PAO! T H S SPRINOrŒ LD NBWB THUKHDAV, DUX'KM HEH 27, 103« held by one branch or another of the federal government la Instituting planned land use II Is essential that the public agen A Clssslflsd Directory of Reliable clea (dad eft In setting their own Business Firms end Profsssionsi hoeeee In order. Burrler believe» The federal managed lands, most People This Newspaper Recommends of which are In forest reserves, are State, County City Owner­ now In pretty good »hape. be »aid. Parent* Should Study With to You. ship Accounts For 1% Mil­ Passage of the Taylor graalng act Children To Avoid Tragedy In Later Part Of Life and the withdrawal of all remain­ lion Acres; Much Federal ing part« of the public domain from PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILMS University of Oregon. Eugene, DANCING A program of laud planning such entry for the present, are big for­ Dec 27— (Special)— The next goal an Is now being started nationally ward steps, be said. STUDENTS MATINEE Carl R. Baker Film Shop ot adult education In the United Lack O rderly M anagem ent and In the various »tat««, does not Eastman Films — Kodak« — DANCES States should be a two-fold pro­ The »late and county lands are Imply "regimentation" In the sense AT Frames — Album»— Motion gram of training of parents la re­ not being udmlnleteved In any or­ that Individuals will be told bow Picture Cameras WINTBRO ARDEN lation to their own children, It was derly manner as a whole, he added. to use their own land. It was Every Saturday Afternoon We Photograph Everything Most of these are unclassified, declared here by Dr. C. V. Boyer, brought out at the regional plan­ 8 - 6 o’clock Anywhere. ning conference at Seattle thin while the county land« especially, peeldent ot the Ualverelly of Ore­ 10c Mall films to P. O. Boa 487 month. An effective planning pro­ most of which have been taken for gon. Io an Interview. Dr. Boyer, 8*8 W illamette, Eugene Pb. 836 gram would mean that land wl’i taxes, must under present laws bo long a strong advocate of adult FEED-SEED-HAY not be used In such a way as to be constantly offered for sale even education, has clesely studied this RESTAURANTS though they are not suitable for worh not only la thia country but against the public Interest. 0.0. HEAD URGES ADULLSTURIES HILF OF S ff lf PU8LICLÏ 0 « WHO IS WHO and What They Do W A N T E D TO EXCHANG E Paint lug. paper banging* kaleomliilng fur wood, griKtorltM or what have yon. II. O alM . 6lh and Wall alraal. J 1« ___ AUTO DEALERS ANDERSON MOTORS, INC. Bapart Repairing — All Work Guaranteed. N O T IC I OF F IN A L HEARING Gas. OU, Tires and Batteries Nolle« la b«r«by given, Ibal Iran« 8 «»ley, executrix of tba aatata o( 6tb aud A Hta , Hprlngfleld Ph. 4* Fied H. Chamberlin, Daoeaeed. baa filed bar final account aa sue exe­ BROWN MOTOR CO. cutrix and Ibat tba court baa sal Friday at II) Ot) A. M ol Dae. 1». C H RYSLER and P L Y M O U TH 11134, aa Iba time wheu at Iba Hales and Service , chambers of tba court lu Iba Court Complete Automotive Service lluuaa lu Eugeue, Oraguu, aald ac­ count will ba taken up fur alauilu Open Day and Night a I loo aud allowance and wban an 1*8 East Broadway Pbona 1787 order will ba mad« aaalgnlag tba Kugeua. Oregon residue ol aald aatata. All persona Interacted tbarelu may appear at ■aid time aud placa aud ba beard SCHERER MOTOR CO. on aald matters BUICK — OLD8MOB1LB — IR E N E HWKZKY, Executrix. 