TlIUltHDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1984 T ins s n u N o r iB L n news Visit Snow Line— Harry W right, IUKA TO HOLD ANNUAL CIVIL SERVICE OFFERS F. L. GIRLS WILL Miss Mildred Jacobson, Mr. and Mrs. Guy W rig h t,. and Mr. and HOLIDAY PARTY TONIGHT EXPERT MECHANIC WORK CHRISTMAS PARTY A Classified Directory of Reliable Mrs. Norwald Nelson of Kugene Ladles of Iuka circle number 37 Tbe United States Civil Service Members of the «prlagfleld F. i spent Sunday at tbs snow line on Bueineee Firms and Professional I (he upper McKenzie highway Skl- | will bold Ibelr annual Christmas | Commission has announced an G. rls club of Juanita I open competitive examination aa L ill hold their Christmas »arty People This Newspaper Recommends ' lug was not very good during the party at tb- armory thia evening. i follows: They will have a Cbriatma« tree, day evening at the home of I __ j day due to a light rainfall. to You. Master mechanic, alrcraft-en^ne Nellie Pyae. A program and gift program and gift exchange. Mrs. Grace Lansberry Is chairman for E manufacture. (11.04 to (17.04 a day. ••xciuiige wilt be featured. N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F ’S S A L E , the event. Naval Auircraft Factory, Phlladel- Last Thursday evening twelve U N D E R F O R E C L O S U R E OF | phla. Pa. Specified experience re­ members of the local club number MORTOAOE PHOTOGRAPHERS, FILMS DANCING i NO TIC E la hereby given that by quired. Closing date, January 6, 29. met at th? cottage beck of Skin­ SUM M O NS virtue of an execution Issued out No. 23329 1936. . ner's park In Eugene to meet Mrs. STUDENTS MATINEE Carl R. Baker Filin Shop I of the Circuit Court of the State of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE The salaries named are subject Adeline Langstreet, state presi­ OANCB8 < Oregon, in and for Lett* County, on «T A T E OF OKKOON FOR T H E Eastman Films — Kodaks — to a deduction of not to exceed 6 dent. from Portland. > the 16th day of December. I »34. up­ AT CO U N TY OF M U LTN O M A H . Frames — Albums— Motion on a decree of foreclosure rendered KATHERINE ALICE QL'IOO, also percent during the fiscal year end­ Those attending were Eunice WINTERGAROEN Picture Cameras. and entered In aald court on tbe known as Katherine A. Qulgg, al­ ing June 30, 1935. as a measure or Gerber, Maxine Hnodgrasa, Dorta Every Saturday Afternoon We Photograph Everything 14th day of December. 1»34, for tbe so kuown as K. Alice Guigg, economy, and also to a deduction . Gerber. IXirla Girard. Crystal Bry­ 1 • ( o'clock sum uf (230* 46 Indebted neas and Plaintiff, vs. The unknown Anywhere. ili„ further hu iii of (24 85. cants and heirs of P. C. Kenfrew, deceased; of 314 percent toward a retirement an. Nellie Pyne. Helene Richmond, 10c Mall films to P. O. Bos (07 disbursements. In the suit of The tbe unknown heirs of W illiam annuity. Hale Daniels. Mary Aaa Louh, 098 W lllam atU . Eugen« Pb. ( X Federal latnd Bank of Hpokane, a Kenfrew, deceased; tbe unknown Eleanor Smith. Bernice Conoly, and FEED-SEED-HAY | corporation, against H. H. Powers. heirs of Kufus A.’ Renfrew, de Irma Nolt. ' Theresa W. Powers et al; to me ceased; tbe unknown belra of JUNIORS ENTERTAIN FOR PRINTERS ADAMS FBKB A SEED | directed and commanding me to Ellen Neeley, deceased; Ellen HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Nealey, a single woman; and also STORK THE WILLAMETTE P R ^ f l | ¿ i d ^ C O M M ITTEE PLANS FOR all other persons or parties un Pull line of Peed. Seed and Hay. Members of the Junior class at Springfield j tree and hereinafter described, to known claiming any right, title, 2ND PRESIDENT'S BALL Custom deluding. Cleaning and Phone 2 satisfy said decree, with accruing eatate lien or Interest In tbe the high school were In charge of Mixing. A Home Owned Institution. „ , .. _ costs; 1 will on Saturday, tbe 19th real property