V THE SPRINGFIELD! NEWS TIU R TY -FIK H T YEAH HPItlNGKIKLO, LANK COUNTY, OREGON, THURHÜAYR. DECEMBER 13, 1934 c m EXPEItSES '•»» O f" * * ¡E SPORTSMEH GALL Io Cripple Bov HELD 10 INCOME LODGE OFFICERS M L MEE1IND / udltor Report Show* Large having» Made In Budget; Warrant Debt Normal no : M iu , Students' Aany Dividend H O L M PLANS Play Checks lincalled FOR GUI BEADI M E E ÏIM Speech Professor Discusses, Practice Is Started At High Owners Of First National I Thinking Process; Christ« Harold Stewart Is Worship­ State Game Farm Head To Be School; Directors Will Be Avenue Of Trees To Line Bank Accounts Fail To Call I R. E. Moshier R mas Committee Named ful Master: Lodge Starts Millhollen And Conoly Principal Speaker, Music For Two Payments Main Street; Big Lighted Leadership Of Building Improvements Numbers Also Planned Lloyd Klllaou, crippled West Tree Coming Soon Church Sunday Announcement of tbe cast of Hprlngfleld youth will be given a SEEK PEDDLER CONTROL lull bualneaa college eduiutlou dur­ ing the next year If plana launched Orant Beer License Approval; here Friday ut tile semi moutbly Oouncilmen Study Future lueetlug uf the Hprlngfleld l.loua club are aucceaaful Finance» With Auditor Harold Htewart was elec ted wor shipful maaler of Liberty Masonic lodge at the annual meeting held Tu< aduy evening 11» succeeds Ar liiur llaugb. All oflcera were In stalled following tbe electlun by C. E. Swart», a past worshipful mas ler of the local lodge and a 50- >i.-ur Mason. Other officer« elected lucluded H<-vert Jacobaon, seulur warden; Nlel Pollard, Junior warden; Os­ wald Olson, treasurer; Ira M. Pet­ erson, secretary; and O. H. Jar­ rett, trustee for three years. Appointive officers named by tbe worshipful master were Ivan Male, senior deacon; Clarence Nelson, Junior deacou; Dwight Kesaey, senior steward; A. It Edgell, Juu lor steward; I*an Htewart, atujr- „hall; Fred E Lottk, chaplain; and John C. Ketela, tyler. Work was started tbla week on the front of the Masonic property. A costing of atuccu will be put on over tbe bricks, and tbla given a coat of heavy paint next spring. The walla ou tbe east side of tb« building have recently been gone over. Tlie work Is being don« uuder tbe direction of tb» truateea. Official« uf the Oregon alut» For the flr»l time In ■•-vt’rul vocational guidance board have , »ar» lh« ,-lty of Hprlugflnld bun pteaented u plan Io the Lluua clubs ■n«t current uperutlug ezp«ti«ua ol Eugene ami Hprlngfleld whereby with tb« c«»h lucuiu« (or lb« flrat the two service clubs bear half uf *l«v«u mouth« ut I he y«»r, aud lu- the expense uf tbe bualneaa train­ ulcutlous urn Ihul thia cuudlllon ing und tin- state group provides will «aim wbou tb« dual audit ut the oilier half of the expense. tb« year la tnudu ut tba eud ut tbla Tbe ways und means by wblcb inuutb. the average person a ihlnglng Is re­ Tb« d ly baa apvnt only *8468.32 gulated for b|m by vurloua ageu furlug tb» flrat 11 luuutba out ut i lea were discussed Friday by W. a budget which lutula *14,297.40 A Hulberg, professor In tb« epeech havin g au unvapeudnd balance ut department at the University uf 46V39.O8. Due to failure ut tuuuy Oregon, lu au addreaa before tb« pvraoua tu pay tbalr Is le s, tbla Dona club H« alsu dlacussed tbe total ainuuut budgeted will nut b« results uf this forced thinking. available tbla yaar. Tb» «sect A Christina» committee waa amount of money paid lulu lb« named consisting of Thelmer Nel­ varluua tunda will bo known when son, I. M Peterson. and I*. J. Bur lb» laal audit bus been completed. Ibulomew. Au lularaatlug Item revealed by Ellison lost one leg when a small lb» moutbly audit pr«a«ut»d tu tbe child but baa taken an active part lounell at their niunthly meeting lu Hoy Scout work In tbla city, und Mouday «veiling la tb« feet that made au enviable record ua