T1IUHHDAY, DBCMMWCIl 20, 1934 TIOS SPRINGFIELD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PubllabeS Every Tbamday at Springfield, Lana County, Oregoa by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS B. B. MAXEY, Kdltor tarad an second cl*»» m atter, February »4. 1903 at the poatoffloe, Springfield. Oregon M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E Oaa Yaar In A dvaace___ »1.60 Two Yaara In advance»2.60 Six M ootba__ Three Month» ♦LOO 60c THURSDAY. DECEMBER to. 1*34 STATE OLD AGE PENSION An old age pension plan based on a one percent tax on payroll earnings is proposed by Labor Commissioner Gram for the state. If the state is to have an old age pension this would be our idea of the method by which it should be built up. The workers contributions might be built into an in­ surance policy to mature at age tit) or any other time that might be Bet. The old age pension plan could be administered by the state like the industrial accident insurance works. It seems to us that the same field auditors and central organization could be employed to handle this job. Gram’s plan provides for a one-per cent tax on work­ ers’ earnings but not to exceed $15 per person annually. Merits of this plan are that it is based on a sound as­ sumption and after once started it could not be changed by politicians since the money in the fund would be the work­ ers* and not the state’s. If the state guaranteed the old age pc< lion, bonds might be sold to get the plan in operation at an early date and later repaid by the fund. The Gram plan does not fall on the backs of the over­ burdened taxpayers and any plan that does is bound to be a failure. Witness the 50 per cent tax delinquency in Ore­ gon. The Gram plan collects from those who have a job and who are to receive the full benefits from aid age pen­ sion. It seems to us that anyone earning $1000 a year for instance could pay $10 toward insurance in his old age. Also that when the time comes to receive that insurance it could be taken with a great deal better conscience if it had been earned by the individual than a gift from the state. If we are to have a state old age pension it seem to us the Gram plan is economically sound and sensible and should be given consideration. --------------e------------- In 1930, the first year of the depression, an enamel paint company with $4,000 capital, plenty of ideas and a paint formula opened a store in Chicago. The company now has a $5,000,000 business through 3500 stores. Who ■ays opportunity is gone? It is significent also that one of the ideas of the company was adequate advertising. -------------- • -------------- w Those who are worrying about a platform for the Re­ publican party might suggest that the party adopt the one the Democrats used at last election. If they want some­ thing different than now that platform should fill the bill completely. -------------- • -------------- Congressmen have expressed the hope that taxes will not be raised. We have always hoped that Santa Claus would really come once without resultant bills. --------------e>------------- Crime is one of America’s major activities. Every year 12,000 citizens are murdered, 100,000 assaulted, 50,000 rob­ bed and 40,000 homes burglarized. — ■ ♦-------------- Christmas is an excellent time to remember the unfor­ tunate as well as juBt friends. -------------e------------ Lightning Btruck an illicit whisky still in Ohio. should pray for more lightning. Drys -------------- • -------------- The modern girl hides nothing but her embarassment. Mall Man III— Ira Young, mall Collecta Bounty— The county |KESSEY A FFILIA TES W ITH bounty on one bobcat was collected carrier between Ihe pusloftlce and A VIA TIO N ROMANCE NEW LIFE INSURANCE CO. Friday by llubeii Coler of Welidl III» depot, la III r.l Ills home lu M c D onald offers TOWN AND VICINITY W»sl Springfield. W Riddle Comb». Oregon general Ing. One of the most enthralling and -pcclacular screen romances of re­ agent for the Northwestern Na­ L k « m for South— Mr*. M. Y. Collects Bounty—Kuiery Hyland cent years comes to the McDonald tional Life Insurance company of , Mains loft Sunday for lx>a Angola*. of Fall Creek collected the bounty theatre thmday for two days This Minneapolis ba» announced the ap- I California. on one coyote at the office of the la "Heil in the Heavens." starAng poltment of Dwight N. Kessey aud Frank T McMullen aa repreaenta county clerk Friday. Warner Baxter. Dontlat in Portland—Hr W. N, tivaa tor that company In Eugene. Rased on one of London« biggest We wish to extend to you the Dow »pout Monday In Portland. Bounty Paid— Ben t'arnerton col­ Mr Keaaey lias, for the past year stage hits, "The Ace." the new pic lected the county bounty on two compliments of the ecsemi Seeeide Man Haro—Jack Hewes coyotes and one bobcat at the of­ lure tells an absorbing atory of aud a half, roproaenttxl the Capitol ■ of S easide »petit th e w e e k end here fice of the county clerk Friday. death