described In tbe the program for the assembly a r Business S tatio n ery-O ffice Form . (Uy of Janoaryi 1M6. M, OB4! „ <.,„<.1, complaint herein. Defendants. Preliminary plans for the second Main 81., Springfield • Pbons g the school Friday morning and observance of the nationwide Beoklete — Placards — In the. afternoou. at the Southwest IN T H E N A M E O F T H E STA TE or main entrance to tbe courthouse OF OREGON: You and each ot you presented three skits In which the President's Birthday Ball, to be Dodgers, etc. Oregon Fetal A Seed Co., Inc. A Modero Prlnt Sbop Produclng In Kugene. Oregon, offer for sale are hereby required to appear and following students appeared: Col­ held January 30, were announced and sell al public auction to the answer tbe complaint filed against leen Cornell. George Irvin, Irene Good Lurk Manamar Peultry and Up-To-Date Prlntlng. highest bidder for cash, in one you In tbe above entitled • cit with Anderson. Warren Vail, Roy Cran­ this week by Henry L. Doherty, Dairy Faede chairman of the national commit­ Pboue end a Saleamau W ill Cali. tract, tbe following (.'escribed lot. in four weeks from tbe date of the Prosper W ith Manamar tract and parcel of land, situated first publication of this summons, dall. Thurman Lanning. The boys tee. and being In Lane County, Oregon, and If you fall so to answer, for glee club also sang several num- Seed Cleaning a Speciality. Large birthday danees are to bo RESTAURANTS towlt: want thereof, tbe plaintiff will take hers. Delivery Phone g|0 held In all principal centers In the Lots numbered Eighteen, Nine­ Judgment against you as prayed 10( E (lb St.. Cor. litgb Eugene IRENE’S CAFE United States and all profits from teen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty- for in tbe complaint herein, to-wit, Holiday at Hillsboro— Mr. and these are used In combatting the Breakfast lbc up — Dlnner I l e up. two. twenty-three. forty-two, for a decree decreeing the plaintiff PACIFIC FEED A SUPPLY CO. forty-three and forty-four, of the to tie tbe owner in fee simple, free Mrs. I. M. Peterson and two daugh­ spread of Infantile paralysis at the Chili lOc A. C. Uobrnstedt Company and clear from any and all claim ters will spend the Christmas holi­ EUGENE BUG DEPOT llom e Cooklng Fruit Landa, according to tbe re­ of the defendants, atiu all of them, days at the nome of her parents, Warm Springs Foundation in Geor­ W e Peck and Grade Eggs for the Ice Celd Beverages un Tap gia wbere President Roosevelt, corded plat thereof on file and ot j of the following described prem­ Mr. and Mrs. A. Bendier. at Hills­ himself, found success In hie fight Merchants of Fugarle and Spring- Maln Bet. 4tb and (tb Sta. record In tbe office of tbe county ises. to-wlt: boro. field. Springfield Open T ilt Mldulgbt Clerk, In aud for Lane County,; against tbe disease. Beginning at a point 272 feet Oregon; aald sale to be made nub- North and 100 feet East of the Cor. (tb and Willamette Nt. Ject to tbe approval of said co u rt’ Southwest corner of Frlssell's Fugeue. Ore., Pboue tig SCHOOLS-COLLECES and subject to redemption, a« by Park, according t j Frlssell's Plat law provided as the same is platted and re­ C. A. »W AR TS. Sheriff of FURNITURE corded at Page 222 of Volume 3, JANUARY 2 Lane County, Oregon. Lane County. Oregon, Plat Re­ (D 20 27 — J 3-10-17) Tbe Opening Date for tbe cords; thence East 60 feet; JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. M ID -W IN T Il TERM thence North to the left bank of Ranges and Circulators NOTICE TO CR EDITO RS Sbotthand, Bookkeeping. Typing the McKenzie River; thence in a Notice is hereby given that tbe Several Lines Including Montag. Day and Night Classes Westerly direction meandering undersigned, Elden T. Templeman. Linoleum—Inlaid and Fait Baae the bank of said river to a point Eugene BuHlneae College has been appointed by tbe county