THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS NO. 60 FOLKSHEBE E lk * BIG SHOW O B Ili Dedication Of White Bra Recreation Area Draw Unprecedented Crowd SEBI PROJECT IN ‘ “ 's » "> HOOP TENNIS HOOP BeH" FREE SCHOOL FOH / M A ,p » r(b G w e n n jn jiu j J,™ Monday M O L IS 10 OPEN 09736688 Plan Joint Meeting January Work On Army Survey Still Warrants To June 27, 1934 16, To Observe Founding Odd Fellows Squad Meets In Preliminary Stages; »County Relief Council Ap- Called By Clerk; Bond Pay- 1 Registration For Courses Will Of National Croup Crow Tonight; Complete Hearing Dates Not Set proves Springfield Planning ments Made By Treasurer Be Taken At High School Plans for the Joint Installation Schedule l> Made Commission Request Starting Tonight Whether or not the flood control! Finances of Mprlngfleld school Of officers tor Juanita Rebekah R g J Q M £E T M O N M O U T H ^ X ^ . ^ I m A V WAIT TWO WEEKS lodge and the Mprlngfleld I. O. O. 'strict number IS. were In better Enrollment for the secund terra Z T w ^ SHOW EXHIBITION WOkK shape us the calendar year dosed thia week, the beat, In fact, that Upper McKenzie Playground they have been for some years Assured Busy Season; Some pact. Mevert Jacobson district clerk, In Equipment Is Available of the free adult education classes , . _ ___ . ----------- . F. lodge nest Monday evening Pleasant Hill, Marcóla Have ill be . ,'L , 1 . ™ pr.~n,.„.,n Propowd Work Would In- . . . . held at the high school will be Victories, Townies Croup taken tonight aud Friday at the “ la yet un “ «<-’ • O' Also Drop Games school by Mrs. O. >1. Hllles. super­ ■................. .... .......- To Needy Laborer. | )n. taJI “,b/ R^ hab . nd visor of (he work In Mprlngfleld. decided. H. E. Maxey, preldenl of the Wit this Issue of the News la calling Mhe will be at the school both Richard Johns of Eugene will b e1 Mprlngfleld'. I. O. O. F. basket- ------- 7nd <"" “"<«"« »’" " « s " *>»"*Ul7g officer ball team will play It. second K k e River Flood Control asso , 11 f tar the most outstanding new all warrauts Written up to Juue 27, evetilngs starting at 7:30 o'clock. lamette elation, addressed a letter recent ; vldlnx for work on the street, and, a,M) plan„ ‘here last Thursday evening, tidpanta lu the «porta or aa apecta- bond Indebtedness was made Jan­ depend on the wishes of the stu- I tlon says Earl M. Drew, manager welcome in the New Year I-ate in The complete schedule for the tors. uary I. by the county treasurer, denta and the number who enroll. rays that: The work la now being carried j of the SERA office, the evening the members enjoyed a local I. O. O. F group has been Preceding the dedicatory pro and another payment of 11,000 will Algebra. English, Current Topics, i by engineers who are In the Members of On- planning group |un<.h nf bamburKer and coffee. prepared and contains the follow- Siam a troop of Eugeue Boy Scoute be made In April. This will re­ General Science, Economic Geo­ field making reconnolaancea for met with the county HERA officers An invitation from the Odd Fel ’ ,nX games. duce the total bond debt to 167,000 ialaed the flag on the large pole In graphy. and Psychology are among preliminary surveys of a number, last week-end and explained their J;: nuary 3—Mprlngfleld at Crow. frout of the 40-foot alielter houae at the doae of thia year All the subjects which may be offered i. . . lows to meet with them on Janu- project. to make sure that It met Janu. ry lft_ 8pr1ngfleM at Cot. of reservoir sites on the principal projec aa one of their number played bla bonds are serially numbered now providing the demand la sufficient. al. technical requirements before w|Mey> founder , Qro„ tributaries, others are studying to and will mature at the rate of bogle- Mrs. Hllles will again teach the what extent and cost flood control I any actual request was made January 16—Oakridge at Spring 96.600 annually until they are paid order In America, was accepted, i H a rry W rig h t D irector classes three nights s week. The may be obtained by clearing and The project, a« submitted to the Crystal Bryan. Mrs.