a «tu- ullbuugb tbe city baa beeu operat­ dent In the high acbiail from which ing on a warrant basis fur aever il he baa beeu graduated. mouths nuw tbe total warraut lu Uebtedneaa la about tb« name aa It MANY ENTERTAINED AT waa before wbeu aalartea were paid, TWO BRIDGE PARTIES lu cash. tin November 30. lb« city bud wurraula outstanding totaling Mrs. Barnell and Mrs. C. E. May *32.62» Ul In lb« gvueral fund, and Hostesses To Contract And *26.897.60 In all tuuda. with a caab I Auction Players balance lutallug *547.13. .More than 35 persons, many of ch arsflers for the three-act tom- OFFICERS TO BE ELECTED edy, "The Whole Town’s Talking,"! NEED FUNDS FOR TREATS them living In this vicinity, can NEW OFFICERS ELECTED have that often desired extra cash by John Emerson and Anita Loos. this season If they Eugene Group Seeks Merger; pUy (o - Springfield high school was; December 24, All Children Kelley, receiver for tbe First Na­ Honored For Faithful 8er« Equipment To This City made today by Mis Marguerite tional bank. Mr. Kelley still holds To Be Given Candy vice; New Work Outlined — —.... , Millhollen. over 70 of tbe first and second dlvl- Lane county aportameu will garb , Ue, dlltK , be (ai)t w,„ , Small Christmas trees have been dend checks which have been un-1 Favorable reports from U er In Hprlngfleld Monday evening W iliam s as Henry Hlmmons, a | ordered and will be placed In each claimed. Hla office is In tbe old ! oua church organizations to hear Gene Hlmpaon, manager of manufacturer, Frances Htlles aa I >>t the flag pole holes on the side hank building at Hecond and Main beard last Thursday erasing nt the tbe xlat< g sir, farms, aud a musi­ Harriett Hlmmons, his wife. walk along Main street witbln the -Greets and Is open Wednesday^ annual meeting of the Chrlatlaa cal program t > be presented by Hie Others choaeii for parts, and ih-- ***** few da2* and tbe ,“rlte and Thursdays. 'church when Mr. and Mrs. *. ft. McKenzie Gateway Hod aud I b a rule which 'bey will play are: trically lighted community tree will ' A complete list of these ch eck s' Moshier were accorded signal bon- club ut their first social and annual Lamoyne Black as Ethel Hlmmons be set up and decorated during tbe rhlch have been unclaimed has ora with a special program la ra­ meeting. The gathering will be held dnughter of th< leading characters; week-end it was announced here been posted on the front door of re guidon of their long service to ut Taylor ball starling at 8 o'clock. Wuyue Tultar as Chester Hiuney, last night following the meeting of the bank building and they may be their church. Mr. Moshier baa aar- Harry Fundreni, chairman of tbe partner of Hlmmons; Beth Ople as the com m ittees representing the obtained upon presentation of the ve N a tiv # M, y were W e tto es and nuts, which was inaugurated ent. Marjorie Taylor, primary say- vacating a part of the Keeney addi ¡ __ — day afternoon aud evening at tbe this meeting and bring their —— — | lam Christmas will be continued Thurston Community; Fu­ erlntendent; Mrs. Paul Hadley, friends. All those Interested In lion was approved at the meet lug home of tbe latter for two large Funeral Services For Henry »gain this season I t was decided. neral This Morning beginners superintendent; Mtaa the development of tbe sport faci­ uf tbe council Mouday evening. bridge parties. L. Carter Held Tuesday; All children alt. ndtag tbe program C h o Q se D e l e g a t e . T o S u t e Altie Manning, nursery inperl» lities uf thia community are also A request fur tbe passage uf au The afternoon party waa a des­ will Le l ch be spent auawertug tbe doorbell, uu November 1». 