8. D. ALLEN. Attorney for Batata PONTIAC (N 3» 1 S- W H I Motor Cars ADAMS FEED A HEED STORE IRENE’S CAFE Pull line of Peed. Heed and Hay. Breakfast 16c up — Dinner 36c up. Chill 10c Custom Grinding, Cleaning and Home Cooking Mixing. A Home Owned laatltutloB. Ice O ld Beverages on Tap Main 8t„ Hprlngfleld ■ Phone 8 Mala Bet. 4tb and 6th Sta Springfield Open TIM Midnight Oregon Feed A Seed Co., Inc. Oregon'» land planning problem» are mostly lied up with manage­ ment of public lands within the state, A. 8. Burrler. state consult­ ant from Oregon, told the confer­ ence. Burrler, who ha» been "bor­ rowed" temporarily from the farm management department at Oregon State college, pointed out that 32 million acres, or almost exactly half of Oregon's area, are under public ownership. further private operation. About a third of the farm lands of the state have been covered by detailed surveys, and extension of each surveys 1» one of the basic '.ceds of further planning work. FERA research programs are being completed In the state dealing wltb tsx delinquency, land ownership, and part time farming practices and reaulta. Field data are being assembled and analysis of reaulta are being prepared. «breed. The program Dr. Boyar bee In mind Includes: First, classes for parents In elementary school sub­ jects and thoee taught In high schools, so that parents denied edu­ cational opportunities In their youth can beep up with their chil­ dren. and second, claseee that will actually instruct the parent lu lad­ ing care of the child and aiding him In development In teaming, training and character. Good Luck Manamar Peultry and 8CHOOL8-COLLEOE8 Dairy Feeds HALEB aud SERVICE Prosper W ltb Manamar NO TIC E OF A D M IN IS T R A T R IX 'S JANUARY 2 SALK OF LAND 7th aud Olive Hta. — Pbona 868 Heed Cleaning a Speciality. The Opening Date for the Notice la hereby given that by Kugeua, Oregon. Delivery Pboaa 8*8 Federal Governm ent Ow ner M ID -W IN T R TERM virtue of a license aud order of Keep Up With Children 306 E 6tb H t . Co*. High Eugene About a million acres are under Shorthand. Bookkeeping. Typing sale of tba County Court of latue BEAUTY PARLORS "One of the tragedies of Amer­ state ownership, and about three-) Day and Night Claaeea County, Oragou. made November ■RUIT JOBBERS WILL ican life Is that children go to PACIFIC FEED A S U P P L Y CO. Ittb . 1*34. authurlalug ma aa ad quarters of a million acres are un-| Eugene Buelnegs College Peruiuuent Push Waves CONVENE IN FRISCO grammar school, then high school uilulalralrla of the aatata of Kara EUGENE EGG DEPOT der county or municipal ownership, "A Good School” «1.76 and Up. H. Colline, deceased, to aell tba and often on to college, and some­ Pbona <66 Miner Bldg. ao that about 95 per cent of the W ltb representative» In attend where In the process far outstrip lands hereinafter described at pri­ Tba B R O W N IE BEA UTY HIIO PPE We Pack and Grade Egga for the Eugene, Oregon Merchants of Eugene and Spring land under public ownership la vate aala, I will uu aud after Dec- ance from all part» of the country, their parents In education." Dr. Apprentie« Pingar Wave 18c. amber 31st, 1*34. at 408 Tiffany field. the thirty-first annual convention Boyer points out. "This often sets Shampoo A Finger Wave 60c Bldg . Eugeue, Oragou. and <■ > tba NOTICK OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE Cor. 6lb and W illamette Ht. of the Western Fruit Jobbers asso­ up a harrier between parent and Complete Business Courses Ph. 48* pratulaec to ba sold offer at private *41 W illamette, Eugene, REAL PROPERTY Eugene. Ore., Phone 188 Day and Evening Classes ciation of America w ill be held In rhild that leads to mlxunderstand- aala to tba party offarlug the moat NO TIC E la hereby given that by Han Francisco January 22 to 24. It Ibarefor, caab In baud, tba follow­ The personnel of our college la BATTERY SERVICE ing and actual grief. If parents experienced and capable. ing lauda. virtue of an execution aud order waa announced here today. FURNITURE would attempt to keep up with the Uvgluulng at a point 13.1* cba. Sadia H. Pyke— Typing. Bookkeep­ of aale teued out of the Circuit LANECO Of particular Interest to growers children, a common bond would be N of Quarter Corner batwaan ing, English. JOHNSON FURNITURE CO Martha Ryan— Shorthand, vocab­ Court of the State of Oregon for and shipper« of fruits and vege­ BATTERY FACTORY Bec Hoirs 11 and IX Twp. 1* 8. K. established and a great deal of Ranges and Ctrculatora 3 W. of W M. lu Lane Couuty, ulary. b u a l n e a a Lane County thia 28th day of Nov­ tables In the Pacific Coast area, the pleasure and mutual benefit de­ Back at our old location. ember. 