THURSDAY. JANUARY 24. 1K86 Tira RPRiNoimn.n nbwb PAOS T U R I® GRANGE COMMITTEES J CORN-HOG PLAN READY; PLAN NEW PROJECTS MEETINGS TO BE HELD WHO IS WHO • A Classified Directory of Reliable Business Firms and Professional Psopls This Nswspapsr Recommends to You. County agents throughout the state have cooperated with grange agricultural committees during Jan­ uary In setting up the program of work for these committees. Among the standard projects adopted by many ot the grange organisations NOTICE for emphasis tbls year are market­ I will pay itu blits or Ileus agalual AUTO DEALERS DANCING PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILMS ing. rodent control, weed and pest U f property Incurred by renters. j control, agricultural outlook and HAN C K ANDERSON MOTORS. INC. Cari R. Baker Film Hhop L. K. I'AOK price reporting, 4 II club work, and Expert Repairing — All Work AT WINTBROARDBN (J 24 SI - F 714) Eastman Filma — Kodaka — farm record keplng. Guaranteed Frames — Albume— Mutlun , The agricultural committee of "The Dance T hat’s Different" Pletore Canterai. the slate grange lias cooperated (las. (Ill, Tires and batteries äo to Portland— I*. J. Bartholo­ Every Huturday Night We Pbotograpb Evsrythlng I with the extension service for sev- mew and Clayton Kirkland mulured Bib and A Mis , Hprlngfleld Ph. Ik Anywbere. : oral years In this coordinating ef- I» I ’urllaiid this morning uu a bus I Genii 25c Ladles I Oc Mal) film» tu P. O. Box 687 ort Tbls committee consists bow uwss "trip. They will return tbls BROWN MOTOR CO. <88 W lllsmette, Eugene Pb. 636 o f Fred Doff, Boseburg. chairman; • teuiug. FEED-SEED-HAY ; Morton Tom pkins. Dayton, and CHHYHLKR and PLYM O U TH RESTAURANTS 1 Fred Shepherd, Misters. no tices Hales and Mervlce and What They Do With the arrival In Dragon of Ralph Moyer, regional represents live of the corn-hog section, the 1»36 campaign to this stole will get under way soon. It la announ­ ced by the O. H. C. extension ser­ vice. A teutatlve schedule for holding tbe district meetings of the allot­ ment committees to explain the new program has been drawn up. The various county agents will an­ nounce tbe definite dates as soon as they are confirmed. Most of these meetings are expected to be held the last week In January. E HUE FOII WINTER DEHVER Tsn Commandments Of Win- tar Driving Published By State Motor Association A cods of ten commandments designed to promote safety for the man In the automobile as well as the pedestrian, which points out various dangers attendant to wet and slippery pavements, and tolls how they may be overcome has Just been prepared by the Oregon State Motor association. They are as follows; 1 Modify your speed for wet weather. Remember, any car w ill skid on a wet road. 2. Keep good tread on your tires to lessen the skidding hazard. 3. If. unavoidably, your wheels start to skid, take your foot from the throttle. Don't speed up or si«™ on the brakes, for that only defeats friction. 4. Make sure your windshield wiper Is working before starting out In rainy or foggy weather. 5. Keep a cloth in your car for wiping fog, frost or steam from other windows and the rest of the windshield so your vision will not be Impaired. 8. Keep your chains In the car, and put them on before traveling over snowy, Icy or slushy roads. 7. Make sure both headlights are burning— unless you want some car to bit you head-on. 8. Dim your lights when an on­ coming car signals. Remember there Is no such thing as perfect vision, on a dark, rainy night. 9. Keep in mind that, there is an instant of total darkness when passing an oncoming car at night. Be careful, for many pedestrians lose their lives at that instant. 