1900 und bud lived to Mrs. Harry Whitney. bus been annouuced. Present of­ at the age of 73 years. the program this year at their pre idem of Iuka circle number 37 •rds. Roland E. Moshier « a n t uuucllmeu will compare tbe re­ In tin- Thurston community most ficers of the club are Walter Goa meeting last Friday' The balance. ior the next yeBr at the annual Guests were Mra. W. N. Gossler. Mr. Carter was born In Kansas He bad lived at chosen trustee for three yeara aad quested ordinance with the pod uf his life!line aler. president; Larson Wright, sec­ of th money needed will have t o , “ *6“ “* held Iait eTe»- Mrs. C. F. Barber. Mrs. Wheaton, City. Missouri on December 18, dlers license ordinance ou the city Signal fur five years, before re­ ing at tbe home of Mrs. Clarine Ren Hollister, A. E. Cole, A. M. retary; Clifford Wilson, treasurer. Mrs. Whltuey, Mrs. Clifford Wil­ 1861 and came to Oregon In come from popular subscription Kepner. R. E. Moshier, S. G. Moelk books tu dvlermlue If It should be turning tu Thurston. He was mar­ Putman. Chairmen of tbe various commit­ among people of the town and lo-| 1881, settling near Lowell. He ried lu Miss Helen Larimer at Fall son. Mrs Walter Bcoll. Mrs. Maude ier. Mr. Parts. D. E. Fergaaoa, aad amended, tees are: Harry Fandrem, enter­ Other, officers elected are Miss Bryan, Mrs. Frank DePue. Mrs. moved to the McKenzie valley In cal organizations which are Inter-' Alva Ferebee were named eldamk Coptee ut au anti peddler ordin­ Creek on December 20, 1933. ested. A subscription list will be Melba Harris, senior vice-presi­ Harry Htewart. Mrs. John llenderer, tainment ; Frank Itennle. Thurston, l»02 where he had lived since. Surviving him are bis widow. N. L. Pollard. Mark Cole aad Gtaa ance wblcb have beeu received dent; Mrs. Olive Wickham, junior fishing; Ray Nott, membership; Mrs Murlou Hall. Mra. W N. Long. He was married to Miss Sarah started at once and those persons vice-president; Mrs. Pearl Know Robertson were chosen deacons. here would. If passed, clump the Mrs. Helen Campbell, a daughter, und Kenneth Tobias aud Mr. Nott who de Ire to assist this work, but ~ „ H. Breeding in Eugene in 1883. lid down tight on mo.! forni» of! Margaret Campbell, at Salem, by Mrs. Douald Toomb. and Mrs M D eatoaessee elected are Mra. ler, treasurer; Mrs. Myrtle Egg! M I’eery, Mrs. It W Dawson, aud rl0 « “ud P'«to1 PrwUce. The club botise lo houae selling of .w h ich Hrst marriage, bis mother, Mrs. Survivors Include two sons, who will not be reached by the matin, chaplain; Mrs. Alice Doane, Ida Adams. Mra. E lva Adaam, Mra, Mrs. Genevieve W alts, of Eugene ! • chairman of the .hot- committee workers are invited to merchants com plain but ta id o n Margaret May ami bis slep-fatber Walter und Charles, both of the patriotic instructor; Mrs. Putman, Ernest Bertsch, Mrs. M. 3. MeKUa, Auction was Played during the "u” “l‘<1 «*“““ »« committee, McKenzie district, one sister, Mrs. leave their contributions with any registrar; Jolana Putman, conduct Mrs. F em e Richards, Mr». Ma lake auy action. Tbs ordinance bus C. F. May, both ot Tburstou. member of the comm ittee which evening parly with Mrs. L. C. Mof ■ Seek Consolidation Funeral services were held here Mary Fraser. Ixmgview, W ashing­ beeu enforced In several clttee lu Morelock, Mrs. John Manwnrlng, ress; and Ila Putman, guard. fltt wluulng the high score prlxe. I Another matter which Is expect ton. and one brother. Marlon Car­ consists of H. O. Dlbblee. John D. varloux parts of the country for fiom Ihn Springfield Christian Mrs. Stella McPherson, Mrs. NeUte Mrs. Knowler. Mrs. Putman. Mrs. Pyle. W. C. Wright. I. M. Peterson. church of wblcb be was a member, and Mra. W. N. Dow receiving tbe ed to be brought up at tbe meeting ter, Bend. several yeai« It Is said. Genevieve Louk and Miss Jean Pyne. Mrs. W alter Lnxton, Mra. Phil Bartholomew. Thelmer Nel­ lucky number gift. Refreshments will be a sugge tlon by the Eugene ih.a morning at 10:30 o'clock. Itev. Visitors Are Present He was a member of the Wood­ son and W. K. Barnell. The Cham­ Ixiuk were elected delegates to the Dan Peterson. Mra. W. A. Leather«, were served after the playing. { gun club that they merge their C otunlluiie Zumwalt and Harris S E Childers, pastor ot tbe First i state convention io be held next Mrs. Dodd Miller, Mra. Noah HaA Present were Mrs. E. C. Stuart, j efforts with the local group. They men of the World, of the Macca- ber of Commerce Is underw riting Clirlatlan Church In Eugene offl uf Eugene and aatorney Fred Smith lieeg. 