THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1U34 THE SPRINOFIELD NEWS DRY WORKER TO SPEAK TONIGHT VARIED USES LISTED FOR $5.00 FEE CARS Whtle all motor vehicles register j Ing on the flat $5.00 license fee I basis are classified generally as "passenger cari.” there are a aum- President Of Flying Squadron i her of types of vehicles that are I Indudisl in this group that are not Foundation To Talk Of strictly for private business of Future Liquor War i pleasure purpose«, according to statement of registrations compiled Oliver W. Stewart, of Chicago, by Secretary of State P. J. Sladel President of the Plying Squadron man. Foundation will ho beard at the Of the 249.016 cars that pay a Baptist church thia evening at 7:30 $5,00 fee under the present Iteena when he speaks on "The Oncoming ing laws, 230.319 are private pas War with the Liquor Traffic.” He senger cars, not used commercially will dim u;« the many phased of the in any way. while the other vehic­ drink problem, meeting all the wet les in the general class are listed argument;. Ilia many years of ex­ as follows: perience give him the background Deliveries, 14,388; trucks, 2.288; for thia work. trailers, 1,136; sedan deliveries. lit* services in the legislature 248; wreckers, 145; woodsaws. 122; in the state of Illinois to the house house cars. 32; house trailers. 69; of which he was elected in Chicago tractor cars. 14; buses and taxi­ as a dry, attracted far more than cabs, 88; and cars of passenger state wide attention. He is known type but used for the carrying of throughout the country for his commodities. 229. All of these ve­ sanity In the presentation of the hicles have a combined weight of problem of the liquor traffic. vehicle and load of less than 4000 Mr. Stewart has recently com­ pounds and are consequently legal pleted a state-wide campaign in lv entitled to register under the Minnesota where the drys made a flat $6.00 fee. satisfactory showing in the prim­ ary. He also spent almost a month To v ,.,t Daughter— Mrs. Mabel In West \ irginia and five weeks in Tyson and daughter. Muriel, will Kansas in a campaign to maintain leave Friday for Phoenix. Arixona the state s prohibition amendment. spend the Christmas holidays He is coming to this state for a visiting with Mrs. Tyson's son-in series of meetings in the Interest ,aw and daughter. Mr. and Mrs of prohibition. The public is in- Leland M. Hover. vlted. There is no admission, but _________________ an offering will be taken. Take License— Ancel Neet and Frances Powell, both of Fall Creek OCTOBER GAS SALES obtained license to mary at the of- UNDER 1933 TOTALS ,ice of ,he county clerk Wednes- day. Gasoline sales dropped off In October, bringing the state $14,- Leaeburg Folk Here— Mr. and 14.77 less In revenue from motor Mrs. Lee Fountain of Leaburg were fuels taxation thau during October, business visitors in Springfield 1933, shows the monthly statement Wednesday. Issued by the office of P, J. S tad el- man. ecretary of state. Gross receipts for October were ■ HAPPY HOUR MEMBERS $685,797.13, while $100,711.90 was HEAR CHRISTMAS PLAY collected in the corresponding month of last year. Gallonage fig urea for Octotber, 1934, were 13,-1 Fifteen members of the Happy- 715.942 and for the preceding year, Hour club went to Eugene Tuesday 14.014.237. Revenue for the ten- afternoon where they were guests month period of 1934 has totaled of Mrs. Sally Elliott Allen at her 996.54. on a gallonage o i 141.- j *I "er h,,!ue “n Bireh *“ e 619.928, and in 1933 grossed 135, ) Allen read one of her original 698,305 on a sale of 6,121,865 gal Christmas plays entitled "Merry Christinas." Mrs. Allen has writ­ Ions. ten a number of poems which have Brother Dies— Walter M. Sharp, been published in the Saturday brother of Mrs. Roy Flock of Dex­ Evening Post, and has had several ter and of Mrs. Clarence McBee of of her plays produced. 66 One of Our Babies »» RESERVE LOANS FOR HONEY USES TOLD IN LIVESTOCK AVAILABLE NEW RECIPE BULLETIN 04561131 TO CHANGING NEEDS lluw to us« honey lu making ¿.