PAO® POUR TH® 8PRÏNQFM LD NOWS FREE COW ÏESÏS Wann‘ b he can Bee underwent a minor operation visiting friends here this week. produced more economically, and the meeting. Bong’s disease t contagious abor­ or b‘* Property at the Pacific hospital Tuesday Portland Man Visits— Kenneth therefore al a greater profit. And Plans fur the Christmas party of tion of cattle) were made at a con­ partment of sociology at the unlver- sity and chairman of the Oregon under l'V<,* ral Hou’ *"« »“ min morning. Casteel arrived here (he first of whether the erg or the turkey the lodge were made end the date ference held in Eugene laat week, Istratlon program by the time he cornea first, economy lu turkey pro- ael for Dev-ember 11. Mrs. Rachel Leaves for South — Mrs. R. L. the week from Portland to spend according to O. S. Fletcher, county Planning Council named recently i has received his hills at the end ductiou begins with economical pro Thatcher Is general chairman fur Drury has gone to Glendsle. t all a few days visiting friends. agent. This campaign, made pos­ by Governor-elect, Charles Martin. ductlon of hatching eggs of this mouth. The information will th«’ committee in charge uf the torn In where she will visit for a sible through the appropriation un­ be carried to all parts of the coun­ Visiting Parent»—Mr. and Mrs. The cost of producing turkey Christmas tree and program. Mbs few weeks. der the Jones-Connelly bill paaaed articles on community planning. ty ln the form of small enclosures Clarence Kester of (laklaud. Cali­ hutching eggs on Oregon poultry will be assisted by Ihoas members by the last congress, will enable' Society can and should provide which answer 14 of the questions Salem People Here — Mr. and fornia arrived here Sunday for farms varies from 1« cents to 30 whose names start with 8 aud T. dairymen of thia county to com- maximum satisfaction with life at ased moat often by those interest- Mre, C. H. Del ph of Sslsm were few days visit with his parents. cents per egg, with 13.« cents as piste the disease control work, al- point where people live. The | ed. More than SO business houses Installation uf new officers was here over the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kester, and with the average, a report of a survey ready well along, without coat for tlme baa arrived tn American c iv l-' In lan e county have volunteered relatives. an aunt. Mra. Alice Perkins. of 45 repi eeeiitatlve flocks by west also ael al the meeting laat ulsht. testing and with substantial indem- ula t jon when every effort should to place these enclosures In their hers of the farm management de This will be held on January 8 aud nitiea tor cows found to be re- bent toward makin< , be home I envelope» Former Residents Here— Mr. and Returns from Redmond— W. II. together with their partment al Oregon Stale college Mrs. Linn Stone, post guardlau actors. Mrs. Iral Nelson and family of Ilobbe returned Friday from Red­ and the community places of tuaxi- monthly statements. shows The average flock consisted neighbor, will be the Installing of- Ontario, Canada are here visiting mond where he attended the fu Dr. C. H. Hartman. Eugene vet- mu,n enjoyment. W e must begin of 144 hens and 16 toms This is only the (lis t step in an with Mr. and Mre Peter Nelson. nespl of a nephew lie returned erinarlaa w ill make the tests and by finding what the more whole-, extensive campaigu which the Lane They are former residents of this over the pass making the trip di Mass Production Less supervise eradication work ln Lane some and fundamental wants and county committee, headed by community. rectly behind a snowplow. W hile only 40 per cent of the ECONOMIC LEAGUE TO county. Dr. Hartman w ill take desires are and provide a reason |. chapman, will carry ou to pro- farms surveyed bad costs of less blood samples of cows to be tested. able degree of satisfaction for mote better business for builder VOTE REPRESENTATIVE Hand Infected— T. S. Thompson Rogue River Trip— P J. Bart ho than 15 rents per hatching egg, * ! supply dealers and dealers of mod of the WalterviUe district has a These samples w ill then be for­ tbe,e- lotuew and Paul Basford drove Io these farms produced 66 per cent M, nihera of the Nalluual Ecuuo warded to laboratories at Oregon The moet menacing class in Am ern The campaign will badly lufected hand He was a pati­ Grants Pass Saturday returning of the eggs, the