THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1 »34 PAOITWO recreations! advantage» of the for 5»IX MONTHS LIMIT aprinkle the bulba with nicotine j eel. point to the employment possl ON GAS TAX CLAIMS dust to keep away the aphtda that bllltie* on our forest laud The often Infeat them when the aprouta crying demand In (he uatlou for Heaidsula of Oregon who are eu- Treating gludlolua bulb*, or appear. more Jobs naturally suggests the tittle*! to refunds lu gaa lax are Temperature and humidity con­ lorma aa tiler ere more properly luiportaut social niche which our loalug a considerable amount of Tacoma Folk Haro— M r* W alter Laava* for South— A U Brown caUa4, while in atorage la reconi- dition* under which bulb» are (oreata may he made to fill aa they money annually by carvleaaneaa In Nelson of Tacoma la here Visiting left Tuesday evening for Harrison, raepded Be • means of avoiding atored affect the number of days do under the European system Re­ not getting their claims (Bed lu from planting to flowering, aa well ' Thia seuaon's forest fir« report with Mr. aud Mrs. Ned Williams Arkansas. damage ( r a n thrlpa and other lating the employment need to the hie office within Ihe atalulory ala Agricultural Leader« Predict aa the number of flower aplkea, coupled with Iasi year's exception peat a, »ay* Cr. Deo U, Mote, ea- forest land may hold permanent Reduced Surplus And In­ Vida Folk Hoc»— Mr and Mrs Collects Bounty— Milo Thomson and the number of corma produced ally favorable record for national possl tillit le, for bettering both the month period, according tu P. J. touologtat of the Oregon State col­ Htadelinau. aecretary of »tate. collected the county bounty on one Arthur Mlnnoy of Vida were visi­ torest lauds, la convincing forest creased Acreage For 1935 by the mother bulb or corra, ac-l lege -xperlnient atation. Much of social and economic condition of bobcat Saturday at the pfftce of the tors in Springfield on Friday. 'cording to A. O. B. Bouquet of the official» of the uutslaudtug Import Mr. Mtadeluian haa made a ag the difficulty reported by amateur the country. Continued improvement In agri­ county clerk. horticultural department at the col­ Young Man Very III— Roscoe Job ance of the CCC camps In the fire greealve effort to eliminate fraud­ gardener» adth their glada thia aea culture through 1935 la foreseen by lege. Thl» ha» been found to be control pnairsin of the norlhwest ulent claim * against thia fund dur­ aon la believed due to the acttvttlea Out of Hospital— Misa Mae Ogtl- tiff, 16 year old of Mr. and Mrs. Lumber anil wood product* pay true, however, only of the medium trained agricultural observer* from "The benefits of the civilian con- Ward Jolllff, Is seriously 1 1 1 at the ing hla term in office, hut he la of theae peat«, particularly thrlpa. vie waa dismissed as a patient at alaed bulbs and not of the largeat all part» of the United Sûtes who aervatiou camps to the state of Ore­ 631» per cent of all wages and Juat aa anxious Io aee that all Just gathered recently In Washington the Kugene hospital the past week­ Pacific hospital In Eugene. Thrlpa can be aeen easily under and snialleai otiea. subirle» of Oregon's manufactur­ gon and Washington have bean claims be paid In full with Ihe least tor the annual agricultural outlook end She had been there tor sev­ the microscope and their presence To Movo— Mr and Mrs. O. B many, but outataudlng In Import ing Induatrlea. A "sustained yield” Temperature Controls Bloom» poaalble delay and expense to Ihe eral days. . conference, reports L. R. Bretth I* uaually Indicated by a silvering forest program might tie a "Ufa Hardy plan to move soon to Med unce ta the contribution they have Glads stored at lower tempera­ stale. aupt. extension economist at Ore­ of the leave», more or leaa in atrlpa. tures of 32 to 40 degree* were California Folk Here— Mr and ford where they will make their made to the fire coin rot program." saver" for Oregon- If, and when. A napthalcne treatment will kill found to bloom somewhat later, gon State college, who was called Mrg. Roy McCracken of San Fran­ home. There appear* Io he considerable suya I'. J. Buck, regional forealer, to the capital to assist in the con­ cisco. California are here vlaltlng them, and la very eaally applied. According to the Inal federal misunderstanding of the gas tax Portland, Oregon. though they had more flower Nurse on Vacation — Miss Aun Dr. Mote says. For small lot» of spikes and the yteld was greater ference. Uader It a tax ol five celila with his father and sister, Mra McGookln. nurse in the office of Final report for the seuson shows canaus, Washington had 80.897 law The national report laaued fol­ Leota Roden bough. bulb» the beet way generally la to than where the corma were atored per gallon la paid the alale for Ihe Dr. Milton V. W alker, Is spending that the f l ' t ’ lias contributed more workers employed In foreat Indtti put the bulb» In a paper bag with at temperature» of 60 degrees or lowing the conference points out than 125.000 man-daya to actual tries, Oregon had 62.171. Prior to banaftl of the highway fund, aud a week's vacation al the home of Grocer Return»— W. A. Taylor one ounce of napthalene flake» for more. Rooting and sprouting In that greatly reduced supplie» of (Ire (ightlng and fire suppression. 