-AVE-ST Over 366.000 emergency douglit broads, cakes, candy, couklea. sal loans aggregaliug $24.000.000 have ads. saudwlch tilling» aud desserts been made to western aud middle H, ROBERT V. FLEMING of various kinds is explained lu de western farmers and stockmen I i, « Frrii'Jrst 4 MsHrss ffaalvrx lull lu a new book of roclpee, since the drought fund appropria­ .4 usrfsMsa n ANKERS rsxogulse that chang- "Uses of lloney" just Issued by the ted last summer hecunte available. ® Ing conditions require new meth- extension service at Oregon State Governor W I Myers, Farm Credit oils of doing business However it college. It may be had free (rout Administration hus announced __ _____ ____ ta their respon­ Corvallis or uny couuly extension Just over 200.000 of I he loaus sibility to re office. tain those ea amounting io about $14.000,000 re Oregon beekeepers produce near s e n 11 a I and presented liittlal advance#, primer ly two pounds of honey uuuually tound flnancla ily fur the purpoe« of purchaalug lor every luau, woman uml child In irlnclplea upon feed for livestock, and 166,000 sup w h ic h t h ia Hie slate The rousuuier can have plemeiilul advances have been c o u n t r y was his choice of Willie or light amber made aggregating $10.000.000 Or­ founded a n d alfulru honey from southern or dinarily such loans are made in lias grown to eastern Oregon; clear white fire monthly advance«. limited Io be whyt Is atili weed honey of the moulilulli re­ the richest nu amoulBs required per head fur the gions. vetch or raspberry honey of 11 o n in ths stock to be fed (be Willamette valley, or the dark world. umher honey with strong flavor Many of our d lff lc t i t l e s tliut comes from French pink ami R. V. PLUMING •HONE COMPANY OPENS have a risen bachelor button flowers. from lack of confidence and from How honey may be substituted SERVICE LINE TO JAPAN misunderstanding Therefore it be­ (or sugar, molaaaus or syrup II hooves the banker to bend every Regular commercial radio tele- cookery, la explained 111 the bullet- effort to create a better public un­ lu which was prepared by Hie nutri­ pilone servire belweeti thè United derstanding of souud bauklng aud Red Cross public health nurse proudly displays one of the Infants thereby, brtug about that united tion specialists of the exteuslou States and Jupau wus opeued Fri under her rare. In the past five years Red Cross nurses have aided at ths effort and cooperative spirit which stuff and H ie school of home econ­ day. December 7, by thè Bell Tele birth of more than 19,000 babies and have given cars to mothers of many will hasten the day of national re­ omic*. Mollie homemakers flud it phone syslem. others, in their work to save livts of mothers and babies. covery and restore to the banker Che economical to use honey, aud The uew circuii Is Ibe fourlh arrives, and in reducing time lost confidence of the public to which he others like the distinctive flavor aerosa thè l*arlflc exlendlug thè is entitled. by workers In factories, mines and und quality honey gives their cook 61 imi mlle» betweeu Han Fraitclaro As an approach to the realisation other tnduHtrles. We are also giv­ lug. nini Tokio The longeat Pacific cir­ ing the course extensively to police of this Ideal, bankers should care­ fully scrutinize every application cuii opelied early in 1934 renelle« and fire departments throughout the for a loaq to see If it is bankable 87041 mlles to Java and Humalra. country, and to state highway pa­ and. if it Is not in bankabl-- form, NEEDLECRAFT MEMBERS The olber Iwo exietid lo Ilawall, trols." (ben'make further examination to First Aid. Life Saving. Nursing Everyone is invited to join the see if the loan can be made to. In MAKE PLANS FOR PARTY 2400 mlle», and Ibe Fhillppluea Red Cross during the annual mem­ order to stimulate use of credit. 