T l IK SP R IN O FIE LD NEWS PAGE FOUR PUBLIC OPINION AND THE BANKS Bv P. N, SHEPHBR O Fircahpe ,Uss«f«r 4 s.rri.ee Both Corn and Hog Reduc­ HILE banking today appears in tions To Be Less in New a wholly distorted light In the •ye# of some, the more reasoning Voluntary Contracts W BAPTISTS PLAN FOR SPECIAL MEETINGS Or. L. R. Patmont World Traveler And Gospel Lecturer Will Preach Mere TOWN AND VICINITY Bridge iwan Hara— Phil Daniels of McKemle bridge was a business Itev. It E. Rolens, pastor of the visitor in Springfield Monday. Bapllat church announced this File Mining Claims—Eric Ander week that Dr L. It I'atmont. Iter keley. I'lllfornla. will he In Spring sou filed notice of five mining Held on Suuday, January 13. lot claim locations In the Wlnberry open a series of six special aer district Friday at the county court house. vices at the local church. Dr. Patmont is a world traveler i Returns from South William and publicist as well as belug a 1 Pollard returned Bunday noon from gifted gospel preacher. He hits mas , San Franclaco where he spent a lered more lhau 20 languages and 1 few days last week-end with Ills is especially well Informed on con­ father. Dr. W. II Pollard. ditions in Russia. Collects Bounty — Archie W >1 He will hold special meetings : llama of Rainbow collected the cadi evening at 7:30 front Sunday I county bounty on oue bobcat and to Friday Inclusive. Special music one coyote Friday at the office of will be provided (or each service. the county clerk. TH U R SD A Y, JANUARY 3, 1936 CHURCH YOUNG FOLK UNITE IN WATCH PARTY Mvthodlat and Christian Boeletlae Hoste At Very Successful Gathering Monday Corvallis Folk Here— Mr. and Mrs John Purcell of Corvallis tine of the larger eoclul functions visited here Friday at the home of (or the young people of thia city Mr and Mrs Pettyjohn. during the present holiday season License to Wed— Marriage Lie was held Monday evening at the elise was I sued Monday to Don Christian church when members aid O llurlblirt and Gertrude link of Hie Epworth League of the erink. both of Creswell. Methodlal church and of the Christ Vielte at Roseburg—Miss Edna Ian Endeavor society of the Christ Plait returned Monday from Rose Inn church were hosts to ull young Imrg where she spent the weekend people at a New Year's watch party, progrum and service. visiting wllh friends Following the playing of game» Returns From Trip— Mrs Ilari led In Velds Bartholomew. Elva McPherson relume home Erlday Moyer. Irene Andereou. aud Carl from San Itafuel. California where llorrell, Hie group enjoyed a pro she visited with relatives for a gram which opened with group Week. sftigtug of the two hymns, "In My Heart There Hinge a Melody," and R etu rn s to C a lifo rn ia — W a lter "Living For Jeaua." Velila Bartho­ Dav is left T u esd a y for Ills h o m e at lomew led the prayer, and Martin Red B lu ff a fte r v isitili« h ere w ith Clark played a trombone solo. r e la t iv e s o v e r th e h o lid a y s A abort play. "The Message of Colitela Bounty — Prince Ilei III* Bella. " was presented with Lela (rich of Vida collected the county Peterson n llelty. amt Wayne Ken­ bounty on one coyote and I wo bob dall as Bobby. Helen Crandall, La cals ul the office of (he county verue Pugh. Ila l*tilltiuu. Ileiilall Thurmuii. Ila Bartholomew. Iluzel cle r k W ed n esd a y Neslillt. Gwendolyn Barrett, Mar­ Parents of Child— M r and Mrs jorie Taylor. Faye Parsons. Doro­ C S Scarbrough of Creswell are thy Taylor, Frances Mill«*, and the parents of a tiaby daughter Mlua IS-terson were messengers born to them at the Nelson Maier Quiet music, meditation and »»ul ulty home In Eugene on Wednes­ enee prayers ended the progrum day. January 2, 193b. and wuteli service* Pldlne Gartln directed the music, Donald Brown P o rtla n d Man V is it s — Dean l.lttel of Portland visited In Springfield wus pianist, aud Pearl Helterbrand Sunday with Mr and Mrs C. E. «us song leader. Elizabeth Vail. Helen Crandall. Swarts H e Is visiting with his aunt and uncle. Mr and Mrs E E Mor­ Hasel N e a h llt. und Elora Clement hud charge of refreshment*, and rison. In Eugene. Lela Peterson, Ila Barrholiiinew. Here for Dinner— Mr ami Mrs Charllne Fish, and Charles Cole Herbert Sneed und fam ily of E u ­ had chnrg* of (he devotional* aud gene were dinner guests of Mrs. program Rosa Montgomery, mother of Mrs Sneed, hero on New Year’s day. LIMP HISTORY IS Genertil Electric Dieplny Of Lighting Development To Be Here For Three Dnye e l e m e n t s In Twenty five hundred