THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TH1RTY-FUUJT Y HAH LUMBERMEN SEE & » > h.S . BETTERFUÎURE National Housing Act, Dapla- tlon Of Soft Wood Timbar In South Aida Northwest SEEK SUSTAINED YIELD Four-Fifths Of Usable Timber Privately Owned; Oregon Has Largest Acreage W ith lha recant •announcement uf the Waal L'uaal Lum bermen* aa aoclatlon of an Intention to aak national coda autborltlea for aub- ataullal lucreaaaa lu lha aawmlll alloimeula for the n a il yaar, due largely Io lha expected Increase lu lumbar deiuauda for naw building and for ratuodallug work uuder the (adaral boualug act. foraat officiate era making careful atudlaa of Urn bar acreage* and condltlona In lha Pacific northwest aud have already releaaed some vary pertinent alale- luaul* which will have a direct bearing on lha future lumber bust uaaa nut only lu the Nurthwasl, but right here lu Laue county. '» DEATH CHIMES 10 Roll HAZEL ADRIAN Gym 6 ,a ’ " J MEETING TONIGHT Pension Group Calls Meeting COMMUNITY TREE EOA CHRISTMAS Twenty Fourth Year Students 300 Citizens Petition Board Maas Gathering To Form Win Places On School List; Funeral Services Held Wed-' For Dances; 100 Parents Mr. and Mrs. Moahier To Ba Permanent Organization To Chamber Of Commerce Plana Juniors Are Second nesday, Interment Made In Sign Request Honored; Sunday Brings Be Held J fe r e Friday To Distribute Sweet Meats Cemetery At Salem Fifty a ll students at Hprlngtlaid Miaaionary Program Student club dances will be al Aa maxs meeting of persona in- And Toys To Kiddies high school won place* o n l i t « *ec- Au Infection which started In ber hand after she had cut It while pre­ parili« meat caused the death at the Pacifie hospital In Kugeue Monday evening of Mrs. lis te l Ad­ rian, well-known resident of Hludeuta Hated were aa foliowa: . Hprlngfleld since HUM. Hhe had Freabmen Helen Abramson. Joe f((r abou| daya Keever. Henry Chace. Helma Cíe-i WB< bürn at Rolla meut. Thomas Hardy, Ueorgte May I North Dukola on May 30, 1880 aud Harria, Wtulfred Klckhuach. Kob­ I moved with her family to Louia- art McCtieaney. Donna Heveraou. - lana when she was sit years old. oud period kouor roll released ye* terday. Twenty from the aeulor rlaaa won flrat place for their daaa. Juntura were aecoud, freab- men, third, and auphomurea aecoud. Juulora Lauter Auderaou, Mar- bara Mameli, LaMoyue Black. Charlea Clement, Ituaaell Cooper, Holland Farnsworth, Edward Hen- seu, Caroline Hicks, Jotiu Kick buach, tail* Manley, Florence May, Albert Hodakowakl. Hubert Haul. Wayue Tullar, Warren Vail. lowed for the remainder of the A lull evening for members of school term In the high school gym Ibe Christian cblurcb la planned naslum Thia win the action of for tonight when tbe annual meet the school board at Its regular ing of the church will be held. The meeting Monday rveulng after an -ougregatlon will gather for a pot- additional petltlun bad come In luck dinner at *:16, and tbe an­ from the sponsors of the dance. nual business session will be held The petitions for the dance con Immediately afterwards. Reports talned 300 names of which 100 from the various church organisa­ were parents of students The op tions will be heard, and new of­ position petitions contained 260 ficers will be elected. name* of which 6« were parents. Following the business meeting a The hoard believes that there la program will be given during which cutuhterable inure sentiment for Mr. and Mrs. 8. G Moahier, early the dances than against. It baa de­ member* of tbe church, who re­ cided to give the students a trial cently celebrated their golden wed­ to determine If they can conduct ding anniversary, will be honored. dances satisfactorily under the Bunday services announced for rules laid down by tbe board pro vldlug for student control and out­ ibe church will feature mission work. Hunday will be the annual side supervision. Tbs students who wlsb to dance Woman’s Day program of tbe are now