1*34, upon and pursuant to Oregon, thence W 8.70 cba., overhead your gain. See our new Several Lines Including Montag. arithmetic. a decree duly given aud made by Han Francisco meeting la expected rived from learning together." tbaore N 14.11 cba. to tba W II material batterle» In genuina Gates Linoleum—Inlaid and Fell Hass Blanche Mack—Btenotype. to attract a record number of dele­ Courses to aid parents In rearing lametta Hiver, tbanco Easterly hard rubber caaee before you buy. B. N. Hathaway— B n a I n e a a man­ »aid Court tbl» 28th day of Novem Attractive Price« on Furniture her, 1*34, In a suit pending therein gates. including many persona from aloug tba couth bank of aald All parta handmade In Eugene For ager. their children properly would not in which Mary A. Fisher was plain this state. and Rugs. Klvar to the E line of aald sec. capacity-service—price— none bat­ SCHOOL OF need to have such high sounding tiff aud Henry F. Begerow and Ada-• 11; tbauca 8. 18.81 cba to the ter. RECHARGING— REPA IR IN G . See Ua Before You Buy MODERN STENOGRAPHY line A. Fetrow were defendants,' name» as "psychology of adoloe- place of baglunlug. leac and ex 346 Van Buren • ITtone 1008 W e Deliver Phone 1188 116 E. Broadway, Eugene. Ph. 117 which execution and order of sale F u r D ealer Here— W . J. Boehner, cence." or those similar, although capt therefrom tba K 8 acre«, was to me directed and commamd- 84« W illam ette Eugene New York fur dealer, has been a belug 8.83 across more or leaa. CREAMERIES ed me to aell the real property guest at the McKenzie fox farm course» in psychology should be In­ Subject to tba approval aud con SHOE REPAIRING cluded on the program, but could hereinafter deacrlbed to satisfy cer­ GROCERIES flrmatlou of tba court. be »Imply "reading for the child,” tain liens and chargee In »aid de­ for the past month. CLAHA F A W VER . A d ia l. Ka Demand the Beat—Costa no More Hall's Shoe Repair Shop cree specified, I will on Haturday "choice Is a profession." "home and tale Bara Colline, Deceased BLUE BELL NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE, We Repeat— We are striving to D1BBLBB*S the 29th day of December, 1*34, at (N 33 3 *~ D 8-13 30) chool discipline," "problems of the Dairy Products UNDER FORECLOSURE OF live up to the Spirit aa well aa the the hour ot ten o’clock, A. M. at the RED A WHITE GROCERY MORTGAGE home," and "child growth,” Dr. Ico Cream. Butter, Choose, M ilk southwest door of the County Court Letter of the National Recovery Phone 4 NOTICK TO CRKOITORS N O TIC E is hereby given that by Boyer »tated “The mere presenta­ House In Eugene, Lane County, EUGENE FARMERS CREAM ERY, Cor. 4th and Main Sts.. Springfield Act. Notice la hereby given that tba Oregon, offer for sale and aell at virtue of an execution issued out tion to the parent of the material Pbune Eugene 638 420 Maki St. 8prlngfleld. public uuderalgned baa ban appointed by _______________ , of the Circuit Court of the State of auction for caab, subject to tba Couuty Court of the Htata of redemption as provided by law, a l l ' Oregon, in and for Lane County, on offered the child, together with the HOSPITALS Oregon for Lane tOunty Adminis­ ot the right, title and Interest of the 15th day of December, 1*34. up- reasons therefor, would In Itself be CLEANING A DYEING JOHN