THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TIURTY-BUCOND YKAH H PK IN O H K IJJ, I«ANK COUNTY. OKKOON, T IlU ItH U A Y , JANUARY 24. 1936 SCHOOLS P,iyEN HEALTH b£<0R Mora Drastic Curb On% • dttnta Carrying ContagiJ* Disaasa la Sought PREACHER SEES Lions Set Date STREET PROJECT Stewart Named SPORTSMEN SAY Lor Ladies Nite ERA OF DICTATOR warnt io begin 7 o P.O . Place PLANT MORE FISH Fifty-Two Students Namad; Annual Fun Event To Be On Held Office From 1913 To All But Seven Hold Place i Man-Made Laws Of Democ­ Washington's Birthday; Actual Labor May Not Get 1922; Acting Postmaster Want Native Trout Propaga­ During Entire Period Committees Named racy Breaking Down Reli­ Under Way Until Next Since March 1934 ted For McKenzie And Up­ ance Upon Higher Power Week, Need Equipment • F ball on Friday evening. Fete appointment a» postmaster In the' No Advice Or Free Drugs To e r . the fir.t set......... . a . well a» Dr. Conant To Conclude Set- ruary M „ waa announced tbM Supervisor To Be Named By X " "office C L ^ i p X X Friday Skeet Course Discussed; En- Be Furniahad By District the »Il week» period Thoae »tu ies Of Lectures At Baptist d u b / meeting Friday by W F, Street Committee; Hours by the United State» Senate. He gineer Offers To Donato deut» who «fou place» on the honor Or School Physician Walker, chairman of tbe general I Church On Sunday Differ From CWA Plan haM not received hi» formal notlfl Service« To Club roll for the first time bava the committee. cation yet. j _____ Au entirely new procedure In wording, »lx week», after their Modern democracy a» exempli- All committee aaalgnmenU were Springfield SERA »treat project Thi» la Stewart’« second term a» More fish, especially fish native health ■•gslatlou at the Sprlugfleld’ names All other »tudent» have! tied In France and the U n ited 1 announced and report» of their will probably be started Oie middle •i liool» 1« now being organised fol |,e c n named on the honor roll each ' State» 1» pavlug the way for ab»o- activity will be heard at the meet of next week according Io Ear, local postmaster, having been ap- to tbe two «treams. are needed la lowing the meeting of the »cbool , | j week» period during the first i lulu rule, the rule of the Anti- | lug of the club on February 1. Thompson, chairman of the street pointed In 1913 under tbe Wllaon the McKenxIe and W illamette administration. At that time be »er- river» before fishing can be ex- hoard with the Health t om iolltee ,,r ¡Christ, »aid Ur. J. K. Conant, Bible Committee aaelgnmuuta were a» committee of the City Council. ved until the spring of 1922. about peeled to get much better. Jack of the city cuuucll laal Tburaday j Júniora with 16 uame» were auc ! lecturer, from tthlcago, In expand follows; The project submitted by tbe 1 ond. and the fre»lunen and «ophoj »'S hl» subject, "Why are wa bead I Flay—Walker. I. M. Petoraon. planning committee, hearted by 18-month» under tbe Harding re Luckey, prominent Lane county glme. sportsman and Secretary of tbe Following in« meeting the at bool t|„d for , b(rd and Ing lor dlctalorahlp? or tbe Nalur« C'.ayton F. Barber, Ur. Melville 8. Harry M Stewart, carries an ap-' The appointment is made for four *"ane County Sportsmen a assocla- I oni d announced dial they had sp w„ b „,gb, ga(.h There was Human Government," at the Jones. and F. B Flwnery. proprlatlou or approximately J7550 pointed Hr. hlltlou V. Walker »» ol|„ p<,at „raduale and one »pedal Bapllal church laal night. Stunt»—H. E. Maxey. Thelmur J for labor. The city la to furnish! years and doe» not Include the per ,lon- to“ member» of the McKen- lod In which an acting pontmaster *** U*t*way Rod and Gun club at school and that be bad , ........... Nelaon and w K Barnell. *1716 for materials and supplies. served. their monthly meeting Monday