P A G E THWBB T H E RPRINOFTBLD NEWS T IIV R H D A Y . JANUARY 31. during the week. Anothsr feature ed of over the radio and written 500 EXPEC TED AT F IF T H that was found particularly Inter- about In hla dally column In the HOME IN T E R E S T M EET •sting last year will be repeated news pa para Others In tbe gnat of this famous tbls year. This la tbe appearance H o u M w tv n Of Stata To Gathsr of several noted Oregon authors, play are Evelyn Venable, Kent At Corvallis February 12 For who will be on the program Thurs­ Taylor. L o u ie Dresser, Barton Business Firms and Professional Thres-Oay O»th«rlng Churchill. Charles Middleton, day afternoon People This Newspaper Recommends Frans Melton and Htepln Fetchlt. Parent education and family and John Blystone directed. to You. community recreation are the sub­ W ILL ROGERS COMES IN jects to be given special emphasis “COUNTY C H A IR M A N " BRAKES ARE AFFECTED by the riftb annual Oregon Home BY CAR'S POSITION Interests conference to be held at Oeorge Ads »tags Flay la I van NOTICI Better Now As Contras* Be­ Oregon SUte college February 12 Motorists sometimes wonder why I will pay no bills or liens against tween Changing Eras to 15. Inclusive. The conference, Curl It Baker Film Shop I» AN C K the brakes on their machines some­ my property Incurred by renters. however, will treat of many other ANDERSON MOTORS. INC. Eastman Klims — Kodaks — AT W1NTBRUARDBN L. K. PAUK. Genuine humor Improves with times appear to grip wheels un­ topics, Including foods, clothing, Kapert Repairing — All Work Krames — Albums— Mot.on (J 2« 31— F 7 1 « ) age. 1a the claim of W ill Rogers equally under various driving con­ home decoration, character educa The Dance That's Different’' Guaranteed. Picture Cameras. ditions. even though the brakes are Hon, dramatics, and home equip­ and he cites the case of bis latest We Photograph Everything Oaa, Oil. Tires and Hatterlee properly equalised, according to Every Haturday Night M A N W A N T E D for Itawletgb picture, "The County Chairman,” ment. Anywhere. 6lb and A Sta.. Hprlngfleld Ph. «9 the Oregon State Motor association Itoute of «00 teaUles. W rite to which comes on Sunday to the Mc­ Home 500 homemakers and other» Genta 36c ladles 10c Mall films to P. O. Boa ««7 The position of tbe car on the day. Httwlelgli, Ue|>t. OKA-1M- Donald theatre. from all parts of Oregon are ex­ 698 W illamette, Eugene Pb 636 road has a great deal to do with HA. Oakland, Calif. This famous homespun play by pected to attend the conference BROW N M OTOR CO. FEED -SEED -H A Y braking effects, it was explained. which I» sponsored by tbe school George Ade was first presented at RESTAURANTS CHRYHLEH and PLYM O U TH Wallack » theatre at 3»th street and Home roads are crowned, and un­ of home economics and the borne N IG H T W ATCHM AN IS Oregon Feed A Heed Co., Inc. Hales end Hnrvlce less the car Is In the exact center economics division of the exten Broadway In New York City In flood Luck Manamer Paultry and IR E N E ’S CAFE PROUD GRANDFATHER Complet« Automotive Service the weight distribution ts altered sion service. Facilities for their ac­ l»02. »tarring Maclyn Arbuckle In Dairy Feeds Breakfast 16c up — Dinner 26c up. sufficiently to change the brake Open Day and Night commodation are being provided at the role of Jim Hackler. It ran for Prosper W ith Msnamsr Chill 10c Auiiouuceineiit of lint birth In 11)6 East Broadway equalisation Phone 1767 very small cost, lodging being as over a year at this location and Heed Cleaning a Speciality. Home Cooking Han Franclaeo of a seven uiid olio The reason for thia, the associa­ Eugene, Oregon then went on the road for three little ae 26 cent« a night If the Delivery Phone 689 Ice Cold Beverages on Tap half pound sou to Mr. and Mrs. tion pointed out. Is that the wheels years more. They had tours In visitor has her