THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1934 THB SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAOB THRBB NEW ARCHITECTURE AT PACIFIC EXPOSITION WHO IS WHO M c D onald fans wait CANTOR IN 'KID MILLION' A Classified Directory of Reliable Buelneee Firme and Profeeelonal People Thie Newspaper Recommends MWM HIND Flowers and plant« play a major Pop-Eyed Comic ta s k a Buriad part In a new style of architecture Treasure In Kgypt In His Io be featured at the California Latest Comedy Pacific International Exposition, opening May 28 "Kid Millions," Eddie Cantor's Fresh and poignantly Western, flftb annual screen musical extra­ Use Of Money For Other Pur­ pose« To Precipitate tbe design takes Inspiration from vaganza for Samuel Ooldwyn, FDR MALE M um ! r«'possess two the Indian pueblos of the «outhweat bring« tbe pop-eyed comedian to Statewide Trouble good pianos ut uuce user Hprlng AUTO D E A LE R 8____ DANCING PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILMS and color from the flowerlbg gar­ tbe screen of the McDonald theatre Hold. W ill »a irH it« (or unpaid Diversion of monlea from the den« of Southern California. Indian Sunday, as a buy Cinderella of tbe D AN C E balance. Amount owln< »47 bo ANDERSON MOTORS, INC. Carl R. Baker Film Hbup builders relied upon the effect of Brooklyn waterfront wbo becomes state highway fund will bring im­ «ud »HP. Easy terms. W rit« Eastman Films — Kodak« — AT WINTERGARDEN Expert Repairing — All Work nlnipl- mast; ornamentation wa« tbe heir to a fortune In burled trea- mediate action by the Oregon Mo­ Tallm an riauo Mloru, 386 M I2tb Frames — Albums— Motion tor association toward reducing tbe Uuaranteed. linking Expo Itlon architects have •ur In the land of the Pyramids. "The banc« That's Different" Hi., Malum, Ur«. (J »71 gasoline tax until the motorist will Picture Cameras. carried forward tbe primitive ef­ Ann Sotbern. Ethel Merman, Uaa, Oil. Tires and liatterlaa Wa Photograph Everything Every Huturday Nlgbt fect and accomplished decoration Block and Sally. George Murphy be paying only the amount con­ (lb and A Its ., Hprlngflald Pb. «» Tit« Ural sawmill ou lit« Pacific Anywhere. through tbe novel use of living and this sea on's crop of Ooldwyn sidered necessary for highways. B. Umita 26c Ladina 10c I'oaat waa built by Ibu lluilaon Hay Mall films to P. O. Box M 7 plants and flowers, Tbe decoratl/e Girls prance along tba Nile wltb B McDaniel, president of tba aa BROWN MOTOR CO, company In thu winter of 1827-28 <88 W illamette, Eugene Pb. (16 treatment of each building cm Eddie lun Ibis faatpuced tuneful Moctation. declared yesterday. FEED-SEED-HAY u. ar Vancouver, Waaliliigtoii "The motor association la against UHKYMLER aitd P L Y M O U TH bodlea the use of concealed cornice tale of adventure In tbe harem of RESTAURANTS Hal«« and Hervlc« and roof troughs from wblcb I'vlng the Sbiek and the tombs of bla any diversion of fees, la opposed Io Oregon Peed & Heed Co., Inc. NOTICK« any Increased taxes on the motor- plant« will be trainer) to accom­ fathers. Complete Automotlva Hervlc« Good Luck Manamar Paultry and IR E N E S CAFE OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T plish (he effect of color and decor­ The story and dialogue were 1ft, la of the opinion that no addi­ Open bay and Night Dairy Feed« Breakfast 16c up — Dinner 2(c up. ation. N O T IC E IM HER EBY U IVU N : l i t Kaat Broadway written by Arthur Sheekman. Nat tional burdens should be placed on Phone 17(7 Prosper W ith Manamar Chili 10c That Flora tftaartner aa Adtnlnls- Perrin