THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TIIIR TY -K IR H T YEAR HPItlNUKlKLD, LANK COUNTY, OREGON, THURH1UY. I » » ’KMBER 21), 1934 Sells SPORTSMEN TALK Recorder ÏREE TROOP OFFICERS License Plates MANY PROBLEMS T TO GIRLS PflOGRAM READT Waiter Gooaler Re-elect C \a> Pi «aidant Retain Of Rod O And f f ic e I r ^ Club; mas Cantata In Evening; church by Frederic H. Dunn, prof­ Manager For Squad ! ortti«« as to the proper procedure. Church Schools In Events essor of Latin at the University. ------------ They want an organ that will be _____ The (hrlstm as as we know It Springfield high school will offl- within their means and at the same, Special Christmas programs for surely wa. not observed In the cold d a lly open Its basketball seaaon on time will help In developing a wor- each of the Springfield churches mouths of the year as the Scripture Thursday, December 27, when the ship atmosphere and a sense ut nave been announced this week. AU tells of Die first Christmas when local team meets the Pleasant H ill musical appreciation. After care- leatlvltles will be held this week- the shepherds were out In the field squad on the local floor. A sche-: ful consideration a committee re- end. with the earliest being set for tending their flocks, said the dele of is games extending until presenting the musical talent of f Friday afternoon at the Baptist peaker. February 26. with three open dates, the church agreed that only a ! church where the beginner and prl- Also, people held a celebration was announced at the high school church organ coukl be considered., mary departments will have centuries before the coming of this week. can be bought now at less th an . 1 hrlstmas party with games Christ. Their celebration marked Uariu-s scheduled and the place It is found that a church organ I treats under the direction of Mrs. the turning of the suu from Its where they will be played are an ' cost, or one half of the price of at Wilfred Cook and her helpers. southward orbit to a more north-1 nlunced as follows: December 27. few years ago because experts are The Baptist Sunday school pro- erly course as the days began to Pleasant H ill, here; 28. Mohawk at required in the building of organs, I gram will be given Sunday mom lengthen out again following the Wendling; January I. Monmouth, and the companies must continue , |„g before the regular 11 o'clock shortest day of the year. These there and January 4. Monmonth to build even at a loss. | service by the Junior, intermediate, early people celebrated the return here. Prices Favorable Now and primary groups. Rev. CL B. of the Hun after it bad stood still January 8 and 11 are open dates A naw Reuter organ, the same Uoleus. pastor, will preach oa tha for four days. with games scheduled with Cottage' make a the one In the music build- subject. 'The Prince of Peace,” at Bam Bartholomew announced his Drove there on the fifteenth; Jan-' Ing on the campus and In all the the morning service Bunday. resignation from the offloe of uary 18. Corvallis there; 22, Eugene churches in Eugene, adequate for Cantata at Baptist Church Brotherhood president-elect. Dr. W high here; 25. Albany, here; 30. the church here can be secured The evening service at 7:20 Will H. Pollard was named president. I ’ . H 8 .here. for about *1800 installed. Toward j »e given over to a dramatic Ckrtst- anil Bartholomew was given the of-1 February 1 la open ; 5. Cottage tnaa cantata. "Goodwill to Hew." flee of treasurer. formerly held by Grove, here; 8. St. Mary's, here, ¡ab le from the Cruzan estate, This will cons I t of soloe, duets. lir. Pollard. Installation of the new-! 12, Corvallis, here; 15. Eugene. At a meeting of the trustees of ( and g1n|f)ng by eJwlr ly elected officers will probably be there; 18. Albany, there; 22. U. H .| the church Tuesday night Is held at the next meeting on Jan S. there; and 26. St. Mary's, there. | agreed to appoint a committee to j " n g r a \ l U T r L t U ^ m e e te ’' * ’ " uary 21. (xiach Chatterton is working a make a survey of the church mem- All children In Springfield are In­ vited to attend the big community Christmas party to be held on Main street between Fourth and Fifth streets next Monday evening start­ ing at 7 o’clock. A short program has been arranged after which each Following the program which In­ child present will receive a Christ- cluded group singing by the 36 t mas hag containing several pieces girls uud mothers present, tap ‘ of candy, a half-pound of mixed dunces by