7000 mlles. Care. Promote Health bership roll call which continues Final urraugemeuta for Hie an and Safety from Armistice Day to Thanksglv Explaining l oan Factors io Customers nual Christmas party and gift ex­ —•4 We must not expect our customers lug, to have a part in the health pro change of the Needlecraft club Try Our gram and the other humanitarian to be bankers and underatand all were made here last Thursday Five outstanding services make up the factors which wa must consider afternoon at the home of Mrs the health-conservation program of services of the Red Cross. before granting a Ioan. It we flud the American Red Cross, according Laurence C. Moffitt. Gatuea were D n ig e r d in S u r» I, J, J, 4 sud that a loan la not. aud cannot be to the annual report just Issued in years Sise 4 require« Jr« yard« .>1 enjoyed during the afternoon by and made, bankable, then 1 think we Fires on M o rro C astle and 35 inch m ateriel (ne both d r e i, id Washington. These services are the members. The Christmas party Painting for Christinas should take pains to explain the rea pannes 2 yard« ol l y , inch b«M A t N om e A la s k a , R e­ first aid and life saving, which to­ sons why it cannot be granted. will be held at the home of Mrs. or trade In your old toya- buuling is required. gether have trained more than a ceived H e lp o f Red There are other measures which II Hchaffenherg with Mrs. Henry blcyclea of tricycles on new million persons; nursing, with an 1 think it important (or the buuker Cross W o rk e rs Faudrem as assistant boateaa. Mrs or rebuilt oiieg. FOR W EE MODERNS active enrollment of 36.133 regis­ to undertake in order to eliminate W N. Gossler unstated Mrs. Mof- tered nurses; Public Health Nurs­ Pattern 8284— Wee modern* have the misunderstandings which have . (III. A number of tragic and unusu­ ing. conducted by 7600 nurses In 424 arisen and overcome the sentiment a great deal Io say about what they al disasters have recently called Phone 900 chapters last year; and Home Hy­ which exists. Und r presen' condl will wear these days and they In­ for Red Cross relief. A duplicate Key for 10c with giene, which has taught more than Thureton Man Here— Farrel Me- tlons we have to operate under variably choose a clever outfit like Included in them have been a 700,000 men and women simple ways this advertisement many laws and regulations, and the one plcturt-d with simple and Quinn of Thurston was 11 visitor in flood in Kentucky, following a of caring tor the aick at home. also watch what further legislation Springfield Wedueeday. pretty dress and even more simple series of cloudbursts in August: "The achievements of the Red is being proposed which affects our epidemics of disease which Cross in public health nursing place methods of operation and may not panties to match. The pleats are threatened several sections, in It among the leaders in this field," be in the best Interest of the com held In place by cross stitching on eluding some caused by drought said James L. Fieser. rice chairman munities we serve. Nowadays it the shoulders and the full sieves conditions. Red Cross workers in charge of domestic operations. seems at times we must sit with a are gathered Into the armhole and found much to do for the survi­ "This service wa, organized In 1919 law book in one band and a book trimmed with bias binding which vors of the Morro Castle fire and to meet needs developed by the of regulations in the other In order also triors the neck. ’or those engaged in rescue work; World War and the ravages of the to make certain we are discharging The little panties are cut in one and Red Cross relief went by air­ flu epidemic which in 1918-1919 took our daily duties aud functioning place and held In place by an elaa plane to Alaska when the famous so great a toll of life. strictly in accordance with the law. old gold camp. Nome, burued In All of this is very trying, yet 1 tic inserted In the hem at upper "Since that time Red Cross nurs­ September. think iu the end we shall become edge. Small daughter will love this ing services have been pioneers In set and look exceedingly sweet better bankers. more than one half of the counties TOILET SETS SHAVING SETS 1 believe It Is the duty of every In it. in the United States. Many services Lowell, died at the Eugene hospi- ' A n A rm y