THU TH E flPRlNOFlELP NEWS PAO« four U S I SURPLUS KM SULL WITH M l u. O. HOOPSTERS WORK OVER HOLIDAY PERIOD HEALTH SERVICE TOWN AND VICINITY 8. P. TO SPEND MUCH FOR AIR CONDITIONING NEW ACCREDITED HERD BULE OSEO With a »2.000.000 expenditure al ready authorised for the air coiwll Vacation or no vacation. Bill Boning of equipment, the Southern Down from Bridge— I’lill Daniel i Reinhart aud hto Untverall) o* III at Home—Ira Fuller is quite Paelflu company today announced and W . G llaady of M cK e n .ie Oregon hasfcetball team are going As a reault of a hearing conduct ill at his home In Sunnyside addi­ that another irauaeoulliiental train Bridge were vlattora hers Mon lay. will be added to Its program, aud ed by Dr. W H. Lytle. chief of lhe right on playing their preseason tion. Care Or Student» At U. O.. O For the benefit of Oregon farm schedule of games. Monday and Up from Msdford— Mrs. It. P. that a large number of coaches and division of animal Industry of the Visiting Parents— Miss Grace they lost in S. C. Rated Highest At Pac­ «ra having surplus hay for sale all Tuesday evenings Motensen Is here from Medford for .hair ears will be filled Wl“ the S t a t e Department of Agriculture. Male ot Portland Is hero visiting ific Coast Session Oregon county agents are making game, at Ashland the Sou In hie office on Friday. December temperature coutrol device the Christmas holidays. with hrr parents, Mr. and Mrs M surveys to determine the amount., ern NsrmB team *nl to Hasel, motored to Medflord last Eugene. Irma Laird of Bend. Mr. ed by the university Is a complete spend the holidays with her par­ ,, „ ti _ Eugene _ ____________ Saturday and spent Christmas and Mrs Ralph Laird and children. physical examination for seniors. chr'|atmu, d„y at Corvallis with re- lui»-, pi was a Christmas crease of 32 per cent compared Students about to graduate are also la||vea of Mr an), Mr„. Flan >( (he , u|M of Kev and with the fall term a year ago. Of ents. Mr. and Mrs. Waller McPar there. Miss Loree Laird. Mrs. Stenson c these. 2383 camo from the 38 Ore­ son. Mr and Mrs. John Price enter­ Miss Addle Latrd of Eugene, urged to come In for a final check- ery up before leaving school Dr. Miller gon counties, everyone of which tained for Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Laird. O inner in Eugene— Dr. and Mrs Dinner at Shedd—Mr. and Mr». H ere for Christmas — Mr. and was represented. Nineteen other says. and Mrs. Blby ana daughter from Nancy Barnum. Blanche Wheeler. The precautions against tuber W H. Pollard und family attended Mrs. Dale Cheshire of Cheshire states sent 187 students to the col­ Riley Snodgrass and daughter. Eugene. Mrs. Rosa Baughman and Elva Brabham. Grovel Kelsay, are taken at the university a family dinner at the home of were here Tuesday to spend Christ lege. while three came from Ala» Maxine, and Lloyd Garrison, spent sons. Harold and Howard. Eugene; Barry Mauney, Lucille Jordan and culosis in spile of the relatively low lUber- their son-in-law and daughter. Mr nuts day with her parents. Mr. and ka. two from Hawaii, six from Can­ < hrlslmas dinner at the Alex Sond- Mr. and Mrs. Felix Sparks, Blue Florence Jordan. Pleasant Hill culosis rate In Oregon, and the low and Mrs. Carl »teen in Eugeni Mrs. 11. E. Gerber. grass home at Shedd ada and one from China. River; Mr. and Mrs. Arch Shough young folks who are attend State culosis Tuesday. and family and Mr. and Mrs Perry Normal school at Monmouth, are rate among students here. Poitland People Here—Mr. and Down from Portland— Mr. anil Mrs. Ellery O. Faye of Portland Price. spending the holidays at their Mrs. William Pollard are here from clime down from Portland last Kirk Crowe who stays at Wea­ homes at Pleasant Hill and Trent ILL SERVICE MEN ARE Portland for the honaaya visiting ver's is in Eugene spending the I Luc,je and Florence Jordan are RECIPIENTS OF GIFTS at tile home of Dr. and Mrs. \\ H. week-end lo spend the holidays holidays with his parents County j at the home of thetr aunt visiting al the home of her mother. Commissioner Crowe and wife. Mrs. Bert John, as their brothe», Six thousand gift bags from the Pollard, and with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. C. 1. O o rrle. tor. The grade school held Its Christ­ J a m e s, la s t ill ill w ith t h e m um p». Pacific and Mid-Western cities Ernie Danner In Eugene. Coburg H a t Program — Members man program at the school build­ Howard Parks. George Jameson. were shipped to the Philippine is Get License Marriage lhe Methodlst church at Coburg ing last Friday evening. Loree Laird, Albert Mathews, w ho, janjjg china. Hawaiian Islands, have been issued the past week to