PAGE TWO T H E S P R IN G F IE L D 1‘ubllabed Every Thursday at Wprlngfleld. Lane County. Oraron by NEW S U. K. M A X E Y . E ditor aevond liana matter, February >4, 1*03. at the Springfield. Oregon SEBI WILL MIKE LOCAL PEOPLE PLAN TO HEAR VIOLINIST poatottlce, MAIL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T S Oae Year In Advance ...... 1150 Six M o n th s__ Two Years In advance ... 12 60 Three Mouths THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1934 PRODUCE TO LIVE Destroying of crop surplus and curtailment in factory production when It is evident that the world can consume these products if given a chance always seems false econ­ omy to us. Under consumption rather than over produc­ tion is the real cause of the depression. We can not In­ crease employment and decrease consumption at the same time. When you decrease production you increase misery. Now comes Professor Raymond Moiey, formerly chief brain truster, in a New York speech and says: "The country is suffering from under-consumption rather than over-production. The pent-up demand for durable goods in this country is $41.000,000. "Now the significent thing about it is that an attempt to fill this unsatisfied demand is the very thing that will make less ominous the thing that you fear. Business re­ vival on a general scale will reduce and ultimately exting­ uish government exj»enditures for relief. It makes public work less and less necessary. It removes tile need for ex­ cessive taxation." Throughout this land everybody who has the means should be encouraged to build and produce-—work and con­ sume. The world has never found a substitute for work even in this machine age. We have curtailed now on dur­ able goods—plant construction, machinery, rolling stock, etc., until there is need for forty-one billion dollars being spent. This is ten times greater than the government can spend on public works in any one year, according to Former Director of the Budget Douglas. It is time for the doctrine of curtailment to go over­ board. We must produce to live. THE RECORDER AND OUTSIDE WORK Any attempt of new councilmen to curtail the outside work of the city recorder, which he does to supplement his small salary, is a near sighted policy and we hope will be abandoned. Strict enforcement of such a policy would ultimately lead to the office being filled by an incompetent much to the detriment of the public in whose interest he is serving. Much inconvenience has been caused by earless crediting of lien dockets a decade or more back and it has clouded title to some property in town. The city must have a competent man as recorder at all times. To begin with the recorder’s office was not contem­ plated a full time job. We have had recorders who worked part time at the mill, others have been justice of the peace, school clerks and city attorney. All this was allowed with a view of the recorder supplementing his salary and provid­ ing for himself a living income. This is legitimate up to the point where it does not interfere with the duties of the office. ROAD FUÑOS PAY LI T o d a y ’s O ffe r to A ll W h o H a v e Stom ach Distress Heifetz' violin concert at the Uni­ versity Saturday ulght will mark hla only Oregon appearance of this Monsv Seek If Ons Bottle of Dare's lug. ysl wills one lableepoouful of L L . , n L*. D i v o u Usre’e Mentha Pepsin Dial dreadful tour and la attracting Interest M entha Pepsin Dos an t Do You .u ffo csllo n will vanish In Special Emphasia On Com­ throughout this section. Music State Will Have 18 Million« More Oood Then Anything a few minute« lovers from all parts ot (he «late pleteness Of Birth And With th« Battle speed It stops You Iv o r Used For Labor and Construc­ are e n a c te d to hear the Interna gas. belching and hearlburu. Death Records tion In 1935 Estimated tlonalty famous artist and a large It'a a wonderful form ula Oils Gel a bottle of this grand slow ———— | 4,-n medicine today with Ihe dis combination of Pepsin with other A complete survey of birth and i crn»u, exceeding even those which The unemployed man will profit (1|„., underatandlng that your good stomach Invlgoratora—■ zo death registration along with other i **• *r'l Rowland Hayes and Ihe Den greatly thia year through trenieii - money will he promptly returned If wonderul that In one «mall lowu phases of vital statistics work, will Uossack chorus In previous con dotta suina contributed to lite a la