ivuseiilcd to ic iv e without rouum I * o,iant described tbe United Bunquet—H. O. Hlhblee, J. U Word of It» approval by the state eraltou. . | Of a total of 62 students named ‘ sta te s form of government as an Stewart I. a native of Spring-. “**“ “ Tay'or 1‘yle and Jobn Anderson. office In Portland wa» received l i e will apeud oue hour, Ibree "" ,b " bo,,or r<>11' •** bul 7 h“ »“ ( Interpretive democrccy, one It* Held, being urging the State week. B. Murphy, Rev. Dean Ihl- _________ _ one of the oldest reel-1 i « A '«“«*“1*°“ e, « oa> a week, from 1 KntU 2 al the b,‘ld *»•“*'•’• on the llal during the wlilch the people seek Io enforce C. Music—U. Foindeter. und Harry M S tew - Just what work Is to be done and 'len l■ of tbe ,n number of i Galne ‘'om nils «ton, to make an boo entire semester. Ib e will of a higher power. T b e art. echoolN, M tuday» at Ibe high details for the management of k i y e“r» of continual residence. He eat *“ ®rt u’ r»1»» “ d propagate Those on ibe honor roll Just re- French democracy was pictured as » -liool. W edn esd ays a l tb e L ln c o lu , F a v o rs- F. B. Hamlin. Dr. W N. will have to be worked out by the w*" born bere ,n ,f*82 »“d ha« I n,or,‘ fl,b ,roln native brood trout 11- need are: lie I rig of tbe rullug type In which Dow and E. C. Stuart. street committee. Most of the Mpe,,t bl" e» ‘,re lifetime In this of tbe McKenxIe and Willamette a <> Fridays at lite Brut lain «ctiooL Duiliig these visits he will uiakei Heutore—Obert Andrews, Jorry j lbe people recognise no higher , rivers, and to provide additional Decorations— M C. Kirkland. P I shovels und picks which were pur ' ommunlty. regular Inapadlohs of saullsry c J C M l ’ l 'harl"a Cola’ MarJorl. '’ « » » e r s o n . F a y e b„„, Mahj tbe apeaker |„ tracing Try Many Experiments the state and discussed the work and they will have to be transfer Stratton. Frances Stile«. Mary Trot tbe history of all guverumeut. Io their regula! (»inlly pbya'clau Mr Luckey charged the Oam* red to the new project. which bis group was attempting to who will prescribe treatment re-1 ter, Raymond Withers. Mary Elkow When man opposed God’» will he Commission with conducting ex- do for the future. He advised all The work In Springfield which fardi»»» of Ihr ability of the pall (6 week» I. Junior»—I»«ter Anderson. Bai was driven out of the Garden of local groups to present suggestions wlll consist largely of rebuilding Half Of 181 Tracts In Spring- périment» with many kinds of 1m tu l to pay for »ame. ported fish in these rivers, some bars Barnell. I-sMuyne Black. Idiw- Eden If be had not been, he might for work projects to the state relief I the surface on several streets and field Have Liens Which office In Portland. These will be { repairing alleys and culverts, can- from Montana. Utah, and soma In Office Evary Oay , reiic« Chase, Russell Cooper, Ed have eaten of the Tree of Life and City Will Lose takes and other streams in differ Ou other days than thoae deslg Hensen, Caroline Hicks, Josie physical death would have been assembled and sifted down and In-1 not be shoved ahead very rapidly, Th<.re are lg l tracta of ; *»« P««» ot this state, but falling before any project There arc Just so many eligible! ualed (or the various schools, Ur. Hicks, John Klckbusch. Lola Man- Impossible. This would have meant vestlgaled workers and they can work only I Springfield which will be sold by t0 try r‘” tockln8 tb* stream s with Walker will tie al Ills office at ley, Florence May, Jolutna Putmaa that Hell would have been on earth. money 1» made available. Noah was tbe first governor, re­ until they tbe ,.ounty ab^rtff HOOU for deUli. ‘b« ««»Pring of the native red- Hunger know» no limitations, de­ the number of hours It) 30 every morning except Thura- (6 w eeks), Robert Suul, Warren ceiving his