THB BPRINOTOBLD N W THUR8DAYR, UK*'KM H Kit 1», 1984 FARMERS CUTTING DOWN SEAL SALE STARTS HERE | MONDAY IN SCHOOLS MORTGAGE DEBT LOAD WHO IS WHO £ A Claaelfied Directory of Reliable Business Firme and Professional People Thie Newspaper Recommends The marked Improvement In col­ lections by the Federal Land bank tbla fall 1« a gratifying Indication that farmers of tbe Pacific north west not only have a sincere de­ sire to meet tbelr obligations, but they are In better position to do , believes O. H. Junod. treasurer of this cooperative mortgage In­ stitution at Spokane, which serve« Montana, Idaho. Oregon and Wash­ ington. Cblldrea la tbe grade school ol Hprlnglleld began selling t h a CbrUtmas health neats to tbelr per ante sad otbera Monday under tba direction ol Mrs. W. N. Dow who Is seal sale chairman lor Spring field "Bloce 1116 tbla baa been an an­ nual event by which the Gragon State Tuberculosis association baa carried on Its activities. Tbe money derived from these seals baa gone into public health education. Into Iree clinics for those unable to pay for medical attention. Into research protects and Into a crusade for pub­ lic support for tbe prevention of this dread disease "The splendid forward steps which have been made In our state in tuberculosis cure and control era evidence tbat every cent Invested in 1'brlatmaa Seals baa yielded a fine return lu health and happi­ ness.' said Governor Meier in a re­ cent statement. FARM LEADERS WILL TALK SHOP EXTENSION CHRISTMAS Many helpful and recipes to aid the in preparing tha annual feast. whether It Is to be very •ra te or very simple, may be Stata College Staff To Study to You. free upon request Iron Changing Trends, Creator economica division of the i U m Of Föderal Aid« service at O 8. C.. or (rum cou ------------ home demonstration agents. FOR H A L»—One RA73 II. I', range PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILMS DANCING How to bring to Oregon through-. Ia ld no. Q. E. lam p«, Universal H ou «eh old West Springfield Ph. Bpr. 33-J be barred from all Intareat In tbe Furnishes a to a point directly South of the K. H. TURNER said real property, except only the Electrical Supplies. COMPLETE HOME place of beginning- ataa begin. , nd , l r i t pubi „ hed Dec. 8, statutory right of redemption; that TRANSFER A STORAGE Oeneral Repairing Springfield. Ora. nlng at a point 271 feet North 86K A E t Building and Repairing Service. the said real property against 442 Main 8prtngfleld For Service Pbone Springfield 66 MOVING— Our Plano and Furni­ which foreclosure Is asked, la des­ and 16« feet Beat of the South- R IK A deBROEKERT. Admin west corner of the aforesaid jstyatrlx. cribed as follows: ture Movers are Experts. or If no answer, pbone 34-J. Inspect our New Installation at Friseell's P ark, ttwn«* ™ W E L L 8 A W ELLE. Attorneys, The Southeast quarter of the STORAGE — Coacerte Building. Springfield. feet; thence North 66 feet, -p 6-12-19-17—J I ) Southeast quarter; tbe North the State Game Farm. thence Northwesterly to a point 9-amswwr-w si Reasonable Rates. Reliability. half of the Southeast quarter of Westinghouse Lampa and 86 feet North of the place of o „ HEARING PHYSICIAN-SURGEON Section Thirty-three (83) and the PACKING — Experienced H e l p begin.,.ng; thence South to the NOTICE OF HEA m N G Appliances. Southwest quarter of the South­ Means Safety and Protection. place of beginning;— all being a W « A L ACCOUNT west quarter of Section Thirty DR. MILTON V. WALKER H EN D ER ER ELECTRIC part of Section 13. T. 1« 9. R. 6 In the M atte r of the »state of tour (34) all In Township Nine­ Surgery and Diseases of Women PACIFIC TRANSFER ft Formerly Walker-Poole 420 Main St. Springfield E of the W. M., In Lane County.' Reason P Endicott, deceased