1930 the itnuliei Industry brought under certain condition* user» of most farm products, and some im­ returued to his store Monday after her sister aud brother-in-law. Mr. about 100 medium alaed bulbs, T ie storage is increased with higher Buck alutes (but the lusting accom approximately »250.000.IHIO per year gasoline and almllar fuels are eu- and Mra. John Enschede, at Forest provement in consumer buying being confined to his home for the the bag* up tight and leave tor 20 temperature and humidity. HI lad (o a refund. One requlreui III pllahiin ills of these two year» lu into theao two states.- Grove Miss Doris Girard Is taking power, will likely bring about a past week with an attack of cr 26 day*. Or the bag» may be put la that all claims be filed within bettering the fire control situation her place while she Is gone. higher level of farm income the mumps. away In atorage and left tor a Forest telephone lines conslrucl sis month* from ihe dale uf in of the foresta represent Improve Speaks to Student*— Mohan V. I first half of next year thau was had month or two without damage to Go to Marehfistd— M r and Mrs. I nieuls which would have required ed by th* member» of Ihe civilian j voice Formerly Ihe period allowed 'he bulba or danger from fire or Raj. Indian lecturer, gave his illua-1 during the firat half of 1224. W illiam Curtis left Sunday for j at leusl ten years of work under (Xinservatiou corpa In Oregon alni was one year, and lallure io comply Mr. Brelthaupt la now preparing trated lecture before the high poison. the ordinary procedure for federal Washington If built lu a single line with th new IIIm e lim it has mads Marshfield where they were called school student body at their assem­ outlook reports dealing with the by the death of Mrs. Abbott, a ! Handling Before Planting and slate owued forest land. would cognant Astoria. Oregon ueceasary the rejection of many various enterprises Important to It ta neceaaary, however, that the bly meetltng Friday morning. claima. with New York t'lty. friend. "The importance ol a regular Oregon, in which he will adapt the bulba be taken out of the bags and fire fighting force with central or­ local conditions the information Dentist in Portland— Dr. and Mr*. aired before they begin to aprout, Parents of Daughter— Mr and ganisation is being proved beyond as the napthalene. If It has not all W, N. Dow and family drove to brought out In the national meet­ Mrs. W. C. Brooks are the parents u doubt,” slates Buck. "These t ’t'U ing. and supplement It with Infor­ Portland Friday returning home evaporated, will Injure young of a baby daughter born to them at Cent Gasoline Tax enrollees are uioally Just green mation on conditions In this atate. their home south of Springfield late Extra »•routs. It 1» well at this time to Saturday. Fails To Make Up Differ* boys' when they arrlce at the CCl' ' The first section released late In Saturday night. December 8, 1934 camps, bul even from these raw ence Between License Tax November deals with horticultural Leave for Portland—-Mrs. Carl Ol­ recruits competent fire fighting crops. son left Tuesday afternoon for Comparison of motor vehicle reg units are developed becauae of the National Production Up National farm production Is ex­ Portland to spend several days 1st ration receipts and gasoline lax possibility afforded for organisa­ They are put pected to be bigger than the uaual­ visiting with her son and daughter- ■ ollestions under the old and new tion and truiulng uighway revenue-raising laws has through regular (ire d rill to Im ­ ly small production thia year, the in law. been made by the office of P. J, prove eped in reaching a tire aud national conference decided. In Returns to W ork— Miss Lulu Mc­ general they think a small Improve­ Pherson ha» returned to her work Ktadelman. secretary of state, and they receive careful Instruction al- Useful gift« of high quality are alwayn the moat ment In buying power of farm fami­ at the Mountain States