10. Follow at all times the state Black cottonwood Is used tor cheese and butter boxes because Oregon Feed & Reed Co., Inc. once thoroughly seasoned, it dues OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Good Luck Manamar Peultry and Complete Automotive Mervlce nut Impart odors or tastes to food IRENE'S CAFE Nearly 7 million fence posta are Open Day and Nlgbt Dairy Eeede Breakfast I6< up — Dinner 26c up. ' m eded every year to keep the farm products In contact with It. NOTICE Id HEREBY GIVEN: Prosper W ith Manamar Phone 1767 Tbat H ura Hteariuer Admluls 185 East Bruadwuy Chill 10c t fence of Oregon and Washington SUMMONS t i a l r l i Uf tbe E late ut W. II. titear Meed Cleaning a Hpsclallty. Eugene, Oregon Horne Cooking tour. Deceased, bas tiled ber Elusi in repair, according to estimates IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF Delivery Phone 68» Ice (Told Beverages on Tap T H E S T A T E O F OREGON FOR Atcuuul as such Administratrix j made by the Pacific Northwest 206 E 6th Mt., Cor. High Eugene L A N E CO UNTY. Main Bet 4th and 6tb Hta and tbe Cuunty t.'uurl ut the Htate SCIIERHR MOTOR CO. ' forest experiment station. ut Oregon tur la u e Cuunty bas • HOICK — OI.DHMOBH.K — Lester H. Nye. Plaintiff vs. Helen Hprlngfleld Opeu T ill Midnight Used daluiduy, tbe 2«lb day ut M. Nye, Defendant. PACIFIC EEED A S U P P L Y CO. PONTIAC Jauuary, 1936, at tliu buur uf Io 00 Lumber Values Compared To Helen M. Nye, Defendant: IN El KIENE EGG DEPOT SCHOOLS-COL l EGES Motor Cars u cluck lu tbe fureuuou uf said day The average "m ill run value" of T H E NA M E OF T H E » T A T E OF We Pack and Orade Eggs tor tba at tbu Cuunty Court lluuse lu Eu HA I.EH and HEB V I C I Douglas fir lumber at West Coast OREGON: You are hereby required gime, Imo« Cuuuty, Orvguu ss tbe Merchants at Kugsn« and Spring- I rawmllls In 1809 was (12.44 per M to appear and answer the com­ 7th and Olive His. — Phons 866 ENROLL MONDAY li m e sud place fur jearlug object field. j reel. In 1824 (26 99. In 1831 (12.06. plaint filed against you In the Eugens, Oregoo. Ions to said Etu I Account. All per- above entitled suit on or before For Cor. 6tb and W illam ette Mt. suus having objections to said four weeks from ibe date of the | and In 1832 (10.63. Hbortband. Bookkeeping, Typing Eugene, Ore., Phone 168 Elusi Atcuuul must file tbe sawn first publication of tbls summons, BEAUTY PARLORS Day and Night Classes uu or betöre said date. or for want thereof the plaintiff N O T IC E T O C R E O IT O R 8 Mated Ibis 27th day of Decern Eugene Buslnest) College will take Judgment against you and FURNITURE NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N : apply to the court for a decree ot Permanent Puub Waves ber. 1924. "A Good Hchool" I That L. L. Kay baa been appointed (1.76 and Up. Pbone 668 Miner Bldg, id "for in dtbel comptolnt;W *" F U IR A HTEAKM EK. Admluls Eugene. Oregoo tra in s ut the Estala of W. II. The BR O W NIE B EA UTY HHOPPE JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. Be D. McFadden, deceased, by the, , ... , County C o w l of Lane County. O re -1 This summons la published once flanges and Clrculatora Mtearmur, Deceased. Apprenties Elnger Wave 26c. A ll persons having claims " « • * '" r four wee* ‘ the Heveral Lines Including Montag. C O M PLETE BUSINESS COURSES gun. H A R R I:;, .SMITH a B IlY H oN . Hbampoo A Elnger Wave 60c against said estate are required to 201k Miller eliding Eugeue. Oregon Hit W illamette. Eugene, Day and Night Classes Pb. 419 Linoleum— Inlaid and Felt Base j paper published at Sprlnyfield, present them, with the proper "" * - - — Attorneys for Administratrix. Attractive Prlcea on Furniture We can train you to become an vouchers, within six months from Lane County, Oregon, by order of lD 27 — J 2 10 17 21) expert In bookkeeping, steno­ the Hon. G. F. Sktpworth, Judge BATTERY SERVICE and Ruga. the 10th day uf January, 1836, to graphy, secretarial ur reporting tbe said administrator at bis law of said Court made Jan. 12th, 1835 He« U t Before You Buy work. Our system ot typewriting and Is first published January 17th, N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S LANBCO We Deliver Phone 1188 Instruction makes for greater speed ufflce In the Miner Building, Eu­ 1826. gene, Oregon. 