PAOBTHRflB TUB RPRINOmCLD NBWR THURSDAY. JANUARY 10. 1Ö36 I W S« ■■■ 1 ■ ■■« ............. Ipper Willamette *------- Mr. and Mr*. O. S lu t* of P leas­ A Classified Directory of Reliable ant Hill entertained at dinner Sun­ Business Firms end Professional day. January (. honoring Mrs. W ill People This Newapeper Recommends Jam es' birthday, and aa a farew ell ; to Mr. Slut*. Covers w ere laid for to You. the follow in g: Mr. and Mrs. Fred I H ills. Mr. and Mrs. Raym ond H ills. Mr. and Hr». W ill Jam es, Hex PHOTOGRAPHERS, FILMS S tu ll. Del StntX and Mr and Mrs. ______ DANCING AUTO DEALERS (1. Slut*. In the even in g Mr S tu ll DANCE Cert R. Beker Film Shop left for sou th -rn C alifornia on a ANDERSON MOTORS, INC. E astm an Filma — K odaks — bu Ineaa trip. W hile aw ay he will AT WINTKRGARDEN Expert Repairing — AU Work Fram es — Album»— Motion visit hla m other and slater In Iaie G uaranteed. "The D ggee Thal'a D ifferent" A n geles whom he has not seen for Picture Cemorae. Gaa, Oil. T lrea and U atterlee sixteen year*. W e Photograph E verything Every Saturday Night (tb and A 8 le., Sp rin gfield Ph. 4k ! Anywhere. Mr. and Mra. Ralph Laird re­ U en ts 26c Ladina 10c turned W ednesday, January 2. from Mull film a to P. O. Bo* 667 MS W illam ette. Kugene Ph. 626 a few days' visit In W aablnglou BROWN MOTOR CO. with friends, w here they celebrated FEED-SEED-HAY CllltYHIJCK and PLYMOUTH RESTAURANTS New Year’s eve. Balea and S ervice Oregon Feed & Reed Co., Inc, Albert M athew s, son o f Mr. and IRENE’S CAKE Good Lock M anamar Peultry and Com plete A u tom otive Herr loe Mra. Rosa M athews, w ent to B ell­ B reakfast l ( c up — Dinner 26c np. ingham , W ashington with Shelton Dairy F eed s Open Day and Night Prosper W ith Manamar Chill 10c 195 Keel Broadway Phone 1767 Stut* to enter W ashington S tate H om e Cooking Seed C leaning a S p eciality. K ugene. O regon normal. D elivery P hone (20 Ice <7old B everages on Tap A happy reunion w as held during Mala Bet 4tb end 6th Sts. 206 E 6th Mt. Cor. H igh Eugene Hr- C hrislm a holidays al the hom e SCHBRBR MOTOR CO. Springfield Open T ill M idnight ot Mr. and Mra. E. W. Gurney at BIIICK — OLD8M OB1LE — PACIFIC F E E D A SU P P L Y CO. Ph-a-ani H ill when Mrs. A. W. Kru­ PONTIAC SCHOOLS-COLLECES EUGENE EGO DEPOT eger ot Denver, ColoraiR». John M. Motor Cara W a Pack and Grade E ggs for the tuart ot San D iego, Cal., and Wm BALES and SERVICE M erchants of Eugene and Spring- Stuart of San Diego. Cal., and Wm. JANUARY 2 7th and O live Hts. — P hone (66 Held. their slater, Mra. E. W. Gurney. The O pening Dato (or the K ugene, O rigon. Cor. 6th and W illam ette St. M ID W IN TR TERM Mr«. K rueger and John Stuart had Shorthand, B ookkeeping. T yping E ugene, Ore., Phone 1(2 BEAUTY PARLORS Day and N ight C lasses N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G Q WHO IS WHO and What They Do Ft* It HALM- Muat repoeaeea two good planoe at once near Spring- Held. W ill sa crifice lor unpaid balance. Am ount owlug (67.60 aud (89. Easy term a. W rite Tallm an P lano Hture, 396 H. 12th bt., Haleiii, Ore. (J 17) W .iN TK O T o BXOIIANOB Paint­ ing. paper hauglug, kalaoiutulug lor wood, grocerlee or what have y»U. II. Oaten, 4th aud Walk atreet. J 10 N O TIC I8 OF FINAL gIT T L B M B N T NOTICE IS HEREBY UIVKN: That Flora Htearmer aa A d m in is­ tratrix ot the E»tate ot W. M. Blear rnur, D eceased, baa llled her Flual A ccouul aa auch A dm inistratrix and th e County Court o l the State ot Oregon tor latue County baa (laed Saturday, the 20th day ot January, 1936, at the hour o l 10:00 o ’clock lu the toreuoou ot aald day at the County Court llou ae In Eu­ gene, lacne C ounty, Oreguu aa the tim e aud p lace (or bearlug ob ject Puis to aald F lu I Account. All per­ son s having objectloua to aald Final A ccount muat Hie the name on or before aald date. l ’eriiiunent Push Waves Hated thia 27lh day ot Oeceui (1 76 and Up. her, 1IIM. T he BROW NIE BEAUTY SH O PP E FLOltA STEARM EIt, A dm inis­ A p prentice F in ger W ave 16c. tratrix ot (he K alate o l W. II. Sham poo « F in ger W ave 60c Stearm er, lloceuitcd. H ARRIS, SM ITH A BRYSON, k41 W illam ette, Eugene, IT). 