Power com­ the comparative summarisation I» o In fire fighting methods and the „ OPENS lies may be expected, although In pany office following an extended 1 resented for the first time since handling of modern fire fighting delightful. The drug »tore lemln In flue peraoiial gift» those areas severely affected by absence during the illness and he more recent license regulations equipment. All of Ibis organisation SUNDAY FOR and fuel tax rate became effective. work is of course Impossible with the drouth, cash Income next year reattonably priced. death of her mother. A loss of more than one ami one the ordinary "pick up crew ' Prob­ 1 will be extremely low. The outlook reportera expect a Parents of Son— Mr. and Mrs. R third million dollar- to the high ably part of the comparatively TOILET SETS DAYS vav fund is shown for the ten (uvorable fire record of the past ! substantial advance in price» of all C. Clark of Oakridge are the par months of 1934. ending October 31. MANICURE SETS two years on national forest land meat animals. They »av fewer ani­ ents of an Infant son born to them mals will be slaughtered, and those at the Nelson maternity home In which is a 13 per cent decrease In may be attributed to the organisa­ PEN AND PENCIL SETS slaughtered w ill weigh less and Eugene on Friday. December 7. »venue troiu all aounae. The per­ tion of the CCC." iod taken for cciupnratlve analysts w ill be much below average in qual 1934. CHRISTMAS CANDLES Further discussing the CCC, Mr :» trom July 1, 1933. to April 30. ity and finish. The reduction in | Buck aald. "W e are demonstrating FANCY BOXES AND PAPERS Sings W ith Sextet— Miss Cynthia 1933. (he las- teu-month registra­ ■laughter 1» expected to be pro­ here In the northwest the value of nounced after next February, and Hobbs, first grade teacher at the tion stretch under tl>e former llc- a permanent force In conserving JOHNSON S NATIONALLY KNOWN CANDIES the greatest relative shortage will Brattain school. Rang with a sextet i :i ing law. ftoceipts from motor our toreats. Probably no work in And many other Renin that make gift» to gladen develop next summer. The decrease 1 of teachers Saturday when they vunicie license», from motor trans­ forest conservation is more practl the heart of ladles and gentlemen. in pork production w ill be relative- ; entertained the monthly meeting mutation charges collected by the cal or necessary than ftre protec­ ly more than that of beef or lamb. of the Laue county chapter of the public utilities commissioner, and tion. However, the various other TRY THE DRUG STORE FIRST No material expansion In livestock Oregon Association of Intermedi­ Iron, gasoline ta x e .i are included in needed forest Improvement*. such numbers is expected before 1236. ate teachers with Christmas songs. lie report. ae com hut In« tree disease and in­ A title vehicle registrations have sect Infestation. betterment of As for prices and credit. Mr. Jumped up 16 per cent this year c onald to present over the former period the number watershed protection which assures Brelthaupt says the economists perpetual water supply and water figure that the prices of commodi­ WICCS CABBAGE PATCH ¡■.cicasing trim 239.900 to 276,420 power, also the development of the ties used in agricultural produc­ du-ing 1934. the collections from tion probably will average some­ Pauline Lord. W. C. Fields, Zasu licenses on these vehicle« have what higher than In 1934. at least Pitts Have Leading Roles In dropped 68 per cent or from »5, until the middle of 1935. They hold Story Of Common Folk 251.480.99 to »2.135.406.27, due tot that the credit situation w ill con-i ■ he f a t »5 00 license fee establish - tinue to show gradual improve­ Although Alice Hegan Rice wrote ed by the 1933 legislature for ail I ment above the bad conditions of her immortal American classic passenger cars and to the adjust- < the past several years. Drought "Mrs. Wlgga of the Cabbage Patch" m e ji In truck ll-e o te fee*. Under! stricken farmers without security, which, in the Paramount film ver­ ♦île prior law, the average fee for' A Stbre-Wlde Clearance of Winter Goods, Clothing however, will need special consid­ sion, based on the play by Mrs passenger cars was 220. the rate eration. The demand for production Rice and Anne Crawford Flexner, depending on 'ho weight of the | and Other Staple Items Just in Time for You to Make ! credit w ill probably exceed that of comes Sunday to the McDonald dutomcblle. a Saving on Your Gifts. 