report says, For tuie Longue in Oregou have recel State college where the testa wiU ( erica today is composed of the un-. carry over Into the new year with ent at the Pacific hospital where . Sunday. They vielted the Rebhan t< farms on which leas I hail 26 ved ballots containing the names be made without coat to the dairy-1 attachad tndividuai8 and fanlille. ,he tol,owin« ■»«•tubers on the exe- he received medical treatment a aud McMurray resort property hatching eggs per hen were pro­ of all members In lbs stala aud are men. who have beeu torn from their so­ cutive committee*: John J. Rogers, few days this week. while there. duced, tbe average cost was 18.3 asked tu onni their votea for per­ cial moriugs and are adrift without Harry F. Gordon. R. W. Kimberl- cents, and on 12 farms with a pro­ sons Io represent them In the na­ Payments Explained Family Moves Here — C. Cham­ hope of finding satisfaction in life lng' Loul* w »,dorf- Graham Smith, Back from Lake— Ralph Dunlap duction of 40 or more eggs per hen Dairymen who cooperate in the berlin. tuie of the new proprietors tional organltallon which bos bead e v re n . ,„ in ,m u m satisfaction of Carl 0 " ' “ bburne. C P. Tillman. has returned to Springfield from the cost was only 11.2 cents Aver plan, which is strictly voluntary, except minimum of the Springfield laundry has These people must a" of A,160 on tionships somewhere or they will ° y ove- J- 1 1‘onsler, Florence, and snow caused work to stop at that cull eggs per hen. not Including uity payments on condemned stock, the corner of Ninth and F streets. destroy us. It ought not to be too " ' ' ' " ri4.16 Per Hen of Mr. and Mrs. W. E Buell, par­ the Mt Calvary cemetery In Eu­ slaughter within 30 days. The own­ which has persisted for centuries, Average feed and labor require­ city as they havs beeu transacted Headquarters for the Lane coun­ ents of Mrs. Alley whose home Is gene Sunday. Father Francis P. ments for the flocks, Including the In previous administrations. er gels this sale price, or salvage that cities are primarily places for ty committee are being established at Moro. I Leipzig officiated. Munthy meeting of tbe City turns, amounted to 64.6 pounds of value as It is called, first of all. industry, trade or making money. in the former Bank of Commerce mash, 63.3 pouuda of grata, and Council will he held on Decern Then in addition he gets an indem­ They are places where people live, 1 building in Eugene. One entire side Assists at Office — Miss Doris 4.1 hours of labor per hen. The her 10. nity payment equal to the differ­ and these are the means and not of the lower floor is being eudosed ODD FELLOWS TO HAVE j Gerber has been assisting at the ence between the sale price and the ends of their lives, titties based average capital Investment In the ; and divided into section«, each of office of the Mountain State Power breeding flock and for land, build the appraised value, provided this ou the old theories have destroyed MEETING WEDNESDAY which will illustrate the various i company for everal days during (he logs and equipment used for it was DRUG STORE INTERIOR difference is no more than >20 for civilisation over and over again, ! types of wall materials for either CETS KALSOMINE COAT The members of Springfield I. absence of Miss Lulu McPherson calculated al >4 16 per hen. a grade animal and >50 for a pure­ and dragged the country folk down inside or outside construction. Ma- O. F. lodge No. 70, will meet in who in home niteudlng her mother bred. The return to the farmer is with them in the general ruin. All costs per hen were naturally terials for this have been donated regular session at their hall Wed who Is very ill. The walls and celling of tbe the salvage value plus the indem­ found to be lower for (be larger Scott Drug store heve recently But this need not be so. To by building supply dealers and the nesday. December 5. Five from the nity. Guest Leaves — Mrs. Caroline flocks. been given a coat of kalsomtae avoid it the primary purpose of headquarters, which will resemble local lodge were present at a meet­ Kramer of Spokaue. Washington, A detailed report of this survey, which greatly Improves lbs appear Thus if a grade cow is appraised cities is to provide places for peo­ a number of model homes, will be ing of Spencer Butte No. 8 in Eu­ and her son. F rit* Kramer, left at >41) and brings only >20 when ple to live and enjoy living. Those open for inspection shortly accord­ which was carried on for the year ance of the stare making II much gene Tuesday evening. , yesterday for San Francisco where ending June 1. 