year* or our population progress In home lighting equip u n d ou b ted ly nielli will lie exhibited by the Mouu h a v e a less Jaundiced view tain Htule Power company IB Its than would ap­ local display window* ul 550 Malu pear from cer­ street for three day* «tailing next tain trrespon Monday, und Include* two dozvu si bio orators, type» (hat have figured In the evo­ o ften p osin g lution of light front the crude fat as spokesmen cup of Blbtcal time* to the three for that tndeft light electric hulb of 1934 nite q u a n tity c a l l e d " th e Valued al »6,000. the display has m a ss" of our F. N JHBPHKkD been gut bored from all over the people. world liy tile General Electric com Anti social acta on the part of puny. Il I* to be dl*played by all of Student Leaven—Robert Rolens, some bankers formerly have been DEAN DUBACH TO TALK the larger *lorn* i f the Mouulalu »on of Rev. and Mrs R. E Rolena. the subject of spectacular expos­ Htule* Power company Ihroughout ures. but 1 can say without reserva­ AT SUNDAY VESPERS left Monday noou for Redlands. thl* territory, and much Interest lu California where he will continue — tion that they were In no way typ­ till* unique exhibit la anticipated ical of the acts and attitudes of the “God and the People" la the j his studies at Redlands university vast majority of their fellow bank­ theme for tire eleven o'clock wor- i Data* Io 600 Year* B. C. In Portland— Mrs. Carl Olaol ers. The public mind was shocked ship service at the Methodist First In the group I* a small cup Into the belief that these untypical church Sunday. Rev. Dean C. Poin­ went to Portland Friday Io spend like affair of crude pottery, the rlui a few days vlalttng with her son Instances were far more representa­ dexter w 111 preach. Eor the five of which wa* pluehed to bold a Compensation Changed tive than they really were, and thia and daughter-in law. Mr. and Mrs. wick Thl* wa* need rtoo year* be In general the new plan follows belief has been encouraged by polit­ o'clock vesper service U. G Du Russell Olson. bach, «lean of men at Oregon State fore Christ Next I« another pottery the old one, but varies as to rate I ical and demagogic elements. lump of which nearly (lie entire Scalds Lege— Mrs. C. H. Bennett The bankers who are tn charge of college, will give the address. Dean of reduction and benefit compensa our banks today represent men who Dubach is one of the «orcnioet Is In the Pacific hospital tn Eu top I* covered except for a small tion, and as to crop restrictions. hole III the top. used 200 year* II Growers who slgued the 1934 con­ w ith sto o d the temptations and Christian laymen on the coast and gene receiving treatments for two avoided the economic pitfalls of the C for making light with olive and tract will use their already estab­ great boom. If they had not they a great leader of men. He Is In scalded legs which she received at nut oil*. lished base but will need to re­ would not be there, or their banks demand as a speaker where a chal­ her home Tuesday. For 300 A D I* shown another duce their hog production only 10 would not have been able to sur­ lenging Christian message Is de­ To V is it Slater— Mrs. Suaau Por­ of similar design except that It ba* per cent under hat base instead of vive the rack and ruin of the eco­ sired. It is planued to have 100 ter. mother of Mrs. Dean C. Poin­ design* engraved around Ita rlui 25 per cent. The benefit payments nomic hurricane by which e v e n men in the choir for this service. dexter. left Wednesday for Stock- A bronze figured lamp of Ibe lonq will be »15 a head on the number many banks and bankers, whose A capacity house Is expected to ton, California where she will visit A D. pelod I* exhibited Thia has represented by this 10 per cent, in conduct was above reproach, have hear the chorus of 100 men slug with her sater for a few woeka. three hole* made In a sort of spout stead of »5 a head on the 75 per been destroyed The other types of the gospel songs and to hear this ' at oue side There I* a decorative cent allowed to be produced as in bankers, those that fell below the outstanding loader of men. New Year's Watch—Mr and Mrs. high standards of professional eth­ Venetian *tuud lamp of the 1400 1934. J. Nelson entertained at their homo Coburg Methodist Church ics and business prudence that char­ A D period la exhibited Thl* has Corn acreage need be only 10 ! acterized those that remain, have "Into the New Year With Christ" ' here Monday evening at a New loche* high and has a ring al Ibe per rent under the established base passed out of the picture. But they will be the message at 9:45 a. m. 1 Yeaer's eve watch party for their top (or carrying Thl* baa a bowl though it may be cut 30 per cent. • have left for those that remain a For the five nights from Monday son-in law and daughter. Mr. and DELEGATES CHOSEN FOR for fat* or oil* lu the centrr and the maximum for which payment < difficult heritage of suspicion. 