NELSON SHOE SHOP the defendants In aald suit and of on a decree of foreclosure rendered of Immeasurable aid.” Dr. Boyar trator of the Estate of W. K Stat- PACIFIC HOSPITAL, aar, deceased All persona having all parties claiming by. through or and entered in said court on the points out. General Shoe Repairing Jlnunle’g Cleaning Shop INC. claim« against aald estate are here­ under them or any of them In or 14th day of December, 1*34, for the Onr work la Guaranteed. Our W o rk Should Be Correlated JAM ES M IT C H E L L by directed to present the same to 12th and Hllyard to the following described real sum of 22369.46 indebtedness and prices are most reasonable. Taking as a basis adult educa­ Cleaning. Preeslug. A Herat lens. tba uuderalgned at tba office of the further sum of <24.86, coats and property, to-wlt: Phone 2608 Give Ua a T ria l and Be Satisfied. disbursements, in the suit of The tion work already available, and Gordon H. Wells. Miner Bulldlug. We Call For and Deliver. Eugene, Oregon Eaat H alf o. Lota one and two. Federal Land Bank of Spokane, Eugene. Orvgun. duly verified aud Opposite McKee's Bakery ROYAL Made to Measure Suits Block 14, Hendricks Addition to corporation, against H. H. Powers. adding such course» as are needed, »Uh proper vouchers attached, 607 Malo St.. Springfield College H ill Park, Eugene, In 309 Main St.. Springfield. Ph. lot) Theresa W. Powers et al; to me the program proposed by Dr. Boyer within eta monlbs from the date Lane County, Oregon. directed and commanding me to could be carried out under the di­ EUGENE HOSPITAL of tbs ft ret publication of tbla no­ Dated thia 28th day of November, sell In the manner provided by law rection of some central agency SERVICJE 8TATIO N8 CABINET SHOP tice. • • "The Friendly Institution" 1*34. Date of first publication Novem­ the land» and premises in said de­ The necessary objective la that of Phone 1800 C. A .SV.’ARTS, Sheriff, cree and hereinafter described, to ber 33. 1884. 8PR1NOFIBLD CABINET A ST. SERVICE STATION By A E. H U L E G A A R D , Deputy. satisfy said decree, with accruing definite, correlated parent educa­ B. F. STA TZ KR. Admluletra 1102 W illam ette Eugene General Gasoline. Oli aad Oreases (N 2*— D 6-13-30-27) SHOP coats; I wMI on 9atord»r, the l»th tion. he statee. totr of Estate of W. H. Btataer, Ooodrtch Tire» day of January, 1935, at one o'clock Goo W. Stephen« deceased. State and local planning agen­ S U M M O N * In the afternoon, at the 8outhweet s3e real property, except only the months from the date of this no­ on or before said date. statutory right of redemption; that tice. Dated this 27th day of Decam- ■46 A BL gprtngfleld. Ore. HEN DERER ELECTRIC MELVILLE S. JONES, M. D. the said real property against Dated and first published Dec. 6, her 1934. WOOLEN MILLS 420 Main St. Springfield Surgery ^hd Diseases of Women FLORA S T E A R M B R Adminis­ which foreclosure Is naked, la des­ 1934. Rea. Pbona 14*4 tratrix ot the Estate of W. H. R IK A deBROEKERT. Admin­ cribed an follows: X-ltay uad Physiotherapy EUGENE The Southeast quarter of the Stearmer. Deceased. istratrix. WOOLEN MILL CO. Springfield, Oregon Southeast quarter; the North W ELLS A W ELLS. Attorneys. HARRIS. S M IT H A BRYSON, FRUIT PACKERS Manufacturers of Woolens. H rs t National Bank Bldg. l’k. 43 half of the Southeast quarter of (D 812-20-27—J ») 201-6 Miner ulldlng Eugene. Oregon Section Thirty-three (33) and the Attorneys for A dm inistratrix Specialising In Ladles Eugen« Fruit Grower’s A bs ’ d NOTICE OF HEARING Southwest quarter of the South (D 27 — J 3-10-17-24) OOATINOS AND SUITINGS. Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers PJ.UMBING - PIPE FITTING FINAL ACCOUNT west quarter of Section Thirty Retail Department at Mill. and Shipper«. Ice and Cold Storage, NOTICE TO CREDITORS four (34) all in Township Nine­ Formerly Walker-Poole In the M atter of the Estate of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: e Eaat Bud 6th Ave. Eugene, Ore. teen (1*) South of Range One NIEL POLLARD College Ice Cream Manufacturera Reason P. Endicott, deceased. (1 ) West of the W illam ette M er­ EUGENE— 11th SP R IN G F IE L D Notice Is hereby given that, by That tba County Court ot the B ute P L U M B IN G Coco Cola— Klat Baveragaa idian, except a flume right of order of the Honorable Fred Fisk. of Oregon for Lane County has ap­ Copper Colls a Specialty. Cider Vinegar uud Cbarnelton '338 Main way as appears of record In Vol. County Judge In and for Lane pointed C liff Abrams as Adminis­ IUKA INVITES EUGENE Pbona 1486 Rea. Phone 163-J Telephone 733 Phone 63-J 128 at page 68* Deed Records ot County, Oregon. Saturday, Janu­ trator of the Estate of Louisa E li­ Lane County. Oregon, all being In ary 12. 1935, at the hour of 10 zabeth McDowell. Deceased. All Springfield, Ore. GROUP TO INSTALL HERE Ferry near 8th Ava E. Eugene, 420 Main Si. Lane County, Oregon. o'clock. A. M., at the office or persons having calms against aald This Summons Is served upon chambers of the County Court In Estate are hereby notified to pres­ PRINTERS Members of Rich Mountain cir­ Medford Folk H e r, — Dr. and you by publication by vlrt6ue ot aa the Court House of Lane County, ent the same, duly verified, to the cle, ladles auxiliary of the O. A. R. order of the Hon. O. F. Sklpworth. in Eugene, Oregon, has been fixed undersigned Administrator at the Mr». C. U. Van Valxah and cblld THE WILLAMETTE PRESS In Eugene will be Invited to hold Circuit Judge, dated and filed Nov. as the time and place for hearing Law Offices ot Harris, Smith A are here Io »pend the Christmas Bryson. Miner Building, Eugsna, Springfield their annual Installation of officer» 20, 1*34, directing that this Sum­ objectlona, if any. to the allowance Lana County, Oregon, within Six holiday» visiting at the home and settlement of the final account mons be served upon you by pub­ Phone 2 here on January 3, the Installation Mr». A. U. Van Valxah. lication In The Springfield News, of the undersigned as executor of (6) months from the date of this Business Stationery—Office Forma to be held jointly with Iuka circle once each week for a period of four the last w ill and testament of said notice. Dated this 29th day ot Novem- Bankista w- Placards — number 37 of Springfield. Plan» for weeks. The date of the first pub­ descendent. Returns Home— Mra. W alter Nel I mjt 1934. E R N E S T R. EN D IC O TT. Exe­ lication is Nov. 22. 1*24. Dodgers, etc. (he Inatallatlon were made here son left the first of the week for ’ c l if f ABRAMS. Administra­ cutor. JESSE G W ELLS. Attorney tor of the Estate of Loulaa her home at Seattle after spending A Modern Print Shop Producing last Thursday evening at the regu­ for Plaintiff. Residence and P. F R ED E. S M IT H . Attorney for Elisabeth McDowell, Decaaaad. Up-To-Date Printing. lar meeting and Christmas party of ten day» here visiting wltb Mr Executor. O. Address, Eugene. Oregc=. (N 37— D 8-12-10-17) (D 13-20-37—J 8-10) (N 22-2*— D 4-18-20) and Mra. Ned W llllam i. Phone and a Salesman W ill Call. the local group. Business D irectory Edward G. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. POOLE Funeral H o m e RETAIN YOUR Properly fitted By E D . K R E S S Y THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries FACIAL CHARM Klauses keep your eye» looking young. Crow« feel and wrlnkloe make them look old. Wear Lenses that cor­ rect your vlalon completely. We have found Orthogun Wide Vlalon lensis the beat. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 Want Eu*ene mgMtAMRC OC6AU WtgK POUt* AV_______ M U N m » M WUNMV » 1 ROT M*MTIOM60 M HUT