THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS BPKINOFIBLD, LANK COUNTY. ORBO ON, tmrty - hbcohd ybak NO. 2 TlIUItKDAV. JANUARY 31, 1935 forest Service RELIEF PROJECT L E O i E LI OF hm P p ln tn BEÏ. SHAW GALLEO h¿s - w « « « a f AHM Present Comedy Divide Games 6[ jsuio E» 10 CHOHCH HERE “ . . . . . . . . PLANNED FOR '35 RECALL E h V S Suggestion* Of Boycott Coercion Are Made If» Stallerà Addreee HOPE FOR RESIGNATION Petition* Being Circulated In Springfield; Paine Want* Quick Action V«e of the boycott, rsdlcallsm. ami coercion were advocated for Towhaend plan »upporter» In lain« county In a »ubtle disjointed ad- dre»« at the Muthudlal church Tues­ day evening by II. II. Htallard. cru- aader. “You pen pie In Lane county have alerted aomelhlng. and you rnual go through with II, and you muat wui." shouted the I'ortlaudur, lu re­ ferring to lb« recall movcmeul dl ■ecled against Repreeeiilatlve Mer­ riam “Here In lame couuty you people are beyond the propaganda stage. Aclhrn la what la now needed to lorn« county." Resell Not Personal The Merrluiu recall movement la uot personal. It 1« being brought on because lie yelled that he was being threatened when be waa reminded of the wlahaw of hla conalltuenta. and becauae he openly boaated that he had voted against the Townsend meiuoiTal resolution when the ma­ jority of hla electors favored II. “Merrluiu waa not the only one who voted agalnat the revolution They loll me D ia l I he representa­ tive from Lebauoii (presumably re­ ferring to T. W Munyauj who operate« a bakery bad uot sold mure lhau three loaves of breed the day following the vote," Htallard continued. The buslueas Inlereats see future benefits from the Townsend plan aud are lining up for II; the proas becau e It la controlled by adver­ tisers. who are business Interests, la opposing the plan; the legisla­ ture 1« slacked now. but will soon have to be stacked with people like those In the audience tonight; and self preservation Is the first law of the land. These aud other almllar charges were hurled by the speaker to a sympathetic audience. Hopes He Resigns C. C. C. Side Camp In Spring- _____ Curtain To Rise Friday On I. O. O. F„ Town Team* Win, Farce “Whole Town’s Talk­ field Places New Pole* and City Council Reverses Ap- Lane County Rural Organiza­ H. S. Lo*»*; Coburg, El> Former Cottage Grove Min­ ing,” At Auditorium Heavy Copper Wire pointmont* Of Street and tions Designate Activities; mira, and Grove Coming ister To Take Over Duties Fire Department Heads Grange See* Busy Year Til* whole town will Ito talking At Christian Church Soon Th« fore«l service metallic tela-, Hprln*(leid I. O. O. F. bushel ball and laughlnK. too. tomorrow night Programs of work for lo»ne eoen- i*h«ne *"* built from M< Ken p q h i u t y MEET TONIGHT playara will go Io Coburg till« «ven TheHprlugfleld Christian church wbw, Ho- student lesly of Hprlng ........................................... |„,n |* ,e br,<1«® *° b“ bw bou, Jobll 'y farm organizations and brought down to within a few ml lee' terlaln ihe Elmira leant Io-re next , be.-ome the pastor here, and hla Emerson and Anita tax»« Ihree-act »•<*>»“• farmers to carry on during " Hprlngfleld The line will New Bookkeeping System For T H*?>H 7 S ”e r ,o n . high school I * ™ " " ™ - The Whole Towns Talk >»« «« cooperation with U H . X . ^ b . high way to City Being Studied; GrOV. Robert ( huttertun a high school w(1( b(j bwe (n aboul three weeks |n< Fletcher, county agent, were adopt-: • , •» » the Wendllng and then five will luk« a breather this week- [ to take over hi. new duties accord- M, „ Marguerite Mlllhollen I. dl b> ‘-“ n® C o**» . t . 'he line will be railroad strung along the : j P the line will be strung along th e, end and will gel reudy Io receive .ng to Rev. Velile Pruitt, retiring rw.