T11V R S H A Y, JANUARY 3. THE 8PRINOF1RIJ) NEWS PAGE TW O THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County. Oregou by L IT T L E BOY B L U E l.lttle Boy Blue, come blow your horn. H E M MEH ASK HEW DEPARTMENT BABY R EG ISTR A TIO N IN FINAL WEEK OF DRIVE Portland Offlee Starts W ork Mon day On 5000 Cards Alrsady M ailed By Parents barm Agent Ends HEARING 1/ear of Activity SEI III FIRM DERI WORK There's a Government Agent count- I ng your corn. T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS Another one lecturing the old red O. S. Fletcher Mnkeg Sum­ sow. H K MAXEY. Editor Checking the register your baby mary Of Annual Report Of Lane Conciliation Commis­ On the number of pigs she can State Department Of Public cards ’»ailed Io Washington. D U„ sioner To Be At City Hall Past Tw elv* Months have and how Welfare Would Get Sweep­ by Oregou parents alnco Ihe cam Entered as second class matter, February 24, 1903. at the postofflca, On January 8 1‘a— gone to town to find out Just ing Authority Springfield, Oregon pulgu opened December 6. began III A good cross section view of the what Cortland Monday. A force of six life of a county farm agent may he Welby Stevens, conciliation coin M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T S He can do next year with the old Creation of a Slate Department persons was put Io work on the obtained font the statistical sum mlsslolier tor Lane county, repres t l 00 Oae Year in Advance $1 60 Six Mouths meadow lot. of l'ubile We.ture Is recommended task Each card will he compared uinry of l> S Fletcher's annual re 60c Ma s at the radio, hearing them I (|l , bo Report of the Governors In Io the records of birth-. which have poll. Mr. Fletcher Is county agent eiillng the Federal t'ourl, illslrlcl Two Years In advance $2 50 Three Months for Oregon, n ports three new cases tell. i terlm Commission on Health and come Io the hoard In Ihe regular for Lane county and has released fill'd within the past week, under THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1936 How under the New Deal there Welfare which has Just been com way. and when a baby I* found the following ns a summary to Ills the provisions of recent federal I plated and Is ready for free dletrl who was not so reported Ihe defi­ ain't no Hell. extensive report: legislation In- behalf of farmers PLANNING THE FOREST CROP Aunt Mame Is lu Washington drag-1 bu(b„, tn ,„,w Depurtmort ciency will at once be made up and Received 5.510 office calls and laboring under morlgugu ami other Fifty per cent of the area of Oregon and the o ther gtng down pay, w I would be placed all welfare licit steps taken Io see why II occurred. 336 telephone calls In regard to financial dlfflcullles- vltlca while those relating to pub northw est states is suitable only for timber growing accord- Front the I’lHj or the aaa "lf the owners of uiurtgaged For this reason III order that farm problems. ing to the regional forester. Lumber production is ami The Hired Man quit when the work lie health would be consolidated farms In Lain» county, understood Wrote 3.64 Individual letters a complete chock on Hie routine under the Stale Hoard of Health. should always be our chief crop in Oregon. But to m ake didu t please Mulled 22.378 coplea of 122 dr the operations of this law. many it the chief crop in future years depends on our m ethods And get a job trimming Govern­ The Commission recommends that ayatem may be obtatued ihe cular loiters more would roeorl to Federal board, the bureau and the »tale em ment trees. this Hoard be provided sufficient of logging and reforest ration. t'ourl." says Mr. Stevens, who hus Made 306 farm visits. Th y'll be telling you aoon. if you funds fully to protect the cltlxens ergenc) relief administration ai* liislalent Hull all »Ilglblu parents Traveled 16.243 tulles hy auto­ received reports Indicating wide in norm al times lumbering brings $300,000,000 into don’t take care, of Oregon. spread use of Ihe law In other Oregon. Surely this is an income that should be looked Where you can live and what you The Public Welfare Department send curds regardless of whether mobile. counties of the state, and In other their baby's birth Is already re after as it concerns more than the tim ber operator, who is Specialists from the Oregou Agri can w ear. would have supervision over such engaged in trying to make a profit over a few years, l'ax D o w much you must pay for your matters as child welfare, Institu­ corded or not. cultural college cooperated u total slates Protects In Foreclosures collectors too, w ho are engaged in getting income from year Cheeking started with 5.000 cards pants and your shoes, of 66 days with Ihe Lane county tional care, paroles and probations The chief benefit derived, are. to year should also have some regard for the future. So this is no time to he taking a The Oregon State Board of Public on band and Dr. Frederick