directly North of the place of be­ Attractive Prices on Furniture “A Good School” court of Lane county, administra­ ginning; thence to the place of be­ Phone 664 Miner Bldg. tor of tbe estate of Alice E. Tem­ and Rage. ginning; also, beginning at a ple mao, deceased, late of said coun­ Eugene. Oregon See Us Before You Buy point 272 feet North and 100 feet ty. All persons having claims We Deliver Phone 11M Best of the Southwest corner of against said estate should present the aforesaid Frlssell's Park; <41 W illam ette Eugene CoBiplete Business Courses the same duly verified to tbe ad­ 'hence East 60 feet; thence South ministrator at tbe office of 8. D. Day and Evening Classes 272 feet; or to the County Road GROCERIES Tbe peruonnel uf our college le Allen. 877 W illam ette street, Eu­ No. 56, along the South side of gene. Oregon, within six months experienced and capable. said Park; thence in a Westerly 8adle H. Pyke— Typing, Bookkeep­ from tbe date ot this notice. Dated DIBBIuBB'B direction along County Road at Eugene, Ore., Nov. 22, 1934. ing, English. to a point directly South of the RED A WHITE GROCERY Martha Ryan—Shorthand, ELD EN T. T E M P LE M A N . vocab­ place of beginning; also, begin­ Administrator. Phons 4 ulary, b u s i n e s s ning at a point 272 feet North The Friendliest Store in Town 8. D. A LLEN , Attorney for Estate. arithmetic. Cor. 4th and Main Sta.. Springfield and 1(0 feet East of tbe South­ ______ (N 22 2»— D 6-13-20) Blanche Mack—Stenotype. west corner of the aforesaid Wishes yoG a E. N. Hathaway— B u s I n e s i man- Frlssell's Park; thence East 60 HOSPITALS N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E • ager. feet: thence North 56 feet; REAL PROPERTY thence Northwesterly to a point SCHOOL OF PACIFIC HOSPITAL, 9€ feet North of the place of INC. N O TIC E is hereby given that by MODERN STENOGRAPHY beginning; thence South to the and a virtue of an execution and order 116 E. Broadway, Eugene. Pb. 117 l lt h end Hllyard place of beginning;—all being a ot sale lulled out of the Circuit part of Section 13. T. 16 S. R. 5 Phone 1(00 E. of the W. M., in Lane County, SHOE REPAIRING Court of the State of Oregon for Eugene. Oregon Oregon. latue County thia 28th day ot Nov- and expresses to you their sincere thanks Hall’s Shoe Repair Shop ! ember, 1934, upon and pursuant to and further decreeing that the de- EUOENE HOSPITAL We Repeat—We are striving to a decree duly given and made by f<-tidants have not, nor have any or either of them, any right, title, and appreciation for your live up to tbe Spirit a . well as the “ ld Sao“ rt, th‘ 8 21i‘ h da* °L "The Friendly Institution" . . . . „ _ ber, 1934, In a suit pending therein claim or Interest In any of said Pbone 1(00 Letter of tbe National Recovery whlch Mary A Hgher waa plain. real property. valued patronage. This summon,-; is served upon tiff and Henry F. Begerow and Ada- 11(2 W illam ette Eugene Act. 420 Mata St. Springfield. liu » A. Fetrow were defendants, you by publication thereof for four which execution and order of sale successive weeks by order of the LADIES READY-TO-WEAR wan to me directed and command­ Hon G. F. Skipworth. Judge of the ed me to sell the real property above entitled Court, decreeing JOHN NELSON SHOE SHOP ANGBLINE DRESS SHOP hereinafter described to satisfy cer­ thi-t you answer the summons here­ 1059 Willamette Street Phone 3220 General Shoe Repairing Eugene, Oregon tain liens and chargee In said de­ tä «Uhin four weeks from the date Our work Is Guaranteed. Our ot the first publication thereof, cree specified, I will on Saturday Popular 1‘rlued Dreesee prices are moat reasonable OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL the 29th day of December, 1934, at which said date of first publication Allen A. Hosiery Olvs Us a T rial and Be Satisfied. tbe hour of ten o'clock. A. M. at tbe Is November 22nd. 1934. (1 B. Broadway Pbone 633 W FR ED ER IC K H. DRAKE. A t­ 8:30 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE southwest door ot tbe County Court Opposite McKees Bakery torney for Plaintiff. 