authority from God. In- clared Dr. Parsons, Ibe man with­ have earned the sum needed for uuent taxeg Tbe c l t , ot spring sides. Many of these Imported flab day aud Sunday and pupils show-' Vail. Albert Rodakowskl. set by the fleId boIda ,len i again t half of are not suitable (or the streams, lug symptoms of some sltm enl will Freshmen Henry Chare, Helma j ' * *B^a *'/ tbe ^ ra* 8"vern° f was a out work or funds must be fed. their maintenance as man and not a woman, and In no County R elief committee. thw,e tracU wl„ |U B d # 1(U.g(j the Diamond lake trout are really Most of tbe CWA money was ad­ be given a spei tally prepared blank Clement, Ueorge Drury. Marvin There will be no set scale of loss when the property is sold ac- steelheads and not a freshwater by Gie teacher aud sent to the phy-, Drury, Marvin Easton, Meredith place In the Bible la there a bint mittedly wasted as far as material fish, he contended. Peterson. city re- aldau who will examine the child. Ebbert (8 week»), Joe Keever that womau should take part In accomplishm ents are concerned. hours for each worker on the new Fishing is gradually getting He will either send tbe cblld back Winifred Klckbusch. Donna Sever- government, said Ur. Conant. Also, A large part of tbe SERA expend! project such as prevailed under the ■ corder ; God established the law of capital tures have been made without suf CWA when all men started at the worse in these streams and now to school or order tbe cblld to visit son. Approximately 90 percent of thia Sophomores — Joseph Andrews, punishment, aud all Just laws are flcient lasting achievement result­ same lime, worked so many hours property will be bought by th e ! only those who know the proper thu family physician for treatm ent ing. but Ibis was Justified as an and Ihen quit for the week. The places, time, and equipment to use Under no circum stances will the Anita Henson. Ctarabelle Mrood. traceable to this law. county for the taxo^. In these in-1 emergency measure, be stated. We work will be rotated under the new can be sure of catching a string of R ise of Nations child be allowed to return to school Ada Jobnaoii (8 w eeks), Racbel stances the city has 60 days In Tbe failure of the Babyloulana are now trying to build something plan of relief. 1 Which to pay the ta x e s'a n d 'ta k e he “ W MaD5r tOUriata com« . without first receiving the written L»e, Dorothy Millican, Hasel Nes -------- I to build their tower of Babel aud lasting, something that will be ot title to the property if it to desires h*re a"dJ * * * “1 a week a‘° “« tba approval of tbe school doctor. bill, Gladys Shelley. to protect an investment. This can- ^ver wtthoet catching enough fish Special stu d eu t-M elv in T railer J ‘bel’' 4lvlalon Into many languages real benefit to us after this present Work With Health Officer wus tbe foundation for our many economic upheaval has settleu TWO HOOP GAMES ON not be done, however, as the clt, f° r the‘r ° W" meala- Post graduate—Clara Wagner. Both the school hoard and their WEEK-END SCHEDULE has no fund for this purpose. governments. Tboae people who down, and at the same lim e care Annual Take Estimated donor, who will work In conjune could understand one language for those wbo need uld. When an individual purchases a ! He »*>■<*'<’ ««“ lion with Ur. W, H. I'ollard, city Albany To Invade Territory For H. formed groups which became the health officer, waut II plainly u tract of property at the tax sale ar® «*«“ B fr° “ tb* McKenxIe river S. Game Friday Night; Coburg : roots of preset^ governments. Uod , , . .. , ,, each year by fishermen and that derstood that no medicine he does not pay the delinquent city I.O.O.F. Comet Tonight | also gave the Jews a chance to rule 08463670 e . ,u. . , more than this number are taken drugs, are to be furnished by the I lien, but this assessm ent contin- . a kingdom which they forfeited, be ' ues to be i.