teen (18) South of Range One STORAGE CO. 4th and Main Sta. Springfield Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that, by Rea. Pbone 148-J (1) West of the W lllam ette M er­ EUGENE— 11th SP R IN G F IE L D 68% 6th. Ave. W. Eugene, Ph. 7( Phone 82-J idian, except a flume right of and further decreeing that the de- order of the Honorable Fred Fisk, If no answer Call 104-R and Cbarnelton 288 Main FRUIT PACKERS way as appears of record In VoL fendants have not, nor have any o r ' County Judge in and for Lane Saturday, Janu 128 at pageJ88 Deed Records of either of them, any right, title. County. Oregon. Telephone 723 Phone 68-J the hour of 10 Eugene Fruit Grower's Ass'n MELVILLE S. JONES, M. D. WOOLEN MILLS Lana County, Oregon, all being In claim or Interest In any of said ary 12, 1836. at o'clock. A. M.. at the office or Surgery ^ml Diseases of Women real property. Lane County. Oregon. Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packera This summons Is served upon chambers of the County Court In This Summons Is served upon X-Ray and Physiotherapy EUGENE and Shippers. Ice and Cold Storage the Court House of Lane County, you by publication by virt(u e of aa you by publication thereof for four WOOLEN MILL CO. in Eugene, Oregon, has been fixed Springfield, Oregon College Ice Cream Manufacturen order of tbe Hon. G. F. Sklpworth. successive weeks by- order of the as the time and place for hearing Manufacturers of Woolens. First National Bank Bldg. Pb. 43 Coco Cola— Klxt Beveragea Circuit Judge, dated and filed Nov. Hon G. F. Skipworth. Judge of the SELF-HEATIHO ISOM objections, If nny. to the allowance Specialising In Ladles 80, 1884. directing tbat this Sum­ above entitled Court, decreeing Cider Vinegar LI«MT3 IMEXAMKV and settlement of the final account that you answer the summons here­ mons be served upon you by pub­ COATINGS AN D S U IT IN O 8. Phone 1480 PLUMBING - PIPE FITTING in within four weeks from the date of the undersigned as executor of lication in Tbe Springfield News, Retail Department at Mill. the last w ill and testament of said Ferry near 8th Ave E. Eugene, once each week for a period of four of the first publication thereof, East End (tb Ave. Eugene. Ore. weeks. The date of the first pub­ which said date of first publication descendent. NIEL POLLARD E R N E S T R. B N D IC O T T . Exe­ is November 22nd. 1834. lication Is Nov. 12. 1884. P L U M B I N O cutor. FR ED ER IC K H. DRAKE. At­ Collect Bounty — The county JESSE G. W ELLS. Attorney Copper Coils a Specialty. Drive to Monmouth — Mr. and torney for Plaintiff. 808 Paolfic F R ED E. S M ITH , Attorney for bounty on two coyotea and two bob fo r Plaintiff. Realdence and P. Executor. Res. Phone 163-J Mrs. W. K. Barnell drove to Salem Building. Portland. Oregon. O. Address, Eugene. Oregon. rata wua collected Saturday by M. (D 13-30-37-4 8-10) (N 81-28— D (-13-80) 420 Main Bt. Springfield. Ore. and Monmouth Sunday. (N 18-88— D 4-13-80) Mullen of Blue River. and What They Do ä MOONE 5 EMERALDOIL Business Directory Edward G. Privat •IM w»y plus 5 0 / Reliance Life Insurance Co. DEC. 13 TO JAM-1 bm , . Southena Pacific POOLE ilE A S V WAY 7 0 IRON F u n e ra l H o m e WITH A r.ole man SMART 8TLYING IN EYEGLASSES Proper attention to the style of eyeglaaees worn Is aa ettec- tltve la your personal appear­ ance as the manner In which you dreaa your hair or the clotheg you wear. Platuwd above la the Colonial drop-leaf frame In yellow gold. This Is Juat one of many dis­ tinctive etylee of frame which are alwaye available at Dr. Meade’s optical store. Your present leneee can. be used In many of (he more mod­ ern frames, and the coat la sur­ prisingly low. DR. ELLA MEADE OptomatrlKt 41 Wee4 BUI Eugene THE FACT FINDERS - and their di