The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 10, 1935, Page 4, Image 4

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    LODGE MEMBERS Camelia Plant
Blooming Now
Beautiful Blossoms Come Out
Month Early; Few Are
Large Delegation Of Viaitora
Grown Locally
Attend Joint Installation
Ceremonies On Monday
Cantella bloaaoms. strange wai
Malin» Snodgrass and Raleigh
Morris were Installed as the Noble
Grands or Juanita Rebekah and
Springfield 1. O. 0, F lodge« res­
pectively Monday evening at a
Joint installation conducted by Mrs.
Uleun Stone, district deputy presi­
dent. for the Rebekahs, and Rich­
ard Johns, district deputy grand
waster, of Westpoint lodge at Co­
burg. for the Odd Fellows. Mrs.
Alberta Walker and John Stuckey
both o( Eugene, were the marshals.
The Installation followed the re­
gular business meeting during
which Mrs. Clara Snodgrass was
elected trustee for three years.
Mrs. Ernest Black, for two years,
and Mrs. Roea Montgomery for one
Preceding the business session
the entire group enjoyed a potluck
supper which was attended by <0.
Seventy-tive, 52 members and 23
visitors from Eugene. Coburg and
Irving attended the lodge sessions.
Other Rebekah officers installed
are: Crystal Bryau. vice-grand;
Zella Cantrell, warden; Irma Nolt.
conductress: Mrs. Montgomery,
chaplain; Eunice Gerber, past
noble grand; Bernice Conoly. In­
side guardian; Clarine Putman, out­
side guardian; Mrs. Clara Snod­
grass. " right support to the noble
grand; Mrs. Lillian Black, left sup
port to the noble grand; Mrs. Elea­
nor Turrell, left support to the vice­
grand; Mrs. Minnie Qtrard. right
support to the rice grand; Mrs.
Cora Hinson, financial secretary;
Doris Girard, recording secretary;
and Mrs. Marie Pohl, treasurer.
Odd Fellows Seat Officers
Odd Fellows' officers installed in
addition to Mr. Morris were Lynn
Stone, vice-grand; Oswald Olson,
secretary; B. G. Sankey. treasurer;
and E. E. Pyne, past grand. Ap­
pointive officers installed were W.
F. Walker, right supporter to noble
grand; Roland Moehier. left sup
porter to the noble grand; Lee
Putman, warden; Ernest Black,
right supporter to the vice-grand;
and Waiter Ebbert. left supporter
to the vice-grand; John Ketels.
conductor; Wm. Strunk, chaplain;
Elmer Findley, inside guardian,
and Howard Cotton, outside guard­
After the installation Mrs. J. E.
Richmond of Eugene sang several
vocal solos with accompaniment by
Mrs Roland Moshier. A short talk
was made by W. F. Walker.
like flowers which have the frail
appearance of artificial creations,
are now blooming in Springfield
The flowers do not usually bloom
until February, but this season the
first ones began opening In the
yard of the 8. C. Wright home
shortly after Christmas. Another
plant of double blossoms Is budded
out and will bloom soon at the
Harry Stewart home. Both are a
delicate pink.
Few of the plants are growing in
Springfield, although there art
many of them in Portland, especial­
ly at the beautiul Lambert Gar­
dens. They are also grown as far
north as In England and Scotland
They are sometimes known as the
English Channel rose.
The plant in the Wright yard
was purchased about eight years
ago and now stands about five feet
In height. It had more than 200
buds on it. more than 100 of which
have yet to bloom, and Is kept
covered to protect the flowers from
the wind and rain The plant was
given a severe set back a few years
ago when Lane county expe. ’enced
a severe winter, and It has never
had so many buds and flowers any
previous year says Mr. Wright.
The plant in the Stewart yard ts
about two years old and has had
only a tew blossoms each year.
Both of the plants were brought to
this city rom Portland.
Some of the plants have white
flowers, and there are different
species of plants, with different
leaf formations according to Mr
Wright. The leaves on the plants
are also waxen, giving the entire
cut flower an artificial appearance.
H. D. Pillsbury, president of The
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
company, laat week became chair­
man of the board of directors. Mr.