espeeted to qualify them­ church. Mrs. M. L. Handers of A l­ selves to Join the dance club by bany. state president of the mis­ getting their parents’ written per­ sionary organizations In Oregon, mission. Then officers will be will bring a message from tbe In­ elected and committees appointed ternational convention held at Des to arrange for the dances. Under Moines, Iowa In October. For spe­ the rulea there can not be more cial music Mrs. Roland Moahier tban two dances a month and they and Mrs D. B. Murphy will sing a must end at 11 o’clock. The dances duet. For tbe evening service Rev. will have no connection with any Veltie Pruitt will speak on tbe other student activities The board voted to have a gas subject. ‘‘The One Thing Hprlng­ connection made at the Brattaln fleld Needs." Tbe pastor w ill also «■- school In order that the P. T. A. sing a solo. hut soup project may be carried out. Two women cooks from the Hrattaln and Lincoln schools have EUGENE "Y" SECRETARY TO BE VESPER SPEAKER been provided under HERA rules and pay. This will relieve the P. The message for Universal Bible T. A. from the work but It must provide the materials for the soup | » “ “«‘ “ J' “ >« Methodist church terested lu the Townsend Old Age pension plan will be bald at Tay- lor hall Friday evening at 7:30 tor ,h* purpose forming a perman •’nt "rg“ *>lxatlon and «lection of of- fleers, Charles L. Payne, field organizer for the Pension Plan, will be the principal speaker Mr Payne led the discussion of the plan at the high school Tuesday evening when both youth and their elders en gaged in a spirited discussion dur- log the open forum meeting hela as a part of the current events class of the adult education pro- SUPPORT OF ALL ASKED h Chamber Appoints Commit- tee And Other Club* Are Asked To Cooperate A big community Christmas tree wlth candy. aud toy, (or th, ch|,dren » m be erected In Spring f)eld agaln ,hla year ,f plan, b* Thanksgiving Truth. maa programs to be held here this LODGE CONSIDERS CLUB mately 11.000.000 acres are still , terment. nev. Dean C. Poindexter The board moved to Improve tbe The ■®rv,ce lB eleven o clock, reason will be that presented a t F O R F O R M F R O F F IC F D Q i officiated. limbered, but Ibis Include* a large ' sanitary conditions around the Dean C. fiolndexter w ill tbe Christian church on Tuesday _______ acreage of high mountain types uf showers and dressing rooms In the PreBcb- Th* Hunday Church school evening, December 11. by members New equipment In the sum of doubtful commercial value. YOUNG MAN STRICKEN gymnasium. Dr. Dow was Instruc- ,nee,R •* Mr. W illiam W alter,| ,,j , be Women’, Missionary society/ $50 will be purchased and Installed According to 0 , J Buck, region Pioneer Resident Was Born PASSES AT HOSPITAL ”‘< 1 ,o •u |” "R plans to the board for of ’he Young Mens The program will start at 8 o'clock in the kitchen of the I. O. O. F. On Land Claim; Funeral al forester, half the productive area . 1 the Improvement after inspection j < hr,8t*an association of Eugene, Is a I ld wjj , be given in the main audl- lodge by Rebekah and I. O. O. F. uf Washington and Oregon caaaot Service Held Monday Funeral Services Held Tuesday For of tbe premises. ,o , *** speaker at the 6 o clock . torium o( lbe church. I t w ill be ---------------------- organizations -----------announced It fol- grow anything successfully escept No one attended the board meet- v ®*P*r service m ere are lew peo upen ,o a|| members of the church lowing the weekly meeting of Juan- Son Of Route 2, Farmer Who After a lifetim e as a realdeut of forest products, aud only by mean* Ing except the three directors and ! ple who Bre l* ‘ t o to brin* and the general public. Died At Aga Of 1» Ita Rebekah lodge Monday night. of a sustained forest program will Hprlngfleld, Mrs. Mary Ann Mc- to ua tbe vital problems with which principal, Monday might. Special scenery and staging ef a gas range and a new water tbete two