'and the United Brethren summer. terbrand. Mrs. Alex Stevens, Mra. the expense of the small trees. have considerable equipment for were visitors at the meeting The eluted and Interment waa made In Mrs. Ira Peteraon, Mrs. J. D. Pyle, Harvy Eaton. Mra. E. L. Shlaaav, Plans were also made for a Funeral services were held from Girls of the sew ing classes at the Eugsui- i-ouncllmen "were carrying ,,lu Ml- cemetery by the Mrs. L. C. Moffitt. Mrs. Henry Fan­ target practice and have approach the Leaburg church Tuesday after­ Christmas party to be held at Eg- Mrs Arthur Fay, Mra. B. R. Boylan, high school under the direction of drem. Miss Edna Swarta, Mra. J. el the local club with a proposal out a plan of getting acquainted I **'«>•• »* Hprlngfleld. Mrs. E A Cole. Mra. F. L. VnU. m F ss Clyde Dilley began work" to- ‘?lmann's on Dece«nbe'' » • Fulop, Mrs. F. B. Flamery, Mra. that they bring their equipment noon at 2 o'clock. Interment w«s wltb the mann«r In which other Mrs. George Vallier, Mr». B. O. here and bv forming one large club, made in the Greenwood cemetery day sewing the several hundred Edward Prlvat, Mrs. L. E. Uaaford, cities are transacting their prob CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Smith, and Mra. H. I by the Poole chapel of Springfield. gay colored cloth bags which will METHODIST YOUTH Ira n . Members of their group will DRAWS LARGE CROWD Mrs W. N. Dow. Mrs Ueoerge thev would reduce their operating be needed for the event. Prochnow, Mra. H. O. Dtbblee, expenses per member which are _______ visit the different nearby cities WORKER TO SPEAK Will Distribute Toys Mrs H. H. Hchatfenberg. Mrs. Phil very heavy at the present time. NEW MEMBER TAKEN BY when their councilman are In ses a good audience was present at TAX PAYMENTS HOLD The com m ittee felt that it was ----------- Bartholomew, Mrs. W. C. Rebhan, The Hprlngfleld club has a very slon. Mr. Hmlth was here on behair the Chrlstlau church Tuesday even Miss Dorothy Nyland, Wesley N. O. W. CIRCLE HERE UP STRONG IN COUNTY unable to make a thorough canvass Mra. Le»l Neet. Mrs. W. C. Wright, low annual dues. of the Wtute Land Board lug when tbe la d le s Missionary this year for tovs Thev ask a ll, ,,'ounda,ion worker at the Metho- and Mr«. W. F. Walker of Eugene. The request of Dave Worley for Hoclely presented a Christmas pro Mrs. Maye Earls Lenhart waa Ini­ Total tax payments up to the persons or social groups w h ich ! dist church in Eu« et“' bl? tb® the rerommendatlnu of tbe city for gram for the entire church mem GIRL SCOUTS PLAN present Hire amoant to 57 percent have suitable Items for gifts to d o -!8p‘‘aker the fWe o'c,ock ves«*?r tiated as a new member of tha Pina a retail beer dealer license waa bership. Miss Clara Jones and Mrs. ADULT EDUCATION WORK PARTY FOR TUESDAY of the total levy tor the county ac­ nate to the needv to leave them SerV,Ce at the Metbodl8t «*“>■<* Circle number 46, Neighbors df granted His was the only request Rachel Thatcher were In charge of cording to C. A. Hwarts. county at the city hall. The committee will Sunday TO HALT NEXT WEEK MiSii W » ° d will Woodcraft, at their regular heal- received by the rouncll. These beer arrangements for the affair. Members of the 8pringfleld Girl sheriff. Last year the total amount see that thev