T IIIK T Y -K IR S T A THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS fflLlfii'rt Committee* Olv«n Work At Flr«t Seesion Of Now Council Body NO. 62 HPHINGKIKLl), LANK COUNTY, OKMGON. TH U ltH O A V. J A N l’A ltY 17, 1034 Tax Millage Is Slightly Lower Scouts to BAPTISTS SHIFT HEALTH CONTROL Co^ Vesper e Speaker LODGE FOUNDER Girl frolic In Snow IN U.S. HONORED BIBLE SPEAKER Pregident Of Willamette Uni­ Harry Wright To Lead In­ ^iingfield Property Owners Came Follows struction Party At Winter Dr. Patmont Closed Lecture« To Pay 74.7 Mills On School Board and City Health versity Comee To Method­ Basketball Playground On Sunday ist Church On Sunday 1934 Valuations Evening Program Fof I. O. Last Night To Address Committee To Meet at City Portland Civic Croup 0. F. Members Last Night Hall To Discuss Plane The trip to tbe snow wblcb mem- Dr. Bruce Baxter, recently In Springfield property ownera will pay a la l levy of 74.7 tuilla thia stalled president of Willamette university at Haleiu, will d -liver the reaper sermon at the Hprlng­ fleld Melbodlsl church Buuduy evening at 6 o'clock It was anuoiin ii-d today by Rev. Dean C. Poin­ perfect some system whereby chil­ dexter, pastor. He Is a very lutereetlng xpeaa- dren wltb contagious or Infectious diseases can be taken from school er and baa been coustantly app-.-ar more quickly lhau at tbe presaet mg before nl-t.loua and r.thor time to avoid a poaalble epidemic. groups In this sluts since bis »•- Buclt diseases as cblcken-poi. rival last fall, lie f.aa traveled in mumps, lufluenxa aud others have virtually every country of the beeu spreading so rapidly In Ibis world, and s|-ent considerable lime pari of tbe slate that tbey are be­ In China before ruining to Ore*, m from Is» Angeiea where he wa < coming a real menace. Already tbe school at Lcahurg aaslstaul to the president of the has beeu closed because of tbe Culveralty of Houthern California large number uf school children III. at la» Angeles. The high school at Halsey has He la a lecturer, minister, and Just reopened following a shut­ teacher of rare ability, and at the down during an epidemic uf Influ­ time he waa elected to the presi­ ents. dency of Willamette university he At the meeting of the City Couu waa being sought by four other In­ ell Mouday night Dr. W. H. Pollard, stitutions as president. Young peo­ local health officer, told the coun ple find him a lender and friend. cllmen that In one class room al­ The Bunday vesper program Is most all of the pupils were either being arranged especially for young mildly sick or were recovering people. AU young people of the from an Illness. churcb are being assembled In one Members of tbe health committee large chorua for the evening and of tbe council are W. A. Taylor. It Is egpected that 106 will take P. J. Bartholomew, and Edw. Prl- part. vat. For the morning service. Rev. Poindexter will preach on the sub­ ject "The Voice of God,” at 11 ENDEAVOR PLAYERS TO o'clock. Tbe Bunday school classes GIVE THREE-ACT COMEDY will meet at 8:46. Mem tiers of the Hcbool Hoard HEALTH MEETING 18 DUE year when they pay their 193« will meet this evening at tbe city talea according to flgurea released Present Peddler Ordinance le yesterday by Heu F. Keeney, coun­ hall with members of tbe health committee uf tbe city council. Tbey O. K.j Order Payment ty aaaeaaor. will discuss the present local Thia la a reduction of t'l mills hualtb sltuatlou. end will seek lo Of Bond Interest | THREE SERVICES SUNDAY The blrtfctay on January 15. of troop had planned to take Baturday O. O. F. lodge In America was ob­ will be held regardless of tbe local | Dr. J. E. Conant Begins To­ served bere last night with a ape- snow conditions It was announced night To Continue Work dal program for the Odd Fellow. '»»« ™oraln« * Eunlce ° * r Already Started ber who Is arranging transporta- and Rebekah members following the regular I. G. O F. meotlng. The