alate be able to support I Pbereou passed away at her borne the youth of today have to deal. Ivan Htepbi-UM, 18. son of F. W. fects will be used for the program, system complete with gas heater a lumber Industry permanently on uu North M ill street, Friday fol-1 Coburg M. E. Church Htepliens, route 2. Hprlngfleld, pass­ These will include several Wlae and hot water tank w ill be ln- approximately a normal scale of lowing a leugtby Illness. Truth That Testifies of Him." Men It has been announced. stalled. ed away at the Pacific hospital In Mr*. McPherson was born ou the production. I* the theme of the 8:86 a. m. mes­ Th« program, w h .c h te not quite A committee was named to In­ Eugene Friday nt H-ning following old Hponcer Donation Laud claim, South Deptetee Stand sage by Dean C. Poindexter, min. complete at this time, wlU be as vestlgate the possibilities of fo ra - a short lllnesH. Tbe South, which held uudte which Is uow a part of the Heavey taler. Tbe Hunday Church school follows for the opening: He was born tu this community Ing a past noble grands’ club in the puled supremacy In lumber pro­ hop yard, on February 18, 1864. Hhe will meet at 10 45 a. m. Prelude, Jewel Cunningham. ou Augunt 1. 1816, and has lived In lodge. Members of this group are duction for 30 years. Is now faced would have been Ml years old In Song by audience. Luue county nil of his lifetime. Mrs. Clartne Putman. Mrs. Rosa with greatly depleted resources February. Announcements. Besides hl* father be Is survived Montgomery and Mrs. Harah Johns. Hhe bad been a resident of Lane ureguo now contains 30 percent The Origin of Christmas. I by one brother, Vernon, at borne, Final Rites For Mr*. Philena ELMER W HITE DIES. Following the business meeting uf tbe total remaining softwood county during all this time except Christmas in Foreign Lands. ■ anil- one brother, Lloyd at Vancou- FUNERAL IS TODAY a social hour was held during Jones Held Monday; Was timber supply and hold first placa for one year, and lias beeu a mem­ For the devotional part of the which W illiam Strunk gave two 1 ver, Washington. In limber resources. Since 1818 ber of tbe Hprlngfleld Christian Almost 89 Year* Old Funeral services for Elmer J. j program the following numbers readings. Wm. Strunk. Eva Louk Funeral services were held from Washington has exceeded Uregon church for tbe past >U yeears. W hite of Trent who died at the Eu- have been arranged: and Esther Htrunk are members of > the Poole chapel in Eugene Tues­ Mrs. Philena Jones, pioneer resi­ Un July 4. 1872 she was married in feet of lumber produced except the social committee for December. day afternoon al 2 o'clock. Rev. dent of Hprlngfleld. died at her gene hospital Tuesduy, December 1 Music. Jewel Cunningham. to P. M. McPherson who preceded lug 1831 and 183Z. Women's trio, "Silent N t g h t , ----------------------------- ■ Cecil Ristow officiated, and Inter home. 233 E street. Friday even­ 4. at the age of 33 years, will be Studying tbe employment angle her lu death lu 1818. I ment was made lu the luturel H ill held al 3:30 this afternoon from Holiest Night,” Mrs. Roland Mosh H A P P Y F V F N I M C C l IIR ing. Hhe was born In Pike county, the Two daughters aud one son sur­ uf Ibe timber situation. Chief For Veatch chapel in Eugene. Rev. ter. Mrs. D. B. Murphy, and Mrs. U i cemetery. Illinois on February 7. 