THURHPAY, DKt’KMHWR «, 1U34 TH B S P R IN O FIE LD NEWH PAOB THREE WHO IS WHO and W hat They Do MAN W A N T E D for Rawlvlgh rout* of sou fam ilia* W rits imtuedlai»- Itawlidgli. I topi OHU7HHA, Oakland, Calif, • A Classified Directory of Reliable Business Firms and Profesaional People This Newspaper Recommends I to You. PHOTOGRAPHERS. FILMS It ANDKRHON MOTORS, INC. FOR HALE Ou» RA72 H. P. rung» u»»d. lu sood condition Ml. t*tst»s Power Co. tf. TEACHER GROUP WILL EXECUTIVE ORDER TALK SOCIAL SCIENCE CLOSE8 PUBLIC LANDS Kxpert Repairing — All Work STUDENTS MATINEE DANCES Au Important meeting of the l.aue County chapter of the Oregon Association of lutermedlatn Teach­ ers will be h Id at M ct'rady’s cafe lu Kugeue on Haturday. December *, at 13 noon. A program of Christ mas music by u sextette Is planned and (he topic to be discussed will I | be “Social S c ie n c e .-:A ll lotarme «llate teachers ura urged io attend Carl R. Baker Film Shop SUMMONS IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF ™ Í „ 8 T A T Í O r GRBOON FOR L A N E COUNTY. By executive order of November 3<, 1*34, all the vacant unreserved A LTO N B DO W NE8 and STELLA oi hu,baod “ <* wife. and unappropriated public land in Plaintiffs, y». A LIC E M. BO- 13 states including Oregon, were GERB and JO HN DOE EGGERS ber busband; also •H «H other per ’ temporarily withdrawn from settle* •ons or partles unknowu, clalm- mem. location, sale or entry, and lug any rjght, tttle, estate, Ben. reserved for . lasslflcatlou and or Interest tn thè reai pruperty P ndlng determination of the most (ìwicribed lu ibe compialot bere- io« befeodaoti. useful purpose to which sucb land may be put in i otislderutlon of the I 0 !» °« ’ Kggers and John provisions of (be Taylor Uraslng I o ther^S r»«»*1^ part “ s'" unknown, Kastman Films — Kodaks — Marriage Licenses Issued A< I of J ud « 2M. 1934. and for coo I ^bdrniug any right« title, estate.' Ovaras leed. Frames — Albums— Motion rvatluu and development of nat-,J?*n interest In tbe real property Marriage licenses have bren WINTKROARDBN Uaa, OH. Tir»» and Batteries Picture Cameras. granted by the county clerk the urat resources Tbe withdrawal Is |n * t D EFEND ANT«C° “ P*,ln t h®r®" every Haturday Afternoon 6lh and A Hta., Hprlngfleld Ph. 4» ' ***« D A N T H . last week to the following: K. R. subject to e lis tin g valid rights The We Photograph Everything 3 * 6 o'cluck IN T H E NAM E OF T H E S TA TE Visit» In Tacoma— Mlaa Nalli» Anywhere. Hanston and Laurel Muragn, both vacant land will he subject to min-1 G F OREGON; You are hereby re* 10c Hluarl «peut lb» week eud vlaltlug Mall films to P. o. Box «(7 ol Florence; Paul Gilbert, Creswell, eral location, except tho Poweralte I <,ulred 1° appear and answer tbe H1UJWN MOTOR CO. with friand» al Tacoma, Waablns This applies to Oregon and I X ^ t n t l í í i T * * * *" (»8 W ill« met;«, Kugene Ph 6361“1“* Dorie Moyers, Eugene; Cecil fllH Y H I.K R and P L Y M O U T H FEED-SEED-HAY lou. Back and Augusta Heck, both of I aliforme RailroaH i I . . . - __ a llfo rn i. Railroad Gran, imnda. or bitore t?e V x p ik u o n " T iZ Hales and Hervlce Cottage Grove; W illiam Seymour and Coos Bay Wagon Road Grant I weeks from the date of the first PRINTERS ADAMH FEED £ SEED Complete Automotive Hervlce N O T IC I OF A D M IN IS T R A TR IX 'S I publication of this summons to- ..... . . .and Ira Green, both of Eugene; Leo LandJ. STORE SALK OF LAND Open Day and Night H I E W ILLAM ETTE PRESS I Hchafers ami Mary Anu McDon- Full line of Feed. Heed and Hay. ~ . i r - ss » l#f< East Broadway Phone 1767 Springfield Nolle» 1» hereby given that by aid, both of Eugene. fx u e and effect unless and until to answer, for want thereof the CiiHtotn Grinding, ('leaning aud Kugeue, Dragon virtu» of a llcenae and order of Phone 2 revoked by the president or an act I Plaintiffs will apply to tbe Coart Mixing. A Iloin» Owned Institution. »ala of lb« County Court of |.au« NOTICE OF F IN A L HEA RING | for Gie relief prayed for in their Main Ht.. Hprlngfleld - - Phone 8 Business Stationery—Office Forms | Notice is