„m __________ _ I b>' fisb duck» annually. The only district, to r Is tb e school doctor Two good basketball games are held against the property- declared. to prescribe treatments for any of on the schedule for local teams under the new owner, according Since that lim e peoples of the tbe cblldreu here this week-end. Tonight the [ to the present law, says Peterson. and more fish. At least as many i world huve run the gamut of all fish should be put bAck into the The local action la purely one of I.O.O.F. team plays Coburg I.O.O.F. Robert Innie Of Pleasant H ill|,or,“a of «"»«rnment from the ab A compilation made this morn- river as are taken out If fishing irolectlon tor the uormally healthy and Friday evening the high school solute ruler to complete democr­ ing by the City Recorder shows 87 can be expected to hold its own. cblldreu In H e school. Those who W ai Oldest and Sole Survi­ acy. In which the will of the people will meet Albany. Both games are Catholic Service Conducted The Lane county sportsmen have routact a contagious disease are In to be played at the local gymnas­ tracts within the city on which vor Of Fourteen Children is supreme. For West Springfield Man ium. liens are held. The total sum In permission to take brood trout l>* sought mt mid elem lnaled from Ill a democracy man makes laws Who Dies At Hospital the classroom us quickly as pos­ The eldest aud last survivor If a The Odd Fellows eked out a close which the city is involved is »6.- from the McKenxIe river to pro- sible Io pi event spread to others. family of 14 children. Robert Inula, Io guide him self and refuses to victory 33-32 over Cottage Grove 000.26 as principal plus the inter pagatlon and are willing to do thia Alfred Urammoiid, 74, West here Monday night. This was their - est which has accumulated. Not if the hatchery will cooperate with The child will he Informed of hl* mom fri>quently known as, “U n d e abide by any other law. Absolute ,vagUe yittor>. of (he 8ea all of this will necessarily be lost, them in the local experiment. Mora siiiuent and It Is up to Ibe parents Boh," by Ills friend», pussed away democracy Is falling because It Is Springfield, died Saturday after-■ | pens are needed, and these can be 1.1 provide a cure or tbe child can- ul bis home at Pleasant Hill Sat­ the wrong type of government. In noon at the Pacific hospital in Eu- s(jn They hol(J w(Dg QTer Bell[n#p but a large part of it will be. adversity we blame Uod, and In gene. Funeral services were held and McKenl,e Redglde8 ,n , secured across the river from the rot return to school. urday. He wus 78 years uld. I present hatchery on the Eugene Under the county SERA medi­ Born on April 28, 1868 In Indi­ times of prosperity we take credit Tuesday morning at 10:30 from the practice games. I Water Board site, said Luckey. Branstetter-Slmon chapel In E u -1 High school hoopers have not cal project now pending no cases an*, Robert hints later moved with (or what we have done. gene. Father Francis P. Leipzig of- ! W o rld 's F a ir H e ld P a g e a n t «111 be handled by the county doc­ his parents to Missouri and Texas, Skeet Plana Offered tared sc well. They took a terrible Tbe World’s fair was pointed out delated and Interment was made In drubblng 62.4 a, Coryal„g last tor. All treatments will be pres­ coming to Oregon and settling at Plans for a skeet coarse for gun as a pageant of the last 100 years the old Odd Fellows cemetery. cribed by tb e family doctor. Praa- Pleasaut Hill 10 years ago. enthusiasts were outlined by Chat i day evening, and Eugene high hand- He was born August 1. 