and danger In Ihe skies Life Insurance company of Denver mid Out nk you for | »lsltlng at the O. L. Clement home above No Man's Land. Warner Rax and while associated with that coin patty qualified for their Production the cordiMl relations existing Christmas at Shedd— Mr. and ter, daring American flier, has but To Vlalt at Grove— Mlaa l.ucille Mrs. Riley Snodgrass aud daughter. one great fear. That la Ihe “fear club and took an active part In tlie between uh uh exemplified In ■ Clearwater will »pend Chrhttnias home office convention held al Don Maxine, and Lloyd Garrison of Mar- of being afraid." I day at Cottage Uro»e. ver thia year. cola will apeud Christmas day at your liberal put rouage Haunted by the nightmare Mr McMullen Is an old resident Marcóte Man Hurt—T A. Tuttle the Alex Snodgrass home at Shedd though! of his own plane In flames, of Eugene and has been In (he real of Marcóla was treated at the Pa- he must conquer himself before he estate und insurance business lu I etflc hospital in Eugene Sunday for COUNTY CHAMBER CALLS brings to earth the dauntless "Bar­ that city for a number of years I Injuries to his head. on,“ most desperate of all German The past few years he has been OFF M EETIN G FOR M O N fTi ares. connected with the Oregon Mutual Patient Leave»— Floyd McBee re­ Conchlla Montenegro., dashing Life Insurance company a( Salem Springfield Creamery Co. Monthly meeting of the Lane turned to his home Friday from the Spanish actress, plays a French Mr. Combe has beeu notified that Pacific hospital in Eugene where County Chamber of Commerce will not be held this month It was an­ girl quartered In the same chateau his company's "Pave the Way" mall he underwent an operation. nounced this week by O. E. Crowe, where the American outfit wakes advertising service had a distinct Senator Hara— H. C. Wheeler. president. The meeting has been each day to battle. Through the honor conferred upon It recently 1 Mate senator for Laue county, was cancelled due to the many holiday love of this girl. Baxter aa the hero when It was awarded first place of (he atory finds new courage and among all of the direct mall el- a business visitor In Springfield activities. a hope of life. i Friday. hlblta at the 1934 convention of the Regular meeting or tne group Russell Hardle. striking young Visits Sister—Walter Conrad of will be held In Eugene on January leading man of several recent films, Life Advertiser's assoc la I loti In May Ibis Christ mus bring to Reedsport stopped here a few days 17 at which time pending legisla­ has an Important Juvenile role as Memphis. Tennessee The rotnpauy'a new business (or I to visit his sister. Mrs. William tion will be discussed. Baxter's rival for (he love of (he November was the best since 1929, you the happiness which you I Curtis, last week while enroute to French girl. and a thirteen per cent guiu over ho richly deserve und may , Reno. Nevada. C ITY LEAGUE GROUP Rrave men—not afraid of death, last year. yet desperate for life; these are you tdiure In the greater suc­ TO M EET IN EUGENE Plan Portland Trip — Mr. and Ihe characters of this gripping Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew plan to cess we believe will come III Three representatives from the screen drama. Each of them knows spend the Christmas holidays In Lincoln School Notes Portland with his mother and Springfield City Council will attend what fate awaits him. yet gaily the New Year. regional conference of the League braves destruction In the skies. It sister. "Santa Claus' Christmas Party" of Oregon Cities to be held at the Is a strring and an authentic story. Return from California—Mr. and City hall in Eugene this afternoon. Other members of an unusually Is the title of the operetta which 1 Mrs. Riley Snodgrass ret h med They are Earl Thompson. P. J. Bar­ i fine cast are Herbert Mundln. Andy (he third and sixth grades of (be Monday from San Francisco where tholomew and 1. M. Peterson. The Devine. Ralph Morgan. Vince Bar- Lincoln school will present lu (be i they visited with Kenneth DeLas mayor aud other councilman also i nett. William Stelilng and William auditorium Friday afternoon at 1:30. No admlsalon will he charged ¡ sus for a week. plan to atteud. i Stack. "Where tbe Bervlce la D ifferen t" " ^ everyone la welcome to attend. Grandparents Now—Mr. and Mrs. SUMMONS FOR PUB LICA TIO N , the amount then due and delln- Final dreas rehearsal waa started In Foreclosure of Tax Lion | quent for taxes for the year 1927 at 1:30 today. Carl Olson are now grandparents. with penalty, interest and Their son and dau'hter-lu-law. Mr. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF 1 together The four art classes are finish costs thereon upon the real prop­ THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR and Mrs. Russell Olson, of Port­ erty assessed to you. of which you Ing up their Christmas work LANE COUNTY. . are the owner as appears of re land became the parents of a baby The sum of »14 was taken during A. F. Fir, Plaintiff, vs. Christian cord, situated In said County and daughter Monday evening. Mrs. H. Furre, Defendant ♦ State, and particularly bounjed the recent art picture exhibit und Olson is in Portland. I wo pictures, “ “ueblo Indian," and To Christian H. Furre the above and described aa follows, to-wlt: named defendant. ' The East H of the NBU and "Wing» of the h'ornlng," have been Daughter Bom— Mr. and Mrs. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE the NWI4 of NEH aud 'he NE>4 ordered for the a-bool wtth the pro­ Frank Nelson of Marcola are the OF OREGON: You are hereby noti­ ui the SEU of section 12 Town­ fits of the exhibition. ship 16 Sc. of Range 6 West of ' parents of a baby daughter born fied that A. F. Fir the holder of The Eighth grade girls won a W. M In Lane County. Oregon. ! to them at the Nelson Maternity Certificate of Delinquency number 3201 laued on the 6th day of Nov­ You are further notified (hat basketball game < 4 from the River home In Eugene on Wednesday. ember, 1931 by the Tax Collector said A . F. Fir has paid taxej on Road girls last Friday afternoon. i December 12. 1934. of the County of Lane. State of said premises for prior or vubse- Playing for Springfield were Marie Oregon, for the amount of Seven- quert years, with the rale of In­ terti <4-100 dollars, the same being terest on said amounts as follows; Briggs and Ruth Halley, guards; Will See Game Mr. and Mrs. Al­ Wilma Crabtree and Polly Du. bert Peterson will leave this week­ Year» tax Date paid Tax Receipt No. Amt. Rate Int chuck, centers; Emma Jane Smith 1927 11- 6-31 64385 »1097 end for San Francisco where they 896 and Mildred Billings, forwards; 11- 6-31 64386 27.73 8% will spend the holidays. While In 1928 1929 8% and Lorraine Squires. Betty Currte, 11 6-31 6.27 6177« San Francisco they play to see the 1929 11- 6-31 16S4 51776 896 Anita Pugh, and Ida Jane Irvin, annual East-West football game. 8% substitutes. 1930 40646 666 11- 6-11 1930 11- 6-31 40646 16.48 896 The Springfield eighth grade 1931 10-10-34 39920 6.04 896 1931 14.23 10-10-34 39919 896 boys lost their game with River DATA CONCERNING B IR TH 1932 1010-34 6.44 33828 896 road 22-17 the same afternoon. 33826 14 90 10 10 34 896 Playing for them were Phillips, VALUABLE IN LATER LIFE 1932 1933 1934 6 86 .0-10-34 25326 896 riuled until after the holidays when 25324 1933 1934 18.70 10-10-34 •ft you should have one of our flue- young, fat Oregon Prompt and official recording of Van Lydegraf and Endicott, for­ Turkeys. These turkey« are EXTRA nice ones and his birth Is a child’s first right as Said Christian H. Furre as the and coats against the land and wards; Thompson, Oates, Yost, have been personally picked by iih from large flocks. an American citizen. In realty a owner of the legal title of the above premises above named. Nesbitt, and Ulthens, substitutes This summons is published by If you use one of theBe birds you are sure of having birth certificate is an infants citi­ described property as the same ap­ No more games have been sche­ pears of r cord, and each of the exactly what you expect in tender. Juicy roast turkey. zenship papers. Moreover, official other persons above named are here­ order of tbe Honorable O. F. Skip- dules until after the holidays when worth Judge of the Circuit Court birth records are becoming increas­ by notified that A. F. Fir will apply of the State of Oregon for the a return game will be played with Come in and Belect your Turkey today. If you to the Circuit Court of the County ingly necessary as demands for County of Lane and said order River Road or a game will be listed want Bonte other fowl or Christmas meats we have and State aforesaid for a decree fore­ was made and dated this 6th day of with Santa Clara proof of age and nationality grow. them, too. closing the lien against the prop­ A properly recorded birth certifi­ erty above described, and mention­ November, 1934 and the date of the first publication of this summons cate proves age. inheritabllity. and ed In said certificate. And you are is the 8th day of November, 1934. In d e p e n d e n t M e a t C o . Leaves Hospital—George Thomp­ legitimacy among other things, hereby summoned to appear within All process and papers In this i says Governor Meier, in his en­ sixty days after the first publica­ son was discharged from the Paci­ I . C. STUART. Rrep. 4th end Main Ate — Rhone M tion of this summons, exclusive of proceeding may be served upon the dorsement of the child registera- the day of said first publication, undersigned residing within the fic hospital in Eugene Friday. ......... e g » . » - ■ ■ ■ . - . a tion campaign now being conduct­ and defend this act|on or pay the State of Orogon at the address hereafter mentioned. ed by the state Board of Health amount due as above shown, to­ WM W. HARCOMBE, Attor­ in conjunction with the Census Bu­ gether wtth costs and accrued In­ ney for Plaintiff. Address 303 terest. and in