own bedding, and 206 E 6th 8t„ Cor. High Eugene Main Bet. «th and 6th Hts. Hugh Cowart was received here on one aide of the car will be sup­ gCNKKBK MOTOR CO. Hprlngfleld Open T ill Midnight *1 25 for four nights with every those days' W illis P. Sweatnain, a porting more weight than those on this week This Is the first grand- minstrel man. t reated the role of BUICK — OLDBMOBILB — thing furnished. PACIFIC KEED A SUPPLY CO. ihlld of Mr. and Mrs A. J. Cowart, the other side. And the wheels that "Sassafras Livingston," now played PO NTIAC Specialists To Be There SCHOOLS-COLLEGES parents of the new father. Mrs. BUG BN R BUG DEPOT are varying the least weight will by Stephln Fetchlt, and It made Miss Alice Sowers, specialist In Motor Cars Hugh Cowart waa l.ena Hello Har­ We Pack and Urade Eggs for tbe naturally lock and slide sooner parent education of the National him a star. SALEH and H E H V K K per. daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. Ilert Merchants of Eugene and Hprlng than those which are carrying the EN R O LL MONDAY However, this play Is better ma­ t'otigress of Parents and Teachers Tilt aud Olive Hla. — Phone »66 field. Harper, of this city. heaviest load. lias been obtained through the co­ terial today than It was thirty odd For Eugene, Oregon. Cor. 6th and W illamette HI. SUMMONS operation of the Oregon Congress years ago, lu W ill s opinion, for Eugene. Ore., Phone 1«» Shorthand, Bookkeeping. Typing IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OP Day and Night Classes to lake a leading part In the pro­ now it presents customs, clothing, BEAUTY PARLORS T H E S T A T E IIP URHOUN FOR gram. Another visiting authority political speeches and general con­ Eugene Business College I.A N E COUNTY. FU R N ITU R E "A Good School” will be W. P. Jackson, field repres­ duct of tbe horse and buggy days Permanent Puah Wave» Letter H. Nye. Plaintiff vs. Helen tìvU H ujt Phone 6«« “ 1“ * r Bld«' entative of the National Recrea In striking contrast to our own era *1.76 and Up. M Nye. Defendant. JOHNSON F U R N IT U R E CO. Eugene, Oregon of speed and radio. tlonal association. To Heleu M Nys. Defendant: IN The BR O W NIE BEA UTY HHOPPE Ranges and Clrculatora The homely humor la still rich Each of these specialists will T H E NAM E OP T H E HTATK OP Apprentice Kinger Wave 26c. Several Lines Including Montag. CO M PLETE BUSINESS COURSES lead a serlcn of four discussions u Its American flavor. In fact If OHEOON You are hereby required Shampoo * Kinger Wave 60c to appear and answer tbe com­ Linoleum Inlaid and Kelt Base Day and Night Clasaes during tbe conference for group George Ade had had W ill Rogers plaint filed against you In the »«1 W illamette, Eugene, Pb ««» Attractive Prices on Kurnlture We can train you to become an leaders Interested In their particu­ lu mind when he wrote this play, above entitled suit on or before and Rugs. expert I d bookkeeping. steno­ lar field. Organisations may send he couldn't have created a more four weeks from the date of the B A TTER Y SERVICE Hee Ua Before You Buy graphy. aecretartal or reporting two representatives to take part In perfectly tailored atory for the first publication of tbla summons, I f you go East this w inter, why or for want thereof the plaintiff We Deliver Phone 1188 work. Our system of typewriting each of these series, according to Oklahoma sage. Many of the situa­ LA N ECO Instruction makes for greater speed will take judgment against yuu and net go through C alifornia and 6«9 W illam ette Eugene Ciarlhel Nye, state leader of home tion» and speeches of Rogers In and accurancy. In shorthand we apply 1« the court for u dw ree o f , B A TTER Y FACTORY Southern Arizona? Ride our • The County Chairman" are hla absolute divorce from you as pray- \ teach the up-to-date Gregg system economics extension. famous Sunset Lim ited or i .olden GROCERIES Rack at our old location, lz« and stenotype tbe modern ma­ cd for In the complaint; own policies and things he has talk- State Drama Contest State Lim ited through America'» chine shorthand. This gummosa Is published once overhead your gain See our naw The annual dramatics festival In material batteries In genuine Oates DIB B LK E’S sunniest w inter region. Stopover each week for four weeks In tbe ALIAS SUMMONS Modern Business College which county contest winners w ill Hprlngfleld Nows, a weekly news- hard rubber cases before you buy. RED A W H IT E GROCERY 118 K Broadway, Eugene. Ph. 117 anywhere. vie In presenting a series of one- IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF paper published at Hprlnyfleld. All parts handmade lu Eugene. Kor For details, see your local capacity service— price -none bat­ Phone « T H E S T A T E OF OREGON FOR act plays for state honors Is sche­ Imue County, Oregon, by order of | SHOE REPAIRING RECHARGING— REPAIRING. Cor. «th and Main HU.. Hprlngfleld «gent or write J. A. Ormandy, T H E CO UNTY OF LANE. tbe Hon O Skipworth. Judge ter duled for Tue day and Wednesday K A T H E R IN E A LIC E QUIGG, alao - • Phone 100» Ceeeraf P.i)ie*grr Agent, 70S of said Court made Jan. 12th. 1936 346 Van Bun n evenings at the Workshop theater l l a l l ’B S h o e R e p a ir S h o p known aa Katherine A. Quigg, and Is first published January 17tb, PadAc Building Portland, Ore. H O SPITA LS alao known aa K. Alice Quigg. We Repeat— We are striving to on tbe campus. Counties to be re­ C R EA M ER IES • I »36 presented are Clackamas. Colum­ W H IT T E N 8W AFFOHD, PlainUff. live up Io the Spirit us well as tbe PACIFIC HO SPITA L, Attorney for Plaintiff, Resi­ Demand the Beet—Coats no Mere va. Letter of the National Recovery bia. Deschutes, Jackson, Joseph­ The unknown INC. heirs of P. C. Ren­ dence and Pogl Office ad ine, Lane and Multnomah. frew, deceased; the unknown BLUE BELL Act. dress: Eugene, Oregon. 13th and Hllyard Arrangements have been made D airy Producta heirs of W illiam Renfrew, de­ «20 Maki 8». Springfield. |J 17 33 31 - P 7 1«» Phone 2600 ceased; the unknowu helTB of for homemakers of each county Ice Cream. Butter. Cheese. M ilk Euren». Oregon Rufus A. Renfrew, deceased; the | buvlug a home demonslraGon NOTICE TO CREDITORS EUG ENE FARM ERS CREAM ERY, unknown heirs of Ellen Neeley, Notice 1« hereby given that the JOHN NELSON SHOE SHOP agent, as well as several of the deceased, Ellen Nesley, a single Uhooe Eugene «38 uuderalgued has been duly appoint-I conference speakers, to broadcast EUGENE H O SPITA L General Shoe Repairing woman; and also all other per-! ed Executor of the estate of Ktb>-I sous or parties unknown claim­ over station KOAC at some time Our work la Guaranteed. Our "Tbe Friendly Institution” M Stillman, deceased, and any and ing any right, title, estate, lie n 1 CLEANING A DYEING price« are most reasonable l*hone 1800 all persons having claims against or interest In the real property SUM M O N8 the sahl estate are hereby required | 1162 W illam ette Eugene Give Ua a T rial and Be Satisfied, IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E described In the amended com­ Jimmie's Cleaning Shop Io present said claims, duly vorl opposite McKee's Bakery S T A T E O F OREGON FOR LANE plaint herein. Defendants. JAMES M IT C H E L L fled as by law required, at tbe of CO UN TY. -------------------------------------------| a«? Main St.. Hprlngfleld flee of Wells and Wells. Bank of kN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE Cleaning, Creasing. Alterations. LADIES R EADY-TO -W EAR ----------------- T H E S TA TE OF OREGON, Repres­ OF OREGON: You aud each of yon Commerce Building. Eugene. In i ented a 1 acting by the World are hereby required to appear We Call For and Deliver. SERVICE STA TIO N S latne County, Oregon, wlthlu s ix ' W ar Veterans' State Aid Com­ and answer the amended com­ A N G ELIN E DRESS SHOP months from the date of tbla no­ RO YAL Made to Measure Hulls. mission, Plaintiff, Eugene. Oregon tice. ’ . | 30» Main SI., Hprlngfleld. Ph. 100 plaint filed against you in th', A ST. SER VIC E S TA TIO N Deled and first published Jan. 17, BENJAMIN*!