and Nunnally Johnson, tbe motorist until be has reduced Eugene. Oregon Head Cleaning a Speciality. Home Cooklng Had l i ut lb« Uniat* of W. II. Blear O akridge Man Hara— I.eo Ix>ck- while W alter Donaldson and G um his present debt load to a point Delivery Pbona (IS mar, Deceased, baa filed bur Final Ice Cold Beveragea on Tnp man of Oakridge spent the week­ Kahn, Burton la n e and Harold Ad­ where he can see his way clear. Account aa aucb A diulu lalralrll 106 E (tb HL, Cor. High Eugene Main Bot «tb and (tb Sta. SCHERER MOTOR CO. Incur Large Debt end here visiting with friend«. aud thu County Court of Ilia State amson contributed tbe tuneful soog Hprlngfleld Upea T ili Mldnlgbt Ill 'll K ULD8MOB1LB — "Motorists of Oregon have to-an of Oruauu lor l*aue County baa numbers. "Mandy, the Irving Ber­ PACIFIC FEED A SUPPLY CO. PO NTIAC SUMMONS (laud Halurday, lb« 24lh day of most generous in tulidlng and pay­ IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F lin bit which Eddie Cantor origin ing for a highway sy stem outstand­ January, 1935, at Dm bour of 10 00 i EUGENE BOG DEPOT SCHOOL8-COLLECES Motor Cart ally Introduced in the Zlegfeld Fol­ T H E S T A T E U F OREGON FOR o clocli in tba (oreiioou of aald day I We Pack and Grade Kgga for the HAI.EH and HKHVICB LANE CO UNTY. lies of 1819, is revived In one of ing among tbe highway ayatema of at tb« County Court lloua« In Ku- Merchanta of Eugen,- and Hprlng- l>u«, la iw Cuuuty, Uragou aa tba 7lh and Olive Hta. — Pbona lis t e r H. Nye, Plaintiff va. Helen ENROLL MONDAY the elaborate song and girl num­ various states of the nation. Tbe 1 field. tin»« aud place for baariug objacl Eugene, (frvgon. M. Nye. Defendant. bers staged aboard the liner en motorist has agreed to pay varying For loua to aald Flo I Account. All per- Oor. (tb and W illam ette Mt. amounts to build end maintain To Helen M Nye. Defendant: IN loute to Kgypt. aoua bavin* objections to aald Eugene, Ura., Phone 1(8 Shorthand, Bookkeeping. Typing T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE OF BEAUTY PARLORS The elaborate "Ice cream fan- highways and ha« assumed pay­ > lual Account luual III« lb« aama Day and Nlgbt Claaaea OREGON: You are hereby required ment of a debt obligation which ou or b«for« aald datu. Eugeue Business College to appear and answer the com­ ta«y,” a poor boy's dream come| totaled more than »40.000.000. and i'eruiuneiit Push Waves Dated this 37lb day of Decem­ FURNITURE plaint filed agalnat you in tbe true In wblcb Edale, tbe million- "A Good School" (1.76 and Up. ber, 1934. Phone ( ( ( Miner Bldg, above entitled suit on or before alre, open« a free Ice cream factory which has been reduced to approxi­ FLO RA HTEAKM EK, Admlnla- Tba H H U W N IE BEA UTY HHOPPK JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. four weeks from the date of the for boy« and girl«, la filmed en­ mately »28.00-1,000." Eugene, Oregon tr a tr ll of tb« Ealale of W. II. Apprentice Finger Wave l(c . first publication of tbla summons, Ranges and Circulators During 1936. Dr. McDenlela aald, tirely In Technicolor under the di­ Htaarmar, Deceased. Hhatnpoo A Finger Wave 60c Several I.laea Including Montag. C O M PLETE BUSINESS COURSES or for want thereof the plaintiff Oreyon motorists will pay approxi­ rection of W illy Pogany and photo­ 1IAKKIM, M M IT II A BUY BON. will take judgment agalnat you and M l W illamette, Eugene. Ph. «SI Linoleum— Inlaid nod Felt Base Day and Night Classes 1014 Mluar milling Eugoua, Oregon apply to the court for a decree of graphed by Ray Rennahan "Kid mately »13.000.000 for highways. Of tblM, »10 000.000 will go to tbe state Attractive Prices on Furniture absolute divorce from you a« pray­ Millions," Attorneys for Admlulatralrla. We can train you to become an la released through BATTERY SERVICE tb 17 - J 1-14-17 14) and »3 000.000 to the federal gov* expert In bookkeeping, steno­ ed for In the complaint; and Rugi. United Arttata. Tbla suinmona la published once graphy, eecretarlal or reporting arnmeat, to he returned In tbe form Me« Us Before You Buy work. Our system of typewriting each week for four weeks In tbe LAN n e o of federal aid for highways. We Deliver Pboue 1181 Instruction makes for greater speed Springfield News, a weekly news­ NOTICK TO CREDITORB Motor trucks haul load« of logs BATTERY FACTORY M otorist Keeps Bargain «48 W illa m e t te Eugene and accurancy. In shorthand we paper publlabed at Sprfnyfield. In tb« Cuuuty Court of tb« Mtata Back at our old location. I^as "The motorist has kept bis part leach tbe up-to-date Gregg system 'jene County, Uregon. by order of down grade as «teep as 20 percent, of Uragou for lame Cuuuty. overhnad your gain. Mae our new and atenotype— the modern ma­ th>- Hon. G. F. Sklpworth. Judge or a twenty-foot decrease 'n eleva­ of the bargain with the state. He GROCERIES In tb« M atter of tbe K-tat« of material hatterlea In genulna Gates of aald Court made Jan. 12th, 1836 tion for every 100 feet traveled will continue to carry out tba chine shorthand. Margaret A. Yarbrougb. det naaed hard rubber rasee before you buy. and is first published January 17th. Nolle« la hereby given that tb« un- Modern Business College DIHBLEE’S horlxontally. terms of tbe agreement unleea tbe All p arti handmade In Eugene. For i deralgued baa bean by tba above bargain is broken by the state. W H IT T E N SW AFFORD. capacity--aervlce—price none bet­ RED A WHITE GROCERY U t K. Broadway. Eugene, Pb. 117 vutltled court appointed Executor ter. R EC H A R G IN G - REPAIH1NU. A LIAS SUMMONS Attorney for Plalnifff. Resi­ "The motorist approved a 1-cent Pbona 4 In tb« above eulltltxl m atter and all SHOE REPAIRING dence and I ’ojf Office ad­ - • Pbona 1008 Cor. 4tb and Main 3ta.. Springfield addition on the ge-oline tax two p-iauua having ilaltiia agalnat aald 346 Van Buren IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF dress Eugene, Oregon. ratal« ar« required to prevent aald T H E S T A T E OF OREGON FOR years ago when tbe license fee was (J 17-23 31 — F 7 14) Hall's Shoe Repair Shop CREAMERIES - claltua properly verified to aald ex­ T H E CO UNTY O F LANE. reduced to »5.00. He did this on W e Repeat— We are striving to HOSPITALS ecutor at bla law office In Eugene, K A T H E R IN E A L IC E QUIOG, alao NOTICE OF HEARING live up to tbe Spirit aa well aa tbe Uragou, within aIX tuoatba from Demand tbe Beat—Costa no Mere known aa Katherine A. Quigg, the basis that tbe money was need OF F IN A L ACCOUNT PACIFIC HOSPITAL, tbla 17lb day ut December, 111«. Letter of the National Recovery also known aa K. Alice Quigg, ed for the highway«. BLUE BELL INC. N O TIC E IS HEREBY G IV E N . C. A. W IN T E R M K IE K , Plain tilf, "If it la needed for highways, Act. Dairy Products That tbe undersigned administra­ Executor. vs. 12th and Hllyard 420 Maki St. Springfield. trix and administrator of tbe estate The unknown heirs of P. C. Ren­ there should be no diversion, and lea Cream. Butter, Cheese, M ilk iikokuarw uew intBitM otA unbag UOW LETS Q8T TO OTMER PAttTS nF TUE WOULD AUO SEE WHAT WE CAM FIDO. TUE BUMAU os FOBMIVY ' AVERAGE AOE OF T IM M K 2OO ANP 300 YSAB«.