THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Hl’KJNOEIKLD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, T H lItT V -K H W T YEAH CITY OFFICERS NAMED FOR YEAR Anderson, Jolliff Are Shifted; Juinee King le Named Ae Attorney ’ For City ' I u » , Start 0 » 0APTIS1S »»A ll I W M [ [ I|N6 M [ S . NO. 61 T ill RSOAY. JANUARY 1«. 1935 BAPTIST SPEAKER C/ass Games at h.S. Linder Way OLDEST SUBSCRIBER RENEWS HIS PAPER; REWARD FIRST MAN E. L. Blossom of West Spring Chatterton To Send Team field this week paid hls subscrip Against Shedd Friday; j tlon to The Springfield News He has been a continuous sub­ Monmouth Is Victor Walker, Barber and Dr. Jonee --------- Have Charge Of Annual Traveler, Lecturer, To Open Club Fun Event Series Of Addresses At Church Here Sunday . html slt-p» In dm preparation fur BETTER LIBRARY SOUGHT FOR H.S. Want To Build Library Up To Standard Requirement«; Order Furniture scriber to thl newspaper for more than 3U years or practically Robert I liatterton, Springfield from the beginning The Spring- ' high school basketball couch, will » _ — . « n r ’ Miiniiul Ludles' Night of the Spring STUDY HEALTH PROBLEM field News will be 32 years old send Ills first team against the WILL USE REQUISITIONS |h|il Wltr„ ,„gall Friday RUSSIA IS UNDERSTOOD next week. ! Shedd quintet Friday evening It ut Iti« noon luncheon m eeting Koi Repairs To Old Gymnasium ; was announced at the school today. Committees Named; Lower i lowing a dix uhm lull III which dm Lists Six Evening Subjects; | Mr Blossom remembers most Are Not Warranted; New Shedd has a strong team, having Makes Plans For World - Bond Interest, and Light iiiiniih uf February was discussed ut the editors since the begin | defeated the powerful Hl. Mary's Structure Is Needed Tour Next Month .■a lit « proper tim e fur the event, ning. Efter f| n|«hlng hla education which is giving the board consider­ tween the winners and an all-star | election to rill the unexplred term all members to make suggestions I (n thlH country, he returned to First victory for the Springfield able concern was discussed. The for work projects'-to members of lluosla lo do church work for a I. O. O. F. basketball team came team to be chosen by the men in-1 of the late W. P. Tyson. principals reporTed many cases of structor- at the school. short while before entering the Tuesday evening when they de­ Bonds In the sum of 11,000 for hts group i measles, chickenpox, itch a n d The winning class will receive ministerial work In this country. feated the Belknap CCC camp points towards the activity prize ] the recorder, end >6.oot) for t h e , 1 other diseases were prevalent. More He Is s close student of Russia team here 37 25. The game was treasurer, were presented to the attention to disease prevention and cup. both before and after the Soviet played a a double header with the council ami were approved. Z »»• spread is sought by the board In regime and draw» on personal ex­ Coburg odd Fellows and Spring Many Come For Visit Of ,8" jp iani( now being made, Andsrson Fire Chief perience there for much of hla ma field Town teams In which the Co- SCOUT GIRLS TO HAVE trict Commander; Regular The hoard members considered Mayor Turner next presented hla ter tai. PLAY ON FEBRUARY 22 j burg five walked away with a 29- Meeting To Be Tonight |a report on the condition of the list of appointive officers to the j Immediately after the close of 13 victory. ' high school gymnasium. The gym- council for ratification. Hugh Jolliff J hts Oregon lecture tour hr. Pat- There has been much activity In nasinni is in very bad shape but It was shifted from fire chief to be­ Lineups for the Tuesday lodge New Patrol Form ed; Plan H ik e Saturday; To Study F irat mont Is planning to leave on a game were as follows: the Springfield post of the Amer­ is the opiston of board members come police chief and street com-1 Aid W o rk Here ican Legion the past week mlsaloner .........