D. agent. according Io Mr Btevene. protec­ Stricker, aecrelary of ilie board, snoots. Welfare would consist of seven Thirteen demon -(ration meet Any forest policy that does not take into consideration Little Boy Blue mny be burled memberil appointed by the Rover a king Ihe people of the slate Io logs were hold, and Ihe count> tion Of Hie Federal t'ourl against harvesting the ripe crop of tim ber and letting the new real property mortgage fore­ deep nor. One member would be from send In »000 more at once. Aid of agent, assistant, or cooperating closures. challel mortgage fore­ grow th stand is short sighted and is uot looking to real con­ Under Red Tape but he's not (bt, (acuity of the School of Social tnierlcan Legion Auxiliary units. specialists spoko al HI meetings servation and a perpetuation of our forest income. closures, foreclosure of real prop asleep. i Work of the University of Oregon, Parents Teacher assoelallons. and with a total allondnuce of 5.251 erly sale contract*. and suite of Com m unities should not take too seriously the objec­ I and the State Medical Society and organ lxat Iona affiliated with Ihe The number of days devoted Io varlouti kinds la other lyp»« of tion of operators, which arc tem porary expedients, and the Ihe Stale Bur Association would Slut.- Federation of Women'« Clubs various projects was as follows ohllgallone The funda......dal pur CALIFORNIA IMPORTS state and county should not object to plans for long time each recommend one. One term has been enlisted In seeing that Corn hog production control, 192; pose of the law. Is to help tide Ihe every family hai a card, and thut planuing in forestry provided some substitute resource i an SNOW FOR SKI MEET would end each year. wheat production control. 194; farmer over, and prevent Individ Il Is signed and mulled whenever farm crops, 29; horticulture, 25; be supplied by the federal governm ent until a yield tax is More Help le Needed uul creditors from taking an unfair Bay Region Seeks To Develop In­ The Commission found that all there la a baby to whom It applies dairying. 29. weed control. 19. nils advantage of the furnier. to the loss workable. terest In W in te r Sport« W ith Any one may obtain a curd or cellnneous. 19; community ad lvl divisions of Ihe State Board of of other creditors Th»- prospect of We have been slaughtering our tim ber almost without Berkeley Tournam ent Health are undermanned, and thut curds by dropping a postal Io Ihe lb s. 18; poultry, 18; rodents. 13; a five or six year "moratorium” regard to the future. This is a near-sighted policy. With Stale Board of Health. 916 Oregon ----------- ' with the present financial provls- soil Improvement, 14. agricultural brings about many very favorable all the planning comm issions being formed timber should With more than 70 of the West's iou ¡, impossible to curry on the building. Portland. Oregon. economics. 12, subsistence gar consolidations and ecallug down of get a definite policy fixed for it. To put this or that tra c t finest "sky riders" participating. worg adequately. The Increased den . 12; farm finances. 19 gen debts. Io a point where the Federal of tim ber into the forest reserve is not a forest policy unless a novel ski tournament will be j e„landa for prevention of corn- latnd Bunk will make a loan and we take into consideration w hether that tim ber is ripe ami staged In Berkeley Sunday. Janu u,„„i,-able diseases requires the KITTY CARLISLE FROWNS eral livestock. 6; total. 599 Tin» report covers tin» y»»ar from wipe Ihe slate dean. ready for cutting or should stand another 20. 40 or 50 years ary 6. under auspices of the Au employment of an epidemiologist. ON HOLLYWOOD NITE LIFE December 1. 1933 Io December I. The mujorlly of Willamette val­ before it is m ature. A sustained crop should be our prin­ burn Ski club. Though much overworked, the 1934 II Includes the work of an ley farmers Io dute. having filed cipal consideration. A lot of overripe tim ber in the national Hollywood's axiom that "you ve Snow for the unique event w ill. stuffs of the hygienic laboratory emergency assistant f o r eight under these proceedings, have re­ forest should be cut now as it is rapidly deteriorating. A gotta be seen If you want to be ported satisfactory results. lot of young grow th tim ber outside the national forest is be hauled from the high Sierra by . and ihe sanitary engineering dlvl- known" Is definitely refuted by months being slaughtered while yet too young to m ake good lum ­ the Southern Pacific company. A sion have not been able Io keej Kitty Carlisle. W ill H ear Creditors train load of snow—more than 11,-1 pace with their growing (asks. If Mr Stevens has made arrange­ ber. Both situations are detrim ental to sustaining our . 