1834. by A 8. Bur­ sold for slaughter, the entire dif­ who have the city's destinies in ing to Mr. Rogers, publicity chair brighter. The light fixtures have Mrs. Kramer will speud (he winter. ference will be paid in cash Indec. their hands must see thsi himian man for the group. ner, F. L. Knowlton, and I I. E. also been changed, all being lower , Her son will return in a week. Mrs. Selby, has now been published as ed about 18 inches from! the cell­ nity. If. on the other hand, a pure­ interests are conserved first. All COURAGE” THEME OF 1 Kramer has beeu a guest at the E. bred cow is appraised at » 5 and planning should be directed toward Oregon Experiment Station but- ing. The store Is operated by PASTOR’S SERMON ' ■ Stuart liame for severay days letin 333. eAlitled. "Coal of Produc-I l-oysl F. L. GROUP TAKES IN Scott In Ihe building saperi- brings only >20 when sold for this end. | Ibis week. Ing Turkey Hatching Eggs In D re - 1 ally for the druggist business by slaughter, the maximum indemnity FOUR NEW MEMBERS Rev. Dean C. Poindexter has an -! In the state of Oregon more than of >50 would bring the total only to ' George C. Stanley. nounced that he w ill preach on the 300 people have been given time >70. Similarly, if the difference ln Members of the F. L. club o f i subject of "Courage” at the morn- and energy to aiding the commun­ salvage and appraised value of a ity planning program, and substan­ Juanita Rebekah lodge initiated ¡ng service in the Methodist church grade cow is only >15, that is the tial progress has been made in a four new members at their meet­ Sunday. There will be no evening amount of indemnity that will be (Continued from rage One) great variety of city, community ing Friday evening. The new mem­ service, the congregation is Joining paid. bers are Irene Ople, Florence Long. with the other churches In a union and state projects. Esther Strunk, and Doris Gerber. service to be conducted by J. J. lug with her sister and brother-tu Thia is the first time that dairy­ Members of the initiation commit­ Handsaker, member of the Na­ law. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Basl men have ever had an opportunity Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Huntly have tee were Eleanor Smith, Bernice tional Council for Prevention of to obtain free testing and cash in­ MYRNA LOY STARRED gone to Corvallis to speud Thanks Conoly. and Helene Richmond. Mrs War. demnities in the eradication of thia AGAIN WITH POWELL Elmer Pyne, Miss Maxine Snod­ giving with relatives disease, says County Agent Flet­ Mr. and Mrs. Silas Gay are at grass, and Miss Erm a Nolt had cher. A series of community meet­ McDonald Presents Team In An­ Marcola having Thanksgiving din charge of the refreshments. CHURCHES PLAN UNION other Coutroom Film Drama ings for further discussion of the ner at the home of their son-in-law The annual Christmas party for Of “Evelyn Prentice” plan ln this county w ill be a r­ SERVICES SUNDAY NIGHT anil daughter. Mr. aud Mrs. Saia the group will be held December 21 ranged soon. The first meeting of Spicer. Their son. Cy Gay, of Port- Out of the tense drama of the at the home of Mrs. Elm er Pyne In­ J. J. Handsaker. member of the . . . , . .. „ . this series was held ln Main River ».___ ,, , _ . land I» “ I“» “ t the Spicer home. stead of at the home of Miss Con­ National Council for Prevention of the Metro-Goldwyn Grange hall at Cuahman on Wed­ courtroom, III address a union church Mayer studfoe have brought the oly as was previously announced. W ar nesday. HOLIDAY OUIEI GERMAN BOYS WILL READ OREGON WRITER'S TALES H itler youth in Germany may soon become fam iliar with pioneer and present day life in Oregon, as well as many features of this state, it was announced here today by Dr. F. O. G. Schmidt, head of the department of German at the Uni­ versity of Oregon. Dr. Schmidt has Just completed a translation of "Marooned in Crater Lake," by A l­ fred Powers, dean of the General Extension Division. powerful story of "Evelyn Pren tice”, co-starring W illiam Powell and Myrna Loy, which opens Bun day at the McDonald theatre for four days. "Evelyn Prentice” presents Pow ell as a noted criminal attorney win