1848, being vive. They are Vlnne and Lulu ester. F A. Bllcox, says that In the John , will officiate, and Interment Olive Rebhan. HEARS OF CHRISTMAS nearly 88 years old at the time of timber Industry wlilcb normally McPherson at home, and W alter will be made at the Laurel H ill Scripture reading. Mrs. Goldie ------------ her death. employs 1,600,000 persons, the old McPherson In Hpriugfleld. She also HAPPY HOUR CLUB HAS cemetery. | Ferguson. Christmas as It is observed In Hhe Is survived by five sons, devaataUon la still going on. In leaves seven grand chlldreu aud IMPROMPTU PROGRAM Mr. W hite was born at Lookin Quartet, "Joy to tbe World, the » •» described to members John H. Jonee at Fairbanks. Ala­ glass. Oregon on February 23, 1801. Lord Is Come." Mr. and Mrs. Ro- ° f lhe every slate where large tracta of several other relative«, Evening club at the virgin timber once stood, now re-1 Funeral services were held Mon ska, Warren Jones, Portland When Mrs. Hally Elliott Allen of He was a member of the Church of l»nd Moahier and Mr. and Mrs. ht>nie ot Misa E^n* p l»tt Tuesday Henry Jones, ¿ewlston, and H ar­ main only wrecked communities, a day afternoon at 2 o'clock from Eugene wa* unable to attend the evening. Miss Marguerite Mllhol- distressed social structure, and I the First Christian church In meeting of the Happy Hour club vey and Glenn Jones of Springfield Jesuu Christ of Latter Day Saints. D. B. Murphy. len was admitted as a new mem­ Reading. Ida Adams. H e is survived by his widow, One brother. Laffette Mitchell of shacks and piles of sawdust where Hprlngfleld. Rev. Veltie Pruitt otfl- Monduy afternoon and read some Quartet. "Gifts for the King.’ ber, and Mrs. H. H. Schaffenberg there should be bungalows, per- elated, and Interment wa* made Io of her original plays, members of Pearl. Illinois, and 11 grandchildren Mrs. Lula W hite, three children, attended from the Happy Hour Urvllla, John and Martha, and one M u rp hy-K ah ler quartet. mauent communities and good [th e Mulkey cemetery w e ll i t Eu the club provided their entertain also survive. club as an exchange member. W hite G ift Service. Funeral services were held Mon brother and stx sisters. gene. schools ment. Mrs. Leota Rodenbough w ill en­ Benediction. Private Tim ber Unoontrollsd Mrs. C. A. Phillips read several day morning from the Poole Fu­ tertain for the group at her home One of tbe difficult problems fac ODD FELLOWS FORM poem* from her book of published neral borne at 10:80 o'clock. Rev. on January 22. The drama commit­ YOUNG PEOPLE ATTEND lug tba foraat m «t. says Wilcox, is COUNCIL MEETING TO tee w ill be in charge. BASKETBALL LEAGUE! “"“ “ r “ d “ rB Dean C. Poindexter officiated, and MID-W INTER INSTITUTE the fact that tour-fifths of the na­ 1 H. 11. Schaffeoberg played piano Interment was made In the Laurel CLOSE BOOKS FOR YEAR Grove cemetery. tions commercial forest tend Is In Hix teums were signed up for the solos. Mrs. Marlon K. Adams gave PROMINENT MEN TO Twelve _,ouug people of ;he „ private ownership, and moat of It the reading, "Alaska". Mrs. Floyd O. O. F. basketball league In Methodist cnurch and thetr pastor, HnBl r<* u'ar meeting ° f the C it> SPEAK AT UNIVERSITY In tbe west. It has been difficult Lane county Tuesday evening Thompson gave a vocal solo, and ADULT CLASS PLANS TO Rev Dean C. Poindexter, attended t ° T ' Ì PreSent ye’ r to Induce private owners to est­ when lodge representatives met tu book reviews were given by Mrs. held at tùe c“ y hB“ MondBy Four prominent men from differ- CONTINUE PENSION TALK ’ lu meetings of the mid-winter Bp- ablish a reforestation program. Tbe Eugene tu complete necessary de­ Dean C. Poindexter, Mra. W. N worth League institute at Cottage e" nta«' elef led e„t vocations in life will speak to government Is now trying to buy tails. Elmer Pyne wa* named Gossler, Mrs. L. K. Page, and Mrs. The current events class of the Grove Frtdav afternoon and Hat- w ‘ U ke ,helr o,Hce8 after the students at the University during up large tracta of this land. C. F. Barber. Mrs. Thompson was adult education group In Spring- urday. Rev. Poindexter assisted president of the league. ,,rst oi the year John D' 5>yl* , n l the coming lecture season tt has Much valuable work has already Team * representing lodge* at Co­ chairman of the program commit­ field will continue their discussion Jesse Cross w ill retire, having tom- been announced. The five are W. v;ith the recreation during the In­ been done towards protection and burg, Crow, Elmira, Ixirano, Oak­ tee. or the Townsend Old Age Pension pitted the term for which they H. Chamberlain authority on Rus- reforest ration by tbe youths In the ridge. and Hprlngfleld have already Guests present were Mrs. F. B. at their meeting next Tuesday It stitute. I were choeen, and Edward Prlvat 8ia; Frank Lloyd W right, out- Those attending from this city C. C. C. camps, and preliminary been signed. Two more lodges are Flanery, Mrs. W. C. W right. Mrs. was announced this morning by , and Earl Thompson w ill start a full i ktandlng architect; WlU Durante, work has already been started on considering entering teams. Hurd of Coburg. Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Mrs. O. H. Stiles. The discussion were Robert Brown. Rodney Vest, term. Phil Bartholomew w ill serve noted author; and Glenn Frank, Ba Bartholomew, Velda Bartholo­ tbs 1000 mite Ureal Plains shelter First games will be played on John Carson and Mrs. W alter Lax- w ill be limited to the question, mew, Faye Parsons. Ruby sud a two-year term. E. H. Turner, re- president of the University of Wts- belt reaching from tba Mexican to December 10 between Coburg aud ton. "W ill tbe adoption of tbe Town­ cently elected Mayor, has already ! consin. tbe Canadian borders. Offices for Lorane. Each leant wll play one Miss Iowa Carlton represented send plan plovlde general prosper­ Clarabel Brood. Flora Clement, Ba taken over his office- and w ill pre- Dates on which the speakers will Putman, Frances Cornell. Wayne ibis belt have been established at game s week for 10 week*, ac­ the Happy Evening club. The ity throughout the United State«." side at his first monthly ssssio i appear will be announced later. Kendall, and Charline Fish. * The Llhcoln, Nabraaka, and aurveya to cording to present plans and the meet I”! was held at tbe home of For the Monday classes those Monday night. latter two were official delegates determine soil conditions, tree| winner of the series will obtain Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Arthur Rob­ studying arithmetic w ill consider IUKA MEMBERS TO types and other conditions started. poaseaslon of a trophy. Winning erts aud Mrs. Levi eet were assist­ longitude and time, and the Eng­ from the Hprlngfleld league. STUDENTS TO HEAR In Oregon and Washlgtnn the C. the trophy tEiree time* In aucce*- ing hostesses. ELECT NEW OFFICERS lish group will study the posses­ C. C. boys have cut down snags on slon will give the team permanent sive noun. LECTURES ON INDIA PLAY CHOSEN FOR Officers for the new year will be 34,680 acres, built 722 miles of poaaesslon. OFFICERS ELECTED BY STUDENT BODY SHOW I Mohan V. Raj, graduate student ®l®cted tonight by members of Iuka horse trails, 174 miles of minor CASCADE STAR CROUP GIRLS LEAGUE STARTS roads In addition to truck roads, ------------ ' at the University of Oregon who 37, Ladles auxiliary of the COLLECTION OF TOYS "The Whole Town's Talking" a hag bepn 8tudylng (n yarloug partg O. A. R. The meeting w ill be held an constructed mors than 200 look­ CRESWELL MAN DIES Mrs. Ida Holverson was elected three-act comedy, hae been chosen i Qf (h(g ,.ountry for th(1 pagt several at the home of Mr*. Clartne Put- out bouaas. Approximately 18,000 Members of the Girls League at AT HOME ON MONDAY worthy matron of Cascade chapter as the play to be presented by the yearg wl„ g,Tg #(1 tUugtrated lec. man starting at 7:30. A potluck young man have been given em­ O. E. H. at their meeting Tuesday the Hprlngfleld high school have Hprlngfleld high school .In d e n t, tu,,e >t the hlgh gchoo, ployment In tbe national forest and Friday luncheon will follow the business Ernest J. Mornlugatar, died at evening to succeed Mrs. Clifford decided this week to collect and body sometime during the month of mornlng at 10 o clock meeting. nearly *16.000.000 has been disbur­ his home near Creswell Monday Wilson. prepare toys for needy children be­ January. Play books arrived ye»-1 _________________ sed through