le !" does noi slop the most am i» III New Jereey over 8,000 bodies , l>e niaile throughout Oregon In the certs presentisi on (he campus, la sold for highway purpo-ea. according Io stomach distress quicker Ilian any were Every regular druggist auarau thing you ever used ! next month, It waa announced here anticipated by the student apuuHors Dr. E II McDaniel, president of Ihe Your stomach may he so dlaletid tees one hottie of Here's Mentha today. Thia 1» an SERA project, of the coming program at McAr­ lo in druggist sells dos Oregon Slate Motor association. ml with gas that you think every I . P>m with 42 worker« aaalgned for the thur Court at 8:16 Analysis of Ihe estim ate of high »"»'He X»uf b -eit will slop le-ul eus of It ' task to the State Hoard of Health Seats hare already been reserved way Incomes for 1936 revealed »21. by the State Emergency R elief Ad­ for numerous citizen* of Spring 882.000 will be handled through the ministration. field, and In many cates group« of state highway fund Thia total, The 42 workers are field agent«. persons from surrounding towns with the exception of »3.300.000 - and are to call on physicians, local are planning to attend the concert which will he paid for bond servic­ vital statistics registrars, chiro­ In bodies. Thia can be done by re ing. will go for labor and construc­ practors. naturopaths, oeateopaths aervUg sections of veals, mall or­ tion. The growing child needs about u quart of milk and e m ba I m era One field agent ders for which sre now being re­ "This represents the state's most | Is assigned to each of the 3S coun­ ceived st the Associated Student u day 1« give him strength and energy Playing hard pretentious payroll, and at no lime ties in the state, the other six office. McArthur court. Eugene. and studying nt school he works up a healthy hunger In the past has the hlzhway de|wit workers being distributed among ment extended Itself Io furnish em­ thut is best satisfied by a balanced food like milk. the counties of larger population. ployment ns at the present," said ' In tills survey special attention ELEVATOR. TELEPHONE Dr. McDaniel If It is Maid O'Cream pasteurised milk you can be will be paid to the completeneas ot JOBS OPEN FOR EXAMS Borrowed from the federal gov­ sure It Is pure unit safe. Our plant Is subject to the ' statistics on births and deaths,” ernment tor coast bridges will be j said Dr. Frederick D. Stricker, most rigid inspection aa well aa the dairies our milk The United States Civil Service »3.200,000 of this huge sum. »2. j secretary of the Board "For this Commission has announced open 200,000 will be paid Immediately cornea from. we already have a valuable found competttitve examinations aa fol­ from the stale highway fund (o allon in the returns from out Reg lows: Multi O’l’ream la the queen of dairy products. other state departments because of ester-Your-Bahy campaign Parents Elevator conductor, »1080 a year. legislative appropriations. This, In are --till mailing cards In that cam­ Departmental Service. Washington. turn, will go for labor paign. antj field agents In our sur­ Maintenance of highways will D. C. Experience In operation of vey will be looking out for In consume »2,750,000 There will be electric elevators required. I stances In which fathers and Junior telephone operator, »1200 available for new construction $13,- mothers forgot to make reports on a year, Departmental Service. 260,000. births of children Ot this new construction fund In some counties It Is expected " a*h"tgtoo. T> C. Specified exper- »8.000,000 will i ome from Ihe fed­ that the survey will be completed * fenc** required eral government, and »7.000.000 The closing date for receipt of in a few day«, but In others. It Is from state fund». it was pointed i anticipated, the work will take a applications for these examinations out. Is January 28. 