4(0 201 6 Mluer ulldlug E ugeue, Oregon A ttorneys (or Adm lnlatratrla. BATTERY SERVICE (U 27 - J 2-10-17-MJ FURNITURE JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. R anges and C irculators Several L ines Including M ontag. L inoleum — Inlaid and F ell B ase A ttractive P rices on Furniture and Rugs. S ee Ua B efore Yon Buy W e D eliver Phone 1122 «4» W illam ette Eugene Eugene BuRlness College OF F IN A L A C C O U N T "A Good School" NOTICE IS H EREBY G IVEN. Phone ( ( ( Miner Bldg. T hat the undersigned adm inistra­ trix and adm inistrator of the estate Eugene. Oregon .U K * eneJ'; d,ece“ ed' not seen each other for 26 years and 11 had been 14 years since she had toen her bother. Wm. Stuart Wm. Stuart. Jr., accom panied hla father. Mr and Mra. W II Bohart add daughter. Viola, of T rent, spent a w eek In T illam ook with their daughter and fam ily, Mr. and Mra. Irvin Borthlr They returned S a t­ urday. On January lg when the L ow ell and ITeaaant Hill basketball team s will m e t on the Pleasant H ill floor the patrons o f P leasan t HUI high chool under the leadership of Mrs. Fr <1 H ills are sponsoring a chicken dinner. The dinner will be served In the high school beginning at 6:30. T w enty-five cen ts w ill be the charge per plate, th e proceeds to go to the atudent body fund. NO NEED TO FEAR BIG POPULATION University Professor Declares World Has Room For Bil­ lion* Mora People C ntveralty ot O regon. Eugene. Jan 10— The world today is far Irom a condition of overpopulation, and In act It la possible for sc ien t­ ists to com pote that the earth can actually anpport at least 5.5OO.OOO. 000. In con trast to the 2. 024.220.000 now generally accepted aa th s e sti­ m ated total. Thia la the striking conclusion drawn by Dr. Warren D. Sm ith, professor of geography and geology at the un iversity. In an article on CUMULATIVE RECORDS OF STUDENTS STARTED "World Population," In a recent la- hus ot T he S cien tific M onthly. In com piling hla final estim ate C um ulative record carda tor each student In the Springfield school he took aa a basis th e num ber of system have been received from persons per square m ile In the the county school su perintend en t’s more d en sely populated areas, and o tflce and will he filled out for show ed sim ilar areas, not so w ell each atudent. T he school hoard ap­ populated, hut which through pro­ proved the purchase of su itab le fil­ per exp oltation and developm ent, ing cab in ets for th e cards In each could be m ade to tak e care of many school at their m eeting thia w eek. m ore people. H e a lso cited the act The cum ulative record Hats the that sc ie n c e has given man many chool. teacher, and grade received aids In produ ctiveness and conaer- In each su bject of each child d n r -» « H o n <’f foods, auch as Irrigation ing his en tire eigh t years In g r a m -1 * nd Improved m ethods of cu ltiv a ­ mar school. W hen th e student tion. im proved m eans of transport­ tran sfers to another district his ation o f su rp lu ses, and can n in g and ard Is sent to th e new school, thus preservation of foods. m aking It possible to secure a corn- T ropics Next Goal The tropic regions w here heat píete record of the early education and m oisture com bined produce of the child. luxu.