vindication, through the legal through a momentary indiscretion becomes involved in a scandalous murder case. The wife, portrayed by Miss Loy sees another woman brought to trial for a crime that she, her­ self, believes she has committed She and the “other woman” both win in d icatio n , through the legal genius of the great criminal attor­ ney, ln one of the most spectacular courtroom climaxes to reach the motion picture screen. The stories, which Include ad­ ventures of the Old Oregon Trail, Skyline Trail, Umpqua T rail and others, will first be published in Una Merkel oppears ae Miss various boys' magazines in Ger­ many, It la stated. They will then Loy's wise-cracking and faithful be issued in book form by a Pelpslg friend, Amy Drexel, and others in the supporting cast are Henry publishing house. Wadsworth. Isabel Jewell, Harvey Stephens. Rosalind Russell, Edward Brophy, Cora Sue Collins and Jet tie Ralph. fe ra ASHLAND RABBIT SHOW JUDCES ARE *NAMED J h ? Announcing the Opening of the Home Beauty Shop 520 Main St. Upstairs over Wright's. SATURDAY, DEC. 1 Offering the ladles of Springfield and vicinity a complete Beauty Service including the Real True. Oil Steam Ringiette Per­ manent Waves. MRS. ELLA PARCHER, Manager. Telephone 30 FARM BORROWERS ELECT FCA COUNCIL DIRECTOR gathering in Springfield Sunday evening at the Christian church The service will be held at 7:30 and Rev. Veltle Pruitt w ill sing solo. Rev. Pruitt will speak on the subject. "How to End the Depres slon?" at the morning service ln his church. Local directors of tbe 30 north­ west production credit associations are meeting in their respective dis­ tricts this week to elect their rep­ resentatives on the farm credit council, or governing board which supervises all agencies of the farm SIX GIRLS ADVANCE credit administration serving the IN SCOUTING MONDAY 12th district of Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, Including Tenderfoot badges were award the Production Credit corporation. ed six girls Monday afternoon at Federal Land bank, Federal Inter­ the weekly meeting of the Spring mediate Credit bank, and Bank for field Girl Scout troop. They are Cooperatives. Olive Durham. Imogene Wicks A short time ago local PCA di­ Cleona Putman. Gladys Peterson rectors made nominations for the Norma Rust, and Elaine Schaffen council position and are balloting berg. on six individuals whom they put The girls continued their study up as candidates. The nominee who of crocheting, knitting and sewing receives the highest vote w ill take under the leadership of Mrs. O. H his place on the FCA council Jan­ Smith, Mrs. Everett G riffith, Mrs uary 1 for a three-year term. John Sankey, Mrs W. C. W right In a similar way, cooperative as­ and Mrs. W illis Bertsch. The girls sociations which borrow through wiil continue theee studies during and take stock in the Bank for Co­ the month of December. operatives will elect their repres­ The Doughnut sale planned for entative on the FCA council when this week-end has been postponed the next vacancy occurs In 1835, until December 8. and the following year land bank Another of the merit badge tests borrowers will elect their repres­ will be given Saturday when (hose entative, thus extending the co­ seeking the hostess badge will be operative features of these agen­ given tests at the home of Mrs. C. cies by giving borrowers a voice E. Wheaton. Each girl will have to in administration and a direct res­ plan a menu and each prepare and ponsibility for maintaining opera­ bring one Item to the Wheaton tions on a sourd, efficient basis. home Saturday lor the teat. The Ashland Rabbit and Poultry Show announced this morning that it has secured the services of Hal E. Osborn and C. 8. Brewster to Judge the entries in its exhibition to be held ln the Ashland Armory, December 7 and 8. Mr. Brewster who Is one of the MRS. FULLERTON GUEST best known poultry Judges in tke AT FAREWELL PARTY northwest, last fall judged a show In the Hawaiian Islands. Brewster Members of Mrs. A. B. Van Val- is known to all Southern Oregon exhibitors for the work he has dene zah’s Sunday school class of the Methodist church held a party at In the past at the county fairs. Hal E. Osborn Is one of the out­ her home Tuesday evening honor­ standing rabbit judges in the coun­ ing Mrs. Ralph Fullerton, who is try and is known by all In the busi­ to leave soon for her rew home at