1935. ' month. HEALTH SUBÏEV T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS Kulered aa Til Vi RS I >AY. JANUARY 17, 11)34 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS 1 The Growing Child Springfield Creamery Co. Candy Does the Trick LUMBER ORDERS SHOW OREGON FOSSILS SHOW INCREASE IN NEW YEAR CHANGES IN CLIMATE Seattle, Wash.. Jan. 17—A total Fossil leaves gathered at Com­ of 538 down and operating m ills in ' Oregon and Washington which re­ stock. Douglas county. Include many front trees now found native ported to the W est Coast Lumber­ only In China. Japan. Ceylon and men's Association for the week Formosa, finds Dr Ethel I. San ending January 6. which Included the New Year s holiday, produced I aM° ‘'ta‘e Pro'eesor of botany at Oregon State college, who la 48.832.721 board feet of lumber. This was approximately 11.000.000 feet making a study of them. The pre­ over the preceding week. The pro­ historic flora ot the region was duction of this group of sawmills very different from the flora of Io day. indicating a wrrm tempera­ during the same week last year ture or subtropical climate. Some was 58.329.742 feet. The new business reported la s t. fo-sll leaves show close reeetnbl- week by 538 mills was 76 843 269 ' anC‘* modern pla,‘'" ,n Mexico uml Central America. board feet against a production of 48.832.721 feet and shipments of 73.448.814 feet. Their shipm ents [ McKENZIE FARM LOAN were over production by 50.4 per R f i n v FI F C T Q n c r iC C D C cent and their current sale« w ere1 B° ° Y E L E vT S OFFICERS I McKenzie Valley Weddings and charivaris are un commonly popular In som e McKen- xle communities of late. To fon atali a surprise party Mrs. L. R. Millican Invited a group of their friends to dinner to cele­ brate their silver wedding anniver­ sary Saturday. As a complete sur­ prise to every one during the din­ ner. Robert Millican arose and In­ troduced the young lady seated by him as his wife. Mrs. Millican. Jr. was Mis Neva Currant, and their marriage occurred earlier that day A little later that evening the sur- prise party arrived cbarvarlng the silver wedded couple. They Invited (hem In to meet the new bride and groom It developed Into an evening of surprises. Several beau­ tiful silver pieces oere received. The Deerhorn 1’. T A. decided Io hold a social at the school house he ”f Mar,b ,o h‘‘,l’ I’“’' „„ ,„.w gchool piano. A program and >uppe , was given the winning over production by 57.4 per cent., George w Noff WM prM, The orders booked last week b y , dent of th>. McKelllte Valley N„. this group of identical mills were tlonal over the preceding week by about I , helr /„ “" J , tlnr"" held ' but I t ...w, „„„ . . . anernTtmaioiv “ “ "c hi Id last 7.000.000 feet I week. Alvah Arm Stage la the new 10.7 per cent. vice-president; (............... " Hansen was contestants by the losers In a mem- . , , ------------- —— . ytreusurer; and! whose records are completed for j p „„a both periods, show total orders last I 8 Roork Jagper dlrecto* Ne„ The ladle* ald » '» bold There is no lack of confidence by the people of this week of 75.694.000 board feet, com- aod Hausen are also from Thur. Its annual election of officers al city in the present city recorder. He received the largest pared with 53.169.000 board feet Armltage llvei) „„ 8pr)n, ileld Its meeting Thursday afternoon. The Leaburg school has been vote of any candidate at last election with three well-known the same week a year ago. an In-1 route closed this week due to an epi crease of 52.5 per cent opponents against him who raised every issue they could demlc of whoop'ng cough. Chicken think of. He has performed his work as recorder faith­ INTEREST GROWS IN pox and mumps are reported In FIR STUMPAGE SELLS some of the districts. ful and well. FRUIT BUYERS’ MEET FOR LOWER PRICES Monday night a group of friends There is very important work for the council to do. caught the elusive Mr. and Mrs. New markets and larger s a le s 1 Preliminary compilations made Erie Hurt and cbarlvarled them. Small personal feelings should not cloud up the field of for fruits and vegetables grown In | by the U. S. forest service In co­ They have evaded their nolay larger public service. western states are expected to re- j operation with the census bureau friends since November 27. ------------ e------------ suit from the meeting of shippers show that the uverage price paid In Russia children may divorce their parents. We have and receivers at the annual con- ,or Douglas fir stumpage In 1933 had that custom in this country for a long time but it isn’t ventlon of the Western Fruit Job- j based on private sales, was »1.92 bers Association of America, to be P**r thousand feet. Ponderosa pine legalized. held in an Francisco January 22 I "ol(l tor »2 64 per thousand feet and --------------- * --------------- H. Osgood and family huve to 26. western hemlock for 93 cents. The Hundreds of western growers of average price paid for softwoods of moved Into the house across from We should ask the League of Nations to hold the next fruits and vegetables will take ad ! a" species in the United States the Pleasant HUI Christian church. plebiscite in Louisiana. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wheeler have vantage of the opportunity to m e e t! *»« »2.57 per thousand. The aver- --------------- * --------------- and confer with the shippers and 1 »Ke price in 1932 at »2.82 gone to Salem where they will re­ main during legislature. Mr. and receivers of their crops, It was Mrs. Paul Brabham will live In tbe stated, and for this reason the San , _ _ _ Francisco convention Is declared DOUGLAS COUNTY LEADS Wheeler house during their ab­ to be of unusual importance, s lic e IN DOUGLAS FIR STAND sence. It will be representative of all dl-| The Trent church and Bunday visions of the industry. Douglas county leads all other school held elections last Bunday Oregon counties In the amount of with the following results; Church "H O T E L " RAII r5O<5 I old-growth Douglas fir timber, ac officers were, elders, W. L. Wheel­ F riD M F v m n T A i i D c cordln* to 'lata recently released er. H. B. Baughman. Darwin Bax PICKING HIS MARKET FOR MEXICO TOURS by the Pacific Northwest forest ex ter, and Ernest Wheeler; deacons, périment station. With 60 billion Clayton Kimball. Will Arnold, Jesus’ preaching was almost incidental. On only one Already recognized by experien occasion did he deliver a long discourse, and that was pro­ ced travelers as one of the world's feet of this species, Douglas coun Frank Bmith. Henry Mathews, and bably interrupted often by questions and debates. He did most picturesque lands, Mexico ty easily takes the leud from Lane Arthur l,lndl<*y; deaconesses. Ruby not come to establish a theology but to lead a life. Living promises to become a greater at­ county, which has approximately Mathews. Lora Baughman, and Hattie Wheeler, Bunday achrol of­ more healthfully than any of his contemporaries, He spread traction for tourists as a result of 51 billion. ficers were, Ruby Mathew :, sup­ health wherever He went. Thinking more daringly, more the inauguration of air-conditlonea erintendent. Hill Bmith assistant divinely, He expressed himself in thoughts of surpassing Hotel Car Cruises” over rail lin e s ’ CANNERS WILL GET OSC beauty, as naturally as a plant bursts into bloom. His ser­ of the Southern Pacific. National S H O R T C O IIO A F F F R 4 1 6 superintendent; George McClure, mons, if they may be called sermons, were chiefly explana­ Railways of Mexico and the South j O rlU K L U U H b t F E B . 4 -1 6 secretary and treasurer, with Ever­ ett Wheeler assistant. tory of His service. He healed a lame man, gave sight to ern Pacific of Mexico. ~ The fourteenth annual canners a blind man, fed the hungry, cheered the poor; and by these The Intlnerary of the tour has I school, originated and conducted works He was advertised much more than by His words. been mapped with great care, a n d ! by the horticultural products sec- CITY HALL FLOORS GET The church, which covets advertising and receives ln addition to Mexico City. Includes i t|nn at Oregon State college, has NEW COVERING OF PAINT little, is much more faithful in such good work than the Lruapen, Patzcuaro, Guanajuato, been scheduled for February 4-16, E. H. Wiegand, dean _ o' Another coating of grey deck man on the street suspects. Most of our colleges were , Guaralajura. and Mazatlan. E n ter-' announces —___ __ „__ ____ founded under its inspiration; most of our hospitals grew . in* Mex,co at Nogales and return-1 , he work „ ope to both experl. paint has been given the cement out of, and are supported by its membership; the ideals I 1” 8 vla E |Pa9°' the land cruise j en(.ed or beginning canners who floors at the city hall during the that animate ail civic enterprises are its ideals; and its 'ak,'H about three w eeks' lnci“din«| may attend all or any part of the past week-end. The new counter members furnish to such movements the most dependable i ' daY* 'n Mexico c ity , or a two-weeks course and dalllng has also been finished, support. More than this, the day by day life of any genu- lon*er stay may be raa,le in the Fundamental Instruction, of par stained and varnished. ine pastor is a constant succession of healings and heln- ,apltal c,ty i . ..... ings, as any one who has been privileged to grow up in*» Thp tourlat m?keB hl" homfi ln, i', V n rP8. h° 8e "e.'