30g Pacific . House in Eugene, Lane County, Eugene. Oregon (07 Main St.. Building. Portland. Oregon. Springfield oregou, offer for sale and sell at IN 22-29— D 6-13-20) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ public auction for cash, subject to Mrs. Margaret M. Coldren SERVICE STATIONS redemption as provided by law, all " ! of the right, title and Interest of M O D ISTE A ST. SERVICE STATION the defendants in said suit and of Remodeling — Devlgnlug General Gasoline, Oil and Greases a11 l>»rties claiming by, through or Miner Bldg., E. Broadway. Eugene „ ____________ under them or any of them In or Goodrich Tires lo the foUowlng described real Pbone (34( "A Home Owned Station." property, to-wlt: (th and A Sts., Springfield, Pb. 44 LAUNDRIES East H alf o. Lots one and two, Block 14, Hendricks Addition to Mitchell Service Station SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY College H ill Park, Eugene, In Lane County, Oregon. A L L R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS W e Specialise In Silks, Woolens, Dated this 28th day of November, — Yale Tire« — and Curtains. 1934 Greasing - Battery Recharging Rough Dry - Thrifty Damp Wash C. A .SV.’ARTS. Sheriff. Expert Radio Repairing by Phone 76-J By A. E. HU LEG AARD. Deputy. (N 29— D 6-13-20-2") LEE CRAY 30» Mala St. Sprlngflald Phone 48-J WHO IS WHO 0 and What They Do W A N T E D TO EXCHANG E— Palat Ins. Papor hanging. kataoiululng fur wood, grucorles ur whet have you. II. Gul»«, 4th ami W all street. j to AUTO DEALERS ANDERSON MOTORS. INC. Expert Hepalrlng — All Wurb Guaranteed. NOTICK OP P IN A L H 8A R IN G Gas. Dll. Tires and Batteries Notice la hereby gives, that Iran« Hwesey, executrix of (ba aatala of Itb and A 8ts„ Springfield Pb. 4» Fred II Chamberlin, Deovesed, ba« filed bar final account a« «uc exe BROWN MOTOR CO. cutrlx and that tba court baa set Friday at 10:00 A. M of Dec. 3(. C H RYSLER and P L Y M O U TH IS34. a« tba time when at the Salee and Service chamber« of the court In the Court llu u ia lu Kug«u«, Oregon, eald ac­ Complete Autumutlve Service count will ba tabau up fur exauiln open Day and Night atlun and allowance and when au Phune 17(7 order will ba made aaalgnleg tbe 196 East Broadway Eugene, Uregun raeldua uf aald estate. All persons luteraated tbarelu way appear at aald t line and place and be beard SCHERER MOTOR CO. on aald uiattera. HUICK — O LDSM OBILB — IR E N E HWKZKY, Executrix. PONTIAC H D. ALt.EN, Attornny for Fatale IN jjg 1) G 13 20 27) Motor Cars SALES and SERVICE N O T IC I OP A D M IN IS T R A T R IX 'S S A L I OP LAND 7tb aud Olive Sts. — Phone 866 Notice le hereby given that by Eugene, Oregon. virtue uf a license and urder uf sale uf (be County Court uf Lane BEAUTY PARLORS County, Graguti, wade November IStb. 1SS4. authorising we as ad Peruiunent Push Waves w ln la tra trli uf tbe estate of Fare (1.76 and Up. H Collins, deceased, to sell tbe lauds hereinafter described at pri­ Tbe BR O W NIE B EA U TY SHOPPB vate sale. I will on and after Dec­ Apprentice Finger Wave K c. ember H at. 1134, at 40S Tiffany Hbampoo A Finger Wave (Oc Bldg . Eugene, Oregou. and < •• tbe Ph. 4 (( premises to be sold offer at private (41 W lllamstte, Eugene, sale to the party offering tbe moat BATTERY 8ERVICE therefor, cash In hand, the follow­ ing lauds: Beginning at ,a point 1 1 .» cba. LAN ECO N uf Quarter Corner between BATTERY FACTORY Bectlons 11 and 11 Twp. I I 8. R. 1 W. of W. 61. In Lane County, Back at our old location. I^es Oregoo, thence W 1.70 cbe.. overhead your gain. See our new thence N 14.(1 cbe to the W il­ malerjal batteries In genuine Oates lamette River, thence Easterly bard rubber cases before you buy. along tbe soutb bank of said All parts handmade In Eugene. For River to the F line of aald sec. capacity --service—price—none bet­ 11; Ibence 8. 