Norma Bust and Peggy , nuts and au orange. Wright, reading by Roberta But­ Special committees from the man. violin solo by lajulse Smith, Chamber of Commerce, Lions club, reading by Virgie Bustard, a short and American Legion are maklug talk by Ila Vutman, and presenta­ all necessary arrangements for the tion of u playlet. “Dlrl Scouts annual event. Nearly every busl- T hrifty." by the Ismtse Smith, pat­ u«s» man In town has made a con­ rol, Miss Derber discussed the con­ tribution to defray the necessary tent which the patrols have Just expenses In addition tu donations concluded, and Mrs. Barnell spoke made by the Lions club and the on In-half of the committee. Legion post. Annual exchange of gifts was Big Tree Lighted The big electrlc-llghted Christ­ held, each gift being made ulther by the girl herself or by her mas tree was set In place Saturday mother. and smaller fir trees have been Plans were announced at the placed In every flag pole hole aloog party for a one-day outing to In- Main street us a part of the com­ held at the snowline during the mittee activity. Toys are needed sorely by the holidays. Each girl will provide large squad or players at the high her» and friends to find out if th e | ! dramatics. food for a lunch and dinner and committee If they are to provide ROYAL NEIGHBORS FILL school now, much of the material balance of the money could be ealh child of needy parents with Leading characters la the caa- one hot dish will be served. Is green, and the coach has not raised without crippling the finan­ OFFICES WEDNESDAY some gift for the holiday season. tata are Wayne Bailey as Enos, the At the scout meeting Monday the made any announcement of his sel­ ces of the regular budget. Shepherd, Mrs. Kenneth Toklas as Llulse Smith patrol waa announced Few toys bave beau turned in at Community Would Benefit New officers were elected and ection of an official high school Rebekah, wife of Enos; winner of the contest with 23(1 the City hall, gathering center for installed at Taylor hall Wednesday. ,Pa,n at 111,9 time There is a feeling among some these Items, and If the response la Practice Games Played I people outside the church that an < ' as Nauml- * daughter; points. Teddy W right’s patrol was evening for the Royal Neighbors of Last night the boys divided hon-! organ in the community would be f “ “ *‘enKra “ •''»than, a son; W ll second with 27*5 points. The Flick­ not greater many of these unfor­ America. Mrs. Hannah Lepley H om e h ave ev. ' tre d Ck Ba L “ C,U8- R» er patrol led by Helen Putman an­ tunate children will be toyless on wos the special Installing officer (,r" with Marcela in practice games, worth working for..Some have ex . Christmas morning, say members and Mrs. Flora Stearmer was the The flr9t 9tri,lg gTOU‘> loat ,o Mar Pressed their willingness to m a k e '“ “ ’ ble‘,llen “ lc® Marcos, son nounced that they would hold a of the committee. special auditor of the evening. co,a 2118 wh,le ,he 1<>cal 9econd » real sacrifice If It can be secured, i Jcnnl‘! Jackson as M ary, candy sale on December 22. the Madon“a : Officers chosen were Mr» ü C leam end'“<’ ,h* lr game w,,h the A*reody an organist has volunteer-1 the Harry re- held during the holiday period. I •_. 1 . . ___,_«■__ I phet and two other shepherds. tions which are planning to make ton. vice-oracle- Mrs Alice Peter Another interesting practice ! for the privilege of taking lessons. | contributions of Christmas baskets son. chancelier; Mrs. Ina Cline. Banle was tlayed here Fr,day eTen'| At the Christian church the aa- ----------------------------- or toys direct to the needy are ask­ recorder; Mrs. Bessie Endicott, re- ln* when ,he 9 cond Btrln<5 kO-'9 nual Sunday school program w ill ed to leave the names of the fami­ i he presented Sunday morning un­ celver; Mrs Phil Bartholomew, nosed * nt an 1816 wln *” rer the 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 lies they are providing for with I. m a rs h a ll; Mr». S te a m ie r , m a n a g e r w ° ° d r 0 * w l ‘9<’>> J“ n lo r high tea m der the direction of Miss Uldlno M. Peterson at the City hall. By for three year,; Mrs H attie Bettis. frOm Eugene in an «ame. I 1 U U U U M U U IU L II I Uartin and Sunday school workers. checking these names off the large Inner sentinel; Mrs. Mary Thur-| _ *' The pastor, Veltie Pruitt, w ill P'xy l ’onight list It will be possible to avoid preach ou, "Jesus— Wonderfel,” a* Tonight the Springfield I. O. O. | man. outer sentinel; and Mrs. Mary much