party will probably not under the levy for last year, wheu A mild form of cabinet govern the total millage was 7(6. and a io Pl««™ »«« »ut they^ Communism from Russia la fast W Il«i y wa born on January 15, go tar enough to find good gaining a strong foothold in botb uient »«> launched In Hprlugrield large reductlou from the 96 6 mill­ rill I7B2 and joined the first lodge In M China and Japan and wben this Mouduy night wbon the new City age set when the 1932 la i was England In 1804. II. came to the 'n"w A party of 36 has been planned movement has been accomplished Cuuntil held their first regular collected In 1933 United Btates Io 1817 and organ­ for the outing which will Include tbe three will become the world monthly meeting ai the city hall. Comparison of the ta i levy seg­ ised (he first lodge here at Balti­ Mrs. W. C. Wright. Mr. and Mrs., menace, a Red menace. Instead of In keeplug with hla declaration regation shows that the school more. Maryland In 1818. He was Smith. Mrs. P J. Bartholomew, 'he Yellow Peril, declared Dr i-ouU made llle prevloua week when the levy Increased, and the city and the first Grand Muster, and the Mrs. Olive J Rebhan, Mr. and Mrs R Patmont, goepel lecturer last new council was organised. Mayor county levins decreased over the firat Grand Hire. Willis Bertscb and Mr. Durhman »«ht In closing his brief stay at E M. Turner, Hatched lo all new prevloua year. Segregated millage Numb rs on the program In­ who are providing transportation. ( the Baptist church here where be bualueaa and aa rapidly aa possible for each political dlvlslou for the cluded a voca| duet by Misses Tbe four Inches of snow wblcb has given Illustrated lectures since had each Item referred to the three yeara have bevu fol Glyde Dilley and Mary Ellzabetb fell here last night and thia morn Monday evening. proper committee for Investigation I |owg; Whiluey with accompaniment by Ing will make travel slow up the I*- Patmont took bia text last and acllnu without further ronald 1934- Mcbool 30 1, City 31.« sud Mrs. Loots Itodenbough; a talk on McKenile highway, but the road from the thlrtyelghth ehap- oration by the Council aa a whole Ittate 33. total 76.7. the bl lory of the I. O. O. , F. by I W. „ , Is being kept open. Scrapers are ter of Ezekiel. After the three conn- unless this Is desired by the com IMF—School 18.6, City 33; Coun­ * " • H T - m t an d F u n ic . tra’ e,ln« “P an<1 doWD the hlihW,y tr‘ " h*’ 6 **COme rOmn,nnl’ t,,:' uiltlee members. ty and State 36. total 7«.6. Gerber. Donald Toomb and Eunice ghovlng the , now ,o either have Income completely antl- In the request of five families 1833 School 33.3, City «0.8, Coun­ . ,, side. Tbe state highway equipment Christ, they will turn on Palestine. for street graveling In the north­ ty sod S ta le . 31.6, total 86 6. Refreshments were served under passed through Springfield this : A Already lra a d v e ffo rts a re h e ln * m ade to etiorts are Dein* maoe io west portion of the city, the ques­ From the position aa the highest the direction of Lee I utman and morn(ng and opened up Mato Invade tbe Holy Land to which tion was raised as lo whether or Elmer Findley. taxed city In the county In 1833, street on both sides aa they went , thou and. of Jews have returned not the streets Involved had ever The was the first Hprlugfleld baa now dropped to .......... meeting ---------------------------- ; ; for UP the river and returned. I'" a mlwhtjr reassembling of the been graded and surfaced If they le newly elected officers of the the . . . . .. „ Boy Jewish a tio n „ , .. . , „ Nearly every member of . the Je»isn n nation bavs not been members of the third place In the last. T ai mlllags ledge. Following the business ' .. , 1. ,K II buslnesa see- Scout party which went to tbe snow Centering u/eaitn Wealth in in Judaa Judea couudl eiprmsed the opinion that totals for other cities In lume coun­ _a in fiint heeomlnc a i Ion the hsmltetbit 11 ttifli went to last week-end reported an enjoy- ty will be aa follows according to raiesune is tast D ecom ing a no gravel could be placed on the the high school where they played able time. Many others from wealthy land and the Dead Sea Mr. Keeney: Coburg, 68 7; Cottage roadways except that It be charged and defeated the Oakridge team Springfield visited the snow play i »r a Is one of the wealthiest mln- as an Improvement ta i against ad Orovtg 76 4. Creswell. 