-'uiit grow ths, will be the great T he back of the cards provide grading of th e student each ***' th e w h ,te r“c e ' «*' 8m ,,h for year under the headings of s c h o o l ? “ “ ' 8U‘’ " ,,h "‘”ne __ _ - who claim that the w h ite races citizen sh ip , sp ecial Interest . and i , ... .. cannot live su ccessfu lly tn the trop- health record. | ’ ' lcz. I n d e- pressure of population . ' and reed for econom ic exploitation. H ealth Im proves— Jack B e c k m a n , , _ , . , . the w hite race will be forced to is reported to be recovering now expand beyond Its present habitat a fter a rlx-w eeks Illness. (ch iefly tem p erate zone a rea s) and indeed at present Is doin g so." the ALIAS SUMM ONS IN TH E CIRCUIT COURT OF university scien tist sa y s. “ In tact T H E ST A T E O F OREGON FOR ^a .. ,jont, jj (be past. The so- filed their account for th e final se ttlem e n t of said e sta te In the County Court for Lane County, Ore- < gon, aud that Saturday, the 26th day of January. 1935, at the Court I Hoorn of said Court, in th e County Court H ouse, In E ugene, Oregon at LANECO | ten o'clock In the forenoon, has NOTICE TO CREDITORS BATTERY FACTORY been by said Court fixed as the lu the County Court of th e S ta te tim e and place (or bearing ob ject­ Back kt our old location. I*ees ot Oregon fur Lane County. ions thereto, and for (Inal se ttle ­ CROCERIES overhead your gain. Hee onr new In th e M atter ot the E sta te ot m aterial __ __ In g _____ m ent ot said estate. h atterles en u in _______ e Galea M argaret A. Yarbrough, deceased . ’ ¡^7d"robber’ « u m i’ before you buy JE N N IE R. K EENEY and Modern Buttine«! College DIRBLEE’S N otice la hereby given that th e un A)| parla handm ade In Eugene. For ' PA U L E K EEN EY , adm inis­ 116 K. Broadway, Eugene. Ph. 117 deialguud Uaa beuu by the above ,.apa<| t r— « « g v lce- p r lc e - n o n e bet tratrix and adm inistrator of the RED A WHITE GROCERY «■untied court uppoluted Eaocutor , M KH AR O 1N O - REPAIRING e sta te of Edgar L. K eeney, de­ P hone ( SHOE REPAIRING In the ab ove en titled m atter aud all ceased. Phone 1002 Cor. 4 th and M s I d Sta.. Springfield 346 Van Buren persona havlu g claim s agalual aald L. L. RAY. A ttorney for E state « ela te are required to preaeut «aid Hall's Shoe Repair Shop (D 27 — T 3 16-17-24) CREAMERIES - claim s properly verified to aald e x ­ W e R e p e a t - W e are strivin g to K A TH ER IN E ALICE QUIGG, also I cal,e<1 T rv“ n branch of th e white HOSPITALS ecu tor at bla law otflce In Eugene, live up to the Spirit as well as the know n a s K atherine A. Q uigg. ! r»ce moved very (low ly in the past O regon, w ithin ala m ouths from Dem and the Beat—C osta no More N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S PACIFIC HOSPITAL, L etter of the N ational Recovery a lso known aa K. A lice Q uigg, down into India and occupied a sub­ thia 27th day u( D ecem ber, 1034 BLUE BELL IN C . P laintiff, tropical region, even though in do­ N otice Is hereby given that the Act. C. A. W INTERM E1EH. Dairy Products vs. 12th and H llyard ing so it becam e dark-pigm ented. E xecutor. 