hereby given, that Irene of congress. County. Oragon. ui»d« November SCHERER MOTOR CO. Complaint, to-wlt: That you be re- Booklets — Placards — Hull. 1*34, authurtling ma an ad Hwexey, executrix of tbe estate of BUICK — G LDHM O BILE — NOTICE TO C R ED ITO R » I forth thB nature of m lnlalralrls of lb« natal» of Kara Dodgers, ate. Fred II. < liamberlln, Deceased, has O re g o n F e e d a Seed Co.. Inc. Notice Is hereby given that l h e l ï ° ur ,t.laln“ ln and U> the following PONTIAC M Colllua. d*c«a««d, Io a«ll the Modern Print Shop Producing I,led l“ ’r ilual account *■ »uc exe- r * d premises, to-wit: Good Luck Matiamar Poultry aud land» hereinafter deacrllmd at prl Motor Cars n . . -e.. . a ... ..... " c u t r i x and that the c< court baa aet undersigned, Eiden T. Templeman, I d* “c~ The Northwest quarter of Lot Up-To-Date Printing vat» M l». I will on and aflar Itoc Friday at 10:00 A. M. of Dec. 33. has been appointed by the county I ? 5 í . . í 1, Ctark • nd Waahbtm»'» Dairy Feeds HALEB and HKHVICK court of Lane county, admlnlatra-1 •uibar H a t, 1*34. al 40* Tiffany Phone and a Haleaman W ill Call 1*:<4, os tbe time when at the Prosper W ith Manamar Addition to Springfield, Oregon, Bldg.. Kugnn«, Oregon, and < •> the 7th and Olive Hta. — Phone *66 I chain bera of tbe court In the Court tor of the eatate of Alice E. Tem Heed Cleaning a Speciality. as the same U platted and re-’ pieman, deceased, late of aald coun­ premia«« to ba aold offer al private House in Eugene, Oregon, aald ac­ Kugene, Oregon. corded at page 77 of Volume 2 RESTAURANTS Delivery Phone 68» «ale to Ibe party offering the moat count will be taken up for examin­ ty. A ll persona having claims I Lane County, Oregon Plat Re- a n o n a n a a llo w a n c e an d w h en an ® (a lu a l aald eatate should present I i '' sw therefor, raah In hand, Ibe follow, ation and allowance and when an 206 E 6th Ht.. Cor. High Eugene BEAUTY PARLORS IRENE'S CAFE order will be _______ made as-ignlng the th* ‘,al“ e duly »«Gfled to the ad- and Oregon. lug lands: Breakfast 16c up — Dinner 36c up. I residue of ll persona o,\ . aald l d estate. e .tlte A A* Off'Ce °f D k “ Ifc ^ e n d ln to Beginning at a point 13.3* cbs Permanent Push Wave« PACIFIC F E E D A SU PPLY CO. Allen, 877 W illam ette street, E u - | , r defendant» in and to said N of Quarter Corner between Interested therein may appear at gene, Chlll 10c 31.76 and Up. Oregon, within aU month« I dtU’rm Ue'1 bT BUGENB EGG DEPOT (M<'tluna 11 aud 11 Twp IS H R. said time and place and be heard from the date of thia notice Dated I m Home Cooking ?e ot the Court. And that on said matters. 3 W. of W M In l.aue County Tbe BR O W NIE B EA UTY H IIO PPE W e Pack and Grade Eggs for the i at Eugene, Ore., Nov. 22, 1#34. I . , ” * cre® il be declared and Ire Cold Beverages on Tap Oraguo. thence W «70 cba. IR E N E SW EZEY. Executrix. Apprentice Finger Wave 36c. Merchants of Kugene and Hprlng­ E LD EN T. T E M P L E M A N „ i , l“ at lhe d«f®“ rneyrv|ce ai thereon at the rate of six per cent H O WASTED CURRENT ginning; also, beginning at a GAS AN D OILS per annum from Aug. 19. 1934, for point 272 feet North and 100 feet Paramount. Service Day and N ig h t N O SCORCHED CLOTHES a reasonable sum as attorney’s ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES East of the Southwest corner of H. R. Blvd. and Grand Phone 426 Grocery Sundries. Tobacco’s and fees, for the oats and disburse­ the aforesaid Frissell's Park; ment« of this suit; and also for Springfield Electric Supply thence East 50 fee t; thence South Picnic Goods. Hepraaanted By such other and further relief as 272 feet; or to the County Road Wiring. General Contracting West Springfield Ph. Bpr. 33-J may be deemed Just and equitable The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. No. 56. along the South side of 0 . E lamps, Universal Household E. H. TURNER ^ y fu ia m a tic to the Court, and that each of you Furnishes a said Park; thence in a Westerly L ■ C T R. I C Electrical Supplies. TRANSFER A STORAGE be barred from all interest in the IK O N direction