1934 since the accumulated needs theatre for four days, more than Wh?n license fees were lowered! , for equipment and repairs are thirty years ago, the people and the by the legislature, an added cent j much greater than in recent years. circumstances which it depicts are tax v. as placed on motor fuels VALUES TO 15.00 -------------- Oregon Fruit Report still as universally true today as This increased the revenue from Referring to the general fruit they were then, or will be two that source tor the ten months 32 per cent, from 34 612 408.50 to 26.-j situation, the horticultural crops hundred years hence. report points out that the combined Mrs. Rice set her little drama 102,505.81. At tbe same time, trans 1 lot, broken sizes,------------- : production of all fruits has in- In a "Shantytown"—a group of 1‘irtation charge» collected by the i creased 20 per cent in the last 15 stick and burlap shacks dowD by public utilities commissioner were I years, with grapefruit, oranges, the railroad trackB in an Ohio com­ adjusted, bringing a rise of 58 per i pears and cherries showing the munity. In the thirty-three years cent In receipts from this source, greatest gaina. Nut production also that have since elapsed the “Cab­ from »331,695 96 to »525,427 24. i shows a strong upward trent, with bage Patch” has disappeared, but The total amount collected from ' nut imports falling off. a thousand other 'Cabbage Patches' all sources during the ten months I The circular contains 10 pages of have sprung up all over the land. Eugene, Oregon 968 Willamette St. under the prior fee and lax rates condensed information, with out­ The "Wiggses” were universal was »10,195,585.45, while during look statements on apples, char­ folk, too. When “Mrs. Wiggs” was 1934 the revenue has reached a ries, pears, prunes, walnuts, fil­ put on the stage after two years total of »8,813,338.32. or »1,382,- berts, strawberries, other berries, of being a be«t-seller, the play ap­ 247.13 less in receipts. Refunds on and grapes, and other horticultural peared in many parts of the world. gasoline taxes for non-highway use products. Copies are available from It drew enormous crowds In India. of tbe fuel have been deducted county agricultural agents. It was even plaeyd In Korea and from the totals given, but admin­ Price* On Pre-War Parity there, of all places. "Mrs. Wiggs" istrative expenses have not been W ith reference to current farm Is still a nickname for housewives taken out. i price levels, the report shows that who are markedly simple and good- I for the nation as a whole farm hearted! prices now average almost exact­ There was nothing sinister about ly the same as during the 1910- them. Their only fault was that FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Beautiful Assortment of Table l adíes' Felt House Slippers 1914 pre-war period, but in Oregon they were Just a bit too easy-going, FIN D S BANKING BETTER Scarfs they are onljr about 80 per cent as even shiftless They preyed on no­ Ladies' or Men's Sheepskin lined WASHINGTON. D C .- A review much. Since mid-September the body. raised their own vegetables, Men's Pure Silk Scarfs Slippers general farm price level bas de­ took in each other's washing, and by th* Federal Reserve Board Indi­ cates that the condition of opetatlng Children Sheepskin lined Slip­ Ladies' Zipper Purses clined slightly, although the out­ made their pennies go as far as banka, particularly In country dla pers look is for some increase during dollars, though every once in a trlcta, haa Improved In recent Mon's All Wool Coat Sweaters the firs t half of 1936. while they had a burst of extrava­ months, as shown by the fact that Turkish Towels from to fr°m Farmers generally are expected gance and had to start all over these banks have been able to re Men's English Broadcloth Shirts duce their Indebtedness to ths re­ to increase crop acreage In 1926, again. Heavy Wash Rags especially of crop* not under ad­ Until she penned the adventures serve banks, to tbe Reconstruction from to Colored Border Sheet Set justment contracta, the circular of Mrs. Wiggs, the only American Finance Corporation and to other» Men's Tie Set, Silk Tie and Pure Tbe July bulletin of tbe board In shows. The price outlook during story of "life among the lowly,” Ladies’ Rayon Bloomers, all diacuaalng tbeae flndlnga »ay»: Silk Handkerchiefs the 1936-36 marketing season de­ was “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” “Mrs. styles "At the same time progress hat pends a good deal on growing con­ Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch” was been made in making available to Fancy Part Wool Lap Robes Beautiful Ladies' Rayon Dance ditions next summer as well as something new, delightful, and ex­ depositors fund* that had been tied Sets ................ Boys All Wool Sweaters upon the amount of improvement citing, and her story pushed her at up In closed banka. which may occur in domestic de­ once into the front rank of Ameri­ "Rank* In financial centre* have Heavy Pure Silk Dance Sets Children's Bath Robes up to been out of debt to the Federal Re­ mand conditions and general price can humorists. Size 8, serve Banks (or a long time and In levels for food and other commodi­ Ladies’ Box Handkerchiefs addition have had a large volume of ties. Girls' and Ladies’ All Wool Twin REBEKAH MEMBERS TO Men's White Handkerchiefs, excess reserve*. At tbe beginning of the year there were »till many Sweater Sets Colored Borders HAVE CHRISTMAS PARTY small banka throughout tbe coun­ Mon's Pure Silk Ties, lined Plans for the annual Christmas try, however, tbat carried a conald Men's Leather Romino Slippers, An Appropriate One for Each Different Recipient. party for members of Juanita Re­ erabte load of Indebtedness. O8C SPECIALISTS TELL GLAD BULB TREATM ENT FDRSEE BETTER FIRM CONOITIOH TOWN AND VICINITY C M FIRE FIGHTER PROVE WORTH MILLION LESS IN 1934 ROAD FUND U seful and D elightful G ifts 4 P A U L IN E LORD W .C . F I E L D S ^ Z ASU P ÌT T S |\ Evelyn VENABLE KENT TAYLO R SCOTT’S DRUG STORE M D Pre-Christmas SALE O pportunity SA LE Hand Woven Dresses CîO 7 Q — NP ~ Boys’ Wool Pants Boys’ Suede Blazers ' 93c . . 69c H O P S DEFT. STORE C. J. BREIER CO. Sale of Importance - Of Great Values for Thrifty Shoppers at Prices Lowest in Our Business Career for Christmas Gifts 49 C 49c 49c 4 9 c t0 »1.29 79C 59c lO c 39c 5C S I.69 GRATINGS* $ 1.9 8 »0 $2.98 89c 49c >1.69 98C 1 9c A ssorted Personal G reeting 59c 98c 23c Christmas Cards Thurston This is the first time we have ever offered assorted cards In the same box— every card dif­ ferent by special arrangement with the engravers. 20 Beautiful Cards With Hand Lettered Sentiment and Christmas Engravings. With Your Name Imprinted J $2.25 The Springfield News Office The Blue River high school bas­ ketball team» played the Thurston high school teams on the local floor last Friday evening. The boys' teams played off two extra 5 min­ utes, and the Blue Hlver team won by one basket. The Blue River girls’ team also won. Miss Natalie Edmlston is In Roseburg visiting her sister, Mrs. Hugh Safely. Mrs. Ray Baugh received word Monday evening that her father James Calvert. Is seriously ill at his home near Junction City. bekah lodge were made here Mon­ day evening following the business meeting The party will be held nexl Monday evening. December 17. and will be In charge o* Mra. Stella aton, Miss Mary Ann Louk, and Mrs. Minnie Girard. They w ill have a Christmas tree, and each person will bring an Inexpensive gift to be exchanged. Forest roads built by members of tbe CCC In Oregon and Washing­ ton. if stretched in single line from the Pacltlc coast, would reach across the continent and back—a l­ Under a program of Intensive most to Chicago. Not bad for the forest management western Ore­ CCC. gon and Washington can grow pulp A total of 3,600,000 people visited wood timber fast enough to supply indefinitely the entire annual de­ the 20 national forest* of Oregon mand of the nation's pulp and and Washington in 1935. In 1916 paper Industry. this total waa 364,000. Dollar Men's Ties, Special Country Hunks Reflect Improvement “The liquidation of Indebtedness by these banka reflects In pari Im provement In business conditions and the consequent ability of eus tomers to repay bank loans which long bad been frozen. It constitutes a strengthening of the banking po­ sition." The board pointed out thiu the re­ duction of member bank Indebted ness bas been continuous since the beginning of 1932 except for a brief period during the banking crisis In the Spring of 1933. The review aald: "In 1932 liquidation of Indebted­ ness of member banks to tbe re­ serve banka waa accompanied by an Increase of their borrowings from the Reconstruction Finance Cor poratlon In the past year and a half however, Indebtedness of member banka to the Reconstruction Fi­ nança Corporation bas also been re duced." Imported Men's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs Towel Set in Christmas Boxes 89c >2.48 to >2.98 5c 39c 69c 23c 49c >1.25 >1.69 To make our Bargain Offering Com­ plete we offer for 10 days only: All 80x80 Square Prints, yd. 17c THE ITEMS ARE TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION THEM ALL, BUT YOU COME IN ANO OIVE UH A CHANCE TO QUOTE OUR PRICES FOR COMPARISON AND WE ASSURE YOU COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND THE BEST BARGAINS YOU EVER OBTAINED EOR YOUR MONEY. FULOP’S DEPT. STORE SPRINGFIELD