are distributed th e ' talk on ,h e National Council of ness meeting last night. Mr». Mila licenses are Issued each year for Final classes in the first section Scout troop will hold a party In paid was only 52 percent. Many- Monday before Christmas to the Methodlst You,b beld The program Included music by Chicago Rolluian, a transfer ■ la ih si fro * the duration of the year by the Ore- Miss Jewel Cunningham, stories of of the adult education project being their rooms al the Lincoln school have paid their delinquent taxes children of those fam ilies w h ich ' la‘“ 9umm‘‘r when more than ’«W Grass Valley, California was a lw gun Htate Liquor Commission, and Christinas In other lands and the conducted In Hprlngfleld by Mrs Tipsday afternoon, December 16 this year, slid the four quarter pay­ delegates were assembled. Miss Ny- received into the local are on the relief rolls. only after the applicant bas been origin of the event, a ladles trio, O. H. Stile will be held W ednes­ It was decided at the weekly meet ment plan has enabled many others land also attended the sessions of tion. recommended by the city or county Mrs. Roland Moshier, Mrs. D. B. day. De, emli, r 1». it was announ­ lug held Monday afternoon. Each to pay theirs. The total amount Mrs. Edith Lnxton was elected a the International Relations Connell authorltlee. manager for the lodge Io serve Murphy and Mrs. Olive Rebhan ced thi ’ w ek. Auuo incem ents ot girl la to bring some gift for the which will be paiad Is expected to CHURCH TO HEAR OF during the past summer. Members of the council met with Mrs. Ida Adams gave a reading anil the future plans for the work, re- party which she has made herself. be Increased before the end of the BIBLE DISTRIBUTION Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor term ot Mrs. Daisy Clover. maft> C. A. Horton, accountant and audi­ the Murphy-Moshler quartet sang enrolliiiebt and possibly new sub will preach on the subject. “Stars ager-elect who tendered her real* The girls are continuing their year as taxes for the fourth quar­ "The Bible Goes Forth.” an ac­ to Steer By” at the morning ser­ nation. Installation for nil offlceni tor ot the city books, to discuss a A large Christmas scen e was Jed s will l.o mnde the first week sewing, crocheting and knitting ter are now being paid by many. count of how the Bible is being dis­ vice Sunday. future tluanclal policy for the city sketched on n hanging in front of of th, new year. will be held on January •. lessons given Monday by Mrs. W tributed among the people of the (allowing tbe business meeting. For the flnul week Mrs. Stiles C. Wright. Mrs. O. H. Smith, and Forty three adnlts aad tareiva the baptistry. The Sunday school m eets at 9:45 World will be the subject of the and the Epworth league groups at Juveniles attended the ChrtateMB AUTO STOLEN FROM has announced the following sub Mrs. Everett Griffith. sermon at the Baptist church Sun­ Jects: Monday, English, participles party following the business meet­ NEW L ICENSE PLATES RELIEF ADMINISTRATOR W. SPRINGFIELD FOUND day evening at 7:30. The lecture 6:30. Selma Clement and Leota Ber- and tli >'r u ses; arithmetic, short ing. S anta Claus was present aad TO ARRIVE TH IS WEEK QUITS COUNTY POST methods in division; Tuesday, cur­ tsch were awarded their tenderfoot distributed a gift to each person. The Ford auto stolen from Mrs. will be illustrated with lantern MRS. CLARINE PUTMAN pins Monday and Myrna Nott, Inet The members will meet again oa rent events with the subject. "Con­ and Frances Oram. Arlthla Young, John Sever In West Springfield slides according to Rev. R. E. More than 16000 sets of new lic­ Mrs. Mury Annin Zlnlker, admin Rolens, pastor. HONORED ON BIRTHDAY December 26 for a potluck dinner gressional Procedure." They will Sunday evening waa found north of