11.11 ebs to tbe ter. K E C H A R O IN O - R EPA IR IN G place of beginning, lees and sl­ 341 Van Buren • Phone 1008 eep! therefrom tbe U. I acres, being g 63 across more or lees. (7 E. Broadway Eugene. Ore. Hubjoct to tbe approval and con­ PERRY'S firmation of tbe court. CLARA PAW VER, A dm I Be BATTERIES. BRAKES tale Kara Collins. Deceased. IGNITION, MOTOR WORK. IN 1 1 » - -D S-1I10) Wheel Aligning. "Any Service— Any Car" N O T IC I TO C R E D IT O R ! Pb. 707 Eugene Notice Is hereby given that the 71( Oak undersigned has ben appointed by CREAMERIES - the County Court of the State of Oregou for Lane County Adminis­ trator ut the Estate of W. E. Stat Demand (be Beet— Costs no More ser. deceased. All person» having BLUE BELL claims agaluat said estate are here Dairy Products by directed to present tbe same to tbe undersigned at tbe office of Ice Cream, Butter, Cheese, M ilk Gordon 8. Wells. Miner Building, EUO ENE FARMERS CREAM ERY. Fugsue, Oregon, duly verified and Phone Eugene <11 with proper vouchers attached, wllbln six months from tbe date CLEANING A DYEING of the first publication of this no­ -g th'« Data of first publication Novem­ ber 11. 1(34. B JL STA TZER . Administra­ t o r of Estate of W. E. Stalker, deceased IN M l » — D (1 3 -3 0 ) Business Directory Jluinile’a Cleaning Shop JAMES M IT C H E L L Cleaning, Pressing. Alterations. We Call For and Deliver. RO YAL Made to Measure Suite 30» Main Bt.. Springfield, Pb. 100 CABINET SHOP SPRINGFIELD CABINET SHOP E d w a rd C. P riv a t W atthrnsksr and Jsw slsr HI’RJNOn>I4) Geo w . Stephens Hash. Doors. Glass, and Oeneral M ill Work Used Doors and Windows 4th end C Sts. Springfield, Ore. U'-seral Law Practice DENTISTS So. Pacifie Wateh li Ftrsi l iase Work at I. M. PBTER8ON DR. G. A. BROWN Alloraay-at-lmw City Hall Building Springfield, Orhgon Hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Phoae 20-J (tb and Main Hte. Bprlngfleld Residence 7 » A Street. DR. WM. N. DOW DENTIST Reliance Life Insurance Co. X-Ray Diagnosis — Hours • to 12 1 to ( end by appointment. Office Pbone ( — Rea. Phons (7 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Sprlngflald of Pittsburgh, Ps. ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES Springfield Electric Supply Represented By W iring, Oeneral Contracting U. B. Lamps, Universal Household Electrical Supplies, alenerai Repairing E. H. TURNER A 8L Springfield. Ore. 442 Main Inspect our New Installation at the State Game Farm. Westinghouse Lamps and Appliances. POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e II BN DERER ELECTRIC Formerly Walker-Poole EUG ENE— llt h S P R IN G FIE LD and Charnelton Telephone 7(3 228 Main Phone 01-J Springfield 4(0 Main 8t. Sprlngflald Res. Phone 148-J FRUIT PACKER» i Kugene Fruit Grower’» Asi'n Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers and Shippers. Ice and pold Storage. I College lee Cream Manufacturers. , Coco Cola—Klst Beverage« Cider Vinegar Phone 14(0 Ferry near (th Ave E. Eugene, Attend Cllnlo—Dre. W. N. Dow nd U. A. Brown, Springfield den- I lists, attended a dental clinic at I Eugene Tuesday afternoon. Pays Bounty*—The county bounty on one bobcat was paid to Paul M il­ ler of Vida Haturday. NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R * Notice Is hereby given that the uuderslgned has been duly ap­ FOR pointed Administratrix of the ex- tate of U. M. deBruekert, deceased, YOU by the County Court of Lane County, Oregon. Al pataonx having claims against the said estate are To wish you happiness at Christ­ hereby notified to present the mas same, properly verified as by lew required, to the undersigned at the oflce of Wells * Wc-lls, Attorneys, And that Its hours may unfold Bank of Commerce Bldg., Rugat e, Joys that will grow brighter as the New Year shall grow old. i Lane County. Oregon, within elx months from tbe date of this no­ tice. Dated and first published Dec. (, DR. ELLA MEADE 1(34. Optometrist RIKA deBRGEKERT, Admin­ istratrix. 