«. H E ID E M A N . E L S IE , above entitled suit within to ir Popular Priced Dresses General Gasoline, Dll and Greases I »26. P ' week» from the date of < ue D E N T IS T S M H E ID E M A N . H A ZEL P Allen A. Hosiery A R TH U R B. S T IL L M A N , gxe Goodrich Tires ' > first publication of this summuua, RADER, and W IN IF R E D K U YK cutor. I and If you fall »o to answer, for 63 E. Broadway Phone 633-W "A Home Owned Station.” E N D A LL, Defendant». W ELLS a W ELLS, Attorneys. want will take -- I 1 W t t l l l thereof, U l c r e t U , the LLIX. plaintiff p ia « u s» s -- ------------------ l)R. G. A. BROWN Eugene. Oregon 5th and A Hts.. Springfield, Ph. «« To Benjamin L. He deman E late, ul agalnal you prayed (J 17 23 31 — K 7 1«)_______ —<5 — w - — as ~ Hours » A M to 6 P. M. M. Heidenian, and W inifred Kuyk- for J in the amended , complaint ------- here- LUMBER Phone 20-J eudall. Defendant#: in, to-wlt. for a decree decreeing the M it c h e ll S e r v i c e S t a t l c n IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE Mh and Main Sta. Springfield plaintiff to be the owner In fee ALL RICHFIELD PRODUCTS OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ simple, free and clear from any Residence 728 A S tr e e t quired to appear aud answer the and all claim of the defendant», — Yale Tires — EUGENE LUM BER CO. Complaint ftl d against you In the and all of them, of the following Greasing - Battery Recharging Where Quality and Hervlce are above entitled suit within four 1«) described premises, to-wit: DR. WM N DOW Expert Rudlo Repairing by Paramount. weeks from the date of the first Beginning at a point 272 feet D E N T IS T Watchmaker and Jeweler publication of this Summons and LEE CRAY North and lot) feet East of the R. R. Blvd. and Grand Phone «26 X Ray Diagnosis — Hours » to 13 If you fall so to answer on or be- SP R IN G F IE L D Southwest corner of KrisseH a Phone 48-J lore the last day of the above pres­ Bo. F aalfla W atch Inspector Park, according to Frissell s Plat, 1 to 6 anu by appointment. 7th and Main 8ta. Hprlngfleld cribed slated time for want thereof F irs t Class W ork a t Reasonable as the same Is platted and re­ Office Phone 8 — Re»- Phone «7 the Plaintiff will take Judgment corded at Page 222 of Volume 3, Prteee. The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. OREGONIAN First Nst'l Bank Hldg. Hprlngfleld and decree against you, and each Lane County, Oregon, Plat Re­ Furnishes a of you as in Its Complaint demand­ SER VIC E STA TIO N corded at Page 22 of Volume 3 COMPIRETE H O M E ELEC TR IC A L IN D U STR IES ed. to-wlt: For judgment againsi General Lew Practice thence North to the left bank ot At the Hprlngfleld Junction the Defendant Benjamin L. Helde- the M cKenile River; thence in Building and Repairing Hervlce. OA8 AND OILS man for the sum of One Thousand , a Westerly direction meandering I. M. P B T E R 80N Springfield Electric Supply For Service Phone Hprlngfleld 66 Service Day and Night. Throe Hundred and three and the bank of said river to a point Attorney at Izaw “ IFiifc prices foin^ up I want W iring. General Contracting or If no answer, phone S4-J. 16-100 Dollars, together with Inter­ Grocery Sundries, Tobacco’s and directly North of the place of City Hall Building IO. E lam pa. Universal Household to buy a lot o f things. B ut not est thereon at the rate of six (6 % ) Hprlngfleld. beginning- thence South to the lUcnlc Goods. per cent per annum from and since another thing till I get a M artag. place of