held their Christmas program Mon­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baugh and son are attending University of Ore­ Guam, Samoa, aud Alaska, by the Wesley Brown. Horton, and Lula day evening Rev. and Mrs. Dean Harry, took Christmas dinner with gon are home for the holidays. Red Cross this year to brighten the Hill. Marcola; Robert William Tay Poindexter drove to Coburg to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Smith to Eu Bonnie Jeanne Tinker, who is at­ Christmas season for soldiers and lor, Creswell, and Velma Hunsaker, take part In the service. tending Oregon State college at sailors, ill in post or station hos- gene. Miss Mildred Price, who is teach­ Corvallis is spending the holidays pJta,g aud for ,hoge stationed at Springfield. Home from Vancouver—Miss Ma In ing at The Dalles arrived last Sat­ at her home at Pleasant Hill. J remote pogta. Norval F obs I s | ur)ne u ,mbard lg home from Van­ V isits Parent» urday to spend the holidays at The Pleasant Hill public school j The bag8 contained toiiet arttc- home for a few days from Bremer­ couver. Washington to spend the home. and the Sunday school of the First needle and thread kits, gumee. ton to visit with his parents, Mr Christmas holidays with her Miss Rhodes who is teaching at Christian church gave a Christmas ri>a(( word puzzleg and kindred and Mrs. Henry Fosr. over the holl I othe|> Mr> Klia Lombard. Miss Cedar Flat motored to Salem to program with exchange of presents days. He is serving an enlistment lx)I„hard Is teaching In the Wash- gifts. spend holidays with her mother. Sacks of candy and oranges were Actually Filmed at We«t Point in the U. S. navy. ington city. Mlse Marjorie Grant who Is passed to each little child In the OSC Science School Active With teaching at Coquille is here visit­ audience. Mothers received hand­ Portland People Here— Mr. and ing her parents Mr. and Mrs made calendars from their children. Corvallis—J. E. Simmons, associ­ Mrs. william Farrelly of Portland COMPTROLLER COMMENDS DICK POWELL Charles Grant, over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. McLeod and son, ate professor of bacteriology at arrived here Saturday to »pend the| INSTITUTE OF BANKING RUBY KEELER Mrs. Lester Peterson and chil­ Earl, are spending the week in Sil- Oregon State college, Is serving as holidays with Mrs. Farrelly'» par dren from Salem same up Saturday i verton ents. Mr. and Mr». Harvey Eaton I WASHINGTON. D. C .-T lie Am the unofficial representative of the "West Point Cadets and and visited until Wednesday at school of science u the annual Orville Eaton is also home from •rican Inatltuta of Hanking, said to lx the most successful project of Its Portland where be Is attending] Hundred* of Girl* the Laurence Gossler home. meeting of the American Associa­ THEATRE PLANS LARGE kind In the Held of applied adult Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Safely and tion for the Advancement of Sci­ school- NEW YEAR EVE FROLIC education, ha» perfoi med a valuable Miss Nathalie Edmlston from Rose ence in Chicago during the Christ­ function In training hank clerk» foi burg arrived Monday evening to Portland Folk Come— Mr. and "sound public service as wel' as per Announcement of the annual mas holidays. As out-of-state travel spend the holidays here. New Year Frolic to be held at the funds are practically non-existent Mr». A. E. Harrington and »on and I sonsl •urcaae." J- F. T. O'Connor. Mr and Mrs John Lucy from Me McDonald theatre next Monday in the Institutions these days. Pro­ daughter of Portland drove down Comptroller of the Currency of the Minnvllle spent Christmas with evening was made this week by fessor Simmons Is making the trip (or breakfast Tuesday morning at I United Stale«, »aid here In a recent Mrs. Lucy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connell, manager. Two at his own expense, combining per the W A. Taylor home. The entire] radio addre»» The Institute la a section of the American Banker» As­ Walter Edmlston. dance bands, a number of stage sonal visits with his professional group. Including Mr. and Mr». Her­ w ork. The school of science a’ DSC rington and Mr. and Mr». W. A. sociation. - __ __ acts- “ m°tlon Picture film feetur- “While Imparting useful knowl­ NoUcJ'is hereby J V n that the Ing W. C. Fields, and other enter- lu making a rapid growth, both In Taylor and their two nephew» and edge. It has imp-oved the morals of numbers and scope of activity. All niece, had their Christmas dinner banking personnel and has stimu­ undersigned has been duly appoint- ; talnment has been arranged Nolae- ed Administratrix of the Estate of makers will also be provided. There