420 Main 8t. Springfield. undersign* d has been duly appoint­ Ice Cream, B utter. C h eese, Milk T h e unknown h eirs of P. C. R en­ ed Ex eutrlx of the e sta te of P hone 2600 (U 27 — J 1-10-17-34) C hange Made Gradually frew , d eceased ; the unknown J. E. T em pleton, d eceased by the KUGENE FARM ERS CREAM ERY, Eugen«. Oregon I "In South A m erica they have County Court of Lane County. O re­ NOTICE ‘JOHN NELSON SHOE SHOP Phone K ugene (32 gon. All persons having claim s j c eased ; the unknown heirs of moT j |nto another sub-tropical re- OF FINA L HEARING G eneral Shoe Repairing against th e said e sta te are hereby | « o n . Brazil, and are living there EUGENE HOSPITAL N otice la hereby given that Clara ' Our work la Guaranteed. Our notified to present the sam e, pro-1 unknow n heirs ot E llen N ealey, very su ccessfu lly . In tw o other re­ CLEANING A DYEING A. Duty has filed her (Inal account "The Friendly Institution" p erl- \e r ifle d as by law req u ired .1 d eceased ; E llen N esley, a sin gle prices are moat reasonable. aa adm lnlatratrla of the e sta te ot wom an; and a lso all other per­ gions they are now advan cin g slow- P hone 1(00 Jimmie'« Cleaning Shop G ive U s a T rial and Be S atisfied . to the underslgneu at th e o ffice o f 1 son s or parties unknown claim ­ S teveu A. Doty. D eceased, and that ly Into the tropics, from south­ W ells A W ells. A ttorneys. Bank ot 11(2 W illam ette Eugene the court h as tile d 10 00 A. M ot JAM ES MITCHELL O pposite M cK ees Bakery ing any right, title, e sta te, lien eastern A ustralia in to Q ueensland C om m erce Bldg., E ugene. Oregon, Friday. Jan 26. 1236 as the llm> or in terest in th e real property C leaning, P ressin g. A lterations. 607 Main St., Springfield w ithin six m onths from the date of when s i th e cham bers of th e court described in th e am ended com ­ and in A frica from South A frica to th e first publication of th is notice. W e Call For and D eliver. lu th e court hou se In E ugene, lir e ! east Central Africa— very slow ly It LADIES READY-TO-WEAR plaint herein. D efendants. D ate of first publication. Dec. 27, SERVICE STATIONS ItoY A L Mude to M easure Suita, guu. when said account w ill l e - 1 IN TH E NAME OF T H E ST A T E is true, but doing It. 1934 taken up for «la m in a tio n and al ' :to* Main SI., Sp rin gfield , Pb. 100 ANGEIJNE DRESS SHOP R ETT A M. TEM PLETO N. Ex­ OF OREGON: You and each of you "Of course if one goea abruptly, tow ance A ll persons Interested A ST. SERVICE STATION are hereby required to appear E ugene. Oregon ecutrix. therein may appear at said llpie and answ er the am ended com ­ suddenly from a tem p erate region CABINET SHOP General G asoline. Oil and G reases W ELLS A W ELL?. A ttorneys. Popular P riced D resses and >« heard upon said m atter plaint filed again st you in the into the Tropics, th e e ffe c ts are (D 27 — J 3-10-17-24) Goodrich T ires CLARA A. DOTY, A dm inistra­ A llen A. H osiery above en titled su it w ithin four bad. but if th e race ta k es it slow ly, SPRINGFIELD CABINET “A H om e Owned Station." trix. w eek s from th e date of the many generations, it can be done, (3 E. Broadw ay Phone 633-W N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E , H. D. ALLEN, Attorney for th e 5th and A 8 ls.. Springfield, Ph. 44 first publication of this sum m ons, SHOP U N D ER FOR ECLOSURE OF E ugene, Oregon Kaista. and if you faU so to an wer, for is being done and has been done." Geo. W. S teph en s M O R TG A G E (J 3TOT7-24 want (hereof, the plaintiff will take As a result of this m ovem ent and Sash. Doors. G lass. ■ ...... . NOTICE Is hereby given that by judgm ent again st you as prayed other factors. Dr. Sm ith predicts LUMBER Mitchell Service Staticn virtu e of an execu tion issued out »■id G eneral Mill Work (or In the am ended com plaint h ere­ ALL RICHFIELD PRODUCTS of th e C ircuit Court o f the S tate of in, to-wlt, for a decree d ecreeing the that in tim e brunette w h ites w ill U sed Doors