61.3; Eu­ 28-18 Following the game the ground during the day. gene, 66.0; Florence, 83.0; Junction \ eral an<1 »"»«I«« Producing re- Joining properly. Only property on players on both teams went back Thls week-end the Obsidians are Klons In the world, declared the which Improvement aaeeasiuenta City, 68.7; and Uakrldge. 66.8. to the hall for their refreshments. starting their series ol ski instruc speaker. Russia needs tbe fertt- have been levied must be kept In Lineup of the two teams was as tlon outings. Harry Wright Is to 11 «»r fro“ area an<1 eventually repair, and If no tai tor this pur­ follows: lead the party the coming Sunday these three and other world powers pose has been paid the Improve­ O akridge 19 Springfield 28 and each following Sunday for sev-l »<» swe«P ">“> “ «“«*«* ments will have to be made by Ute ___ Michael *ral weeks, some member of the the Jews in battle. At thia tima Hawke 4 "Where's Grandma,' a tbree-act property owners or be charged Smith io' 12 F comedy, will be presented by tbe EXAMS TO CLOSE FIRST club will lead the outing and will *>•«“ ’ »> descend to earth on the against the property. The street Spatz 10 give practical demonstrations In Mount of Olives. the mountain will young people of the Christian SEMESTER AT SCHOOLS Ernstlng 6 , ........c ....... committee will Investigate this. Flock lj Mattison 4 1 .....o ....... church at the blgb school Friday the handling of ski and etfuipment. divide, fire will pour down from To Investigate Qaoollne Sharp 2) O F. Squires 2 heaven and other phenomena will Final examinations will be given evening at 8 o'clock. Proceeds from The contract with a major gaso- Sprague Gerber __ ... 8 appear. The Invading hordes will Uns company for quantity dellvws Winberry Resident Since 1907 the play will be used to establish a at the high school today and to­ B. Squires ..........8 ___ ....... Bates 2. become panic stricken and will tea of gasoline at reduced prices Passes At Home Saturday; cburc'b library In tbe Christian morrow for the first semester. Six Everett Squires: referee. slaughter one-another and all hut week quizzes were held earlier In church. was again presented The finance Interment At Mt. Vernon Next week the local team plays 144,000 of the Jews will be des­ Included In tbe cast of players the week. Starting next Monday committee Is making an Invsatlga Cottage Grove and Coburg here at troyed. all In accordance with the segond half nt the school year tlon to determine what arrange­ Funeral services for Mark E. are Klva Moyer aa Grandma. Altle 7:30 on Monday and Thursday Bibical prophecy. Dr. Patmoot told will get under way. Manning aa Gretchen Blake; Bill ments can be made for local pur­ Golden, Wlnberry resident who evenings respectively. bis large audience which filled Cox aa Bob Blake; Kenneth Smith chases of gasoline. died at bis home ttaturday morn­ every available space In the local Mure chairs are needed at tbe ing. were held from the Poole as Midnight; Mina Peterson aa IUKA MEMBERS PLAN church. Several stood and others MOONEY FUNERAL HELD Dahlia; Dawn Ctnrch aa Carol City ball With a full attendance at chapel here Tuesday afternoon at BENEFIT TEA FRIDAY Alfred Wheeler Operater Of left after tiring of standing. each council meeting eight chairs 3 o'clock. Dr. E. V. Stivers offici­ Worley; Martin Clark aa Jack Wor AT LOWELL SATURDAY Sawmill Here On Mill St., Sees Prophecy Fulfillment are needed In