en se plates for Oregon motorists Islrator of Federal Relief In Lune and Leona Ware passed their laun For the morning service the pas­ preceding their business sesslOB. >• Eugene late the same evening after will be sent out from Halem In the county sin ce the Inception of the take up a discussion of methods In dress tests. An informal potluck supper was tor will preach on the subject of which a hill Introduced In the leg the two men taking it had filled up malls during the next few days. C. W. A. Wednesday tendered her held at the home of Mrs. Clarine the gas tank at a service station the Bible as "The Book of the Putman Sunday evening to sur­ The license tags are not to be at­ resignation from that post and as a islahire becomes a law. EPWORTH CHRISTMAS People." TOWN BALL LEAGUE without paying for It and later tached to the motor vehicle be­ member of the County Relief Coun­ The Sunday school m eets at prise her on her birthday anniver­ PARTY SET FOR FRIDAY wrecked the car when they struck COMPLETES SERIE« fore December 16, Haturduy. and cil. She will retain her place as ex ­ VISITORS HONORED W ITH sary. Friends present were Mr. and another auto. Two men suspects 9:46 and the BYPU at 6:30 In the Mrs. Fred Louk. Mr. and Mrs. Ern­ ull cars must have the new plates ecutive secretary of the tome Coun­ evening. Plans for a Christmas party for DINNER PARTY SATURDAY Spr!: gfl Id's town basketball lea­ were arrested at Albany on Tues­ attached to them by January 1, ty Chapter of the Aiuerlcun Red est Black. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn members of the Epworth League ot day. gue ha» completed It» round-robl» 1**6. The flat fee of *5.00 con Cross. She will also continue her Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Findley, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Barber the Methodist church to be held In CARD CLUB TAKES IN series of plays aad a town and aft tlnues thia year for all pnssenger studies and teaching as assistant entertained with a dinner party at Mr. and Mrs. Karl Girard. Doris the church social rooms Friday I O. O. F. team will ba orgaalaad THREE NEW MEMBERS Gtrard. and the Putman family. cars. professor of sociology at the Vnlver- their home Saturday evening honor­ evening were made Monday even­ SERVICES ANNOUNCED in the near future. Players ua tha By of Oregon. She has been with ing Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kafoury, ing at the Cabinet meeting. Irene Ople, F loren c' Long and I. O. O. F. team era being cboaaa FOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH the Lane county Red Croat since former Hpilngfleld residents, und MANY GUESTS INVITED REBEKAH GROUP PLANS Florence Zell Is general chair­ now and will ba announced next Marguerite Millhollen were wel Mr. a id Mrs. ElL.n LaSalle of Port­ man and she will be assisted by FOR PARTY SATURDAY 1»27. "The Christian's Contributed corned as new members of the O- PAST NOBLE GRAND CLUB week. Lloyd Mattison will be maa- land. ull of whom were their hi use the following com m ittees: arrange­ ager of this team. Power" will be the subject for the No card club last Thursday even guests i ver the week end. A large number of guests were CONTRACT BRIDGE CLUB ments. Ila Putman and Flora and morning sermon at the Christian lug at the home of Miss Eunice An organization meeting tor the Invited for the dinner were Mr. Selina Clement; recreation. Carl Invited to bridge Saturday after­ TO HAVE DESSERT MEET church. For the evening service Gerber. They were chosen to take purpose of forming a past Noble and Mra. Larson Wright, Mr. and Cornell. Frances Stiles, Frances BAPTIST MISSION GROUP noon at the home of Mrs. Harry Rev. Pruitt will preach on the sub­ the places of members who have Grand club for Juanita Rebekah Htewart when Mrs. Btewart and Members