T l IK HPRlNGFIBIaD NBWB THVKHDAY. JANUARY 3. Lincoln School Notes BROTHERS COME HERE FOR HOLIDAY SEASON INVITE FARMERS 10 PM MEETING Roy yulney, principal, went to Mr. and Mrs. Lsaac Cline of Gar­ A Classified Directory of Reliable Portland during Ihe holidays as one den Way have had as guests over Business Firms and Professional of Ihe I xm county delegates to Ihe Ihe holidays Mr. Cline's brother Representative Council of the Ore­ People This Newspaper Recommends gon State Teachers association and slater in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Cline of Hanford, C a lifo r­ Production Credit Body Meets which met Thursday, Friday and nia; another brother, Jasper Cline, to You. Financial Needs Of Farm­ Haturduy last w«*-k and family of Portland, and their ers In Cooperative Way Three students have been trans- nephew. Allie Cline and family of ferred from the Lincoln school Marshfield This la the first time W A N T E D TO E X C H A N G E I'alllt- All Lane county farmer» are PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILMS Mildred Townsend and her brother lug, paper lisiiglng. kulsomtnlug DANCING the three brothers have been to­ urgently Invited to attend the first AUTO DEALERS have started school In Eugene, and gether for fifty-six years. for wixid, groceries or what ha»» annual meeting of the Willamette Carl R. Baker Klim Shop STUDENTS MATINEE Itav Moore has gone to California. you. II. Oates, 4th and Wall ANDERSON MOTORS. INC. Additional guests on Christmas Production Credit association at Kastman Films — Kodaks — DANCES Ml» Thelma Sweeney spent part street, J 10 day were Wybert lewksbury and Salem. January 14. Expert Repairing — All Work Frames — Albums— Motion AT of the holidays In Los Angeles. Hubert Hemming of Portland. Mr. Guaranteed. "The Willamette Production Cre­ Picture Camaras. Doctor In Frlieo— Dr W II Poll WINTEROARDEN Misa Eleano Smith was married and Mrs. Fred Cline of Springfield, We Photograph Everything Every Haturduy Afternoun (las. Dll. Tlrea and Uatterlee urd Is e»p«< ted hum« today (rnm a Christmas eve to Rav Turrell of Mr and Mrs Wilbur Burkhalter dit A»»«x-iatlon Is the farmer s own Anywhere. 2 - 6 o'clock 6th and A Mt».. Springfield Ph. 4» ti Ip to Han Francisco. Newport Their wedding march and family of Eugene, and Mrs »operative organisation, making production loans to Its stockhold­ Mall films to P. O. Box 867 10c was broadcast over radio station N O T IC K I 688 Willamette, Eugene Ph. 635 KORE. Eugene They went to Port Win Baughman and Mr und Mrs. er members on a busine»» basis St It O. Cline and family of Garden attuai cost,” »ays J. M Thorne, BROWN MOTOR CO. OF F IN A L 8 R T T L 8 M B N T FEED-SEED-HAY land for their honeymoon. Way. RESTAURANTS secretary. "It Isn’t a government CllltYHI.EIt aud PLYMOUTH Mr lxirnhard and Mrs. Male en NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN: Oregon F»*«-______ answer the complaint filed against dends when profits materialize Mitchell Service Station and sell at public auction to the LUMBER Sash. Door». Ola»», By using this cooperative system, highest bidder for cash, in one you In the above entitled suit with­ ALL RICHFIELD PRODUCTS and General Mill Work tracL the following described lot, in four weeks from the date of the farmers are now able to finance — Yale Tires — Used Doors and Window« tract and parcel of land, situated first publication of this summons, their crops and livestock as cheap­ EUGENE LUMBER CO. Greasing - Battery Recharging and being in Lane County. Oregon. and If you fall so to answer, for Ith »ml C Sts Springfield. Ore. want thereof, the plaintiff will take ly as "big business" finances It­ Expert Radio Repairing by Where Quality and Service are towlt: . ... Lots numbered Eighteen. Nine­ Judgment against you as prayed self. PCA borrowers also have op­ Paramount LEE CRAY DENTISTS teen, twenty, twenty-one. twenty- for in the complaint herein, tot- portunity to get on a "cash basis" Phone 48-J R. Blvd. and Grand lTione 426 two, twenty-three. forty-two, wit for a decree decreeing the in the purchase of their supplies. Watchmaker and Jeweler 7th and Main Sts Springfield forty-three and forty-four, of the plaintiff to be the owner in fee 1)R. G. A. BROWN X PR) NG F IE L D simple, free and clear from any Out of their loan advances they can A C. Bohrnstedt Company So. Pacific W atch Inspector Hours 8 A M to 6 P. M and all claim of the defendants, pay cash for such purchases, re­ OREGONIAN Fruit Lands, according to the re­ F irs t Lias» W o rk a t Reaaonablc The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. and all of them, of the following paving the association from farm Phone 20-J corded plat thereof on file and of SERVICE STATION ITIoes Furntshee a record in the office of the county described premises, to-wit: Springfield | r>th and Main Sts. At the Springfield Junction Beginning at a point 272 feet proceeds. In this manner they pay Clerk, in and for Lane County, COMPLETE HOME Residence 728 A Street. North and 100 feet East of the but 5 per cent interest, whereas GAS AND OILS Oregon; said sale to be made sub­ Building and R« palrlug Service. i tenersi I-aw Practice Southwest comer of FrisseR s the ordinary way of buying on Service Day and Night. ject to the approval of said court For Sc-vlce Phone Springfield 66 Park, according to Frissell’s Plat, "time” often requires paying a» DR. WM. N. DOW Grocery