Miss forest cover prevents tioods and sation. Louise Cornell of Eugene has taken 1136. erosion and assures us a continu­ M eetings Being Held The eighth grade boys and girls over the duties of dctitai assistant Visits Brother-- Joe Cowart left ous irrigation supply for our farms The series of five regional meet of the Lincoiu school are going to |n the office of Dr. W. N. lX>w. Sunday for his home at Freewater and water for our cities and towns; lugs being conducted this week at play basketball against Irving at she succeeds Miss Edith Jobe. after speuding a few days here fourth, because the availability of Portland. Arlington, lot Grande, 3:30 Friday afternoon. Tbe gams vlaitiug with, his brother, A. J. lumber for farmers means a dis Corvallia and Medford are for dis­ will be played at the high school Cowart. He was enroute Io bis tinct advantage; fifth, because the ruption of the new contract pro­ gymnasium. home from a visit to Texas. continued charm of forests and for visions and procedure with the al­ The Lincoln marketing essay Ivan Easton. home from his navy est play-grounds is vital in attract­ lotment committeemen and other club of the eighth grade put on a crui e on furlough was honor guest Lodge Visit Delayed— Charles P. ing tourists.'* program Friday in the music per- at a surprise party Friday evening i'uule, grand ma ter of the I. U. U county association officials, to­ Munger shows that although per­ iod. The seven one's are prepar­ when 40 of his friends gathered at F. for Oregon will be unable to gether with the county ageuta. petual yield foreat practices are in ing to have one this coming F ri­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred make his official visit to the These will be followed by county effect for most of tbe publicly own­ day. Easton at W altervltle. Springfield Odd Fellows lodge on meetings for community commit- ed timber, which represents rough­ The seventh and eighth grade art Miss B. Mullins and John Harris Febr.iury 6 at has been atiilounced. teemed alone In the large counties, ly half of the forest area of Ore­ classes are studying Interior furn­ were married Wednesday P. M. while In counties with 160 or fewer it wilt be made at later date. gon and Washington, privately ishings. rugs, furniture ard draper­ Jan. 23 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. contracts, a »Ingle day will be de­ owned forest lands are not being ies. voted to the community commit­ J H. Devor Mr Devor who Is also operated for sustained yield. I l teemen's meetings and the grower) The two new pictures purchased Justice of the peace, officiated. Oregon and Washington there is a from the art exhibit, have been Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barger, Eugene. theiuaelvea. growing acreage of "no man's" framed and bung in our school Miss Crystal Summers and Edgar »— — — ———— — — — — — ♦ : L ittle T im e Needed There will be a special m eeting! land, now estimated to be over a rooms. Harris attended the ceremony. Procedure will be much simpler of the stockholders of the Vpper million and a half acres, which the The report cards have been given The P. N. G. club of the Rebe- this year, according to Mr. Hrailh, private owner has forfeited for de­ out and the warning slips sent to kah lodge at W altervllle is spon W illam ette Mutual Telephone com­ aa those who took part In last pany at the Pleasant H ill grade linquent taxes, but where the public the parents. soring a Valentine social at the N school house Saturday. February year'» program have their hog bate has made no provision for stable Tuesday afternoon at the Lincoln O. W. hall the evening of Febru­ already established. For such a ownership, fire protection or forest school gym a fast basketball game ary 13. Cake, pie and coffee will be 3, at 7:30 p. tu. On account of til« grower It will be largely a case of recent storm, which caused con-! management looking to continuous was played between the eighth sold. A party honoring the birthday siderable dafUag- to the lines, it 1 hearing the detailed provisions of production. grade girls and the frosh with the of Miss Grace Rhoades was held will be necessary to vote a larger i the new contract, figuring out how "One of the problems of our citi- upper grade students winning 13-9. after tbe business and regular Re­ assessment than the one levied at > they apply to him. and deciding senry ' states Munger, “is to give The win also made the eighth grade bekah lodge session Wednesday whether or not to join In the pro­ the annual meeting. these orphaned lands protection winners of the play-off 3-3. evening. gram again. Growers who did not Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kirby and and it also la the responsibility of S------------- — --------------------------------- a Rev. Carrol Allen who has been three children of Pasco. Washing- i Join In the 1934 program may get our citixens to see that all forests holding services Sundays at W alt tou visited at T. F. Kahler's home contracts under the new plan by are so managed that their product­ erviile school house has been called »■ ■" ♦ this week. Mr. Kerby Is a cousin producing the necessary evidence ivity may continue permanently un­ Mrs. Perry Beaman from SL to his home in California and an to establish a base. of Mrs. Kahler. diminished." Helen and Mrs. Leeter Peterson