tbe council ruom. ated. and lutermeul was made In ley, Beulah Thurman as Arllne,| Members of Iuka circle. Ladies This war will be the Battle of Forty Years Ago Truesdale, and Lela Peterson Funeral services for the late The city does not have that many the Mt Vernou cemetery. auxlltsry of the O A. R. will hold Armageddon. After It la over tha of Its own and visitors at the coun­ a benefit lea tomorrow irternoon Charles Mooney were held at Lo­ Mr llolden was born November Lucy King. A lfred W h eeler. b?tter known | j eW9 wm spend seven months well church Saturday at 2:30. In­ cil meetings frequently have to 13. 1878 snd lived at Madeira. Call at the home of Mrs. Alice Doane. here as "Allie" Wheeler, who pass­ burying the dead and their bones. stand The finance committee will forula for several years before com­ The program will be held at 2 terment was made In the Lowell ed away in Portland on Jacuary 5. COVERED WAGON IS TO Then tbey will spend another seven cemetery by the Veatch chapel who purchase sis chairs and one stool ing to the Uig Fall creek country o'clock and all Interested persons was well-known resident of Sprlng- years cleaning up the rubbish and had charge of arrangements. BE SHOWN AT SCHOOL are Invited. Health Officer Reports 38 years ago In 1807. ' field In the early history of the spoils of war. A small party of the Dr. W II Pollard, city health of­ lie was married 30 years and city recalled Harry M. Stewart this army from the North, meaning The motion picture. Covered ficer, presented his report for 183« leaves his widow. Ida Golden, three week. Funeral services for Mr. Russia, will eecape and will return In which he urged that the council chlldreu, Mary, Kalella. aud Joe, Wagon. 1s to be shown- at the Lin­ Wheeler were held Sunday with to their country. The Jews will be­ coln school Friday, January 18. have quarantine cards printed. He at borne, one sister, Mrs. Stella interment In the Coburg cemetery. come apostles of Christ and mis­ Two showing will be held, one at also urged that covers be required Myer, |„ Seattle, and one brother, About 40 years ago Wheeler, to- sionaries and will work peacefully 9 a. m. for students at tbe Lincoln on all garbage cans of 10 gallon E(, o<)|,jen, In Missouri. gether with hla two younger among all nations. For one thoua- school, aud another at one o’clock capacity or more, and advocated lie was a member of the Metb- brothers and his father, operated and years there will he peace and for students at the Bratlaln school. a semi annual clean up of the dlsl church. * », ____________ i a sawmill on the mlllrace near the quiet with no thoughts of war. The general public If Invited to streets and alleys Instead of only carried forward January 1. 1934, site of the old Hour mill. He was n , lg wlU be the Millennium, the either showing. Admltslon charges once a year as Is done al the pres­ Springfield's Operating Ex­ was 329.864.51. Warrants Issued at one time superintendent of one period 7>f peace and quiet before DEVELOP NEW LIGHTING are five cents for each student, and ent time. penses Held Well Below during 1934 amounted to 324.656.01 I of the Booth Kelly sawmills the final Judgment. 10 cents for each adult or student The council also accepted a re­ SIGN; OBTAIN PATENT In the Junior high school or above. Dr. Patmont spent some time Actual Cash Income or a total of 354.519.52. Warrants One of his brothers. T. C. Wheel- quest of the school hoard to have _______ and Interest paid during the year er. ns now cashier of the First Na- showing his audience why It Is nec- The film Is highly entertaining and the health commltle«- of the coun­ A new type of Illuminated sign _____ to 329.906.96. leaving a i tional bank at Cottage Grove. The essary for the reader of the Bible cil meet with them lo discuss local known as the Art Lite sign has has an educational background as DEBT IS ALSO REDUCED amounted balance of warrants