* R. E Mushier. , field. Dean llovard of the university nights will be announced later and rectification of the channel and state committee, provides for and Edna Mwarts were named on A postponed game with Oakridge told of the dreama which many an additional Instructor can be se­ construction of levees. total expenditure of *8270.20 for there, date not yet set. have had vlauallalng «uch a sport» cured If there le sufficient Interest both labor and materials. The ma- lne <,,,nl A third Investigation Is being January 21—Cottage Grove at i enter. Perry Thompson, aupervlaoi shown locally to warrant the ex­ made to arrive at a definite know­ terials are to be paid for by the meeting, Springfield. of the Willamette forest presented pense. ledge of the nature and amount of city. January 24—Coburg at Spring­ the site to (he people of Oregon on A total of 13.728 hours of labor,! Last term there were 22 enroll the annual Io»» that may be field. behalf of hla superior offlc«r, C. J. an expenditure of *7555.20, la ask-j oil In the arithmetic and English charged to floods. January 31—Springfield st Co- Buck, the entire forest, and the In the office a great deal of ed for the project. Tills will be f classes aud 17 In the Current burg. three-C force which did the actual Events course. It la felt that many work Is being done In the way of divided as follows: Resurfacing February 5—Elmira at Spring- work Several reaponaea were Resident Of Creewell For 10 others would like to participate In computing, tabulating, and pre street- 10.000 hours at 50 cents; field. given for Interested organisations blacksmith, 576 hours at (1.20; Year« Passes At Hospital these classes If they realised that paring maps. February 11—Springfield at Lo­ aud IxMila Waldorf aa King Wlhtar Much of thia preliminary work semi-skilled work. 1152 hours a t , there waa no expense to them In Eugene Friday rane. crowned Queen Florence Ogdeu selves Involved In their attendance will not have to be done In the up­ 75 cents; and ditching and culv­ February 14—Springfield st Bi- Double Pneumonia Claim« This was the signal for the «porta Mrs Bertha Belle Welsel. well at them. per Wllllamette tn I-ane county, erts. 2000 hours at 50 cents. more. to begin. A rug of war. baseball known resident of the Creswell Life Of Charles Hunter says Captain Damon, as thia was Materials for the work have been February 19—Inorane at Spring- game and three legged race, all on community, passed away at the Eu covered quite cnrefully In 1931-32 es timated at »1715 and will include After Brief Innless field. >kta provided much entertainment gene hospital late Friday evening. when a canalisation survey was tbe following items: Gas and oil. Members of the local team ara Bob Donaldson. Instructor for the December 28. She waa 5g years old. Funeral services for Charles Ed Bruce and Freeman Squires. Don- »200 culvert pipe. *36; grates 10 made. Portland Ski club and for the Mai The times and places for holding at »16. »15«; cement for storm mund Hunter will be held from the aJ(J Hawke Robert Chatterton, Mhe was born at Fand Springs, amas. Portland outdoor club then Iowa on August 23. 1878 and had Richard Proch- hearings will be announced at a drains. »5; lumber and incidentals, Poole chapel here this afternoon G,Ibert gave a demon» t rat Ion of Jump beea a resident of the Creswell later date It was stated In the re­ »10; sand and gravel for drains, at 2 o'clock. Dr E. V. Stivers will qow Jo* Oerber Lloyd Mattison, ■ urn«, bend turning, the Christiana. vicinity for the past 10 years. ,5; and 1156 yards of crushed rock, officiate and Interment willI be Wllliam Cox and Elmer Pyne. Mat ply. T rleu ta rk , jump tak e-o ff. and ala* i made in the Laurel Hill cemetery. t|goI) Is player-manger for the 61466- Survivor« Include her husband, lorn racing In which be Hgiagged Mr. home. 