THURSDAY, HhXFMHKR 20. HM 4 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS BAPTIST YOUNG FOLK PLAN SNOW OUTING About 3# member* of the Bap- It I Young Peoeple'* Union are pisualng to attend the annual win ter outing to be held at the anow- i ne on H a camber 18-2# The group will probably go to Belknap bt rlnga for the evening of the taeaty-elghth, and proeeedlK on a* to the snow for their outing on the following day. Wayne Bailey and Robert Cook are making arrangement* for trans portatlon Bernice ('ooh and Jane Anderaon will have charge of the eata, and Roy Carlton, Kenneth To l.iaa and Rev. and Mr*. R. K Rob ena and eon. Rubert, will accom­ pany the young people. Plan Family Reunion—A reunion ot the Lanaberry famille* la being planned here for the holiday*. To Entertain—Mrs. William Cur- tta la expecting to entertaiu for out* ot-town guest* on Chrlatma*. Rainbow Man Here—C. R. Bel kuap of Rainbow waa a bualueas viattor In Springfield Monday. Ì » Irish-Murphy Co Poole Funeral Home Y CHRISTUM kjO ^ O U inLv.Fíij ¡1 FULOPS Northwest Cities D ep t. S tore Gas Co. i ■ fis tio ^ . Chrlatma* With Daughter— Mr. and Mr*. J. Nelaon plan to spend t. hrlatmaa day with their son In-law sud daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Uorwlck, on the Lorane road. Here For Funeral— bino Is Yar nail, private at Vancouver bar rack*, waa here this week to at lend the funeral for Sila* Yarnall Fish on Umpqua—H. E. Gerber Harry Fandrem. and L, E. Dank* »pent Sunday fishing on the Ump­ qua river. Return from Visit—Mr*. Russell Myers and Lola Thompson return ed Sunday from Southern Oregon where they visited with their mother, Mrs. J. O. Orchard. YVIETIDE GOOD WISHES Gerber’s Barber Shop M ELVILLE S. JO N E S, M. D A Son Visit»—Robert Rolens, son of Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Roleus is here from Redland, California to spend the holidays with hi* par­ ents. He la attending the Univer­ sity there. W . A. TAYLOR C. E. Wheaton Parent* of Daughter— Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spall Inger of Oak­ ridge are the parent* of a baby uaughter, born to them at the Pact- flce hospital in Eugene on Monday, Drcember 17, 1*34. W h ite Front G rocery Harry Whitney Three Collect Bounty— Among those who collected the county bounty on predatory animals Tues­ day at the court house were Milo Thompson. Vida, on one bobcat; R. N. Vaugbn, Fall Creek, one bob­ cat; and 1. H. Stratton, Marcola, two coyotes. Dr. Milton V . Walker Physician unti Surgeon •Uh and Muin St»., Springfield Holiday Guest* Are Expected— Among the guests expected here to spend the holidays with Mrs. Emma t,Ison and her son, Oswald, are her son, Odin, from Bridal Veil, John Hallln and Sam Galloway from Ta­ coma, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lansberry and family from West­ fir. Thurston a (DGRRie season Richfield Service St ation Delbert Mitchell. Prop. OUOUAíCfVUAt The Sunday school ia giving a program for Christmas Sunday miming, and the choir Is giving a cantata Sunday evening at the church. George Thompson who has been confined in the hospital for several weeks, where he had his leg ampu­ tated after an accident, while hunt- tlug, has recovered enough to be moved to the home of a friend In Springfield. Mrs. Helen Campbell Is moving to Signal. She will continue teach­ ing her school at Fall Creek since the death of her husband, Frank Campbell, last week. S C O T T ’S D rug Store May your C hristm as be filled with love and joy and may the Happiness of the Day be happier for the m any good wishes we send you. A nd erson M otors Ray Nott, Prop A bright and merry Christmastide L >934 . Dibblee’s Red & White Store Y Kristinas retting» | Upper Willamette | James Jordan ia recuperating after an attack of the mumps. The Pleasant Hnl church held a get-together meeting at the church last Friday. After a program a blind auction was held at which packages wrapped In all conceiv­ able shapes were auctioned off with their content* unknown. The money thus raised will go toward buying new song hooks. A Christmas program will be given at the Pleasant Hill church Saturday night by the Pleasant Hill public school and Sunday at the Pleasant Hill church. A tree with exchange of present* will be held at the school house Friday after­ noon. The high school will have a tree Friday afternoon. Mrs. Myrna Laird returned last Tuesday from Chicago where she attended the national 4-H congress. While there she won 6th place on her dress In the Colton dress pro­ ject. She returned from Chicago by way of Arlxoua and Los Angeles. The Trent Endeavor society had a p ilty and weiner roast last Fri­ day at the Ernest Wheeler home. On the way home, owing to the dense fog and frost on the wind­ shield, the car driven by Mr. White missed the rattlesnake bridge, landing upside down in two feet of water, pinning Mr. White beneath the car. Clyde Kimball was thrown out of the car, and Emma Lou Baughman and Gen» Chamberlain were able to crawl out from under the wreck without assistance. Mr. White bad to remain In the water under the car uutll help arrived. With the exception of a few scratches and bruiaea no one was hurt. > Phone 82-J C hristmas «i GREET1OGS K IR K L A N D ne Fruit Growers Ass’n Muy the Joy of achievem ent and the happiness of contentm ent be your« at thin Christm as time First National Bank of Eugene Floral Co. Wright & Sons MERRY -MERK» C H R IS T M A S Eugene-Springfield Bridge Phone Springfield 86 W “ A ” S treet Store: Rex Theatre Bldg Phone 147 Eugene S ervice Station We Deliver ) F L A N E R Y ’S E. G . P R IV A T D rug Store "The Rexall Store Frank Logan, Prop ÈRecTine finiïtmjctA. 0w¿tínjq/L Gheene Wishes ADAM S’ i Feed S tore Mountain States Power Co Marion Adams, Prop T U R N E R ’S N O V E L T Y ST O R E Henderer Electric W estinghouse Lam ps and Appliances