t T H U R S D A Y . J A N U A R Y 24. 1W36 ACCIDENT TOLL FOR YEAR LARGE PREVENTABLE DISEASES COST STATE HUGE SUM TOWN AND VICINITY STUDENT PLAY NEARS FCA DIRECTORS HAVE TIME FOR SHOWING ELECTION OF OFFICERS BIBLE STUDENTS M I E VESPERS Director* of thè tour agrlcullural Public To Bee 'Whole Town’s Talk­ I Annual Survey O f H aalth Board ing,” At H. 8. Auditorium criniti «gelici«» whlch compri*« Ih» Shows Average Coat Of Friday, February 1 Hintaa *20 Par Person III a t H o m a - - Marlene Sellon, Oakridge Man Here l-eo laick Carni Credit wdintulstratloii of tipo daughter of Mrs. U. W. Sellon. Is man of Oakridge was a week-end kaue Federai Luud batik, Federai Studente Have Springfield high school student» Week-Day lutei mediate Cretti! batik. Frodile People of Oregon suffer from the reported to be ill at her home this visitor In Springfield. Annual Report Shows Fatal tion Credit corporation ami Batik will present their first public stage | Complete Program Ready coiumou colds to the estimated as­ Accidents Increased 22 Per­ lant of 200.000 anuu&lly according Small Child III — Neal Elliott, tur Cooperative» leelected all eie- program of the year at the high For Twilight Service Fall Creek Men Here—J. A. Kis­ three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs cuti ve offteere al thelr auuuul chool auditorium one week from cent Over Year Of 1933 to the auuual repot I of the Oregou Friday when the atudnnl body play.I Children enrolled In the W eek singer, H. R. Morris, and Howard Willard Elliott of Jasper Is quite uuettiig In Spokane, Just completed state board of health. Traffic accidents claimed the re­ Ulhsou. all of Fall Creek were III with pneumonia j A v. Adams continues as general ' The Whole Town s Talking wl1' |»uy Bible classes al the local Health conditions among the cord number of 302 Uvea on the thousands of men. women and chtl visitors here Saturday. he given under the direction^ of ; Hl wm pi,weut the program at agent; E M . Ehrhardt us president Parent« of Son—Mr. amt Mrs streets and highways of Oregon Miss Murguerlte Millhollen. This j the weekly vesper services In the dren who live tn Oregon have been Form er Resident Here W W . Fred Bauer of Jasper are the par of the Federal Lund bank, W. E last year according to figures com­ good in 1934 in spite of the contin­ Meyer as president of the Pedinai three-act fan e was written by John j Methodist church Sunday evening Walker, former business uiau of ents of a baby son born Io them at piled by the Oregon State Motor ued economic depression. After sev­ at 5 o'cloi k There are 314 uuw tak­ this city was here from his ranch the Pacific hospital In Eugene Pn , lulermcdlute Credit hunk and E. E. Emerauu and Alilla L ook . association. This is an increase of Leroy lumau was named hual ing this work according Io Mrs, Henry us president of the I’roduc eral years of economic stress the in the Crow district Wednesday. day. January 18. 1936 They have 22 per ceut over the fatalities in gross death rate has not change« nea manager (or the play thia llolilte Smith Ferguaou. Deluga chosen John lisle us the uam {lir|ilon Credit corporation. Mr, Adams 1933 when 24" were killed. week. Jink Felereoli le to be the Ilon» Iroin Collage Grove and Manta Collects Bounty— Prince Helfrlch I also was reelected to serve lu the perclpttbly. Vndoubteoiy modern their son. Injured during the year were dual capacity as president of the stage manager. Pearl Hellerbraud Clara are to attend the servlca. efforts at disease prevention have of Vida collected the county boun 5046 persons, some of whom were Recorder at Salam— I M I P e r ­ IliuiK for Cooperatives, with Ira I* prompter aud Is aeetallng Mlsa The Bible «Hiileni« will present been effective in preventing out­ ty on two bobcats and two coyotes maimed tor life. The fatalities and breaks of disease. In spite of these at the office of the county clerk son, city recorder, attended the T. Wight re levied us executive Millhollen with properties, the following number« Injuries resulted from a total of 21,- meeting of the League of Oregon vice president in i barge of the co Carrying the role« lu this comedy Song by school. ”1 Love My Beau efforts there are still many cases Monday. 