case of yonr failure reau at Washington. Tiffany Bldg.. Eugene, Oregon. to do so. a decree will be rendered All children under one year of foreclosing the lien of said taxeu (D <-13-30-27—J 3) age should be included in this sur­ i vey. The necessary cards may be obtained at the postoffice. (^riitm aslog F G G IM A N N ’S 44canticiL Q w tiu q i. 1954 To Complete Your Christmas Dinner LEGION NAMES W ORKERS FOR C H R ISTM A S W EEK WALKING ALONE When last we caught a glimpse of the people following Jesus they were cheering his name beside the lake, seeking to force him to be their king. He eluded them and retired into the mountain to think and pray. It must have been a dramatic moment when he reappeared. Only a single “Yes” was needed and they would have lifted him on their shoul- , ders and borne him in triumph to the city gates. Hushed and expectant they waited for his answer—and what an answer! “I am not come to restore the kingdom to Jerusalem,” he cried. “Mine is a spiritual mission; I am the bread of life. You have cheered me because I fed you in the wilderness, but I tell you now that what I have come to give you is myself, that by knowing me you may know your Father.” They could not have been more stunned if he had struck their leader across the face. What did he mean by this senseless mysticism, this talk about “the bread of life”? Hadn’t they seen him heal the sick and conquer the Phar- i isees in debate—were not these signs that he was the lead- er- so long promised, who would rout the Romans and re­ store the throne of David? S T U D IE D BY CROUP A special meeting of the finance committee of the city council and Incoming members was held at the City Hall Monday evening. New members of the city government were given an opportunity to study the operation of the city business. CO N C H ITA MONTENEGRO S H IR L E Y “ B R IG H T IN TEM PLE EYES” McMorran & Washburne Merchandise of Merit Only Phone 2700 W IS H E S Silently the cautiouB people slipped away, and after­ ward denied that they had ever had anything to do with him. Those who were more daring, or devoted, continued with him through the rest of the week, and on the Sabbath crowded into the synagogue where they knew that he would ■peak. FIRST CLASS HOLIDAY ROUNDTRIPS fo r the first class ons way fara / plus 5 0 / — to a ll S. P. statioos in C a li­ fornia, Oregon, Nevada sad A ri­ zona. Ticket» are good on all trains leaving— “Upon this many of his disciples went back and walked with him no more.” DEC. 13 TO IAN. 1 The tide had turned. Jesus realized it clearly though the disciples could not. At every opportunity he sought , to build up in them an Increased sense of their responsibili­ ties. He must “go into Jerusalem,” he told then., “and suf­ fer many things of the elders add chief priests and scribes, Al»o low coach-tourist fares on •ale every day. and be killed.” DAYS ONLY Buzz / Squeal ’ Howl or Eugene’s Own Store Jew. And then the note of tragedy. 9 L FINANCES OF C ITY “The Jews therefore murmured concerning him, be- i cause he said *1 am the breat that came down from i Heaven.’ ” It was was sacrilege or nonsense, one or the other. Gentiles might continue to follow him, if they chose, but his company was clearly no place for a self-respecting The days had given him time to reconsider and com­ pose his thoughts ;t perhaps now he would make a reason­ able reply to their hopes. But there was no compromise. Again he repeated his seemingly senseless talk about the “ bread of life.” ST A R T S SUNDAY H. O. Dlbblee, M. A. Pohl and W. N. Gossler have been named on a committee from the Springfield American Legion post to assist with the Community C.hrlstmas program to be given on Monday evening. Following a potluck din­ ner last Thursday evening with the Legion auxiliary the group voted to contribute »5.00 towards the fund for treats. The Auxiliary Is preparing baskets for the needy. Hr k a d k j m ui’iig b l, l a t t m r j 12 Southern a . Pacific YO U A V ery M erry C h ristm as HAPPINESS ON THE AIR TONIGHT la your radio standing in the oorner—silent, duety, uaused—carrying tnemoriei to all the family of weird, disturbing noieee-or, ie it a muiioal instrument, a companion for all the family, »o which you point with pride. Thie year's radio will prove a revelation to those whose seta are fonr or five years old. AU extraneous noises practically eliminated. Tone quality of such purity It must be beard to be bellevwd. Naturalaeaa of tone that thrills and beauty that inspires H alf the money paid before will get a radio today that is a good one. Why not trade in your old set? H will prove the best investment in entertain­ ment and companionship for the entire family you have ever made. We do not sell radios, but yonr local radio dealer will be proud to show you the latest instruments. A new radio for Christmas would prove a revels tion to tbs entire family. Ask your dealer about radios today. AND A H appy N ew Y ear Mountain States Power Company .