ness. Last spring Osborn Judged the Burntwood. Oregon. exhibits at the Diamond Jubilee Rabbit show at Medford. COURTHOUSE TO LOSE Entries have been received from VETERAN EMPLOYEE Klamath, Jackson, Coos, and Mult­ nomah counties, and from advance Mrs. R. 8. Bryson, deputy in the indications many other parts of the County Clerk's office for the past state w ill be represented. Entry 13 years has tendered her resigna­ blanks may be obtained from O. tion to W. B. Dillard, clerk. She 8. Fletcher, county agent, or from has asked to be re liv e d of her the Ashland Rabbit and Poultry duties as soon as her work *.n be Show, Ashland, Oregon. taken over by another. I McKenzie Valley Leaburg Ladles Aid will hold their annual bazaar Friday evening this week at the school house. Leaburg voted unanimously to consider building a new church at their Congregational vote Sunday evening. Several cases of illness were re­ ported here recently. Oeorge Drury and John Kick- hush nt WalterviUe with mumps. Delores Morris has a serious ab­ scess. Harold Rauch had fingers mash­ ed in car door, Clyde Meyers is afflicted with Infected eyes. Ward Koozer and Krvln Fountain tonailectomles from the Deerhorn district. < »FDONALD) CHRISTMAS HERALDED BY COLORED TREE LIGHT The coming of Christmas Is al­ ready being heralded in this city by the small colored lights on an outdoor tree. Tbe large holly tree in the B. A. Waabburne yard at Second and "A" streets Is the first to be decorated with the holiday lights Ibis season. NOTICE OF F IN A L HEA RING Notice Is hereby given, that Irene Swezey, executrix of the estate of Fred H. Chamberlin, Deceased, has filed her final account as sue exe­ cutrix and that the court has set Friday at 10:00 A. M. of Dec. 28, 1834, as the time when at the ebumbers of the court in the Court House in Eugene, Oregon, said ac­ count will be taken up for examtn atlon and allowance and when an order wiil be made assigning the residue of said estate. All persons Interested therein may appear at said time and place and be heard on said matters. IR E N E SW EZEY, Executrix. S. D. A L L E N , Attorney for Estate. (N 28— D 6-13-20-27) Get t/x ¿Mff FO O TB A LL GAMES NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE REAL PROPERTY NO TIC E is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale Is lied out of - the Circuit Court of »he State of Oregon for Lane County this 28th day of Nov­ ember, 1934, upon and pursuant to decree duly given and made by said Court this 28th day of Novem her, 1934, In a suit pending therein In which Mary A. Fisher was plain tiff and Henry F. Hegerow and Ada- line A. Fetrow were defendants, which execution and order of sale was to me directed and command­ ed me to sell the real property hereinafter described to satisfy cer­ tain liens and charges in said de­ cree specified, I will on Saturday the 29th day of December, 1934, at the hour of ten o'clock, A. M. at the southwest door of the County Court House ln Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer tor sale and sell at public auction for cash, subject to redemption as provided by law, all of the right, title and Interest of the defendants In said suit and of all parties claiming by, through or under them or any of them in or to the following described real property, to-wlt: East H a lf oi Lots one and two, Block 14, Hendricks Addition to College H ill Park, Eugene, in Lane County, Oregon. Dated this 28th day of November, 1934 C. A .8W A R T 8, Sheriff, By A. E. HULEGAARD, Deputy. (N 2»—D >13-20-27) with a new 1935 PHILCO From east and w est and north and PHILCO45L S 5 9 .9 5 Enjoy guaranteed foreign re* erption in addition to Ameri­ can programs! Latest fea­ tures include Automatic Vol­ ume Control, Tone Control. Bass Compensation, Kleetro- Dynamie Speaker and P H IL - ipee o High* -Efficiency Bcienry Tubes. istinctive _____ Lowboy ’ cabinet • f h a n d -ru b b e d W a ln u t. A mating valua! g easy terms south, P H ILC O brings you the bi« football broadcasts with n vivid- .’•est and clarity that's unequaUedl Tune-in with a new 19S6 P H IL C O •nd get A L L the games as i f yew were on the 60-yard line! Tremom- dous power and superb tone! S satiomlly low prices! See our selection— today! G«ta FREI assistasi This up-to-date Radio 1^» contains world wide e ta tS listings. FREE te aR come in PH I LCDS! to see the Wright & Sons HARDWARE - FURNITURE - RADIOS — PAINT