Pillsbury's advancement came as
a part of a realignment of official
responsibilities in the company car
ried out recently by the board of
directors. Mr. PtUsbury. who has
been with the telephone company
continuously for 3« years, entered
the telephone business in 1898 In
the legal department and became
president In 1925. Pillsbury has
been an outstanding figure in the
telephone industry o the Pacific
Coast and in his many years of
service he has devoted himself to
Marriage Licenses
the highest ideals of service both
Marriage licenses have been Is­ to the people in the business and
sued at the county clerk's office to the general public.
during the past week to the follow­
N. R. Powley, operating vice-
ing: Robert Stayton and Bernice president, succeeds Pillsbury as
Ingalls, both of Engene; Warren president, and Vice President C. E.
Green and Evangeline Maher, both Fleager. Powley's assistant for the
of Eugene; Allen Keith of Casca­ j past six years, was elected vice-
dia and Marie Petteway of Spring president in charge of operations.
field. Edwin Bushnell. Eugene, and
C Mae Raybonld of Salt Lake City; QUARTERLY MEETING OF
and Arln B. Nye, Junction City,
route 2. and Alice Brock of Goshen. BAPTIST CHURCH TONITE
The quarterly business meeting
of the Springfield Baptist church
will be held this evening following
One 50c jar of Amberlatum, a potluck supper at 6:30. Reports
one 50c bottle cough syrup from all departments and comrnlt-
ana one 50c
t>uc package of
or cold tee8 will
heard, and a social
eapsules all for 98c at Scott’s ' evening wm be held foiowtng the
StO re'
1 business session.
Irish-Murphy Co.
Best Service Our Aim
Our big grocery is eq uipped to serve the home
people in the best of style and with quality food
products priced as low as can be found anywhere.
Your best interest is our best interest when it comes
to groceries.
Columbia River Smelt, Oysters and Salmon, now In
season, will be found fine and fresh.
serve you better in sea food products.
We want to
JV.O.W. InstaUs
In Open Program
Goes to Albany—W. K. Itameli
Visitor From Waltsrvllle— Mrs.
Daisy Pugh Is New Guardian
Waller Carter of Waltervllle wss a mad»* it business trip Io Albany lo
B ankers Associa­
H. S. Seniors Take
Neighbor At Public In­
visitor In Springfield Friday.
A m e ric a n
tion P resid en t A nnounces
M o v e to S tim u la te B ank
N e w s p a p e r A d v e rtis in g
Salam Man Hero— Charlea Wiper1
bp* alna Ankle— Mr.», halle Brum
etie sprained he.' i.iiHe reco ill ' Salem business man. was a visitor j tine hundred persona were pres­
III Springfield Thursday morning ' ent for the public Installation of
when »he fell In ill * woodshed
He was formerly manager of Real
,*,rcl, . N. , ghbor.
NEW YORK. — Plans tor stimulat­
Collect Bounty— George McCall
uf W(H^ c ra „ . hrW |o t ,,|ght. Re*
ing wider use of Informative news­ j ley of Mabel collected the county Haven Memorial park.
paper advertising hy banks In pro-
Homs from Hospital Frank til , Hrlug l’a»l (luuidlan Neighbor.
motiug public understanding and l bounty ou one bobcat at the office sou was brought home from the ' Uiviin Binile, w» , ilio Installing ut-
confidence In regard to existing! “t the count» clerk Friday,
Pacific hoapltnl Wedneaday. lie 1 ficci
banking condition» aad methods i „ „ operation—Frank Olaou un
The follow Ing olflcvr* were
a major operation Sat
have been announced by R. S. Hecht.
President of the American Banker, dm went a major operation at the urday.
Maxwell Pohl. past guardian
Association, as a part of his organ Pacific hoapltnl In Eugene . aim
Daughter Born Hero
Mr. and , neighbor; Daisy Pugh, guardian
tsation's activities In aid of recovery, day.