beginning; also, begin Hprlngfleld. Orkgon Electrical HuppUea. West Hprlngfleld Ph. Hpr. 33 J the 20th day of September, 1»32, ning at a point 272 feet North Because with a \laytag , I can G eneral Repairing PH YSIC IA N - SURGEON and for the further sum of One and 100 feet East of the South­ save money to buy other things " 442 Main Hprlngfleld TR A N SFER A STORAGE Hundred (»100.00) Dollars as rea­ west corner of the aforesaid DR. M ILTO N V. W A LK ER M O VIN G —Our Plano and Furni­ sonable attorney's fees herein and Frlssell's Park; thence East 60 • T h a t’» sensible buying. Be­ for the costs and disbursements of Surgery and Disease» of Women feet; thence South 272 feet; or cause i t ia buying auality you Inspect our New Installation at ture Movers are Experts. this suit and for the further De­ to the County Road No. 56. along «Ih and Main Hts. Hprlngfleld can use — quality th at pays a tbe State Game Farm. STORAGE — Concerte Building, cree of this Court foreclosing all of the South side of said P -rk ; Phone 82-J weekly return on your money. the right title and Interest of the thence in a Westerly direction Weetlnghouae Lampa and Reasonable Rates, Reliability. Defendants, Benjamin L. Helde- • The M aytag washes clothes along said County Road to a point Appliances. PACKING — Experienced H e l p u.an, Elsie M. Heideman, Haxel P. of Pittsburgh, Pa. directly South of tbe place of be (aster, wastes them more thor­ M E L V IL L E S. JONES. M. D. Means Safety and Protection. Rader and Winifred Kuykendall, ginning, and thence northerly to oughly, more gently and at H EN D ER ER ELEC TR IC in and to the following described the place of beginning; als - be-1 Surgery dml Disease» of Women «30 Main 8t. Hprlngfleld PACIFIC TR A N SFER & lower coat per washing because real property situated in Lane j ginning at a point 272 feet North X Ray and Physiotherapy STORAGE CO. R im » Phone 148 J County, State of Oregon, to-wit: it ia a better designed, better and 150 feet east of the Southwest 6»% 6th Ave. W Eugene, Ph. 7« Springfield. Oregon Beginning at the N orthw est, corner of the aforesaid Frlssell's b u ilt w aeher. • S elect yo ur Represented By F R U IT PACKERS First National Bank Bldg. Ph. «3 If no answer Call 10« R corner of Lot number one (1) Park; thence East 50 feet; M aytag at today’s low prices. Thenoe North 66 feet; thence in Block number twenty two (22) E. H. TU R N ER T h e M a y ta g C o m p a n y Northwesterly to a point 96 feet of FalrmounL according to the WOOLEN M ILLS «/•»w/aeturar« North of the place of beginning; Original Plat thereof, now a part 846 A HL Hprlngfleld, Ore. Eugene F ru it Grower's Ass’n PLUM BING - PIPE F IT T IN G , MKWTOPI. IOWA thence South to the place of b e-: of the City of Eugene, running EUGENE Diamond A. Brand Fruit Puckers ginning;—all being a part of Sec N IE L POLLARD thence south along west line of WOOLEN M IL L CO. and Shippers. Ice and Cold Storage lot -------------------- number One ---- (1) one lion 13, T. 16 S. R. 6 E. of the said —- P L U M B IN G boy a Maytag Manufacturers of Woolens. W. M., In l>ane County, Oregon; hundred fifty (150) feet; thence College Ice Cream Manufacturers for as little a» Copper Colls a Specialty, excepting therefrom that certain 1 east to the west Hue of Fair- Coco Coin— Klat Beverages Specialising in Ladies lies. Phone 163-J tract conveyed to the State of i mount Boulevard; thence north­ COATINGS AND SU ITIN G S. Cider Vinegar Oregon by deed recorded July 13. erly along the west line of said «20 Main HL Hprlngfleld. Orn. Retail Department at Mill. Pitone 1480 Boulevard to the northeuat cor­ 1929, at page 267 of Volume 16«.' Lane County Oregon Deed Re­ ner of said lot number One (1) East Eud 6th Ave. Eugene, Ore. Ferry near 8th Ave K. Eugene P R IN T E R S Formerly Walker-Poole and thence west along the north cords. line of said lot 1 