-urn Anderson was Church Young Folk To Pres world tour. 1 that the building Is not worth the Belknap 3-C 25 Choir to Have Music Springfield 37 Last Thursday evening the local expense of extensive repair neces- assigned the fire department Job. ; ent “Where’s Grandma?" Chaney 8 F A play will be presented by the pogt was bogt (O District Comman- sary to put It In first class condl- The Springfield meeting series! Hawk 2 A J. Cowart was re named fo r ! On January 18 Phillips 3 Springfleld Girl Scout troop on der F g Merrill of Albany and 1 tfon. It was originally built mostly will be held nightly starting at \ Chatterton 13 night watchman, hr W H. Pollard C Cole February 22 under the direction of ,j|strjct ( ommittee chairman who r,{ old lumber salvaged from an old for health officer, and James K ., Cast of characters for the play. 7:30 on Sunday evening. Specialj Krnetlng 6 Beerman 6 .Miss Bernice Conoly it was an- ma,]e an official visit to Spring- : school building when the present G Where's Grandmu?" which will music will be provided by the choir B »quires King lo be city attorney Atterbury 8 nounced at the Court of Honor held ftejd. G high school building was constrve- Councilman Taylor protested thej he given at the high school audl j under the direction of Norton Pen , Mattison 10 Faust here Tuesday evening. Miss Teddy S Coming with the visitors were ted. The district will have to get Anderson Jollft change, and voted 'torlum on Friday evening. Janu • gra. Everyone Is welcome, there Is Thurman S Wright was named stage manager about 60 Legion members repres- along the best it can with the pres­ alone against ratification. He also ary lit. at 8 o'clock under the spou no admission, but an offering will f o x 8 ¡Squires. F. 2 for the play, and was also elected entjng posts at Corvallis. Albany, ent structure until finances will questioned the appointment of Mr sorshlp of the Young People of tie taken Gerber scribe for the Court of Honor. | Monroe. Cottage Grove and E u -, permit the construction of a new Kubjecls for each of the ad-1'*' rf > * 2 King. declaring him self lo favor or Hie Christian church was aunoun- dresses to be given here have been | 1 Yne - Plans were made to have each gene. The dl trict commander In an gymnasium, retaining Mr. Peterson In this of- 1 ed this week. - — The I. O. O. F. team dropped patrol take charge of one Scout | informal talk outlined the national flee. ' This Is a three-act comedy In announced a . follows: The fifth program of the Legion, and Hugh Subjects Are Listed , ,h “ ' r ~ cond gan,e Wl,b C [ ° * meeting each mouth. The city attorney appointment which Klva Moyer takes the pert Sunday. Jan. 1 3 -" T h e Spirit a n d ! ^ ««* *roUP °". ' h<^5 each month from "i it plenty of luughs for everyone, Tuesday. Jan 15—"The Drama M. B. Huntly went to Monroe Springfield Crow Monday afternoon st the regular the emergency fund on the salary other members of the cast are aa of a Closing Age." B. Squires 3 scout seg ion at the Lincoln schoc*. where a similar meeting was h eld .; Wednesday, Jan 1#— "Soviet 8. Sturtevant 3 F Com m ittee Named follows: Boh lllak-. Bill Cox; Hawk 2 Peggy Wright was chosen leader Another of these sessions is to be E u g e n e M an T akes Deed To F Fountain 1 Russia und Anti-Christ.” Appointments to the offices of Gretchen Blake. Altle Manning; Krnstlng 6 and Ethel Ruth Fulop. lieutenant. held at Lebanon on January 15. C Thursday. Jan. 17—"The Battle Hossell 3 auditor, city engineer, electrical In-1 Jack Worley, Marlin Clark; Carol A fourth meeting Is to be held at r 1 F. thjuires 1 G Kabler 4 The new patrol will sponsor a Store Not Sold spector, and other vacancies were j Worley, Iftiwn Church; Lucy Klug, of God Almighty." Mattison 2 hike to Baldy Saturday. All girls Cottage Grove January 16. G T. Holland 5 Friday, Jan 18—"Armegeddon." , not filled They will probably ba I,i la Peterson; Arllne Truesdale, During the week announcement Thurman who want to take the hike are to S For the Sunday morning service i *' Holland 8 Sale of the Stanley block announced ut the regular meeting | Beulah Thurman. also made of the appointment C m meet at the home of Miss Gerber was S I) Sturtevant • ». .1 .1 ji Springfield to Christian H. next Monday night. j Mlsu Kmina Rogers Is the dlrec- Rev. R. B. Rolens, pastor, will of Mrs. Huntly as district chair- ‘ _____ Spring Held led at the naif of this by 10 o'clock Saturday morning. of Eugene was announced th ia Speak at 11 o'clock on the subject. man of the hospitalization and Committee appointments were tor for the young people. The Main Issue " The usual Bible K“"1« bu* waH In the