41 West ath Sugane WISH WELLS A WELLS, Attorneys. (D 0-1MO-S7—J () fyvvuf&vùttwtai fo a li/ Merry Christmas Prosperous New Year MONTGOMERY WARD and NOW! our greater than ever DECEMBER CLEARANCE of all Remaining Gift Merchandise LUMBER EUGENE LUMBER CO. Wbere Quality and Service are Param ount 7 and Main Sta. 8prlagfleld 11N THE clRt;tJ1T t;QtjRT p p THE OREGONIAN SERVICE STATION »T A T E OF OREGON. IN AN Di FOR L A N E CO UNTY. ' Paul Kloster, PlalnUff, Ve. At the Springfield Junction Christen Pedersen and Mary A .: GAS AN D OILS Pedersen, his wife. Jobanues R. R. Bird, and Urand Phone 4 » Service Day and Night. Vlndlng Larsen, and Lavrlta Kr. Grocery Sundries, Tobacco's and Larsen, his Guardian, and Harold J. Wells, as Administrator of the Picnic Goods. The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. eatate of Peter F. Pddersen, de­ Furnishes s West Springfield Ph. 9pr. 33d ceased, Defendants. COMPLETE HOME To Johannes Vlndlng Larsen and TRANSFER A STORAGE Lavrits Kr. Larsen, his Guardian,: Building und R> pairing Service. For Service Phone Springfield (6 MOVING— Our Plano and Furni­ Defendants: IN T H E N A M E O F T H E STATE) or If no answer, phone 14- J. ture Movers are Experts. OF OREGON, you and each of you Springfield. STORAGE — Concerte Building, are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against j Reasonable Rates. Reliability. you in the above entitled suit, with- PHYSICIAN - SURGEON PACKINO_ - Experienced H e l p £ “ “ — — £ Means Safety and ITotectlon. J the first publication of this Supi- DR. MILTON V. WALKER mona, and If you fail to answer, for Surgery aud Diseases of Women PACIFIC TRANSFER & want thereof, the plaintiff w ill ap- STORAGE CO. 4th and Main Sts. Sprlngflald : ply to tbe Court for the relief as 6#V 4 5th. Ave. W. Eugene, Ph. 74 , prayed for in plaintiff’s Complaint, Phone 82-J If no answer Call 104-R to-wlt: for a decree foreclosing a i i ..... : mortgage against the real property hereinafter described. In the prln MELVILLE S. JONES, M. D. WOOLEN MJLLS I clpal sum of (1600.00, Interest Surgery / i d Diseases of Woman thereon at the rate of six per cent EUGENE X-Ray and Physiotherapy per annum from Aug. 19. 1934, for WOOLEN MILL CO. a reasonable sum as attorney's Sprlngflald, Gregon fees, for the osts and disburse­ Manufacturers of Woolens. First National Bank Bldg. Ph. 43 ment« ot this suit; and also for: Specialising In Ladles such other and further relief as COATINGS AND SUITINO8. may be deemed Just and equitable PLUMBING - PIPE FITTIN G Retail Department at Mill. to the Court, and that each of you East End 6th Ave. Eugene, Ore. be barred from all interest in the NIEL POLLARD said real property, except only th e , P L U M B IN G statutory right ot redemption; that Nusee Return»— Miss Ann Me- the said real property against I Copper Colla a Specialty. Qookln returned Saturday evening which foreclosure Is asked, Is des­ Raa. Phone 1((-J cribed an follows: 430 Main Bt. Springfield. Ore. from Forest Grove where she spent The Southeast quarter of the the week vacatlonlug at the home Southeast quarter; the North of her brother-ln-lr w and sister, half of the Southeast quarter of Section Thirty-three (S3) and the NOTICE OF HEA R IN G Mr. and Mrs. John Enschede. Southwest quarter of the South­ F IN A L ACCOUNT west quarter of Section Thirty- In the M atter uf the Estaie of four (34) all In Township Nine­ NOTICK TO CREDITORS Reason P. Endicott, deceased. teen (19) South of Range Gne ______ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Notice Is hereby given that, __ by (1) W est of the W illam ette Mer-i order of the Honorable Fred Fisk, I Thttl the County Court of