Mrs. Limi Cheshire are the parents neighbor; Rachel Thntcher, ail,
A general groundwork waa pre­
Frank Dlbbiee Is of a baby daughter born to them
visor; Stella Eaton. magician;
pared through a nationwide survey I Brother He
Of advertising by hanks relative to here from Everett. Washington to Thursday moniin;. January 10. Jewel
their willingness to extend Justlfl-' visit with his brother. II. O. Dlb 1035 at the home ol .Mr». Cheahlre’a Stella Lewis, hanker; Kay Mtevena.
able loans to Industry and trade, j <>low.
mother, Mr». It. S Johns.
captain of the guards; Grace FIs
This, he said, revealed that a large i
her, flag bearer; Elate Lambert,
number In all parts of the country
Class Rings Here—Seniors at the
are pursuing aggressive policies high school received their 1936 HAPPY HOUR CLUB HEARS Inner sentinel; Lily Kiser, outer
sentinel; Dori» Girard, musldal;
along this line and encouraging their ,-iass ring» Monday. The rings have
TALK ON GRAND OPERA Alice Donne. gNomlt Hellerbrand.
customer» to develop forward-look- lbK
initial« with a large center
| and Edith Laxton, manager«; Myr-
lag business plans. "It Is our atm to #ud Blnaller M S- ou either aide.
aid In fostering this constructive at­
Melubers of the Happy Hour club
Kggtmanu. correspondent; M ill
titude w berever possible." he said.
Heme from Heap,tai— Ro4**je heard a lecture ou the opera Mon
utraril, clerk; ad Clarine Pul
The association's Advertising De­ Joliiff returned home from tho Fa day afteruoou wheu they met at mgn> senior guardian neighbor.
partment. under the direct supervi­ ifii hospital thia wiek. He had Hie hume nt Mrs. Olive Rebhau. | j,\,r
program which waa proa
sion of the general executive offl- neeu a patient th-'re for the past'Mrs. k O(# McGrew lectured, aud
Pohl Hie the following
cere, has prepared, at the headquar­
I both Mr». McGrew and Mia» Robin numhera were heurd.
ters In New York City, an informa­ >ix weeks.
I.eVee. one of her students, sang
"Come Where the Lilies Grow.'
tive advertising series for the use of
Parents of Bon— Mr. and Mr».
member banks in the association to Erueal Skinner are th« parent» of »olo» with Maude Deuatnore ua au vocal by the Murphy Moahler quar
i uuipaiilgt. Mr«. W. K. llaruell. lei with accompaniment by Mlaa
aid them In developing In their own
communities better general public a baby aon born to them at the chairman of the music committee,!
Cuipilngliani; reeillng by
understanding regarding banking. I Pacific hoapttal in Eugeue on Mon- was in charge of the program.
Maxwell and Virginia Pohl; violin
i day. January 7. 1*36.
Mr Hecht said.
Mrs. Leota Hodenbough visited and g„uar number» by Henry Her
Th« Theme »1 New Advertising
Injurea Arm—J. K. Kissinger of the club as representative from the b,,r auj Ooueld Toomb. accordlan
“The underlying (heme of this ad- Fall Creek sustained a fractured Happy Evening club, and Mr«, j mmiber« by Mr. Toomb; a play.
vertlsing Is that sound banking ts
Mouday afternoon when Dean C. Poindexter waa named to
Time." by Mr. and Mrs
k a ln fn l
h u m a n
r relations
o la t ln n a
. .
based on
lie fell at hla home. He was carry return the visti to the Evening A|„x Stevens. Alice Doane. Rachel
and that it bas a unity of Interest
group at their next meeting later Thatcbar aud Hasel Burnett; song
with the people of Its community Uig In some wood.
In the month. Other guests at the by Bubble Pugh; and talk by Ida
which binds them together with «
Visit from North Bend—Mr. and affair were Mr». Marlon Hall. Mra. Adams, grand repreaentatlve
common purpose." he said.
"We are contldent that tt a clear .Mrs. Buford Eight of North Bend Clarence Chaae. Mrs. Robert Chat-1
understanding of this Is brought arrived here Wedneaday for a terton. and Mrs. Evangeline Hurd ARETAN(A MEMBERS TO
home to the people In all our bank- short v isit Mrs. Klght and Miss
Assisting the hostess were Mra.