84» W illam ette Eugene and accurancy. In shorthand we In the Couuly Court of the Míate BATTERY FACTORY L. L. RAY, Administrator of W H IT T E N SW AFFORD, of Oreguu for I.aue County teach the up-to-date Oregg system Hack at our old location. Imsa the Estate of Nellie D. McFad­ Attorney for Plaintiff, Resi­ and stenotype— the modern ma­ GROCERIES M,*“ li‘* .Ot lt>.” overhead your gain. Mee our new ' den. dence and Post Office ad­ chine shorthand. Margurel A. Yarbrough, deceased, material batteries In genuine Oates (J 10-17-24-31; F 7) dress: Eugene, Oiegon. Notice Is hereby given Ibet tbe uu hard rubber cases before »on buy. Modern BuaineHH College _____ (J 17 24-31 — F 7-14J , DIBBLEE’S ‘'»rslkuod has boon by tbe above A|| parts handmade In Eugene For SUMM ONS 118 E Broadway, Eugene. Ph. 117 «untied court appolutod Executor capacity—service— price— none bet IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E RED & WHITE OROCERY A L IA S S U M M O N S -------------------- lu tbe above entitled matter and all ter STA TE GF OREGON FOR L A N E IIE C IIA R D IN O — REPA IR IN G , Phone 4 SHOE REPAIRING peraons having claims against said CO UNTY. 1N T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF • l ’huile 1008 Cor. 4th sod Main Hta.. Hprlngfleld «slats are required to present said 346 Van Buren T H E STA TE OF OREGON, Repres T H E S T A T E OF OREGON FOR ’ for dr,Tln< Hall’s Shoe Repair Shop claims properly verified tu said ex­ on ted a. i acting by the World i T H E CO UN TY OF LANE. -------------------------------------------- - CREAMERIES • ecutor at his law ufflce to Eugene, W e Repeat— We are striving to War Veterans' State Aid Com­ K A T H E R IN E A L IC E QU1UG. also' HOSPITALS oraguu. within a ll mouths from Lewis county. Washington, has mission, PtainUff, live up to tbe Hplrit ss well as tbe known as Katherine A. (juigg, I thia 27th day uf December, 1824. Demand tbe Best—Coats no More va. PACIFIC HOSPITAL, also known as K. Alice Quigg, a greater area of land clear-cut Letter of the National Recovery C. A. W IN T K IIM E IE K . B EN JA M IN L. H E ID E M A N , E L S IE IN C . Plaintiff. since 1920 than any other county In BLUE BELL Act. Executor. M. H E ID E M A N . HAZEL P. vs. Dairy Products 13th and Hilyard 420 Mato Ht. Hprlngfleld. ID 37 — J 310 17-34) RADER, and W IN IF R E D K U Y K ­ The unknown heirs of P. C. Ren­ the Pacific northwest (178,101 Ice Cream. Butter, Cheese, M ilk Phone 2600 Thurvton, Washington. END ALL, Defendants. frew, deceased; the unknown acres); NOTICK To Benjamin L. Heideman, Elsie Eugene, Oregon EUG ENE FARMERH CREAM ERY, heirs uf W illiam Renfrew, de­ 118.800; Columbia, Oregon.t 117,- JOHN NELSON SHOE SHOP M. Heideman, and W inifred Kuyk­ ceased; the unknown heirs of 000 O F F IN A L H K A R IN Q Phone Eugene 838 endall. Defendant»: General Shoe Repairing Notice la hereby given that Clara Rufus A. Renfrew, deceased; the IN T H E NAM E OF T H E S TA TE A. Duly has filed her (Inal account EUGENE HOSPITAL unknowu heirs of Ellen Nesley, Our work Is Guaranteed. Our OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ as adm inistratrix of the estate of deceased; Ellen Nesley, a single CLEANING A DYEING "The Friendly Institution" Chicken Pox— A. R. Krueger I» prices are most reasonable. quired to appear and answer the Mtsven A. Duty, Deceased, and that woman; and also all other per­ Phone 1800 ill with the chicken pox. Give Us a T ria l and Be Satisfied. Complaint fit d against you In the the court has fixed 10; UU A M. of sons or parties unknown claim­ J'intnie’H ('leaning Shop above entitled suit within four (4) i ing au> right, title, estate. Hen 1162 W illam ette Eugene Opposite McKee's Bakery Friday. Jan 26, 1836 as the time | JAMEH M IT C H E L L when at the chambers uf the court or interest in the real property 607 Main St., Hprlngfleld weeks from tbe date of the first N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S publication of this Summons and in the court bouse In Eugene. Ore | Cleaning, Pressing, Alterations. described in the amended com­ Notice Is hereby given that the If you fall so to answer on or be- gun, wheu said accuunt will he plaint herein. Defendants. Wo Call For and Deliver. LADIES READY-TO-WEAR undersigned has been duly appoint­ SERVICE STATIONS _! fore the last day of the above pres- taken up fur examination and a l- ' ROYAL Made to Measure Hulls. | cribed stated time for want thereof IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STA TE ed Executor of the estate of Ethel luwauce. All persons