along suid County Road 84« A a t Hprlngflald. Ora COMPLETE HOME said real property, except only the General Repairing to a point dlrecUy South of the T 'H E Coleman Automatic MOVING— Our Plano and Furni­ statutory right of redemption; that Building and Repairing Service. place e? beginning; also, begin­ ««2 Main Springfield Iron *saves $2 to $5 a year ture Movers are Experts. the said real property against For Service Phune Springfield 66 ning at a point 272 feet North which foreclosure is asked, is des­ on electric current. STORAGE — Concerte Building, or If no answer, phone 34-J. and 150 feet East of the South­ Inspect our New Installation at cribed ae follows: J’en ** reaches the temperature west corner of the aforesaid Reasonable Rates, Reliability. the State Game Farm. Springfield. The Southeast quarter of the at which the thermostat ia set, ’ b * Frissell's Park; thence East 60 PACKING — Experienced H e l p Weatlngbouse lam ps and Southeast quarter; the North current ia autom atically cut off. It feet; thence North 56 feet; PHYSICIAN - SURGEON Means Safety and Protection. half of the Southeast quarter of " co89 Deed Records of either of them, any right, title, Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packers Surgery and Diseases of Women EUGENE T h e Colem an Is beautifully de­ Lane County, Oregon, all being In claim or interest in any of said signed and finished In super-chrom­ X-Ray and Physiotherapy Lane County, Oregon. and Shippers. Ice and Cold Storage. WOOLEN M ILL CO. real p ro ^ riy . ium . Has long tapering point, bu t­ This Summons Is served upon College Ice Cream Manufacturers. This summons is served upon Manufacturers of Woolens. Springfield, Oregon ton bevel and glasa-smooth iron in . you by publication by virt6ue of an you by publication thereof for four Coco Cola— Klat Beverages Specialising in I aid lea First National Bank Bldg. Ph. 43 surface. ~ order of the Hon. G. F. Skipworth, successive weeks by order of the Cider Vinegar COATINGS AND S U ITIN G S. C om « In an d t t t this b e au tifu l Circuit Judge, dated and filed N ot . Hon Q. F. Sklpworth. Judge of the 20, 1934. directing that this Sum­ above entitled Court, decreeing *’?*’ • ¿e» «X prose our statements ■ Phone 1480 Retail Department at Mill. PLUMBING - PIPE FITTING obosst the money it suvea you. Ferry near 8th Ave E. Eugene, East End 6th Ave. Eugene. Ore. mons be served upon you by pub­ that you answer the summons here-' lication in The Springfield News, ln within four weeks from the date NIEL POLLARD ‘ Baütf- Returns to Idaho — Mrs. Julia once each week for a period of four of the first publication thereof, ' weeks. The date of the first pub­ whlch aald date of first publication P L u M B I N o Visit In Portland— Mr. and Mra. Manwarlng left Sunday for her lication Is Nov. 22, 1934. Is November 22nd. 1934. Copper Colls a Specialty. Levi Neel and children apent the home at Lewiston, Idaho, after JESSE G. W ELLS. Attorney F R E D E R IC K H. DRAKE. At-! Rea. Phone 163-J week end visiting with relatives In for Plaintiff. Residence and P. visiting with relatives here for torney for Plaintiff. 308 Pacific Portland. 420 Main 8t. Springfield, Ora. some time. O. Address, Eugene, Oregon. Hardware — Furniture Building. Portland, Oregon. SMART STLY1NG (N 22-29— D 6-13-20) • (N 22 2»— D 6 13-20) Radios — Paint AT Business Directory W -ì M O O N E « < EMERALD OIL Edward C. Privat SAVE S2Ht,S5L» u «sä» Reliance Life Insurance Co. a Coleman a J POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e 4 r r 1 «■ ? L Wright & Sons J IN EYEGLASSES Proper attention to the style of «yeglaaaea worn le ae effec- till! Gtve In your personal appear­ ance ua the manner In which yon dreaa your hair or the clothe« you wear. Pictured above la the Colonial drop-leaf frame In yellow gold, Thia la Juat one of many dis­ tinctive atylea of tram« which are always available at Meade’s optical store. Your present lenses can ba uabd Ita, many of the more mod­ ern frameg. and the cost la sur­ prisingly low. THE FACT FINDERS - and their discoveries By E D . K R ESSY