* t0 tbe #n « < i.........— — i, — . ... " tbe Pullman "hotel on w heels,” It nduMlrY or those undertaking the Marriage Licensee Issued minister’s family very well knows. The door-bell rings at was explained. The alr-condltloned ' 0Peratl,,n of community canning Licenses to marry have been 1s- breakfast-time!; it rings at dinner-time; it rings late at cars have berths, kitchen, dining I plantM' w111 bl' '»eluded throughout aued during the past week at the night and every rings means that some one has come to room and lounge, and a Pullman i lhe fir,t weok' ” deal" mo*tly with county clerk’s office to the follow ­ cast his burden upon the parsonage. A man comes blinded conductor who speaks English and ! fru,t and ve*"tahle canning prln- by his greed or hatred or fear—he opens his heart to the ing persons: Fred Mendenhall, Co­ Spanlsh, to smooth the way, giving < ,pleH and "P«<'lf>c practices, pastor, and goes away having received his sight. A parent burg, and Nannie Hood, Eugene; traveler maximum comfort. ‘ In the "ee"'>«'"". federal and state Inspee- somehow, from the parson’s few loaves and fishes the other Frank Hyland and Cora Barklow, Pullman car Instead of going to l,on 9erv'ce, bacterial spoilage, and both of Eugene; and Robert Bta- family is fed. a hotel. many other technical problems on and Bernice Ingalls, both of Eu­ __________________ I will be held. These are Jesus’ works, done In JesuB’ name. If He gene. were to live again. In these modern days, He would find a Logging and sawm illing costs In- As usual a double seaming way to make them known—to be advertised by His service, crease to such an extent with de- course, In which training may be Cottonwood For Egg Cratss not merely by his sermons. One thing is certain; He would creased tree diameters, according | had In handling the standard and Black cottonwood Is extensively not neglect the market-place. Few of His sermons were to the Pacific Northwest Foreat Ex j most modern canning machinery, manufactured Into egg crates In the delivered in synagogues. For the most part He was in the perlmenl station, that ponderosa will be given throughout the entire Pacific Northwest for shippers In crowded places, the Temple Court, the city squares, the pine less than 16 inches In dla (wo weeks. No charge Is made for Lake States. The local shippers centers where goods were bought and sold, I emphasized meter will usually be logged at a the course other than a reglstra- the prefer spruce or hemlock, which this fact once to a group of preachers. '°*a- I Hon fee of »1. gives a smoother box. Upper Willamette Candy la right for any imchh I o ii . Turn a gay crowd loose on a howl full of Eggluiatiii'a assorted candles ami your party at once becomes u glowing success. KverybiMly likes candy and If It Is Egglmunii's candy It Is pun*, wholesome and delicious, (hie of (he largest varieties of candles In the county Is here at all times ready for you. R g g im an n ’S "Where the Service la Different " Your Diet Demand» Meat In winter time more than ever meat Is needed In the diet to supply energy and produce heat. It builds you up for an efficient day’s work. Good meat Is the center of every meal. Our meats are all carefully selected, cooled and handled under sanitary conditions. Our aim Is to give you the kind of service that will bring you hack to our market smiling day after day. You will always get good meat at this market. Independent M e a t Co. I . C. S T U A R T , Free. 4th and M ain Bto — Rhone «3 "i U ------ 1 RINTINe -«r-Bffucrk-flÁó i un E F F IC IE N T PROMPT Inexpensive Phone 2 OOD printing service consists of more than delivering a certain amount of Ink and paper In the form ordered. Good printing consists of careful consideration aa to the form In which the Idea in to be presented, thoughtful selection of type faces, the right grade, weight and color of the paper, accur­ ate composition and skillful printing. , . That Is the kind of printing service you may ex­ pect from our shop. . . . and It costs no more than Inferior printing. G No matter what you printing Joh may be or In what quantities, we are confident you will find our esti­ mate of cost most Interesting, workmanship most efficient and promptness In delivery most gratifying. If you find It Inconventlent to visit our office, phone and we will call. . . . You sre under no obligation In asking us for an estimate. The Willamette Pre»» Opposite P. 0 . Springfield