lulerealed M. Stillman, deceased, and any and ANGELINE DRESS SHOP A ST. SERVICE STATION tb« Plaintiff will take Judgment OF O REG O N: You and each of you all therein may appear at said time 308 Multi 8C, Hprlngfleld. Ph. 100 persons having claims against Eugene, Oregon are hereby required to appear General Ga-ullne. Gil and Greases I “ “ d detrer ,“ “ d and be heard upon said matter. . . _ of you as lu Ils Complaint dernand- and answer the amended corn­ the said estate are hereby required DENTISTS Popular Priced Greenes (•'LARA A. DOTY, Admlnlstra Goodrich Tires ed. to-wlt: For Judgment agaluai ' plaint filed against you in the to present said claims, duly veri­ trlx. Allen A. Hosiery “ A Home Owned Station." the Defendant Benjamin L. Helde ! above entitled suit within tour fied as by law required, at the of­ H. D. A LLEN . Attorney for the fice of Wells aDd Wells, Bank of DR. G. A. BROWN <3 E Broadway Pbune 633 W Estate. 6th and A Sts., Springfield, Ph. 44 mau tor the sum of One Thousand ' weeks from the date of the Commerce Building, Eugene, in Hours 8 A M to 6 P. M Three Hundred and three a n d 1 first publication of this summons, Eugene, Oregon (J 3-10-17-34 ' 16-100 Dollars, together with Inter­ and If yuu fall so to answer, for Lane County. Oregon, within six Phone 20 J est thereon at the rate of six (6 % ) want thereof, tbe plaintiff will take months from the date of this no­ Mitchell Service Station LUMBER 5th and Main Hta. Hprlngfleld per cent per annum from and since Judgment against you as prayed tice. A L L R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS Dated and first published Jan. 17, Residence 728 A Htreet. the 20th day of September, 1932, for In tbe amended complaint here­ — Yale Tlrea — uzid for the further sum of One in, to-wlt, for a decree decreeing the 1935. A R TH U R B. S T IL L M A N , Exe EUGENE LUMBER CO. Greasing - Battery Recharging lluudred ((100.00) Dollars as rea­ plaintiff to be tbe owner in fee DR. WM. N. DOW cutor. sonable attorney's fees herein and simple, free and clear from any Expert Radio Repairing by Where Quality and Service are D E N T IS T for the costs and disbursements of and all claim of the defendants, W E LL S A W ELLS, Attorneys. Paramount. LEE CRAY (J 17 23-31 — F 714) this suit and for the further De­ and all of them, ot the following X Ray Diagnosis — Hours » to 13 Watchmaker and Jeweler Phone 48-J cree of this Court foreclosing all of described premises, to-wit: R. R. Blvd. and Grand Phone 434 1 to 6 a n , by appointment, H IR J N O r u t L D Beginning at a point 272 feet 7th and Main Sta. Springfield tbe right title and Interest of the N O T IC E OF H E A R IN Q So. Pacific W atch Inspector office Phone 8 — Res. Phone 87 Defendants, Benjamin L. Heide- North and 100 feet East of the O F F IN A L A C C O U N T F irs t Class W o rk a t Reasonable First N a ti Bank Bldg. Hprlngfleld i man, Elsie M. Heideman, Hazel P. Southwest corner of FriseeH’a OREGONIAN N O T IC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N : l ’rloee. The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co, Rader and W inifred Kuykendall, Park, accordiug to Frtssell's Plat, That the undersigned administra­ SERVICE STATION Furnishes u In and to the following described ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES as the same is platted and re­ trix and administrator of the estate At the Springfield Junction real property situated In Lane corded at Page 222 of Volume 3, of Edgar L. Keeney, deceased, have COMPLETE HOME Ueusral Law Practice County, Stale of Oregon, to-wit: Lane County, Oregon, Plat Re­ filed their account for the final GAS A N D OILS Hprlngfleld Electric Supply Building and Rt-palrlug Service, Beginning at the Northwest cords; thence East 6t) feet; settlement of said estate In the Service Day and N ig h t . I. M. PETERSON Wiring. General Contracting l'or Service Phone Hprlngfleld 66 corner of Lot number one (1) thence North to the left bank of County Court for Lane County, Ore- Grocery Sundries, Tobacco's and Attorney a t -1 m * Q. E. I^m ps, Universal Household in Block number twenty two (22) the McKenzie River; thence In gun, and that Saturday, the 