these two states. Other officers elected are Mrs. morning, December 3, at the age tween now and Chrlitmaa. They terday and tryout* for the various MASONS TO ELECT of 58 years. Funeral services are Elsie Pollard, associate worthy-ma­ will not attempt to furnleh Christ­ part* were held last night and will CARD CLUB MEETING GIRL SCOUTS PLAN FOR to be held from the Hchwerlng tron, Oswald Olson, worthy patron; mas baskets this year. OFFICERS TUESDAY be concluded thl* evening. Miss WILL BE HELD TO NIG HT The girls met in the league room Marguerite Mlllhollen w ill direct DO-NUT SALE SATURDAY I chapel at Creswell this afternoon M. J. McKlln, associate worthy _______ Liberty Masonic ledge of Sprlag- at 2 o'clock. Dr. E. V. Stiver* will patron; Mrs. Pearl Hchantol, sec­ after school last night to clean up the production. Regular meeting of the O.-No i field will h.j>d election of officers Members of the Hprlngfleld Ulrl officiate and Interment will be retary; Mrs. Abbie Wheaton, treas­ and redecorate thetr quarters. —— — card club will be held th l* evening I at their regular meeting Tuesday Hcouts w ill hold a donut sale In made at the loiurel H ill cemetery, urer; Mrs. Georgina Peterson, con­ n n n c ei I rtuua u c c t the hoIne of M ,” > Eunice Ger- ductress; and Mrs. Bessie Paddock, tbe buslnoss section of the city Hurvlvlng are the widow, Mrs. ODD FELLO W S M E E T ber 8evera, ngw raember* w ill be evening, December 11. Installation HEALTH SEAL SALE will be nei.l tbe same evening. Saturday. Myrna Nott has had Ada Mornlngstar, one daughter, associate conductress. TO START ON MONDAY WEDNESDAY EVENING taken Into the club tonight It ha* , Arthur Baugh Is tbe retiring Wor- charge of the posters and sdvertls Mrs. Mildred Juhn, Muyter, Ore- ------------ ! ben announced. ) shipful Maste»' i l the local lodge. log, while Ila Putman and Mrs. gon, and one brother. Riley Morn- NEEDLECRAPT CLUB Hale of (he Christmas health At the regular meeting ot the Robert Chatterton will have charge Ingstar, at Medford, and one sister. MEETING IS TODAY seals will be started In the Hprlng­ local I. O. O. F. lodge No. 70 held Mrs. Fletcher England at Walker. of the distribution. fleld grade schools on Monday. The laat night W illiam Htrunk of Camp WOODCRAFT DRILL TEAM LEGION AUXILIARY He was born at Drain on Nov­ Ruth Keoler and Lolmae Roden- Mrs. Laurence C. M offitt 1s en­ stamps will not be sold In a down­ creek wa* admitted to membership WILL HAVE MEETING SEWING CROUP MEETS bough passed their tenderfoot ember 2, 1878 and was a member tertaining at her home this after­ town canvaas this year says Mrs. by transfer from Weetpolnt lodge tests at the scout meeting Monday of the Christian church at Pleas­ noon for members of the Needle- W. N. Dow, chairman of the seal at Coburg. Member* of the d rill team of First meeting of the sewing cir­ afternoon. Hewing, knitting and ant H ill. craft club. Mrs. W alter Gossler sale for Hprlngfleld. John Lorah, W alter Ebbert, Wm. Pine Circle number 46, Neighbor cle of the American Legion auxi­ crocheting Instructions were con­ will be the assistant hostess. Plans Profits front the sale of theee Htrunk, Howard Cotton and Elmer of Woodcraft, w ill hold a special liary wa* held Tuesday afternoon Go to Portland— Dr. and Mrs. W, for the Christmas party for the stamps are used to core and edu­ Pyne attended the homecoming tinued by Mrs. W ills Bertscb, Mrs. practice mectltng at the 1, O. O. F , at the home of Mrs. M. A. Pohl, Everett G riffith, and Mrs. O. H. H. Pollard spent Tuesday In Port­ club w ill be talked at the gather­ cate people to protect themselves meeting at Junction City, following hall Thursday evening .cording to. The group will aew clothing for th * »with, respectively. land. ing. against tuberculosis. the session hare. Mra. Ray Htevena, team captain. ' needy during the winter months. MARY MTHERSON PASSES FRIDAY NEED RESIDENT PASSESi« HOME MISSION GROUP TO GIVE PROGRAM