1860. in j Ihem g u defeal here Tuea criptlous for tboae on the relief E. Turner, superintendent of con­ On« slster ln luw, Mrs. H. H. Cos- In which was paraded before tbe rolls will be ruled without cos', to silt, survives, as does two nephews, cltlien s of tbe world all tbe Illinois, and was married to Miss day evenlng Tbe same evenlng tbe struction for the Game Conimla- ibe Individual, and those wbo can­ Emmett and John hulls, aud Ibree ‘ b“ n« - ® «4a In those years. The Mary Hendry at W ebster. South CorTalIlg flve conquered the strong l sion. Mr. Turner offered to donate not pay, but whn are not on the nieces, Mr«. Belva Mitchell, Mrs. 1800 years before that tim e the Dakota In 1885 She pussed away Albany gquad and now geeIn to 5v Funeral Services For Upper his time and serficea in preparing relief roll will also be taken care Hattie Jacoby, all of Laue county, people of the world had lived much in 1919 Mr. Grammoud operated bead|ng straight for a district McKenzie Resident To Be a building plan, and to personally ot. supervise the construction of such s lid Mrs. Mina Pelrel of Ixis An­ as they did In the time of Christ, a second hand store In Eugene for championship Held This Afternoon said the speaker. 25 years. Plan Naw In State a coarse In this vicinity if suffici­ geles. Mo far as is known, this Is the lu France strife und revolution Survivors Include one daughter, Funeral servloes were held Tues Funeral services for Wade H ent Interest can be developed. The fu st community In Oregon where day morning at 10:30 at the Pleas lias prevailed during the 100 years. Mrs. Lydia Saunders and one son IUKA CIRCLE INSTALLS , Craft. Lea burg resident who died »‘“Her «rill be discussed further a school physician has been named. ,,nt lllll church. Interment was Christianity tins been Intentionally in Portland; 14 grandchildren and TWO OFFICERS AT MEET al bis honje Tuesday, will be held at tbe next meeting. Several schools have health nurses, made In the church cemetery by forced oul of most activities of tbe It) great grandchildren; six sisters, _______ this afternoon at one o’clock from A commRtee consisting of Harry Dr. Walker had considerable ex the Poole Fuu«>rsl home. In charge French peoples lives, until at the including Mrs. A. J. Hendry at Mrs. Grace Lansberry was Instal-' the Branstetter-Slmon chapel in Fandrem. Lloyd Nyhart and Lar last census taken there eight mil­ Multnomah and Mrs. Lawrence Jed as president and Mias Jolana - Eugene. Interment will be made in son Wright was named to super­ perleuce In thia type of work while of the service. lion people professed to be aethists. O'Toole at Watertown, South Da- Putman as couductor at the regu the Greenwood cemetery near Lea- vise the setting permanently of tbe < i limy health ( (fleer In Cooa conn iar meeting of Iuka circle. Ladies j burg. Protestant Germany has progress­ kota, and three brothers. ty. He has already written to Dr. gun club trap on the airport. The Stricker at state health office In F. L. GIRLS SEEK WAYS ed while France had declined, prov- | auxiliary of the G. A. R. which met Mr. Craft was born at Mt. Ver trap must now be taken out and Salem to ascertain If there are any TO SWELL TRESASURY i ,bal "Tbe Nb,i‘»'» That Forget ELDON BRATTAIN DIES ' ltt«t Thursday evening at the home non, in I»awrence county Missouri, moved back each time It la used. _______ j God Shall Perish," he said. ether doctors In Oregon, aud In AT LAKEVIEW SATURDAY of Mr" A,l<* Doeaa. Mrs. Myrtle on May 14. 