and W indows — Yale Tire* — O regon, In and for Lane County, on plaintiff to be the ow ner In fe e probably dom inate the earth. EUGENE LUMBER CO. 4th and C Sla. Sp rin gfield . Ore. G reasing - Battery R echarging th e 15th day of D ecem ber, 1934. up­ sim ple, free and clear from any W riter Is E xperienced on a d ecree of foreclosure rendered and all claim of the defen d an ts, W here Q uality and S erv ice are Expert Radio Repairing by Dr. Sm ith served as head of the and entered In said court on the and all of them , of the follow in g Param ount. DENTISTS LEE CRAY departm ent of geology at th e uni­ 14th day o f Decem ber. 1934, (or the described prem ises, to-wit: Phone 48-J It. K. Blvd and Grand P hone 42( sum o f (2369.46 ind eb tedn ess and B eginning at a point 272 feet versity from 1914 until th e re-alloc­ DR. O. A. BROWN 7th and Main Sta. Springfield th e further sum of (24.86. coats and North and 100 feet East of the ation of cou rses b etw een th is In­ disb u rsem en ts. In th e su it of The Hours # A. M. to 6 P. M. S ou th w est corner o f FrisseH 's stitu tion and O regon S ta te co lle g e F ederal Land Bank of Spokane, a OREGONIAN Park, according to F rissell’s Plat, tw o years ago. He h as been head P hone 20 J The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. corporation, again st H. H. Power*. ^ is the sam e is platted and re­ SERVICE STATION Furnlahea a (tb and Main Sta. Springfield T h eresa W. P ow ers e t a l; to me corded at P age 222 of Volum e 3. o f th e departm ent o f geography At the Springfield Junction Kaaldenca 722 A S treet. directed and com m anding me to COMPIRETE HOME Lane County, O regon, P lat Re­ here sin ce. H e served as geologist GAS AN D OILS se ll In th e m anner provided by law, cord s; th ence E ast 50 fe e t; and in other ca p a cities in th e P hil­ Building and Repairing Service. the lands and prem ises in said de­ S erv ice Day and N ight. th en ce North to the left bank of ippines at various tim es from 1905 DR. WM. N. DOW For S ervice Phone Springfield 66 cree and hereinafter described, to the M cK enzie R iver; th en ce in D E N T IST Grocery Sundries. T obacco’s and or If no answ er, phone 34-J. sa tisfy said decree, w ith accruing a W esterly direction m eandering to 1914. and has done considerable Picnic Goods. X Kay Diagnosta — H ours 2 to 12 c o sts; I w ill on Saturday, the 19th Springfield. the bank of said river to a point other practical field work. He Is a W est Springfield Ph. 9pr. 3S-J day of January, 1936, at on e o ’clock 1 to 6 and by appointm ent. directly N orth of the place of fellow of th e G eological S o ciety of In th e afternoon, at th e Sou thw est beginning - th e n c e South to the Am erica and other sc ie n tific or­ O ffice Phone 2 — Rea. Phone (7 PHYSICIAN - SURGEON or m ain en tran ce to th e courthouse place of beginning; also, b egin ­ TRANSFER A STORAGE First N at l Bank Bldg. Springfield gan isation s, and has w ritten ex­ in E ugene, O regon, o ffer for sale ning at a point 272 fe et North DR. MILTON V. WALKER MOVING— Our Plano and Furni­ and sell at public auction to the ten siv ely in th is field. and 100 fe e t E ast of the Sou th­ ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES Surgery and D lseasas of W omen highest bidder for cash, in one w est corner of th e aforesaid ture M overs are Experts. 