Ing communities. It wilt go far In re- j Doris Girard will go to Portland Maude Bryan. Mrs. Ella Lombard., HAVE VALENTINE PARTY
atoring the public confidence which | Friday for the week-end.
and Mrs. C. E. Wheaton
good banking deserves. A bank In
Plans or a 81. Valeutlne party to
which people deservedly believe Is
Visits Mother—Mr, and Mrs. R. Carl Olaou will entertain for the be held next month were made
doubly safe It Is to the public Inter- : iirtle of Loma. Montana, are here next meeting and she will be a
------------------ -------------------- - - - - ------------------------------
| «„»«a hv Mr. I M Peterson mid here Tuesday evening by member«
est for the people to have confidine« j visiting at the home of her mother, »l»ted by Mr». I. m . i vier u
. . .
. .. .
M.. u II «,.1,.rr..»here Mem of Arelanla guild who met In the
tn their banks.
Mrs Jennie Baruard. Mrs. U. Plrtl« •
d arU , ec ■ church basement. They also dla-
“We feel that bank advertising
of Portland Is also visiting at the >« » *
charge cussed attendance of the group at
has a special public duty to perform
° °
h World Wide Guild meeting to
lu this connection under existing Ituruard home here.
j oi the program.
held tn Eugene next month.
conditions. The copy which will be
Vi.;t *♦ Corvallla- Mr». Arthur
Francee Keeler w»e leader In the
supplied In the service we have de­ Peterson aud Mrs. Alfred Town
veloped will not only aid the Individ­
discussion on Japan A potluck sup­
ual bank In promoting the use of Its send went to Corvallis Friday to
TO BE REMEMBERED per at 6 >0 opened the evening pro­
own facilities tut Is also aimed to
bring about with the aid of newspa­ Peterson's sister, Mrs. Wm. Dari-
Hattie Mitchell missionary cir­
per advertising a clearer publle lag.
cle members will observe the birth­ MASONS TO RESUME
viewpoint regarding Its essential
Hold Party— Mr. aud Mrs. R. L. day of Miss Hattie Mitchell, for
place In the life of Its community."
Mr. Hecht emphasized In regard Ilrury were boats at their home Prl- whom the organisation was uamed.
to the new advertising facilities be­ iluy evening for Mr. aud Mrs
Starting Jan. 26 with a potluck
ing offered to the members of the as­ Walter Drury and son. George, and held ut the home of Mias Mitchell’«
upper, member» of Liberty Ma
sociation that they are not a profit daughter, Helen, Mrs. Minnie later, Mrs. D. B Murphy It
making venture nnd that there Is no Drury. Miss Irma Drury, aud Mr. decided Tuesday evening hen the "OB,C |od«” W,U
Intention to disturb existing adver­ and Mrs. Franklin Drury.
group met at the home of Miss monthly «octal meeting« for the
tising arrangements, the Idea being
Hazel Nesbitt. Miss Mitchell la now winter month«.
that these institutional services
Each evening will feature the
Return From Vacation— Mr. ami in Africa doing missionary work.
shall supplement rather than re­
111 be followed by
place present plans, or that they will
C ir. I.- girls went to the home of « » " I" • » <
give assistance to member hanks
year will be limited to members
lacking satisfactory arrangements. spent lu southern California anil Mr». W. A. Taylor where I they
the San Francisco bay region lu Joined the older ml»«lon»ry group of the local lodge, to members of
O* K 8 chapter, famille.
California. They attended the Ea«t- and heard a talk by Ml»» Gloria
MANY BANKS LONG LIVED West football game on New Year's | Well«
of both group«, and to members of
who ha» recently returned
other Masonic groups.
Irom the missionary work in
In the U n ite d States—
I6N Bunk« over 100 >enrt old.
2,472 Bank« over SO year» old.
10.391 Bank« over
25 year« old.
I McKenzie
Day" Today; Boy Scouts
To Spend Waak-and
Forty members of the senior
class al the Hprlugfleld high at'*1001
left Hit« moriilug lor While Branch
t>, creation area to hold their annual
sueuk day enjoying snow spoils.
They were accompanied by Glenn
Mai Hu. d a -• advisor aud nthera.
Member« of Hie Hprlugfleld Boy
Bcoul troop are to «ujoy au out lug
In the snow thia weekend also.