1869. He was the son After it Is permanently set and what manner they are carrying ou It was not until Divine assistance A special committee was numed closed In If can be left on the field ----------- Egglmann. past department presl- of William and Sarah S. Craft. their work. to seek ways and means of raising was asked that the constitutional Eldon M. Brattaln, brother of ¡dent, wa the Installing officer. The He marrled Annle w h e e lu on and used frequently for pracUce funds for their work was named convention was able to succeed. Paul Brattaln. passed away at his two were unable to be present at Augug, g lgg3 MeK||» e y , Texas, work. Friday evening by the F. I,. Ulrls of Again, In the Civil war Divine guid­ home at Lakeview. Saturday morn- the regular Installation meeting. and af(pr j,v,ng ln tbe soutbern Flah Rule* O. K. REBEKAH MEMBERS TO Juanita Rebekah lodge. The meet : ance was Implored and the inscrlp- ing following au extended Illness Mrs Egglmann also presented a states for several years came to No changes In the fishing laws GIVE PIN MONDAY NIGHT Ing was held at the home of Miss T*011- "I11 l,od We Trust" was placed He was 72 years old. and bag limits for 1936 were re I>ust circle president pin to Mrs Oregon 27 years ago. Doris Girard. Dale Daniels presided 0,1 ll" silver coins. All presidents of commended to t w commission by He leaves his widow and two Stella Lewis. Surviving are his widow. Mrs. A Senior Noble Grand pin will be In the ahaence of Crystal Bryan, the United States have affirmed u sons. Funeral services were held at the local club. There was some Al the next meeting on Febru- presented to Mrs. Carrie Jarrett at president. Named on the commit­ "Firm Reliance In the Protection Lakeview, where he wa« engaged ary 7. Mr Doane will also be host-1 ’ ul' " ° ”K suggestion that a part of the river ............. ..................................................... tbe regular meeting next Monday tee were Maxine Snodgrass, Mrs. of a Divine Guidance,' when «hey In the cattle business. Tuesday ess. The group will practice for the ‘ bi,‘,r*n: « on»‘’J J*1*’ B“ t\ Palla’ be closed to fishing to provide a night If she Is able to attend the Eleanor Turrell, and Irmu Nolt. inspection visit of the state presl reao1', rH- -lln - ep le,ls" I natural propagation ground. Such took their oath of office, said Dr. afternoon. Eugene; Lee Craft, Yamhill; and . . , ... . Conant. lodge meeting. Drawings were held Mr. Brattaln was w ell-known! dent to be made on February 21. ! , , , , , „ ,, , , , . , an “tea has been established sue- Mrs. Linnie Beyerlln. Vida. He also ... . , this week Call for 8uperm«n ! , _ . ' ressfully on the Deschutes river here by many people. He graduated ---------- ■■— ---- MASONS SOCIAL NIGHT , leaves 7 grandchildren and one Every six months a drawing la Rapidly the governments of the from the University of Oregon, and near Bend It was reported. Tha TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY world are approaching an hour of ,,iade b|g iagi visit here In 1926 ENDEAVOR CROUP MAKES great-grandchild. He was a mem- Uame Commission will meet on made of all Past Noble Grands who have not received these pins and PROFIT FROM COMEDY' ber ,he Baptlgt ml88,onary ‘’burcb- March 11 to take final action on supreme defiance to God, and the i when he attended the Sunset Trail First of the monthly social ev this will be continued until all re­ people are crying for someone to pageant, the 1936 fishing regulations. Ingn sponsored by Liberty Masonic lead them out of their trou b les.) __________________ ceive the pins. They were not Music was furnished following A net profit of slightly more than FUN_p0 KNG LAWMAKER lodge will lie held Friday evening. awuided until a few years ago. Now Soon they will cry for a superman I q p g RITUAL GIVEN *26 was realized by the Christian the meeting by Henry Gerber and A potluck dinner will be served a) each outgoing Noble Grand receive» Io straighten them oul, und then | Endeavor from their play, "Where’s TO BE PENSION SPEAKER Donald Toonib with their violin 6:30 after which cards and dancing PAST CHAPTER OFFICER Grandma?" given at the high school tbe emblem. wc shall have absolute rule. ----------- , and banjo. Refreshments