4th and Main Sta. Springfield STORAGE — Concerto B uilding. tract, the follow in g described lot. FriaseU's Park; then ce E ast 50 Return to Home— Mr. and Mrs. tract and parcel o f land, situated Springfield Electric Supply fe e t; th en ce South 272 fe e t; or P h on e 82-J Paul F. A lley and baby son have R easonable R ates. R eliab ility. and being in Lane County, Oregon, W iring. G eneral C ontracting to th e County Road No. 56, along PACKING — E xperienced H e l p tow it: the South sid e of said P ark ; returned to their hom e at Moro G. K. la m p s. U n iversal H ousehold Lots num bered E ighteen, N ine­ th en ce in a W esterly direction after an extended v isit here with M eans Safety and Protection. MELVILLE S. JONES, M. D. E lectrical Supplies. teen. tw enty, tw enty-one, tw enty- along said County Road to a point Mrs. A lley's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Surgery Snd D isea ses of W om en G eneral R epairing PACIFIC TRANSFER & two, tw enty-th ree, forty-tw o, directly South of th e place of be­ X Ray and P h ysiotherapy forty-three and forty-four, of the ginning. and th en ce northerly to W. E. Buell. 442 Main Sp rin gfield STORAGE CO. A. C. Bohrn8tedt Company the place of beginn in g; a lso be­ 69H 6th. Ave. W. E ugene. Ph. 74 Sp rin gfield , Oregon Fruit Lands, according to th e re­ gin n in g at a point 272 fe e t North If no answ er Call 104-R First N ational Bank Bldg Pb. 43 Inspect our New In stallation at corded plat thereof on file aud of and 150 feet e a st of the S ou th w est the S ta te G am e Farm. record in the o ffice of the county corner ot th e aforesaid FrisseR 's WOOLEN MILLS Clerk, in and for Lane County, Park; th e n c e E ast 50 fe e t; W estinghou se Lampa and PLUMBING - PIPE FITTING O regon : said sale to be m ade sub­ T henoe N orth 56 fe et; then ce A ppliances. EUGENE je ct to the approval of said < ourt N orth w esterly to a point 96 feet NIEL POLLARD and su b ject to redem ption, as by N orth of the p lace of b eginn in g; WOOIJ5N MILL CO. 11 EN DERER E1ÆCTRIC P L U M B IN G law provided. th en ce South to the place of be­ 420 Main St. Springfield M anufacturers o f W oolens. C. A. 9W A R TS. S h eriff of Copper Colla a Sp ecialty. g in n in g ;—all being a part of Sec R m . Phone 148-J S p e d a lin o * in L adies I.ane County, O regon. lion 13, T. 16 S. R. 5 E. of the Res. P hone 163-J COATING8 AND 8U ITIN G S. (D 20 27 — J 3-10-17) W. M.. In Lane County, O regon; 420 Maiu SI. Sp ringfield. Ore. FRUIT PACKERS e x cep tin g therefrom that certain R etali D epartm ent at Mlll. N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G tract conveyed to th e S ta te of Eaat End (th Ave. E ugene. Ore. Eugene Fruit Grower’« Ass’n F IN A L A C C O U N T O regon by deed recorded July 13, PRINTERS 1929. at page 267 of V olum e 164. Diamond A. Brand Fruit P ack ers In the M atter of the E state of N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S L ane County O regon D eed R e­ Reason P. E nd icott, deceased . and Shippers. Ice and Cold Storage. THE WILLAMETTE PRESS cords. N otice Is hereby giv en that, by N otice Is hereby given that the Sp rin gfield C ollege Ice Cream M anufacturer*. undersigned has been duly appoint­ order of th e H onorable Fred Fisk, and further d ecreein g that th e de­ Phone 2 Coco Cole— Kl*t B everage« ed A dm inistratrix of the E state of County Ju d ge In and for Lane fendan ts have not. nor have any or Cider V inegar B usin ess S ta tio n ery — O ffice Form s M aggie Hunter, deceased , by the County. O regon. Saturday, Janu­ eith er of them , any right, title, County Court of Lane County, O re­ ary 12. 