'igquad. The materials will have to be ™>. Hunter died ™ at his ------ Charlea Wetsel, two daughters, Eugene and Springfield A uk down the steep hillside, weav­ paid for out of the current budget E'gbth and M streets. Munday fol To Pie» Mrs. J N. Whitaker of Coburg and iliary Croups To Meet In ing hl« akl between many obata of the city. Much of the work need» , lowin? a short illness. He fcnd been team »ill go Mrs G W Watson of Creswell; Local Armory clea aef only four feet apart Tom to be done at once, and the d tv is working on a county road project _ and one son. W. C. Wetsel at West Wiper, Harry Wright. Bryan Kyen. saving the labor expense in making and contracted double pneumonia „»«.„mg at tbe local gym- Jolnt Installation for Iuka circle, Ed Thurston. and Marte O'Neil as- fir. at Sauke Center. >» •* “ this an SERA project providing Itj I . He was born . , , urn «H n they play Monmootn Funeral services were held Mon­ Mprlngfleld. and Rich Mountain clr slated him Harry Wright waa di­ Minnesota on January U . 1875 at. Is approved. . 60 years __ -u old o, at toe high in a return game. Monmouth rector of all sports events for the day afternoon at 2 o'clock from d e. Eugene, ladles auxiliaries of was not quite . , h In man the Brhwerlng chapel la Creswell. the G A. R Will be held this even Booth-Kelly Plant Operates time of his death. 1880 he he m„v«l moved defeated both the first and second day . . teams with scores of 13-9 and 16- Itev. W M . Hurgoyne. pastor of the lug at the armory The metalling with his Darent-» to Eau C laire, Expert Give« Advice • Through Holidays With . Wlsconsin. ... • a i , o i - p , , e just preceding .he dedicatory I Methodist church at <. reswe.l. of officer has not been announced by and In 191, to E tie.( 19 *n s***1 <8m*8 Tuesday at Moo- Two Doys Off service» .early 50 persons on skis ."d Interment waa made Mrs. Grace Lan»b«ry, Incoming Pennsylvania. In 1928 he came to n,outt* president for Iuka circle. Springfield where he leaves his The Pleasant Hill hoop teams were ...... .. up uod given practical • ' '» • «est Haven cemetery The Mprlngfleld plant of the mother. Mrs. Emma James, and ran away from the locals In s Other officers for Iuka circle to Booth-Kelly Lumber company re demonstrations in the simpler one sister. Miss Mabel F. Hunter. double header here last Thursday movement on akl» by Donaldson . j STAR MEMBERS be Installed are Melba Harris, sen­ sunied operations again Wednes . evening. The Pleasant Hill Sprlng Mrs. Olive day morning following a one-day He also spoke to the hundreds of . . . CILTPWF ior vice-president; , field first team game stood at 28- spectators on such subjects as cour PLAN MEET IN EUO Wickham. Junior vice-president; shut down for New Years day y e |t je Pruitt Accepts New CARL PETERSON DIES 14 at the half and ended 38-14. The Mrs. C. F. Kggluiann. chaplain; The local mill has operated on an tesy In now sports. He stress,si C h u rch ; Regular meeting of Cascade FUNERAL RITES NOT SET; second team of the HUI Billies Pearl Knowler. treasurer; the Importance of always walking Mr«. eight hour shift dally for geveral chapter O. E. S. was held here nosed out a close 27-23 victory over Leaves January 27 to the side of ski slides Instead of Mrs. Fred Louk. secretary; Mrs. Carl Peterson. Creswell, route 1, the local second string. Tuesday evening. Past Matrons Alice Doane, patriotic Instructor; days. The present season Is the on them as such usuge soou ruined Rev. Veitie Pruitt, pastor of the j died at the Eugene hospital Tues-! served refreshments following the Mrs. Clarlne Putman, registrar; first lu many year» that the plant Springfield's Town team has also has not been closed down for re- them in Springfield, »»nriiivfleld d d av at die the M age . ° of t 40 40 years. He; pa,r. church In .y a. . prellmlDary gem . the P ~ t meeting. ___ Jolana Putman, conductress; and Site Given Name The local Star . h.pter.accepted | w " ; guard New Year holidays. It was closed from h'8 *ork here h e ; was born July' 4 J 8 9 4 in Sweden ( Thurs