were eo- will be enjoyed. Harry M. Stew­ The ways mid means comm ittee Tonight Dr. Conant will speak ou j auditorium Friday evening. Lane county people who do not ( joyed by the group. art. John lleiiderer, and Clarence Mrs. Clifford Wilson was pres­ of the lodge announced plans for Instrumental numbers by Miss ¡attend the Newspaper banquet at j ----------------------- the subject, ‘ Will the Jews ever Nelson are in charge of the ar­ a plate dinner to he held at the rule the World? or tha nation that ented with a ritual of the Eastern Jewel Cunningham, vocal solos by tbe Osburn hotel Friday evening rangements. The socials are for ball on February 11. cannot be destroyed." Friday he Star Tuesday evening when Mrs. Uldine Gartln. a reading by Conoly wll> be Kivet? an opportunity to BUFFET SUPPER GIVEN Masons and Eastern star members will discuss, W ere the Ten Com­ Pratt Holverson entertained for Sll«by. a vocal solo by Gerald Chll- bear C, P. Haight, legislator and FOR CARD CLUB GROUP and their families. mandments given to keep or break? the past year's officers of Cascade tiers, and violin solo by Lowell Hag- humorist from Grant county, at the chapter at her home. A social even­ FRIENDS GATHER FOR aril, were given as Intermission court house In Eugene that name or the law that men cannot obey.” Members of the O-No card club evening about 8:30. Haight, the were guest» of Miss Joey Hardy Sunday morning hla topic will be ing with refreshments was enjoyed j | numbers. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE RUMMAGE SALE READY by those present. Business staff for the play were on'y legislator to speak on behalf at a buffet supper preceding their FOR SATURDAY, REPORT "Defeat or Vlctory-Whlch?" A miiall group of her friends sur­ Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock I Elisabeth Vail, business manager; i o( tbe Townsend pension plan at regU|ar bridge session last Thurs- All detail» have been com­ Dr. Conant will lecture on. “Are AENEAS CLUB MEMBERS prised Mrs. Alma Pollard this after­ Walter Taylor, stage manager: tbe statewide hearing Monday, will day evening at the home of Mrs. noon on her birthday anniversary. pleted for the rummage sale which we nearing- the great world crisis? SET MEETING AHEAD Florence Vail, advertising; and discuss the plan at the meeting Frl- Arah Nell Brlckey in Eugene. Hon­ They enjoyed an afternoon of the Girls League will sponsor at or the grace that men refuse to ac­ Marjorle Taylor, promptor. ; daX night. ors at cards went to Miss Maxine needlework and conversation. In­ the Pohl electric shop Saturday. cept." The sam e evening at 7:30 Monthly meeting of the Aeneas In the east were Altle Manning, Haight is the sagacious editor of Snodgrass. Miss Marguerite Mill- cluded In the group were Mrs. Jean Louk mid Florence May have lie will speak on "Will America club will be held Tuesday, Janu­ William Cox, Martin Clark. Dawn the Blue Mountain Eagle who Is hollen and Miss Florence Long. Raleigh Morris, Mrs. Rosa Mont­ charge of the sale. Joau Hoavey has ever turn Red? or the revolution ary 29. instead ot this week. Men. Church. Kenneth Smith, Mina Pet- rapidly winning national fame for Miss Mlllhollen Is to entertain gomery, Mrs. Katie Brumette and charge of advertising, ^pd Florence Glut cannot he avoided.** This will John Parker will be hostess for the erson, Beulah Thurman. Lola P et-: his admonishing the Oregon leg ls-p h e card group at their next meet- ber sister who Is visiting bar*. Belle Fish, of the cleabnip. be his d o sin g lecture. afternoon gathering. erson and Elva Moyer. tature to hurry up and go home. Ing on February 7. SANITATION IS TÀUTFT Seniors Lead In Term honor List NO. 1 CITY WILL LOSE III GOUmi Î U SALE ? LAST SURVIVOR OF FAMILY DIES HELD ONÌUESOAÌ WADE CRAFT DIES AT LEABDRG HOME