outstanding other brother, O. A. Wheeler, live« to know the language of the day, well. health problems. been produced locally by a group the time when the Bible was writ- Total Indebtedness Is $149,- of 326.222.91. a reduction of 33,- in Portland. To Pay Bond Internet of Eugene land Sprlngflold men 684.05. These outstanding war- While a resident of 9prtngfleld ten, to understand the prophecy, A bond Internal payment In the who are Intereeted in tbe new ven­ 273.47: Bonds $123,050.56, rants are divided as follows- Gen- Mr. Wheeler was very active In He told of studying tho ancient sum of 3443.60 to be paid from the ture. A patent for the process has BROTHERHOOD TO HEAR Warrants $26.222.91 eral fund. 322.541.73: Library, the city band. The city had a large history of the Far Eastern coun- bond Interest fund, was ordered been obtained and the man are OF TOWNSEND PENSION 3259 94; and Street Improvement, t-n d at that time which brought tries In which he learned much of made on February 1. These bonds waltlug now for some new form of The City of Springfield closed much favorable comment for the | t|,e origins of these people lone he- Charles L. Paine, district organi­ the year with Its finances In better 33,421.24. are held locally and In Eugene ac­ gas being manufactured In Seattle Total receipts from all sources citizens here. fore the Did Testament Bible was cording to I. M Peterson, city re which will eliminate the necessity ser for the Townsend Old Age Pen­ shape than they have been for sev­ during the year amounted to 330,-! Mr. Wheeler is survived by his written. The destruction of Lot and carder. for a transformer. Phil Bartholo­ sion plan, will be the principal eral years past. Budget expendi­ 384.09. including the 313.890 68 for widow, three sons, and one daugh-; t,is people, of the Axetcs and the Writing of several small war­ mew. one of the men Interested In speaker at the monthly meeting of ture« were approximately 30 per­ Mayans, was permitted by the Lord rants for city purchases will be the development of the sign pro­ (he men's Brotherhood at the Meth­ cent below the estimated budget, operating expenses. This leaves te. ------------------------- because this was an act of mercy. dlscourag<-d, but salary warrants cess. says It will be used In making odist church Monday evening. Mr. also below tbe actual rash Income, a balance together with that car­ These people were living In a day Paine's address will follow the thereby reducing the warrant debt ried forward from 1933 of 35.320 56 TWO ENTERTAIN AT for city employees will be cut up Illuminated house number signs. rebellion and had become hard- BRIDGE WEDNESDAY usual 6:30 potluck dinner. All In­ says C. A. Horton, auditor. In his Most of this Is in bond sinking Into as many warrants as are need­ _______ ened. Their destruction prevented and bond Inter« st. — terested persons are Invited. ed by the employee to aid him In KENSINGTON MEMBERS summary of the annual audit of Of the 324.655 01 for which war- Mrs. W N. Dow and Mrs. Cllf- an offspring which would have to disposing of them despite the fact Springfield books which was pres­ rants were issued. 37.820.76 was ford Wilson entertained at the eventually bear the punishment lhat this practice means ever In- GUESTS OF MRS. REBHAN ented to the rlty council at their applied on bond interest, and 37,-1 home of Mrs. Dow yesterday after- were they living at the time of STAR PLANS FOR VISIT i reaalng work for the treasurer In meeting Monday evening. 500.19 wns drawn from the bond noon In honor of Mrs. Larson Judgment or at the 'End Time', as Members of the Kensington club figuring Interest and keeping track OF HIGH STATE OFFICER Although the city budgeted 31«.