386 traffic accidents. Cities at Snlent Friday morning. operative hanks operatluus. ! r. v. titable diseases occurring are Jack William« us Henry Wtm- ilful Bible." Leave for Tex««— Mrs. Eruest In all of Orgon during the year The hoard of directors, composta, muna, u manufacturer; France» Play -"ll#W We llol Our Bible. ‘ in this state. Hhia is due to the Bertsch and daughters, lone and - Legislation aponsored by the Cities 1933 there were 247 fatalities and tact that at no time has the state Theda Rhodes left Monday even-1 League was discussed at the meet­ of three members elected by the Style« aa Harriett «tunnon». hie Characters. Carol Wicks. Charles 4&1S injuries out of 20.248 acci­ ing. three classes of Ft'A borrower» and wife; Lemoyne tiinck, Ethel Shu Poindexter, Janice Ituat, Dwaue appropriated sufficient lunds to dents. An analysis of figures for maintain au adequate and efficient ing for Texas for an Indefinite four appointed by the governor of mona, their daughter; Wayne Tul Thomas. Katheryn Thompson, Zena visit. Talks on Japan— Betty Ann Mac­ 1933 and the year Just concluded the PCA. serves concurrently for ler us Chester Blimey, Simmons Vail. Fred WHIRL Jack Vaughn program of disease prevention. duff spoke to the members of the shows that, while the increase in Sickness and death from prevent­ Memory work, by school, explain Breaks Rib — Mrs. Rosa Mont Rpworth League at the Methodist all four Institutions. As a coordlu partner; Belli tlple uh l-elly l.ythF. fatalities was 22 per cent, the in­ able diseases cost Oregou last year gomery sustained a fractured rib i church Sunday evening on her ex­ tiling body it also meet« as the I.'m slur; Jack Logan us Donald ,d by Woodrow Philips Story crease in number of accidents was over eight million dollars. At least Monday wheu she leaned over the periences In Japan during the past Farin Credit council for (be 12th Swift, film director; Lester Auder- creation. Roberta Itobhau Song less than 6 per cent. district, tine member Is yet Io be k i r n as linger Shields, young Clll Cieallon. I, 2, 3rd grades. Bible two per cent of our population are side of a rocker to pick up an ob­ summer Had the same ratio of deaths to appoiuted. Present members are as i agouti. constantly ill and the average citi­ ject from the floor. HtorlVk, Ikiris Tobias. Joe Cliaae, accidents prevailed in 1934 as in follows: W. A. Schoeufeld. t'orval zen of this state loses seven days .Margaret lltttick and Florence Null*.... Neet. Richard Flanery. 1933, the total persons killed would annually from work on account of H ave Basket Dinner— Mauy Ils, tire.. E. E. King,, Pullman, May as l.lla Wilson and Sully title Play, 'The First Christmas.'* HEART ATTACK FATAL have reached only 261, it was point­ : Wash.; I). N. Mackay, Condon, are friends of Ethel’s; Cullden Cor Shepherd». Jlinuile Shearer, Mack sickness. Colds and bronchial con­ members of the Baptist church ed out. brought their basket diuuers to TO FRED O. SPENCER Ore.; It. E. Brown, Boaemau, neli la Annie, the maid; Doris Wilson,. Eil«wl Chase, Arthur Me- ditions. and Influeuxa and grippe, This appalling rise in traffic the two leading groups, are obvious­ the church Sunday noon so they j ----------- Moût.; P, Thompson. Valley. Marie Robinson la Sadie Bloom; I'hersoii; wise men, Bobbie Mofflt, could attend the afternoou seslou j Pred Oliver Spencer 54. fell dead Wash.; B. D. Thompson, Orange, fatalities was made in spite of ef­ ly the most serious causes of dis and Thurman l-annlng la the taxi Ronald Welsel, Donald McCbestiey, forts ou the part of city, county ; ; , i S e - - a*“ ' ” ** Wash. Mr. Schoeufeld was elect driver. Bruce Ware; angels, Dorothy and state officials to bring about a ed by the board to he Its chairman. quency and the days lost. IMa- Ware. Joyce Erickson, Florence _________________ ilm of heart disease. general reduction for 1934. The in­ eases of the throat, tonsils and Bromley. Mary Pederson. Mary crease has spurred sponsors of the PLANS PARTY is ** ,orB,er Springfield reel VETERANS TO DISCUSS larynx including adenoids, tonsili- N. 0. Ruth Erickson, Joseph Clare “Let's Q lit Killing' program ou to m o U A . F M T IM F M FE T len' ha’r"’K *’p’‘r“' ,Hl “ «•'••«•I P R U N IN G M E T H O D S T O BE tis. sore throat and croup—are of FOR V A L E N I I N t M t t l here (or gever,| yeBrs At ,h<> tlm, BONUS AT SALEM MEET Thomas. even more vigorous efforts to considerable frequency and sever- DEMONSTRATED SOON Snug. "Go and Tell," Flag« of ua- : of his death he was a mechanic create a spirit of safety in motor­ Itv. It Is estimated that the people Mfs. Alice Doane was named named ,.)r [uf, , h(i ^ \’C camp at Pall Creek. Tlie largest gathering of Ameri­ lions, Jouu War«, Pally Lu Tom- ists and bring about