7th to Friday 11th a series of ad-, Mrs. Roy Worawlck. Return to Portland — Mr. and How Irrational this Is, when we dresses on the Holy Land will bo was made last year. Benefit pay­ FEDERATION OF CLUBS four lap* with email hide* In each Sailor Leaves— Erwin Hates, a Mrs. Therou II. Sausser and family for lighting ment will be at the rate of 35 cents reflect that not more than three or given by Rev. W. S. Burgoyne who a bushel instead of 30 cents. Both four per cent of our entire popula­ spent several months last year member of the crew on the U. S. returned to their home at Portland Mrs L K. Page. Mr*. Edward Also P ilg rim Lamp tion suffered personal loss because S. Chelan, who has been visiting this week after spending the holi­ Privat, Mr*. George ITochnow, corn and hog benefit payments The ’ Hetty" lamp auch a* wa* traveling In the Mediterranean of what any banker did or neglected will be made in two Installments to do. whereat literally millions of countries. at the Pohl home here during the days with her parents, Mr. and .Mr* A K. Cole, and Mr*. Paul brought to America by the Pilgrim* holidays, left Tuesday for Seattle Mrs Harry M Stewart Mr Saua flratluln will represent Hprlngfteld lu 1620 I* displayed Thl* I» a metal instead of three. bank depositors did not lose a single ser was here for Christmas and at the session* of the County Fed bowl with «pout on one aide and a Restrictions Removed to rejoin his ship. cent as a result of banking diffl came back for New Year's. Restrictions are removed on what cultles and really owe a vote of con NEW PLANT NOT RELATED erat Ion of Women * clubs to be metal handle that curve* from the was formerly called contracted i fldence and thanks to their own TO THISTLE SAYS EXPERT held al the Community Liberal opposite aide with a chain on tbs New Years at Albany J M larr Court Houie Poat Filled— Mrs church In Eugene Friday afternoon c^ru acreage, as are restrictions bankers who were true to the high­ son drove to Albany N ew Y ear s end. Marti Reck will take over the Farmers who have been consid­ 1 eve to spend the holidays with his on use of other crop land or live­ est conceptions of their stewardship and all day alurday of thl* week On down through the age* the stock. No one who has gone out and brought tbeir Institutions and ering what might happen if they . family who had be n visiting there dutle of Mrs It S Bryson at the Mr* Sadie (Irr Dunbar, «tate presi display aymbollxee the history of their customers safely through the comity clerk a office the middle of plant a crop of the new safflower, for several days. They returned of the corn or hog business since | ■laut, will lecture at the meeting* light. There are lamp* (or fat. and greatest business disaster the world the month according to announce­ the base was established will sign has ever seen It has been a peculiar which the Oregon experiment sta home Tuesday. oils: candle atlcka; ga* burner*, ment made this week Mrs Berk the 1935 contracts, as the ruling feature of the psychological distor­ tion is developing and which the PAST OFFICERS CLUB TO carbon burners; one of Edlaon'a bus been a part time worker tn has been made that benefit pay­ tion of the times that many who institution reported last week as Assists at Drug Store — Miss MEET HERE TUESDAY first Incandescent lamp*; a Chine*« ments will not be made where less | owe nothing but gratitude to their being a cross between a sunflower Pearl Nelson is as dating at the the offtee for some time. light; a Flemish lamp; and early than 25 per cent of the base in ; bankers J o in e d In blaming the and a thistle. This was a mistake Flanery Drug Store while the an­ lamp* from many ualloua. R eturn H om e Guy Griswold and Second meeting of the Past either case was produced in 1934. j banker far out of proportion with in reporting says the college men. nual inventory Is being ta k e n This Mr. und Mrs. Earl Griswold return­ Noble Qrand club of Juanita Re rational consideration of the facta. Modern Light Three-Way and the statement should have unless