the students and staff members In at the Pete Herrington home In Eu­ lated In Its members an Intelligent Maggie Hunter, deceased, by the w(]] be no regerved seats for the the school are planning a first an­ gene. Interest In national and Interna County Court of Lane County, Ore- nual get-together early In January. tlonal monetary problem»," Mr. gon All persons having claim s: »now. O’Connor said. "Its courses cover a against the said estate are hereby wide Held In hanking. Among the notified to present the same, pro­ subjects, one finds Bank Organlxa by A. B. Chapin perly verified as by law required, tlon and Operation, Commercial to the undersigned at the office of Law, Negotiable Instruments law Wells ft Wells, Attorneys, Bank of and Economics, In the Pre Standard Commerce Bldg., Eugene, Oregon, Division: followed by such subjects within six months from the date of the first publication of thia notice. as Money and Banking, Credit Man­ Date of flrat publication, De -. 27, agement. Financial St-tement An 1934 alysls and Bank Management, In MAMIE FTN8ETH, AdmMs- the Standard Division. tratrtx. "Each and every subject Is one WELLS ft WELLS, Attorneys. which Is necessary to a knowledge of (D 27 — J 8-10-17-24) bunking. However, the Institute does not stop here, but encourages grad NOTICE TO CREDITORS uats study In Corporation F’nance, Notice la hereby given that the Trust Service. Farm Credit Admin undersign* d has been duly appoint­ OOD printing aervlce constata of more Istratlon and Buell ess Forecasting. ed Bxecutrlx of the eitate of J E Templeton, deceased by the than delivering a certain amount of Ink Again It emphasizes In special County Court of Lane County. Ore­ courses the Importance of the less and paper In the form ordered. Good printing gon. All persona having claims technical but highly beneficial study against the »aid estate are hereby consists of careful consideration as to the of Constructive Customer Relations, notified to present the same, pro­ form In which the Idea Is to be presented, Banking Fundamentals and Public perly verified as by law required, Speaking. No comment Is necessary to the undersigned at the office of thoughtful selection of type faces, the right on these courses: their value Is at Wells ft Welle, Attorney», Bank of grade, weight and color of the paper, accur­ Commerce Bldg., Eugene, Oregon, once apparent." ___________ within aix month» from the date of ate composition and skillful printing. . . That NOTICE OF HEARING the first publication of thia notlci. is the kind of printing service you may ex­ OF FINAL ACCOUNT Date of first publication. Dec. 27, NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN: I pect from our shop. . . . and It coste no more 1934. That the undersigned administra­ RETTA M. TEMPLETON, Ex­ than inferior printing. trix and administrator of the estate ; ecutrix. of Edgar L. Keeney, deceased, have j WELLS ft WELLE, Attorneys. filed their account for the final | (D 27 — J 3-10-17-24) No matter what you printing Job may be or in what settlemont of said estate In th e , County Court for Lane County, Ore­ quantities, we are confident you will find our esti­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS gon, and that Saturday, the 26th mate of cost most Interesting, workmanship moat In the County Court of the State day of January, 1936, at the Court of Oregon for Lane County. efficient and promptness In delivery moat gratifying. Room of said Court, In the County In the Matter of the Estate of If you find It lnconventlent to visit our office, phone Court House. In Eugene, Oregon at Margaret A. Yarbrough, deceased. ten o’clock In the forenoon, has und we will call. . . . You are under no obligation Notice Is hereby given that the un­ been by »aid Court fixed as the j dersigned has been by the above In asking ua for an estimate. time and place for hearing object­ entitled court appointed Executor ions thereto, and for final settle­ In the above entitled matter and all ment of said estate. persons having claims against aald JENNIE R. KEENEY and estate are required to present said PAUL E. KEENEY, adminis­ claims properly verified to aald ex­ tratrix and administrator of the ecutor at hie law office In Eugene, Springfield estate of Edgar L. Keeney, de­ Opposite P. O. Oregon, within six months from ceased. this 27th day of December, 1934. L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. C. A. W1NTERMEIER, (D 27 — J Executor. (D 27 — J 3-10-17-24) Thurston Upper Willamette C O M IN G S A T U R D A Y America’s Singing Sweetheart» “Flirtation Walk” SPRINTI Ni EFFICIENT PROMPT Little Man, W h a t N ow ? Inexpensive Phone 2 G JThe Willamette Press