the State Idlan, except a flume right of | County Judge In and for Lane ol Oregon tor Lane County has ap- way as appears of record In Vol. County. Oregon, Saturday, Janu pointed C liff Abrams as Admlnla 128 at page ,689 Deed Records of ary 12, 1136, at the hour of 10 trator of the Estate of Louisa Ell Lane County, Oregon, all being In o'clock, A. M., al the office or sabeth McDowell, Deceased. All Lane County, Gregon. chambers of the County Court In persons having calms against said This Summons Is served upon the Court House of Lane County, Estate are hereby notified to pres­ In Eugene, Oregon, has been fixed ent the same, duly verified, to the you by publication by vlrtgue of an as the time and place for hearing undersigned Administrator st the order ot the Hon. G. F. »klpworth. objections. If any, to the allowance Law Offices of Harris, Smith A Circuit Judge, dated and tiled Nov. and settlement of the final account Bryson, Miner Building. Eugene, 20, 1934, directing that this Sum­ of the undersigned as executor ot Lane County, Gregon. wPhln Six mons be served upon you by pub­ the last w ill and tM tam ent ot aald (0) months from the date of this lication In The Springfield News, notice. once each week for a period of four descendent. Dated this 29th day of Novem­ weeks. The date of the first pub-( ER N EST R. E N D IC O TT, Exe­ ber, 1(84. llcatlon Is Nov. 22, 1934. cutor. C L IF F ABRAMS. Administra­ JESSE O. W ELLS, Attorney F R E D E. S M IT H . Attorney for tor of the Estate of Louisa tor Plaintiff. Residence and P. Executor. Elisabeth McDowell, Deceased. O. Address, Eugene, Oregon. (D 1 H M 7 - J (-10) (N 27—D 0-lS-M-n) (N 22-29—D »-12-») We are going to dispose of every item of gift merchandise before Christ­ mas; we're bound to get it out of the way, and to do it we’ve slashed our already low prices until there is almost nothing left. Just look at the prices quoted in this ad, then remember we have space to list only a very few of the almost unbelievable bargains we have in store for you. Make this great Christmas store your shopping headquarters until your gift list is complete and you'll SAVE TIM E and MONEY. Don't let anything keep you away— Come right now. We will be open until 8:30 on both FRIDAY and SATURDAY evenings, but will close at 6 on Monday evening. DANCE SETS Beautiful rayon lace trimmed Dance Sets of Panties and Brassiere— Now 69c PART WOOL ROBES 66x80 Part Wool Robes, in Indian design pat­ tern. For car or home uee— Now S i .6 9 Boys' Sheep-Lined COATS Waterproof leatherette material and lined with sheep-akin pelts. Regular (3.98 values— Now S i. 9 8 TOY AUTOS W ith electric headlights— Dump Trucks, Sedan, Coupes and Racers. Your choice 25c CLEARANCE MEN'S LEATHER COATS Clearance Men’s Lined GLOVES Men’s Black Kid Dress Gloves, with warm lin­ ing for cold weather.. 98c value— Now __________ 6 9 c ___________ MEN’S DRESS SOCKS Men's Dress Socks of rayon and cotton plaid designs. All sizes— Now iO c Pr 5-YEAR DIARIES A real value, nicely bound In leather, with look and kev— Now. __________ 4 9 c __________ * Women's Japanese SLIPPERS Highly colored Slippers of silk material with embroidered designs. — Now 35c LARKWOOD CHIFFON HOSE One lot of Mon’e Leather Coats, In Coaaack style. W at (4.98— Now You’ll surely please her with a gift Of these famous Silk Hose— Now Free Gift Wrapping S2 9 « 6 9 c Pr SWEATERS 66x80 DOUBLE BLANKETS Part wool, coat style, and all wool auip-on style. Values to (2.00— Now Part Wool Blankets, in beautiful plaid design — December Clearance— Now __________ 9 8 c ___________ 5 1 .9 6 pr MEN’S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS 18x35 LINEN TOWELS One lot of Men's Broadcloth Dress Shirts, In solid colors and patterns. Value to (3c— Now Give her several of those all linen Towels, with colored borders. A real va lu ^ -N o w 69c 2 FOR3 5 c WILLI AMS’ s S Í ice ST