Final arrangems'lU» for the oullug
were made laat night at the scout
Eighteen boy« are to make the
trip leaving here at different tlmea
Saturday afternoon aud Bunday
morning Dr. W. N. Dow, II K
Maxey. C. F Barber, Glenn Mar­
lin. Larson Wright and M, H. Hunt-
ly will leave with moat of Ibe boys
Baltirduy afternoon for McKenxle,
bridge where they will apenil the
night at the Wright and Wlleon
cabins on Horse creek. Ilunlly will
bv the cook aud on Huuday morn­
ing llie boy» will be taken to the
»now »11« for their outing. They
will lake lunches with them from
llie cabin» for Bunday according to
Bluart and Wright, In charge of
the food
Mr Bluart wilt ¡leave Bunday
morning early and will take boys
with hlui who ure unable Io go
Baturday afternoon
A parly of Hprlugfleld boya
«petit Tue day III the »now Held»,
und a targe number of other per­
sona here are planning to »pend
next Bunday at the snow »Be.
Gertrude Graven Martin, aoprano,
aud Jane Tliiguer, pianist and ac-
eiimpaul«t. will be pre«enled In a
benefit concert Bunday, January
13. at the school of music auditor­
ium at 3 o'clock.
Thle concert le for tho benefit
of the I’lil Mu Alpha erholerablp
fund, which give« five separate
scholar hip«, at the beginning of
llie year to entering freabmen, at
the University of Oregun School of
Music. Tlt»-»e scholarship» are In
voice, piano, woodllnda, violin und
"Christian Education" will be the
subject of the morning service at
the Chrlallan church. Rev. Veltle
Pruitt, pastor, will speak. There
will be »pedal music. The young
people of the church will conduct
Ibe evening servloe. The program
ha» not been announced.
Valley |
J. W. Fountain waa re-elected GAIN DURING PAST YEAR
There are in the United States 168
banka that have been In continuous preaideut of the McKenxle Valley
Total receipts at the Springfield
existence for more than one hundred
” mpaBy „ their annual
pcstofflce for 1934 were $6.638 66.
year». There are 2.472 banka oaer
fifty year» old. w h ile 6 t% of a ll th e
»eld Monday evening at It wa» announced this week by
bank, in thl. country, or 19.391. are Waltervllle. Mr». Edith Page I. the Harry M Btewart, acting postmas­
twenty-ttve year, old or older.
,ecretary-trea»urer, Wm. Hucka, ter. The total for the final quar­
In other words, practically two- vice-president, and Walter Carter, ter of the year was $2,166.41 or a
thirds of the banks In this country manager for three years,
have come through several succes-
Mrg Verne Caldwell and Mrs. gain of $322 22 over the total for
sive period- or depression and panic, waiter Millican entertained at the the same quarter In 1933. The
Including 11.07. 1914. 1920 and 1929- home o( the forujw wHh a doub,e average Increase for the year was
estimated at 17 per cent.
i bridal shower recently to honor
The oldest bank In the country Is
in Boston, having been chartered | Mrs. Erie Hart, a recent bride, and
February 17. 1784
Miss Neva Currant, who has an
In the 64% of banks that are twen- nounced her forthcoming marriage
Monthly meeting of the Women's
ty-five years old or older Is lodged i to Robert Millican,
a major portion of the banking re- : Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Don Missionary society of the Baptlat
sources of the nation. In comment- ' | ami>ort gathered at their home church was held Tuesday evening
ing recently upon the stability of a on upper Camp Creek last Thurs­ at the home of Mrs. Wallace
great majority of the banks In the day evening to charivari these new Hawk. Mrs. Homer Chase was In
United States. Dr. Harold Btonler,
charge of the program which fee
Educational Director of the Ameri­ lyweds. The couple were married
at Vancouver, Washington, on Dec­ tured curent events. Devotional*
can Bankers Association, said
"The fad that we have so many ember 27, and have kept their wed were led by Mrs. May Ogllsvle.
banks that have been In existence a ding a secret since that time. Mrs.
long period of years Is an eloquent I Lambert has been a member of j
Lectures at Coburg
tribute to the genius of American ! the senior class at Springfield high !