o f G o o d w ill banker today to endeavor to under­ we established were taken over later PERFUMES tai Tuesday. Funeral services are , n 42 percent of the lightning CIGARS stand the public he serves. In ad by civic, state and federal agencies, being held today from the Bran- fjres OD t^e national forests of Ore- and the Red Cross continues to es­ CHOCOLATES When members of the Junior Red dltion to his daily duties, tryiug as COUNTY DOG LICENSES BRUSH HETS stetter-Simon chapel in Eugene. In gon and Washington, the eedles tablish services in other new fields. Cross learned that school-books bad they are. be should participate in GO ON SALE THIS WEEK terment will be made at Eula. MANICURE SETS and litter on the ground are the Red Cross nurses made more than a been destroyed in the Kentucky the activities of his community, so FLAS 11 LIGHTS million visits to patients last year, floods last August they gave $100 that, with the (und of information materials first ignited. Lin uses for lain« county dogs CAMERAS STATIONERY and 629,035 children in schools were from the National Children's Fund available to him. he may be as help Return Umbrella in 1935 were placed on sale tills Inspected. to buy new textbooks for use In the ful as possible. FOUNTAIN PENS CANDY week at the office of the county Will the person to whom I Over half of the forest flrest “Red Cross courses In home hy­ schools. The maximum membership ■ lerk at the court house. The fee loaned my umbrella several started by lightning occur at ele­ giene and care of the sick are for the Junior Red Cross last year RII,I, FOLDS STATIONERY months ago. please return. It vations between 4.000 and 6.000 feet especially important in times of de­ was 7.350,280. an Increase over the BOOKLET ON FARM CREDIT remain* the same, $1 for male or spayed female, and $1.60 for female no«-. Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah, according to an analysis recently pression. because they teach fami­ previous year of more than 250.000 CHRISTMAS CARDS The licenae* may be pur 952 C. street. Phone 127-W. A booklet has been published by dog completed by the Pacific North- lies to maintain hygienic conditions They carry on civic and service pro WRAPPING PAPER in their homes and to recognize grams in their own communities the Agricultural Commission. Am chased before March 1 without the j west Forest Experiment station. symptoms of illness early enough to which each year bring comfort and eriran Bankers Association, on "Fac­ udditlon of a penalty. RIBBON prevent serious consequences. pleasure to thousands of needy and tors Affecting Farm Credit,' (or ths "Our courses In first aid have unfortunate people An International purpose of furthering -in a national Lightning ignites dead trees more The most Joy und satisfaction comes from the often than live trees in the forests been instrumental in saving lives of friendship is built up through cor scale the taking of farm Inventories H. S. BASKETBALL useful gifts of which our store has a multitude of west of the Cascade range, while the injured; in safeguarding the ac­ respondence with Junior Red Cross and the making of credit statements TEAM WILL NOT PLAY cident victim until the physician [ members In foreign countries. as sponsored by the commission In the reverse Is true east of the Hems. Gifts bought here are the kind you are proud cooperation with the state colleges mountains. Springfield high school's "A" lea­ to give. of agriculture aud the U. 8 Depart­ church held a Joint meetitng at the BROTHERHOOD PLANS gue l>a ketball team will not meet Methodist church Wednesday after ment of Agriculture. The goal is 829 Willamette Fojt SALE—One RA73 H. P. range CHRISTMAS EVENT noon. A special program was given better relationships between farmer uny M-heduled league competition Remember you can do your Christmas shopping used, in good condition. Mt. cu--tomers and I heir banks. until after the Christmas holidays following a one o'clock potluck in the evening at the drug store. PRE-HOLIDAY Frederic S. Dunn, professor of .States Power