week by George Stanley, former Plan, were announced at the ! child welfare committee. announced as follows, the first school will be held at 9:45. I , owner. Mr. Stanley stated that he Monday meettug that a series of nam ed h. lug chalrm an Judlctal, j WOMEN'S CHORUS SINGS This evening regular meeting of had disposed of the two-story cor­ _________________ I Tonight the Lodge team will first aid lessons would be given Bartbolomi-w, Thompson. Privat; ihe Legion and Auxiliary will be i ner brick building which now ! travel to Cottage Grove to meet the girls at the office of Dr Milton AT METHODIST VESPERS HIGH SCHOOL PLAYERS fire, water, light— ITIvat. Thomp­ the Odd Fellows team there In a h Tnesdav evening held at, S ^ n^ ' d « ^ / ‘ houses the McKee Bakery and of- V. Walker eat- son. Bartholomew; streets—Thomp­ Pohl, local commander, has an- fices of Drs. Brown and Pollard, They have met In a "Save the Sanctuary.'' will be the GET FOOTBALL LETTERS league gull at 6:45. Fifteen have enrolled for son. Bartholomew, Taylor; health— nounced that the post has now ex- an(J attorney the practice game before and the theme of Rev Dean C. Poindexter'» I the first meeting. Taylor, Bartholomew, Prlvat; pol i eeded Its membership of the past se<;on(J flo<)r message for the eleven o'clock] Fourteen letters were presented . (jruver's hold a victory. lew — Bailholom ew. Taylor, Thomp­ hour at the Methodist church The ' year, but has not yet reached the 0,1 1 He did not sell the newer struc­ FAMOUS VIOLINIST TO football team and tlielr manager at son The mayor told members of quota set for it by the state o f-1 Church school m eets at 9:46 a. tu ture which houses the Scott Drug the weekly assem bly period Friday, U NlVERSITY-O. S. C. HOOP the council that he had made hls BE HEARD JANUARY 19i«ce Professor A. R. Sw eetser, head store. appointments with no personal feel­ morning by Marlon Hall, coach J^AMS PLAY SATURDAY of the biological department of the Springfield music^ lovers bave ’ Reported to be associated with Those receiving the large letter *8* ing and that he expected each com­ University of Oregon, will be the m ittee to function as a unit for the peaker At the 5 o'clock vesper were P e,e Ta>lor' HUI* J ,clt « « > ‘7 action for basketball been extended a cordial Invitation NEEDLECRAFT MEETS AT Mr Mork tn the transaction t. P. RIGHT HOME THURSDAY 9nod«raas- al8° of Eu«en«- They Improvement of the city. Devia­ service l)r Sw eetser Is a Christ George Irwin. Bob Lit.- wll, be Seen at Corvallis Sat- to attend the only Oregon concert W n n i u r i i r w r n a . i.i w c i » .» . have made no announcement of tions and changes may become nec­ Ian gentleman with a wonderful ch*r' Kvere,‘ A,1» ln urday hlght at 7:30 o'clock when of Jascha Heifetz, internationally . . in connection essary and will be ntet as they spirit Hls m esiages are of great Jo,in"on- D,ck Richardson, t harles , he o regon State college team meets famous violinist, to be given at Mc­ Members of . . the Needlecraft «ink club their future plans ■* , . . . . . with the buildig at this time, arise, he said. entertained laut Thursday „ , ... . Interest lo every every thinking person. C‘,le' Tonl a » '’’«“ '*’- V«riln ’’«’«“Y-; University of Oregon In the first Arthur court on the University of were afternoon at the home of Mrs W. Stanlev p h a s e d the bonding Charles Inger oil Disque Rmtth,| contM| o[ a four-game series. Both Oregon campus Saturday night. Act On Urgent Business At this service It Is expected to C Wright. Mrs. Clifford Wilson froni Mr Su,ton ° f Burns aeTeral teams have two conference games, January 19. The council then gave It's atten­ have nt least 100 women making up und Roscoe Cole. " hen he °P«D*d a Preceding the presentation a pro­ both with Washington State, be­ The associated students have ar­ was the assistant hostess, and Mrs. >ears tion lo Immediately pressing bust- the large chorus choir, says Rev. eery store here. He moved the gram was presented by students at Donald Toomb was a guest of the ■ * hind them. • ranged for a low scale of prices for ness which could not be d ela y ed : ,.