Rev. W. 8. Burgoyne. pastor of
managerial ability, for no other school and was formerly Esther
country bas experienced such wild Strunk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the Creswell Methodist church Is
gambling eras and resultant periods
conducting »pedal services at the
of business stagnation as those Wm. Strunk.
The birthday of Mrs. 8. J. Oodard Methodist church In Coburg from
through which our country has
passed at frequent Intervals during was the occasion for which her Monday until Friday of this week
daughter entertained with a sur-1 Be gives Illustrated lectures on
the past century."
prise handkerchief shower Friday the Holy
NEW WEALTH FROM SOIL rveolng Twenty-four were present.
Mrs. Harvey Daughenbaugh of
New wealth which comes trom the Waltervllle underwent a major i NATIONAL SAVINGS
soli Is of special Interest to those To operation at the Pacific hospital i
whom falls the responsibility of Monday.
maintaining our credit structure.
Many changes in residence have .
Tne annual sav
Unless agriculture Is successful been made recently. Mr. and Mrs. lugs compilation of th* American
farm borrowers cannot ultimately Partridge, recently from Montana,: Banker* Association for the year
succeed, nelthei can the hanks they have leased the Storment place. [ ending June 39, 1934. show* that for
serve. Foreclosure sales are not a
the first time sine* 1930 total sav
sound hast* for good farming or and Mr. and Mrs. John Storment j Ings In all American banks recorded
good banking. Bankers, therefore, have moved to Mabel.
an annual Increase.
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Sbrode have
are as much Interested In the per
A statement by W. E»pey Alhlg
manent succes* of the agricultural moved to the place they recently Deputy Manager of the association
Industry as are the farmers, wheth acquired from Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ In charge of Its Savings Division
er the deposits come directly from ence Potter and the Potters have In the organization’s qionthly rnaga
farm patrons, or Indirectly througli purchased the Dunlap cottage In zine "Banking." say* that saving»
the ordinary channels of huslnes*.-
deposited In bank* a* of Jun* 80
D. H. Otis, Director of Agriculture,
1934. gained 3.6 per cent as com
American Bankers Association.
moved to the old sanitarium at pared with a year earlier.
"The aggregate Is an Increas«
Deerhorn. Others making changes
over last year of $742,182,000, the
are the Cooper,, Earl Neer, and L.
first since the year which closed
FOR PAST MATRONS M. Currant families.
June 30, 1930," he says. "This Is s
notable achievement, for the decllnt
Members of the Past Matrons
since 1930 had been precipitate an«
club of Cascade chapter, O. E. 8.
In that year eavlngi
were entertained Tuesday at the
L. L. llay has been appointed had reached the all-time high of $28.
' home of Mrs. C. E. Swart«. Miss That
administrator of the estate of Nel­ 478,631.000 A year ago the amount
Edna Swarts was assisting hostess. lie D. McFadden, deceased, by the was $21.125.634.000. a loss In thre«
For the January meeting Mr«. Opal County Court of Lane County, Ore­ years of $7 353.097.000. This year th«
gon. All persons having claims figure stands at $21.867,666,000.
Roberts will entertain.
against said estate are required to
••Depositor*, too. have gained it
present them, with the proper number, going from 39.262,442 or
New Floor Covering
vouchers, within six months from June 80, 1933. to 39.562,174 on Jun<
the 10th day of January, 1935, to
A new linoleum floor covering the said administrator at his law 30 this year, a gain of 299.732. Foui
ha* been place In the Swarts and office In the Miner Building, Eu­ years ago there were 62,729,432 de
posltors, or one depositor for eacl
Williams meat market this week gene, Oregon.
L. L. RAY, Administrator of 2.3 persons In the country, Now
IS ’h Improvement work hag been
the Estate of Nellie D. McFad­ there Ir one account for each 3.:
done In the cafe adjoining the meat
I market recently.
(J 10-17 24-31; F 7)
j» » :
B eery ,
U tta r*
It*• thrifty to have a telephone.
It’s ipend-thrifty to be without one!
Let ua show you just how little the cost would
be of thia money-saving service in your home.
T he P acific T klefhohi
126 • 4th Street.
T elegraph C ompany
Telephone 72