other minister will take charge The corn hog review board for Miss Belle Olson who has been and children from Salem spent the Sunday. visiting friend- in San Francisco Oregon will consist this year of N. week-end with their mother. Mrs the past two weeks, returned to E. Dodd, Baker farmer, represent­ PRO FOOTBALL GAME TO Beulah Harbit. and sister, Mrs. her home at Pleasant Htll Monday. ing the corn hog section; C. J. BE PLAYED ON SUNDAY Lawrence Gossler, and family here. . O. Stutz returned last Thursday Bo rum. newly appointed federal Mrs. Helen Campbell from Fall front a three weeks visit to Los statistician at Portland; and u re­ The first professional football Creek was in Thurston last Thurs­ Angele«. W hile away he visited the presentative of the state college team to be seen in this state will day. She reports the school at Fall Lintons at Orland and h it mother staff. Mr. Dodd la to be largely res­ appear at Multnomah stadium in Creek, where she is teaching, has and sister whom he had not seen ponsible fur bandllug new contract Portland next Sunday when the been closed for two weeks on ac­ evidence and Mr. Bo rum will han­ for years, at Los Angeles. New York Giants, champions of count of influenza. dle the detailed statistical work Pleasant HUI basketball boys de the pro division, meet the Pacific Miss Hazel Edmistnn drove to H i g h Government Official through his office. feated the Coburg boys In a fast Coast All-Stars led by "Iron Mike" Monmouth last Saturday as a dele Says No Investments Ex­ Mikuiak. All net proceeds go to the gate to the Oregon School Teachers cept U. S. Bonds Suffered and spectacular game of basketball, Goes to Seattle- -Mrs. Grace Fan- as Little as Deposits in last Friday at Coburg. The score Portland Rose Festival fund. association meeting held there. was 20 to 19. Curts and Parks star drem left Sunday for Seattle. She The bridge that the county Closed Banks has been visiting here for several red for Pleasant H ill. bridge crew has built one-half mile WASHINGTON. D. C.—No form Pleasant H ill high school girls months. CREAMERY NOW MAKES east of Thurston is now complete of investments except Government league elected the following offi­ OWN COTTAGE CHEESE with the exception of the ap­ bonds suffered as little loss as d» cers at their last meeting. Mildred proaches. They have begun work posits In closed banks during the Cottage cheese is again being on the bridge north of Thurston years 1931-32-33. Jesse H. Jones, Wallace, president; Zona Miller.! made at the Springfield Creamery where they are going to build an­ Chairman of tbe Reconstruction vice president; Elisabeth Holcomb, Finance Corporation, declared in a secretary; Rosalie Parker, trees-, according to Emory Pyle. The other new one. urer, Myrna Laird reporter. recent address. cheese will be made fresh every Mrs. Richard H art left Monday At the last student body meeting “A point generally overlooked in day or so and will be featured by for Salem to spend a month under the local plant along with its batter a special doctor's care. Mrs. Hart connection with bank failures In of the Pleasant H ill high school this period. Is that upon the whole, the following officers were elected: and buttermilk, and pasteurised has been in failing health for depositors in closed banks will get Homer Parks, president; Robert milk. some time. a somewhat larger percentage than Wheeler, vice-president; Jeannette has been true In bank failures over Sandborg, secretary; Jaaper HUI. a period of say twenty-five years.’' Mr. Jones said. “ Heretofore they athletic manager; Francis Parker, will have gotten about 68%. but In sergeant-af-arms; and Cleona Aw- these wholesale bank closings, my brey, reporter. Mr. Keuhner was CORNER 4TH A MAIN ST. estimate Is that they will average present at the meeting and award-I 4 about 65% of their deposits. ed pins and certificates to la s t; "Another point worthy of men year's 4-H club members. tion is that a depositor in a closed Miss Ixiree Laird, instructor In bank loses only a part of bis de­ posit. while the bank stockholder music and dramatics at tbe Pleas-,' ant H ill high school has chosen tbe I loses all, plus a stock assessment. (damaged wrappers) “No form of Investment, except parts for the operetta "The Bun- Bar. Government bonds, has suffered as bonnet Girl," and has begun prac- i little loss as deposits In closed tics. , banks, and while I appreciate that Two new freshmen entered the| there is little consolation in thia Pleasant H ill high school In Jan-1 fact, those who had their savings uary. They are Frederick M etcalf! Invested In stocks, bonds, mort­ Delicious Whole Wheat gages, real estate, industrial Invest­ and Lorraine Richardson. The Hill's Creek Lumber com- ■ ments. or In businesses of any kind, Toasties, nave bad losses very much greater, pany has donated lumber for a new- and In a much larger percentage, porcb on the high school gymnas-: 1 Lb. Pkg. ban depositors In closed banks." ium and for bleachers and tables. The average Westerner uses uearly 30(1 board feet of lumber against a third of thta amount used by the Easterner, according to Thornton T. Munger, director of the Pacific Northwest foreat perlmeot station at Portland. The average person also usee annually 14 pounds of paper, another pro­ duct of our forests. OREGON-OREGON STATE HOOP TEAMS TO MEET