1936. at the hour of 10 claim or in terest in any of said P hone 1480 B ooklets — Placards — W hen you go to California, try gon. All persons having claim s o ’clock, A. M., at th e o ffice or real property. Ferry near 8th A ve K. Eugene, the train ! Big changes have taken D odgers, etc. T h is sum m on« is served upon against th e sam e sta te are hereby cham bers of th e County Court In place on our rails. Pullman A Modern Print Shop Producing notified to present th e sam e, pro­ the Court H ouse of L ane County, you by publication thereof for four charges are a third less than In E ugene, O regon, h as been fixed su c c e ssiv e w eek s by order of the perly verified as by law required, Up-To-Date Printing. S e e s Ball Gama— M iss Clarabel last year. Rail fares are touching to th e undersigned at th e o ffice of a s th e tim e and place for hearing lio n G. F. Sklpw orth. Judge of the bottom at 24 a mile and leas. | W agner went to C orvallis T uesday Phone and a Saleam au W ill Call. W ells & W ells, A ttorneys. Bank of objection s. If any. to the allow ance above en titled Court, d ecreein g Complete meals in our dining C om m erce Bldg.. E ugene. O regon, and se ttlem e n t of th e final account that you answ er the sum m ons h ere­ even in g to se e th e O regon S tate cars cost as little as 804. For de­ w ithin six m onths from the d a te of of the undersigned as executor of in w ithin four w eek s from the date W ashington S ta te basketball gam e tails, see your local agent or League M eets— Ml s France* th e first publication of this n otice. the last w ill and testa m en t of said of the first publication thereof, U TILITY and BEAUTY write J. A. Ormandy, 709 Padfc which said date of first publication S tiles en tertained at their hom e Date o f first publication, D e >. 27, d escendent. Building, Portland, Oregon. Should Be Combined E R N E ST R. ENDICOTT. Exe­ Is January 10, 1934. V isitor from Shedd— Mrs. A. M Monday nigh t for the regular meet 1934. FREDERICK H. DRAK E. At­ cutor. MAMIE F 'V SE T H . Adtn' Is- Ing of the Epw orth L eague cabinet IN Your EYEGLASSES Sn odgrass of Shedd w as a week torney for P laintiff. 308 P acific FRED E. SM ITH, A ttorney for tratrlx. Building, Portland. Oregon. end visitor here at the hom e ot M iss C larabel Brood was leader for W ELLS & W ELLS. A tto r -ey s. Executor. (J 10-17-24-31; F 7) (D 13-26-27— J 3-16) the m eeting. (D 27 — J 3-16-17-24) Mr. and Mrs. R iley Snodgraaa. COM PLETE B U SIN E SS COURSES Day and N ight C lasses W e can train you to becom e an exp ert Io bookkeeping, ateno- graphy, secretarial or reporting work. Our system of typew ritin g Instruction m akes tor greater speed and sccu ran cy. In shorthand w e teach the up-to-date Gregg system and stén otyp e—th e modern ma chine shorthand Business Directory TRY THE TRAIN TO CALIFORNIA Modern critical standards de­ mand utility as w ell as beauty. Good looking e y e g la sse s day are th e rule. good looking THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries to­ \ z- But not all e y e g la ss e s have LOXIT—th e sta rllln g new dev­ ftm ikA« O to « elop m en t for rim less g la sse s. MtMDttV PBO0AU* R hap m o e ie iu Exam ine them here. K ufen* MX.» VWItT gMCRYBOOT AMO SM U ZOOM ABOUMP TW «S0MP AMP PICK UP VMAT ItfttRtW lM G FACTS WOCASL IU IkltXA APPOOX- IMAfCLY \OOOM maut A 9LABT CAUCO NCWAKt KUVASI A ~ RCC «M6MR0HED wlMCM.AAUP A»O « » (g eO C O to B V UUKB0U4 OBMK &.B0MAU WBfTVM. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 W eet Sth By E D . K RESSY >4W»W* 7MB SAHA SA PtUST R] TUB MOBW6RM PAH.T-MFBMA » Tir I ODMTtUUOUS PtStBT im vut WWU®. I « A““ K «neuro to Bt CHBM >.900000 — ‘ “ WAMMIUGIONS RWOOIT* WWI1Y CHAftOfR KMOVSM A4 LBXIMGTOM...HB ALSO •M’P“ BbAPPOCK ,«BtS kJ WAY, F AIB ta x . PO LU AMP ------ 7 «u h k B S M tn OCCAHOMB- * lue O4M.Y PPtSlPBtR O»9«g UUWP S7A7t4 AHO« A«MM* tCTSAHOU HA» BO CABMBR