the failure was outside of ' was completed the first of this ed to their homes at Oregon City hekah lodge will he held beglnnltig The latest development lu light r?ad that It looks like a cross be­ the grower’s control. Growers who week. and Otis this week after attending wllh a potluck luncheon Tuesday Ing progress la an Interesting fea tween the two as such an actual did not sign the 1934 contracts may HEART ATTACK TAKES the funeral of their grandfather, noou at the I t) O. F hall. Thl* cross is Impossible. sign the new ones, however. Return from Portland— M r and the late 8. N. Roberts. Howard will be au luinatloii meeting, and lure of the display, and I* abowu FORMER VALLEY MAN The AAA official- announce that Mrs P J Bartholomew aud family Roberts, a son. also returned to Mr*. Rosa Montgomery, club presi­ lu the form of a new Mazda "three- light" lamp globe Thl* new globe unless some production control is returned Saturday from Portland bis home at Kelso. Washington. Charles L. Scott, former resident i dent, has Invited the Eugene Past I* actually three lamp* In one. aa continued through 1935. history of the Walterville district died sud­ ' where they spent a w eek v is itin g Noble Grand club to attend and put It provide* three different level* of would likely repeat itself and an denly Wednesday morning on the I with relatives. Mr Bartholomew's on the work Illumination by merely moving * excessive corn crop would be pro­ highway between Bend and Laplne Sheldon Stutz who Is attending mother. Mrs. Ella M Goetliel. r- N. O. W. DRILL TEAM TO switch Although Introduced only a duced following a drouth year 1 Easter Oregon. He had taken a the Washington State Normal turned with them. HAVE PRACTICE FRIDAY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE short time ago thia remarkable naw which in turn would demoralize daughter to Lapine where she was school at Bellingham, has been Returns to Ship— Bob Watson the hog industry where marketing to start teaching school, and on the spending the holidays with his par­ ELECTS NEW OFFICERS lamp la already proving popular Mrs. Alex Stevens, captain of the for domestic and commercial use conditions are now much improved. return trip to Bend where he was ents. Mr. and Mrs. O. Stutz at who pent the holidays here with N ighbors of Woodcraft drill team I W K. Burnell wa* reelected throughout the nation i his parents hus returned to Los Pleasant Hill. He returned to his workiDg. witnesses reported seeing Angeles where he is serving an en­ b is asked that all u sh ers and | president of the Springfield Cham C A L L FOR W A R R A N T S the man stop his car and get out. school Wednesday. January 2. The Misses Lucile and Florence listment In the Vnited States navy members of the drill team meet at her of Commerce for another year Notice is hereby given that He returned to the car and started the I (). O. F. hall Friday evening ut the annual meeting held laat MRS. BARNELL HOSTESS School District No. 19. in Lane the motor, before falling uead over Jordan. Nancy Barnum. Elva Brab­ on the battleship. U. 8. 8. Mississi­ at 7:30 to praellre for their In­ night In Taylor hall, lie has served FOR CONTRACT PLAYERS ham and Blanche Wheeler return ppi. county. Oregon, will pay at the of­ the steering wheel. stallation to be held soon. uh president for two previous fice of clerk of said district, all Funeral arrangements are being ed to Monmouth Tuesday where term*. John Pyle wus named vlce- Members of the Kontract Bridge Sunday Night Guests— Mr and warrants to and including 3816, made at the Poole chapel In Eu­ they are attending the State Nor­ Mrs. Clyde Simpson and three Klub were guest* of Mr* W. K prenldent and I M Peteraou was dated June 27. 1934. Interest will gene. Services will be held Satur­ mal school. O ffic e r* Asked T o Meet Hnrneli at their regular meeting re-elected secretary treasurer. Nine McPeek and Ruth Brabham daughters, Maxine. Betty and Bar cease after January 4, 1935. day at 2 o'clock. All elective and Installing offlc- Director* named at the meeting last Thursday following a oue SEVERT JACOBSON, Clerk. The Scott family are well-known have gone to Monmouth where they bura. ot Hood River were over > rs o f Juanita Rebekah and Spring are Edward Privai. J Eulop, Bev- o'clock dessert Mr* C E Wbea former residents of the McKenzie will enter the State Normal school. i night guests here Sunday of Mr Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Phelps and and Mrs. I). II. M urphy. T h e