THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TH IR T Y -F IR S T YKAIl CLAÜNCH AFFAIR EXPLAINED HL Complete Explanation C Athletic Team Suepeneion Made At High School SPRINGFIELD, LANK COUNTY, OKKOON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27. I »34 Large Dinners TEACHER WED TO Gun Clubs Merge; |||y |J [ PUBLIC 10 Needy hoiks Get feature of Day to Meet in City u n iie iU P CVUIDIT holiday Presents T NO. 4» CITI WANTS SERA S IR E E 1TO E C I tany Relatives Gather Here: United Group* To Hold Mem­ Food Baskets, Toy* and Com­ On Tuesday For Annual Eleanor Smith And Ray Tur­ bership In National Asso­ Annual New Construction munity Tree Treat* Pro- ' Planning Commission Mewta ciation To Enter Team* Christmas Dinners vided By Local Group* rell Take Marriage Vow* Just Above Half Of Usual With County Officsr* To­ Here Monday Afternoon Causing Home Shortage day To Taik Plana The gun clubs of tbe Eugene and Hnviral large family dinners A brighter Christmas waa enjoy : Hprlngfleld sportsmen groups de- Miss Eleaigir Hinlth, daughter of j elded to unite their efforts at a Mra. Hadle Ixixton, aud itay T u r­ < meeting held here Friday evening rell. eon of Mr. and Mra. Prank | and hereafter tbe club will take tbe Turrell of Newport, were united In name, McKenzie Gun Club, form­ marriage here Monday afternoon erly used by (be Eugene club. The at the home of the brlde’a mother, Hprlngfleld club, lu existence for 404 B street, at 3 o'clock ’ one year, bad not adopted a name, Itcv. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor ' and (be new name fits In nicely of the Bplngfield Methodist church, read the ceremony aa the couple with tbe McKensle Gateway Itixl aud Gun club, name of the larger stood In the presence of a amall local group It waa decided. iiu mher of friends and relatives. Regular meetings of the new or- Mlaa Irm a Noll attended the bride, gauixation with weekly target prac­ while Ixiran Gustafson of Newport, attended the groom. The bride tice will be neld at tbe Pord garage In Hprlngfleld. Membership dues wore a dress of light blue crepe. The couple left Monday evening In tbe club will be 50 cents. Thia la In addition to tbe membership for Portland to spend a few days. dues In tbe larger city group. Mr Turrell Is employed at Newport The merger of the two gun| with the Power company where groups will not alter tbe status of they will make their home next tbe Eugene or Hprlngfleld sports­ summer. Mra. Turrell will complete men groups. Barb will continue (he present school year aa a leech­ their usual activities. er in the Hprlngfleld school system. Merging of tbe gun clube. wblcb Present for the wedding were were limited In site In each group Mr. and Mra. W alter Dillard, Mr. will make It possible for both form­ and Mrs. M K. Emmons, Olive D ill­ er goups to belong to the National ard. Mra. 8. J. Dillard, Eugene; Rifle association and to receive tbe Mr. and Mra. W alter Ixixton and advantages of equipment and ad­ son. Junior, Mra. Alice Doene, Miss vice furnished by that body. It will Bernice Conoly. and Mias Clara alao make possible tbe creation of Taylor. Hprlngfleld; Mr. and Mrs. teams In both rifle and pistol shoot­ W P. McBee of Independence; ing which can enter the state and Cecil D. Emmona, of Portland; Mra. oellonal telegraphic and letter Prank Turrell of Newport, and shoots held during the winter members of the wedding party. months. Kenneth Tobias waa elected M i. and Mrs. E. P. Heverson eu- president, and Ray Nott, secretary- lertalned at dlnrer for 40 gussls treasurer of the new organization who pent the afternoon playing for the coming year. games. ware hold here Tuesday. Christmas day. among them were the annual gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. W right when they enter­ tained for their aona and daughters and Uielr families. Thoee present were Mr. and Ms. J M. Elder and family of Milwaukie. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Price and daughter of Port­ land. Mr. and Mrs. W, ('. W right and family. Mr. and Mrs. Larson W right and family. Mr. and Mrs. Guy W right. Harry W right and the host and hoateaa. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Curtis ea lertalnml at their home for Mr. nnd Mra. John Curtis and family of Salem, Mr. and Mra. George Curtis and family of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jarvis of llouaer, and W alter Conrad of Reedsport. The Alva McPherson home was] thu scene of another large gather- lug at which the following were present: Mr. and Mra. Alex Htevens, Mr and Mrs. I. W. Baker, Mr. and Mra. Charles Paris of Mar- cola. Mr and Mrs. Harold McPher­ son and Mr. and Mra. Norval Peerr« of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hwarta enter­ tained for Mrs. Sue Gelle and daughter, I ulu of Eugene. Mr. and Mis Elwixid Ixm and daughter of Alpine. Mr and Mrs. C. A. Hwarta and d-nyhlera, Maxine nad Helen, nnd Miss Edna Hwarta. An luvltatlon waa extended the ed here Monday evening by many > WORK MUST BE DONE people of Hprlngfleld this week to needy persons a n d /c h ild ren be­ cause of the efforts of local organ I visit the building arts exhibit now Two Teams Open Schedule City Council Willing To Bud­ being held In (he Bank of Com­ Izatlons. Tonight With Pleasant Hill Toys for more than 100 children get Available Fund* For merce building In Eugene as a fea­ were delivered to them by the I In Local Gymnasium Necessary Material* ture of the national Better Housing 1 cami al(n . Tbe exhibit Is very edu ' Girls League, by Lum Anderson for I M uiII runiluenl, »ml mlsuudor- cat aud Intereatlng to every- ■ the Welfare League, by W K. j A new HERA project to provide standing «» to II« 1 (seta which r.r* one. Il contains all the more pro­ Barceii and Tbelmer Nelson for for general street and alley Im­ (■(«cornod lu the ruling of (ha M ata minent building materials, showing the Community Committee and the provement will be sought for High School Athletic rommlltee, Ibe various stages of processing; Red Cross, by the Halvatlon Army Hprlngfleld, and members of the re­ mad« nearly thru« w«M