„ ln,,eMter The singing pvltl be drug store into a new building the school which Included the fol­ The Webfoot quintet, one of the the concert. Reserved seats will club. until the regular meeting Monday Ui<, |)y Mrg Buford Roach which he built for that purpose. lowing numbers: Short skit, "Along Three new members. Mrs. Mar sell at >1.10. General admission will strong favorites to win the north­ of next week. Coburg M ethodist Church the Straight and Narrow,” Alice ern division title, is given the edge be 55 cents. ion Hall. Mrs. Robert Chatterton Llcntises for the two city trucks "The Little Brown Church In the The appearance of Heifetz is ex- and Mrs. Albert Peterson wtll be MAYOR RANKS HIGH IN were ordered, It being felt that both Vale." will be the theme of the Logan, Lloyd Seaman. Bob Me over Oregon State in the game. trucks will be used simultaneously morning message ut 9:46. The Chesney, and Arthur McChesney; Oregon boasts a big. fast-breaking 1-ected to he one of the musical initiated at the next meeting to be INSURANCE SALES WORK _______ during the y<»r. The city secures Church school m eets at 10:45 a. nt. and tumbling by Mary Irvin and quintet which showed plenty of highlights of the year. He has held at the home of Mrs. F. B. W yetta Spriggs. g B Turner. Srringfield mayor, power in coming from behind to never before appeared in any Ore- Flanery. Mrs. Flanery, Mrs. I. M. the licenses at n special rate of yon city outside of Portland and Peterson and Mrs. l-aurence C. ranbg up near the top In the list defeat Washington tate twice. 11.00 per vehicle. Reserved seat tickets for the has not been heard In the state for Moffitt are In charge of arrange- of agentg for the Reliance Life In­ MISS LONG HOSTESS Immediate repair of a bad hole In STUDENTS TO HAVE ! ments. surance company In the northweat- FOR BRIDGE M E M B E R S >a,"° nre 75 cen,s each and gen several seasons. the road on South Fourth street re­ SECOND DANCE TUESDAY Mail orders for reserved seats --------------------------- ern states tn volume of new bust- I era! admission 60 cents. quiring one und one-half yards of are now being received at the As- m i k u u tk tc D D I7 C ness written. He drove to Port- gravel was authorised. Inspection Patrons And Patronesses Named Membership of the O-No bridge sociated Student office at McAr JE A N L O U K W IN b F K I£ fc , land Tuesday to attend a Victory F or Function; Program: of work needed to restore the alley club w ire entertained last Thurs­ INTERMEDIATE TEACHER thur court, Eugene. IN LANE FORD CONTEST dinner given by the company which T o S ta rt A t 8:00 at the klncoln school to winter day evening at the home of Miss! --------------------------- ! ----------- he represents to their agents who travel, and of the bus route til the Margaret Long at the Laxton apart- j MEETING IS SATURDAY e a z 'iic d i a m c Miss Jean Louk. daughter of Mr. |lave been leaders in the writing of The second of sem im onthly inenls. Mrs. Wllda Cotton won the city was ordered. ¡and Mrs. Fred Louk, won sevenfl. new business. General sessions for An Important meeting of the GIRLS LEAGUE PLANS i dances to he held by the students prize at bridge, and Miss Crystal Requisition Buying 9et FOR RUMMAGE SALE prize in the Ford contest which | the underwriters were held Tues- The Town of Springfield w ill! of Springfield high school will be Bryan received second high score county chapter of the Oregon As­ ----------- Lane county merchant« sponsored day and Wednesday and the Mayor hereafler operate on a requisition; held at Ihe Armory Friday even prize. Honor prize went to Miss sociation of Intermediate Teachers Members of the Girls League at for the past several W( eks. Her expected to return to 8prlng- will be held In the basement of the basis with Ihe recorder serving ns ing. January 11. Danclug will be Marguerite Mlllhollen. I field sometime totday. The next meeting will be held at Central Presbyterian church In Eu- the Springfield high school will prize was a tennis racket, purchasing agent. All purchases from 8 until 11 o'clock. Miss Frances Cornell won will he made only upon requisition Patrons and patronesses for the the home of Mrs. Arah Nell ««ne. the coming Saturday, Janu hold a rummage sale Saturday. Jan- from the purchasing agent follow­ dance nre Mr, and Mrs. II. E. llrlckey In Eugene at which time arY »2. In the form of a luncheon uary 19, In the vacant half of the ninth cash prize. CIVIC CLUB VOTES TO