more effective of Oregon spend more than twenty chairman aud all members whose . Spencer has been In 111 health County Agent and F ru it Men To can Legion members to be held In seth, Donald lladly, lima MrNaet, law enforcement. Conduct M eeting At Foseek milliou dollars annually for the names begin with C. D. or E. will (or , wo years the Willamette valley Is expected, Richard Bennett, Jimmie la k e , He wng Wl>rk,„g Although popular belief is that treatment and cure of diseases, or , be On the social committee for a Farm Next W eek at Salem Saturday night of this Donald Thomson, George O. FIs at the forest warehouse in Eugene most of the fatal accidents occur about twenty dollars per capita. big Valentine party which Neigh recently and was on his way to week when a large bonus payment ney, Geraldine Neet. Joan Van in the large cities, the figures show First of a aeries of pruning meeting will bf> held al the Armory l.ydegraph. Iris Smith, Wauata Over forty per cent of tnese bors of Woodcraft will hold at their see a doctor when he died. that this is untrue. While 31 per cases could have been prevented— next meet lug on Pebruary 13. demonstrations to be held lu Lane starting nt 8 o'clock AI1 Legion Thomas. He Is survived by his widow.' county will be held at the F. B. cent of the state's population is in Mrs. Sam itichinoml. Mrs. Rachel members are urged to attend ac­ in other words there might have Worship program In charge of Edna Spencer, and three daugh-1 Portland, that city recorded onl 28 been saved to the people of Oregon Thatcher, anu ilarve Eaton were ters. Mrs Marlon Richardson, Mrs Foasek farm three and o u e lu ih cording to u letter roMtved here Mrs. Ferguson per cent of Oregon’s fatalities dur­ eight dollars out of every twenty named delegates to utteud a coun­ Lois Campbell, and Mrs. Ethel ' miles northeast of Springfield In this morning by M A. Pohl, local Itev Dean C. Poindexter, pastor ing the past year. the Douglas gurdeua district on Fri­ commander. dollars that is now spent for dis­ ty wide meeting ot federated ldoges Stanley , all of Eugene. of the church will preach un the Portland's traffic deaths, how­ ease in Oregon, if proper preven­ at the W. O. W. hall in Eugene day, February 1, at 1:30. Speakers at Ibe meeting wilt be subject. "The Child Like Spirit" al Funeral arrangements will be ever, broke an all-time record with tive measures had been taken. The demonstration ia being ar­ State on January 29. Commander Chamberlin. the II o'clock service In hla church made by the Poole chapel I d Eu­ a total of 88 for the calendar year. ranged by the Lana County Horti­ Mayor Joe Carson of Portland, Vice Sunday. Only routine business occupied gene. cultural society and County Agent Commander the balance of the evening for the Edward Boatright, CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE I). S. Fletcher. O. T McWhorter, State Adjutant, Carl Moser, and local group which met last night. PASTOR TO PREACH LAST extension horticultural!«! from Ore others. Earl Snell, secretary of SEEKS ADDRESS OF TO HONOR V. PRUITT NO ACTION TAKEN ON SERMON ON DECEPTION LIGHTING CONTRACT * a,w wiu »lute, will preside over the meet lug. WAR VETERAN HERE Veltie Pruitt, pastor of the STUDENTS TO DANCE During the afternoon practical Christian church who concludes AT ARMORY FRIDAY Rev. Veltie Pruitt will preach on Definite action on the part of demonstrations will be made on The address of Pressley O. Kent, the subject. “Have We Been De­ his church work in Springfield the Mountain States Power com- ^ve year old peaches, old peaches, GRAND MASTER TO MAKE disabled World war veteran, aud The third of the high school stu- pany on the City of Springfield’s I'artlett pears, sweet cherries, ap- ceived?” at the evening service at next Sunday, will be honored at the OFFICIAL VISIT SOON thought to have been a resident uf the Christian church Sunday even monthly church night program to- dent duuces will be held at the request for a re-adjiistmeut of the Pk** an<* grape«. As each ia pruned Sprlugfleld at one time la being ing. He will lead the congregation night. Following the 6:30 potluck armory Friday evening at 8:30 fol- street light contract will be with- Individual problem will be discuss Charles P Pools, grand master .