1000 Last Y sar Low cubic feet—will be required to the required funds are furnished, The young Paramount actress greatest natural resource. An all lima low r» < «»r«l of acreage ments for Ihe next serie» of credit­ cover the take-off and "down hill it was pointed out. not only could now playing the lending role lu burned evei over In the national ors meetings to he held on the Hth the state hoard of health ke p up Paramount's "Here Is My Heart.' of the ski Jump site. forests of Oregon anil Washington day of January. 1936 al Ihe City The tournament has been sane- with this work, but II could also do coming Bunday to the McDonald The adult education classes being conducted by the was made lu 1933 Duly 4.746 sen»- hull. Springfield, al which lime Mr. FERA at the Springfield high school offers a real oppor- tioned by the California Ski > Asst)-' some Intelligent planning to im- theatre, has been In the film capl Steven* will have Ihe assistance tunity to people who want to add to their education. T hree elation and is regular lu every prove sanitary conditions In Ore tai about one year and she hasn't were burned over, as against 696. of Herman E Mfky. attorney of 263 acres In Ho- high year of 1919 attended a single night club, a aln evenings a week without cost to the students classes are particular. An 85 foot takeoff scar gun Salem Mr. Mfky tins made a conducted by an experienced teacher in English, niathe- fold has been constructed for the Recommendations Indud.-d Thai gle popular dancing "spot." a single The presonce of large numbers of special study of this new legtsla CUU men. r«-uiltlv available for fire popular rendexvous or a single m atics geography and Other subjects. No one is too old event and Jumps of 150 feet may the state board of health license fighting, together with favorable Gun. ami has appeared as the at to learn and a general education fits everyone for his job be made from the artificial hill, it hospital» maternity home«, public party. weather condition* and public con­ torney for the majority of such in the world as well as m aking him a better citizen. was stated. health laboratories, food handling "I suppose." says Miss Carlisle, ditions, are eredll<»d for Hie record proceeding* lu Ihe U S Dlslrl I The meet wilt be held at the establishments, shellfl-h produc "It's really Just because I don't like Court al Portland I head of Hearst Avenue, north of tioo. overnight staying places and to stay up lute I work hard. Either by fed ral foresters the University of California Mem Ihe Industrial camps; fee- Io be Governor Martin, it is reported, expects to ask the legis­ I'm In a picture, or else I'm study­ M a p L ig h tn in g tlrolllug In a gas oven Is both lature to give him powers to consolidate boards and com ­ Î orlal Stadium and Greek theater. large enough to cover udequute In- ing voice. When I'm not working M aps sh ow in g Ih e lim n o f ort'Or Held for the purpose of stimulât sped loo. Thut venereal disease al Ihe studio I lake vocal lesson« «-aster ami better done In a pl<« tin missions. There are likely m any consolidations th a t could be made in the interest of economy but if we judge the ing Interest In California's winter | laws be revised, as the present dally." And. she says, her (allure to under (he flam - Tin* pie Iin savi*» ' reni-e and the path of «vary llghtu- future by the past we can see no reason for abolishing sports, the tournament ts attract- -»taint es. beside- being unenforce- "be seen" here, there and Ihe other th<- Juice and tt Is much easier Io tug storm observed by national ing many nationally known ski- able, do not authorize examination place has In no way affected her I clean than the broiling grid and forest fire lookouts In iiregou and the state board of control. W a s h in g to n fo r th e pu t nine yea a t pun ! Jumpers. for suspicious cases. The labora- screen career. -........... have been prepared by the Pacific -------------------------- lory would be asked to establish "Why should It?" «he asks, "Th, Fresh fish have red gills and .Northwest Forest Experiment Sta As one ex-doughbov savs, ''T he governm ent is paying I free darkfteld examination and fact that I was at the Grove, or 4 | ey<- and firm, stiff (Ins, lion. Such maps provide fire pro millions of dollars to people who it does not owe any debt SHIPPING HEAD RAPS blood test for nil persons uunble the Clover Club or some other place which turn, us the fish grows, siula., lection agencies with fundament al to in order to save the country—seem s to me th at it might OCEAN MAIL SYSTEM to pay. regardless of whether they are indigent. That milk sanitation shouldn’t do anything hut make me Into spoiled, dull gills, spotted, »luta on lightning storm distrlb pay some money to service men it does owe a debt to for sleepy the next day. Of course 1 dull (»yen uii«l flabby finn Ilon und behavior Declares M ail Contracts Are Sub­ be transferred to the health de­ saving the country.” partment. which should cooperate have friends and visit with them, sidies; Urges Open Aid For with the state milk control board Inn night life d