duplication. the big Christmas service at 11 | F. team, managed by Lloyd Mattl-1 Miller, post oracle. All toys turned over to the com­ ■o'clock. j son. will meet the Crow qnlntet on Funeral Services For Son Of mittee will be taken direct to the Sacred Music Program the local floor in the opening game Carl Landers Dies In Hospital Pioneer Parents Held Here honufs of the needy children on I. O. O. F. ACCEPTS PLAN i of the county lodge league. A sacred program featuring the Of Injuries Sustained at Monday. No toy» will be given out FOR JOINT INSTALLATION choir will be given in the evening Members of the squad are: Mat-, Wednesday Afternoon -------------- i tison. W illiam Cox. Gilbert Erns- at the Chrlstnlas tree, but every Marcola Tuesday at 7:2«. This w ill include the fol­ Sprlugfleld Udd Fellows Wediiea 1 , , Eg y>eeman and Bruce Squire». - A lifetim e resident of this com­ child attending the program will lowing numbers: "O L ittle Town Carl Landers, 47, was fatally in­ of Bethlehem," choir; scripture day evening accepted au offer ot n„ naid H awke. Robert Chatterton. munity. Silas Yarnall. 62. passed receive a bag of candy and nuts. the Rebekah lodge to hold a Joint I)a|ton Thurman. Joe Gerber and jured Tuesday afternoon when he reading; Christmas carols by a awuy at his home, 646 Fifth »treet, Program to Ba Short was struck by a falling tree while quartet; Christmas anthem by the early Sunday morning. He was The program will not last more installation on January 7. A dis- j Rimer Pyne working in the woods above Mar- choir; solo, "In Old Judea," Ruth born In Lane county on December than a half hour and will be pres­ tict officer will he here at that Town Team Starts cola for the Fischer Lumber com­ Lienhnrt; Christmas song, Murphy- , 22. 1871, the son of pioneer parents ented from a large truck by local Hm«- A Town team has also been or­ The lodge is planning to hold a pany. He was rushed to the Paci­ Moshier quartet; Christmas song who crossed the plalng from Mis­ school children. Principals of the ganized and is being managed by celebration meeting honoring the fic hospital in Eugene where he by the quartet with obligato solo souri to settle In lame county. three schools are making the nec­ Paul Nice. This aggregation played died Wednesday morning. He was by Veltie Pruitt; and a Christman memory of Thomas Wildey. on He received hla schooling In the essary arrangements. their first game Tuesday evening Mohawk school, and on September Day colored bags for the treats January 16. Wildey founded the against Wendling when they were struck in the uacx and received anthem by the choir. 10. 1826, was married to Mrs. Mar have been made by high school order in America, and his birthday defeated 34-12 on the local floor. back. head, and Internal Injuries. Play at Vesper Hour He was born at Lon« Rock. Ore­ garet Leonard who survives, as girls under direction of Miss Dlyde date Is January 15. The Rebekahs Members of this team are Ernsting. A Christmas play, "Come Unto gon on February 19, 1897, and lived will be invited to this event. does three brothers, John Yarnall, Dilley. Me,” will be given at the 5 o'clock H ill, Paul and LeRov Nice. Cox. at Creswell for many years where Vida; Harry Yarnall, Springfield, Working on the Community tree and Prochnow. Vesper hour Sunday at the Metho­ he leaves many relative«. He had Deorge Yarnall, Bickleton, Wash­ committee are H. O. DlbblWe, W K. MRS. TOOMB HOSTESS dist church. The first of two scenes been employed at the Fischer Lum­ ington; and two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Barnell. John Pyle, W. C. Wright, is an humble cottage where a little FOR KONTRACT KLUB BAPTIST CANTATA CAST ber company camp for some time. Armstrong. Dickens, Iowa, and I. M. Peterson, P. J. Bartholomew, boy is bringing Christmas cheer to He is survived by his widow. Mrs. Mrs. Mollie W illis, Portland. M. A. Pohl. W N. Dossier. Thelmer Mrs. Donald Toomb was hostess HAVE CHRISTMAS PARTY a lonely little girl. The carollare _______ | Estella Landers; four children. Funeral services were held la Nelson. W E. Buell. Roy Qutney at her home last Thursday after- j are heard outside the window. Tho Members of the cast of the Erma- Doras D ^m ar and Lloyd; The second scene finds the little Springfield from the Poole Funeral and F. B. Hamlin. uoon for uieiuheis of the Kuutract bridge klub which she entertained ! Christmas cantata which the Bap- 1,is ta,her- Richard lenders, of boy taking the girl to the Cathed­ Home Wednesday afternoon at 1 with a dessert bridge party start- ,lst church is to give Sunday even I Marcol“ . He was the nephew of R o'clock. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter ral for the Cfiristnias program. The officiated, and iDterment was made HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ing at 1:3. Mrs. Frank DePue and Ing held a Christmas party In t h e E' ®cott and W. W. Scott, early program includes Christmas an­ at the Mt. Vernon cemetery. FORM LIBRARIAN CLUB Mrs. C. E. Wheaton were guests. church basement Tuesdave evening reMide,1*s of Creswell, thems and choruses by the fall Mrs. DePue was winner of the high following their rehearsal. Mrs. R. adult choir and carols by the jnn- Student assistants in the llbrary score for the afternoon. E. Rolens. Gall Chase and Stephen KENSINGTON MEMBERS ior choir of 40 voicee. DEGREE CIRCLE ELECTS at Springfield high school have or­ Mrs. W. K. Barnell will entertaln- Rice were in charge of the refresh­ Choir Has Program HAVE CHRISTMAS PARTY ments. OFFICERS FOR NEW YEAR ganised a Junior Librarian club the group lu two weeks. The choir will sing “The Angela with Mary Trotter as president. Mrs. Donald Toomb was hostess Song," by Stickles. The Inclndentni Mrs. Z- llu Cantrell waa re-elect­ The purpose of the club Is to study at her home Friday for the annual solo will be sung by Mary Elisabeth BRATTAIN SCHOOL TO COOKING CLUG HOLDS ed president of Progressive 22 de­ library problems and to build up Christmas party of the Kensington Whitney and the duet by Miss HAVE PROGRAMS FRIDAY gree of Juanfta Rebekah lodge at more Interest in the library. Other PARTY TUESDAY NIGHT club. She was assisted by Mrs. Whitney and Miss Evelyn Buell. their annual meeting Friday even. officers of the club are Mary El­ All children at the Brattain I-awrence May. The members sang "Oh Thou That Tellest Good Tid­ Ing. Miss Eunice Uerber is the new kow, vice-president; Irene Jessen, school will have Christmas parties Mrs. Juanita Brown entertained carH,g an(, exi.hailged glftg for the ings to Zion" from the Messiah by vice-president, and Miss Irm a Noli secretary; and Evelyn Johnson, Friday it has been announced by at her home Tuesday evening for program. Nineteen members were Handel, tbe contralto solo by Eve­ Is the secretary Initiation and In­ treasurer. The group w ill meet for F. B. Hamlin principal. Children in members of the cooking club of the present. Mrs. Olive Rebhan will be lyn Buell. The choir w ill sing also, stallation of officers will be held ut business sessions and one social the first, second and third grades Christian church. A potluck sup­ the hostess for the January meet­ "The Hallelujah Chorus," by Han­ the next meeting the second Friday nianfhiy. The first social Is to be will Join together for their party per preceded the evening's pro­ ing at her home with Mrs. Melville del. Mrs. Buford Roach w ill slag, In January. Mrs. Bertie W alker, held Friday evening and will be a and program. The two divisions of gram. "Gesu Bambino" by Pietro Ton. She Jones as her assistant. Mrs. Margie Moshler, and Mrs. Christmas party. Members of the the fourth and two of the fifth will be accompanied w ith a violin t'larlne Putman are In charge of club are Carolyn Hicks. Lester An­ grades will hold individual parties obligatto by Mrs. Buford Roach. LIONS TO HEAR TALK CHOIR TO BROADCAST this meeting. Those on the enter­ derson. Rolland Farnsworth, W ar­ during the afternoon. The chief parts In tbe piny ore ON ITALY'S MUSSOLINI taken by, Nadine Neet, the little tainment committee are Mrs. Walk ren Vail. Edward Hanson, Charles FROM EUGENE TONIGHT er, K'rs Moshler, Mrs. Uraoe Lans­ Clement, and Lawrence Chase. girl; Richard Flanery, the little BROWNIE GIRLS HAVE Rev. W . S. Burgoyne, pastor of Christmas music will be present­ berry, and Mrs. Maytnle Richmond. boy; Clarabelle Brood, tbe Mother PARTY YESTERDAY ed this evening from radio station the Methodist church at Creswell, of Great M en; Faye Halverson, tbe P. T. A. SEEKS BETTER KORE In Eugene by the Methodist will speak to the members of the Maker of Dreams; Wendell Bar­ Members of the Brownie pack, HONOR SOCIETY FETES ATTENDANCE AT MEETS junior organization of (he Girl church choir of this city. Mrs. Bu­ Lions club at their meeting Friday tholomew. the Builder; Wayne Ken- ford Roach Is director of the slng- noon on Mussolini. Rev. Burgoyne THREE NEW MEMBERS Scouts held their Christmas party era. The program will be heard a t 1 sPent the Pai