26th or If no answer, phone 34 J. Picnic Goods. City Hall Building ot Fairmount, according to the a Westerly direction meandering day of January, 1936, at the Court Electrical Supplies. Hprlngfleld. Original Plat ther-of, now a part • he bank of said river to a point Room of said Court, In the County West Hprlngfleld Pb. Bpr. 33-J General Repairing Hprlngfleld, Oregon of the City of Eugene, running directly North of the place of Court House, in Eugene. Oregon at 442 Main Hprlngfleld PHYSICIAN - SURGEON beginning, thence South to the ten o’clock to the forenoon, has thence south along west line of TRANSFER A STORAGE said lot number One (1) one I place of beginning; also, begin­ been by said Court fixed aa the DR. MILTON V. W A LK ER hundred fifty (160) feet; th eu ce' ning at a point 272 feet North time and place for hearing object­ MOVING— Our Plano and Furni­ Inspect our New Installation at Surgery and Diseases of Women east to the west line of Fair- and 106 feet East of the South­ ions thereto, and for final settle­ ture Movers are Experts. the State Game Farm. mount Boulevard; thence north­ west corner of the aforesaid ment of said estate. 4lh and Main Sts. Hprlngfleld STORAOE — Concerte Building, Westinghouse Iatmps and erly along the west line of said rrlasell's Park; thence East 60 Phone 82-J Reasonable Rales. Reliability. Boulevard to the northeast cor­ feet; thence South 272 feet; or J E N N IE R. K E E N E Y and Appliances. ner of said lot number One (1) to the County Road No. 66. along P A U L E. K E E N E Y , adminis­ PACKINO — Experienced H e l p of Pittsburgh, Pa. and thence west along the north the South side of said P irk ; tratrix and administrator of the HENDERER ELECTRIC Means Safety and Protection. MELVILLE 8. JONES, M. D. line of said lot 1 to the place of thence in a Westerly direction estate of Edgar L. Keeney, de­ 420 Main St. Hprlngfleld Surgery dnd Diseases of Women beginning, all in Lane County, along said County Road to a point ceased. PACIFIC TRANSFER & Res. Phone 148-J Oregon. directly South of the place of be­ L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. X-Ray and Physiotherapy I STORAGE CO. ginning. and thence northerly to (D 27 — J 3-10-17-24) 69% 6th. Ave. W. Eugene. Ph. 74 and for such other and further re­ Springfield, Oregon FRUIT PACKERS lief as to the Court may seem just the place of beginning; als> be­ It no answer Call 104-R Represented By First National Bank Bldg. Ph. 43 and equitable. ginning at a point 272 feet North This Summons is published by and 160 feet east of the Southwest Eugene Fruit Grower's Ass'n WOOLEN MILLS C. H. TURNER virtue of an Order of the Honor­ corner of the aforesaid Frlssell's Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers PLUMBING - PIPE FITTING able Carl E. W im berly Judge of the Park; thence East 60 feet; 844 A S t Hprlngfleld, Oro. Circuit Court of ti e State of Ore­ Thence North 66 feet; thence EUGENE and Shippers. Ice and Cold Storage N1EL POLLARD gon. for County, dated the Northwesterly to a point 96 feet WOOLEN MILL CO. College Ice Cream Manufacturers 16th day of January, 1936. North of the place of beginning; P L U M B I N O Manufacturers ot Woolens. Coco Cola— Klst Beverages The date of the first publication thence South to the place ot be­ ('upper Colls a Specialty. Specializing In Ladles Cider Vinegar of this summons is 17th day of ginning;—all being a part of Sec Res. Phone 163-J January. 1935. lion 13, T . 16 S. R. 6 E. of the C O A TIN G 8 A N D SU ITIN G S. Phone 1480 420 Mu.n St. Springfield, Ore. JAMES K. K IN G , Attorney for W. M„ in Lane County, Oregon; Retail Department at M ill. Ferry near 8th Ave E. Eugene, Plaintiff, Residence and post- excepting therefrom that certain East End 6tb Ave. Eugene, Ore. office address, Eugene, Oregon. tract conveyed to the State of Jlmmls West In Hospital PRINTERS_______ (J 17 23-31 — F 7 14) Oregon by deed recorded July 13, Formerly Walker-Pools 1929, at page 267 of Volume 164, N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Jimmie West Hprlngfleld youth THE WILIxAMETTE PRESS N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Lane County Oregon Deed Re­ EUOENK -11th S P R IN G F IE L D now lu the United States Murine Notice is hereby given that the cords. Notice Is hereby given that the Springfield mid Charnelton 228 Main undersigned has been duly appoint­ underslgnt d has been duly appoint­ and further decreeing that the de­ ' service, Is recovering from un 111- Phone 2 ed Administratrix of the Estate of ed Ex cutrlx of the estate of fendants have not. nor have any or Telephone 723 Phone 82-J i lies si the U. H. Marine hospital at Busluess Stationery—Office Forms Maggie Hunter, deceased, by the J. E. Templeton, deceased by the either of them, any right, title, Baltimore. Msrylanil according to County Court of Lane County, Ore­ County Court of Lane County, Ore­ cluim or Interest in any of said Booklets — Placards — | Information received here. He gon. All persons having claims gon. All persons having claims real property. When you go to California, try Dodgers, etc. against the sam estate are hereby against the said estate are hereby This summons Is served upon will have to remain at the hospital the train! Big changes have taken Modern Print Shop Producing notified to present the same, pro­ notified to present the same, pro- you by publication thereof for four place on our tails. Pullman for six weeks longer. Up-To-Date Printing. perly verified as by law required, perl- Aerified as by law required, successive weeks by order of the charges are a third less than last year. Rail fares are touching Phone and a Salesman W ill Call. to the undersigned at the office of to the undersigned at the office of Hon G. F. Skipworth, Judge of the Fsncs P o tts C ou nted Wells A Wells, Attorneys, Bank of Wells A Wells, Attorneys, Bank of above entitled Court, decreeing bottom at 24 a mile and lets. Commerce Bldg.. Eugene, Oregon, Commerce Bldg., Eugene, Oregon, that you answer the summons here­ There are over a quarter of a Complete meals in our dining Black Cottonwood Tough to within four weeks from the date within six months from the date of within six months from the date of can cost as little as 804. For de­ million miles of fencing and fence the first publication ot this notice. the first publication of this notice. of the first publication thereof, tails, see your local agent or posts on the farms of Oregon and Hlai k cottonwood is preferred to Date of first publication, De ■. 27, Date of first publication, Dec. 27, which said date of first publication write J. A. Ormandy, 705 Pacihc Washington It was Incidentally most native woods by manufactur­ 1934. 1934 Is January 10, 1934. Building, Portland, Oregon. M A M IE F '-S E T H . Adir.' -la- R E T T A M. T E M P L E T O N . Ex­ F R ED ER IC K H. DRAKE, At­ found out In connection with a ers of wagon and truck bodies be­ ecutrix. tratrlx. torney tor Plaintiff, 308 Pacific study of the requirements of farm ­ cause of Its ability to withstand W ELLS A W ELLS, Attorneys. W E L L S A W E L L S . A tto r-e y s . Building. Portland. Oregon. ers for forest products. wear and bnrC knocks. (J 10-17-24-31; F 7) (D 27 — J 3-10-17-24) (D 27 — J 310-17-24) Business Directory Edward C. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. TRY THE TRAIN TO CALIFORNIA POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e Southern M d fic the invention that IS MEANT Sight Is the FOR moat ALL THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries By E D . K R ESS Y priceless possession you have. Give your eyes the benefit of good light- C ers c l im b A B o a e o R x k t I OUT loPAYfc IU118 FACTS. UOWToaCTBACMMOME- M 0*eit>5««W U AU.OM OUAMEYT 4MCT-FMPIM6 accoeooJG To KJ-2S FIGURAS ™ e u n it e d S tatur Fftuouces a u u u a l l v a b o u t t o % o f m t w o a tp s o o ttu ; 6 0 % OF IT * COT TOM A M 0 S O % O *n & TOBACCO. ------------- VKMTUOE noues. li g. Guard your treasure— good vision by having your eyes ex­ amined regularly. Once a year os a safe and sane habit. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 Wsat 8th ■ueana IS lapM ISTMI AMSTABUMMOT« 8 M U M MA. METALS. KXMUM« 3% «6. WS BABTMB COWB4. Gf UClTWa BOLIVIA MOBRkBAAlMY. SOUTM AMUUQ»,IM|SA«MAa8»8 BLACk.HOUSS4 A t£ AtFECTM «V TUS.C MEAT mobs tram HOB6K4 oFOtWR COLO»