Blm p- field I. O. (I. F. lodges are asked ert Jarobaon, W (’. Wrlffht and ton and Mr*. Maude Bryan were FOR SALE—Must repossess two : valley, having built a home there guesta of the club Mr* John Hend good pianos at once near Spring- where they lived until recently. son Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. | son family were returning to their to m eet at the lodge hall this even I*. K. Paffe. Nu other Important hUMldOMM wa* erer will enlerluln for the group at field. Will sacrifice for unpaid His widow, three daughters and Frakes of Philomath. Ore., were I home from San Francisco where -lug at 7:30 to practice for their their meeting on January lo guests at the Tinker home Sun­ j they spent the Christmas holidays Joint installation. balance. Amount owing »67.50 one son survive. day. December 23x Mrs. Frakes and »89. Easy terms. Write Tallman Plano Store, 395 9. 12th Goes to Portland—Hallie Bryan was formerly Miss Evelyn Phelps. St., Salem, Ore. (J 171 went to Portland on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johns return­ ed to Mayger, Ore., after spending the holidays with their families here. Mrs. Bert Johns mother of Roy Johns accompanied them and will visit with them for several weeks. Mrs. Noel who Is keeping house for several of the young girls at­ tending normal school, returned to Monmouth Tuesday. She spent the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Jordan. Bonnie Jeanne Tinker returned to Corvallis Tuesday where she Is attending Oregon State college. The -evond coriiho, cumiatigu in Oregon, to give all growers of these commodities an opportunity to sign up agaiu (or the 1935 adjustment program, will probably be uuder way soon after February 1, announ­ ces Frank L. Ballard, vice-director of the extension service. Start of the new program is being delayed until after one of the regioual of­ ficials visits the state late in Jan­ uary to complete the final details. The new contracts, which grow­ ers may sign or not, as they choose, are much more simple than the flat oues. report W. L. l'eutsch, as­ sistant county agent leader, and N, C. Donaldson. AAA compliance of­ ficer. who were called to sAilt Late City to attend the western regional meeting where the program was explained in dtail. A Upper Willamette ♦ ♦---------------------- EFFICIENT PROM PT Inexpensive Phone 2 OOD printing service consists of more than delivering a certain am ount of ink and paper in the form ordered. Good printing consists of careful consideration as to the form in which the idea is to be presented, thoughtful selection of type faces, the right grade, weight and color of the paper, accur­ ate composition and skillful printing. . . T hat is the kind of printing service you may ex­ pect from our shop. . . . and it costs no more than inferior printing. G No matter what you printing Job may be or in what quantities, we are confident you will find our esti­ mate of cost most interesting, workmanship most efficient and promptness In delivery most gratifying If you find it inconvcntlent to visit our office, pboue and we will call. . . . You are under no obligation in asking us for an estimate. The Willamette Press Opposite P. O. Springfield * ♦---------------------- g Thurston »---------------------- • Mrs. Oenevieve Beaman, Mr. and Ms. Perry Price and Miss Hazel Kdmlston attended the Oregon State Teacher association meeting in Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Platt return- i ed to Halem after spending Chrlst- ] mas with relatives here. Miss Mildred Price left Tuesday for The Dalles where she Is teach­ ing, after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Price. Mrs. Earl Simms from Medford, has spent several days the past week with her parents, Mr. anft Mrs. Ira Oray, Mr. Simms and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray and Family from Signal spent New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gray. Miss Marjorie Grant has return­ ed to Coquille where she Is teach­ ing after spending the holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Weaver from Crockett, California, left Thursday for home after visiting at the A. W. Weaver home here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry spent the past week end at Reedsport. Henry Bonney from Klamath Falls and Ralph Bonney from Fall C reek spent Monday with pherley Mae Bonney at the John Edmlston home. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Gray are ' moving Into the Mike Tennis house. 1 *