Co. tf. it wit* announced at the school this luncheon. ARETANIA GUILD HAS CLEARANCE week. Latin at the University of Oregon, The announcement means either will be the guest speaker at the DINNER. PROGRAM MEET cancellation or postponement of a monthly meeting of the Men's PREVENT DUPLICATE game series scheduled between The Rcxa II Store Brotherhood -ot the Methodist GIVING, ASKS RED CROSS Members of the Aretania guild of two A housewarming party wag held church Monday evening. He will January clearance prices right the Baptist church were entertain­ Lebanon and Springfield for Friday Corner Fifth and Main Springfield now . . . there's no need to at the new home of Mr. and Mrs. talk on Christmas, giving a great Letters to local organizations ed at a potluck dinner at the home and Saturday evenings of this week. The game were to have wait . . . you can get real SALE George Willian near Hendricks deal of the early background of the which frequently prepare Christ of Mrs. George Cole Tuesday even­ marked the opening of the "A" lea bridge Friday evening. A large present observance. Mrs. Dunn will prices NOW! number of their friends from Wal- be here also and all members are mas boxes for needy familte* are ing at 6:30. A program for the gue schedule under the new set-up tervllle and Camp creek were pres­ urged to bring their wives for the being sent out this week by the young people followed the dinner. being tried this year. Clearance Of ent. potluck supper which will precede Red Cross office In Eugene asking Mr. Willian I b moving his sawmill the program at 6:30. that they be notilled of the families equipment from upper Camp creek each group proposes to take care and will set it up near his new of. The Red Cross is trying to Both Fur Trimmed and Tailor­ MISSION GROUPS HOLD home. prevent duplication of Christmas ed - - Priced from Residents of the Leaburg com­ LUNCHEON WEDNESDAY boxes in some families with others munity are making arrangements receiving nothing, says Miss Ellis. now for the building of a new Both the Foreign and Home Mis­ Red Cross repre-entatlve for this church on their property. sionary societies of the Methodist district. 67 MARY MARMALI - > » >> * e RED CROSS AGENCIES SAFEGUARD HEALTH Toy Repairing DINT IT’S Christmas Suggestions For WOMEN: For MEN: MOORE’S Ladies Shop SALE F la n e r y ’s D r u g S to r e , McKenzie Valley COATS $ 1 0 up Regular Values up to $39.75 6 ONLY Full Length SWAGGER SUITS SWAGGER T h e W e a ry D o v e by A. B. Chapin Irish-Murphy Co. RINTIN<5 Christmas Food Headquarters EFFICIENT PROMPT Inexpensive We are specially prepared to serve you in Quality Christmas Foods of all kinds. Fancy fruits, vege­ tables, oysters. Turkey and other fowls are here in abundance for you. To be closed out at $9.98 Regular Values as High as $16.95 SPECIAL GROUP DRESSES Pre-Holiday Clearance :: SILKS :: WOOLS S m a rt new styles In all color« and size«. S 2 98 S 3 98 S 4 98 New Fashioned Pure Silk Hosiery C h iffon and aervlce V e ry Special a t - - p air . . . weight«. 49c FOR GIFTS FOR HER se our stock of imported tbea, pajam a«, «lip« a n d any Im ported noveltle». ery reasonably priced. Teacher«' Warrant« Accepted Popcorn 2 POUNDS 15c Phone 2 OOD printing service consists of more than delivering a certain amount of Ink anti paper In the form ordered. Good printing consists of careful consideration as to the form in which the Idea Is to be presented, thoughtful selection of type faces, the right gratle, weight and color of the paper, accur­ ate composition and skillful printing. . . That is I he kind of printing service you may ex­ pect from our shop. . . . and It costs no more than inferior printing. G No mattpr what you printing job may ba or in what quantities, we are confident you will find our eatt- male of coat moat Interesting, workmanship moat efficient and promptness In delivery most gratifying. If you find It Inconventient to visit our office, phon« and we will call. . . . You are under no obligation In asking us for an estimate. ‘•The Willamette Presi Opposite P. O. Springfield