- sinking fund to pay delinquent Wright. Twenty-four guests w ere, the speaker preferred to refer to were entertained Friday afternoon of the holders of the warrants at the home of Mrs. Olive J. Reb­ Plans for the visit here on Feb­ 397.40 for operating expenses dur­ bonds. Total bonds outstanding at - present and the afternoon was the end of the world. when they are called. ing 1934. actual receipts amounted the close of the past year amount- ' spent In bridge and conversation.: Gospel Hardened A proposed peddler's ordinance han. Mrs. Melville 8. Jonee was ruary 19 of Mrs. Peterson, grand to only 313.890.68. Actual expendi­ ed to 3123 550.56. of which 3105.-! High score prlxe went to Mrs Laur- In losing his talk he said tha the assisting hostess during the conductress of the Order of East­ was tabled on recommendation of tures from this fund amounted to 500.00 are general obligation bonds, ence Moffitt, with second prlxe be- people of America had become Die committee named at a previous afternoon which was speut with ern Star for Oregon, were made only 39.174 45, leaving a cash bal­ and 318.060.56 are Bancroft Im- tng won by Mrs. W. K. Barnell. Re- Gospel hardened. They do not res- meeting to Investigate the present sewing. Mr. Dean U. Poindexter here Tuesday evening at the regu­ and Mr. E. E. May were guests of lar meeting of the local chapter. A ance of 34.716.23. to he applied to provement bonds. This is a reduc- ' freshments were served late In the pond to the Gospel preaching any law The present ordinance has more. In years past it was common Hon of 37500.19 from 3131,060.76 afternoon by the two hostesses, the club. Next month the meeting 6:30 potluck dinner preceded the reduce warrant Indebtedness. teeth enough If II Is enforced, and after an evangelistic service for <0 on January 1, 1934. The following figures show the will be held at the home of Mrs. business meeting. (he proposed one la loo rigid, they The warrant call being carried HOLDREDGE RITES HELD or more P«rson« to stand up and actual expenditures made In the C. E. Swarts with Miss Edna agreed. operation of the city during the In this Issue of the News cleans Swarts as assistant hostess. r i i r r w r C iT IID n iV ,ake the,r vow to aerTe chr,at- Argue Auto Sticker Fund up the final city warrants issued Al O A IU K U " whereas today In the same slae NEEDLECRAFT CLUB TO past fiscal year: Any money which the city re­ The warrant sinking fund of in 1930 and starts the_ payment on fQr Mrg Hor j *2 ^ SECOND STUDENT DANCE corder earns In addition to hla sal­ RECEIVE NEW MEMBERS 3920.86 brought In only 3697.8* those lasued in 1931. Few warrants tense Holdrldge. who passed away and sometimes none. All evangel­ ary paid by the city, through his WELL ATTENDED FRIDAY Mrs. A. T. Peterson. Mrs. Murton which has been applied In reduc­ were Issued during 1932-33 and the , at her home near Trent Wednea- ists tell the same story, he de- appointment as assistant secretary first half of 193« as the city paid of ]3s( wevk wefe h#w Sat. clared. of state to sell auto license stickers An even larger crowd of young llall, and Mrs. Robert Chatterton tion of the debt. mornlng at 11 o'clock from , % » « ly thia morn- A summary of the debt situation current expenses in cash during snd tag applications belongs to the people and adults attended the sec­ will he Initiated Into the Needle- I the Poole chapel In Eugene. Inter- j for 7 ° ; “ “ ^ 7hher* a- rlty and must be deposited In the ond of the student dances at the craft club this evening at the home also shows that the warrant total th°’ p J"*"' .. 1 liver a lecture at the Civic auditor- ment was made In the Pleasant general fund. If the councilman Armory Friday evening than at­ of Mrs. F. B. Flanery, hostess, B ud get C o m p a ris o n 1934 lum. Later he win speak at Drain see fit they may reimburse the re­ tended the first dance during the starting at 8 o'clock. Bal. orOD Hill cemetery. Budget Expended and Yoncalla, and on February 7 corder as expense money, all or Christmas holidays. Music was fur­ 75.50 124.50 200.00 Audit he will leave oi. a visit to sixteen part of the 26 cent fees collected, nished by Ted Lenhart and hts REBEKAH GIRLS CLUB 40.06 100.00 Advertising foreign countries to lead a tour but this muat be In the form of a dunce bund. On the committee In 160.00 LINCOLN SCHOOL FRIDAY which he will conduct for a steam- Annual Cleanup ................................ 