Sundries. Tobacco’s and and subject to redemption, as by I. M. PETERSON as the same is platted and re­ DENTIST or If no answer, phone 34-J. law provided. Picnic Goods. corded at Page 222 of Volume 3, much as 10 per cent. Attorney-et-Law C. A. 9WARTS, Sheriff ot Springfield. X-Ray Diagnosis — Bouts 8 to 12 Lane County. Oregon, Plat Re­ West Springfield Ph. Bpr. 33-J Lane County, Oregon. City Hall Building cords; thence East 50 feet, 1 to 6 snu by appointment. Insteal of shelling peas, throw ID 20-27 — J 3-10-17) PHYSICIAN . SURGEON Springfield. Oregou thence North to the left bank of the pods and all—after culling the Office Phone 8 — Re» Phone 67 TRANSFER A STORAGE the McKenzie River; thence in N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S First Nnt'l Bank Bldg. Springfield a Westerly direction meandering bad ones—into boiling water. When DR MILTON V WALKER MOVING—Our Plano and Furni­ Notice Is hereby given that the ihe bank of said river to a point the peas are done the pods will Surgery and Diseases of Women undersigned has been duly ap­ ture Movers are Experts. ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES directly North ot the place of rise to the surface of the water, 4th and Main Sts. Springfield STORAGE — Concerte Building, pointed Administratrix ot the es­ beginning- thence South to the leaving the peas at the bottom. The tate of G. M deBroekert, deceased, Springfield Electric Supply Phone 82 J Reasonable Rates. Reliability. place of beginning; also, begin­ by the County Court of Lane ning at a point 272 feet North pods add to the flavor of the peas Wiring. General Contracting PACKING — Experienced H e lp County. Oregon. Al persons having and 100 feet East of the South-' as well as making this a much claims against the said estate are G. E. lainip». Universal Household MELVILLE S. JONES, M. D. Means Safety and Protection. west corner of the aforesaid simpler way to prepare them. hereby notified to present the of Pittsburgh. Pa Electrical Supplies. Frissell's Park; thence East 50 Surgery / i d Diseases of Women PACIFIC TRANSFER & same, properly verified as by law General Repairing feet; thence South 272 feet; or required, to the undersigned at tee STORAGE CO. X Ray and Physiotherapy to the County Road No. 56. along «42 Malti Springfield 69^8 6th Ave. W. Eugene. Ph. 74 oflce of Wells & Wells. Attorneys, Springfield, Oregon the South side of said Park; Bank of Commerce Bldg., Eugene. If np answer Call 104-R thence in a Westerly direction, First National Bunk Bldg. Ph. 43 Lane County, Oregon, within six Inspect our New Installation at along said County Road to a ' Represented By months from the date ot this no- the State Game Farm. WOOLEN MILLS point directly South of the place, tlco PLUMBING - PIPE FITTING of beginning; also, beginning at, Westinghouse Lamps and Dated and first published Dec. 6, E. H. TURNER a point 272 feet North and 150 EUGENE Appliances. 1934 feet East of the Southwest cor­ Springfield. Ore- NIEL POLLARD RIKA deBROEKERT, Admin­ 848 A BL WOOLEN MILL CO. ner of the aforesaid Frissell's HENDEREB ELECTRIC p L U M B 1 N O istratrix. Manufacturers of Woolens. Park; thence East 50 feet; ]42O Main St. Springfield WELLS & WELLS. Attorneys. Copper Colls a Specialty. Thence North 56 feet; thence Specialising In Ladles (D 6-13-20-27—J 3)_______ Hen. Phone 148-J Ree. Phone 163-J Northwesterly to a point 96 feet COATINGS AND SUITINGS. North of the place of beginning; N O T IC E OF H E A R IN G 420 Main SI Springfield. Ore. Retail Department at Mill FRUIT PACKERS thence South to the place of be­ F IN A L A C C O U N T East End 6th Ave. Eugene, Ore ginning;—all being a part of Sec­ In the Matter of the Estate ot PRINTERS E iig fiie Fruit G row er’s Ass'n tion 13. T. 16 S. R. 5 E. of the Reason P. Endicott, deceased. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S ____ W. M . In I^ane County. Oregon, 1 Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers Notice is hereby given tliat- b J Formerly Walker Poole Notice Is hereby given that the • and Shipper Ice ami Cold S torage.| THE WILLAMETTE PRESS undersigned has been duly appoint­ order of the Honorable Fred Fisk. and further decreeing that the de­ fendants have not. nor have any or Springfield EUGENE—111 It SPRINGFIELD I College Ice Cream Manufacturers. ed Administratrix of the Estate of County Judge In and for Lane either of them, any right, title, County. Oregon, Saturday, Janu Phone 2 Coco Cola—Ktst Beverages Maggie Hunter, deceased, by the claim or Interest In any of said 228 Main and Charnelton arv 12. 1935. at the hour of When you go to California, try Business S ta tio n e ry —O ffice Forms County Court of Lane County, Ore­ o'clock, A. M.. at the office Cider Vinegar real property. I'hono 62-J the train! Big changes have taken Telephone 723 gon. All persons having claims This summons Is served upon Phone 1480 Booklets — Placards — chambers of the County Court in place on our rails. Pullmaa against the smu estate are hereby you by publication thereof for four the Court House of Lane County, Dodgers, etc. Ferry near 8th Ave K. Eugene, charges are a third less notified to present the same, pro­ successive weeks by order of the In Eugene, Oregon, has been flxe} TUE OL' IttXIXT-PLA U E look old. Wear Lenses that cor­ rect your vision completely. We have found Orthogon Wide Vision lenses the best. DR. ELLA MEADE Optomatrlat 41 West 8th Butene 379469