of the Kontruet Bridge Mrs. Henry Fandrem. Mr. and Cornell, and Faye Parsons, decora- ject. "Being Sent of God.” There left the community to live else­ lodge is being held at the I. O. O. STUDIES “YELLOW RACE’ Mrs. W elter Hcott entertained Klub wW meet this afternoon at Mrs. Walter Gossler. Mr. and Mrs. llhns. Lloyd Shipley, Bud Jones, will he special music at both ser­ where. Guests present were Mrs. F. hall today. The session opened High score In bridge was won by 1:3(1 at the home of Mrs. Donald Donald Toomb, Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ Teddy Wright, Charline Fish; re­ The topic, "Orientals la te a vices. The Bible school meets at Opal Roberts and Mrs. Loris Har­ with a potluck dinner at noon. Mrs Mrs. W. K. Bnrnell. Hecond high Toomb for their fortnightly m eet­ ford Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. John freshments. June Durham, De- , 'ulted B tates," waa tbe subject Clarine Putman. Mrs. Rosa Mont­ mon. High score prize was won by 9:45 and the Endeavor society at prize went to Mrs. John Pyle, and ing. Contract bridge will be play­ Henilerer, and Mr. and Mrs. Laur­ Ixiren Casteel, Clarabel Brood and gomery, and Mrs. Sarah Johns are cussed at the meeting of the Mrs. Wilda Cotton. 8:30. ence C. Moffitt. third was awarded to Mrs. Carl ed during the afternoon. Roy Crandall. members of the com m ittee In tlst missionary society at □ Ison. The party was postponed church Tuesday evening at 1: charge of arrangements. PROGRESSIVE 22 TEAM front Wednesday. o'clock. PAST MATRONS MEET SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP CHILDREN’S LETTERS FRINK CAMPBELL PASSES AI HOME ROYAL NEIGHBORS SEWING GROUP MEETS Mrs. Ida Morelock was hostess ut her home here Wednesday after­ noon for the meeting of the R. N. A. sewing circle? The group u I bo held their annual Christmas party at tbla lima. HERE FOR SANTA CLAUS Letters to Santa Claus are arriv­ ing nt the local postoffice. Several of the communications between trusting children and Saint Nich­ olas have been found in the mall boxes on rural routes by tho car rlers who delivered them to the postufflce here. AT HOME IN EUGENE Mrs. C. A. Hwarts entertained for members of the past Matrons club of Cascade chapter Order of East­ ern Star at her home In Eugene Tuesday evening Plans were com­ pleted to send a quilt which the group Is making to the Masonic home at Forest Grove. EADEI Nl’KENZIE RESIDENT DIES CIVIC CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS FOR YEAR PLANS CHRISTMAS EVENT Mrs Edward Prlvat was chosen president of the Springfield Civic Improvement club at their meeting held al th« library here Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A. B. Van Valzuh will he the new vice-president, Mrs. I. A. Valentine, treasurer, and Mrs. Plans for the Christmas observ­ ance at tho Methodist church were made Monday'evening at a meeting of the Sunday school workers at tho Methodist church. They de­ cided to have their Sunday school program on Sunday, December 23. L. K. Page, secretary. Just preceding Christmas. OFFICERS NAMED DI IUKA CIRCLE TO HAVE PARTY FRIDAY Annual Christmas party for mem­ bers of the Progressive 22 drill team will be held at the hall Fri­ day evening starting at 7:30 o'clock. Members of the program committee are Miss Eleanor Smith Miss Thelma Sweeney, Miss Erma Nolt. Miss Bernice Conoly. aiid Mra. Arahnell Brlckey. COUPLE WED SATURDAY AT EUGENE PARSONAGE KENSINGTON CLUB TO HAVE CHRISTMAS PAR Mis» Leta Blood of the Wlllagll- lespie district, and Paul Jones of Jasper were married at a quiet cerem >ny Saturday evening at the home of Rev. and Mra. Bryan Wil­ son In Kugtue. Only a few friends were In attendance. Annual Cbrteti party mem hers of tb» will be held at the home Donald Toomb Frida] 2:30. Mr». Lawreaea tbe a ssistin g baateaa -