CROWDS! GREAT CHRISTMAS VALUES G ood movies pock a theaterl G ood values pock a storel And W ords are "pocked" these busy gift-shopping daysl W ords hove the sensible usable gifts most people like to give and to receive! W ords prices are lowl W a rd quality can be de­ pended upon. There is little wonder then ♦hot W ard s should be crowded, for crowds go where the values arel Com e Ô . Steam Engine 98c Popular upright ty p . I Brass whistle, wooden handle, 2 *0. flyw heel. Alcohol burner. 11". Microscope Set 49c — save moneyl Simple to operate but accu­ rate. Field lens, objective lens, and accessories. See it I <0 fined tisc New Velocipede $690 •5.00 down •5 M onthly S tre a m lin e d airp lan e design, b u ilt o f heavy steel. Cruia- .... lig h t, and headlight. Fire Chief Auto 98c ISVi-in. longs w ith a big sirs» attached to wind-up motor I Brake to start and atopl 5V<-lnch Auto Horn They're stronger and lighter than steel! They never tarnish or rust! There’s no enamel on the frame to chip o ff! And they are streamlined completely, even to the guard-mounted electric headlight I Big balloon tires, of course. And a big, springy Troxel saddle. Chromium-plated mudguards and fittings! The most beau­ tifu l bikes in America I • Men’s only. Black and white. Balloon tires .. • • S il a P 4 I •4 0 fO Q QC Men's Single Bar Bike Weighs only 39 lbs. Sperdvl Balloontirse. d »*ja n r Wards Supreme H a t W a te r A uta Heater $7.45 Double-Bar M o to b lk e Rugged but light. Big A ir Cushion Balloons ....... 30c Ft. 35c Ft. 2 * ^ Ì b * .esses« 5 Wards Speed line Bike 8 for $1.19 Ex. l î T - W ....... 30c Ft. W hat a bargain! F lat type 1 .netrating, adjustable tone. Cbromiufr. p’s: cd face. See it! Ward New Duralium Bikes Set the Pace in Style, Strength and Value! 8 for $1.19 Ex. S x eh. 89c S295 Pair Chime Piano 98c 8 k e y s ; accurately tun« chime notes! B uilt like real baby grand. Sec it I Spark Plugs Tree Light O utfit 59c 9 lights to a string—not 81 Bulb* last longer by actual t e s t 1 Colored Mazda lamps. 33c Famous Riversides! No better made even at twice W ards low price. Sizes fo r all cart. Less than half the price of nationally known makes. Oversize core, 48 tubes, solid brack- eta, big Delco ny>tor, Forget-proof rheostat switch. It* « F u ll S tzel Mo Pulling, No 89c Mo finer made! doee-kuh diver grey c o t t o n yarns. Fleeced inside. Keeps body beat inside, cold ouraidr. Presents colda. Z-Oz. Boxing Gloves 3.98 “ Fkzimmons style. Our most popular glove! W ine colored leather. Full laced palm. Generators De Luxe Scooter $1.00 w ith chalk, eraser, r — at this priest toe to make desk! $6,95 A ir-fille d dree, collapsible seat fo r coasting I B all boar- tag $2.95 Witt. .M s.«wntor Why buy new when Wards re­ buke, nin like new and save you pAntv Many sizes. S. 72 B o ll B e a r­ in g s In E ach Skate / / $1.59 Pair No w o n d e r they're smooth and speedy! 18 hardened steel bearing! in each wheel I OadDst- 1 n g rubber - cushioned t r u c k s , too. Nickel plated finish. Soft, dwer- ling ankle pad! Save! Felt Auto M at Handy Sport Bag $1.89 V s made of bough s>u>- grainoäspUt cowhhie. Ckxh- ined. Leather harallesi Hook and 98c Big— 19y i" long I T w o lad­ ders, red > green electric Hghta. Streamlined. 98c Use indoors or out! 4 hard­ wood 25” mallets. 4 hard- wood 2'/4” balls. Varnished. $1.29 Use under present mat. Insu­ lates against cold, heat, noise. Large size 38 by 40 inches. and plenty of Tough, Springy S tra ig h t-G ra in $2.00 6 ft. Length they're made af k n n tla ee edge gt aln ydkxv pine, with grooved hu t t r a i l . Wstetpenof too, in net Sturdy $1.98 Extraordinary VJM Kxuw grain k i split cowhide Il Vatsa type «nodi 1059 Willamette St. Phone 3220 Erector Set 89 c F o r beginners I Builds fifty models I Booklet of Instruc­ tions included. Low priced I A whole counter of them, in fact I Games, automobiles, tea seta, guns, dolls, balls— all those “little ” toys that lend so much apice to a child's Christmas! Buy thorn to f ill stockings or buy thorn for those delightful “extra” toys that enchant the hearts of children. Bumper Stops 89c Save your fenders and body. P' - vent old style bumpers iio u . slipping user new. MONTGOMERY WARD