«night by the Veteran'« Admlnla- In group singing. This will be hie I dinner the young people will have lowing the Albany basketball game. " " ‘„¿¡","',¿7“h‘^ in g " of the pub "«< well'«« general orchard prob of the I. O O. F. lodte for Oregon, tratlon al Portland. Anyone know- final service as pastor of the local charge of a special program. A Patrons and patronesses for tin lie utilitiei commissioner at Alban) ■ '**ms. will make his official visit to the Ing of the whereabouts of Mr. Kant short meeting of the church board dance will be Mr. and Mrs. P. J. this week has been completed, city congregation. Other demonstrations are to be Springfield lodge ou Wednesday | »re asked to notify M it lluntly Bartholomew, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. He will preach at the morning will be held later in the evening, arranged for the Creswell. Santa evening, February 6. it was announ­ officials have been Informed. service and Myron Willard will and the cast of the play. "Where's Maxey. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Clara, ttnd Alvadore sections. ced today by Oswald Oisou. lodge Grandma?" will hold a rehearsal. Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Walter N. sing a solo. DISTRICT BROTHERHOOD secretary. They are to present their play at Gossler, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Bar- nell. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertach , Yoncalla Saturday night. RED SOX WINNERS IN and Dr. and Mrs. Milton V. Walker. : BASKETBALL GAME INVITATIONS OUT The Oregonian Red Sox girls bas­ FOR DESSERT PARTY ketball team sponsored by George I Plummer of West Springfield, de- ' Many local people have received feated the Coburg team 28-14 in a invitations this week bidding them game played at the Y. M. C. A. in j to a dessert bridge party to be Eugene Tuesday evening. given at the home of Mrs. Paul Basford Saturday afternoon at 1:30. Has Quinsy—Miss Eva Louk has Mrs. Basford. Mrs. Olive Rebhan, been ill at her home for sevetal and Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew are to days with an attack of quinsy. be the hostesses. rnrTTMn Thurston EXAMINATIONS TOO TRUST INSTITUTIONS The Bridge club held a regular New Move by F ederal Bank­ ing A uthorities W elcom ed meeting at Dean Beals last Friday by Banka and Trust evening owing to the stormy even-1 Companies, Sayg B ank­ ing there wasn't a very large a t-( ten(jante ers* O rg a n iz a tio n All telephones in the neighbor-: hood are unable to call central ow-1 pEDERAL examination of trust ing to several poles falling during ' * departments Is the latest de­ velopment In banking supervision the storm. Fred Ruasell with a and trust companies and banks op- crew of men is replacing them. . eratlng trust departments are wet- There was a baby daughter born COmlng this development because It Wednesday, January 16, to Mr. and Alls a long-felt want, It Is stated by Mrs. Linn Endicott at Pacific hos I the Trust Division of the American pital in Eugene. Mrs. Endicott was Bankers Association. brought to the home of her mother, j Despite tfie growing Importance of American trust business In re­ Mrs. Fred Ruasell last Sunday. Miss Hazel Edmlston entertained j cent years examining officials have never given to trust departments with a shower at her borne here the attention paid to commercial last Friday evening In honor of banking departments, this author­ Mrs. Loren Edmlston of Eugene. ity points out. Now the Federal Re­ Mrs. Ray Baugh entertained with serve System, In conjunction with I a birthday dinner last Sunday In : the Oomptroller of the Currency, has undertaken to bring the exam­ honor of John Edmiston. ination ot trust departments up to j the level of commercial bank ex­ aminations. it says. Experts in trust work are being Charles Powers, early-day Me-! employed by the various Federal Kenzie pioneer, was burled at Reserve Ranks. These experts will Greenwood Wednesday p. m. head the special staffs of trust ex­ “Uncle Charlie" Powers, 81, w ho1 aminera in the twelve Federal Re­ made his home at the I. O. O. F. serve Districts. Special staffs are ! home for a number of years, m ade; already at work In some of the Re­ ’ frequent visits to relatives and! serve Districts, Including Boston, j friends of earlier years until ln- Atlanta, Richmond and Chicago. The Federal Reserve will examine [ firmities of bis advancing years! the trust departments of state-char­ j prevented him. tered members of the System. Several additional cases o f : Uniform Superviiion j mumps and chicken pox have dev- j Meanwhile, the Comptroller of eloped In the Deerhorn-Waltervllle | tha Currency has built up over the | districts this week. past