Pollard-Pohl store. Miss Jean Louk I --------------------------- ing acceptance of a nullable requisi­ Maxey, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wright, Miss Joey Hnrdl will be the host- llt 12 noon. and Florence May are general Miss Ruth Hopson will give an JOIN LANE FEDERATION tion hlBiik to be presented nt the Mr and Mrs. Willis Bertsch. Mr. Interesting book review and music chairmen for the sale. They a r e ! SCHOOL PICTURES ARE next meetltng. and Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew, Mr. The Springfield Civic club will SENT BY ART COMPANY will be presented preceedtng the being assisted by Joanne Seavey. An nnnunl contract with a gaso­ and Mrs W. N. Gossler. Mr. and ROYAL NEIGHBORS CLUB join the Lane County Federation of publicity; and Florence Belle Fish. luncheon. line company was tabled pending Mrs. W. K. Ilarnell, and Mr. and i Pictures purchased by the Lln- Women's clubs It was decided HAVE SEWING MEETING As many teachers as possible are clean-up. an Investigation Into possibilities of Mrs. Marion Hall. .’(iwr-¡people nre asked to donate coin school with funds raised dur- Tuesday at the monthly meeting urged to attend this meeting In purchasing the motor fuel locally. The dance committee Is com- Members of the Royal Neigh order lo earn their Reading Circle things for this sale. They may ] ing the recent art exhibit have ar- held at the library. Mrs. D. O. The gasoline companies will not posed of George Irvin, Jack lxigan, hors of America sewing club h e ld 1 Certificates. lenve them nt the store or tele rived and are being enjoyed by Fisher was chairman for the meet­ take city warrants demanding Irvin Darr, and Doris Marie Rob­ their regular meeting Wednesday phone either of the chairmen at both students and teachers. They ing at which reports on the county cash. inson. Mrs. W. K. Barnell Is assist afternoon at 2 o'clock. The group1 th high school and they will call i add much to the attractiveness of federation meeting held lu Eugene The United tates National bank Ing the young people with their met nt the home of Mrs. I). C. Mc­ GROUP ATTENDS ELMIRA last week-end were given by Mrs. for the donations. I the school walls. In Eugene was again designated as arrangements. Kinnon. L. K. Page. Mrs. Fisher, and Mrs. the official depository for city REBEKAH INSTALLATION These dances are to be held the Mabel Crow. « funds. second and fourth Friday evening REPAIR BROKEN PLASTER MRS. HENDERER HOSTESS PRISCILLA MEMBERS TO A no-hostess tea was held follow- Eunice Gerber, retiring noble Bonds, Pow er Talked nf each month. BRIDGE LUNCH TODAY HOLD MEET HERE TO DAY1 lng ,he h"",neas n,n<,tln,t Members of the council signed IN POSTOFFICE LOBBY grand of Juanita Rebekah lodge. _______ , _______ • Mrs. C. E. Wheaton will enter- _______ and Maxine Snodgrass, incoming resolutions granting the mayor au­ lor dissented on the latter. Holes caused by fallen plaster in j officer, led a delegation from Mrs. Ernest Rertsch will enter- ! lain for the club at her home for Kontract Bridge Klub members j Regular meeting of the council thority to negotiate for reductions In Hie rate of Interest on outstand­ will he held Monday evening of Ihe celling of the lobby at the post- Springfield to Elmira Tuesday meet this afternoon nt 1:30 for a tain nt her home this afternoon for | their Fehruray meeting, ing bonds, and to negotiate for Im­ next week at which lim e a report office were repaired yesterday by evening for the Inetallatlon of lodge dessert luncheon at the home of the regular meeting of the Pris­ Here Saturday— Allen Keith of provements In the city’s contract oil the financial status of the city W. J. Phalr. Roof leaks caused Ihe officers there. Others In the party Mrs. John llenderer. The afternoon cilla club. Mrs. Norman Howard with the Mountain Slates Power at the close of the year 1934 will plaster to fall. They have been re­ from Springfield were Mrs. Zella j Is to be spent playing contract will be the assisting hostess. The I Cascadia was a guest at th* Cantrell and CYystal Bryan. bridge. paired. group m eets at 2:30. Springfield hotel ttalnrday. company for lights and water. Tay- he made. ENDEAVOR GROUP IO DIVE COMEDI LEGION GROUP DAS BUSY WEEK LODGE TEAM SET FOR GROVE GAME STANLEY SELLS STORE BUILDING