150.00 MEETING TO BE FRIDAY general fund warrant ao long aa charge were Burbara Burnell, 20.00 30.00 Fuel City Hall .................................. 50.00 ----------- ship line. the city Is operating on a warrant George Irwin, Irving Durr, and 240.00 | Regular monthly meeting of the Mootings to Continue Monthly meeting of the F. L. City Attorney ................................... 2«0.00 hasla This was the substance of| lk)rU M„rle Robinson. 1492.58 Parent Teacher association will be Hh, gervtcM 3che<,uied her. 257.42 1750.00 club of Juanita Rebekah lodge will Emerge.icy ................................ a ruling on the auto llcenae law 946.08 671.32 held at the Lincoln school Friday throuigh Friday evening were cut be held at the home of Mias Doris Fire Deportment ........................ .. 1617.10 given the council hy James K. handling of this mutter, lu the Girard Friday evening. Miss Dale 13.26 at 3:16. A prlxe Is to be given to short by h,g other prW)glng 136.75 150.00 Health Office .............................. sheriff's office the fees are paid King, new city attorney. 69.82 180.18 the room which has the largest per- gaKelnentg -j>he prophetic tecturas 250.00 Daniels will be the assistant host State Industrial Commission It was pointed out by others that Into the general fund, but in out­ ess for the evening. OD 3.06 ventage of parents present at this contlnue at the Baptlgt church 3423.06 3420.00 Light and Water ......................... the city was In no way Involved In lying districts the fees are paid the 645.44 Library ................................................ 640.00 94.56 meeting. tonight and on through Sunday the collection of these fees, but worker for his services. 50.00 100.00 Airport 50 0,1 ' with three services. Dr. J. E. Con- STUDENTS MAKING OWN Call for Warmnda Hint all responsibility rested with 1500.00 846.60 Police .. 653.40 ' CARD CLUB MEETING TO 8nt. D. D. of Chicago, nationally The summary of the annual fin­ SNOW SPORT EQUIPMENT Mr. Peterson, even to the extent 966.16 Recorder .............................................. 1000.00 44'“ | BE IN EUGENE TO NIG HT famous as a Bible exploiter aad of making advances from his own ancial report for 1934 was given by 180.00 180.00 Treasurer ........*.— _______ I evangelist, will continue the series Students at the high school are pocket for postage on the dally re­ Chester Aldrich, treasurer, and he 1720.42 3050.00 1339.58 Street Department Miss Joey Hardy will be hostess of meetings. Dr. Conant was at one making toboggans and ski this was ordered to call *1,000 of gen­ ports sent to Salem. Peterson waa this evening for members of the time connected with the extension week In the manual training de­ told to present a bill to the coua- eral fund warrants. 3 6222.95 O.-No card club which Is to meet division of the Moody Bible Instl- 314397.40 3 9174.45 partment under the direction of All councilman, the mayor, re­ cll at the next meeting for the sum Budget ................................................. 314397.40 at the home of Mrs. A rah Nell tute. he had collected and the council corder, and treasurer and city at­ Glen Martin, Instructor. One tobog Expended ..................... 63.7%....... 9174.45 Brlckey In Eugene. Bridge will be Services announced for the rent would allow all or part of It and torney were present for the meet­ gan Is being constructed of ply played. I (Concluded on Pnge «) wood. establish a rule for tbe future ing. 3 6222.96 Unexpended GOLDEN FUNERAL RITES HELD HEBE Thom as W lldey, founder of the I. EÍBLI CITIZEN City Finances Are In Better Condition