two years a staff of special ex­ aminera for the trust departments of national b a n k a . All national banks are members of the Federal Reserve 8ystem. Since nearly all state - chartered trust Institutions The eighth grade girls played the j are members the new plan will bring freshman girls at the high school1 about what amounts to Federal ex­ gymnasium Tuesday afternoon with amination for the trust business. the freshman girls winning 19-15. State examining authorities prob­ Both teams have now won two ably will follow Federal supervis­ games each and the tie will be ory policies to a considerable ex­ played off at the Lincoln school tent. Hence, coordination of tha gymnasium next Tuesday at 3:30. procedure of the national banking system and the Federal Reserve No boy game has been scheduled System Is expected to result In a for this week. uniform system of examinations for The eighth grade girls of the art I trust departments In all banka. Thia class are now studying furniture. I In turn should produce considerable We are planning to make books 1 standardization In the operation ot containing the Interior ot furniture. trust department*. Doctor Walker, the newly ap­ pointed school physician visited the Lincoln school January 23. Most of the students were found to be alright. The attendance has been very poor on account of colds, probably caused from the cold weather. The seventh grade geography class of Mrs. Crystal Male’s are receiving letters from different states. The report cards have been made out to give out this week. In general the semester tests that were given this week were The Willamette Pre»» quite difflcuft. METHODISTS ASK FOR MEET AT BROWNSVILLE WORLD COURT APPROVAL LUMBERMEN TO ELECT Quarterly meeting of the District AT MEETING IN TACOMA Brotherhood of the Methodist Endorsement of a resolution ask­ ing congress that the United States enter the World Court at once with 1 Annual meeting of stockholders no further provisions was glveu I of the West Coast Lumbermen's here Monday evening at the month- UMOCl*ll®h will he held at Tncoui'i ly meeting of the Methodist Broth-! “• 9:30 A board of trustee« •rhood. Earlier In the evening to serve as administrators of the Charles L. Paine, organiser for the lumber code will be elected at tha Townsend pension plan, addressed meeting. — the gathering. He had boen In Salem during the day for an open meeting before the legislative com­ FORMER RESIDENTS ARE mittee. PARENTS OF TW IN GIRLS Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Henderson, Eugene, are the parents of twin MEETING HERE TODAY! daughters born to them at Ibe fain - 1 I By home Tuesday evening. The Members of the Priscilla club are ' girls have been named, Dorothy meeting this afternoon at the home ’ Rosemary und Doris Louise. Their of Mrs. W. H. Steartner. Mrs. John ' parents lived north of Springfield Seavey Is the assisting hostess I on the Mohawk until recently PRISCILLA CLUB HAS January j McKenzie Valley A U OTHERS with CHARLES BUTTERWORTH BILLIE BURKE 600 SEATS - - 20c G reat C le a r a n c e in S H O E S Men, Women’s and Children’s SHOES at Big Reduction Many styles in wanted leathers and leather combinations all go at a big sacrifice. We have a large stock of good shoes and you can surely find the kind of a shoe you like at a bargain. It is seldom you can get such bargains in quality footwear. Fulop’s Dept. Store Lincoln School Notes church will lie held al Hrowuavllle on Monday, February 4. It was an­ nounced today by P. J Bnrtholn mew. district president. The pro­ gram for the evening meeting will be announced next week. Shoe Clearance THE LARGEST STOCK OF GUARANTEED FOOTWEAR t IN LANE COUNTY B etter S h oes For Less WOMEN’S SPORT CHILDRENS OXFORDS OXFORDS STRAPS Values to $2.98 Values to $1.98 Now s i.9 8 Now 98c WOMEN'S NOVELTY OXFORDS Values to $3.98 NOW 52.69 MEN'S WORK SHOES "W ith prices going up I want to buy a lot of things. But not another thing till I art a Maytag. Because with a Maytag, I can save money to buy other things.” • T h a t’* sensible buying. Be­ cause it is buying quality you can use— quality that pays a weekly return on your money. • The M avtag washes clothes faster, washes them more thor­ oughly, more gently and at lower cost per washing because it is a better designed, better b u ilt waaher. • Select your M aytag at today’s low prices. The M a y in g SI.79 Pr You can still buy a Maytag for «»little ■« STRAPS BOY SCHOOL SHOES Double Wear Sole 51.69 Com pany W«ni Paint