„ n< tb, wb|ch a manu. onndl al a special meeting held ; street and ditches along the Cottage Grove squad here also paator who reelgned lo accept new: fB,.turer w, Ilt, marrj, hl, daugh "i Eugene laet Friday Jan. 36, gene ai(.or(lllla to Perrv Thomnsoi.. < sooth I Fourth street received the according to Perry Thompson.1 south on February 6. neat Tuesday Chat- work In Kugene. Ilia resignation ter to his Junior business partner, *blch was attended by 36 reprea forest supervisor first attention of laborers this terton Is not sure whether he will becam e effective laat Sunday. a man very dlalnterestlng to ladles i entatlves of 25 farm organization*, Few persons are aware that the week when a crew of 10 men began have games for both his first and Rev. Pruitt mude the following lu general, and to the daughter In The a programs were In farm crop«, Forest Service and Three-C organi­ work Monday under the local ««cond teams «gainst Cottage statement this morning: particular. holllculture, dairying, poultry, gen- zation has set up a side camp In ] HERA street improvement project. Grove. "The Hprlngfleld Christian | h, the course of event« new»' • ral livestock, and rodent control, Springfield The camp la being I The number of men given employ- tax-al h.xip players have had a church has called I. H. Hhuw to the leaks out that the Junior partner Is p re p a re d by th e p ro je c t (n a jarKe house here inent gTew to 12 Tuesday. The firs busy week. Last night the high pastorate. The congregation gave Interested In a movie actress and i committees appointed by the conn It baa been here for several months work consisted of cleaning the aur- school team lost their first game for him the larg««4 vole cast by the then Ihe whole town Is talking, and : •'** *n cooperation with the county and w lllsoon be moved oat. plus dirt from Main street, and dig lo University high sehool oa the church for anything during my Chester, the partner, leaps to pop-1 ***«" »•»’> speclallata from the Oro- Work <« the telephone line be glng of ditches on the hillside along local floor to the tune of 40-22. On ministry of more than five years ulurlty. The only trouble Is that *on Htato college. gsn more than one year ago when South Fourth to direct the water Friday the Albany team took the bore. The church Is very happy the movie actress at id her husband, Grange Programs Adopted all poles on the upper end were re . from the hill. The water seepage locals Inlo their home cantp and over their decision Brother Shaw a prize fighter, happen to visit the A general program of work for placed. New heavy copper wire has been cutting Into the roadbec! trimmed them 3610. has accepted the call and will take town The trouble starts In earnest 'grl'ulture committee« of subordln I Lum Anderson la again eaper- F. team defeated the Coburg from Nebraska where he Is con­ tell of tHe plot. i adopted by 26 representatives of The old line used to run through vising the work project. To make lodge group 34-1* at the high school ducting evaugellKtlc services." 14 subordinate Granges and two Having Leading Rol«« Thurston and into Eugene over the this possible members of the City gymnasium Rev. »Iiaw was pastor of the Taking Ihe leading role, are Jack ! representatives of Lane Pomon» , treet bridge. Council held a special meeting laat Tuesday evening the Townies Christian church al Cottage Grove Williams ms Henry Hlmmons. man Grange at a special meeting held lower end of of the line Is a Thursday evening and shifted An- i, «»_,.■ • -cu i — ran up a 62-30 score over the Pleas­ until recently, having served there ufactsrer and father of Ethel »lm rl< ay a te rn o o n . le, program affair Involving two of d rson and Jollift back whrre they ant Hill Independent! In a game for five years. He la well-known mans, the daughter, played by La- Includes work on marketing, farm the Independent rural systems in were kp to the first of the year. played In Hprlngfleld. by several of the local church mera- moyne Black. Frances Styles as record keeping. 