to the place of and further .ecreelng that the de­ T H E W IL lzA M E T T E PRESS EUG ENE— llt h S P R IN G FIE LD Marriage License» beginning, all in Lane County, fendants have not, nor have any or NOTICE TO CREDITO RS either of them, any right, title, Hprlngfleld Oregon. F o r te a w z wOA- and Charnelton 228 Main NO TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N : ----------- Marriage licenses have been la o a t o to o t r t o t lr . Phone 2 That L L Ray has been appointed) and for such other and further re- claim or Interest In any of said Telephone 723 Phone 62-J PM» M » ] » « ( w a y sued during the past week to till admlnlstrator of the estate of Nel- lief as to the Court may seem Just real property. » « k a » w a A C o ro - Business Stationery—Office Forms This summons is served upon lt e » W « ¿ U /< S o r following: Kiner Klvett and Mary lie D. McFadden, deceased, by the and equitabh . you by publication thereof for four a t tUiSi ti i i - Booklet» — Placards — This Summons Is published by County Court of Lane County, Ore­ Jane Llndany, both of Creawoll; successive weeks by order of the Dodgers, etc. gon. All persons having claims virtue of an Order of the Honor­ Hon G. F. Skipworth, Judge of the bF-10-B-M Ivan Htarmer and Anne Devereaux against said estate are required to able Carl E. Wimberly Judge of the both of Eugene; Carl Van Court A Modern Print Shop Producing present them, with the proper Circuit Court of ti e State of O re-; above entitled Court, decreeing Up-To-Date Printing. that you answer the summons here­ Eugene, and Edith Jobe, Spring vouchers, within six months from gon, for L..ne County, dated the in within four weeks from the date 16th day of January, 1935. Phone and a Salesman W ill Call. the 10th day of January. 1936, to field; Low n Van Hcholack and Fay The date of the first publication of the first publication thereof, the said administrator at his law Isom, both, Cottage Grove, Mary of this summons Is 17th day ot which said date of first publication office In the Miner Building, Eu­ Parents of S-r. - M r . and Mrs. Carson. Dexter and Minnie Pitts, Eu­ Is January 10. 193«. January, 1936. gene, Oregon. FREDER IC K H. DRAKE. A t­ JAMES K. KING. Attorney for gene; Carl Craig and Agnes Charle- Harry H ill, Springfield, route 1, ure L. L. RAY, Administrator of Hardware — Furniture torney for Plaintiff. 308 Pacific Plaintiff, Residence aud post- the Estate of Nellie D. McFad bols, both of Eugene; and Virgil the parents of a baby soli born to Radios — Paint Building. Portland, Oregon. office address, Eugene. Oregon, den. Hughes and Ruth Foster, both of them at the Pacific hospital In Eu­ (J 10-17-24-31; F 7) tJ 17 23 31 — P 7-1«) (J 10-17-24-21; F 7) gene on Friday. January 26. l»36. Eugene. WHO IS WHO £ A Claaaifiad Directory of Reliable and W h a t T h ey D o GO EAST SUNSHINE 1 Southern Pacific Business Directory THINC I’M 60INC TO 3HT-IS A Edward G> P rivat MAYTAG Reliance L ife j Insurance Co. POOLE Funeral Home Or f : » Wright & Som T H E IN V E N T IO N T H A T IS Sight M EA N T FOR la the moat ALL THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries priceless HOW CATS TftAVSL TO pussesslon you have. Give your AUOTMt« RAftT O» TH* WOttlP ASU WWA7 8196 Wt CAM HOP. eyes the benefit of good light­ ing. Guard your treasure—good vision— by having your eyes ex­ amined regularly. Once a year os a safe and sane habit. By ED. KRESSY mow taw MoeovaaTOoiiuA a nu» TUCI» TO TW UTYU couuTSN o» AMPooaA.ow me COM AURM WtîMVj» ou o u t »ACT n u o » « »oun.a TBI9 tan »sc «et Mt VNBBB ISTO «66 ÍWt^ARt ASO« -towu »e M a c o im B r v u á io i COOMTY d k iew u iA uMOtn X t «MkMTJIMOWffA to DR. ELLA MEADE Optomatrlat 41 Want 8th lu g a n a warufMELOu» a town w turkbstao aiomb Ig jg iS îX iiiiio M IxrFrS o e -ra kM<~ IM B *A . >2* P"1* » * * • ' CWUA.IUODVtuaUi# •wuLanoM— i MM1