4-H club work, ro­ the Thurston and Waltervllle sec­ Anderson was again named street Kegular services will be con­ Harriett Simmons, wife of Henry; dent control, weed control, agricul­ tion. commissioner and police chief, and ducted at the church here during Wayne Tullar as Chester Blnney. tural situation and outlook reports, Jolliff becomee fire chief. The sel­ Interim before his arrival by Rev. the partner; and Beth Dple as livestock improvement, and agri­ ection of Mr. Anderson for the culture programs at regular meet | Clifton A. Phillips Ix-tly Lythe, movie actress, have supervision work Is understood to Ihe other leads.. Others who will be ings of granges. In addition to th e , have been made at the suggestion seen and heard In the play are county-wide program for ail grange ' LANE MAN DIES IN of those in charge of the County agriculture committee«. each »ERA office. MOHAWK DISASTER Jack Logan as Donald Swift, film grange agriculture committee will director; lis t e r Anderson as Roger Gat Contract Signed adopt additional projects of special A contract was also signed with Body of Marvin Trumbly Being Shields, young Chicagoan; Mar­ Interest in Its particular commun- Lifelong Resident Of Oregon garet Haack and Florence May as the General Petroleum company Ut Shipped To Eugene; Parents, Lila Wilson and Hally Otis, friends Ry- Passes Sunday At Home Of Sister Live Here Funeral Services For William furnish gasoline to the city during of Ethel; Colleen Cornell as Annie, the year. A large amount of gaso­ Son On Main Street Holliston To Be Held Fri­ line will be used during the street The body of Marvin Trumbly. son (he ntald; Doris Marie Robinson REBEKAHS TAKE NEW day; Came West In 1912 Improvement work, and this has to G. Hamden Neal. *0. resident of of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trumbly of as Hudle Bloom; and Thurman MEMBER AT MEETING lan e county for the past 30 years. Pleasant Hill, who was drowned In Lanning, the taxi driver. be paid for by tbe city. William Holliston. 73. resident Seats Reserved at Flansry't Mr.--. Leona Buell was accepted ; Informal meeting of the council died Sunday In Hprlngfldd at t b e !,he M(lhaw|, ablp disaster last The curtain rises at 8 o’clock. An into membership In Juanita Rebe­ of Creswell for 22 years, died at was also held Monday evening at home of his son. Joe Neal, 1668 week, la being shipped to Kugene his home Tuesday. January 29. at Main street. for burial according to a telegram eztenslve ticket sale Is being con­ kah lodge of Hprlngfleld Monday 8:30 p. m. following a long illness which time O. V. Breese, recorder ducted by the classes, and reserva­ night when her membership was at Cottage Grove, was present and Mr Neal was bom at Lebanon received by the parents. He was born at Oronoco, Minn­ on December IB. 1*64 and has lived On Saturday morning, the day the tions are being handled at the Flan- transferred from Cloverdale lodge esota on April 20, 1861. He became discussed the book keeping system Bernice Conoly. Eunice Gerber, being used in that city. The coun­ In Oregon hts entire lifetime. He newspapers reported that Trumbl) ' ery Grug store a mernb r of the Ma. onlc lodge at cil is planning to install a new sys­ lived In the Chase Gardens dis­ was missing, his parents received ! A number of specialty numbers and Dale Daniels were named mem- tem here, and hope to do away trict for 30 years prior to hts death, a letter and a picture from their I before and between the acts are hers of the February social com with the necessity for monthly and was a member of the Baptist son Haying that he had Just re i being arranged by Leroy Inman, j B |ttee by the noble grand Flans I settled at Creswell and have madc- audits by an outside accountant. church to Pastern Oregon. celv-d the Job as ship's printer on b usln es manager. These will In-! were also made for the cafeteria' their home there since that time. elude the high school orchestra, dinner to be given on February 11.1 Thompson Given Charge One son, Joe. and (wo slaters the Mohawk. Tuesdav evening a number